How to clean a carpet at home: remove stains and restore freshness without much effort. How to quickly and effectively clean a carpet at home: the best methods and means How to bleach a white carpet

A carpet on the floor is beautiful and practical. Walking along it is pleasant for both adults and children. And it’s comfortable for kids to play. But, like any other thing, the carpet needs proper care. And not just with a vacuum cleaner. So that it lasts a long time and preserves appearance, periodically it requires more serious cleaning from dust, dirt, and odors. It's important to know here:

  • The carpet is made from natural or artificial fibers;
  • are there any stains on it, and what kind;
  • fresh stains or old ones.

Cleaning with folk remedies at home

There are many different methods cleaning carpets, allowing you to do without purchasing special expensive shampoos and stain removers. Practical craftsmen have collected a whole collection of recipes through trial and error. For example, you can use vinegar, soda, or vinegar with soda, salt, tea leaves, sawdust and gasoline, ammonia solution, washing powder and kerosene, ordinary snow and other substances, sometimes quite unexpected.

Important! Before you start cleaning the carpet, you need to vacuum it thoroughly. First you need to do this from the inside of the product. If you start from the front side, then the dirt that has accumulated under it will penetrate out through the fibers, which will only aggravate the situation.

Vinegar for cleaning rugs

If you need to refresh the color of the carpet, remove minor surface dirt or kill unpleasant odors(and their fleecy surface absorbs very intensely), you can resort to using vinegar. The effect will surprise you.

To remove stains, dilute 2 tablespoons of table vinegar in 700 mg of water. Using a brush, begin to intensively clean the contaminated areas with this solution.

When you just need to give the product a fresh look, a more gentle concentration will be enough: a tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water. Dampen the brush with this mixture, go through the pile and dry the product. After airing, the smell of vinegar will evaporate along with other foreign odors, and the carpet will again take on a fresh look.

How to clean a product with soda and vinegar

These substances can be used either in turn or together.

Method 1. Cleaning due to absorbent properties.

Sprinkle soda on the contaminated product, and after 30–40 minutes, remove it with a broom or vacuum cleaner. Now spray the lint from a spray bottle with a solution prepared from warm water (1 liter) and vinegar (1 spoon). After another half hour, clean the mat with a stiff brush. Baking soda will absorb dirt, and vinegar will refresh the color and smell.
There is another option - suitable if the dirt has clogged deep into the pile.

Method 2. Cleaning due to a chemical reaction.

Any chemist knows that baking soda and vinegar, when mixed, react to release large amounts of carbon dioxide - hence the many bubbles. It is these bubbles that will help you deal with dirt. Well, in the struggle to keep your favorite rug clean, you can feel like a chemist for a while.

You will need some hot water (a little more than half a glass), 4 tablespoons of vinegar, one spoon of soda and washing powder. Mix these ingredients and immediately apply to the product, actively using a brush. It is necessary to clean dirt in this way while the composition hisses and foams, that is, it goes chemical reaction, otherwise it will not be effective. Therefore, if you need to treat a large surface, apply the solution several times.

How to clean a carpet using baking soda and salt

Using soda. Half a glass of soda, dissolved in several liters of warm water, can also cope with dirty lint on the product. This solution should be applied to the surface to be cleaned using a spray bottle and left for several hours. During this time, the soda will do its clean job, and the carpet will dry. Now you need to thoroughly vacuum it several times to remove all particles of dried baking powder.

Dry cleaning with soda. If the pollution is small, then the problem can be solved more easily. Dirty areas just need to be covered with baking soda for 20-30 minutes, and then brush and vacuum the carpet.

Dry cleansing with salt. Regular table salt can also restore cleanliness to your rug. True, provided that large and old stains were removed from it before the procedure.

Salt (preferably fine) is poured onto the surface to be cleaned and swept away with a broom. Repeat this procedure until the salt remains clean. Then the product needs to be vacuumed.

If the degree of contamination is small, then removing it with salt is as easy as using soda using the dry method. In this case, it is better to sweep the salt out of the pile with a damp broom, and after the procedure the product must be dried.

Baking soda and salt are great for white items. But the following recipe, on the contrary, will help clean only the coatings dark colors. And not only from dirt, but also from various stains.

Important! If there are local stains, they must be removed before cleaning the entire rug. However, most commercial carpet shampoos and stain removers are designed only for synthetic materials. Remember that they can seriously harm wool products! The same applies to home remedies. Always test for small area. Before cleaning the entire carpet.

Fresh tea leaves for cleaning carpet

Only fresh tea leaves are suitable for this, since the old one can reward your favorite coating with new stains. Sprinkle the tea leaves while it is still wet on the stains, wait until it dries completely and vacuum it up. Along with the tea leaves, stains will also be removed from the carpet. And the color of the product will again become fresh and bright.

How to clean difficult stains with sawdust and gasoline

If the carpet has stains from plasticine, wine, chocolate, watercolors or even urine, this is, as they say, a serious case. But not hopeless. How to do without a visit to the dry cleaner? Pay attention to the “explosive mixture” of sawdust, gasoline and strong soap solution.

Dissolve gasoline in soapy water in a ratio of 1:10. Soak the sawdust in this mixture and spread it in a thick layer on the carpet. When the sawdust is completely dry, sweep it away with a broom. The only inconvenience of this method is the smell. The product will have to air out on the street for a long time.

How to clean carpet with ammonia at home

Another handy stain remover that can be found in any first aid kit is ammonia. He's ammonia.

To prepare the cleaning composition, take two teaspoons of ammonia and one teaspoon of washing powder. Add them to 500 ml of water and stir. Apply the resulting mixture to the stain and work with a soft brush. Wipe thoroughly with a dry cloth and leave to dry completely in a ventilated area.

