Fun riddle questions for adults. Cool riddles for adults with a trick. Funny riddles with a trick for adults

The end and well done (Mystery for adults)

Jokes-riddles, who knows the answers? (trick riddles for adults)

There used to be a magazine called “Murzilka”,
It contains riddles and pictures.
We tried to solve
But they are ambiguous.
I will remember them for you,
Try to figure it out.

To stroke the front,
You need to lick from behind.
What is this? Who among you knows
Can you name it quickly?

Water sports are probably the easiest, most fun and educational. Let him experiment with different containers, smaller or larger. Provide slings, a funnel, straws or plastic tubes and let her play either with the tap, in large pots or in the bathtub.

Without seeing, place the same amount of water in different containers. Ask him to estimate where there is more water and discuss the volume and how the water takes the shape of the boat he is in, like this. Play with ice, combine it with water, leave it in the sun and watch it melt. Organize an ice treasure hunt like this.

The hair is branching around
Sausage in the middle
What is this, brothers?
What's it called?

Black on top, red inside,
The way you put it in, it’s so wonderful!
What do you know?
Then call me quickly!

Body touched body
A hair has fallen
The dark thing has happened,
The moment of pleasure has arrived.
What came to mind, answer?
Help the adults, children!

Combine water, oil and shampoo and learn about density like here. Make paper boats or use different objects to see floating and diving. Last but not least, take advantage of the rain and don't worry about puddles! Construction work is useful not only for developing motor skills, but also for learning about sizes and shapes, but also for developing logical thinking and creativity.

Whether you use cubes, sand, or even playing cards, teach him to measure dimensions - length, width, height, depth. Make comparisons: taller, shorter, wider, etc. He creates different geometric shapes with soft bees like these. Read the story of the three little pigs and talk about strength and longevity.

Now cold, now hot,
Is it hanging or standing...
Everyone knows, it's no secret
Who will give the correct answer?

In the middle of the room stood
And beckoned, barked:
"Why are you looking at me,
Take off your clothes - I’m yours!”
You know her well
After all, you trust yourself to her.

There are guys who are daring
They climb into the genital cracks,
Even though they are playful,
But we couldn't live without them.

Before you start building, make a plan, tell us what the result should look like. Encourage him to try to draw the design you created. Build the structure in context. Playing with lights and shadows is ideal for practical correspondence between the real and the abstract. This activity will help children learn to ask questions, make guesses, and experience connections between movements and shapes.

Put a stick in the ground when the sun goes out and you will learn about the moments of the day, about the cardinal points, about the rotation of the earth. Experiment and do it different shapes the hands that you project onto the wall; all you need is a flashlight and darkness. Try drawing by following the outlines of the shadows and analyzing what you have achieved. See how we did it.

red head,
He climbs into the hole deftly.
Could this be the case?
You'll figure it out soon.

Take it into your own hands
Squeeze him tightly
It will instantly become elastic
And hard as a turnip!
The answer is interesting
And it is useful to know it.

I take it with both hands
I put it between my legs
Snuggled up with pleasure
I'm flying! Believe me.

Funny riddles with a trick for adults

The riddles are all simple,
You have the power to solve them.
Think, answer,
Children knew them before!
Here are the riddles from "Murzilka"
No clues in the picture.
I have to figure it out myself
Surprise everyone with the answer.

Funny riddles with a trick for adults

Activities in the field of logic and memory have an impressive variety and complexity, adapted to any age. Print out the photo and cut it into strips or squares - you have a puzzle to solve this problem. Play pawnshop games.

Solve the dilemma of a diver who must cross a river on a wolf, a goat and a cabbage, as here. We also really love chess because it also teaches logic and strategy, patience, scenario development and testing. Activities with repeating patterns can be carried out without any preparation if you are accustomed to identifying them in the world around us.

Just back and forth,
Oh, how nice it is for me.
What could it be?
Help me solve the mystery.

In a dark room with you,
And on a white sheet,
Worldly pleasure
Two hours for you and me.
Pleasure, no question -
And the answer to the riddle is simple!

Just remember him a little,
It will become hard like potatoes.
Men should know everything
They have been doing this since childhood.

