What January holidays are there? Holiday calendar for January.

The January calendar of dates is not so easily prepared, but because of its importance, because it contains significant and memorable dates in Russia in January 2019, and which all Russians should know and remember, because this is our history, both near and far. In any case, we must remember the memorable and significant dates of our country, in particular what the calendar dates will be in January 2019, what is so remarkable about this month in our history, what it has contributed to the development and formation of Russia.

Each country has different dates, anniversaries and memorable ones, both of quite significant significance, at the state level, and less significant, for example, at the local level of value and reverence, of a certain community, region, region or city. On any of the memorable and anniversary dates of January 2019, we treat and will treat with special respect, especially those of them whose significance left an indelible mark on our glorious history and influenced the historical course of development Russian Federation, her current situation.

Calendar of memorable and significant dates January 2019

In order to know exactly about the dates of January 2019, when in Russia there are memorable and significant dates for the country, a calendar of such dates has been prepared, which contains all the days that are significant for the country, which you will then have the pleasure to get acquainted with, because you It’s not for nothing that they’re on this page, which means you’re interested in learning about them.

Next, you will become acquainted not only with the dates of January 2019, the calendar of memorable and significant dates of the Russian Federation, but also learn about the holidays of this month and all others, of state and religious significance, as well as professional, which is also important for many of those Russians who always celebrates her professional day with pleasure.

Dates of January 2019, Russian date calendar in January

January 1 - 100 years since the birth of the Russian writer D.A. Granina (1919-2017)

100 years since the birth of the American writer D.D. Salinger (1919-2010)

January 4 - 185 years since the birth of the Russian artist V.G. Perova (1834-1882)

210 years since the birth of the French inventor of raised dot type, Louis Braille (1809-1852)

85 years since the birth of the Russian artist Z.K. Tsereteli (1934)

January 8 - 195 years since the birth of the English writer W.W. Collins (1824-1889)

January 9 - 265 years since the birth of the Russian bibliophile P.P. Dubrovsky (1754-1816)

January 16 - 85 years since the birth of Russian actor V.S. Lanovoy (1934)

January 17 - 250 years since the birth of the Russian commander P.Kh. Wittgenstein (1769-1843)

January 18 - 330 years since the birth of the French philosopher and writer Sh.L. Montesquieu (1689-1755)

January 19 - 210 years since the birth of the American writer E.A. Poe (1809-1849)

180 years since the birth of the French artist Paul Cézanne (1839-1906)

January 21 - 130 years since the birth of the Russian-American sociologist and culturologist P.A. Sorokina (1889-1968)

January 22 - 115 years since the birth of the writer and publicist A.P. Gaidar (1904-1941)

290 years since the birth of the German writer and playwright G.E. Lessing (1729-1781)

65 years since the birth of Russian actor Leonid Yarmolnik (1954)

January 25 - 260 years since the birth of the Scottish poet R. Burns (1759-1796)

145 years since the birth of the English writer and playwright W.S. Maugham (1874-1965)

215 years since the birth of the French writer Eugene Sue (Marie Joseph, 1804-1857)

January 27 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. 75th anniversary of the complete lifting of the siege of Leningrad (1944)

January 27 - 140 years since the birth of the writer and essayist P.P. Bazhova (1879-1950)

January 2019 calendar

Mon W Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31

Holidays in 2019 (with days off)

Few people don’t like winter, because it is at this time of year that everyone’s favorite new year holidays. These are the days when you have the opportunity to take a break from routine activities, spend time with your family, visit relatives and meet friends. Well, and, of course, January holidays- it's time for gifts. This year the government has prepared a real gift for its citizens - the New Year holidays, which will last for a whole 8 days. In addition to these days, there are other holidays in January, in particular, Old New Year, Epiphany, Tatiana's Day, but they are not official holidays, so it is better to move the celebrations to the evening, and devote yourself to work during the day.

How do we relax in January 2020?

