Cool riddles for 7 year olds. Video: Guessing together. Why are riddles useful?

Riddles for children from 4 to 7 years old with answers

Who will knit socks for the grandchildren?

He will tell an old tale,

Will he give you pancakes with honey? -

This is our... (grandmother)

Sharp nose, steel ear,

There is a friend thread in the ear.

Helped me sew new clothes

To our grandmother... (needle)

Like long-nosed herons,

They weave the thread into braids.

Knit a scarf and mittens

We are quick sisters... (knitting needles)

Tell me quickly

What kind of ball is made of soft threads?

He looks like a bun

With a long ponytail... (clew)

A close relative of the broom

It will sweep the corners of the house.

He's certainly not a slacker.

It will help to remove litter... (broom)

There was once a fat man in fashion,

He earned fame among the people.

Exhaling hot steam,

I was preparing tea... (samovar)

We carry you into the garden by the hand

We are a plastic cloud.

Hey carrot, drink some water!

What kind of cloud? - This... (watering can)

Tomatoes and peppers,

The miracle house has opened its doors for you.

Those who are afraid of drafts,

The glass house is waiting -... (greenhouse)

We buried it in the ground,

They poured clean water on it.

Time has flown by -

Sprouted up ... (seed)

These are futile efforts -

Fill it with water.

As soon as you pour it, you see - it’s spilled.

There are holes everywhere. This... (sieve)

Who wants to help the dressmaker?

The fabric sews quickly with a needle.

An apron and a scarf will come out.

The sewing department sews them... (typewriter)

He's in the kitchen or in the dining room,

A new tablecloth has been laid.

He rested his feet on the floor.

Did you guess it? This... (table)

In a miracle oven behind glass

The pies are sitting next to each other.

Bake them very deftly

A stove with the name... (oven)

What a miracle, who can tell me?

Flapping its wings on the field,

And the flour is grinding...

What is this? (Mill )

Who could drive along it?

I erased my back and side.

What a clumsy slide!

Did you guess it? This... (grater)

He's seen a lot of boots,

He lived his life on the threshold.

There is dirt and debris on the soles -

Wipe your feet on... (carpet)

Grandfather's riddles

There are wrinkles on his face

Gray hair is visible.

This homebody -

Our favorite... (grandfather)

Two glasses, frame, temples

Got caught in the ears.

There are no newbies on the nose -

They fit well... (glasses)

You can wear flowers in it

And nuts and mushrooms.

Just work a little -

You will weave from the vine... (basket)

Unfold the sheet quickly -

You will see a lot of lines there.

In the lines - news from the whole world.

What kind of leaf is this? (Newspaper)

He has two pairs of legs.

He couldn't stand without them.

So that you sit down and rest,

We have it in our apartment... (chair)

Four-wheeled "beast"

In our garage now.

Dust swirls from the wheels -

Ours is coming... (automobile)

We will tie a thread to the tube,

We'll catch a fish with it.

A thread and a tube,

What is this? (Fishing rod)

He doesn't mind taking a nap during the day,

But it burns all night.

And today, as in the past,

Lights up the yard... (flashlight)

Who is sewn from thick leather

And is it all stuffed with things?

Who has traveled many countries? -

Our road... (suitcase)

She worked well

And it buzzed and spun.

An oak felled near the village.

Who is she, tell me? (Saw)

He will walk along the plank -

Rings will fall down.

I removed all the shavings early

From every board... (plane)

In the morning only the dawn will break,

And she’s already cutting the grass.

There is still dew on the flowers,

Mows them in the meadows... (braid)

Guess who they are?

One-legged, thin.

The hammer will come to visit them -

And he will hit the wall... (nails)

Who has an iron head

Will he chop some firewood for you and me?

Ringing and roar throughout the yard -

It's working... (axe)



Riddles for children from 4 to 6 years old with answers

Who will knit socks for the grandchildren?

He will tell an old tale,

Will he give you pancakes with honey? -

This is our... (grandmother)

Sharp nose, steel ear,

There is a friend thread in the ear.

Helped me sew new clothes

To our grandmother... (needle)

Like long-nosed herons,

They weave the thread into braids.

Knit a scarf and mittens

We are quick sisters...(knitting needles)

Tell me quickly

What kind of ball is made of soft threads?

He looks like a bun

With a long ponytail...(clew)

A close relative of the broom

It will sweep the corners of the house.

He's certainly not a slacker.

