How to decorate a basket from newspaper tubes. We weave baskets from newspaper tubes: master classes from experienced craftswomen

Surely the housewife has a stack of unnecessary newspapers at home that it would be a pity to throw away. A DIY newspaper basket will give them a second life. The product, depending on its size, can be multifunctional: it is a box for small items, a box for papers, and a basket for things. With the help of such a unique detail you can decorate your interior. Also, a homemade basket will appeal to needlewomen, as they can experiment with its design, relying on their limitless imagination.

Flower basket

A bouquet in a basket made from newspaper tubes will look great. Of course, you can store not only flowers in it, but also other things. Making this basket is not difficult even for beginners.

This master class will help you easily create a beautiful thing that will become a decoration in any interior. So, you will need:

  • a stack of newspapers;
  • an object that will be braided;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • thin knitting needle;
  • PVA glue.

Preparing the “vine”

First, let's prepare the parts for the future product - newspaper tubes.

To make them, you will need to divide the newspapers into double sheets and line them into strips, and then line them into strips about 10 cm wide.

When the strips are cut, you should wind them one by one onto the knitting needle, starting from the corner.

When winding the strip, you need to make sure that the newspaper is pressed tightly to the knitting needle and glue the joints from time to time.

When the strip is wound, glue the edges and remove the knitting needle. The process is shown in more detail in the photo.

Creating an organizer

When the newspaper tubes are ready, it’s time for the main process - weaving the basket. The master class will help you understand this difficult matter. There are two ways to make braid.

Having decided on the size of the finished product, you need to cut out the bottom from cardboard and glue the ends of the tubes to it so that there is approximately the same amount on each side. Then, when the glue dries, cut out the second bottom using the same measurements and glue it to the base, thus covering the junction of the tubes. When the bottom of the basket dries, you need to bend the tubes up and place an object inside the future basket, the shape of which the product will take. Next, take the tubes and intertwine them perpendicular to the existing ones in a checkerboard pattern. Glue the places where the tubes connect to each other. When the product reaches the desired height, carefully tuck in the vertical parts and coat the top row with glue. After the glue has dried, cover the basket with paint and varnish. The photo shows the manufacturing process.

The second method is more labor-intensive; it involves weaving the bottom of the basket. In order to weave the base of 4 tubes, place two at a distance of 1-2 cm. This is the first row.

Second row: place 6 tubes in pairs and perpendicular to the first row in the following order: the first 2 tubes are under the first pair and above the second pair of the first row. The other 2 tubes are nearby, but mirrored (above the first pair and under the second pair of the first row). Place the remaining 2 tubes in the same way as the first two.

Next you need to take a new tube, fold it in the middle and put a braid on some pair of rays. Cross the working tube once and continue braiding other pairs of tubes. After each pair, cross the working parts of the tube.

The third and fourth rows are made with a single working tube. To make an edging at the bottom of the basket, the ray where the row ended should be folded over the next one, and repeat the same with the remaining rays to the end. Insert the last tube into the loop formed from the first ray.

The next rows are woven according to the pattern of the third row of the bottom. You can decorate the basket with beads; to do this, when weaving some rows, you need to put beads on the working tube.

When the basket reaches the desired height, cut off the remaining tubes and secure them between the rows.

Weaving a basket handle

The handle should be strong enough, so after the basket has reached the required size, you should leave 3 tubes on each side and fasten them with clothespins. When the edge of the basket is glued, you can start weaving the handle.

The three tubes that remain on the sides need to be connected. Then glue a working tube to their base and braid the remaining three with it. Glue the end of the working tube to the opposite side of the basket at the base of the handle. The weaving of the handles is shown in more detail in the video.

Glue the finished product with glue, cover it with paint and varnish.

Video on the topic of the article

Even more ideas can be found in the video.

A popular way to decorate the interior is to weave baskets from newspaper tubes: a simple task will allow you to create real works of art.

Basket weaving involves the use of rope techniques, which can be used to create beautiful products for home decor. These baskets are convenient for storing knitting threads, handicrafts and other accessories. The finished basket is not particularly strong, so you should not place heavy objects in it.


A newspaper basket is well suited for storing decorative fruits in the kitchen: it serves more as an interior item than as a means of carrying things.

To make your own basket with your own hands at home, you can take advantage of the master class for beginner needlewomen. All you need is to prepare the necessary materials and follow the suggested step-by-step instructions with photos. The process is so exciting that it will allow even children aged 7 years and older to participate.

To work you will need:

Let's start weaving the handle.

  • To do this, you need to leave 3 tubes on opposite sides of the basket and braid them.
  • Weaving must be done on both sides of the product at once, gradually narrowing it towards the center of the basket.
  • At the top, the ends are connected with tape and disguised as the base of the handle.
  • The final stage is finishing the product: mix a little white acrylic paint, water and glue and brush this mixture around the perimeter of the walls.
  • It is also necessary to paint the bottom of the product. To dry the basket, turn it upside down and leave it for several hours.

The final decoration of the finished product occurs according to your imagination. Do not forget to open the workpiece with varnish to ensure reliable connections. Decorate the basket with ribbons, decorative flowers, rhinestones or using the decoupage technique: a masterpiece will delight the eye and give a great mood.

Handle weaving

One of the main parts of the basket is a high-quality handle, because it is useful for moving items from place to place. The handle should be dense and durable, it can be decorated as desired: braid it with ribbon, stick artificial stones and rhinestones, or simply decorate it with colored acrylic. You can make a handle in several ways:

  • openwork weaving;
  • braid;
  • rope way.

