Entertainment competitions for graduation in kindergarten. Kindergarten graduation competitions

Hello, my beloved readers! It's spring outside, which means that future first-graders are "on the nose" prom. And in this regard, parents have another headache: what to wear, what to give, what to feed and where to celebrate. But the question of how to keep children occupied during the holiday and at the same time amuse the guests also remains an important question.

Many adults organize graduation competitions in kindergarten. It's always win-win, since you can combine business with pleasure if you choose the right interesting games, in which you can move and use your mind. Let's try to make a set of such competitions for children and parents.

Lesson plan:

Game “For the first time in first grade!”

Why not practice assembling in kindergarten? school bag. This team game will amuse both adults and children, and comes in two versions.

The first involves a task for both parents and children. To do this, we break into teams. Everyone should have all sorts of things on their desk: from toys to toothbrushes, from sweets to cutlets. Well, of course, school supplies- notebooks, textbooks, pens and everything else related to school. Now I’ll explain why.

The task of the children in each team is to collect school backpack, running up to the desktop one at a time. The parents' task is to put together a delicious breakfast by putting the ingredients together, approaching the products in the same way, one at a time. What you collect first will determine who will start – children or adults.

Note! As a start, you can set an alarm clock - after all, it will be the one that will wake up the children for school in the morning.

In the second option, you can divide into teams of future first-graders and former graduates. Well, let there be 5-7 of them in each. So, on their tables lies everything they need for school, mixed with what it is advisable to leave at home (for example, wristwatches, TV remotes, toothbrushes and shoe sponges and other items that are obviously unnecessary in class).

It’s just being proposed to be collected in a briefcase, none of the team members knows in advance. Everyone is brought to the tables already blindfolded. The alarm clock is ringing, let's go! Who will assemble a portfolio faster and better - former or future students?


This competition is often offered to dads, apparently thinking that men are less friendly with the Russian language, women-mothers week, and therefore the competition will be more fun for them.

So, we need to choose 2 words with the same number of even letters in school theme. Well, for example, “briefcase” and “schoolboy”. We glue or otherwise attach mittens to each individual letter, drawn or cut out of colored paper.

Two teams. We put on mittens with letters from one word for each member of the first team, and always mix them up, so who gets which one. And similarly, each member of the second team - a pair of mittens with letters, who will get what.

We set the alarm clock: time has passed. Who can assemble the word faster and place their hands so that it is visible to the audience? Don’t take off your mittens and don’t change them!

Find the color

When it's time to get active, you can use this game. You won’t need any additional accessories other than a tape recorder, so if everything has already been done and redone, then this competition is a way out.

So, turn on the music, start running, jumping and dancing. The presenter suddenly stops the music and names the color. This is what you need to find among all the surrounding objects. Just churiki can’t grab one mother’s skirt together, everyone should have their own item!

Whoever was the last to find the right color item is on the way out. As a result, the last of the Mohicans remains, distinguished by attentiveness and quick reaction. He gets a prize! Yes, let parents and teachers participate too! If you want, you can make three teams: educator, parent and child. Whose will reach the finish line?

Five minutes of silence...

When everyone is a little tired and wants a little silence, you can offer to assemble a mosaic. To make the result unexpected and interesting, I recommend taking funny photos of graduates.

So, each child is given an envelope with cut pieces. Who from the group will succeed - big question! Just an agreement: before issuing a task, we don’t warn you what the outcome should be, and we certainly don’t say that it’s someone we know.

Note! So that everything is fair, and the puzzles turn out to be equal in size to the same ones geometric shapes, prepare a template for the cut in advance and use it to “divide” the graduates into parts.

Can parents be given “spare parts” from teachers, will they be able to assemble one? Well, there must be a winner - the one who completes this task the fastest.

By the way, there are also many options for mosaics. You can make this competition not an individual competition, but a team competition, saving on cut-up photographs, for example, based on 4-6 teams.

Make up a saying

The body has been stretched, we have rested a little, it’s time to do a warm-up for the mind. So, who knows the sayings best? We are making a selection of not the simplest, but the trickiest ones. We write sayings on whatman paper brightly, all in one color. We divide each into two main parts. Let’s say, “Work is not a wolf (cut) will not run away into the forest.”

So, you get a mixture of the beginnings and ends of different sayings. We mix everything together, divide into 2 teams and collect parts of sayings to see who gets the most. The most erudite, of course, will receive prizes.

The chicken laid an egg

If you have the opportunity to collect a lot of eggs - entrails from children's kinders, then you can have a lot of fun. I propose to do this competition for parents. So, hang or lay out the Kinder eggs. Everyone’s task is to collect (cut) as much as possible. But there is one catch!

The thing is that notes with tasks are hidden in these kinder eggs, what needs to be done by the one who took this kinder. But no one knows about this! So, let's summarize who has more. And, voila! We open our kinders, read the tasks and surprise the audience. Who knows, maybe it will turn out to be a “one-man show” that will reap the entire egg harvest.

Note! If you put the same notes in different kinders, for example, sing a song, then in the end you can put together a good choir that will unanimously sing to us “There is a birch tree in the field...” Accordingly, those who receive the task to dance can “create” an entire dance group.

This is my mom!

At first glance, it’s a simple competition, but when it seems that every compliment or skill said is definitely about you, then you want to shout all the time: “This is my mother!” I'll explain now.

Conduct a survey among parents before graduation. Let each mother tell something about her child in one sentence. Well, for example, he loves to collect puzzles, or knows a hundred English words, or every year he goes to the village of Pupkino. It must be something unique, distinctive.

We write it down on a piece of paper, and then announce it at the graduation party. The child must guess that his mother said this. The winners who guess their “compliments” receive incentives.

Gratitude to the teachers

What could be more pleasant for educators than a unanimously expressed child’s gratitude for their many years of work. Moreover, expressed not only by the beautiful speeches of parents, but in bright letters in the hands of children. And to turn this into an interesting competition, divide into 2 teams and who can quickly collect living gratitude from scattered multicolored letters: “Thank you very much!”

When the winner is determined, and all the letters are in their places, put a couple of parents in the center - from one and from the other team, who will say on a beautiful grateful background kind words to teachers. This will result in your group saying “thank you” twice.

You can also sing to the kindergarten workers. They go with a bang! We tried it and received a storm of applause.

