Stone therapy in working with children and adolescents. Lesson for preschool children using play therapy

Natalya Magomaeva Alexandrovna

"The mind is gem,

which plays more beautifully in the frame of modesty."

Maxim Gorky.

"Book of Stones"- this is a classic lithotherapy written in 1067-1081. The scientist Renna Marboda confidently asserted that the power of stone is more significant than the power of herbs and plants.

In the Middle Ages, philosophy believed that stones transmitted the energy charges of the Earth and Space to the most sensitive energy centers located on the human body. An invisible connection is established between the mineral and its owner, which can prevent or cure many diseases.

Various areas lithotherapy have been used by humanity for thousands of years. Chinese medicine is known for its methods of stimulating certain points with bioactive stones to align energy. Tibetan lamas use more than a hundred types of minerals in their medical practices. Massagers, balls, rosaries, pyramids, etc. are made from stones. Water is purified and charged with quartz.

Lithotherapy in speech therapy work with children.

Towards unconventional methods working with children and her pedagogical assistance to children preschool age is - " Lithotherapy". In a broader sense, lithotherapy is any use of natural minerals (sand, stones, clay, etc.) for the purpose of influencing the human body.

Multi-colored pebbles. Oh, these beautiful multi-colored pebbles! It's amazing how generous Mother Nature is with colors!

It has been scientifically proven that the color and shape of stones can affect the psyche baby: contemplation and possession of stones can influence the pleasure centers of the brain through the organs of vision and touch and is aimed at relieving emotional problems in children.

Lithotherapy –(from the Greek lithos - stone, terapia - therapy) - treatment using natural stones, an unconventional technique that has become popular recently

Lithotherapy It is successfully used in modern medicine, cosmetology and even correctional pedagogy. It is known that children with speech disorders, in particular with general underdevelopment of speech, have disturbances in the emotional-volitional sphere, impaired coordination of movements, and a low level of development fine motor skills hands

Currently, in the system of traditional and non-traditional correction methods used in speech therapy work, more and more space is occupied by special techniques that are more related to the field of psychology or medicine. One of these special techniques is lithotherapy. IN speech therapy, in correctional work elements can be used lithotherapy, stone - massage, i.e. massage with natural stones. Stones different colors and size can be assembled at the sea, on the river bank, or simply bought at a decor store. The main thing is that they should be natural, round, smooth to the touch. It is advisable to warm the stones before use. (for example, in the sun). Then the beneficial effects of the massage will increase, because the warmth of the stones will improve blood circulation.

Uses lithotherapy in speech therapy classes:

V. Kulaev

By the surf near the rocks

Vovka was looking for pebbles.

Every pebble is good:

Looks like the sun

This one with the blue stripe

The one with the red stripe

Here's to a fish, a cat!

The best one to choose is Maeta!

Mom looks - Vovka is gone!

There's only a trace on the sand:

Vovka is walking with a bag,

Carrying pebbles again!

But where does all this go to us?

There are a lot of them in the corners!

We bring stones to the city,

We carry the bag together!

Finger gymnastics with elements lithotherapy

In combination with sand (laying paths, patterns in the sand)

Massage of hands and fingers (massaging fingers with stones, squeezing stones in fists, rolling over palm, over arm)

Sorting through stones, arranging by color, size, laying out, etc.

Game "Smart Pebbles"

Target: development of fine motor skills, automation of sound in words, development of phonemic hearing.

Equipment: natural stones of different sizes with drawn pictures of various objects.

Progress of the game: invite the child to sort through the stones, name what is drawn on them and put aside stones with pictures whose names contain a given sound, you can invite the child to come up with a story about these objects, etc.

Using Elements lithotherapy in classes with children will help to introduce elements of creativity into work for the correction of speech and fine motor skills, will make classes more interesting for the child, and therefore more effective and of high quality.

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Non-traditional methods of working with preschool children. Lithotherapy.

Currently, for us, teachers and psychologists of modern society, the problem of an increase in the number of preschool children with behavioral problems, as well as personal development, has become acute. In our kindergarten, out of 60 children examined, 9.3% have pronounced aggressiveness, 23.1% of children have a high level of anxiety, the presence of fears is noted in 21% of the examined children. Today, psychologists, educators and other specialists are working on this problem in kindergartens. Many are looking for new unconventional methods and models of psychological and pedagogical assistance to children. Our kindergarten did not stand aside either. About lithotherapy in psychological practice, including the use of lithotherapy methods in kindergartens, any information in pedagogical and psychological literature I didn't find it. I began to study this area more deeply, study and apply lithotherapy in my own practice. In the Middle Ages, philosophy believed that stones connect the world of the Universe (macrocosm) with the world of the human soul and body (microcosm). Each stone in the astrologer's mind was subordinate to one of celestial bodies and, receiving cosmic energy from it, could have a direct impact on a person, healing his body and helping in business. Modern science denies this. However, scientists have found that stones can have a significant emotional and even physical impact on a person due to their physical characteristics - natural color and shape, as well as due to the social significance attached to them - value in society, popularity and recognition (stones are aesthetically beautiful). It has been scientifically proven that the color and shape of stones can affect the human psyche: contemplation and possession of stones can affect the pleasure centers of the brain through the organs of vision and touch - these studies have long been carried out in the USA. Most of the magical and healing properties of stones are based primarily on the phenomena of self-hypnosis, suggestibility, collective awareness of centuries-old traditions and placebo effects. When it comes to lithotherapy, most often it means only contact (massage), and sometimes non-contact effects of minerals on the human body - meditation. Therefore, in my practice, stones are only auxiliary objects around which everything is built. The stones are multi-colored, so exercises with them can be used in conjunction with color therapy, which is a more studied direction in psychology (for example, “Color Game Training” by N. M. Pogosova). In addition, since 2011, together with the Department of Dentistry childhood, ENT diseases and physiotherapy, in our garden a children’s health improvement program is being introduced on the topic “The influence of functional disorders of ENT organs and pathologies of the maxillofacial area on the psychoemotional and physical development child." To work towards preschool education, I included breathing exercises in my lithotherapy practice. And without a fairy tale there is no communication with children! Fairytale therapy is an assistant to all specialists working with children. As a result, a work program called “Gems” appeared, aimed at relieving emotional problems in children. Work program consists of activities. Each lesson is built around one specific color.