Now you can calmly celebrate the New Year and not think that you need to go to work in a day or two. Long holidays provide an opportunity to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the January holidays, especially since January 7 is a religious holiday - the Nativity of Christ, which would have been a day off in any case. It is very inconvenient when after a vacation you have to go to work for several days, after which there are holidays again, and then weekends. This unsettles employees, they cannot tune in to the work process and, at the workplace, they mentally create a menu for the next holiday. Therefore, it is better to work a few working days in advance, so that you can then leave for a week or go to a resort.

How are official holidays distributed in January 2020?

13th of January
Wednesday Friday
January 4, 5
Saturday Sunday
January 6 - 8
monday Wednesday
January 9, 10
Thursday Friday
work days
January 11, 12
Saturday Sunday

In the first month of 2020 you will have to rest more than work. Of the 31 calendar days, 14 days are weekends; these are New Year's holidays in January in Russia, as well as regular weekends, which fall on January 11, 12, 18, 19, 25 and 26. Such abundance non-working days knocks you out of your usual rhythm and removes you from the working atmosphere. Holidays should be perceived as a kind of vacation and an opportunity to relax and recuperate for subsequent work in 2020. After the New Year holidays, there will be an opportunity to return to work with renewed vigor.

date Event

Catholic Feast of Our Lady of the Virgin Mary

world peace day


Memorial Day of Princess Olga


Catholic Epiphany

Christmas in Armenia


World Thank You Day

Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks


Day of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation


Russian Press Day


Epiphany Christmas Eve


Epiphany (Holy Epiphany)

In the first month of the year, January, there are not even three days of important, significant and truly festive events.Yesyatkov. But at the same time, some of them are fateful for the fate of the world and remarkable from the Russian national point of view.

The most beloved for residents of almost all ages of our Fatherland is. However, it is widely celebrated in most countries of all five continents. They begin to celebrate it on the very last evening of the outgoing year. And taking into account the fact that our Christmas holidays last up to ten days, the New Year may well take a third of them. Christmas trees, garlands, richly laid tables, carnivals, round dances around decorated Christmas trees in city squares and at home too, sparkling champagne - it’s breathtaking!
Surprisingly, the world celebrates a very funny holiday on the first day - Hangover Day. It was invented by the cheerful British. At first, as an advertisement for the use of medications and other remedies for suffering after taking too many degrees, on the chest. And then they began to call it that - Hangover Day. In this case, priority was given to a glass of strong drink, in our case it was vodka. He drank, warmth went through his body, and he felt better. We got hungover and folk remedies- cold kvass, and even more brine. Some people ate fatty foods, but in principle it was harmful.
Before they had time to come to their senses after the stormy New Year's feasts and hangovers, Christmas came. It is ranked by the Orthodox people among twelve of their most revered Christian holidays. Precisely, according to religious doctrine, on the seventh of January in Bethlehem, in the most supernatural way, a baby named Jesus Christ was born to the Virgin Mary, whom we later began to reverently call the Mother of God. In a cave, a manger in which they put food for livestock. And among the first to see Jesus were the shepherds, who spread the good news around. Catholics celebrate Christmas earlier than Russians. But for both, this is a divine event. Festive church services are held in temples, churches, and cathedrals. People warmly congratulate each other. By Christmas, the forty-day Christmas fast ends, and therefore meals are rich in dishes; true Christians enjoy drinking Cahors, which, as you know, is a church wine drink, and is allowed for consumption, in reasonable doses, of course.
A few days after the Nativity of Christ, a holiday of absolutely amazing nature comes - Thank You Day! It has long roots, going back as far as the sixteenth century. Moreover, the Russian: thank you comes from the merging of two words God forbid. The holiday has caught on and is happily embraced by the world. Although in America there is Thanksgiving Day, and in other countries there is Thanksgiving Day. But they cannot be confused with Thank You Day. We have a "thank you!" It sounds somehow warmer and more welcoming!