Wishes for children

And for some reason our teachers sat and became silent. It’s not time to involve them in children’s competitions. They see off their students on a difficult school journey, and they need to say a parting word. Just let this parting word be extraordinary, not as we are used to.

So, we put all sorts of things into a magic bag, but with the condition that you need to come up with wishes with these items. Well, for example, a small notebook: I wish you only A’s in your school notebooks. Or a pen: may you always have beautiful handwriting.

In general, the meaning, I think, is clear, but the teachers will have to puff, inventing parting words, especially if you put something unusual in the bag! We start from the edge, from one graduate to another, so that without offense, “who is first, who is last.”

So, I ended up with this competition set. Take notes and share yours. Let's have fun!

Well, if you are almost done with 4th grade and graduation is coming primary school, then I advise you to take a look.

Have a wonderful graduation!

A school graduation party is one of the most important evenings in a person’s life, the end of a long and adventurous phase, the beginning adult life. It is unlikely that this evening will pass without tears, declarations of love to teachers, parents, classmates, memories and promises to visit again and again. Usually this evening the atmosphere in the class becomes very friendly. The scenario for the prom needs to be appropriate for the occasion. 11th grade is over, and the kids are looking forward to something truly impressive at graduation.

The graduating class is fully aware that any day now an adult life will begin, full of responsibilities, responsibilities, successes and failures. Parents will also be upset; the children of many of them will very soon leave their parents’ home in search of an independent life.

Finally, the teachers who have become accustomed to their students for 11 years will be upset, and, most likely, only that evening they appreciated how much the children had matured and that they would see them together for the last time at graduation.

But all this will happen later. At the graduation party, everyone will gather in a cheerful cafe, restaurant or club so that for the last time, as schoolchildren, they can have a lot of fun with their comrades, parents and teachers, in order to find out the script of this event, and then the script of their whole lives.

In addition to sharing memories, the evening will be perfectly brightened up by all sorts of competitions that will not let anyone get bored and will show even the quietest and most modest people in the class in a completely new light. This article will talk about events that will not leave students, parents and teachers indifferent at graduation and will definitely remain in everyone’s memory forever as one of the most pleasant memories in life. The overall impression of the school depends on the prom, and this evening will be preserved in photographs and drawings. The results for the entire 11 years of study will be summed up.

What competitions are suitable for prom?

With competitions, graduation will become more fun. So, competitions for the prom can be selected depending on the team, mood and preferences, as well as the format of the prom. According to their content they are:
  • Tabletop;
  • Movable;
  • For intelligence;
  • Funny.

The atmosphere of the entire evening depends on how interesting the competitions are selected and compiled. Therefore, we offer you a choice of games that will definitely impress both the graduating class and parents. Before the start of the ball, you need to make a competent speech that will interest the guests and announce an approximate scenario. This is one of the most important moments at graduation.

"Who will become who"

This type of competition is quite suitable for warming up. As many studies have shown, most often classmates guess a friend's future profession more accurately than he and his parents. The point is that a team of willing people is being recruited, each of this team should already have an idea about their future profession. All team members take turns naming their version of who a particular person will become, not paying attention to the opinions of teachers and parents, focusing only on how he showed himself in the class.

Game "Professions"

The winner is the person who has chosen the profession that his class considers most suitable for him. It's funny, but this competition is often a starting point for a person and in the future it changes life beyond recognition, forcing one to think about a different life option than the one that has already been chosen.

Such competitions are sometimes held even before choosing a profession, in order to force children to evaluate their strengths and look at themselves from the outside. Here you can leave the script aside and let the guys speak out.

"Who am I?"

The essence of this competition is that several teams are elected, most often two or three, then each team chooses a captain. Members of each team must study in the same class.

Preparations for this game should be carried out in advance; you need to purchase several photographs of well-known people, which are tied with an elastic band so that they can be put on your head.

Such a photograph is put on the captain so that he does not see who is depicted in it, but his class does. Now the captain must ask his team leading questions to find out who he is. Moreover, the team can only answer “yes” or “no”. The winner is the graduating class whose captain guesses who they are the fastest.

The competition scenario needs to be thought out in advance. Alternatively, you can use photographs of teachers and parents, this will make it much funnier. You can also use, for example, portraits that hung in the classroom and students know exactly who is depicted in them.

Competitions of this type are suitable for erudite people who are interested in testing their wits and practicing their speech.

"Get to know me"

Such competitions lighten up the atmosphere of the prom if the teachers have a sense of humor and are not averse to frolicking with the guys.

A team of children and teachers is being recruited. Each of the children begins to show a certain teacher, and the teachers’ task is to guess their colleagues or themselves. Laughter and good mood are provided for the whole evening.

To diversify this competition, you can make a second round, in which teachers will show children or each other, and they will guess who it applies to. When showing, you can use funny incidents that happened in class, you can use speech, but without naming names.

This competition is reminiscent of a modified “crocodile”, only here everything is built on shared memories and pleasant nostalgia, so such a competition will add love and respect to your comrades and teachers.

The script for this competition should take into account the characters of 11th graders and teachers.

"The smartest and fastest"

It is better to organize such competitions from the very beginning of the prom. To make it interesting and attract attention, you need to call two 11th grade students on stage, who are rightfully considered the smartest kids in the class. They stand opposite each other. The difference between them is about 6-7 steps. The class supports both children at this time.

Now the presenter begins to ask one person a question. For example: “How many legs does a spider have?” At this time, the second graduate begins to run as quickly as possible towards the first. The first one's task is to respond faster than the second one comes running to him. Then the first one gets a point. And the second should strive to run to the first faster than he can answer the question posed. Then the second one gets a point.

After this, the guys again stand at a distance, and the question is asked to the graduate who just ran. Questions may vary. For example:

A huge number of such questions can be created. The point is that it is very difficult to navigate and answer them in a matter of seconds; speech usually stops. Laughter and good mood after this competition are guaranteed for the whole evening. The script in this competition usually does not work, it all depends on the students. So feel free to come up with questions and move forward to new victories.

"Who went to class"

This competition is a humorous test to see who in the class attended all the lessons without skipping classes. It is understood that each graduating class becomes one team. If only one 11th grade student is present at the graduation, then it can be divided into two teams. In this case, one team is the guys whose last names are in the middle of the list in the magazine. The second team is after the middle.