It will help to remove litter...(broom)

There was once a fat man in fashion,

He earned fame among the people.

Exhaling hot steam,

I was preparing tea... (samovar)

We carry you into the garden by the hand

We are a plastic cloud.

Hey carrot, drink some water!

What kind of cloud? - This...(watering can)

Tomatoes and peppers,

The miracle house has opened its doors for you.

Those who are afraid of drafts,

The glass house is waiting -...(greenhouse)

We buried it in the ground,

They poured clean water on it.

Time has flown by -

Sprouted up... (seed)

These are futile efforts -

Fill it with water.

As soon as you pour it, you see - it’s spilled.

There are holes everywhere. This...(sieve)

Who wants to help the dressmaker?

The fabric sews quickly with a needle.

An apron and a scarf will come out.

The sewing department sews them...(typewriter)

He's in the kitchen or in the dining room,

A new tablecloth has been laid.

He rested his feet on the floor.

Did you guess it? This...(table)

In a miracle oven behind glass

The pies are sitting next to each other.

Bake them very deftly

A stove with the name...(oven)

What a miracle, who can tell me?

Flapping its wings on the field,

And the flour is grinding...

What is this? (Mill)

Who could drive along it?

I erased my back and side.

What a clumsy slide!

Did you guess it? This...(grater)

He's seen a lot of boots,

He lived his life on the threshold.

There is dirt and debris on the soles -

Wipe your feet on... (carpet)

Grandfather's riddles

There are wrinkles on his face

Gray hair is visible.

This homebody -

Our beloved... (grandfather)

Two glasses, frame, temples

Got caught in the ears.

There are no newbies on the nose -

They fit well... (glasses)

You can wear flowers in it

And nuts and mushrooms.

Just work a little -

You will weave from the vine...(basket)

Unfold the sheet quickly -

You will see a lot of lines there.

In the lines - news from the whole world.

What kind of leaf is this?(Newspaper)

He has two pairs of legs.

He couldn't stand without them.

So that you sit down and rest,

We have it in our apartment...(chair)

Four-wheeled "beast"

In our garage now.

Dust swirls from the wheels -

Ours is coming... (car)

We will tie a thread to the tube,

We'll catch a fish with it.

A thread and a tube,

What is this? (Fishing rod)

He doesn't mind taking a nap during the day,

But it burns all night.

And today, as in the past,

Lights up the yard... (lantern)

Who is sewn from thick leather

And is it all stuffed with things?

Who has traveled many countries? -

Our travel... (suitcase)

She worked well

And it buzzed and spun.

An oak felled near the village.

Who is she, tell me? (Saw)

He will walk along the plank -

Rings will fall down.

I removed all the shavings early

From every board...(plane)

In the morning only the dawn will break,

And she’s already cutting the grass.

There is still dew on the flowers,

Mows them in the meadows...(braid)

Guess who they are?

One-legged, thin.

The hammer will come to visit them -

And he will hit the wall...(nails)

Who has an iron head

Will he chop some firewood for you and me?

Ringing and roar throughout the yard -

It works... (axe)

Riddles help schoolchildren develop logical thinking. In order to give the correct answer, children use their imagination and also establish logical connections. Sometimes such problems can be incomprehensible, but the answer is obvious, although it is cleverly encrypted. But this can be played with parents in order to better explain the essence of the task. To solve successfully, kids must have abstract and non-standard thinking. Thus, the tasks have precisely this educational purpose.

The benefits of riddles

The benefit of puzzles is to concentrate the child on finding the answer. There is also a contrast of signs in them (if the negative particle “not” is encountered). Psychologists say that regular exercise develops attentiveness and concentration. In this way, children learn to assimilate, analyze information and track changes in the world around them. Riddles teach that words can have multiple meanings, and each item has a wide scope of application. The more a child learns from puzzles, the more interesting it becomes for him to explore the environment and communicate with people. In addition, they help expand vocabulary kids.

Pronounce all words with intonation so that the child remembers their emotional connotation. It is best to conduct classes in the form of a game so that children do not lose the desire to learn. If a child is interested, he will concentrate all his efforts to achieve results. In this way, you can develop assertiveness, determination and the ability to get out of difficult situations in your child.

If your child does not show interest in riddles, select them depending on age. Maybe you are asking too difficult puzzles? For the little ones, simple examples are suitable, the answer to which will be obvious.

