How to make a beautiful poster, wall newspaper for a child’s birthday with your own hands: ideas, templates, photos. How to make a congratulatory, sweet poster with photographs, a wall newspaper for a child’s first birthday, in kindergarten? Children's Birthday Poster

And now my eldest son Vanechka turned two years old. I'll tell you how we celebrated his second birthday. And at the same time I informed my parents about my second pregnancy :)

Second birthday - preparation

I started preparing for my son’s second birthday a month in advance. This time they decided to limit the circle of invitees to grandparents, since godparents could not come, and we do not have friends with children the same age.
In my opinion, it’s too early to hold a children’s birthday party for two years for children of different ages. It will not be interesting and difficult either for the birthday boy or for the guests.

Children's Birthday Invitations

It was possible to make invitations for a holiday together with the child (draw, make an appliqué, etc. - as we did at), but this would have to be done ahead of time, since it would not be interesting for the child to make several identical invitations at once, but to do different, I didn’t dare. And, saving time, I did it simpler - I designed and printed the invitations in the form of 10x15 photographs. On them, in addition to the photo of the birthday boy, the date and time of the holiday, I placed an interesting little poem:

The tender snowdrop has blossomed,
I was born with the first drop,
I invite you to your birthday
I promise a wonderful holiday!
I'm celebrating for the second time
I will be glad to see you!
download invitation template, 3.29 MB
inexpensive printing with delivery throughout Russia

Birthday wall newspaper:

I didn’t think about the theme of the wall newspaper for a long time. The wall poster for the first birthday was called “My Achievements,” but in the second year of life there are not as many obvious achievements as in the first, and they are not as obvious, but a child at this age has many hobbies, favorite activities - he does things , what does he like. Therefore, I decided to make the child’s hobbies the theme of the wall newspaper - and entitled it “My Hobbies.”

The newspaper was based on photographs combined into thematic groups. My husband and I came up with fun rhyming captions to go with them.
For example, for a group of pictures where a child is sitting in a car, we wrote the following poem:

I love sitting in the car.
The car runs on gasoline.
But the main thing in the car is the steering wheel.
I got behind the wheel - beep, mommy!
I came up with the following plot for the “home” photographs:
I don't get bored in the apartment:
Then I'll rock the swing,
Then I'll turn on the computer,
I'll teach dad how to gamble.
I'll lie down and read a book,
I turn on the TV
I’ll hide in the house and shut up:
I'm tired, I want to sleep!
The following text was written for the pictures “Baby at work”:
I'm not without work:
Then I push the stroller,
Then I'll pick up the vacuum cleaner,
Then I'll powder my nose with flour.
I'll just do the work
Lo and behold, they are still caring:
A whole bowl of crucian carp -
Dad's our trophy.
I think it’s clear that these poems described what was happening in the photographs.

Other poems can be read in the section of the site "Scenarios". There are also “universal” poems that were not used in this wall newspaper, but can be used in any other: “Me and my parents”, “Me and my grandmother”, “Summer in the village” and others.

There were a lot of photographs for the newspaper, I glued them onto an A0 sheet (two A1 sheets of Whatman paper glued together), but still there was not much space left for poetry. And my husband suggested that the poems should be designed in the form of arrows, each of which would point to its own group of photographs.
The decision, as it turned out later, turned out to be ambiguous: the advantages include the ease of reading and the originality of the resulting poster. An obvious disadvantage is a consequence of the fact that the arrows with poems were attached to the wall with pins: the child was interested in them, tried to pull them out, from time to time he twisted the paper arrows, pulled them up, and tried to tear them off. It’s good that these attempts were stopped easily and without problems; it was enough to tell the kid that the newspaper would be ruined from his manipulations, that there was no need to do that.

Decorating a room for a child's birthday

For wall decorations for children's birthday in addition to the homemade wall newspaper, I already bought ready set. Now you can find many different ones on sale - and not just for birthdays.
Our set consisted of 3 A3 sheets with colorful pictures.
We attached large pictures to the wall, and smaller pictures were glued to the furniture using tape at a level accessible to the child.
If the baby liked a picture, he would tear it off and play with it.