All participants are blindfolded. At the signal, each team must line up according to the list in the magazine. The class that completes the task faster and better wins.

"Where am I"

Before holding the competition, you need to prepare in advance photographs of the deep childhood of all 11th grade graduates. The photographs must be shown at graduation, and students must guess who is in the photograph. As a rule, the class has a hard time guessing their friends in early childhood, and after such a competition a sea of ​​positive emotions is left.

The host will determine who will have the most matches. The 11th graders with the best scores, maybe two or three people, go on stage.

Now their task is to determine the parents of the children they guessed. For the integrity of the competition, the second round can be conducted anonymously, that is, so that only the presenter knows who is pointing at whom. The participant who names all the parents correctly wins.

"First Class Relay"

How long has it been since the kids hastily packed their briefcase so as not to be late for class? This competition will show who loves to sleep and does everything in a hurry, and who takes advantage of the kindness of their parents who get them ready for school. After all, it was not clear in class.

A briefcase is placed on a table or chair, and the necessary school supplies are laid out next to it. There should be as many such portfolios as there are teams. Two or three teams from 11 classes are recruited. At the signal, the first person from the team runs and puts one accessory into the briefcase. After he returns, another one runs to the briefcase and puts another accessory into it. This continues until the last participant brings the assembled and zipped briefcase to his team. The team that collects the briefcase first wins. The point is that you need to assemble a portfolio not only quickly, but also efficiently.


Do not forget that purely symbolic prizes and gifts are a guarantee that children will want to participate in competitions at graduation. For example, you can give the winners of competitions a useful souvenir - a notepad, pen, photo album or some kind of decoration. Sweet prizes are also available. Those who lose can be given consolation gifts. Parents and teachers should also be rewarded. It is necessary to give a speech of praise in front of the guests, this is also very effective. 11th grade - although they are adults, they love praise no less than children.

In fact, this practice greatly increases the interest of graduates, teachers and parents in competitions.

What else will freshen up a prom night?

The prom script should be written in advance and include many nuances. 11th grade graduates of all times have always loved dance competitions. For example, you can gather several pairs and give them an object, say a record. And their task will be that they must squeeze this plate between their cheeks, waists, backs, and so on - at the discretion of the presenter. The winning couple can be chosen by audience voting. You can also involve parents in the competition.

You can also line up everyone in a circle and throw an object around the circle. It could even be an ordinary stick. While she walks from hand to hand, let the music play. As soon as the music turns off, the person who has the stick left must go to the center and dance with a stick to new music, and the stick will imitate some object that the presenter will come up with. This could be a broom, a barbell or even a pole.

No one has canceled the competition for the king and queen of the ball, in which many boys and girls will want to participate. Each participant can give a speech describing their strengths. Many people dream of standing out at graduation, and this competition can provide such an opportunity.

Voting for this competition can be made anonymous, and a couple of winners can be awarded crowns and certificates of honor. After the awards ceremony, have the couple do a victory slow dance while enjoying each other's company. To avoid offending others, you can give each participant some title, which will depend on how they performed during the training, and then make a speech of praise for each of them.

Thus, there are many competitions with which you can diversify the prom. All of the above games are worth including in your graduation scenario. After this program, not only graduates, but also numerous guests will be satisfied, and graduation party will become your most beloved and lasting memory.

Video: Graduation Competitions

Games for children preparatory group to graduation

Guseva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, music director, Obninsk College, Obninsk.
Description of material: I offer you games and competitions for children in the preparatory group. This material will be of interest to educators, music directors, primary school teachers, and directors of theater clubs. It can be used at graduation parties, entertainment, etc. joint activities children and parents.
Target: Creating a situation of success for every child.
Tasks: Enrich children with new experiences.
Foster children's independence in completing tasks.
To develop communication skills in children.
Game "Musical numbers"
There is a task for you
The songs will be played now.
Each one contains a number hidden
If you recognize her -
I immediately took out the card,
What kind of figure did it show?

(Children are given cards with numbers: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.9. Excerpts from the songs “Two Merry Geese”, “Three White Horses”, “Four Cockroaches and a Cricket”, “Together” are played it’s fun to walk”, “Once upon a time there lived a brave captain”, “When the clock strikes 12.” Children, hearing the number, take a step forward and raise it)

And as much as it may seem, research shows that it's possible that your boogers can boost your immune system. Heat the milk in the microwave. Bubbles and small chunks will form. Strain the liquid by pouring it through a paper coffee filter or piece of paper towel. What's left in the filter is your sip. Smash it, squish it, squeeze it.

Materials needed: Beetroot 10 ml Warm water White glue Mixing container Spoon. Let it sit for a minute and then mix again using your hands. Make sure you squeeze the glue cubes really well, otherwise you'll end up with a sticky gooey piece in your rocker.

Game "Phone predictor"
Let's take the magic phone
He will tell us who we will become.
As soon as we dial the number
We'll go straight to the future.

(The child takes mobile phone, dials an arbitrary number and listens to the prediction. The game continues until all the children have played)

You'll need help from an adult and these ingredients to make a homemade game that's simply mind-blowing. Flour 500 ml Water 500 ml Salt 250 ml Cooking oil 30 ml Cream of tartar 60 ml Food coloring. Combine the above ingredients in a saucepan and cook on the stove over medium heat until the dough begins to leave the pot. Once cool, knead the game until it is smooth.

To make a home volcano, you will need:. 250 ml Vinegar 60 ml Baking juice Red food coloring - about 4 drops Dish Detergent - about 6 drops Can or bottle stirrer. In your can or bottle, dump in yours baking soda, food coloring if you are using it, and dish detergent. Pour in vinegar and stir slightly. You should get a beady eruption!

Game "Cognitive cubes"
So that we can read books,
You need to study letters.
If you recognize the letter,
He quickly told us the word.

(Children stand in a circle, in the middle there is a driver with a cube in his hands. To the music, he moves in a circle, as soon as the music ends, he stops, raises a letter and offers to come up with a word to the child who is standing opposite him. Then he passes the cube. The game continues)
Game "Funny Gloves"
Look, here guys
Unusual gloves.
Put them on your hand
Make up the word quickly.

What's your favorite color? Can you make an entire outfit out of this color? Can you tie your shoelaces in a new way? Do you use more than one pair of laces in each shoe? Can you squeeze into all your shirts at once? If zip-up pants are too much trouble, try sweatpants! Back: Again, the pants are weird. Jeans are just so wrong!