It is noteworthy that when the baby understands the principle of solving, she will begin to come up with her own riddles. They can even be in poetic form if you notice your little one’s tendency to rhyme. Encourage the student in this case, you can even pretend that you are thinking and it’s hard for you to answer the question. Exercise whenever you have free time, even while walking outside or doing everyday activities. You can practice the “from the opposite” principle - ask a solution for which the child needs to come up with a question.

- The mane is red, large,

The king of beasts is the most famous.

- It's like a bird of peace,

Soared across all the skies,

The bird is with us all year round,

Lives by cooing.

Along with this they search and read:

- Everything is knocking on wood,

He sits there all day,

He kills all the harmful ones,

Protects his native forest.

- Graceful and beautiful,

Everything purrs playfully

So lazy and beautiful

Gives affection to everyone in his family.

— Silent, but beautiful,

Lives underwater

Breathes skillfully through gills,

Not afraid of depth.

- So beautiful and wonderful,

Everything flutters like spring,

Over the flower and the grass,

It carries its beauty.


Video: Guessing together

Popular riddles for schoolchildren

- The compote is definitely the sweetest,

It looks like salt, but the taste is different,

It is very tasty, children love it,

And even adults love it.

- It’s the only way to make friends with foam,

Soapy and beautiful

But it will burst so easily,

Like a balloon.


- Born in the sea,

And it was good for beads.

- They are walking, they are standing,

Sometimes you have to lie down

It happened that they were hanging,

But they never sat.

- Very cute white bunny,

Jumps along the blackboard, across the school board,

Always following your hand,

A white mark remains.

- In the ocean, like mountains,

They run to the sound of the winds,

They live in the ocean

They tell everyone about the weather.

- She was born as a baby,

She grew up slowly

It proceeds gradually

She grew up towards the sea.

- Cherry, meat, cottage cheese,

But I'm not a pie at all.


- The beast is prickly, but funny,

Small and nimble

It carries mushrooms

Then he covered himself with a leaf.

- Everything is spinning and buzzing,

Everything flies around

Gets caught in the web

And it stops its flight.

- Quickly sweeps away litter,

He has been cleaning our house for a long time.

Everyone, if not a slacker,

He knows what kind of friend we have.

What kind of riddles are there?

Problems for schoolchildren can be of varying complexity. When choosing a question, be guided by the child’s level of knowledge - the answer should be known to them. To begin, choose questions in which the answer will rhyme with the word in the previous line. This way, the baby will be able to give the correct answer without even thinking. There are a number of tasks that take the form of a whole story. In order to solve it, you need to think carefully about everything, and also carefully read the conditions.

As the child develops, complicate the conditions and change the theme. The answers should not “lie on the surface”; the kids will have to think carefully. You can offer several clues to choose from so that the little one can decide which one is correct. This way you can train your logical thinking and develop your imagination.

Riddles for a 6-year-old child are an integral part of a fun home pastime, educational activities, games and lesson elements. Therefore, a set of such puzzles for children at a transitional stage of development is simply necessary. The article presents riddles for 6-year-old children with answers. Some of them are in poetic form, some are in prose, about the most common phenomena and objects.

Riddles for children 6 years old about animals

Children especially enjoy solving riddles about animals and birds:

  • “They fly and squeak, circling over the children. If they suddenly sit on their feet, their legs may itch” (mosquitoes).
  • “He sits on a birch tree and persistently knocks” (woodpecker).
  • “A prickly little animal, he knows everyone in the forest. But he has needles, and he is not afraid of the fox” (hedgehog).
  • “She is graceful and fluffy. She loves to sleep in the sun, look out the window and catch mice” (cat).
  • “She is always silent, does not like fishing rods and breathes with gills” (fish).
  • “He is cheerful, fast, brave, guards the house skillfully. His tail often wags if the ball is thrown red” (dog).
  • “She is very fragile, with colorful wings. She was a caterpillar a long time ago, and now she flies over raspberries” (butterfly).
  • “He will give people delicious honey when he has collected all the pollen” (bee).
  • “He loves to graze in the meadow, chew grass and share milk” (cow).
  • “A striped predatory cat, he lives in the zoo” (tiger).
  • “In the village he wakes everyone up before the sun, he is the king among the hens, and the eldest among the chickens” (rooster).

Riddles for children 6 years old are short statements that can fit a whole story about some object. It is important that for a child they have elements of magic, fiction, and fairy tales. Then the guessing process will take place with special enthusiasm.