Examples of exercises included in the program. - Multi-colored pebbles (lithotherapy - attention, tactile perception, breathing exercises) - Look at these beautiful multi-colored pebbles. It's amazing how generous Mother Nature is with colors. What colors do you see here? Well done. Take a pebble for yourself. Exercises to develop speech and cognitive processes - Now that you have the pebbles in your hands, look at them carefully, try to notice the peculiarity of your pebble. (Next comes the expansion vocabulary, a set of adjectives). Feel how the stone feels to the touch (smooth or rough, hard or soft), what its temperature is (warm or cold), look at its size (large or small), shiny or not, transparent or not (let's look at the light? ). Now knock your pebble against your neighbor’s pebble. What sound did you hear? What does the sound sound like? (work on all three channels of perception: vision - visual, hearing - auditory, sensation - kinesthetic). - Magic transformation (imagination). Look at your pebble again. What does your pebble look like? What can it be turned into, do you think? (A berry, a fruit, a car wheel, a flower, the sun...) Now try to depict what your pebble looks like, and the rest of the guys will try to guess what you have in mind. You can voice your actions. Who is our most visionary? - Now let’s mix all the pebbles in one box, and you try to find yours among all! Great! (development of attention). Breathing exercises - Place a pebble on one palm directly in front of you, and the second palm is empty (exercise “Palms” from breathing exercises by A. N. Strelnikova). Show me your palms! We begin to take noisy, short and rhythmic (compliance with all three conditions is mandatory!) inhalations through the nose, at the same time clenching our palms into fists (hiding the pebble), i.e. we make “grasping” movements.

Place a pebble on the floor directly in front of you (exercise “Pump” from breathing exercises by A. N. Strelnikova). Basic starting position: stand straight, feet slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart, arms along your torso. Make a light bow, that is, stretch your hands to the floor without touching it, and at the same time take a short and noisy breath through your nose in the second half of the bow. The inhalation should end with the bow. Then rise slightly (without straightening!), and bow again and take a short, noisy breath “from the floor.” You should exhale after each inhalation independently, without straining (i.e. passively), through your mouth, without opening it wide. - Warm it with the warmth of your breath, blow on it long and smoothly... We inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. Exhaling, we pull our tummy in slightly. “Now let’s blow on our palms, cool them, and blow away the marks from the pebbles.” We blow long and smoothly, without puffing up our cheeks. Repeats several times. Exercises to relieve muscle tension All exercises are repeated 3-4 times. - Shall we play hide and seek with the pebbles? (relieving muscle tension) Clamp the pebble into your fist tightly, I will check whether you hid the pebble well and whether your fist has become hard enough. Fine. Now relax your hand and fingers; If at the same time a pebble rolls out of your palm, it’s okay. I'll check if your palms are soft enough. Now hold the pebble in your other palm. - Imagine that you have turned into columnar pebbles. Stand tall, turn into a hard, hard stone, tense all your muscles and freeze. Now turn into melted ice cream, your whole body is soft and pliable. Then the child must again become a pebble, etc. - Exercise “Muscle clamp”. Participants sit in a deliberately uncomfortable position. In this case, local tension or “clamping” occurs in certain muscles or joints. It is necessary to accurately select the area of ​​the clamp within a few minutes, remove it, and relax. Participants share their impressions and feelings.

Zapolskikh Oksana Leonidovna,

teacher-psychologist of MKDOU kindergarten No. 19

"Fairy Tale" Omutninsk

Master class

“Lithotherapy as a means of correcting emotional and personal disorders in children of senior preschool age”

Goal: to attract the attention of teachers to non-traditional methods of working with preschool children, to introduce them to techniques for working with stones.

Materials and equipment: cardboard frames for making pictures, multi-colored pebbles, gravel, beads, a large stone, trays.

Part 1.

As studies by foreign and domestic psychologists show, in preschool age the social situation of development itself changes, which is characterized by the fact that the child begins to strive to act like an adult. During this period, the motivational sphere is developing intensively, the process of structuring motives is underway, elements of arbitrariness in behavior and the logic of feelings appear, and positive changes in self-awareness occur.