This master class will discuss how to make a reliable and beautiful handle for a basket using the braiding technique. At first glance, it seems that the technique is complex and cannot be explained, but after following the step-by-step steps, after just 1 hour you can enjoy the finished wicker handle.

Weaving a strong handle

Detailed master class

To work, you will need 6 long newspaper tubes along the length of the handle, colored blanks for braiding the frame, as well as twists for weaving the braid itself.

Let's get started step by step:

  • We put 6 newspaper bundles next to each other and wrap them with colored tube blanks. This is easy to do: just start from the edge of the blanks, gradually wrapping them around the entire perimeter into one tight bundle.
  • When the base of the handle is ready, we proceed to attaching additional 4 tubes to decorate the braid. To do this, at the very base of the handle we place 4 tubes of different or the same color and wrap them a little to the workpiece using a roll.
  • We begin to weave a pigtail: first we bend the two side sticks to the sides, and bend the two middle sticks towards ourselves. After this, we carry out weaving according to the figure in the photo below.
  • When the tube runs out, insert a new one into it, wetting the connection with glue. We continue weaving until the braid covers the entire base of the handle. The finished handle can be attached to the basket in any way: it is best to do this using a rope technique.

How to make a lid?

If the basket is woven open, then it is enough to make handles for it, and it will be ready. When it is intended to make a structure with a lid, the upper part of the product is woven separately. To make your own lid, you can use a simple master class for beginners.


If you want to get a more patterned lid, you should choose those workshops that are based on openwork or checkerboard weaving - then the pattern will be clearly visible on the surface.

For work, prepare 2 circles of cardboard, the diameter corresponding to the finished basket. The circle can be immediately decorated: decoupaged, decorated with acrylic or covered with fabric. You will also need PVA glue, a lot of newspaper tubes of one or more colors and varnish.

Let's begin the process of creating a simple but beautiful lid:

  • Two circles of cardboard must be glued together, after placing rays of rolled newspapers around the circumference.
  • Weaving is done using rope technique or layering. The four main twigs are inserted through one radial twist and the braiding of the cardboard circle begins.
  • All 4 twigs are used at once: first they are placed over a newspaper tube, then passed behind the next tube. The result is a beautiful border along the contour of the cardboard. This way the entire circle is woven around the diameter of the basket.
  • To make the sides of the lid, the workpiece is placed on the basket and the rays of the twists are folded down by bending the rack behind the rack. Weaving continues in the above technique. The ends are cut off and bent inward, gluing.

The finished lid should dry, then you can decorate it in your own way.

Basket weaving methods

The widespread popularity of making beautiful baskets from newspaper tubes has provoked the development of new techniques. If previously it was possible to weave a basket only using the method indicated above, then modern craftswomen do not sit still.

They come up with new ways to weave blanks, as well as various schematic patterns. To learn more about each type of weaving, we suggest looking at a summary table describing the methods.

Technique Description Where is it used?
Spiral twisting The technique is considered one of the simplest; judging by the reviews of needlewomen, even a schoolchild can cope with it. The essence of the method is to gradually increase the height of the product due to the circular interweaving of the tubes. Each new workpiece is superimposed on the previous one in a spiral. Used to create tall baskets for decorative purposes, as well as attractive vases of unusual shape. Using this technique it is easy to make a stylish piece of interior decor.
Layer-by-layer The technique involves making a basket from several tubes at once. To make weaving easier, first perform several rows using the rope technique, insert additional tubes into the support holes and begin to braid the walls in a circle with each tube at the same time. It is used to create baskets of various shapes, as well as to design patterns on the surface of products. It is worth noting that the racks should be an order of magnitude stronger than the braiding blanks themselves.
Rope This weaving method was discussed in the master class above, where a step-by-step guide to creating an original but simple basket for beginners was discussed. The weaving technique is used to create simple round and square products. This method is suitable for training beginning craftswomen.
Spiral weaving The technique should not be confused with spiral twisting - they are fundamentally different. This method involves weaving at an angle Spiral weaving is suitable for making small and tall items, such as narrow baskets, glasses, vases.
Pigtail There are 2 types of this method - edge and overhead. The first option is used to weave the stand counterclockwise, with the tubes leading outwards and inwards. The overhead technique involves the use of several twists at once, braided with the edge. Baskets made with this weaving look more elegant. The texture of the pattern resembles a real willow basket.
Openwork It is not difficult to recognize this weaving - it looks like lace. It consists of holes and patterns. The technique is a synthesis of simple and complex techniques. Original baskets made of openwork weaving can be open or closed. They are well suited for presenting a birthday gift as a packaging box.

The weaving methods discussed will help you better understand how to properly make a basket with your own hands. For beginners, it is better to use the rope technique or spiral twisting; more detailed descriptions of these techniques will be presented as the material progresses.

Laundry baskets

The main advantage of working with this technique is its practical side: having learned to weave baskets from scrap materials, you can easily create household items.

One of these useful devices is a laundry basket - the work is simple, the difficulties lie only in the size of the product itself. To weave a laundry basket from rolled newspapers yourself, be patient and have the necessary materials.

Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • thick cardboard, some needlewomen use corrugated cardboard;
  • wallpaper or colored paper for gluing the bottom;
  • paper tubes, pre-painted in the required color and covered with stain;
  • clear varnish;
  • PVA glue;
  • fabric for the liner on the base.

