The most frequently asked children's questions

Lyudmila Vasilyeva
Consultation for educators “Questions from children and answers from adults”

Often adults call children"why"! What kind of They don’t pester adults with questions.

When a child develops, he is interested in everything around him, what and how is happening in the world around him. Lots of children's questions lead adults to dead ends, because answer we don't have them or answer too complex for children to understand, but do not forget that children questions- this is necessary food for the developing mind children. All were small children, and tormented adults with constant questions: "How?", "For what?", "Why?". But we need to think about it. how many times in life do little whys hear in answer: "Because!"

Why these "Why"?

The age of why is counted from the age of three, this age is an incredibly interesting phenomenon, but if children's curiosity is not satisfied, then the channel of knowledge will very soon be blocked and adults will reap all the delights of school life: being called to school because of poor studies, being forced to sit down for lessons, looking for tutors.

Children grow, develop, expand lexicon, and mysterious the world little by little reveals its secrets. And these whys begin! And if a five-year-old child picks up pebbles, twigs, pine cones or snow on the street, drags them home and watches how they turn into water, there is no need to rush to scold him! Curiosity awakens in him! It is important from early childhood to develop children a keen interest in the world around them and let them taste it and touch it! The main thing that adults- created safe conditions and do not interfere! The life of an inquisitive person will never be boring - he will always find something to do and will not suffer from loneliness, and this is very important at any age. All these "What" And "Why"- nothing more than a way of understanding the world. And this method is practically the only one for the baby so far. Later he will learn to use reference books, get information from books, TV shows and the Internet. In the meantime, the main source of information is close people; for the baby, they are smarter and more important than all the scientists. And such high trust must be justified! Main "supplier" serve as information adults. And if the child asks questions, - it is possible that parents communicate very little with the baby or communication is reduced to the everyday level. Every second a child grows, he catches, absorbs and assimilates new information. Moreover, it seems that they are literally catching it out of thin air. On adults have a huge responsibility, first of all, for the quality of this information and the ways of obtaining it.

Children's questions this is an indicator of their mental activity and cognitive interests

From birth, a child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him. Preschool age is a time of dreamers, a period of intensive development creativity children, inexhaustible questions, a variety of game plans, a riot of imagination. Pace mental development preschoolers is very intense and dynamic.

To develop cognitive abilities in children can be distinguished tasks:

1. Expand your ideas children about basic concepts (time, sign, symbol, sign systems).

2. Systematize existing and new information through logical operations (analysis, comparison, generalization, classification).

3. Develop the ability for visual modeling, independently build and use spatial models.

4. Promote the development of intellectual abilities, imaginative forms of cognition (perception, memory, imagination, thinking).

5. Form and improve fine motor skills of the hands.

To stimulate mental and cognitive activity, it is appropriate to organize work that includes: classes with consideration of problem situations children's experimentation; educational activities; creative tasks; educational games and exercises; educational experiences; solution logical problems; educational reading; collecting.

How to teach children ask questions

Many children's “whys” relate to the surrounding world, nature, animal or human physiology, behavior and other things. Explain to the child what to ask questions, that's good, you need to force it children ask all sorts of questions in the game. Playing a simple and fun game where first an adult asks questions, and the child is on them answers and then change in some places: “What is a mouth for? What is the nose for? Why do we need ears? Answers can be both serious and comic: “You need a nose to breathe. You need a nose to smell flowers.". This game develops the child’s imagination and speech, and shows that often on the same question you can find a lot of different answers. Play "why" on the contrary, asking questions"chain": “Why do you need a bicycle?” "What to ride" “Why ride?” "Because I like" “Why do you like it?” etc.

Don't laugh at a child if he doesn't formulate correctly question, correct him. Children are just learning to ask questions, and they tend to make some mistakes without knowing how to correctly present the essence question. We will serve the baby well if we teach him to place correctly questions and don't be afraid to do it. The child trusts adults and wants to receive sincere answers. May not always be easy to find answer to one question or another, reply still necessary. For a child of three or four years old it is already enough that adults tried to explain what they know. And in such conversations, he understands that he can trust his parents and also count on help in the future. And be sure to praise your child for successful questions. Your little why deserves it!

How answer whys

Why does age always cause adults have a lot of contradictions. How answer whys to promote them intellectual development, and have patience for numerous questions from the mouth of a child?

Mental and speech development very important in preschool age, so parents need to always be patient answer children's questions, do not infringe on the child’s desire to learn new knowledge, even if it is the most insignificant. You need to be patient, try to be interested together with your child, learn something new for yourself, relate to issues positively and with interest. Understand and accept that the presence questions is a big plus, it’s good that the child begins to understand what is happening, he moves forward. After all, a child is the most precious thing you have, and you never feel sorry for your attention and time.