Riddles about fruits for children 6 years old

  • "Long, yellow, sweet fruit, for monkeys - best friend"(banana).
  • “Round as a fist, has a sweet side” (apple).
  • “Yellow, sour, acts quickly on colds” (lemon).
  • "Round, like the sun, an orange ball. The kids are finding it under the tree now" (orange).
  • “Red earrings are poured into dumplings with a spoon” (cherries).
  • “Like a tumbler doll, sweet, honeyed” (pear).
  • “Sweet and sour circles grow on a stem in a cluster” (grapes).
  • “There are burgundy berries in a thick red peel” (pomegranate).
  • "The little brother of the orange" (mandarin).

Riddles for kids about winter

Riddles for children 6 years old about winter cover all manifestations of this time of year: weather, New Year, fairy-tale characters, etc.:

  • “She will cover everything around with snow, because frost is her best friend” (winter).
  • “Such a carriage will help the kids ride down the hill and follow their dad” (sleigh).
  • “He paints beautiful fairy tales on the windows without brushes or paints” (frost).
  • "Beautiful until you touch her with a finger. With beautiful pattern until it turns into water" (snowflake).
  • “The children are really looking forward to his arrival, otherwise they won’t be taken on the sled” (snow).
  • “A kind old man who comes with gifts to obedient children” (Santa Claus).
  • "Faithful companion of Father Frost" (Snegurochka).
  • “Good old man brought a bag of gifts...” (Santa Claus).
  • “A million tiny pieces of ice covered both the street and the house” (snowflakes, snow).
  • “It flies on your head, it crackles under your feet” (snow).
  • “It stings your nose, it stings your cheeks, it pinches your hands cruelly” (frost).
  • “He invites the kids to go ice skating and dad to go fishing” (ice).
  • “Why is the river covered with a crust, like a hard board?” (ice).
  • “Carrot nose, coal eyes, he comes to life only in a fairy tale” (Snowman).
  • "Grandfather puts gifts under the tree. What kind of holiday?..." (New Year).
  • “He will give you anything if you listen to mom and dad. And he’ll pour in more candy if your poem is the best” (Santa Claus).

Riddles about things

You can also solve riddles about ordinary household things with your children:

  • “All the specks in the house are afraid of him, because he is happy to clean them up” (broom).
  • “It’s a wonderful miracle, it will show everyone the movie itself” (TV).
  • “It’s a big closet. Mom loves it very much because it helps her do the laundry” (washing machine).
  • “Like a star, it illuminates an apartment on a dark night” (light bulb).
  • “Both adults and children put me under their arms” (thermometer).
  • “Two round transparent twins that help grandma read” (glasses).
  • “It makes a piercing and sharp sound honestly in the morning” (alarm clock).
  • “Where in the apartment does winter live all year round?” (fridge).
  • “It’s big, soft, I like to sleep in it. And if suddenly no one sees, then jump around with friends” (bed).
  • "A house filled with water. There the fish feel peace" (aquarium).
  • “As soon as someone wants to talk, this device always rings” (telephone).

Riddles about people and professions

The following riddles will be useful for studying professions:

  • “He knows all the roads in the area, he will give both his grandmother and his friend a lift” (driver, taxi driver).
  • “Both night and day he fights fire” (firefighter).
  • “A man who can fly not only in his dreams” (pilot).
  • “Houses grow from under his hands” (builder).
  • “The most cheerful circus performer, a trickster with a red nose” (clown).
  • “Brave, strong and stern, he keeps order as a servant” (policeman).
  • "He's not afraid of injections, he knows everything about vitamins, he carries white robe" (doctor).
  • “He will tell the children about the globe, about Africa, give grades, and go back to work with joy” (teacher).
  • “He knows about sausages, he will sell bread and cheese in abundance. He asks for money for all this and often wears an apron” (seller).
  • “The dearest person who sees you off to school in the morning and kisses you goodnight” (mother).
  • “A kind person will give advice, teach how to catch carp, only the wisest person, only our beloved...” (dad).

Riddles for a 6-year-old child will help them master basic concepts that relate to the world of people’s professions. In such an unobtrusive game form You can tell your child about the intricacies and differences in professions and a person’s work life in general.