You will also need clothespins to secure the bottom while it dries and heavy objects such as a weight or a stack of books. A box, the size of which the basket will be woven, will not be superfluous. It will add stability to the bottom and make the basket the correct shape.

To make a beautiful fruit basket yourself, prepare 310 pieces of newspaper tubes - their length is 27 cm. It is recommended to pre-paint the tubes with the following composition: take 2 tbsp for half a liter of water. l. acrylic varnish and mix with the shade color. Process all the tubes and begin step-by-step work.

Stage Description
Bottom formation The bottom is made using rope technique using a cross for the base. Take 12 tubes, divide them into groups of 3 each and glue the cross.
Weaving bottom Weave 6 rows using this technique, braiding 3 tubes at once, and then begin braiding 1 bundle at a time. So it is necessary to weave until the bottom of the desired diameter is obtained.
Forming the sides To make rises for weaving the sides of the structure, you need to insert 3 more tubes into each hole with a stick.
Weaving of sides By placing the bottom on a round object, such as a wooden bowl, you can continue working. Here you can already weave boards using the layer-by-layer technique: it is done in 2-4 rods and will be much more reliable than the rope method.
Creating openwork To make the basket elegant, you can create a pattern: in the center of the weaving, simply cross the adjacent rods, imitating rhombuses. Press each connection with a clothespin and weave in new rods for further work.
Handle Formation When the main work is ready, we begin to create a handle: we insert additional rods from the sides of the product and create a handle, according to the master class indicated above.
Decor We finish the structure as we wish: we paint it with multi-colored pigments and make fabric inserts.

Fruit basket

Detailed master class

This basket does not need a lid, because it is intended for storing fruit. The handle of the product can be effectively decorated with a rose made of foamiran.

Weaving baskets of different shapes

Baskets of various shapes are used for different needs. For example, a rectangular high basket is useful for storing linen, a square or round one is suitable for storing sewing accessories, and an oval design would be appropriate for decorating a room for the holidays. Detailed master classes on making each form are presented below.

Square basket

This type of product is perfect as a tabletop bread bin. All you need to do is place a fabric insert inside and a beautiful bread box to serve to your guests – it’s ready. The work will be based on the use of a special device that will help weave the base of the product faster.

Weaving a square basket

Detailed master class

To make such an auxiliary device, just take a sheet of cardboard, bend it in half lengthwise and use a hole punch to make holes for the tubes 2 cm from the fold. You also need to prepare a large number of paper or newspaper bundles.

  • We insert the sticks for the base into the holes of the cardboard so that most of them are closer to the work.
  • We begin to braid the bottom: take a long tube and insert it next to the cardboard, then we work using the rope weaving technique. When we reach the desired perimeter of the square, we finish the bottom.
  • To form and lift the walls, we insert new splinters around the perimeter of the square: bend the twist in half and thread it into the hole, grabbing the nearest tube. We fix the fastening points with tape and clothespins.
  • We begin to braid the walls until we get the height. For ease of work, we put the structure on a square box.

When the work is finished, you can attach a handle to it or weave an additional cover. Such a basket will not only serve as a bread bin, but will also be a good option for a packaging box.

Oval basket

The oval type product is considered the second most popular after the round basket. This form is more spacious and can be used as a box, packaging box, or simply for storing handy accessories. The product itself is decorated with:

  • flowers;
  • ribbons;
  • threads;
  • various textiles.

All the same materials are needed for work:

  • newspaper tubes made from strips measuring 11x28 cm;
  • knitting needle;
  • glue;
  • stain;
  • decor

The first stage is traditionally considered to be the manufacture of a cross: in a rectangular design it looks and is made differently. Since weaving the rope into 2 tubes is used, it is necessary to thread double twists across it.

The first two rows are woven one and two tubes at a time, the remaining nine rows are woven one at a time. In the middle of the work, it is necessary to add additional racks in an amount equal to the number of main racks. After this, the transition is made to the sides. Next, the sides are woven, after 5 rows you need to make holes for the tape - you can omit them if you wish.

To ensure that the holes are even, they are leveled using thick cardboard. The remaining part of the product is braided using the usual method.

The finished basket will be an ideal gift for a woman who does needlework. It is also convenient to put handkerchiefs or any other textiles into the product for storage. Once completed, it will become a good gift for the younger generation.

DIY openwork basket

One of the most beautiful types of baskets is the openwork variety. To weave a product, you can use complex techniques, creating smooth transitions from one pattern to another.

If difficulties are not for us, then we recommend using the master class offered below, which will teach you how to easily and quickly make an openwork product .

Step by step instructions

  • Let's prepare the materials: newspaper tubes will be needed - we already know how to weave them. The number of tubes depends on their length, as well as the height of the basket and its diameter. For work, it is better to take 2 shades of sticks at once: one of them will make openwork patterns in the shape of hearts.
  • Let's start making the bottom: it is woven in the same way as in the master class on a round basket. Take 4 pairs of tubes and glue them into a cross, coating the base in the middle with PVA glue. The first row of the bottom will be braided with 2 tubes at once, starting from the second row you need to braid 1 stick at a time.
  • According to this pattern, the entire bottom is woven until the desired size of the basket is formed. Next, the tubes need to be lifted up - this can be done manually or using a round dish for a more even rise. Weaving of the first two rows will take place using the forward and reverse herringbone technique, when the first tube goes behind the bundle, and the second is laid in front of it.
  • After weaving the first two rows of sidewalls, a stick of a different color is inserted. With its help, a certain number of rows are braided, for example 2 rows. Next, it is proposed to make an openwork pattern.
  • You can make an openwork pattern of any shape; in this master class, a heart is used. It is very easy to make: a newspaper roll is twisted in a spiral, forming an oval. Each twist is inserted into the hole of the basket to form a heart: the top and bottom of the figure are glued with PVA to the supports.
  • Next, weaving continues: you need to make as many rows as needed to obtain the desired height. The ends of the tubes are cut off, and the tails are hidden under other bundles, everything is fixed with glue. The result is an elegant basket with openwork patterns.