Children's questions need to be answered, But. not for everything. There are many questions, which the child himself is quite capable of answer, if he thinks a little. Learn to highlight such questions from a flurry of all kinds "Why" And "For what", adults will serve the child well, teaching them to think, helping them do important conclusion: It is not possible to know everything, but there are many things and phenomena that you can understand and realize on your own.

For adult it is very important to learn to understand children's questions are correct, delve into their essence. It's sometimes not Just: children's thinking is structured completely differently than adult. Children often ask inaccurate questions questions saying one thing but meaning something completely different. Any questions enrich and provide new knowledge. Any answers develop intelligence and curiosity. Any communication satisfies a need. Why do children need love, affection, care, parents need to be wise and sensitive, ready answer any question from your child, let it be in your own way. The child will know that his interest and need for attention will not remain unrequited.

How to destroy children's curiosity

As easy as pie! A couple of times not answer. wave it off a couple of times ( “I’m busy, wait, later, not now, another time, I don’t know.”). Laugh a couple of times at the absurdity the child said. A couple of times question"Why?" answer“on the swing!”. And the most suitable the answer will be valid"Why? Because!". Just don’t be surprised if a little later you also receive "by swing" V answer to some of your own question. Not receiving answers on questions, the child will sooner or later stop asking them altogether. Curiosity is the norm for a child, a sign of his giftedness. And if he asks questions are very good! It’s much worse if he doesn’t ask! And no matter how hard it is for you, no matter how much the little why does not torment you with his "What" Yes "How", be patient and satisfy his curiosity in every possible way. Question and search for an answer on him is much more important than himself answer.

Examples of children's questions from practice

Children's questions:

Walk in kindergarten in autumn

Child: Why did it rain?

Adult: Because autumn has come, and in autumn it often rains.

Child: Why did autumn come?

Adult: Because summer is over.

Child: Why did summer end?

Adult: Why do you think summer ended?

Child: Because the season has changed.

A three-year-old boy, Oleg, is going to feed the cats and

clarifies what they eat:

Child: Do they eat sausage?

Adult: Are eating

Child: Do they eat bread?

Adult: Are eating

Child: Do they eat candy?

Adult: No Child: Do they have diabetes?

Ilyusha, 4 years old, does not eat well

Adult: If you don't eat, you won't grow Child: And you will you eat? Adult: Will.

Child: And grow to the ceiling? Adult: No, I won’t grow up, I’ve already grown up. Child: Then why are you eating?

Dima, 5 years old, saw that the builders were painting the fence asks: Why do they paint the fence?

Adult: What do you think?

Child: Probably so that it would be beautiful and everyone would laugh. Because when it’s beautiful everyone laughs.

To better understand what the why people want to hear answer to your question, we need to be more attentive to children, communicate more with them, take into account their characteristics and certainly pay attention to how they react to our answers what they prefer.

Children are spontaneity itself. Sometimes their answers to adult questions can make you think. As they say, truth speaks through the mouth of a baby. Interesting to know will show the most original answers from children to serious topics about relationships between men and women:

- What is a wedding?
— A wedding is when you pick up a girl to go out with her and never return her to her parents. Yarik, 6 years old
— When people love each other, they kiss all the time. But then they get tired of kissing, and what should they do next? Then they get married. Dasha, 8 years old

-Who is a husband?
“It’s difficult with this person.” Because he's a lot of trouble. The expenses are high... This person can let you down: for example, at first he was handsome and good, but after you married him, he became abusive and fat. Kirill, 7 years old

- Who is this wife?
“This is a girl who cooks a man’s dinner, washes his clothes and takes care of his child.” Andrey, 4 years old

— How to choose a husband or wife?
- She must love the same things as you. For example, you love football, and your wife makes sure that there are always chips in the house and something to dip into. Alik, 9 years old
- Mom says I will meet a smart and kind guy. But I'll most likely just choose the tallest one and with blue eyes. Milana, 7 years old

— What is insomnia?
— The bride might have it. She lies at night and thinks: “What dress will I wear tomorrow? Beautiful or not? And most importantly, what kind of husband will I have tomorrow?” Masha, 7 years old

— After a cruise, men and women often have to get married. Lena, 7 years old

“Before, dads weren’t allowed to have children. It was considered unmusical. But now it's normal for mom and dad to give birth together. Katrina, 6 years old

“When you get married, you can’t laugh.” And you can't say no yet. Katrina is 6 years old

— When they get married, they make a promise of silence. And if it is not restrained, then you need to get a divorce and share chandeliers and knives. Usually you can't decide who gets the children. Those who cannot decide should contact a stockbroker. He will decide that one will get the children and the other will get the dinner table. Regina 7 years old

- Armored mothers walk with a child in their bellies for about 204 months. Edda, 6 years old