Take a cruise through the second-hand store and see if you can find something cool, funky, and different. See if you can get the whole family to carry weird things around. Available in e-book from these online retailers. Give your children a magical experience in the new kindergarten - a story about every child! There he will enjoy fun games and activities, and you will have the peace of mind that he is in a safe environment and receiving warm care from the whole team! One-day day visit for children from 3 to 7 years old in kindergarten - for 210 levs.

(The children have gloves with letters glued on in front of them. At the command of the leader, they must form a word by putting them on their hands. For example, the word: school, bell, class)


As you know, mothers often dress their babies, but what happens if they change places?

For this competition you need to prepare a bag or basket with things. The funnier things are, the more interesting they are - T-shirts with funny designs, huge pants, ridiculous hats, scarves, holey socks, and so on.

Several couples are called - mothers with children. The children need, while the music is playing, to collect items of clothing from the bag and put them on their mother, who does not help in this process. Mothers can be blindfolded so that they do not get scared ahead of time. Then the rest of the mothers and children choose the most “stylish” mother.

For one child instead of 420 levs! The offer includes: educational process; Medical services; Children's insurance; Foodstuffs. Your children are working on a special curriculum borrowed from British methods! Required documents for registration.

A written application or an application completed by parents at the kindergarten; A copy of the child's birth certificate; Child's preventive card completed by the GP. Your children take care of their graduates all year round, without interruption. A highly qualified team of teachers, teachers with proven professionalism, cares for children. The package of services included in the “Training and Care” fee is enriched every year. In kindergarten, its graduates study English according to the author's program. English language mastered in educational activities combined with games, pictures and songs.


What happens if suddenly mom refuses to eat on her own? We'll have to feed her. And to make it fun to watch, you need to blindfold the children. Yes, yes, mothers have plates of porridge in their hands, and children have spoons and are blindfolded. The team that has the least amount of porridge smeared on its face wins.


Our mothers have many talents, and, of course, they can draw beautifully. Moms are given inflated balloons and markers. Within a certain time, mothers must draw their beloved sons or daughters on the balloons. The jury chooses the most similar portrait.

Thus, children imperfectly form oral language learning in English and enter into . Curriculum The program meets state educational requirements. Works on: Bulgarian language and literature; English language; Social world; Natural world; fine arts; Construction work and household appliances; mathematics; Music.

School books are addressed to a child who is constantly looking for interesting, attractive, yet unknown things in the world of people, things, and phenomena. The formation of the books in which we work and systematic educational content are adapted to the needs and age of children. Topics are organized on an educational basis and provide opportunities for casual conversation, focused negotiation, rehearsal, writing, text study, and more. day mode Everything that happens here is carefully thought out. Children's daily routine is flexible and balanced during active and quiet activities.


Moms can do everything, and let them prove it. For this competition you need to prepare a pair of boxing gloves. Mom must unwrap the candy in them. If one mother fails, another mother comes to her aid. And if you prepare several pairs of gloves, you can hold a speed competition.


A light large ball or balloon is placed in the middle of the hall. Children, one by one, blindfolded, walk a few steps forward and hit the ball.

In some activities, children are guided by teachers, in others - by themselves. There is plenty of time for regular games at outdoors. Much of the activity takes place in the form of play, constantly provoking desire and interest in learning new things.

Nutrition Children eat 4 times the baby milk kitchen according to their age characteristics and fully comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Health. The garden provides the opportunity for an individual children's kitchen menu for children with special nutritional needs, such as vegetarianism, a menu for children with allergies and others.


Children are divided into pairs - a boy and a girl, representing father and mother. On several tables, teachers lay out dolls, doll clothes and combs in advance. The winner is the couple that manages to “get the baby ready” for kindergarten faster than others - to dress and comb their hair.


For this competition, handbags, mirrors, lipsticks, beads, scarves and clips are laid out on the tables. At the signal, the girls must put on makeup, put on jewelry and, putting everything in their purse, run to “work.”

For our graduates we also provide: a daily medical filter; comprehensive medical examination - every Monday; additional reviews - if necessary; Urgent medical care- if necessary; insurance for each child; transport.

Additional activities: karate, folk dancing, football, arts and crafts, yoga. For our parents we provide: a daily intake form for each child; daily written report about the child’s day in kindergarten; written report on general development child - twice a year; kindergarten holiday; consulting; Security, security and video surveillance system throughout the kindergarten.


The presenters hide all the mothers behind a screen. Mothers only show their children their hands, by which they should be guessed.


And now this is the case:
We need to hang up the handkerchiefs
To dry before night.
Therefore, to help you
Let's call mom soon.

2 teams. Each team has 1 mother and 2 girls. Mothers hold a long rope, one girl carries 1 scarf of a certain color from a common basin, the other attaches it to the rope with a clothespin. The other team does the same, but the girls hang up handkerchiefs of a different color. The team that hangs the handkerchiefs first wins.)


2 teams take part in the game - 4 grandmothers and 4 children. Between the set pins you need to hold a balloon with a broom. Whoever is faster is the winner.


Children stand in a circle and quickly pass a ball or a broom to each other. We decorated the broom and hung a bow on it.

You roll a funny ball (broom)
Quickly - quickly hand over hand,
Who has a funny ball (broom),
He will dance with his mother for us

The child who happens to have a broom invites his mother to dance.


Number of players: any. Additionally: cups and saucers according to the number of players, matches, peas

On the table in front of the mothers there are cups and saucers, next to each cup there are 2 matches. There are 12 peas on each saucer. Mothers must use matches to transfer the peas from the saucer to the cup.


To the accompaniment of music, easels are brought out. They have paper attached to them. Children draw their mothers with markers as quickly as possible. Then the drawings are given to mothers and grandmothers.


A table is placed in the center, strings with a stick at the end are tied to the legs. There is candy on the table. Players on command begin to wind the string around the stick. The one who got to the candy faster won.


2 girls participate in the game. They sweep away “garbage” with paper “brooms” - balloons, scattered around the hall, each in its own hoop.


Props: four small multi-colored thick balls wool threads with a tail of 5 meters.

