How to raise a child to be a leader - fairy tales for developing leadership. Character education through fairy tales

Unique method of raising a child with a fairy tale- this is an opportunity to maintain a close, trusting relationship with him, not overshadowed by boring lectures and parental lectures. The character of each person is made up of emotional, volitional and moral traits, the foundations of which are laid in early childhood. We often underestimate the developmental and educational role of fairy tales, and therefore avoid them, forgetting that a fairy tale is centuries-old folk wisdom.

The book is intended for parents to read to children aged 2 to 7 years.

Through a fairy tale, the baby learns the world around us and his place in this world, receives his first ideas about good and evil, friendship and betrayal, courage and cowardice.

Parenting with a fairy tale will teach a child to understand his feelings, diversify the palette of his emotions and teach him to correctly express his thoughts.

The method of educating a leader is based on personalized fairy tales: You write in the book the name of your child, surrounding objects, and the names of household members. Thus, you will have a fairy tale about your child. A child tends to imitate his fairy-tale prototype, and if the prototype performs the necessary actions in a fairy tale, then the child strives to perform the same actions in real life.

The book contains 30 fairy tales for developing seven leadership traits:

1. Optimism - a child believes in success and infects those around him with this faith (4 fairy tales).
2. Confidence - the child easily overcomes difficulties and does not doubt his abilities (5 fairy tales).
3. Honesty - the child tells the truth and takes responsibility for his actions (2 fairy tales).
4. Decisiveness - the child makes balanced decisions, taking risks (8 fairy tales).
5. Situational leadership - the child makes the necessary decisions in difficult situations (4 fairy tales).
6. Support – a child helps others become more confident (3 fairy tales).
7. Delegation - the child distributes tasks among others (4 fairy tales).

In addition to fairy tales, the book contains methodological recommendations which will help you learn how to tell fairy tales correctly and become best friend for your baby! The effectiveness of fairy tales depends largely on the storyteller. The brighter and more emotional you tell a fairy tale, the greater the impression it will make on the child.

A glove doll will provide you with invaluable assistance in telling fairy tales. Children perceive the educational moments of a fairy tale coming from this character better than from their parents. He can live in a special “fairytale chest” along with a book in which he “writes” fairy tales and come to the baby every evening to tell them. After the story, he can give him something as a keepsake.

About the brand: Skylark-Umnitsa is a Russian-British company developing educational methods for children. From birth they read, count, create and understand English. Basic kits are based on the Doman-Manichenko method.

We wish you pleasant fabulous evenings!

You can also purchase a complete set of Personalized Tales for Character Building. Help your child grow up to be a happy person and a harmonious personality.

Our fairy tales are different from ordinary ones. In them, your baby is the main character. You only need to write the child's name in each fairy tale. Every evening before bed, you simply read fairy tales to your baby, in which main character shows himself in the best way possible: he does good deeds, helps people, protects the weak... In real life, the child himself will want to imitate his fairy-tale image! There are many fairy tales, but the fairy tale you tell about the baby himself will become your favorite and will be remembered for a lifetime. In addition to fairy tales, the book contains methodological recommendations that will help you learn how to tell fairy tales correctly and become your baby’s best friend!

The book “How to Raise a Child to Be a Leader” contains 30 fairy tales for educating 7 leadership traits:

1. Optimism- the child believes in success, infects those around him with this faith (4 fairy tales).

2. Confidence- the child easily overcomes difficulties and does not doubt his abilities (5 fairy tales).

3. Honesty- the child tells the truth and takes responsibility for his actions (2 fairy tales).

4. Determination- the child makes balanced decisions, taking risks (8 fairy tales).

5. Situational Leadership- the child makes the necessary decisions in difficult situations (4 fairy tales).

6. Support- a child helps others become more confident (3 fairy tales).

7. Delegation- the child distributes tasks among others (4 fairy tales).

Fairy tales were developed by leading experts in the field of child psychology and fairy tale therapy.