We also prepared another small poster to tell my parents (grandparents) the good news about my second pregnancy in an unusual and interesting way (they had no idea about anything yet).

On the poster I placed the following verses:

Why did Mom reveal it today?
Has your belly suddenly grown? It's a big secret for me.
Maybe my mom can tell me secrets -
Does he eat and drink a lot? I'm already big!

Maybe she swallowed it and now I know
Inflatable ball? What is the belly for?
Or just joking There inside mom
So is she with me? The little one lives.

But this morning it must be very
I learned the truth - It's boring to be alone.
I want her in my ear, let her come out soon,
Dad told me. I will be glad to see him.

I decorated the sheet with poems with photographs of children's things, a photograph of my son and my own, in which my rounded tummy is noticeable (a snapshot from the time of my first pregnancy).
When guests arrived, the husband first took them to this poster and asked them to read it carefully and draw a conclusion. I didn’t have to explain anything to anyone; everyone was understanding and very moved.

Scenario for children's birthday (child 2 years old)

After the first birthday, I already had a rough idea of ​​what the guests and the child would like, and what not to do. The plan for the holiday was simple, it included communication (and after the announcement of pregnancy there was a lot to talk about :)), funny games and a small puppet show, which was supposed to become the main feature and culmination of the holiday.

Birthday puppet show

The idea was to stage a mini-performance by invited guests. Moreover, I did not inform the guests about my plans, and the offer to participate in the production turned out to be a surprise for them.

Since my son loves all Russian fairy tales (for children), I decided to stage folk tale"Kolobok" My choice is explained by the fact that the characters in this fairy tale appear and leave sequentially, two or three characters are present on the “stage” at the same time, which means the number of actors can be small; one and the same person can play different roles: an old man, a wolf, and a fox - successively. With “Turnip” and “Teremko” everything would have been much more complicated. It was possible to stage “The Ryaba Hen”, the child loves this fairy tale very much, but it is very short. However, after the holiday I came to the idea that it was possible to show 2 fairy tales, separating the performances with a short “intermission” - and then “The Ryaba Hen” would be right at home.

Preparation for a puppet show consisted of purchasing ready-made glove dolls, making scenery and writing a script for a fairy tale (dividing it into roles).

Since the entire performance was performed by three of my grandparents, on top of each role sheet I listed the characters that would be played by a specific puppeteer, and, for clarity, I highlighted the lines of these characters with a colored marker. Grandfather was a kolobok (since this character acts throughout the entire fairy tale and is constantly present on the “stage”); and the grandmothers took on “replaceable” roles: one grandmother was successively an old man, a hare and a bear, the other was an old woman, a wolf and a fox.

There are few decorations in Kolobok, and they are simple. From cardboard, tape and paper, I made a house with a window (so that I could put the bun on the window to cool), and several trees - representing a forest. Later, I came to the conclusion that it would have been possible to get by with a couple of trees installed on the edge of the screen - then they would not interfere with the characters and would not cover them.
The screen was made very simply: a strong rope was stretched across the room and a piece of cloth was thrown over it. The decorations were put on the screen; for this I made fastenings for them in the form of “legs” glued with back side(see photo). For reliability, the decorations can be secured with clothespins on both sides, and they, in turn, can be hidden behind the “grass” or “bushes” glued to the front side of the clothespin. I didn’t use clothespins; everything was fastened tightly enough without them.

Download the fairy tale script (3.88 MB).
Download pictures of scenery: house, trees (212 KB).

Read about how the performance went below...

Menu for guests for a children's birthday

I planned the meal like this:

HOT: potatoes and oven-baked meat;

  • “Hedgehog” (the recipe, unfortunately, has been lost, but any salad can be shaped like a hedgehog; hedgehog “needles” are made from olives cut lengthwise>)
  • “Little Pig” (based on salad "Tiger cub", just changed the design).
  • “Eastern” salad according to the well-known recipe - it was served in portions.
SNACKS: mushrooms from quail eggs, fruit on skewers (fruit “kebabs” on wooden skewers), sandwiches with sprats.