Snow cleaning

In the summer, most housewives do not have a question about where to clean their fleecy floor covering. Of course, on the street: you can knock dust out of it, and it’s easier to remove stains, especially if substances with a specific odor are used. And after such “aromatherapy” the carpet also needs to be ventilated outside.

And in winter? Also outside if the weather is snowy and frosty. Snow will clean and refresh your carpet no worse than baking soda or ammonia. This cleaning is suitable even for white rugs.

Place the product face down on the snow and beat it out well. Then turn it over and place it on clean snow. Sweep the snow and brush it off with a broom several times until the rug no longer stains it. The main thing is that the snow is dry. Wet will penetrate the fibers along with dirt, making it worse.

After such cleaning, the product can be immediately brought into the room to dry. A You can leave it in the cold overnight to kill the dust mite.

Powder and kerosene instead of Vanish

A mixture of washing powder and kerosene perfectly cleans rugs and removes stains. “Vanish” is definitely not needed.

Dilute the powder as for washing and add a small amount of kerosene to the solution. Soak a soft sponge in this mixture and treat the stains. You will notice that they simply melt before your eyes. The only drawback This method results in a sharp, specific odor that will take several days to dissipate.

How to remove dirt from carpet

You already know dry methods for cleaning carpets with soda. Starch and... stale bread are used using the same principle!
But this is not the entire arsenal of folk craftsmen. They recommend, for example, the following:

  1. Soak the sawdust in a soapy solution for half an hour. Distribute them over the dirty carpet and sweep them vigorously with a broom. Repeat until desired result, then vacuum the surface.
  2. Boil wheat bran. Wring them out and while still warm, spread them onto the carpet in a thin layer. Sweep with a brush, freshen the carpet with a vinegar solution and vacuum.
  3. Grate the peeled potatoes on a coarse grater and spread them on the carpet. Rub it with a brush until it gets dirty, then replace it with a clean one until it stops getting dirty.
  4. Wash the sauerkraut and spread it in an even layer over the carpet. Use a brush to roll it over the surface. When the cabbage gets dirty, wash it. Repeat this procedure several times until you are satisfied with the result. Next, the carpet needs to be dried and vacuumed.
  5. Dissolve crushed laundry soap and turpentine in several liters of warm water in equal proportions. Use a brush to apply the mixture to the entire surface of the carpet. Rub it several times with a damp cloth. Then be sure to dry it. This method helps remove even old grease stains. The downside is the same - the smell.

Cleaning carpets with baking soda is shown in detail in the following video:

Carpets add coziness to a home. They come from different materials and differ in quality. In any case, the appearance of home carpets deteriorates over time due to household dirt and loss of fresh color. After reading this post, you will learn all about how to clean your carpet at home without damaging the fibers, refresh it and give it a neat look.

The most common causes of carpet stains

Very often carpets become unusable due to the following factors:

  • contamination from a child’s urine (small children sometimes pee; children’s urine, if not washed off in time, will create an unpleasant odor on the floor and in the room);
  • stains from cat and dog urine (marks and minor acts of domestic animals emit a terrible smell and create unsanitary conditions);
  • a large number of hairs from domestic animals remain on carpet products (in order to thoroughly clean the carpet from wool, regular work with a vacuum cleaner is not enough);
  • The most difficult stains include plasticine, dirt in the form of shoe marks, food and drink residues (if desired, you can renew a dirty carpet and remove the stains yourself).

Of course, what means to clean the carpet must be selected according to the material it is made of and the composition of the contaminants taken into account. If the disinfection method is chosen correctly, the above-mentioned odors, germs and stains will disappear.

carpets can be cleaned with snow, laundry soap, washing powder, soda, vinegar, bleach, but it is better to use special products household chemicals

Effective ways to clean carpets with affordable products

How to clean a carpet with snow?

What you will need:

  • choose suitable weather;
  • Bring a knockout and sweeping tool with you.

Winter is a great opportunity to renew your carpets. Not wet, fresh, loose snow is suitable for this task; it should be frosty outside. It’s good if there is no ice crust on the snowdrift. It is advisable to choose a free field so that you can transfer the product to clean snow several times.

We lay out the carpets on the snow and work from the inside out in any way: you can work by knocking out or walk on the surface. Thus, the fibers will be cleaned of the smallest dust and dirt particles. Next, you need to repeat this operation several times, changing the place in the snowdrift. After all the effort, turn the product over, generously sprinkle it with snow, thoroughly knock it out and sweep out the lint.

Having finished cleaning, you should not immediately return the rug home; it is useful to knock it out again, hanging it on the crossbar. At home, you will have to dry the product; to do this, you need to spread it on the floor and wait a while. It is better not to walk on wet pile. They say that snow removal kills moths, so this technique can be considered a fight for the environmental friendliness and safety of your home.

How to clean a light-colored carpet?


  • laundry soap, sawdust and gasoline;
  • a commercial cleaner for light-colored carpets.

You should not use lemon juice to clean products in light colors, otherwise there is a risk of a yellow tint becoming fixed. It is believed that a white carpet will wash well and will not be damaged by laundry soap. We lubricate the product with a soap solution, wait 3 hours, then wash everything off.

For carpets in light colors, it is advisable to try the old proven solution. Take 1 part of purified gasoline, combine with 10 parts of a thick soap solution. Soak all small sawdust generously in soap and place them on the rug. After the sawdust has dried, sweep the carpet with a brush.

You can protect the snow-white coating from darkening if you use a special product, but first you need to study the instructions and find out whether the composition is suitable for this type of matter.

Cleaning carpets with vinegar, soda and powder


  • vinegar, soda and washing powder;
  • water and dish grease remover.