In the hall there are four chairs on which lie balls of thread with tails 5 meters long. Two grandmothers and two grandsons (granddaughters) are called. Two (grandmother and granddaughter) sit on chairs on one side of the hall, two other participants in the game sit on the other side of the hall. Participants in the game take balls from the chairs. At the signal, the participants in the game begin to wind a tail of thread around their balls. The team whose members are the first to wrap the threads around the balls wins. The game is played 2 times.


For the game: 3 yoghurts, 3 spoons, 3 napkins, 3 bibs. Who will feed grandma faster?


Blindfolded, put clothes on the child - a hat, coat, scarf, mittens, boots.


There are 5 multi-colored flowers on the floor; children collect petals of the same color to the music.


Children are divided into two teams: boys - “Gingerbread”, girls - “Sweets”, stand in two lines, near each team there is a bucket of water. Music is playing. The child scoops up water from the bucket with a wooden spoon and, trying not to spill it, carefully carries the water into a transparent plastic cup, then returns and passes the spoon to the next player. When the music ends, let's see who has more water in their glass?


Children invite their parents and everyone stands in a circle. The presenter says a gentle word about mom and passes the balloon to the person standing next to her. He says a gentle word and passes the ball on. Whoever does not say the word leaves the game. The remaining 2-3 people win and are awarded balls.


First the girls play with their mothers, then the boys. Children are the inner circle, mothers are the outer circle. To the music, everyone walks in a circle (mothers in one direction, children in the other), and at the end, the children look for their mother. 1 time - children look for mothers, then mothers look for children.


Number of players: 2-4. Additionally: balloons according to the number of participants.

Each person is given a balloon. At the signal, the children begin to inflate them. The player who inflates the balloon the fastest wins.


Various jewelry, cosmetics, and a mirror are laid out on the tables in front of the girls. The task is to portray your mothers.


Mothers sing a children's song to the soundtrack, the sound is periodically turned off. The task is not to lose the tempo and continue singing. Mothers are awarded “Most Musical” medals.


Moms often have to go shopping and make purchases. And sometimes there are a lot of purchases. But our guys are happy to help their mothers. Let's see how they do it.


A rope is attached between two chairs, and balls are tied to the rope by strings. You need to tie scarves on these balls. Whoever does it faster wins. You can make the game more difficult by giving out mittens.


2 teams are selected, each with seven people, and two dads are called. Dads are seated on a chair from each team, and the fastest children wear clothes for dads.
1 - socks
2 - cap
3 - bib
4 - feeds porridge
5 - drinks from a bottle
6 - gives a pacifier
7 – rattle


2 teams of 5 people each participate. They line up one after another. Each participant holds some part of the flower - core, stem, 3 petals. On the other side there are clearing hoops. At the signal, the children take turns running to their clearing and laying out a snowdrop. Whose will bloom faster? You can organize 3 teams.


We note the time using the hourglass, during which time dad must write a recipe for borscht. Then the dads take turns reading. At the end, the presenter says: “Moms won. How will you cook soup without water?”


2 commands from folders are called. They take turns singing lines from songs that sound female name. The team that sings the song last will win.


The teacher collects beads, watches, handkerchiefs, etc. in advance, in secret from the children. During the game, he asks: Whose mother’s thing is it?


Moms stand in a circle. Children scattered in the center of the circle. Music is playing and children are dancing. When the music ends, children squat down and cover their eyes with their palms. At this time, mothers change places. At a signal, the children open their eyes and... “Who will find and hug their mother faster?”


Before the holiday, tie 14 ribbons onto a rope 6-7 meters long so that two ends hang. Tie the 15th ribbon in a bow in the center of the rope. They call 2 dads, who stand to the right and left of the rope. On command, each dad begins tying bows, moving towards the center of the rope where the bow is tied. The one who finishes the quickest wins lush bows and gets to the center.


Who can sew buttons faster and better? The difficulty is that the buttons are cut out of cardboard and have a diameter of 20 cm


Mothers are invited to visit a beauty salon, where young hairdressers will create extraordinary hairstyles for them. Mothers (any number) sit on chairs and hold in their hands a piece of paper, size A-3, in which a hole for the face is cut out and the outline of the neck is drawn. Children use a marker to draw hairstyles. Then there will be a defile of fashionable hairstyles.


Mothers sit on chairs with a basket on their laps. The presenter scatters fake candies throughout the hall. Children must bring one candy to their mother, for each candy the child kisses his mother on the cheek. Whoever brings the fastest and most wins!


Two mothers must put clothespins on their children and remove them blindfolded, who is faster. Children are quietly changed places, mothers remove clothespins from someone else's child.


Two are called: mother and child pairs. Mothers and children stand at opposite ends of the hall. Mom is blindfolded. The children shout, “Mom, I’m here.” Mothers must find their child by voice.


Boys are invited, they are future men and can already help their mother hammer nails. (The hammer is small. The nail is already slightly nailed on the piece of wood.) It is important to pay attention not to the speed of driving, but to accuracy, thoroughness and caution. The teacher insures the child. There is a desire to help mom, and a desire to do the work efficiently, without rushing.


2 grandmothers and 2 grandchildren are called.

Medical supplies are laid out on the table: thermometers, tablets, warm scarves, jars of honey, jam, medicinal herbs. As well as distracting objects: any (baby pacifier, toys, etc.). The grandson must choose those items with which he can cure his sick grandmother.


For this competition you need blanks: pictures cut out from magazines with eyes, noses, mouths, hair, ears and so on.

Several boys are called (the number depends on how many cut-out parts are prepared). On a piece of paper you need to “assemble” a portrait of your mother (or a beautiful lady) using parts and glue. The parts can be immediately distributed equally, or you can, by including an element of competition, leave them on one tray - let them find them at speed.


Every mother knows her child very well - this is a fact. But this fact is necessary once again check. Two mothers with children are called. Mothers come out and are blindfolded. In children, something changes in their appearance - a button is undone, a belt is removed, their hair is combed differently, and so on. Then moms have to find what has changed. The mother who finds all the changes faster wins.


Competition for mothers or girls. There is one or more toy babies on the table. You need to dress the doll in a blouse, pants and a hat, and then swaddle it. Important condition competition: you need to do everything with one hand!


Two teams are organized: mothers and daughters. You need to prepare a rope, clothespins and a few rags. The first team members are blindfolded and given a clothespin and a cloth. They go looking for a rope to hang a rag on. The other players suggest how to get to the rope. Having found the rope, you need to attach a cloth with a clothespin, remove the bandage and return to the team. Then the second players of the teams hang up the cloth and so on.