Riddles for children about sweets and other foods

The most “delicious” and favorite riddles among children:

  • “Wrapped in foil, it’s very sweet. It will melt in your hands if you don’t eat it quickly” (chocolate).
  • “Fragrant, warm, soft, it is the main thing for all food” (bread).
  • “This vegetable from our garden makes us all cry” (onion).
  • “It is found underground, baked and fried. It is a frequent guest on all tables when it is boiled in its jacket” (potatoes).
  • "Without this white snow neither the tea is tasty nor the pie" (sugar).
  • “On a stem and in a cup, girls and boys love it in the summer” (ice cream).
  • “It might one day become a chicken if you don’t break it into a frying pan” (egg).
  • “White as snow. Flows, but not water” (milk).
  • “Sweet, beautiful, irreplaceable at holidays. It comes in fruity, creamy, chocolate, and even with a candle in the center for a birthday” (cake).
  • “The bees collected it into a hive, and the man put it in a jar” (honey).
  • “It could be a simple broth, maybe buckwheat or pickle broth” (soup).
  • “They sunbathe the circles in a frying pan, wait until they are greased with oil and poured with jam” (pancakes).
  • “From apricots, cherries and even roses. Grandma will cook it to eat in cold weather” (jam).
  • “Long legs hanging from the fork” (pasta).
  • “The younger, the greener. The older, the yellower” (cucumber).
  • “They definitely won’t spoil the porridge, even if you put in more than one spoon” (butter).
  • “In a beautiful rustling wrapper, these sweets are often placed under the Christmas tree” (sweets).

Why are riddles useful?

Riddles for a 6 year old child are invaluable for his mental development. They allow you not only to diversify your leisure time with your baby, but also to spend this time benefiting his cognitive abilities.

The fact is that solving a riddle activates in a child the processes of remembering, comparing, juxtaposing facts known to him, establishing connections between them, which ultimately develops abstract and logical thinking. For a 6-year-old child who has just started or is going to school, this is of great importance. Because there he will have to deal with exactly such information.

Riddles help train memory, attention, speed and flexibility of thinking, learn facts about phenomena and objects of the surrounding world, develop speech and expand vocabulary. In addition, if you conduct group activities or games, riddles for a 6-year-old child will also become an opportunity to learn how to communicate with peers and interact in a group.

At the age of 7, a child, as a rule, already attends school. Therefore, he definitely needs relaxation and distraction from daily lessons. Interesting and exciting riddles for a 7-year-old child will help to positively influence and inspire the child. Therefore, it’s worth turning on your imagination and coming up with an exciting adventure for your child who is tired of notebooks and books.

Why do we need riddles for a 7 year old child?

It is very important for seven-year-olds to communicate with their parents as much as possible. Therefore, any event will be to their liking. In joint games, a daughter or son will understand that they are needed, important and enveloped in the attention of the most beloved people in this world. In addition to close communication, riddles for a 7-year-old child will also help:

  • develop logical thinking;
  • think outside the box;
  • use your imagination to the fullest;
  • develop the ability to achieve a goal;
  • become more diligent.

All these factors are very important for a child who has entered a new period in his life and has begun continuous schoolwork.

How to arrange a real holiday with riddles

In order for the problems you set to be solved easily and quickly, you need to figure out how to convey them to your son or daughter. Even the most ordinary riddles for a 7-year-old child, embodied in a playful form, will be received with great interest. For example, you can come up with the following entertainment options:

  1. For each riddle solved, give the child tickets made of colored paper. At the end, count the number of tickets collected and award a consolation prize or winner's prize.
  2. Place in a box accessories and items that match the answers to questions asked. When the question is asked, the child must find an object in the container that is suitable for the correct answer. And next to it you can place a box containing various accessories (wigs, horns, masks) that will need to be put on if the answer is incorrect. At the end, participants are awarded prizes.

Interesting riddles about animals for children 7 years old

Of course, both boys and girls love cats, dogs, elephants and rhinoceroses. Therefore, riddles about animals for children 7 years old are great option. For example, they may be like this.

Instead of a nose - a trunk,

A huge beast is walking around the zoo.

She lives in a hollow,

Red, fluffy.

He hides nuts in the house for the winter,

Jumps around the park from branch to branch.

He is not afraid of winter or frost,

He catches fish from a pond from under the ice.

The white fur coat keeps him warm.

In the north and in the zoo it lives.

(Polar bear)

In winter he flaunts white through the forest,

And in the spring he changes his fur coat.

Little coward, who is it, baby?

The hare, the bird are afraid of him,

In the forest, he makes everyone coward out of fear.

And at night he howls at the moon.

Who is this, someone will say, well?