Among the twelve especially revered church holidays in Orthodoxy is the Epiphany of the Lord, which occurs on the night of January 19. It is associated with John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus Christ in the sacred Jordan River. Epiphany is truly a national holiday, widely celebrated in many countries around the world. On this day, water in all reservoirs acquires amazing properties - when we collect it in different containers, it does not deteriorate for a long time. It can remain crystal clear for a year or several years. And drinking it is considered good for health. Epiphany fonts appear everywhere - large ice holes are made in rivers and seas, lakes, the water in them is sanctified by church ministers, by plunging your head into them three times and crossing yourself three times, you are, as it were, reborn. There is a rumor that the Lord, after accepting the Jordan, forgives people their sins.
On January 21, the world celebrates Hug Day. It comes from the USA and dates back to 1986. At first as exceptional National holiday, but then completely unexpectedly spread across the planet. It was invented by students of American colleges, institutes and universities. But hugs are beyond eroticism and sexual fantasies - they are warm, from the heart, with wishes for happiness, joy and always a good mood to those hugging!
Tatyana's Day! The favorite holiday of all students, Russian students in particular. He was born in 1775, when Moscow University was opened by decree of our Empress Elizaveta Petrovna. On the one hand, January 25 is celebrated as the birthday of one of the most prestigious universities in the world, on the other hand, it is a student holiday - Tatiana's Day. It would be more correct to call the great martyr Tatiana. In the distant third century, she died at the hands of the minions of the Roman Emperor Alexander Severus. They tortured her for a long time for her fierce faith in Jesus Christ. And seeing that she would never renounce God, they stabbed her to death with a sword. By the way, since 2005 we have had the Day of Russian Students.

There are still a few months until the New Year, but today it is worth asking how official weekends and holidays will be distributed in January 2019 and when to go to work after the long-awaited Christmas holidays.

Despite frequently voiced proposals to cancel long winter weekends, in 2019 all Russians working on a classic five-day schedule will receive such a coveted vacation. Let's figure out how many days we're walking this time, and what the features are winter holidays season 2018-2019.

Official holiday calendar

The draft production calendar in Russia has already been approved, which means that it is possible to predict with a high degree of probability when the holidays will begin and end in January 2019, and on what dates you can plan long trips to friends or relatives, as well as traditional winter travel.

So, in the coming January 2019, the holidays will take over 10 calendar days at once, and the first weekend of the New Year holidays for all of Russia will be December 30, 2018. In general, the first month of winter gives us a lot of reasons to meet. So, in January 2019, official weekends are framed by two of the biggest family holidays:

  • New Year (on the night from December 31 to January 1);
  • Christmas (on the night of January 6-7).

Important! Saturday December 29th will be a working day this winter season. The country's leadership has somewhat extended the “long weekend” period by moving the working day from December 31 (Monday) to December 29 (Saturday).

The all-Russian holiday will last until 01/08/19 inclusive! Tuesday (January 8) is an official holiday, and the first working day of 2019 for everyone will be Wednesday 01/09/19.

Thanks to a fortunate coincidence, the first working week will be short, which will help all Russians smoothly integrate into the work schedule after the New Year's mini-vacation.

Another gift of January will be the May long weekend in 2019, because it was on May 2 and 3 that the weekend was planned to be postponed, which would free up Saturday and Sunday on January 5 and 6.

Vacation calendar

Schoolchildren and students are also looking forward to the January holidays of 2019, because for them the official weekend is another opportunity to forget about serious lessons and activities and plunge into the magical atmosphere of a New Year's fairy tale.

All Russian schoolchildren will have a vacation from December 26, 2018 to January 8, 2019 (inclusive).

For students, the official weekend for the January holidays of the coming 2019, as well as for the adult working population, will be 10 calendar days (from 12/30/18 to 01/08/19)

How to relax during the January holidays?

The calendar compiled by the country's leadership allows residents of different regions of the Russian Federation to make the most of the official weekend of 2019 by arranging bright January holidays, unforgettable trips and joyful meetings for themselves and their families.

Every family has its own traditions. Someone is reading church holidays and most of all in January 2019, Christmas is looking forward to it, and some people like to gather the whole family in New Year's Eve. If you want to give yourself and your family a truly bright emotions This winter, we invite you to take an exciting trip by visiting:

  • the most interesting corners of Russia;
  • the estate of Father Frost;
  • one of the fabulously beautiful European capitals;
  • the tropics, the nature of which in January is simply amazing;
  • warm countries and islands where you can plunge into real summer.