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Before you start weaving a square box, you need to learn how to make a square bottom. Let us immediately warn you that the square shape often causes difficulties for beginners, so beginners are recommended to start with small round baskets. You can familiarize yourself with the procedure for weaving such baskets in our previous article.

There are several ways to make a square bottom:

  1. Use ordinary plywood (we will tell you more about it below);
  2. Weave the bottom using tubes, the bottom will turn out beautiful, wicker. But this option will be a little difficult for beginners at the initial stage;
  3. The bottom for a wicker box can be a piece of corrugated cardboard covered with paper, wallpaper or fabric.
Let's first look at this option for making the bottom.

Cardboard bottom covered with vinyl wallpaper

Maintaining geometry while weaving a rectangular bottom is one of the most difficult tasks for a beginner. In such cases, a cardboard bottom is used, which is in no way inferior to a wicker one.

In order to make a cardboard bottom we will need:

  • Vinyl wallpaper. You can replace them with anything: from plain paper to fabric;
  • pva glue;
  • Cardboard with double corrugation.

We cut out the bottom of the dimensions we need from cardboard. The wallpaper must be divided into two rectangles of different sizes. We cut the first one to the size of the bottom, and make the second one a little larger (for bending).

Carefully coat the cardboard with glue on one side. We take a blank of a larger area and put cardboard on it. After turning it over, smooth the wallpaper with a polyurethane spatula to remove all bubbles. Of course, you can do without it, but such a tool will simplify the work and make it better.

Smoothed wallpaper sticks in a matter of minutes! Having smeared the base with glue, we press the fold tightly to the cardboard, as if pulling it from the edges to the center.

Important! In some cases, the wallpaper may not stick to each other. In such situations, it is recommended to glue the corners with a more powerful glue.

Next, apply pva to the base and firmly press a smaller piece of wallpaper (cut according to the size of the bottom). After this, smooth out and remove the bubbles using the same spatula. The bottom is ready!

Don't be alarmed if the corners are slightly off. Glue them with a more powerful glue, for example, polymer “Master”, “Dragon” or “Titan”.

Now, so that the bottom does not bend over night and dry out thoroughly, it needs to be placed under pressure. After a day, you can begin the next stage of weaving a box from newspaper tubes: creating holes for the stands.

To do this we need an awl with an extension and a rather sharp tip. Holes need to be made at the ends of the bottom along its entire perimeter, at a distance of approximately 2.5 cm from each other. Pay attention! The awl should fit evenly. Do not damage the bottom walls.

Now you need to glue the racks into each hole.

Lubricate the holes with pva glue, and remove the excess with a cloth. The deeper you manage to place the rack, the stronger the structure will be.

Compared to bottoms made by gluing racks between two blanks (shown in the photo below), this method is particularly elegant. The products are thin and neat, which is great for creating small baskets and boxes.

In order for the glue to set well and to be sure that the racks will not fall out, it is necessary to leave the bottom for a couple of hours to dry. After this, you can safely continue working.

As a precaution, we will make the inside of the box on the side where the smaller piece of wallpaper was pasted. This is done in case the basket is placed on a wet surface.

In this case, nothing will come off, since the outer edge is wrapped in wallpaper. Also, to protect against moisture and make the structure stronger, the bottom is coated with acrylic varnish.

Let's start raising the racks. This should be done as follows:

Taking an auxiliary, new tube, we place it under the counter (pay attention to the photo below). Next, we bend the stand, bringing it under the neighboring ones and lifting it up. We repeat this action with all the other tubes.

Important! Pay attention to the angle! In order for the corner post to maintain its position, you need to move it towards you (look at the photo below).

Next, we bring the previous rack under it and lift the corner one up. Thus, the original corner post seems to hug the new corner post and lead it behind the next one. This method allows you to get an even angle.

Having done this around the perimeter of the bottom, remove the auxiliary tube and place the last remaining stand in its place. As a result, we got a neat bottom.

Now the main task is to beautifully braid the resulting frame in any convenient way, with calico weaving or rope.

Paper for the bottoms or imitation wrinkled fabric/leather.

If wallpapering cardboard seems too banal or just doesn’t suit your taste, don’t be afraid to experiment! For example, use regular A4 sheets or watercolor paper.

Take a regular sheet of A4 office paper and lightly spray it on both sides with a spray bottle. Next, scrunch it into a ball, making small folds, and hold it in your fist. This is necessary so that each fold is well saturated with water and slightly loosened. Carefully unroll the wet sheet of paper and place it on the film.

Take a brush and paint the sheet on one side with a light stain. Turning it over, paint it dark.

Advice! It will be much easier to turn the sheet over without damaging its integrity if you cover it with a second piece of film, turn it the other side and remove the piece on which the paper was originally located.

A very interesting pattern appears on the front side of the paper: veins painted with dark stain appear through the light stain.

After drying, the paper will shrink slightly and begin to look like leather. Before gluing it to the cardboard, it is recommended to spray the sheet on one side with a spray bottle.