My son was simply delighted with the “Piglet” salad, decorated in the shape of a pig, and periodically treated him to grapes.

My husband liked the fruit skewers, and the rest of the guests ate this dessert with pleasure. But I was dissatisfied with the execution: I decorated them as a kind of bouquet, and this “bouquet” looked beautiful on the table, but the vase kept trying to turn over. Next time, if I decide to make these “kebabs,” I’ll just put them on a plate.

Sandwiches with sprats are difficult to classify as healthy food; they are not for everybody, but they are very tasty. I made them like this: I fried pieces of white bread in vegetable oil until crusty and immediately, while they were hot, I rubbed them with garlic - I got croutons. I made them ahead of time. And just before serving, I smeared each crouton with mayonnaise mixed with crushed garlic, and layered tomato, egg, pickled cucumber - in round thin pieces. On top are sprats and one or two fish. And a sprig of dill. To prevent the sandwich from falling apart, I secured it with a skewer.

For dessert there was cake. I took the recipe and design from the site "Good kitchen". I baked the cakes the day before and was very worried whether I would be able to decorate the cake, because this is my second experience in decorating baby cake. But everything turned out very easy. Appearance The resulting cake exceeded all my expectations, but the taste... left much to be desired. Nothing special at all. Regular charlotte, in my opinion, tastes even better. My husband, however, liked the cake.

Celebrating a child's second birthday

We decorated the room the night before, waiting for the child to fall asleep. So the surprises for the birthday boy began in the morning: he only opened his eyes and immediately noticed that the room had changed. His mood immediately lifted, his interest awoke, his eyes opened. We scheduled the birthday celebration for 12 o'clock, deciding that the child would still not be able to fall asleep during the day (he has difficulty falling asleep with us, and can normally do without a nap - if we allow him to do so).

To keep the guests at the table from getting bored, I prepared some entertainment.

Competitions for adult guests

Competition No. 1 - funny riddles

The birthday boy was born in the spring, and so I tried to choose spring riddles. I chose poetic riddles so that the last word guessed would rhyme with the previous line. And the real point of this entertainment was that among the usual riddles there were riddles with a trick.

Examples of such riddles:

Housewarming party for the starling Kva-kva-kva - what a song!
He rejoices endlessly. What could be more interesting
So that a mockingbird lives with us, what could be more fun?
We made it... And he sings to you...

download riddles, 8 KB.

The guests, rushing to name the answer first, made mistakes several times, causing friendly laughter from the others.
This entertainment can be carried out in the form of a competition, rewarding either those who are the first to name the answer, or the one who solves the most riddles.

Entertainment No. 2 - puppet show “Kolobok”

The “performance” was a great success for all its participants and spectators. And I added a little to the familiar ending of the fairy tale.

After the Fox eats Kolobok, the Old Man and the Old Woman appear.
The old man says:
- Eh, old woman, you and I don’t have a kolobok anymore.
The old woman answers him:
- Don’t be sad, old man, I’ve baked a lot more koloboks, there’s enough for everyone.

After this, the actress with the Old Woman doll comes out from behind the screen and brings baked “koloboks” to the birthday boy.
I asked my grandmother in advance to bake “kolobushki” for this performance.
My son was delighted with the koloboks, ate several at once, and over the course of the evening he ate as many as 3 pieces.
We recorded the performance on camera, and the guests wanted to immediately see the result. During the viewing and after it, there were heated discussions: who entered at the wrong time and when, whose character was not visible behind the tree, etc. Grandparents agreed that they were all unsurpassed actors, and therefore the performance should definitely be repeated someday. The birthday boy also watched the performance on TV with great interest. And he still loves watching it on tape - it’s one of his favorite videos.

Game No. 3 - “Prediction Sheet”

I hung a “Prediction Sheet” on the wall in advance and attached a pen to it so that during a break guests could write down how they see the future life of the birthday boy - a kind of wishes and parting words.

Download the “Prediction Sheet” template, (212 KB).