To make the carpet brighter and cleaner, use the well-known trio of improvised means that you probably have in the house. Pour hot water (⅔ cup) into a small container and add a large spoonful of baking soda. You will also need to add a third of a glass of vinegar and complete the process by adding a large spoon of washing powder.

Mix everything and apply it to all existing stains using a spray bottle. Using a neutral piece of cloth, clean the stains, moving from the edges to the center. Next, wipe the problem areas again with a damp cloth, trying to collect the detergents. Finally, blot with a dry cloth and leave the carpet to dry.

Judging by reviews from various places on the Internet, housewives have found out that they can include not powder in the soap mixture, but a product intended for washing dishes. For example, Fairy. This component removes stains efficiently and dissolves easily in water.

Carpet steam cleaner

What you need:

  • steam generator for home;
  • vacuum cleaner.

Dirty carpeting on the floor of a house is a source of allergens and a breeding ground for microbes. Instead of a vacuum cleaner that can't handle greasy spots on rugs and carpets, use steam cleaners. Dirt and mold particles, after softening with steam, easily peel off from the fibers. If there are asthmatics or allergy sufferers in the house, you need to decide in time how and with what to effectively clean all existing carpets and upholstered furniture. Of course, complete disinfection using steam cleaners is impossible, but the products will become much cleaner.

Ideally, the carpet should be vacuumed first, difficult spots wash with a mild detergent, then treat with a steam generator. Water vapor is safe for people and animals, which is why working with a steam cleaner is called eco-cleaning. Any protein stains may not be removed after steam treatment and may become more stubborn. These include blood, egg and milk stains.

Citric acid for cleaning carpets


  • citric acid and baking soda;
  • salt and water.

Inexpensive and safe means Citric acid and baking soda are great for cleaning carpets. Take a large spoon of any salt, dissolve it in a liter of water, add 2 small spoons citric acid. Instead of the last component, you can add lemon juice. We thoroughly clean the carpet several times with a solution and a brush.

Cleaning carpets with ammonia

What you will need:

  • ammonia;
  • water.

A home first aid kit usually contains the familiar ammonia. It helps refresh carpet pile. To clean, you need to measure out 2 small spoons of ammonia, dilute this amount in a liter of water, and soak a piece of cloth or a delicate brush in the solution. Spread the liquid over the carpet, then wipe everything dry.

Removing drink stains from carpet

Let's prepare:

  • napkin, soap solution;
  • glycerol.

We often spill coffee and tea on carpets, and they are known to permanently stain the material. First, you need to blot the problem area as quickly as possible using a cloth or absorbent paper napkin. After this, apply soap dissolved in water with a brush.

To remove complex dried tea and coffee stains, it doesn’t hurt to apply glycerin for several hours, then clean with a soap solution.

How to remove blood from a carpet?

What is needed for this:

  • napkin;
  • cold water and brush.

Sometimes our carpets get bright stains. In this situation, it is better to act immediately by placing a damp cloth on the traces of blood. After softening the stain, scrub the stained area with a brush and cold water.

Removing traces of paraffin and wax from carpets

Cleaning Items:

  • iron and piece of fabric;

Paraffin and wax stains can be removed using a heated iron or cold exposure. Wrap an ice cube in cellophane to prevent leaks, press it onto the stain, then remove any loose particles.

The second method of exposure is to apply a dry cloth to the stain and iron it on top, setting the temperature to moderate. Once the wax has cooled, it can be collected.

Remember the method with ice, as it can be removed from carpets in the same way. chewing gum.

Removing food stains from carpet

What you will need:

  • grated soap;
  • water and wine vinegar.

While the stains from chocolates and fruits are fresh, there is a chance to get rid of them forever. Take a small spoon of household soap shavings, add wine vinegar, you also need a teaspoon of it. Pour a liter of warm water into the same container. Wipe the problem area with the resulting mixture, then walk with a damp cloth.

Cleaning carpets from alcohol stains

You need the following:

Stains after spilling liquor, beer or wine are quite persistent. But if you remove them in time, then there will be no trace. You will need liquid soap and warm water. A liter of water is enough, and a couple of teaspoons of soap. The brush is dipped in this solution and the stains are cleaned. Then remove traces of soap using a damp cloth. The final stage of cleansing from alcoholic beverages also works well. Combine a small spoon of vinegar with a liter of water and thoroughly clean the carpet with this liquid again.

The carpet cleaner is selected according to the type of dirt and the material from which it is made

How to quickly clean a carpet with Vanish?

We need:

  • Vanish for carpets;
  • brushes or sponges for cleaning.

Not every case can be done with home remedies alone. Everyone knows that the popular carpet freshener Vanish works flawlessly. This brand exists in the form of a spray, active foam, shampoo for working with hands, shampoo for washing vacuum cleaners and powder for dry cleaning without washing.

If the carpet has an unstable color, Vanish may cause the color to fade. Products self made may also be damaged. Before cleaning, ventilate the room and vacuum the carpets in the usual way, without a washing vacuum cleaner. Only when using shampoo for washing vacuum cleaners is the latter appropriate.

The Vanish brand is good because it allows you to cover large areas of matter at low cost and eliminates neglected stains. The powder is convenient because it does not need to be diluted; it is already wet. Stain removing spray completely removes fresh stains. You just need to wait a while. The foam is applied for several minutes or hours, then washed off. The foam shape is good for high traffic areas - kitchen, stairs, corridors, hallway. The most important quality of Vanish is that it kills any unpleasant odors. This product is believed to be superior to washing with a vacuum cleaner.

We clean carpets without chemicals with table salt

Necessary things:

  • salt;
  • soap.