Hanging on a string on strings are pieces of paper on which are written the names of different products (as inappropriate as possible to each other - for example, on one is physalis, on another is herring, on the third is bagels, and so on). Each mother in turn is blindfolded, spun and released - she must reach the rope and cut off three pieces of paper. Then, after removing the bandage, the mother must quickly come up with and tell what dish she can prepare from these products and what she will call it.


Two teams are selected, and the first players are given scissors. There are colorful napkins on the chairs. On command, players run to the chairs and cut out a flower from a napkin, then use glue or plasticine to attach the flower to a large Whatman paper. All players do the same in turn. After this, the most beautiful bouquet by March 8 in kindergarten.

Indeed, one of the most important events 5-6 year old child, kindergarten graduation. You need to choose the best competitions and games for the holiday, because graduation marks the beginning of a new stage for the child - growing up.

After the formal part, you can hold fun team competitions. But dividing the children just like that would be banal and uninteresting. It's much more fun if the kids get together in teams. in a playful way. The “Gather Your Team” competition will help in this matter.

To conduct this, 3 participants (captains) are identified, large hoops are placed near them, and their eyes are blindfolded. At a time when the captains can no longer see anything, other children stand close to them, whom they must find and bring into their hoop. Thus, each captain must assemble a team of 5 people. Depending on the number of children, there can be only two teams, or, if there are many kids, the teams can consist of 6-7 people.

"Put the word"

When the children have already divided into teams, they can be offered the following fun and educational competition. Participants of both teams (each individually) are given sheets of in capital letters. All these letters together make up a word, which is chosen depending on how many participants there are. For example, for teams of 6 people, the following are suitable: simple words, like milk, cow, if there are 5 kids each, you can take the words flower, month or any others.

At the command “start”, the allies deal with the given letters and form a word from them. The first team to formulate their word correctly wins the competition. Both 2 and 3-4 teams can participate.

Competitions at kindergarten graduations can be prepared by the presenter (animators) or the parents themselves. The first option is much more convenient, because the presence of animators will allow parents to calmly enjoy the holiday with their children.

"Sweet tooth"

One team member is invited to participate. Children are seated at a table, on which each person has a plate with small pieces of jelly or cake. Individually, participants are given 2 toothpicks, with which they must eat the sweet dish. Touching sweets with your hands is strictly prohibited. At the “start” command, children take toothpicks and begin to eat. The winner was the one who was the first to eat jelly or cake using an unconventional device.

"Hold the pea"

A fun competition that is enjoyed not only by kindergarten kids, but also by schoolchildren. To carry it out you need peas and straws (according to the number of children). The competition, like the previous two, is also a team competition. The teams stand opposite each other, and the participants are located nearby. Each child is given a straw, and the first person standing from both teams is also given a pea.

The participant’s task is to draw in air through the straw in order to hold the pea on the other side. In this form, the child turns to the other participant and passes a pea from his tube into his tube, then everything continues until the last player has a pea. Victory goes to the team that completed the pass faster.

"Place it in its place"

3-4 kids are invited to participate. Each of them stands in front of a desk with various school supplies (notebook, pencil, ruler, etc.).

Kindergarten graduation should include different types activities. The main elements of the event are the formal part, the sweet table and accompanying fun games and competitions.

At the beginning of the competition, all items are placed in the center. But, during the competition, at the command of the leader, the children must put all things in their places. So, for example, the presenter says, put the notebook in the upper right corner, put the pen to the left of the notebook, and the pencil to the right, etc. Children remember what the presenter (teacher) said and quickly repeat. The winner is the one who did everything faster and correctly.

"Answer first"

The competition is based on simple questions about the world around us and objects already familiar to children. For example, What is the name of our Planet? What color is the sky? What does hail look like? How many colors are there in the rainbow, etc. But to answer, you don’t need to raise your hands or shout, you just need to ring the bell. At the beginning of the game, all the kids stand in one row, and the leader (teacher) hands them bells. When an adult asks a question, each child tries to call quickly to give an answer. If the answer is correct, the baby takes a step forward, and if it is wrong, he takes a step back. Victory goes to the participant who gave the most correct answers and reached the teacher first.

There are a lot of similar fun competitions, with the least amount of time spent, they can be found on the Internet, and using your imagination, you can carry out a lot of exciting improvisations yourself.

It is imperative to provide interesting prizes for children for participating in competitions, and also give them memorable gifts, which will remind them of the time spent in kindergarten.

Proper organization of the holiday, including the best children's competitions, will help make graduation a bright and memorable event for children and parents. Therefore, the preparation of the event must be taken with full responsibility.


Who will get the most marks?

(hero - at your discretion)
SHAPOKLYAK: We’ll check it now. Here are the briefcases, here are the marks (shows). Who will collect the most marks in their briefcases? (Pours out
If the children took 1,2,3, they play again, and Shapoklyak praises the children for 1,2 and invites parents to see what marks the children scored in their portfolio.

First-graders' sleep

Two children sit on chairs at different ends of the room (preferably on strong chairs, with armrests, or on stools). School supplies and empty hoops are scattered near each child. You need to collect your objects into a hoop without getting up from your chair; you can move around the hall on a chair ("ride"). The essence of the game is explained by the presenter: Vasya and Petya had a dream that they were in space, in zero gravity. Everything was scattered throughout the ship, and the first-graders seemed to be tied to their chairs. And tomorrow is school! Who will get ready faster?

Post a five from the tape
Prepare satin ribbons red – 5-8cm wide
(can be wider), 1 m long.
To the music, children lay out a five from a ribbon on the carpet. The number of children is at your discretion (how many children - the same number of ribbons)

`10 lunatics` Playing to the song of Usachev and Pinegin
Children place chairs in a circle, with their backs facing inward - this is the moon. They stand around the chairs. The game is simple, based on who is most likely to take a chair, but is played to a song.
Children walk in a circle and sing
10 sleepwalkers lived on the moon.
10 sleepwalkers tossed and turned in their sleep
And then one sleepwalker fell from the Moon in his sleep......
The children quickly sit on the chairs, and the godfather who does not have a chair comes into the circle and crouches on the floor.
everyone sings: And 9 lunatics remain on the moon!
The game continues. You can play not with 10, but with 5, as you like.
Yes, the last verse ends like this: and there were no more lunatics on the moon.