At the same time, the processes of personal development do not always go smoothly. It is not uncommon to encounter children who are aggressive, hostile, unable to communicate, passive, socially impulsive, anxious, etc. Taking care of the physical and cognitive development child, adults often forget about the importance of his emotional and personal development, which is directly related to the psychological and social well-being of the child.

The main function of a psychologist is to, on the basis of diagnostics, identify positive and negative trends in the personality development of each preschooler, to create, through special psychological means, conditions for optimizing the process of personal development, overcoming negative trends and individual symptoms of trouble. This poses a special task of correcting personal development, which both teachers and parents are called upon to solve with the active help of a child psychologist.

The term “correction” was originally used in defectology and special psychology. Correction was understood as a special system of forms and methods of treating the patient. However, gradually the meaning of this concept expanded, which made it possible to talk about correction within the framework of the norm as a special form of education and pedagogical influence.

Psychological correction of emotional disorders in children is a well-organized system of psychological influences. It is mainly aimed at mitigating emotional discomfort in children, increasing their activity and independence, eliminating secondary personal reactions caused by emotional disturbances, such as aggressiveness, increased excitability, anxious suspiciousness, etc.

As you know, in preschool age the leading activity is play. At the same time, from an individual perspective, the game does not always come first. There are children who love to draw, sculpt, and design. It is better to correct them through these types of activities. Children also love to experiment.This is explained by the fact that they are characterized by visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking, and experimentation, like no other method, corresponds to these age-related characteristics.

Many are looking for new non-traditional methods and models of psychological and pedagogical assistance to children. Our kindergarten did not stand aside either. (SLIDE: images of tales of stones)

QUESTION: What do all these tales have in common?

Games with sand, clay, stones and more natural material are among children's favorite games, as they have deep historical roots. They seem to “revive” the child’s genetic memory. It is known that the first games appeared as a result of human interaction with natural materials. The healing power of nature, minerals, and the centuries-old experience of our ancestors should and can be widely used to work with children

Have you noticed how enthusiastically children play with pebbles: moving them, tossing them, collecting them? It was the children who gave me the idea of ​​including stones in correctional and developmental activities. The use of lithotherapy in psychological practice, including the use of lithotherapy methods in kindergartens, is a little-studied area.

(Slide: terms).

Lithotherapy - (from the Greek lithos - stone and therapia - treatment) treatment with minerals.

Types of lithotherapy:

  • gemmatherapy – treatment with precious stones,
  • crystal therapy– treatment by wearing crystals,
  • gastrolithotherapy– treatment with stones formed in the internal cavities of animals, etc.

When it comes to lithotherapy, most often it means only contact (massage), and sometimes non-contact effects of minerals on the human body - meditation.

Lithotherapy and gemmatherapy are used in correctional and therapeutic pedagogy, especially with children with special educational needs.

Getting acquainted with the programaesthetic and psycho-emotional development of children using lithotherapy and color therapy “Gems” Elena Prokopyevna Plyaskina, a teacher-psychologist in Chita, began to study this area more deeply and apply lithotherapy in her own practice. There is also a mention of lithotherapy in the “Speech Pathologist’s Handbook” by M. A. Povalyaeva.In the book by T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva and T.M. Grabenko “Corrective, developmental and adaptive games” draws attention to the importance of sand in psychotherapeutic activities, and also pays attention to games with stones.

Based on what I studied, I compiled a thematic plan for working with children of senior preschool age. It consists of several blocks-modules.

(Slide: blocks).

  • Block 1: “Sand, water and stones.”
  • Block 2: “Color and stone.”
  • Block 3: “Tales about stones.”
  • Block 4: “Art workshop”.

Each block consists of 4 – 5 lessons.

Working with stones is not an isolated task, but is an additional part of the overall complex of correction of emotional and personal disorders in children. Selection into the group is carried out on the basis of diagnosis of emotional and personal disorders in children. Optimal group composition: 7-8 people. Classes are held once a week for academic year, or at the discretion of the teacher 2 times a week for six months.

Lesson algorithm:

1) Warm up. Basic procedures - greeting and exercises to establish contact, a motivating element (fairy tale, conversation),

2) The main part – games, exercises, elements of psycho-gymnastics, projective drawing, experiment.

3) Summing up the lesson - reflection, farewell ritual.

At the first stage of working with stones and other natural materials, it is necessary to familiarize children with the basic rules of handling them: do not throw stones, sand, rub your eyes with dirty hands, be sure to wash your hands after playing.

Using one of the lessons in the first block as an example, we will get acquainted with some techniques for working with stone.

Part 2. Lesson “Ordinary in Stone”.

1) Psychologist: a journey into the world of stone is a very exciting and exciting activity. Studying stones, you are sure to go to the distant past of our planet and our native Earth. There are countless different stones on Earth: beautiful and not so beautiful, of different colors and shapes. All these stones are older than us, they keep many secrets and mysteries.

Psychologist: do you want to go with me on a journey through the world of stones? (Yes).

(SLIDE: Knight):.

You go to the right: you will find a big stone,

If you go straight, you will find a lot of stones.

If you go to the left, you will meet beauty.

And where do we go first? (to the left – number 1).

Where will it lead us?

So what did you find? (large stone).