In order to completely eliminate contact of the carpet with household chemicals, you can use salt. Choose pure salt without unnecessary ingredients. It is advisable to give preference to small fractions. Apply salt liberally to the carpet, leave for 20 minutes, then take a broom moistened with a hot soapy solution. The carpet needs to be swept. This approach in many cases helps clean carpets from dirt and gives them new life.

Intensive carpet washing with Karcher

What you need for cleaning:

  • Karcher at a car wash;
  • shampoo.

The listed carpet cleaning methods do not always work. Some cannot remove old stains and strong odors, others do not have enough energy and time to process a large product. If cleaning at home is unacceptable or does not help, then you can take the carpet to a car wash. Karcher produces a powerful jet, so wool carpet may suffer from this. It is better to find a more gentle method for it. Natural carpets cannot withstand such treatment. Glued rugs should also not be washed in this manner.

A carpet is laid out on a clean concrete floor. Apply a layer of foam, then rinse with a stream of water. It is good if the product lies at an angle. This way the dirt will drain faster. The optimal angle of inclination of the jet relative to the carpet is 15-20 degrees, not 90. It is important to completely wash the foam particles from the fibers.

Removing mold from carpet

For cleaning you will need:

  • hydrogen peroxide and bleach;
  • soda and vinegar, essential oils.

Mold in homes is a real threat to human health. If this problem is discovered, you need to deal with it right now so that the mushrooms do not grow. The carpet needs to be washed urgently. In addition, care should be taken to prevent mold growth and properly purify the air in this room.

Soap and water are ineffective against mold. Of course, it is better to use store-bought solutions; they are designed to fight fungus. You can also add peroxide or bleach. Bleach is only known to inhibit mildew growth on non-porous surfaces such as tile. The same can be said about a liquid called hydrogen peroxide. Despite this, these two products are recommended for cleaning mold from carpets. You need to combine peroxide or bleach with eight times the amount of water, apply, leave to absorb and dry the product.

Baking soda and vinegar will also work properly against mold. Although the latter may not cope with every type of mold, it actually suppresses many of them and does not allow them to grow. Soda has the same properties, and it also helps kill unwanted odors. If you are sure that vinegar will not corrode the material, then apply undiluted liquid, leave for an hour, then rinse everything off. We will also describe the option with soda. Mix soda and water, apply the slurry to the carpet. After absorption, remove the product with a vacuum cleaner or brush.

Also, many people say that grapefruit and tea oil destroy mold on carpets. They are probably credited with such qualities because they have proven themselves to be natural fighters against germs and fungi. Take a glass of water, add 10 drops of grapefruit oil, also add a large spoonful of oil tea tree. We spray over the carpet, then wipe off excess moisture with a piece of cloth and wait until it dries.

How to clean a long pile carpet?

May be useful:

  • turpentine and soap;
  • a product intended for the hygiene of long-pile carpets.

Undoubtedly fluffy carpet beautiful and easy to use. But it has one feature that reduces its popularity. The thing is that grass carpet is difficult to clean. Some manage to treat long-pile carpets with turpentine and soap. For a liter of warm water, put a large spoonful of grated gray soap and a large spoonful of turpentine. This solution is applied with a brush, then washed off with a damp cloth after half an hour. Next comes drying. Remember that you use this technique at your own peril and risk.

A much safer option is to use a special shampoo for carpets with long pile, then it will be like new - soft and lush.

There are many options for non-standard folk remedies for cleaning carpets. For example, sauerkraut. If you have a very expensive or very vulnerable carpet, then you should not use dubious or overly aggressive products. It is better to dry clean a delicate viscose rug or silk carpet. In other cases, it is better to test the substances in a small area to assess whether they will cause harm. Can also be found on the Internet detailed video from experts on the topic of delicate carpet renovation.

Today, almost every home has a carpet. This product has become an excellent alternative to heated floors. However, each of us must understand that sooner or later stains and other contaminants will begin to appear on it. After reading this article, you will learn how to easily clean a carpet at home.

In order for the carpet to retain the brightness of its colors, the volume and fluffiness of its pile for as long as possible, it is necessary to follow a few simple rules. You cannot lay it on a floor that has not had time to dry after wet cleaning. From time to time, the carpet must be turned over, changing its position so that abrasions can be avoided where it is subjected to the greatest mechanical stress. It is advisable to place soft rubber bands under the legs of heavy cabinet furniture standing on it.

If abrasions appear on the surface of the product, you can get rid of them using threads of a suitable shade. It needs to be sewn up from the wrong side, and the loops remaining on the front surface should be carefully cut. In addition, it is recommended to periodically clean the floor covering. In summer you can ventilate it and knock out accumulated dust; in winter you can treat the dirty surface with freshly fallen snow.

How do you know when it's time to clean your carpet?

Many of us mistakenly believe that simply vacuuming the flooring regularly is enough. However, the sources of its pollution are not only ordinary dust. Therefore, those who do not know how to clean a carpet at home need to learn to recognize the signs that indicate the need for this procedure.

So, cleaning the floor covering must be carried out in cases where:

  • a sufficient amount of dust has accumulated on the product;
  • wine, grease or chocolate stains have appeared on its surface;
  • Not very pleasant aromas began to emanate from him.

If there are animals in the house that are not toilet trained, it is better to remove carpets from the floor in advance. Otherwise, you will have to dry clean them later.

Brief overview of popular detergents

Before quickly cleaning your carpet at home, it is important to choose an effective powder. Today, many manufacturers of household chemicals produce all kinds of cleaning products that cope well with almost any contaminant.

Thus, the fairly popular and effective Sunlux powder does not contain any harmful substances. Penetrating deep between the fibers of the carpet, its particles perfectly remove all dirt.