Reviews about the kit

Is there a magic cure for children's whims? Definitely! The Antikaprizin kit copes with this task perfectly. Read a review of this set from super-mom Anastasia @parents_way How are you doing with your whims? Would you like such a set for your child? #Repost @parents_way (@get_repost) “Mom, tell me a fairy tale” - every mother probably hears this phrase. Have you ever thought that with the help of fairy tales you can convey to your child absolutely any information that he will remember and learn much better and faster than if we grumble , raise your voice, endlessly repeat the same thing or read notations. You can also help your child feel more confident and overcome their fears and difficulties. And most importantly, to establish and strengthen the relationship between children and parents. How it works is written in detail and interestingly in the book 50 therapeutic fairy tales from 33 whims from @umnitsaco I ordered it in a set with a toy and 50 small fairy tale books. Which you can put in the pocket of a mitten toy and tell your child. It really works, so I can confidently recommend it to everyone. . #clever girl #company smart girl #umnitsaco #umnitsa #love #first emotions #speaking swaddles #skylark #creativity of swaddles #instagood #activities with children #playing with children #happy #mom #baby #children #all the best for children #reviews_on_sk #UmnitsaAntikaprizin

All parents dream that their child will grow up not only happy, but also successful. How to raise a child to be a leader? Fairy tales for developing leadership were specially developed by psychologists to help a child become self-confident, independent, and make it easier for him to perceive difficult things. Such fairy tales educate people without offense, tears or lectures. Psychologists insist that leadership is a combination of qualities. When a person possesses all these qualities and character traits, he is not only successful, he has the power to lead others. So, what are these qualities that together make up the personality of a leader?

How to raise a child to be a leader: fairy tales for developing leadership
. Optimism. It occurs when a person believes that no matter what happens, everything will be fine in the end. He's sure of it. He knows this for sure. That is why it is in his power to convince others of this.
. Self-confidence is when a person is completely confident that he can do anything. If he wants something, he knows that, no matter what, he will achieve it. For such people, obstacles and difficulties do not cause hysterics and shock.
. Honesty. This is the ability to tell the truth. Always. And also this is the ability to face the truth without fear or apprehension. This is the ability to realize one’s own mistakes and be able to find the strength to be responsible for one’s own actions to others and to oneself.
. Decisiveness is the ability to make balanced decisions, while taking a variety of arguments into account. Understand what unjustified and justified risks are, when you can take them and when you can’t.
. Situational leadership is the ability to make the right decisions in difficult situations.
. The ability to support others in difficult situations and instill hope and confidence in them.
. Delegation (management) is the ability to delegate tasks to others.
In fairy tales for developing leadership, events are described in such a way that it is easy for a child to understand things that are difficult for his child’s mind to understand. The hero of such fairy tales should bear the name of your child.
This typical fairy-tale character performs good deeds and deeds, protects and helps. Listening to such a fairy tale, the child subconsciously associates himself with the main character. He strives to imitate him, because the image fairy tale hero so amazing and attractive, besides - they have the same names!
Fairy tales like these work because of the experiences and emotions they evoke. When a child associates himself with the main character, he begins to look at things in a completely different way that previously caused him misunderstanding in everyday real life.
What you previously tried to explain through shouting, arguing and persuasion, what caused denial and misunderstanding in the baby, now becomes correct and understandable.
Interesting, fun and with a smile on his face, the baby learns adult things: to be self-confident, courageous, and to be able to take responsibility for his own actions. And also make decisions, don’t lie, don’t be discouraged and believe in yourself.
It is recommended to read fairy tales for developing leadership to your child before bedtime. It is very important to do this with expression, to organize a performance, to literally play. In this case, your goal is not to make the child fall asleep, but, on the contrary, to interest him. Because of the good impressions and positive emotions, the child will remember the fairy tale for a long time. He will probably not remain indifferent to her, which means that he will understand all the things that you were trying to convey to him.
Today, therapeutic tales can be found on the shelves of bookstores and on the Internet. Interestingly, there are several types of fairy tales aimed at developing one or another character trait.
Motivational videos. Show your child more beautiful videos about how life is in other countries, what people and conditions are like there. Such videos need to be accompanied by the words that when the baby grows up, he will be able to travel and see everything with his own eyes. Provided, of course, that he studies well, works hard and tries hard.