After varnishing such bottoms, they turn out unique and quite attractive.

Alena Bugrova offered her step-by-step video tutorial on decorating the bottom of a wicker basket. This method requires more effort and time and involves applying a multi-layer patina. The result will pleasantly surprise you!

Weaving a square bottom from newspaper tubes using a machine

Without a machine, a beginner in this business will not be able to hold the racks in the correct position. They can taper towards the center, taking away the geometry of the bottom, so getting an even rectangle without having experience behind you is not easy. There are several types of homemade machines. Let's consider each of them separately.

Machine No. 1 - arched perforated plastic corner

Such a machine is constructed using an arched profile for drywall. It rigidly fixes the racks and dimensions of the product. The tubes are inserted into one of the parts of the corner (where the holes are) and not removed until the end of the weaving, and the other (where the recesses) are used for the active movement of the racks when creating the bottom. The opposite ends of the tubes are placed precisely in these chamfers.

Olga Ladoga covered the topic of weaving on this machine step by step and in detail. Watch the lesson in this video:

To maintain evenness and consistency of shape, it is recommended to place skewers or knitting needles on the outer posts.

To make weaving comfortable and enjoyable, one condition must be met. Tubes used as racks, must be completely dry, and workers (used directly during weaving) - wet.

There are several ways to braid racks: with chintz (you will need one tube) and with “reverse rope” (you will need 2). When weaving with chintz, you need to take turns placing the tube behind the counter and in front of it. When weaving with a “reverse rope”, the bottom will be more even and will not bend.

You can braid the racks as follows: if you weave with chintz, leave the ends of the working tubes on the sides, approximately every 2-3 rows. In the future they will be side posts. The result should look like this:

How to achieve this:

However, if you braid the posts completely without leaving the ends, then you need to add tubes to the two bare walls. This is done at the end of the work, after we remove the bottom from the machine.

With this option, glue new racks every 3 rows (look at the photo below):

After this, it is recommended to braid the racks with a simple rope, preferably 2 rows. This way they will be held in place more firmly. And only after this can you raise the racks.

Machine No. 2 - cardboard in combination with clothespins

If you do not have the opportunity to make a machine from PVC corners, make it from simple materials at hand, for example from a piece of cardboard. Just secure the posts with clothespins at the distance you need from each other. Important! The racks must be strictly fixed on one side and movable on the other.

Taking a piece of cardboard, draw stripes on it at a distance of 1.5-1.8 cm.

To each line, observing the ruler, we attach newspaper tubes using clothespins. The tubes can also be secured with masking tape instead of clothespins. The tape can then be easily removed without leaving any traces.

Machine No. 3 - penoplex (or cardboard) in combination with tailor's pins

Many people use penoplex as a material for making the machine, which can be purchased at any hardware store. The softness of the material allows you to insert tailor's pins into it, which can even be replaced with toothpicks. They serve as a kind of limiter for the tubes; during the braiding process they are not pulled to the sides. The distance between the posts can be made 2-2.5 cm, depending on your preferences.

The weaving pattern on this machine is discussed step by step in the video:

Maintain right angles

Often, craftswomen who take up this business for the first time have difficulties with the evenness of the corner posts. To achieve perfect evenness of the corners, you need to weave on a rigid form! The corners must be clear. For this, not only a cardboard box of the shape you need is suitable, but also other available materials that can hold their shape well. It is possible to use even large children's LEGO sets.

When raising the racks, remember that the outermost ones must be exactly in the center of the corner. Before you start braiding the walls, it is recommended to insert 2 additional posts into the corner. Thus, this corner post will not be single, but triple.

Olga Ladoga explains the basic principles of braiding corners in her master class:

Weaving a large laundry box

If you are just starting to weave, we advise you to use a cardboard bottom. It will be difficult to take on the task of making a wicker bottom without some preparation: after all, you need to follow the instructions and ensure the evenness of the corners and each post.

Since a laundry basket made from newspaper tubes is designed for a large load, in the case of a cardboard bottom it is recommended to make the bottom double: so that the posts are located between two sheets of cardboard.

If you plan to use plywood, then the bottom of the bottom for the linen box can be made single, in this case, the racks must be secured as firmly as possible using a furniture stapler and polymer glue. To prevent the staples from being visible, you need to take plywood at least 6 mm thick, otherwise they will come out from the inside out.

When forming double bottom made of plywood or MDF, it will look much neater if you take two sheets 4 mm thick. There will be no joints, the bottom will be smooth both inside and out.

If your choice still falls on corrugated cardboard, you will need two blanks made according to the template. Do not forget to cover them with wallpaper or other paper analogues. Between these blanks we glue the stands using polymer glue (look at the photo below)! This will give the structure greater strength.

Leave it to dry overnight under pressure. After this, we braid at least one row of ropes around the perimeter. You can braid a rope into 3 or more tubes, or you can braid it into 2 tubes. This step will eliminate the gaps between the workpieces.

Now, in a way already familiar to us, we lift the racks up, wrapping them behind the adjacent one, and align them.

If you place the racks behind the second adjacent one, the frame will take on the following form:

Now all that remains is to braid the racks with any of the patterns. For beginners, “chintz” may be suitable, as it requires a minimal amount of material to weave. Having placed the form inside, we begin weaving with moistened tubes. We continue to the height we need.

When weaving with a “simple rope”, approximately one and a half times more material is wasted than when weaving with “chintz”.

You can complete the work by cutting off the racks. Paint the resulting “stumps” with the same solution that was used to paint the tubes so that unsightly cuts are not visible.