2) Game “Ordinary Miracle”.

Psychologist: let's sit comfortably so that we can see each other and play with this stone. And this stone is not easy – it’s magical. You can use it to create a miracle.

I have a stone in my hand. It is heavy (imitation of weighing), cold, unpleasant to the touch (corresponding facial expressions), rough, and has sharp edges. It's not very pleasant to hold it in your hand. But I will try to warm this stone before I give it to you (name is called).

Take the stone, the warmth of my hands, the heat of my heart. Pass on my feelings to my friend, stone. (The stone is passed to the neighbor on the left).

How do you feel? How much does the stone weigh? Is it really heavy? What does it feel like? Smooth or rough? Yes, it's rough. Now tell me, please, are you holding a cold stone in your hand? (for comparison, in the second hand a stone that was not in the hands). Of course it's warm? Why? What did I ask for the stone? Now you and I will perform a miracle - we will warm the stone with your warmth. Let's say together: Take the stone, the warmth of my hands, the heat of my heart. Pass on, stone, my feelings to a friend (the stone is passed on to the neighbor on the left), and so on to each child.

Comment: this game allows you to differentiate your own feelings, analyze and express them, thereby teaching the basics of introspection and interaction. It is very important to realize that each of us can create a miracle. (The stone returns).

Psychologist: I am holding a stone in my hands. It is heavy, rough, it has sharp edges, but it is very pleasant to hold in your hands, because it is warm, because it transfers the warmth of your hands. This is a miracle: our hands can warm even a stone.

3) GAME “Mountain and Pebbles” (Music from the “Sounds of Nature” series sounds).

Psychologist: there is a story about stones, would you like me to tell you? And you will help me portray it.

Once upon a time there was a big, big mountain. She considered herself the strongest, but the wind and water claimed that they were stronger. Years passed. The water rained down on the mountain (music imitating raindrops sounds) and sharpened the stones. The frost froze the water in the cracks, and the wind carried away all the small pebbles and grains of sand from its surface (music imitating the wind sounds). Here one pebble rolled down the mountain (one child moves away from the rest), then another, a third (some more children move away in turn from the center). The mountain became smaller and smaller. And, in the end, she became completely invisible (all the children disperse). So the wind and water worked day after day and conquered the big mountain. Guys, what do you prefer: to be lonely pebbles or to live together in one mountain? (children's answers). They gather together again.

So: the mountain is friendship. What is “water”, “wind”, “frost”? I'll give you a hint: this is what interferes with friendship (answers). For friendship to be strong, you need to be kind, forgive and help each other!

Psychologist: now let’s go together and look for miracles! (arrow no. 2)

(they find a box with stones)

4) GAME “Multi-colored pebbles” (I take out a box of pebbles).

Psychologist: look at these beautiful multi-colored pebbles. It's amazing how generous Mother Nature is with colors. What colors do you see here? Well done. Take a pebble for yourself.

Now that you have the pebbles in your hands, look at them carefully, try to notice the peculiarity of your pebble. (Next comes the expansion of vocabulary, a set of adjectives). Feel how the stone feels to the touch (smooth or rough, hard or soft)..., what its temperature is (warm or cold)..., see what size it is (large or small)..., shiny or not.., transparent or not.. (let's look at the light?). Now knock your pebble against your neighbor’s pebble. What sound did you hear? What does the sound sound like?

Comment: (thus, work is carried out on all three channels of perception: vision - visual, hearing - auditory, sensation - kinesthetic).

5) GAME “Magic transformation”.

Psychologist: Look at your pebble again. What does your pebble look like? What can it be turned into, do you think? (A berry, a fruit, a car wheel, a flower, the sun...) Now try to depict what your pebble looks like, and the rest of the guys will try to guess what you have in mind. You can voice your actions. Who is our most visionary? (development of imagination and creativity). Now let’s mix all the pebbles in one box, and you try to find yours among all of them! Great! Put the pebbles in the box, we will need them later.

Comment: this exercise promotes the development of children’s cognitive processes (attention, perception, imagination, speech).

Look: where the third arrow directs us (to the right).

6) “Picture of stones.”

Psychologist: what do you think can be made from this material (there is a picture frame, pebbles, etc. waste material)? Yes, of course, using this material, we can create various pictures from stones. To do this, you need to divide into pairs, choose a place where it will be convenient for you and agree on what you will create and give a name to your painting.

Tatyana Vyacheslavovna Kuzmina
Lithotherapy in pedagogy


Minerals unusual shape and colors, striking in their beauty, seemed to our ancestors as carriers of forces of a higher order. That is why amazing stories, legends, and superstitions associated with precious stones have evolved over the centuries. There was a whole science about the rules of treatment with precious stones - gemmatherapy (from the Latin word "gem"- a precious stone). Many scientists confirm the idea that the environment around us "non-living" nature actually lives, develops, changes according to certain laws, and it is impossible to draw a line between minerals and the rest of the world around us.

History knows many examples when people turned to forgotten methods, seeming almost ridiculous, naive, etc. convinced them that they were effective. They say that the famous Bulgarian singer Ilka Papava lost her voice. Having learned about this drama, Chaliapin gave her his diamond ring, which once belonged to Peter I and was consecrated by the Patriarch of All Rusl. He considered this ring his talisman and never parted with it. It's hard to believe, but the singer has found her voice again. There are still very few scientific studies devoted to the healing effects of minerals, although many of them are successfully used in modern medicine.