Proverbs and sayings in scientific language

You see, for example, on the street, cars stop all red and turn green when you go to the store, most of the time when you include certain things in your shopping list that are repeated, morning and evening we wash our teeth. Identify other repetitive behaviors. Analyze color, similarity to other objects, frequency with which they occur, causes and effects.

Observe the objects and nature around you and try to identify patterns. Analyze color, similarity to other objects. Identify and name the elements on them. Use all kinds of materials and objects to create your own patterns, repeating textures, colors and shapes.

She lies on her back
Nobody needs it
Leaning against the wall,
She instantly draws you to her.
Embracing her figure,
You'll reach for the skies.
Everyone knows about the answer,
Who will solve the riddle?

Finally there is a riddle -
It starts with the letter "X"
Dangling between my legs
Tell me the answer quickly
My poem ends.

It's given to you

Try recreating nature patterns with other colors: orange and blue zebra. Analyzing jobs with repeating patterns, e.g. One of the most important aspects of learning is direct observation, testing theory in practice. A walk in the woods, a day at the beach, or even a few hours in the park offers endless opportunities for exploration.

Observe plants and animals and learn about systems. Make a map of the world using animals that live on different continents. Let the children play with the dirt. Observe various objects on the microscope: hair, a leaf, a piece of napkin, colored chalk, sugar, salt, a thread of thread, an onion, a piece of red, etc. Flower petal, etc.

And people use it. (Name)

In the morning - on four legs,

At noon - at two,

In the evening - at three. (Human)

There is a barrel,

There is a bump on the barrel,

There is a forest on the hummock. (Human)

Funny riddles

Who has a mustache longer than his legs?
(at the cockroach)
* * *
Can an ostrich call itself a bird?
(No, he can't talk)
* * *
What is it: hanging on the wall and crying?

Visit to the Astronomical Observatory, Botanical Garden or livestock farm. Visit the farm and pick up fruits and vegetables. Encourage your child to care for the animal. Please note that the "ants" are at work. Pay attention to the rings on the tree trunks.

Make reconnaissance expeditions to search for treasures, eggs, leaves. Give him a camera and ask him to document different topics. Take excursions to exciting, exciting places: mud volcanoes, salty, delta, caves, etc. Analysis everyday life and the world around us is a simple way to develop critical thinking and logic and understand the mechanisms of the society in which they live. In a world plagued by “fake news” and often “aggressive” pro and controversial debates, home discussions help children and teenagers in particular build their own value system and learn to pass information through their own screening filters.

Proverbs and sayings in scientific language

Participants of the competition are offered folk proverbs and sayings “translated” into scientific language. The task is to guess what the original was.

Examples“translations” (the answers are given in brackets):
Dualistic principle of using agricultural implements on hydraulic surfaces. (Written on water with a pitchfork.)
The binary nature of the statements of an individual who has lost social activity. (Grandmother said in two.)
Problems of transporting liquids in vessels with variable density structure. (Carry water in a sieve.)

Comic questions

1. Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway).
2. In what geometric body can water boil? (In a cube).
3. Which river is the scariest? (Tigris River).
4. Which month is the shortest? (May - three letters).
5. Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins).
6. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak).
7. When a new house is built, what is the first nail driven into? (In a hat).

154 Riddles

1) Three tractor drivers have a brother, Sergei, but Sergei has no brothers. Could this be possible? Answer: Yes, if the tractor drivers are women, or we are talking about different Sergei.

2) There were 50 candles burning in the room, 20 of them were blown out. How many will be left? Answer: 20 left: blown out candles will not burn out completely.

3) If it is raining at 12 o'clock at night, can we expect sunny weather 72 hours later? Answer: No, - in 72 hours it will be midnight again.

Riddles for adults - 7

1. If this day does not follow Monday and does not precede Thursday, and tomorrow is not Sunday and yesterday was not Sunday, and the day after tomorrow is not Saturday and the day before yesterday was not Wednesday, then what kind of day is it?

2. The peasant needs to take a wolf, a goat and a cabbage across the river. But the boat is such that a peasant can fit in it, and with him either only a wolf, or only a goat, or only a cabbage. But if you leave a wolf with a goat, then the wolf will eat the goat, and if you leave a goat with cabbage, then the goat will eat the cabbage. How did the peasant transport his cargo?

3. You were given this, it still belongs to you. You have never passed it on to anyone, but everyone you know uses it. What is it?