Be a leader- this is not just “commanding”. A true leader is able to believe in himself, make a decision, inspire others and take action. A true leader is not born and is not made through training; one grows up to be one. Your son or daughter will definitely become strong, happy individuals and achieve a lot in life if you help develop their leadership qualities now.

Set “Character education through fairy tales. Leadership" is a real helper for caring parents. It is based on a unique technique - the influence on the baby’s character occurs with the help of a fairy tale, gently and carefully shaping positive traits and correcting negative behavior.

In each fairy tale, the main character exhibits one of seven traits:

  • Optimism- the child believes in success and infects those around him with this faith.
  • Confidence- the child easily overcomes difficulties and does not doubt his abilities.
  • Honesty- the child tells the truth and takes responsibility for his actions.
  • Determination- the child makes balanced decisions, taking risks.
  • Situational Leadership- the child makes the necessary decisions in difficult situations.
  • Support- the child helps others become more confident.
  • Delegation- the child distributes tasks among others

How to study with the set “Character education with a fairy tale. Leadership":

It's very easy to study with the kit - just choose one of the 30 fairy tales to start with today, and the rest will happen like magic!

Fairy tales in this set there are special - personalized. The main character of any story is your child! All adventures take place not with an abstract character, but with your son or daughter - for this, the baby’s name is omitted from the texts (so that you can name the right one), and there are also other “clues” from real life (names of relatives, house address, etc.). d.). Having heard about his good deeds in a fairy tale, the child will definitely want to do the same in life. Such magical journeys into the world of fairy tales allow the baby to discover qualities in himself that he did not know about - self-confidence, the ability to help others and take responsibility for one’s actions.

The effectiveness of fairy tales depends largely on the storyteller. The brighter and more emotional you tell a fairy tale, the greater the impression it will make on the child. To help you with this, the complete kit includes mitten toy Tiger storyteller. Under the impression, the child remembers the fairy tale better. The doll simply brings fairy tales in a special pocket, and the mother tells them. After the fairy tale, we recommend that you put the mitten doll out of reach of the child, so that the plush friend is associated only with evening fairy tales and sweet dreams after them.

Reading a fairy tale is a warm, family process that brings parents and child even closer together. Bedtime stories allow you to develop a routine - after an interesting story, the baby’s eyes will close on their own. Even if you are very tired today or someone else is putting your baby to bed, you can turn on audio version of your favorite fairy tales, and the nightly ritual will repeat itself! Although, of course, the maximum effect will come from “live” classes with mom or dad.

Set contents:


Their purpose

Mitten toy

For emotional and effective activities. A mitten is not just a toy, it is a hero-storyteller who comes to the child and begins the story, in his pocket there are small books (from which the child can choose a fairy tale), and small gifts on the theme of the fairy tale may also appear there. It is better for this hero to appear only during classes so that the therapeutic effect is higher.

The book contains information on how best to tell fairy tales, as well as the texts of all the fairy tales.

30 books with fairy tales

These small books can be placed in the pocket of a mitten toy so that the child chooses the story of the day. They are also aimed at parents.