No wonder the wonderful scientist D. Bernal (1969) assigned minerals a decisive role in the emergence of life on Earth. It has been established that almost all representatives of the world of minerals, to one degree or another, possess biological active actions. Their presence in the diet changes the immune status and the activity of a number of physiological systems, which is fully consistent with modern ideas about the role of minerals in the origin and development of life on Earth. Silicon compounds play a truly magical role in many restoration processes. It is directly involved in the process of blood clotting, competing with phosphorus, and affects the condition of nails and hair.

The positive effect of silicon on protein biosynthesis has been established. With a low silicon content against the background of excess calcium, there is a threat of development "silicotic anemia" observed in rickets and diseases of the lymphatic system. Silicon deficiency in the body causes not only atherosclerosis, but also leprosy, tuberculosis, diabetes, stone formation, hepatitis, goiter, erysipelas and other types of dermatitis.

These and other examples indicate the enormous role of minerals in the life of the human and animal body. Lithotherapy, as well as gemmatherapy, were irrevocably classified as occult sciences, forgetting that many elements of these sciences are used every day in scientific medicine.

Even in prehistoric times, people endowed stones with miraculous powers, firmly believing that they protect against evil spirits, bring happiness and health. Ancient Greek manuscript (IV century BC) contains information about amulets stones seafarers: garnet, chalcedony, aquamarine, rock crystal, agate and others, which protected from wind, waves, shipwrecks and death in the depths of the sea. The medicine of Ancient Egypt especially revered the magical power of stones. This is evidenced by the largest of the medical papyri (the Theban tomb, which describes the healing effects of minerals. Aristotle was engaged in special studies of minerals. His student Theophrastus wrote a book sacred to miraculous minerals.

The remedies of natural ancient medicine have been tested on people for thousands of years, prepared and selected for people and in the name of people. Honor and glory to homeopathic doctors who studied the effect of new drugs on themselves and volunteers. We cannot extend the testing of drugs that have already been tested for centuries even for years. It is necessary to reliably and skillfully use the experience of previous generations, supplementing it with research at the modern level. In the ancient monuments of Tibetan medicine, entire sections were devoted to treatment with mineral substances. Based on ancient sources and his own experience, Avicenna recommended using various salts of copper, iron, and zinc for medicinal purposes. He admitted that wearing stones as jewelry could also have a positive effect on the body. Indian and Tibetan doctors never doubted this.

Modern science has long and decisively rejected ideas about the healing properties of minerals, and oriental physicians calmly treated diseases with these minerals and achieved amazing success.

Slavic peoples have also revered stones since hoary antiquity as a source of health and well-being. In Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian manuscripts we find interesting information about the healing properties of a wide variety of minerals.

Modern pharmacology uses more than 50 minerals to prepare various medicines. Modern medicine is well aware of the importance of such trace elements as boron, iodine, potassium, sodium, magnesium, arsenic, sublimate, mercury and others extracted from natural minerals, rocks and salt waters; medicinal properties bischofite, ozokerite, some types of clays, mumiyo, mineral mud and water, talc, gypsum. Having formed in the earth's crust over millions of years, minerals can be active agents with properties not yet known by science, although known from the centuries-old experience of traditional medicine.

US doctors are successfully searching for the causes and characteristics of the effects of minerals on humans. Ten American and two German centers for crystal research are already preparing professional personnel to work on lithotherapy. More than 500 American and 50 German doctors use precious and semi-precious stones in medical practice. In July 1988, a congress on crystal therapy was held in the USA. In our complex life with its numerous stresses, this method cannot be discounted. In Eastern countries, interest in mineral treatment has never faded. In Japan, tablets containing pearl ingredients are used to treat certain nervous diseases. Minerals are widely used in homeopathy. There are a number of remedies for this promising trend, called homeopathic lithotherapy.

It is necessary to take into account that minerals have phosphoricity, thermal conductivity, magnetic properties, and conduct electricity, i.e., they may well be a means of physiotherapeutic effects. Electromagnetic biopotentials emitted by crystals are the healing factor that helps the body become healthy. This idea is confirmed by the statement of the famous German geobiologist Dr. E. Hartmann that around each person there is a biodynamic field that can change when a person moves from one place to another. It largely depends on geological changes in the soil surrounding us, which must be taken into account in therapeutic and corrective pedagogy.

If a certain mineral environment is capable of causing a disease, then the possibility of its positive effect on painful disorders in the body cannot be excluded. This position is confirmed by the latest scientific data obtained at the Research Institute of Alternative Medicine of Russia (Moscow).

A methodology has been developed and domestic diagnostic equipment has been created that allows for individual selection of appropriate minerals and metals for correcting a person’s functional state, as well as determining contraindications to them. It is advisable to select individually not only jewelry, but also filling material, watch bracelets, glasses frames, since in some cases they can cause the development of pathology, inhibiting or stimulating certain functions in the body. Properly selected items or materials can meet preventive and therapeutic purposes.