If you don’t know where to go in the winter of 2019 for the January holidays to benefit your child’s education, take an interest in winter language courses for schoolchildren of different age groups. Perhaps just such a useful and exciting vacation will be the brightest and most unforgettable for a child.

In fact, there are a lot of destinations for an unforgettable winter holiday. As well as the format of the New Year holidays. Depending on individual preferences, you can choose from one of the agencies or organize your own tour with the optimal program, which can include:

  • visiting historical monuments and museums;
  • acquaintance with the natural beauties of the region;
  • exciting behind-the-scenes adventures;
  • New Year's entertainment;
  • visiting colorful fairs and entertainment;
  • skiing and downhill skiing;
  • a wide variety of extreme entertainment.

On the pages of our information portal you will find a lot of advice on where you can go on vacation during the January holidays and what events the largest cities in Russia and the capitals of European countries offer guests in 2019. We are also ready to tell you what the weather will be like in the most popular cities in the world in January 2019, which will help you plan your vacation correctly and choose the best destination.

As they say, give a person free rein - every day will be a weekend. Moreover, January holidays are the very first of the year. We all love the first winter month because there are many holidays and, accordingly, days off. But few of us actually know what the January holidays are and how we relax on these days. Where this is stated is also not known to everyone. And what to do after the January holidays? In this article we will deal with all these questions.

Most Popular

What celebrations come to mind when we say “January holidays”? Of course, first of all it is New Year, Christmas and Epiphany. However, besides them, there are a huge number of both Russian and international holidays. Nevertheless, let's talk about everything in order.

Holidays of the first ten days of January

The New Year, which begins on the first of January, is the favorite holiday of all children and adults. In our country, as in many other countries, it is traditionally celebrated on the night from December 31 to January 1. On wonderful holiday traditionally it is customary to give gifts to each other and talk nice words and wishes. Each year has its own symbol according to eastern calendar. 2016 is the year of the Monkey, 2017 is the year of the Rooster, 2018 is the year of the Dog, and so on.

In addition, World Peace Day is celebrated on the same day. This is a significant date for the Roman Catholic Church. In the Vatican it is a day off, and in Brazil the same day is celebrated as the World Day of Universal Fraternity. Moreover, September 21 is celebrated annually at the initiative of the UN.

Christmas Eve comes on the sixth of January. What does this name mean? It is associated with the custom of Orthodox Christians to eat juice on this day. Sochivo is dried bread grains. They are soaked in water and, simply put, are mush. Sochiv for the Orthodox was not only porridge and all lean foods, but also “milk of various seeds.” These are sunflower, poppy, hemp oils, as well as all sorts of others. Porridge was seasoned with this “milk” at ordinary times, but especially often during the forty-day fast before Christmas itself, as well as on Christmas Eve.

Christmas itself is on the seventh of January. A great church Christian holiday established in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Holidays of the second ten days of January

January 11th is World Thank You Day - the most polite day of the year! In ancient times, our early ancestors, when using words of gratitude, usually used only the verb “to thank.” Our ancestors said: “Thank you!” This was at a time when paganism prevailed in our land. But when Christianity came, the original word “thank you” was replaced with “thank you.” That's why people came up with the idea of ​​celebrating Thank You Day in January, on the 11th.

Among other things, the Day of Nature Reserves and Parks comes on January 11 - it was on this day that the very first state and national reserve - Barguzinsky - was formed in Russia.

Another important date is the Day of the Prosecutor's Office, which occurs in the Russian Federation on January 12. By the way, it was on this day in 1722, by decree of Peter the Great, that a special position was first established - the prosecutor general. This post was created under the Senate. The holiday has been celebrated by decree of the President of the Russian Federation since 1996. The president at that time was Boris Yeltsin.