Karcher, which contains environmentally friendly components, does an excellent job of cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture. The principle of operation of this product is that the foam, penetrating into the fabric of the floor covering, dries and turns into crystalline powder, which can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Spot Lifter is widely used not only for wet, but also for regular cleaning. It is optimal for any variety floor coverings.

using soda

This is one of the simplest and safest methods of getting rid of all kinds of contaminants. Those who do not know how to clean a carpet at home with soda will probably be interested to know that this product perfectly absorbs odors and also absorbs dust and dirt. In order for the floor covering to acquire its original neat appearance, you need to sprinkle an even layer of baking soda in the area of ​​contamination and gently rub it in with a dry cloth. After half an hour, you can vacuum the carpet.

There is another, alternative cleaning method using this product. Before cleaning the carpet at home, you should dissolve half a glass of soda in five liters of warm water. The resulting liquid is evenly sprayed over the surface of the product using a spray bottle and left for half an hour. After this time, the surface of the carpet must be vacuumed.

How to easily clean a carpet at home?

The methods for removing contaminants from the surface of floor coverings are so varied that every housewife can easily choose the one that suits her. One of the most popular and effective methods purification using table salt, sawdust or bran is considered. All of them do an excellent job of removing any type of dirt. However, anyone who wants to figure out whether it is possible to clean a carpet at home should remember that this technique is not applicable to products with long pile.

Before scattering salt on the surface of the floor covering, it must be thoroughly knocked out. This simple manipulation will achieve maximum effect and prevent the appearance of dirty stains. Having scattered one of the above substances over the carpet, you need to carefully rub it into the pile using a damp brush. After some time, you need to sweep away particles of salt, sawdust or bran from the cleaned coating. As a result of this simple procedure, the product will take on a fresh look.

How and with what to clean carpet from stains at home?

It is better to remove coffee and tea traces immediately after they appear. This can be done using a soap solution or glycerin.

Stains from chocolate, salad or fruit can be removed using a special cleaning mixture. To prepare it, take laundry soap, dissolve it in a liter of warm water and add a teaspoon of wine vinegar.

Wax and chewing gum are removed from the surface with a piece of ice wrapped in a plastic bag. It is kept on the stain until it hardens, and then removed from the pile mechanically.

Removing contaminants using snow

Before starting the manipulations, you need to find a place where there is a clean layer of snow. Having laid the carpet with its pile down, you should pat it thoroughly with a stick. After this, it is advisable to keep it in this position for another half hour. After this time, you should turn the rug over and sweep away the dirty snow with a brush or broom. Then you need to hang the product on the crossbar and carefully knock it out to get rid of any remaining dust. At home, you need to spread the carpet on the floor and wait for it to dry completely. It is advisable not to walk on a wet rug, as its pile will quickly wrinkle.

Light and dark floor coverings

For those who have already understood how to clean a carpet at home, it will be useful to know that products with light pile cannot be treated with lemon juice. Such actions can cause the appearance of unwanted yellowness. To clean such carpets, it is better to use a strong solution prepared on the basis of laundry soap shavings. They need to wash the dirtiest areas.

For those who need quick results, we can recommend using Vanish. This effective remedy will clean the carpet in the shortest possible time.

As for dark floor coverings, it is not recommended to treat them with starch, soda and potatoes. Since all these products leave behind white stains, getting rid of them will be very problematic. It is better to remove dirt from such products with ammonia diluted in water. This substance will not only quickly remove stains and dust, but will also soften the pile.

Carpets made of synthetic and natural materials

Products made from artificial pile are not too demanding to care for. They do not fade in the sun and do not lose their original brightness of colors. It is enough to vacuum synthetic carpets twice a week and, when dirty, treat them with a brush dipped in a soda solution.

Floor coverings made from natural materials require careful attitude. Thus, silk carpets that cannot tolerate moisture must be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Fur and wool products can be treated with a soft brush and soda.

Natural fibers are more susceptible to various contaminants. If there is an excessive level of dust, they can be attacked by moths, and with frequent wet cleaning, mold or mildew begins to appear on them.

With the availability of excellent newfangled flooring materials, carpets remain the most popular interior design elements. An expensive rug made from natural materials or a very small synthetic rug by the bed instantly transforms the environment, adding warmth and comfort.

The trouble is that the fleecy covering quickly absorbs dust, small debris, and spilled liquids. If there are children and animals in the family, then the question of how to clean the carpet becomes relevant for many housewives. Specialized dry cleaning can deal with this quickly and effectively, but it is not always possible to use this method.

Numerous products for removing stains from carpets often cause allergies and are not always justified. Simple ones come to the rescue, but effective means from substances that can be found in any kitchen and bathroom.

Salt, soda, vinegar

Agree, the remedies are harmless and familiar to everyone. Dry cleaning baking soda or salt allows you to refresh the carpet, remove dust and unpleasant odors.

This procedure is very simple:

  1. We carry out normal cleaning with a vacuum cleaner or brush.
  2. Sprinkle soda powder or coarse soda over the entire surface of the rug.
  3. After 30 minutes, carefully remove the particles using a vacuum cleaner.

A universal mixture of soda and vinegar will help you clean carpet from stains quickly and effectively. Read on to learn how to prepare a miracle remedy at home.

To do this, mix the following ingredients in a spacious bowl:

  • liter of warm water;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of salt;
  • 1 tbsp soda;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar;
  • For additional effect, you can add another spoonful of any dishwashing detergent (for greasy stains).

    How do you clean the carpet?