Analysis of literary data and centuries-old experience of the people gave us the opportunity to classify minerals taking into account their effect on the human body. It is believed that minerals coordinate the circulatory system of blood vessels and brain activity. In our complex life with its numerous stresses, the experience of previous generations is irrationally discarded. Lithotherapy has special, unique properties, the decoding of which can be of great benefit in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases.

Aventurine - balances emotions, maintains a joyful mood, good spirits, and clarity of mind.

Aquamarine - increases clarity of thinking, balances emotions, helps relieve stress state, fears, phobias.

Alexandrite - calms down when overexcited, helps create a joyful mood and openness.

Diamond - improves brain function, helps align the bones of the skull, enhances the energy of abstract thinking, and increases human contact.

Amazonite - protects against headaches, soothes nervous system, strengthens the heart muscle, relieves feelings of anxiety and self-doubt.

Amethyst - relieves headaches, helps with burns, insomnia (you need to put it under the pillow, relieves stress, helps strengthen the endocrine and nervous system, increases the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain, helps increase energy.

Turquoise - helps balance emotions, creates an atmosphere of friendly communication, strengthens the feeling of mutuality; understanding and devotion.

Pearls - helps against "brain drain"(memory loss for nervous soil, for nervous disorders. Contemplation of pearls has a beneficial effect on an overexcited psyche, bringing peace and tranquility.

Emerald is considered one of the powerful agents that balances the processes of excitation and inhibition occurring in the nervous system. Stone of wisdom, composure and tolerance.

"Cat's Eye"- helps cure paralysis, insomnia, emotionally balances, increases the will of the owner, promotes concentration, reduces the tendency to stubbornness, increases energy.

Pink quartz - reduces stress, eliminates anger and temper.

Corals - strengthen memory, relieve nervous tic, from « evil eye» . They fuse well and quickly with human bones, practically without seams. They are widely used in dental prosthetics.

Corals activate the central nervous system, control emotions, increase low mental levels, stimulate intellectual abilities And logical thinking, promote self-control, introspection, and increased optimism. They are, like pearls, one of the diagnostic tools.

Lapis lazuli - heals vision, gives greater clarity of thinking, relieves pain, reduces hair loss.

Moonstone - changes demeanor from harsh, straightforward to softer and more flexible.

Malachite is good for the heart, blood vessels of the heart and lungs, calms the overexcited nervous system, improves sleep.

Jade - helps with diseases kidney: relieves pain, bloating, colic; has amazing heat capacity: applied to the stomach or kidney area, it acts as an extremely soft, long-lasting warming compress that gradually relieves pain.

Opal - calms the nerves, strengthens the heart, restores visual acuity and shine to the eyes, balances emotions, enhances intuition.

Rhodonite - strengthens immune system, improves memory, relieves stress, good for various types neuroses. Helps to gather spiritual strength when difficult situations arise life situations (especially its pink variety without an admixture of black tones).

Ruby - heals the heart, brain, strength and memory of a person. It helps cure paralysis, diseases of the spine and joints; helps to avoid paralysis after a stroke, has a good effect on the nervous system, relieves depression, and is useful for insomnia. According to the type of light radiation, ruby ​​has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and heart, and strengthens the immune system. It has a beneficial effect on the character of weak-willed people, promoting a sense of courage, responsibility, and desire for leadership. Helps get rid of feelings of inferiority.

Sapphire - has a positive effect in the treatment of kidneys and diabetes; makes therapy more effective for lesions of the skeletal system, paralysis and paresis as a result of strokes, diseases of the nervous system, especially neuroses, and helps get rid of insomnia.

Carnelian - when worn on the body, strengthens teeth, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, reducing increased irritability, fatigue, and depression. He gives oratory power and prosperity.

Blue topaz - has a positive effect on the thyroid gland and provides emotional balance.

Tourmaline - has a beneficial effect on the endocrine system, improves the condition of the nervous system, sleep, reducing the feeling of fear and anxiety, dispels fears. Strong remedy during oncological processes.

Crystal - improves the properties of the blood, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain (pituitary gland, pineal gland, promotes emotional balance, removes the negativity of the environment in relation to the person wearing it, reproduces, activates, preserves energy.

Amber - calms the nervous system, improves mood, balances the emotional state, calms the heart, protects against "devil's eye". Succinic acid is an excellent stimulant of the nervous system, strengthens the heart muscle, improves the functioning of the respiratory system, kidneys, and intestines, and helps increase the hemoglobin content in the blood during anemia.

The term "lithotherapy" comes from Greek words lithos – “stone” and therapeia – “treatment”. A person’s desire for knowledge forces one to turn to the wisdom of ancestors; it is no coincidence that modern medicine very successfully uses non-traditional methods of treatment, not the least of which is lithotherapy.

Even in prehistoric times, people endowed stones with miraculous powers, firmly believing that they protect against evil spirits and bring happiness and health. Ancient Egyptian medicine was distinguished by its special reverence for the magical power of stones. This is evidenced by the contents of the largest known medical papyrus, which describes in detail the healing effects of various minerals.

Aristotle studied minerals for a long time.

His student Theophrastus wrote a work dedicated to magical minerals. Previously, there was a science devoted to the basic rules of treatment using precious stones - gemmatherapy (derived from the word “gemma” (gem), which in turn goes back to the Latin gemma - “bud on a tree”).