Answers to popular questions:

Reviews about the kit

Is there a magic cure for children's whims? Definitely! The Antikaprizin kit copes with this task perfectly. Read a review of this set from super-mom Anastasia @parents_way How are you doing with your whims? Would you like such a set for your child? #Repost @parents_way (@get_repost) “Mom, tell me a fairy tale” - every mother probably hears this phrase. Have you ever thought that with the help of fairy tales you can convey to your child absolutely any information that he will remember and learn much better and faster than if we grumble , raise your voice, endlessly repeat the same thing or read notations. You can also help your child feel more confident and overcome their fears and difficulties. And most importantly, to establish and strengthen the relationship between children and parents. How it works is written in detail and interestingly in the book 50 therapeutic fairy tales from 33 whims from @umnitsaco I ordered it in a set with a toy and 50 small fairy tale books. Which you can put in the pocket of a mitten toy and tell your child. It really works, so I can confidently recommend it to everyone. . #clever girl #company smart girl #umnitsaco #umnitsa #love #first emotions #speaking swaddles #skylark #creativity of swaddles #instagood #activities with children #playing with children #happy #mom #baby #children #all the best for children #reviews_on_sk #UmnitsaAntikaprizin

All parents dream that their child will grow up not only happy, but also successful. How to raise a child to be a leader? Fairy tales for developing leadership were specially developed by psychologists to help a child become self-confident, independent, and make it easier for him to perceive difficult things. Such fairy tales educate people without offense, tears or lectures.

Psychologists insist that leadership is a combination of qualities. When a person possesses all these qualities and character traits, he is not only successful, he has the power to lead others. So, what are these qualities that together make up the personality of a leader?

Optimism. It occurs when a person believes that no matter what happens, everything will be fine in the end. He's sure of it. He knows this for sure. That is why it is in his power to convince others of this.
. Self-confidence is when a person is completely confident that he can do anything. If he wants something, he knows that, no matter what, he will achieve it. For such people, obstacles and difficulties do not cause hysterics and shock.
. Honesty. This is the ability to tell the truth. Always. And also this is the ability to face the truth without fear or apprehension. This is the ability to realize one’s own mistakes and be able to find the strength to be responsible for one’s own actions to others and to oneself.
. Decisiveness is the ability to make balanced decisions, while taking a variety of arguments into account. Understand what unjustified and justified risks are, when you can take them and when you can’t.
. Situational leadership is the ability to make the right decisions in difficult situations.
. The ability to support others in difficult situations and instill hope and confidence in them.
. Delegation (management) is the ability to delegate tasks to others.

In fairy tales for developing leadership, events are described in such a way that it is easy for a child to understand things that are difficult for his child’s mind to understand. The hero of such fairy tales should bear the name of your child. This typical fairy-tale character performs good deeds and deeds, protects and helps.

Listening to such a fairy tale, the child subconsciously associates himself with the main character. He strives to imitate him, because the image of the fairy-tale hero is so amazing and attractive, in addition, they have the same names!

Fairy tales like these work because of the experiences and emotions they evoke. When a child associates himself with the main character, he begins to look at things in a completely different way that previously caused him misunderstanding in everyday real life. What you previously tried to explain through shouting, arguing and persuasion, what caused denial and misunderstanding in the baby, now becomes correct and understandable. Interesting, fun and with a smile on his face, the baby learns adult things: to be self-confident, courageous, and to be able to take responsibility for his own actions. And also make decisions, don’t lie, don’t be discouraged and believe in yourself.

It is recommended to read fairy tales for developing leadership to your child before bedtime. It is very important to do this with expression, to organize a performance, to literally play. In this case, your goal is not to make the child fall asleep, but, on the contrary, to interest him. Because of the good impressions and positive emotions, the child will remember the fairy tale for a long time. He will probably not remain indifferent to her, which means that he will understand all the things that you were trying to convey to him.

Today, therapeutic tales can be found on the shelves of bookstores and on the Internet. Interestingly, there are several types of fairy tales aimed at developing one or another character trait.

Motivational videos. Show your child more beautiful videos about how life is in other countries, what people and conditions are like there. Such videos need to be accompanied by the words that when the baby grows up, he will be able to travel and see everything with his own eyes. Provided, of course, that he studies well, works hard and tries hard.

How to raise a child as a leader: motivational video

We wish you good luck!