He wears a house on his back,

If someone approaches, he immediately hides in it.

Sly, red-haired, these are miracles,

Her bushy tail is... (fox).

Purrs at the window

Tender, fluffy... (cat).

Protects houses and does not let strangers in.

Only his owners on the threshold, whom he knows.

They call me those

Who doesn't know soap?

Although I'm a pure eccentric,

Only a nickel in the mud.


Slowly she crawls

He carries his house on his back.

And people are sometimes called that way,

Which take a very long time to assemble.


He seems angry when he growls

And in winter he sucks his paw and sleeps in a den.


Loves honey, prefers cold.

He rests all winter and gains strength.


Doesn't catch fish

And he builds networks.

He grazes in the field and plucks grass,

Then he treats us to fresh milk.

Small, seemingly harmless,

And as soon as you bite your nose, it immediately hurts and hurts.

Doesn't let me sleep

Small, but sings in your ear.

Riddles for logic and attentiveness

Sometimes children should ask questions that require thinking to answer. That's why logic riddles for children 7 years old - this is very relevant and interesting. For example, they could be as follows.

There are five cherries growing on a birch tree, and four cherries growing on a fir tree. How many cherries are there in total on two trees?

(Not at all, cherries do not grow on birches and fir trees)

Are there questions that cannot be answered with “yes”?

(Are you sleeping?)

If there are four cats, two dogs and two sofas in a room, how many legs are there in the room?

(8, cats and dogs have paws, not legs)

The red T-shirt was soaked in the Black Sea. What will the T-shirt become after this?

This is my mother's child, but not my sister. Who is this?

There are five slides on the school playground. Two of them were painted, how many slides are there?

(Five, the painted ones didn’t disappear anywhere)

What is easier, one kilogram of potatoes or one kilogram of carrots?

(Weigh the same)

Who walks without getting up from a chair?

(Chess player)

Which month has 25 days?

How many glasses of yogurt can you drink on an empty stomach?

(One. The rest will not be on an empty stomach)

Two mothers and two daughters were walking in the park. How many are there in total?

(Three. Mom, grandmother and granddaughter)

You overtook the runner who was second in the relay. What place do you occupy now?

What does half a pineapple look like?

(For the second half of the pineapple)

Funny and mischievous riddles for 7 year old children

If you want to cheer up your beloved child, then funny riddles for 7-year-old children will come in very handy. For example, they may be like this.

Who gnaws the pine cones on the Christmas tree?

Well, of course it is... (They will say a monkey, but this is a squirrel)

One dumpling is cooked for five minutes. How long will it take to cook three dumplings?

(Five minutes)

Why does a person turn his head if he needs to look behind him?

(Because there are no eyes on the back or back of the head)

The hippopotamus climbed the tree with four paws and climbed down using only three. How did this happen?

(No way, hippos don't climb trees)

Short riddles for 7 year olds.

Sometimes the child is restless and inattentive, and therefore does not want to listen long riddles. In this case, short riddles for children 7 years old will help.

First the fields are covered in yellow,

Then it turns white and flies away.


The cheat has a red tail,

She is cunning and bares her teeth deftly.

There is a bridge in the sky, but you can’t walk across it. (Rainbow)

In the morning they disappear from the sky, at night they light our way. (Stars)

Motivation for children

Every task, even in a playful form, should be encouraged. This will help encourage the child to further participate in such activities. You don’t have to buy something expensive; you can just give them candy or a small toy. The point is for boys and girls to understand that such an activity is not only exciting, but also promises a reward.

Develop your children, here are riddles for 7-year-old children with answers on various topics to help you:

He has no hands, no eyes, but he can draw. Answer to the riddle: Frost.

In winter I hide, in spring I appear, in summer I have fun, in autumn I go to bed. Answer to the riddle: River.

He is cut down from a tree and cries in his hands. Answer to the riddle: Balalaika.

With a beard, not a man, with horns, not a bull, with down, not a bird, pulls bast, but does not weave bast shoes. Answer to the riddle: Goat.

It grows upside down. It grows not in summer, but in winter. But the sun will burn her - she will cry and die. Answer to the riddle: Icicle.

Striped balls came to us from melons. Answer to the riddle: Watermelons.

Five closets, one door. Answer to the riddle: Glove.

Sticky buds, green leaves. With white bark stands under the mountain. Answer to the riddle: Birch.

A beautiful sorceress came and repainted the foliage without paint. Answer to the riddle: Autumn.