"Seven Candles"
We baked a cake for the holiday,
seven candles were lit on it,
wanted to eat cake
but we couldn’t put out the candles.
Children stand in two circles. 7 children with handkerchiefs in a small circle are candles.
The rest are in a large circle.
1st-4th measures. Children go in a circle to the right and sing. Children-candles spin around, waving handkerchiefs above their heads.
5-8 bars. The same movements, but in the other direction.
9th measure. Everyone stops. Children in a large circle take a breath.
10th measure. They blow on candles. Children-candles squat, facing the center, spreading handkerchiefs behind their backs on the floor.
I-12th measures. Children spin around in a big circle.
13th measure. They raise their handkerchiefs to see who is faster. These children become candles. The game repeats itself.

We play with numbers
We prepare cards with numbers for one team in advance (1,2,3, 4,5,6,7,8,9,10); for the other team: (10,20,30,40,50,60, We put cards around the necks of everyone playing (on a ribbon). While the music is playing, the participants dance or move randomly throughout the hall. When the music ends, one team must line up in ascending order (from 1 to 10); another team (from 10-100). Tasks can be varied.

Game `Marks`.
There are cards on the table, turned over to face him. To the music, children run scattered around the hall and, when the music ends, must take any card, lift it up, and turn it to face their parents. Here are the grades your children will receive: Some are 4, some are 5! Well done!
(removes cards)
And now we invite our parents to take part in the game. (several parents go into the hall). (the presenter takes out other cards with ratings). Let's see what grades your parents got in school? The task is the same... But with the end of the music, the parents notice that some had `3`.

Game `Math Peas`.
We draw pea pods and peas inside each pod (different quantities). children go “to the garden”, choose any pod and jump in all directions to the sound of cheerful music. Number cards are laid out closer to the audience. The children’s task is to count the peas upon a signal (at the end of the music) (they do this while moving in hops) and stand near their number, i.e. so that the number of peas coincides with the number they are standing next to. Raise the pod high up so that everyone can check their answer.
The game is interesting, fun and not boring. I use 7-8 pods, then the 2nd group of children. Everyone wants to play!
Usually conducted by some Queen of Mathematics or the like. character.
at graduation
They stand in pairs: a child with his parent, dancing to cheerful music, and one person (the presenter, for example) without a partner. When the music suddenly ends, you need to quickly find another pair. What begins here, everyone is just snapping at each other! Very funny competition and some kind of communication between adults and children!

Game with Carlson. (hero - at your discretion)
KARL: And I have an “A” - one excellent student gave it. I only have one “five”, how can we divide it? But I have a lifesaver. Stand in a circle: whoever gets an A is an excellent student!

A small scarf with a drawn 5 at one end is attached to a stick 1.5 meters long. To do this, a slit is cut out at the end of the stick. To the music, Carlson twirls the stick in a circle. Jumping up, the children tear off the scarf/
KARL: And I also have one “2” - a friend of mine gave me a bad grade. (Takes out a foam two-piece on a long rope) Well, stand in a circle, I really want to play pranks. I will twist the deuce: whoever jumps over it is a great guy, and the rest are poor students. Kidding.

game with letters. like `Gaped'. All children have signs with some letter on their chests.
Children stand in pairs in a circle. The first are in front, the second are behind. There is a child in the middle. During the first part of the music, a child standing in a circle dances (for example, makes a picker), and all the children sing the following words: “Letter A is the only one left because it was gape, we will play with you, try not to yawn `
During the second part of the music, the second ones jump in a circle behind the first ones together with the letter A, the first ones clap their hands, and at the end of the music, quickly stand in front of any child (the first one). There won’t be enough space for someone, and he will be a new unwary letter.

Game `Smart daddies and funny slippers`(or vice versa-?!). To play you need 8 pairs of slippers. They have letters glued on them, from which you can make the word “Certificate” (oh, I don’t remember the second one... But there are also 8 letters). And the slippers are placed so that the letters are scattered. Dads play in 2 teams. Who will put the slippers on their feet faster and stand in such an order that the children can read the word. The funny thing is that the folders put on slippers, paying attention to the “couple,” but the letters don’t match. And now someone is in full swing!

Game `Deuce`.
Tie a rope to the inverted five. Children stand in a circle. The presenter says, “Whoever gets a bad mark will stay for the second year,” twists the rope, and the children jump over.

Game `Turnip`.
Two teams of 6 children each participate. This is grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair there is a turnip - a child wearing a hat with a picture of a turnip.
Grandfather starts the game. At a signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue running together, again go around the turnip and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, The mouse is caught by a turnip. The team that pulled out the turnip the fastest wins.

Game 'Prohibited Movement'.
The players and the leader stand in a circle. The leader takes a step forward to be more noticeable. If there are few players, then you can line them up and stand in front of them. The leader invites the children to perform all the movements after him, with the exception of those prohibited, which were previously established by him. For example, it is prohibited to perform the “hands on the belt” movement. The leader begins to do things to the music different movements, and all the players repeat them. Unexpectedly, the leader performs a prohibited movement. The player repeating it takes a step forward and then continues to play

Game `Bows`.
Several ribbons (5 on each side) are tied onto the rope; in the middle the ribbon is tied with a bow. 2 participants (dads) are selected to stand on each side. At the signal, they must tie the ribbons into bows. Who's faster?

Game `Conductor`.
The child conductor stands in the middle, and the rest of the musicians stand in a circle. During the 1st part of the music, the conductor conducts, and the musicians play to the rhythm of the music. At the end of the first part, the instruments are placed on the floor, and during the second, fast part of the music they run in a circle together with the conductor. When the music ends, they quickly take up their instruments. Whoever doesn't get it is the conductor.

`Go to school on alarm clock`.
Two families are called: 2 dads, 2 moms, 2 children. On 2 tables there are school supplies (the same amount), which the child, at a signal, will begin to put into his briefcase. 1 alarm clock, which the teacher sets - the alarm rings and there is a signal to start. 2 balloons, which dads will begin to inflate upon a signal (so that the child goes to school with a balloon on September 1). 2 sets of breakfast (or lunch) for a schoolchild (for example: an apple, yogurt, a small chocolate bar) and a bag into which, at a signal from the mother, they will begin to put this breakfast.
The alarm clock rings and each participant begins to complete their tasks. The child puts school supplies (notebook, pencil case, textbook, ruler, diary, etc.) into a briefcase or satchel; the mother collects breakfast and gives it to the child, and he puts it in the already assembled backpack; Dad inflates the balloon, ties it with a thread and gives it to the child. A child with a briefcase and a ball runs to the other end of the hall to the “School” sign. The family whose child runs to school first wins.