We perform wet cleaning as follows:

  1. We vacuum the carpet or clean it with a dry brush.
  2. Spray the prepared mixture over the entire surface of the carpet and leave for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Separately, use a sponge or brush to clean particularly dirty areas with.
  4. Wipe the surface with a damp cloth.
  5. After the carpet has completely dried, thoroughly vacuum it again to remove any remaining substances.

Disadvantages of this type of cleaning:

  • not suitable for products made of natural silk;
  • For old stains, you will have to repeat the procedure several times.

Tea brewing

First, an important note: this cleaning method should not be considered for light-colored carpets. The advantage of tea leaves is that they remove unpleasant odors along with dust and small stains.

The procedure looks like this:

  1. Initially, clean the carpet with a vacuum cleaner, broom or brush.
  2. Scatter the wet used tea leaves over the entire surface. Black or green tea doesn't matter.
  3. Leave until completely dry.
  4. For more effective cleaning It is recommended to collect the tea leaves over the carpet with a broom or brush.
  5. Finally vacuum.


This product from a home medicine cabinet is appropriate to use to remove stains of organic origin, especially from red juices and.

The sequence of actions is no different from other methods:

  1. We clean from dust and debris.
  2. Prepare a solution from a liter of water and a tablespoon of ammonia.
  3. Wipe with a sponge or brush in places of contamination.
  4. Let stand for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Wash off with a wet cloth and wipe dry.

Kerosene and gasoline

Yes, the smell of this product is not a pleasant scent. However, the use of such an aggressive method allows you to clean both artificial and natural carpets at home quickly and effectively from old stains of wine, varnish, plasticine, etc.

Method one:

  1. For a liter of water, add a little washing powder (according to the standards for regular washing) and a teaspoon of kerosene or a tablespoon of gasoline.
  2. Use a sponge or rag soaked in the prepared mixture to wipe the stained areas.

After removing the stain, clean it with clean water and leave to dry.

Method two:

  1. Add regular sawdust to the prepared soap and gasoline solution.
  2. We squeeze them lightly and place them in places that have been contaminated.
  3. Leave it for a while so that the dirt is absorbed into the sawdust, and sweep it away with a brush.


This product will not help with old stains, but it will do a good job of removing dust and will give freshness to light-colored carpets. This cleaning method is not suitable for dark fleecy items, as it can leave behind streaks and a white residue.

We work with starch like this:

  1. After vacuuming, sprinkle the carpet with starch, paying special attention to heavily soiled areas.
  2. Use a brush or broom to rub starch dust onto the carpet.
  3. After 5-10 minutes, vacuum again.

Long-pile carpets require the most labor-intensive cleaning process. It is difficult to extract dust and small debris from them; they dry out slowly. Some stages need to be repeated several times and more carefully.

Expensive and demanding products made from natural silk do not like moisture and cannot tolerate water solutions. Special preparations or specialized dry cleaning help to tidy them up at home.


There are situations when the carpet needs to be cleaned quickly and effectively, but there is no way to send it to a dry cleaner or call a specialist to your home.

In most cases, carpet cleaning can be done at home using folk remedies or household chemicals. It will be easier to cope with the task if the house has a regular or washing vacuum cleaner or a steam generator.

In any case, you need to know the basic rules for cleaning carpets and take into account the characteristics of a particular carpet.

The choice of cleaning methods and means depends on the material, length and color of the pile of the product. Only in this case the carpet will not be damaged.

It is most profitable to clean the carpet using folk remedies, because they are inexpensive, and their effectiveness has been confirmed by the experience of several generations.


This powder, which almost every housewife has in the kitchen, is an excellent absorbent, and soda softens and disinfects. It can be used to clean a stain, especially if it is fresh. To do this, pour 5 tablespoons of soda onto the contaminated area, and after half an hour all that remains is to vacuum it.

Washing powder

It can be used in the same way as soda, but a more effective complex product based on it.

To prepare it you will need 150 ml of warm water. A tablespoon of washing powder for hand washing is dissolved in it, the same amount of soda and 50-70 ml of table vinegar are added. The resulting liquid is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the contaminated area.

After 10 minutes, the stain should be rubbed with a brush, then just with a damp cloth. Finally, blot the cleaned area with a dry cloth and allow it time to dry.

Hydrogen peroxide

This product is good to use for light-colored carpets if tea or coffee has been spilled on them. The stain should first be blotted, then poured with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and immediately rubbed with a soft brush or rag. A large stain is wiped, as if collecting dirt towards the center, a small one is rubbed in one direction, as if smoothing the pile.


Excellent for removing greasy stains. If the stain is very small, you can soak a cotton pad in ammonia and rub the stain with it.

If you need to clean a large area, it is better to prepare a soap solution with ammonia. For two glasses of water you need to take literally half a teaspoon of washing powder and two teaspoons of ammonia. Moisten the stained area with the solution, scrub it with a soft brush, then wash it with a damp cloth and wipe with a dry one.

Lemon juice

Squeeze the juice onto a fresh stain, leave for an hour or two, then wash with a wet brush and dry with a dry cloth. This method is especially suitable for removing ink stains. If there is no lemon, it can be replaced with a 10% citric acid solution.


It not only removes stains, but also refreshes paints, but pure form It cannot be used to clean carpet. Usually a solution is made from one part table vinegar (9%) and 15-20 parts water. In other words, you can make a solution from one and a half glasses of water and a tablespoon of vinegar - you will get the most suitable concentration. Wet a rag generously in the solution, clean the carpet with it, then ventilate the room. By the time the vinegar smell dissipates, the carpet will be dry and ready to walk on.

Laundry soap

Copes with almost all types of stains, including stains from wine, tea, coffee. However, if you lather the stain itself, the carpet will look washed, the pile will squash and stick together. Therefore, in order to clean the carpet with laundry soap, you will have to make a soap solution.