It is worth using the experience of generations, wisely supplementing it with scientific research at a good modern level. Since ancient times, the Slavs have revered stones as a storehouse of good health and general well-being. Old Slavic manuscripts contain extremely interesting information about healing properties minerals.

Formed in the earth's crust over billions of years, minerals are active agents that have properties that have not yet been fully studied by official science, although they are well known to folk medicine.

US doctors have been searching for the reasons and characteristics of the effects of minerals on the human body for a long time. A dozen centers in the United States and two centers in Germany that have studied crystals are already preparing specialized personnel to carry out lithotherapy work.

More than 500 American and approximately 50 German doctors use precious and semi-precious stones in their therapeutic practice.

Everyone can experience the healing power of stones. A number of scientists confirm guesses that the world around us inanimate nature in reality, it lives, develops, changes according to its own laws, and there is no clear line between minerals and the rest of the nature around us.

Before starting treatment, you should carefully read the information about contraindications and limitations when treating with minerals and stones. Only if these treatment conditions are met will the result be achieved and no harm to health will be caused. You should always remember that an incorrectly chosen treatment method aggravates the disease, and valuable time is lost that could be spent on using a more effective method.

Contraindications. As with any treatment method, lithotherapy has its contraindications. They are connected, first of all, with the incompatibility of the influence exerted by certain stones on a particular disease. Therefore on different people the same stones can act in completely different ways. Researchers have shown that stones such as morion, carbuncle, and chrysolite have a depressant effect on the central nervous system, calming a person, relieving increased excitability and irritability. But these stones are contraindicated for people with a melancholic character, as well as people in a state of apathy. If you have metabolic disorders or many somatic diseases, you should also be careful when choosing stones. The principle of treating a person, and not his disease, remains relevant here. The color of the stones is also important in lithotherapy. When choosing a stone, you need to focus on your intuition and your own disposition towards a particular color. For example, opaque stones that have a dark color (jet, agate) are contraindicated for people who are emotionally fickle, have an unstable psyche, or have easily excitable natures. People with a choleric character should avoid contact with products made of opal, emerald, and ruby.

There is already a methodology and domestic diagnostic equipment available that allows for a strictly individual selection of minerals and metals to stabilize the functional state of the human body, as well as determining contraindications to them. You should choose individually not only jewelry, but also dental material for filling teeth and frames for glasses, since they can theoretically be a predisposing factor for the development of pathology, suppressing or, on the contrary, stimulating certain functions in the body. Properly and individually selected items and materials must meet preventive and therapeutic requirements.

It is necessary to take into account that minerals have the property of phosphorescence, thermal conductivity, magnetic properties, and conduct electricity, i.e., they may well be a means of physiotherapeutic effects. The electromagnetic biopotentials emitted by various crystals are a powerful therapeutic factor that contributes to the healing of the body. The proof of this thesis is the statement of the German geobiologist Dr. E. Hartmann, according to which there is a biodynamic field around each person that changes as the person moves in space. It is seriously dependent on the geological changes occurring in our environment, which must be taken into account in therapeutic and correctional pedagogy.

A thorough analysis of numerous literary data, as well as the centuries-old experience of different peoples, gives us a real opportunity to create a classification of minerals with an indispensable account of their effects on the human body. The level of development of speech function is based on defectively functioning brain systems. Normalization of the processes of excitation and inhibition is one of the points of application of lithotherapy. You can prevent nervous system disorders, relieve depression and simply improve your mood by wearing certain stones.

This method is especially suitable for people with a weak nervous system.

Stones have special, unique properties, the deciphering of which can be of great benefit in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases.

Aventurine is a golden brown, opaque stone. Prevents nervous system disorders (balances emotions, maintains a joyful mood, good spirits, clarity of mind), relieves depression and apathy. This stone can be worn constantly, as it does not have a strong enough effect on the body. It acts gently, constantly and with little force. To improve your well-being and prevent depression, it must be worn on your hand in the form of a ring or ring. If it is a bracelet, then you need to take it off at night.

Aquamarine is a sea green stone. Helps relieve stress, fears, and phobias. To keep you stress-free, you need to wear it on your neck or head.

Stress that arises during emotional overload is eliminated with a pendant, and physical fatigue is eliminated with hairpins and tiaras.

Alexandrite is an olive green or green blue stone. Balances the processes of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system, makes a person more restrained, helps create a joyful mood, and demonstrate openness.

It can be worn as a ring. But this must be done carefully, removing it at night. Alexandrite is a very strong stone.

It is better to start treatment with several hours, gradually increasing the time to 12–13 hours, i.e. all day.

Amazonite – bright green stone. Relieves headaches, calms the nervous system, relieves feelings of anxiety, self-doubt, and helps get rid of phobias. It strengthens the entire body as a whole. For phobias, it is worn in the form of a bracelet, earrings, or tiara. For various headaches - in a pendant.

Amblygonite – colorless, transparent pink stone. Disorders of the nervous system that occur during overload are susceptible to the action of this stone. The healing effect is achieved by contemplating this stone in the rays of the sun. The session lasts no more than 30 minutes, 2-3 times a week.