Red body, heart of stone. Answer to the riddle: Cherry.

In the middle of the swamp lies a piece of gold. Answer to the riddle: Month.

There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. Answer to the riddle: Sea.

There are two pots under the threshold. Answer to the riddle: Forehead and eyes.

Winged, loud-mouthed, red flippers. Answer to the riddle: Goose.

The runners are running, the runners are rolling, the horned ones are taking the horned ones to stab the animals. Answer to the riddle: horse, wheels, pitchforks, hay..

Who beats and taps on the roof all night, and lulls you to sleep while mumbling and singing? Answer to the riddle: Rain.

He walks around the hallway, but doesn’t go into the hut. Answer to the riddle: Door.

Who deftly jumps through the fir trees and flies up into the oak trees? Who hides nuts in a hollow or dries mushrooms for the winter? Answer to the riddle: Squirrel.

An invisible shepherdess is chasing white lambs across a mountain clearing. Answer to the riddle: Wind and clouds.

Guess who the gray-haired housewife is? She shook the featherbeds - over the world of fluff. Answer to the riddle: Winter.

Jumping along the branches, but not a bird, a red one, but not a fox. Answer to the riddle: Squirrel.

There is a beam all over Rus' and on that beam there are twelve nests, and in each nest there are four eggs. Answer to the riddle: Year.

Pan Panovich did not fall into the water, did not drive away the geese, and did not drown himself. Answer to the riddle: Leaf.

There is a log, along it there is a road: fifty twigs and three hundred leaves. Answer to the riddle: year...

It flutters from flower to flower, when it gets tired, it rests. Answer to the riddle: Butterfly.

A shadow flew on Peter's Day, a shadow sat down on a stump, a shadow began to cry: the hair was withering, the oak grove was noisy. The answer to the riddle: a scythe...

Near the village the horse is cheerful. Answer to the riddle: Blizzard.

Three sparrows flew: “How long do they feed you?” - “I’m here 24 hours a day.” - “Me from week to week.” - “And me from year to year.” Answer to the riddle: Stove, bathhouse, barn.

I've been wearing them for many years, but I don't know how many they have. Answer to the riddle: Hair.

A tarhan flies through all the auctions, a caftan without a floor, without buttons. Answer to the riddle: Wind.

In the summer he follows the plowman, and in the winter he leaves screaming. Answer to the riddle: Rook.

The grandmother wears a snow hat. Stone sides, wrapped in clouds. Answer to the riddle: Mountain.

The little kid walked underground, stood up against the sun, and took off his cap. Answer to the riddle: Mushroom.

No windows, no doors, the room was full of people. Answer to the riddle: Cucumber.

The little hunchback is carrying two carts. Answer to the riddle: Buckets on a rocker.

He won’t knock, he won’t blurt out, but he will come. Answer to the riddle: Day.

The little potbellied guy walked around the city and killed all the guys. Answer to the riddle: Bath broom.

Not a bird, but with wings. Answer to the riddle: Butterfly.

Small, round, but you can reach the sky. Answer to the riddle: Eye.

Not the sea, not the land, ships don’t float, but you can’t walk. Answer to the riddle: Swamp.

Small, warm, plenty of space. Answer to the riddle: Nest.

Not gem, but it glows. Answer to the riddle: Ice.

A boy about the size of a finger, a white robe, a red hat. Answer to the riddle: Mushroom.

In such and such a month, on Fir Friday, a beast with falcon eyes and the leap of a goat was born. The answer to the riddle: a flea...

My jacket is green, my shirt is white, my pants are red, my tie is black. Answer to the riddle: Watermelon.

I will lead twelve horses on one rein. Answer to the riddle: Rake.

On the mountain on Brynska lies a heroic beast, a mustache like a Turk’s, a smooth skin. Answer to the riddle: Cat.

On New Year's Eve everyone is happy to see her, no matter how scratchy her outfit is. Answer to the riddle: Christmas tree.

A ball grew on a green fragile leg near the path. A little breeze rustled and scattered this ball. Answer to the riddle: Dandelion.

If you go to the edge of Sverdlovsk, what will you find? Answer to the riddle: Letter A.

There is a commotion in the yard - peas are falling from the sky. Answer to the riddle: Hail.

He stands on one leg and drinks water with a horn. Answer to the riddle: Goose.

There is a Taratyn oak tree on Gorynskaya Mountain; it can be cut down, but cannot be split. Answer to the riddle: Hair.