To do this, the soap is grated on a fine grater and 5 g of the resulting shavings are dissolved in half a liter of water. The stains are treated with this solution. Residues must be removed from the carpet with a damp cloth.


Before you start cleaning the carpet with salt, you should vacuum it. Then salt is sprinkled over the entire surface of the carpet. It must be swept away with a broom dipped in soapy water. You can do it using specialized products or by dissolving regular dishwashing detergent in water (a tablespoon per bucket is enough).


You will need cabbage fermented in the traditional way, that is, without vinegar, and you need a lot of it, at least 2 kg. It should be washed thoroughly and scattered over the carpet. After half an hour, sweep away the sauerkraut with a hard broom and wash it. If the water draining from it is dirty, it is scattered again on the floor, and after half an hour it is swept away and washed. The procedure should be repeated until clean water begins to drain from the cabbage when it is washed.

Cold water and snow

Snow has been used for cleaning carpets for a long time. To do this, the product should be taken outside, covered with snow, and then knocked out. The procedure can be repeated several times.

If you leave the carpet in the cold for a day, you will also be able to get rid of dust mites - the source of allergic reactions. Cleaning a carpet with cold water is also not difficult: ice water dip the brush and clean the pile with it.

Wood sawdust

Pour clean sawdust with a soap solution with the addition of gasoline until it completely covers them. The solution can be prepared from a liter of water, a teaspoon of washing powder and 100 ml of purified gasoline that does not contain any impurities. After 15 minutes, the swollen sawdust scatters over the carpet. Then you should wait until they are completely dry and sweep them away with a broom or brush.


After you have drunk the tea, remove the tea leaves from the teapot and place it on the stain or spread it over the carpet. After half an hour, rub the rug with a hard cloth and sweep away the tea leaves. The product is only suitable for dark-colored rugs.


Peel raw potatoes and finely grate. Fill the potato mixture with water until it completely covers it. After half an hour, squeeze out the potatoes and spread the resulting liquid over the carpet. It can be sprayed or applied to the carpet using a rag or brush. Brush the carpet and wipe with a clean damp cloth. Wait for it to dry.


Works well on greasy stains, including those from soup and milk. First, the stain should be blotted with a napkin, then rubbed with a rag soaked in gasoline, then treated with a rag soaked in ammonia and, finally, rinsed with a clean damp cloth and wiped dry.

If you choose the right one folk remedy, you will be able to significantly refresh the color of the carpet, clean it of dirt and dust, and even remove stains if you act quickly (it is almost impossible to remove old marks with home remedies).

However, using household chemicals allows you to get the same result with less effort. At the same time, there is no need to wait until the unpleasant odor evaporates, or worry that not all remnants of the products used to clean it have been removed from the carpet.

Cleaning carpet using chemicals

Chemicals that can be used to clean a carpet are divided into household and professional (the latter are used by cleaning companies). Professional ones are more effective, but more expensive. In addition, they will have to be ordered online.

Household chemicals are more accessible, and in most cases help solve the problem. So you should start with it, and only if it fails to cope with the contamination, you can try stronger remedies. We offer a brief overview of carpet cleaning chemicals.

  • Shampoo for carpets “5+”.

Can be used diluted to clean the entire carpet surface or concentrated as a stain remover. Users characterize this product as effective, economical, and smelling good. The shampoo can be used for cleaning vacuum cleaners. An additional effect is the removal of static electricity.

  • "Vox Drop".

It looks very liquid, but foams a lot, so it doesn’t go away too quickly, and it’s inexpensive. So the product can be considered economical. The big advantage is that there is no need to rinse off the foam after application. After using the product, a light aroma lingers in the room for a long time, quite pleasant.

  • Help for carpet cleaning.

It is used as a stain remover, but does not cope with all types of stains. Equipped with a convenient sprayer. You can work with it only with gloves, after which you need to ventilate the room.

  • Shampoo for manual carpet cleaning Vanish.

Despite the fairly high price, it is one of the most popular carpet cleaning products. It copes with most fresh stains, but does not take on old stains. May leave streaks and lighter stains on the surface.

  • Remove Ultra.

The product is based on enzymes and oxygen bleach, powdery, which is why it is poorly soluble in water. Works on most stains, but requires cleaning several times. Repeated cleaning can negatively affect the color of the pile.

Used as a stain remover. It has a spray bottle that makes it convenient to apply the product.

To clean old stains, you need to make an effort, but the main thing is that the product still copes with these stains. True, it can be difficult to wash off the product.

You need to work with it wearing gloves, in a ventilated area.

  • Antipyatin soap.

Cheap, effective. There is only one drawback - the product is difficult to wash off.

  • Active foam for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture Nordland.

Suitable even for cleaning long pile carpets. Effective, but expensive, and used up very quickly.

  • Karcher.

Professional German product. Does not contain toxic substances and bleach. Copes with any contaminants, creates a protective layer, and has an antistatic effect.

  • Professional Brand.

Manufactured in Russia, it costs no more than household products, although it copes with the tasks professionally.

  • Professional Stop Lifter (USA).

It is used undiluted, so it runs out quickly. Can be used for cleaning wool carpets. Refers to professional products.

  • Kill Odor Citrus.

If you need to not only remove stains, but also eliminate ingrained odors, you should pay attention to this product.

  • Teppichshampoo PUDOL.

Not only cleans, but also has an antibacterial effect. Suitable for both carpets and upholstered furniture, car interiors. Can be used for washing vacuum cleaners.

Professionals advise starting carpet cleaning with light products, and only if they do not help, try to solve the problem with the help of professional chemistry.