Now the box needs to be primed. Mix the following ingredients in 1:1 proportions: varnish and water, or water and pva glue. After this, the casket needs to be thoroughly coated and dried.

Leave it for at least a day. In a day it will acquire rigidity and will squeak pleasantly. Then we cover it with acrylic varnish in 1-2 layers and let it dry.

Rectangular lid with inner edge

In order to make such a lid, you need to follow the following sequence of actions:

We glue 2 racks to the cardboard, as shown in the photo.

Next, after applying glue, we attach a second piece of cardboard and send our frame to dry under pressure.

We weave with a “rope” to the size we need, braiding both posts. The size should not exceed the internal size of the box.

Having tried it on and made sure that the lid does not reach the edges a couple of centimeters, we continue to braid only one rack, bending the second one. It will serve as the beginning of our future side. For ease of weaving, you can place books under the lid.

Having reached the desired size, we turn it over and begin weaving a side of 2-3 rows. Then we cut off the racks and try the lid on the box again.

Since the corners are not strong enough, these posts must be bent under the side, secured with glue, and then cut off. Since the rest of the weaving is dense, we simply cut off the remaining posts.

A box made of newspaper tubes can serve not only as a laundry basket, but also as a storage area for toys. Knitting them is no more difficult than knitting, and the possibilities are very diverse. In a similar way, you can make things of various sizes: it could be a small box or chest, which is very useful in everyday life.

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If you have the time and opportunity, and most importantly the desire, you can try yourself and learn how to weave baskets from a more traditional material - willow branches. They are flexible, hold their shape well when woven, and they make beautiful products: not only baskets, but also other interior items, and even furniture.

Before considering the correct weaving technology, it is necessary to study the peculiarities of twisting the newspaper tubes themselves. The beauty and strength of the finished baskets directly depends on their quality.

How to roll newspaper tubes

Let's look at an example of how to make tubes from ordinary newspapers, so that you can then weave them into a basket or any other product. They can be made from different papers, which will directly determine the density and other characteristics. The printing paper on which newspapers are printed is the thinnest, so tubes made from it are flexible and extremely convenient to use.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

You need to take a sheet of newspaper.

Fold it in half lengthwise and cut along the fold with a utility knife.

Fold the resulting two sheets in half again and cut along the fold again.

Thus, we divided the newspaper sheet into 4 equal parts and received 4 blanks for the tubes. To weave any product you will need quite a lot of strips, so you first need to cut the blanks and then start making tubes.

It is convenient to twist the tubes using a long thin stick, instead of which you can use a regular knitting needle or a bicycle spoke. The cut strip of newspaper must be placed on the table. Attach a knitting needle to the lower right corner of the strip so that both ends protrude beyond the strip, and tightly wind the newspaper onto it. When the entire strip of newspaper is wound onto a knitting needle, there will be one loose corner left on which you need to apply a drop of glue and press.

Carefully remove the knitting needle from the resulting tube.

The tubes can be made of various sizes, both in length and thickness, depending on what product will be made from them. If you need to make a short tube, then the prepared strip of newspaper needs to be cut into two parts across. You can use knitting needles of different diameters and make tubes of different thicknesses.

To twist tubes of different strengths, you need to use certain types of paper. You can make blanks for the basket from an A4 sheet of regular printing paper by cutting it lengthwise into 4 strips and twisting them into tubes using the technology described above. They are very durable compared to tubes made from newspapers.

To obtain less rigid tubes, the newspaper sheet is divided into 6 parts, resulting in 6 strips.

To make white tubes you will need newsprint with one white side. The cut strip of newspaper should be placed on the table with the white side up. Attach a knitting needle to the right corner of the strip at the bottom and wind the newspaper onto the knitting needle. The newspaper should be pressed tightly against the knitting needle to make the tube neat.

White tubes are dyed in various colors and used for weaving multi-colored products.

To make the tube longer, connect two or three short tubes, inserting them into each other.

If the end of one tube does not fit well into the other, it should be pressed with your fingers and twisted, applying a little glue for a strong connection.

The resulting tubes are great for making any wickerwork, including baskets.

Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes for beginners step by step: photo

In order to weave a basket from newspaper tubes well, you do not need to have any special knowledge. A little practice and strict adherence to technology allow you to make a very high-quality product.

Weaving baskets from newspapers

To make baskets you will need:

  • newspaper tubes of the same size and diameter in dark blue and light blue shades;
  • sharp scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • thin knitting needle:
  • plastic bucket.

The following sequence of actions must be followed:

If there are no colored tubes, you need to divide a thick sheet of newspaper with one white side into 4 parts and twist the tubes from them using a knitting needle as described in the first part of the article. Half of the resulting tubes should be painted dark blue, and the other half blue.

Take 8 dark blue tubes and divide them into 4 groups of 2 pieces each.

Place 2 groups on the table vertically and parallel to each other.

Place the third group of tubes horizontally from right to left on top of the first pair of tubes lying vertically on the table and under the second pair.

The fourth group, on the contrary, should be placed under the first pair of tubes lying on the table and on top of the second. Tighten the resulting structure tightly.

You need to take one blue tube and bend it in half.

Place the left horizontal edge of the workpiece between the two ends of the tube and bend the bottom of the blue tube over the top vertical axis of the 4 blue tubes, and the top part under the bottom of this axis.

Braid the remaining parts of the workpiece using the same principle, making a full circle.