Amethyst is a purple transparent stone. Helps reduce feelings of anxiety, drives away bad dreams. For treatment, place under the pillow for 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Turquoise is a sky blue opaque stone. Set in silver, it saves from insomnia and nightmares, and helps to balance emotions. You need to wear it as a pendant or “talk” to it before going to bed.

Beryl. More common brown shades. A very strong stone. Relieves headaches, improves, increases the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain, and helps increase energy. The impact of the stone occurs when it is examined for 1 hour 2–3 times a week. It can be placed under the pillow, but only during daytime sleep. To strengthen memory, the stone must be worn on the head or in the ears. In any case, remove it at night.

Pearls come in different shades, from white to black. If you look at pearls for a long time, it has a beneficial effect on the overly excited human psyche, bringing complete peace and tranquility. If a person is sick, the pearls change color.

Emerald is a green stone. It is a stone of wisdom, composure and tolerance. Helps cure insomnia and hypochondria. Conduct sessions of contemplating this stone immediately before bedtime. You can wear a pendant or pendant.

Cat's eye is a grey-green stone. Helps strengthen character, emotionally balances, increases the will of the owner, promotes concentration, reduces the tendency to stubbornness, and increases energy.

Quartz is a soft blue stone. For insomnia, place it under the pillow.

Labradorite is a gray stone. Recommended for neuroses, relieves emotional stress, calms nervous excitement. This stone is strong and is not recommended to be worn constantly. Treatment is carried out in the form of sessions of contemplating the stone, which last 20–25 minutes daily. For females it must be set in gold, for males - in silver.

Lapis lazuli is a blue stone. This stone is used in psychiatry. It must be worn continuously throughout the year.

Moonstone has cloudy shades various colors. Changes behavior: harshness and straightforwardness give way to softness and flexibility. Used for sleepwalking. It should be worn around the neck on days when the disease is especially severe. Only in this case will it be beneficial.

Opal is a multi-colored stone. If there is a nervous system disorder, it is worn around the neck. When feeling melancholy, they look at the stone for 30 minutes, no more.

Rhodonite is a crimson, red-pink stone. Strengthens the immune system, improves memory, relieves stress, and is good for various types of neuroses. Helps to gather spiritual strength when difficult life situations arise (especially its pink variety without an admixture of black tones).

Sapphire is a blue, azure stone. Set with silver, it helps with fear, anger, paralysis and paresis as a result of strokes, diseases of the nervous system, especially neuroses, and helps get rid of insomnia.

Carnelian is an orange-red stone. Enlightens thoughts, helps brain function. It is worn around the neck: women - framed in a circle, men - in a square. He gives oratory power and prosperity.

Topaz has many shades: from blue, green to yellow. Light-colored stones are more soothing and should be set with silver. Dark ones are recommended for apathy, but set in gold.

In gemmatherapy, for a very long time there has been such a direction as the healing color scheme of crystals, where each color corresponds to a specific stone and type of disease. B. M. Bekhterev proved that each color included in the spectrum creates specific light effects that are captured, transformed by various environments of the eye and transmitted to the brain and other organs. These light effects are created due to the different wavelengths of light emitted by minerals and are capable of causing certain sensations. No one can help but influence us. As a result of a number of experiments, it was found that each of the colors is capable of influencing the disease by changing the speed of nervous processes. Thus, colors included in the warm color scheme have a tonic effect; those close to green are slowing down, yellow are neutral, and purple are depressing. Having studied this effect on humans, scientists came to the conclusion that the knowledge gained can be used in medicine. Most suitable for these purposes are natural minerals that have unusual color and shade. They are uneven, transparent, unevenly colored, which relaxes and gives the desired effect. Usually, contemplation of a stone can have a strong effect on the body and gives a harmonious flow to thoughts. In total, 7 colors are used in color therapy with stones: red, green, yellow, blue, cyan, violet and, most rarely, orange. All other colors are their components, white and black are neutral and do not carry information. Contemplation itself and contact with the colored surface of the stone must be carried out in complete silence or accompanied by calm music. The effect of various precious and semi-precious stones is considered in the system created by E.I. Ganikman: each stone is considered according to the medicinal color scheme of crystals that have a healing effect for various diseases.

Red stones strengthen memory. Constant contact of vision with minerals of this color causes various structures of the brain to be constantly in an excited state, which have a tonic effect on all internal organs. But an overdose of wave vibration can lead a person to stress. Yellow stones (amber, carnelian, sardonyx, jasper, citrine, beryl) excite and revitalize. In case of nervous exhaustion, it calms and restores lost strength; it is recommended to use it in cases of increased excitability of nervous processes. Green stones (emerald, malachite, jade, turquoise, chrysolite) have the greatest effect on the nervous system. They produce a relaxing effect, increase efficiency, and improve vision, as they give the eyes the necessary rest. These stones should be placed wherever our gaze is most often directed. Blue stones (aquamarine, lapis lazuli, chalcedony, zircon) reduce negative reactions to the environment. They can relieve excessive nervous excitability. However, there is a limitation with regard to blue minerals: with excessive enthusiasm, a progressive development of a feeling of fear is possible.

The healing power of nature, minerals, and the centuries-old experience of our ancestors should be widely used to preserve and strengthen health.