Game `Read the word`.
A sign with a written word is attached to the driver's back. The players - 3-4 people - must read the word, and the driver tries to dodge and prevent it from being read

Game `Who can put the word “honey” together faster?
The word can be anything depending on the character; at the moment it was a bear from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”.
2 teams of 3 people each participate. Each child receives a letter. To the accompaniment of fast music, the children scatter around the hall, and when the music ends, they line up one after another so that the word “Honey” is formed. The team that builds the word first wins.

Game `Collect a word`.
We collect several words one by one. Children come out first based on the number of letters in the first word. Children take a letter for themselves. They move around the hall in hops to the music. When the music ends, they must form a word from the letters they took. Then we change. We play 3-4 times.

Game `ABC of Fairy Tales`.
Emelya says that she will not let the children go to school and will not give them the Star until they solve the fairy tale alphabet or ABC. Must be named fairy-tale heroes(at least one) for all letters. It can be done selectively and randomly. Spectators also participate.
A: Alice, Aladdin, Alyonushka, Ali Baba, Aibolit.
B: Pinocchio, Barmaley, Snow White, Basilio, Bremen Town Musicians.
In: Wolf, Vasilisa, Winnie the Pooh, Vodyanoy.
G: Gerda, Gulliver, Gorynych, gnome, crocodile Gena.
D: Thumbelina, Brownie.
E: Emelya.
F: Firebird, Tin Woodman, Bug (from the fairy tale “Turnip”)
Z: Cinderella, Goldfish, Goldilocks.
I: Ivanushka the Fool, Eeyore the Donkey, Ilya Muromets.
K: Koschey the Immortal, Little Humpbacked Horse, Kolobok, Carlson, Kai.
L: Leshy, Frog Princess, Fox Patrikeevna.
M: Morozko, Malvina, Moidodyr, Little Muk.
N: Dunno, Nesmeyana.
A: Olle-Lukoje, The Tin Soldier, The Donkey (“The Musicians of Bremen”), The Deer (from the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”).
P: Parsley, Prince, Pippi-Longstocking, Piglet, postman Pechkin.
R: Little Mermaid, Ryaba Chicken.
S: Snow Maiden, Snow Queen, Scarecrow, nightingale, Sivka-Burka.
T: Tortilla, Tube, three Fat Men.
U: Oorfene Djus, Boa Constrictor, Umka.
F: Phoenix, Fedora, Fairy, Finist Clear Falcon.
Kh: Khavroshechka, Hottabych, Khryusha.
C: Heron, Tsar, Cyclops, Tsokotukha fly.
C: Cheburashka, Chippolino, Damn, Ninja Turtles.
Sh: Shapoklyak, Humpty Dumpty.
P: Pike, Nutcracker, Puppy
E: Ellie, elves.
Yu: Miracle Yudo.
Me: Baba Yaga.

Game with parents "School lottery".
The child will soon go to school,
School life is coming for you.
It will bring you new worries and troubles,
It will force you to rebuild your whole life.
And now we’ll tell our fortunes in front of everyone here,
Today we will find out what will happen to families...
Several parents come out. The presenter asks a question, the participant pulls out a cube or card with the answer from the bag and reads the answer. Answers: mom, dad, the child himself, Vaska the cat, neighbor, the whole family, grandfather, grandmother.
1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?
2. Who is responsible for keeping track of the first-grader’s uniform?
3. Who will get up at 6 am?
4. Who will eat breakfast first?
5. Who will have to collect the briefcase?
6. Who will read the primer every day?
7. Who will cry, left without strength?
8. Who is to blame if a child gets a bad grade?
9. Who will attend the meetings?
10. Who should take a first-grader to school?

Shouting games:

Game "What's in your briefcase?"
It's time to collect your briefcase,
And we are waiting for the correct answer.
If you agree, answer “Yes”
And if you don’t agree, “No.”
What's in your briefcase?
A box of bright watercolors...
A simple regular pencil...
Plate with fish and goulash...
Textbook with glossy cover...
Paper bow for playing with a cat...
Your favorite toy...
And the New Year's cracker...
Rubber eraser and ruler...
Battery powered crane machine...
Notebooks, books and notepad...
And a machine gun, and a machine gun...
And a compass, and a large pencil case...
And an electronic dump truck...
And replaceable shoes - sneakers...
Album for a cool sketch...
Universal slingshot...
And a medical glove...
The designer is new for work...
A set of paper of all colors...
Cardboard, and glue, and plasticine...
And kerosene, and Vaseline...
Diary with a filled page...
To put a unit there...
We managed to collect the briefcase,
For which everyone gets a high five!

Game "Briefcase" (children shout “Yes” or “No”)
If you are going to school,
Then you take with you in your briefcase:
In a squared notebook?
New slingshot?
Broom for cleaning?
Diary for five?
Album and paints?
Carnival masks?
ABC in pictures?
Torn boots?
Markers and pen?
A bunch of carnations?
Colored pencils?
Air mattresses?
Eraser and ruler?
A canary in a cage?

Masyanya: We have prepared a little game for you - confusion . We say a phrase, and if you agree with it, say “Bam!” If you don't agree: "Bom!" Do you remember? Then let's begin...
Kindergarten we see off school and have fun? - Bam!
Are we all bored at the table? - Bom!
Jumping and being mischievous? - Bom!
We promise before school - do we keep our promises? - Bam!
Will we be charging? - Bam!
And swim in the river in winter? - Bom!
Will we eat snow in winter? - Bom!
Are we running out of summer fun? - Bam!
Is mom too lazy to help us? - Bom!
Do we help every day? - Bam!
Are you obedient guys? - Bam!
Should everyone be given gifts? - Bam!
And the gift includes a chocolate bar and a huge horse? - Bom!
Do you want an orange? - Bam!
And there's kerosene in the canister? - Bom!
A very tasty candy? - Bam!
AND paper napkin? - Bom!
Shall we celebrate the holiday together? - Bam!
And we won’t take the gift? - Bom!