January 13 - Press Day in Russia - this significant event is celebrated on this day due to the fact that in 1703, on January 13, in Tsarist Russia, the first issue was categorically published Russian newspaper. There were no other newspapers in Russia at that time, and Peter the Great himself was very happy about this event. The newspaper was called Vedomosti.

The Old New Year is celebrated on January 14th. This wonderful and unique holiday resulted from a change in the chronology system.

Commission Day for Minors - it was on this day that the “Decree on the Establishment of Commissions for Minors” was adopted in the 20th century - is also celebrated on January 14. The purpose of this commission was not to punish teenagers, as it could be, but to provide assistance and support to them, as well as their parents. The Commission on Juvenile Affairs ensures that in the future the child can find himself in this troubled life.

Epiphany Christmas Eve comes on January 18 - this is an evening of preparation. At this time, the Orthodox - on the eve of the great Orthodox holiday. An important religious date is called Epiphany, or Epiphany.

Accordingly, the Epiphany of the Lord is celebrated on January 19 - on this day the Orthodox Church remembers how the prophet John the Baptist performed the sacred rite. The action that took place was the baptism of Jesus.

Holidays of the third ten days of January

International is a non-standard date in the year. According to the tradition of this holiday, it is required to embrace even a stranger in a friendly hug on this day. It is believed that this holiday was invented by students! And it is celebrated on January 21.

In addition, January 21 is Engineering Troops Day. These troops trace their history back to the time of another decree of Peter the Great, which was announced on January 21, 1701. This was a law on the creation in Moscow of a completely new School of Pushkar Prikaz, which had no analogues in Russia before. That is why this holiday is celebrated on this day. Artillery officers and military engineers were trained at this school.

Tatyana's Day, January 25, was approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation as professional holiday many Russian students. It is celebrated on January 25 in a new style because Moscow State University was established in 1755. Since then, she has been considered one of the patroness of students. By the way, this very name - Tatiana - means “organizer” translated from Greek language and came from antiquity.

Navigator's Day navy- January 25: in the 18th century, Peter the Great decided to train navigators in the laws, as well as the rules of navigation. However, the holiday itself has been celebrated only since 1997.

But on January 26 comes Customs Day, which was first celebrated in 1983. This date coincides with the anniversary of the world organization responsible for customs borders.

Invention of the Automobile Day is celebrated on the day when the creator of the automobile, Benz, received a patent for his remarkable invention. It's January 29th.

Day of Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka - this day in Rus' was considered a popular winter holiday, on which people glorified Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka. Celebrated on January 30th.

What other holidays exist in January?

In addition to the well-known holidays in Russia, there are also international holidays January, including:

  • The birthday of the regular cocktail straw is January 3rd.
  • Newton Day occurs in January, on the 4th.
  • World Day of the rather famous group The Beatles - January 16; they are considered the founders of heavy music.
  • Children's Invention Day. A very interesting and cute date falls on January 17th.
  • Handwriting Day - January 23; it is also called Handwriting Day.
  • funny date International Day popsicle - January 24.
  • Personal Data Protection Day is celebrated on January 28.
  • The day of mobilization against the most serious threat - nuclear war - comes on January 29.
  • International No Internet Day is January 31st.

Many of the listed January holidays are popular in our country. But a good question arises: “What are the weekends for the January holidays?” Now we will look into this problem taking into account Russian legislation.

Weekends for holidays in January

You can see what official days off there are for January holidays and others throughout the year in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, Article 112 of the Labor Code establishes official holidays from the first to the eighth of January. These days are the New Year holidays. And January 7 is the Nativity of Christ itself, also a non-working day.

Weekends on other January holidays, for example, professional ones, can be set independently in a particular organization. However, it is worth noting once again that Labor Code classifies only the first eight days as public holidays in January.

When to work in January?

Based on the above, we can conclude that work is not carried out on January holidays. We start work almost in the middle of the month, when all the celebrations are over. The specific number is established annually by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Postponement of January holidays

By the way, the government of the Russian Federation, by agreement with the President of the Russian Federation, annually decides to transfer non-working and holidays, which may fall on weekends, on other days, for example, on January 10 or 11, or on other months altogether.