Mechanical cleaning methods

Household appliances often help to clean the carpet without the use of expensive chemicals.

Conventional dry vacuum cleaner

To do this, it is enough to vacuum it at least once a week. It is very important to choose the right brush. For wool carpets, a brush with long bristles is most suitable.

For short-pile synthetic carpets, choose a brush with short bristles.

If your carpet has a high pile, use a smooth brush. Before you start cleaning, visually divide the floor into squares. Start at the right corner away from the door, moving to the left (if you are left-handed, you will find it easier to start at the left corner). Finish cleaning with a square in front of the door. The brush should only move along the pile, otherwise you risk ruining the appearance of the carpet.

Washing vacuum cleaner and carpet shampoo

A washing vacuum cleaner can also be used, but only after dust and debris have been removed using a regular vacuum cleaner.

After pouring detergent into the container and selecting a suitable nozzle, you should clean the carpet in the most inconspicuous place to make sure that it does not fade and there are no streaks left on it. Then you can start cleaning the carpet in the same way as when cleaning with a regular vacuum cleaner. You can also move the brush only along the pile.

After completing wet cleaning of the carpet, you need to wait until it is completely dry. Only after this will it be possible to walk on the carpet.

Steam generator: how to clean a carpet with it?

Steam will not be able to remove dirt from the carpet, but after using it, it can be easily cleaned or removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Before using the steam generator, the carpet should be vacuumed. Then the contaminants are treated with steam, but you should not stay in one place for a long time. After steaming, stains should be cleaned with a clean cloth or brush. Then you just have to wait for the carpet to dry.

After watching this video, you can evaluate the operation of the steam generator.

Mechanical cleaning methods are suitable for regular carpet care.

Choosing a cleaning method depending on the material

Carpets made from natural materials and synthetics require a different approach.

Wool carpet

Natural wool carpets must be vacuumed regularly; twice a year, they should be wet cleaned on both sides.

Only handmade carpets should not be wet cleaned. To remove stains, you can use special products, soap solution, baby shampoo.

Salt cannot be used. Drying can only be done horizontally.


Natural silk carpets are not vacuumed, but shaken out regularly.

To remove stains and wet clean such items, you can use a vinegar solution. If it is heavily soiled, it is better to take it to the dry cleaner.

Cotton and fur carpets

Natural carpets made of cotton and linen are susceptible to wet cleaning. Moreover, they cannot be washed. You can only shake it out and, if necessary, take it to dry cleaning.

Natural fur carpets should be vacuumed regularly. If the fur is white, it will not hurt to treat it with hydrogen peroxide. Fur carpets can be cleaned with gasoline or vinegar. They cannot be heavily moistened, much less washed.


Synthetic carpets can be vacuumed, washed, cleaned with foam and various solutions.

If the mat is not adhesive-based, then you can even wash it, but this is a last resort.

Synthetic carpets are much easier to care for than natural ones. You can clean them in almost any way. It is only important to take into account the color and length of the pile.

Choosing a method depending on the color and length of the pile

When choosing a carpet cleaning method, you need to take into account its color and pile size.

If you want to refresh the appearance of such products, you can spray them with a cleaning solution from a spray bottle and vacuum them or walk over the carpet with a brush. If you need to quickly clean a stain, you can treat it with the selected product, rub it with a brush or rag, and rinse off the product.

  • Long pile carpets should not be cleaned with brushes.

You can vacuum them using a smooth nozzle; you can wipe off stains from them only with a sponge or rag. The best way to clean fluffy items is with a steam cleaner. If you do not have such a device at your disposal, then it is best to clean a long-pile carpet with foam. You can make a soap solution yourself, but it is advisable to purchase a special shampoo at a household chemicals store

  • Dark pile carpets can be cleaned with ammonia or tea.

A vinegar solution will help refresh their color. When using store-bought products, you need to check that they do not leave light spots or streaks.

  • Carpets with light pile can be cleaned with lemon juice or laundry soap. White items can be treated with hydrogen peroxide.

By choosing a carpet cleaning method based on the material from which it is made, its color and the length of the pile, you can be sure that you will not ruin it. However, you need to know a few more rules.

How to properly clean a carpet at home

Specialists from cleaning companies notice that housewives, when cleaning the carpet at home, make mistakes due to which the product loses its attractiveness.

Warning against making typical mistakes, they advise adhering to the following rules:

  • Many people believe that best way clean the carpet - knock it out.

This aggressive method leads to damage to the pile. The carpet becomes clean, but not beautiful. Its service life is reduced. Therefore, the first rule is to never beat out carpets.

  • Some housewives believe that if you wash the carpet carefully, nothing bad will happen to it.

However, in reality, most carpet products do not withstand such a test. Only synthetic rugs can be washed, and even then only if they are not made with an adhesive base. So the second rule is not to wash carpets and wet clean them as little as possible.

  • The third rule concerns the use of hot water.

Hot water helps remove stains with less effort, but does not affect the condition of the carpet. in the best possible way. Use cool water to clean carpets.

  • Stains must be cleaned immediately, without delaying this matter until general cleaning.
  • Brushes can only be used for cleaning short-pile carpets, and you should choose those whose bristles are not too stiff.
  • Do not clean or vacuum the carpet against the pile.
  • Strong reagents can cope with any contaminants, but they should only be used as a last resort.
  • You need to start cleaning with soft products, and if necessary, use strong products, use them in a minimal amount.

Knowing these rules, you will not make common mistakes. So your carpet will look great even after cleaning.

You can clean your carpet at home in different ways. They should be selected based on the type of contamination and the quality characteristics of the carpet product itself. If you choose the right methods and means for cleaning your carpet, it will last a long time while maintaining its attractive appearance.