On the field on Nogaisky there are poles of henbane, with green caps on them. Answer to the riddle: Birch trees.

Between the mountains lies fat Yegor. Answer to the riddle: Potatoes.

On the street there will be a clink, they will rumble - there will be a tinkle, and when they go back - the tears will flow. Answer to the riddle: Buckets.

Little babies rolled pellets, passed through the ground, found a blue queen; blue, blue and cherry. Answer to the riddle: peas..

Not alive, but squeaking. Answer to the riddle: Gate.

Small, pot-bellied, belted with a bast. Answer to the riddle: Broom.

Not a mouse, not a bird frolics in the forest, lives in the trees and gnaws nuts. Answer to the riddle: Squirrel.

Small, round - it will reach the sky. Answer to the riddle: Eye.

They don’t sow, they don’t plant, they grow on their own. Answer to the riddle: Hair.

A little boy in a gray army jacket sneaks around the yards, picks up crumbs, wanders through the fields - stealing hemp. Answer to the riddle: Sparrow.

It has no weight or color! Answer to the riddle: Air.

The little lady woke up at midnight. The answer to the riddle: a flea...

There are no legs, but he walks, no eyes, but he cries. Answer to the riddle: Cloud.

In the summer, in the swamp, you will find it. Green frog. Who is this? Answer to the riddle: Frog.

It runs in the summer and stands still in the winter. Answer to the riddle: River.

It sleeps on the ground at night and runs away in the morning. Answer to the riddle: Dew.

A parrot bird is flying, sat down on the ground, scattered its feathers for all sorts of potions. Answer to the riddle: Spring.

One speaks, two look, two listen. Answer to the riddle: Tongue, eyes, ears.

Gray geese flew and dropped white fluff. Answer to the riddle: Snow and clouds.

It hangs in a prominent place, swallowing news all year round. Answer to the riddle: Mailbox.

A perhol, a caftan without a hem, flew, lay down, stretched out its neck, looked through the crack. Answer to the riddle: blizzard..

Grief has fallen in the blue sea, I am not sickened by grief, but sickened by the blue sea. Answer to the riddle: Mote in the eye.

The deck lies across the road; There are twelve nests in a deck, four eggs in a nest, and seven embryos in a testicle. What will happen? Answer to the riddle: Year.

He was the first to emerge from the mud on the thawed patch. He is not afraid of frost, even though he is small. Answer to the riddle: Snowdrop.

The empty hen made a nest with a yard, she herself is in the nest, the egg is out. Answer to the riddle: potatoes..

A fur coat and a caftan walks across the mountains and valleys. Answer to the riddle: Sheep.

Who is the strongest in the world? Answer to the riddle: Water.

He walks and walks along the sea, but when he reaches the shore, he disappears. Answer to the riddle: Wave.

Who walks around angry and hungry in the cold winter? Answer to the riddle: Wolf.

White geese swim across the blue sea. Answer to the riddle: Clouds.

Whoever comes into the house takes me by the hand. Answer to the riddle: Door.

The bird built a nest underground and laid eggs. Answer to the riddle: Potatoes.

Steep mountain: every step is a hole. Answer to the riddle: Stairs.

The house is full of sparrows. Answer to the riddle: Knots on logs.

Shouts: “Krack!” The enemy of worms. Answer to the riddle: Rook.

A peahen flew in, sat on the lava, and spread its feathers for all sorts of potions. Answer to the riddle: Spring.

Who gets hit on the head to make him walk straight? Answer to the riddle: Nail.

The bridge stretches for seven miles, and at the end of the bridge there is a golden mile. Answer to the riddle: A week.

What is a bird with forty letters? Answer to the riddle: Forty A, forty.

The peas scattered over seventy-seven roads; no one will pick him up: neither the king, nor the queen, nor the red maiden. Answer to the riddle: Hail.

It blooms from under the snow and welcomes spring before anyone else. Answer to the riddle: Snowdrop.

I was born of flesh, but no blood, I don’t know how to read and write, but I’ve been writing forever. Answer to the riddle: Quill feather.

A grandmother is coming from the bathhouse in a green sundress. Answer to the riddle: Bath broom.

Where does life begin? Answer to the riddle: Letter Z.

A green calf is tied with a rope, lies on its side and gets fat. Answer to the riddle: Watermelon.

Topic: riddles for children 7 years old with answers, tricks and for the development of logic.