Increase the length of the blue tube by inserting two identical tubes into it, and make another circle of weaving.

On the third circle, divide the horizontal part of the four dark blue tubes in half and weave the two ends of the blue tube between them, passing them alternately over and under the bottom, and also pulling and holding with your finger to secure the division of the axis of the blue tubes into 2 parts.

Using the same technology, make two full circles of weaving.

Weave blue tubes through each dark blue tube for three circles.

Cut the ends of the blue tube diagonally with sharp scissors and insert 2 blue tubes into them.

Make 1 circle of weaving.

Connect the dark blue tubes with the blue ones and weave 1 more circle.

Bend at the base and lift all the blue tubes up.

Place a plastic container in the center of the base of the basket.

Start weaving the connecting part between the base and the future walls of the basket, hooking the blue tubes on top of the blue ones and turning them in the other direction, and then braiding them with a “pigtail” over the vertically standing tubes, pulling them tightly together.

Reading time: 8 minutes

Do you want to do some handmade art? Do you want to make useful things that will have a special, fresh beauty? Don't know what to give your friends for the holidays? Pay attention to this type of needlework, such as weaving baskets from newspaper tubes. By creating such a basket yourself, you will end up with a product that is visually no different from a basket made of wicker, and they are quite suitable for home use because they have the necessary strength.

Today, when weaving baskets, various varnishes, paints and impregnations are used, which make it possible to obtain a surface of any color. And decorating such baskets offers as many options as your imagination tells you - appliqués, decoupage, flowers, ribbons, beads.

Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes: what do we need?

To create one of these we will need:

Many, many sheets of newspaper;
PVA glue;
knitting needle;
stationery knife and scissors;
acrylic paint, finishing varnish, alcohol stain (larch, origon, lemon or any other to your taste);
basket base;
brushes for paint and glue.

Basket weaving: work order

The first step is to determine the direction of the paper fiber - it should be longitudinal. Determining the direction of the fiber is simple - there are several ways to do this. For example, take a sheet of newspaper and stretch its edges between the nails of two fingers. If the sheet has a transverse grain direction, the edge of the newspaper sheet will become wavy. If it is longitudinal, there will be no folds.

At the very initial stages, it will also be necessary to cut all the newspaper sheets into strips, the width of which we determine ourselves. However, you should not make them too wide, then you will get thin and graceful tubes that will be easy to work with with a knitting needle. If you like thick tubes, simply increase the diameter of the selected knitting needle.

Ready-made tubes should be painted on oilcloth prepared in advance. Only alcohol stain should be used. If you use a regular water stain, the finished tubes may come unstuck upon contact with water.

Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes: stage 1 - preparation

We cut the prepared newspaper sheets into strips 7 cm wide. This can be done with scissors, but this is too tedious. It is best to use a utility knife to cut the sheets on the backing board.

Next, take the prepared strips and wrap the strips onto the knitting needle at an angle of about 10-15 degrees. We begin to wind the strip onto the knitting needle very tightly. If you leave the margin of the newspaper strip on the right, then the tubes themselves will turn out white.

Once you have screwed the entire tube onto a knitting needle, fasten the very edge of the newspaper with glue and let it dry thoroughly.

Already at this stage, you can start painting the newspaper tubes in the desired color and give them time to dry thoroughly.

But if you don’t have time for this or you want to quickly finish with the basket, you can paint the finished product and then varnish it. Believe me, it will never occur to anyone that the basket you made with your own hands was made from an ordinary old newspaper.

Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes: stage 2 - weaving

We start the weaving process from the bottom. You need to decide on the size of your basket from the very beginning. If you're doing this for the first time and don't know what size basket you'll like, we suggest you stick to our standards.


So, prepare 30 newspaper tubes, each 50 cm long. We take 10 tubes, each 45-50 cm long. We lay them out in pairs. Select the main tube and fold it in half. We wrap the resulting tube around the first pair of tubes. On the edge of the tube we mark the beginning of work with a marker.

We braid each pair of tubes with rope. We cross the working tubes, after which we cover a pair of tubes with one working tube, and place the other below. When the working tube ends in length, it is necessary to extend it - insert a hole in the ending tube into the end of the new tube.

Thus, we weave 2 rows to the place marked with markers, to the marked pair of tubes.

We weave the 3rd and 4th rows into one tube. In this case, the working tubes should be directed to the center of the bottom.

Now we begin to form the bottom edge. We take the first tube, which is marked with a marker, and bend it around the next one, bending it in a circle towards the center of the bottom.

We braid the last tube from below into the loop of the first tube.

We braid each tube from the first to the fourth row with a rope, while the tubes must be slightly bent in the direction from the middle.

If you wish, you can decorate the fifth row with beads - 6 beads will be enough. Next, we also tie the sixth and seventh rows with a rope.

The excess length of the working tubes must be cut off and the edges tucked between the rows - this is easily done using a knitting needle.

Simply cut off the exposed ends of the tubes with scissors.

That's all - all that's left to do is make the handle of the basket!

We leave 3 tubes on each side, connecting them together with clothespins. Drop a little glue onto the base of each tube and cut off the ends.

We connect the ends of the tubes - this is how we get the handle of the basket.

In order for the handle to be firmly attached, it is necessary to fix the place where the tubes are glued with the same clothespin. The entire length of the handle can be covered with one tube or left as is.

Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes: stage 3 - coloring

In order for the basket to have maximum strength, it must be impregnated with PVA glue. This will also help us give it the necessary shape. After this, you need to give the basket time to dry completely.