But, to be honest, the guests here did not live up to my expectations. The predictions turned out to be uninteresting, without any “zest”: at 10 years old – “a good student”, at 30 – “an excellent family man”, at 50 – “an excellent grandfather”. In general, I was not very pleased. Perhaps if there were more guests, the predictions would have been more interesting, mischievous and varied.

Game No. 4: “Loaf”

I really wanted to do a round dance for my birthday to the song “How we baked a loaf of bread for Vanya’s birthday. This is this wide, this is this high...” It was a little early in the year, but before celebrating our second anniversary, my son and I learned all the words in advance and movements, he really liked everything, and he never refused to “play Loaf”.
But on his birthday, the kid categorically refused to dance to the tune of “Loaf,” and I didn’t insist. But the child dashingly danced to the song “Let them run clumsily” performed by his grandparents.

Results and conclusions

Not everything turned out smoothly, and I made certain conclusions for myself. Here is a list of the main ones:

  1. I will now send invitations no later than 2-3 weeks before the holiday. This year, the invitations were sent out by mail a week and a half before the holiday, but a couple of days before the appointed date, it turned out that my parents did not receive the invitation (although usually the mail within the city took 1-2 days). It didn't turn out very nice. As a result, the invitation reached them, but... a week after their birthday.
  2. As it turned out, 12:00 is too early for the start of the holiday. I didn’t have time to set the table (although I still had to make sandwiches with sprats, mushrooms from eggs, fruit on skewers and arrange salads). Therefore, I concluded that it is difficult to gather guests before 13:00.
  3. After the birthday party ended, I came to the idea that it was possible to show 2 fairy tales with a short break. They would be great for both the guests and the birthday boy.
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All this is a service BAMBINIK POSTER

A colorful poster for a children's room with an individual design and personal details of the child is a wonderful element of decor and great gift for any occasion. Millions of mothers around the world order expensive designer posters for their children, now you can do it absolutely free! Choose a design to suit your taste, enter the name and additional information about the child's achievements, print it on your home printer or at a copy center... that's it! Let the masterpiece take pride of place in the nursery.

Usage options:

    Create a memorable baby birth poster: it will be a great reminder of the touching day of the birth of a new family member! Share the news on social networks and print the poster in large format for interior decoration.

    Make a great gift for a child you know for a holiday or just like that in 2 minutes - print it out, put it in a frame - and give it with pleasure! The delight of the child and his parents is guaranteed:)

    On the eve of your child's birthday, prepare a poster with the achievements of your grown-up baby and decorate the sweet table. A children's holiday today is not complete without this proud detail of the celebration! Don’t forget to tell your friends about this joyful event on social networks.

    A children's poster with achievements (wall newspaper) can be presented to your beloved grandparents so that they always have a reason to be proud.

    Choose a minimalist name poster design for a child of any age and decorate the nursery just because.

We are constantly working on creating new designs and would love to hear your feedback and comments.

Happy creativity!

All this is a service BAMBINIK POSTER

A colorful poster for a children's room with an individual design and personal details of the child is a wonderful decorative element and an excellent gift for any occasion. Millions of mothers around the world order expensive designer posters for their children, now you can do it absolutely free! Choose a design to suit your taste, enter the name and additional information about the child's achievements, print it on your home printer or at a copy center... that's it! Let the masterpiece take pride of place in the nursery.

Usage options:

    Create a memorable baby birth poster: it will be a great reminder of the touching day of the birth of a new family member! Share the news on social networks and print the poster in large format for interior decoration.

    Make a great gift for a child you know for a holiday or just like that in 2 minutes - print it out, put it in a frame - and give it with pleasure! The delight of the child and his parents is guaranteed:)

    On the eve of your child's birthday, prepare a poster with the achievements of your grown-up baby and decorate the sweet table. A children's holiday today is not complete without this proud detail of the celebration! Don’t forget to tell your friends about this joyful event on social networks.

    A children's poster with achievements (wall newspaper) can be presented to your beloved grandparents so that they always have a reason to be proud.

    Choose a minimalist name poster design for a child of any age and decorate the nursery just because.

We are constantly working on creating new designs and would love to hear your feedback and comments.

Happy creativity!