Want to make your shopping cart even more memorable? Decorate it with technology decoupage! Cut out attractive patterns and motifs from napkins and attach them to the basket, after which you can coat the finished product with finishing varnish. The finished work must be dried for a long time.

Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes: video

What is stain and where to find it?

For a huge number of handmade projects, it is necessary to use stain.

Stain is a substance for surface coloring wood that easily dissolves in water. It is often used when they want to get a certain shade of wood. Unlike paint, this material does not completely color the wood, as paint does, but only gives it the necessary shade, emphasizes the natural beauty of the wood and its structure, penetrating into the very depths of the fiber.

So hand craftsmen discovered the interesting properties of this material and began to successfully use it in their techniques, including for weaving baskets from newspaper tubes. As a result, we get a product that seems to be made from real vine.

The most beautiful and popular material for painting such baskets is considered to be brown stain, which is made from coal and oil.

Depending on the purpose of use, stain can be used for both external and internal painting. This substance contains a special pigment that is highly resistant to color loss due to exposure to sunlight.

Types of stains

Today there is a wide variety of stains, not only in color, but also in type. Let's consider the main ones:

  • Water stain
    Water stain gives finished products greater resistance to abrasion. However, the colors you can get with it will not be as rich. If you want to give a special tone to products that will subsequently come into contact with food or that will be used by children, try to choose a stain that contains as few chemical additives and various “volatile” substances as possible. Water stain is just that - as safe as possible for health.
    If the surface to be treated with stain is slightly wetted before painting, a more even shade will be obtained.

  • Alcohol stain
    This substance is a common alcohol solution of aniline dyes. This type of stain is considered more resistant to moisture and ultraviolet rays (compared to water stain) and has a very high drying speed. If you cover the finished product with this type of stain, you will definitely have to apply a finishing coat of varnish. Don’t be alarmed when you smell the sharp, unpleasant chemical smell of this stain—manufacturers do this on purpose to discourage hunters from trying this “miracle” for a taste.
  • Acrylic stain
    This type of stain is considered innovative and belongs to the latest generation of stains. Acrylic stain is an emulsion based on acrylic resin. This type of dye is less susceptible to fading in the sun; it is most resistant to moisture, so it does not experience discomfort when in a humid environment. In addition, acrylic stains are available in a huge variety of colors. However, a significant disadvantage when using them is the high cost of the material.

  • Oil stain
    As you can already guess from the name, the main component of these stains is oil or drying oil, which does an excellent job of protecting wood, and also has a huge selection of tint palettes. Can be combined with a solvent - together with oil stain, a solvent such as white spirit is most often used. However, this type of stain is not recommended for painting products made from newspaper tubes; it is better to leave it for working with wood.
  • Chemical stain
    Chemical stain does not contain coloring substances. They are replaced by the soluble metal salts included in the composition, which, upon contact with the tannins of wood, color it in different shades. However, we won’t dwell on them in too much detail - like oil stain, this type of dye is not at all suitable for working with baskets made from newspaper tubes.
  • Gel stain
    This type of stain is especially popular among perfectionists who strive for a uniform color throughout the entire perimeter. This stain does not leave stains on the product and distributes the dye evenly.

In addition to these main types of stain, you need to decide on the type in which you can purchase the stain you like. The modern market offers ready-to-use stain in diluted form or powdered form, which is much less common. As a rule, to work with powdered stain, you simply need to dilute it with a certain amount of warm water.

It is recommended to buy stain in large construction stores and hypermarkets. Consultants of such establishments will always help you decide on the choice of a particular material for work, as they should know about all the properties of the product.

Painting tubes with stain

Painting newspaper tubes will be most effective and easy if you have previously rolled them so that the tubes are white (we have already mentioned that this can be achieved by rolling the tubes along the very edge of the newspaper). In this case, you will get the most even color that applies easily and evenly to a white base.

When painting with stain, prepare a plastic bottle with a wide neck. If you like jewelry work and have a lot of free time, you can paint each individual tube with a brush. If you value your time, simply dip the finished tube in a bottle of diluted stain - this is the fastest way to color newspaper tubes.

In the line of each manufacturer of the types of stain presented, there is a wide selection of colors. What color you want your finished basket of ready-made straws to be is up to you to decide. So, just go to a large construction hypermarket, look for stands with stains there, choose the color that suits you.

Don’t rush to throw out the remaining color – sometimes situations happen when, when making exactly the same basket, you didn’t have enough paint of a given color. Then your leftovers from previous jobs will become a real lifesaver. Or the paint has come off in the finished basket and the resulting stain hurts your eyes. Just take out the rest of the paint and touch up the desired area of ​​the finished product!

Often, hand craftswomen use ordinary gouache instead of color. However, the total cost of preparing such paint will be much more expensive.

To give the desired shade, you can also use food coloring (for example, in egg paint). It turns out to be a very safe dye for the product!

You can also use regular water-based paint along with color. To do this, you will have to thoroughly prime the finished product (prepare the primer yourself or buy it ready-made).

You can also combine the various listed dyeing methods with PVA glue - this will make not only the color of the basket more durable, but also its components. For example, water-based paint with water, water-based paint with PVA glue, acrylic enamel with water and PVA glue, and many other methods are often combined.

After painting, the product must be allowed to dry completely and, if necessary, varnished.

Do you believe that you managed to create this beauty with your own hands? And we didn’t even doubt your talent! Or there will be more - on our pages we will collect for you only the best selections and master classes that will help you realize your potential and show your creative abilities!