— My dad says that my mom is unconscious when she buys clothes. Marion, 6 years old

“You can’t kiss a girl until you save up money for a ring.” I'm still 20 rubles short. Arseniy, 7 years old

“A man never stops producing cells, but he also reaches a certain age. It's called the age of panic. Stina. 9 years

“Women are made of egg tubes, and they think more.” Siri, 6 years old

- Old women love to look at naked men. They just don’t want to admit it when asked. Tone, 7 years old

— Women have a figure, and men have a briefcase. Bjorn, 7 years old

— Is it better to be married or single?
“I even got a headache.” I'm a child. It's too early for me to think about it. Ilya, 9 years old

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Sometimes children ask such questions that you don’t know whether to laugh or blush. And it is important for the child to get an answer. Children don't want us to ignore them, lie to them, or laugh at their naivety.

website publishes correct answers to tricky children's questions.

Be honest, but don't go into too much detail.

“When people love each other, they kiss and hug. Dad gives mom his cell. It connects with the mother’s, and a baby appears in the belly. He is small, like a fish, and swims inside his mother. And then he grows, no longer fits inside and is born.” Older children can be taught about sperm and eggs.

Try to talk about this without awkwardness, because a child’s interest in genitals is an absolutely natural thing.

“These differences are necessary for the birth of children. Boys have a penis and two testicles. In girls, the vagina and uterus are a special pouch for the unborn child. A boy and a girl grow up, meet and want to have children. They fit together like puzzles or construction kit parts. After that, a baby appears in the stomach.”

Almost all children ask this question when they form an attachment to the opposite sex. Gently say no.

“Everyone in the family has their own role. Your sister cannot become a father, and your father cannot become a grandmother. And you cannot become your mother's husband. When you grow up and become an adult, your mother will already be old. You will still be able to love and care for her, but you will marry a beautiful young girl. You will love each other and you will have your own children.”

The child subconsciously feels guilty for his parents' quarrels. It is important that the child understands that it is not his fault.

“People quarrel because they don’t always agree with each other’s opinions. Children quarrel, and adults sometimes too. But we will definitely make peace, because we love each other. And each of us loves you."

Don’t shush your child if he pays attention to a person who stands out in a crowded place - this is what creates intolerance.

"All people are different. There are tall, short, fat and thin. And it happens that a person is sick and therefore looks different. In any case, he may be offended. Therefore, there is no need to point fingers at those who are different from others. It’s better to ask me about him when we’re alone, so as not to offend anyone.”

Brothers and sisters always compete for the love of their parents. There is no need to set your child’s brother or sister as an example and say that you love her more because she “studies better.”

“Yes, you are different, and our love can manifest itself in different ways. But we love you both equally, just as you love mom and dad equally. You are both very dear to me."

Explain to your child that treatment is necessary. You shouldn’t call him a coward and shame him: “Why are you so small?”

“The doctor does not want you harm, his job is to fight germs and sores. It will hurt a little, but without this you will not become healthy. When I was sick, they also gave me injections. I was scared, but I managed. And so can you. Look, your bunny is also sick, he needs to see a doctor. He’s very scared, let’s tell him why he shouldn’t be afraid of the doctor.”

Do not lie to your child about his invulnerability and your immortality. He is able to accept the truth.

“People, animals and even flowers die someday. This is the law of nature. It is so necessary that everyone who is born has enough space on the planet. And we will die someday. But it will not be soon. We will be gone when we grow old like grandma, and you become big like us. You will have your own children. Then they will grow big, you will grow old, and you will be gone. But you will live a wonderful life, full of adventure and discovery.”

Explain that your work is a law that must be taken into account. Focus on the joy of the upcoming meeting.

“I don’t want to break up with you, but it’s necessary, and there’s nothing to be done about it. Work is very important. But we will definitely meet in the evening and will be very, very happy. Let's swap our things? Take my keychain and I'll take your toy. And we will feel each other from afar.”

Don't be afraid to admit that you are not perfect. It is important that the child understands that not all parental actions should be copied.

“Yes, I smoke and sometimes sit late at the computer, but I don’t want you to repeat my mistakes. This is my bad habit that I will get rid of. Because I want to become better."

Take your child’s fears seriously and, together with him, figure out how to turn the scary into good.

“Tell me about the monster. You know, such monsters are very afraid of magic spells. Let's come up with something like this together. Or look, this is not just any old TV remote control. See that secret button? When you press it, the monsters disappear. Let's put this remote control next to your bed."

Rules for answering children's questions

  • The child does not need to know more than he asked. Answer simply.
  • Do not lie. If you don't know the answer, just admit it to your baby. And look for the answer together. This approach will only strengthen your authority, but lying, on the contrary, will destroy it. When If your child learns the truth from someone, you will have to explain to him why you lied.
  • Don't speak in a condescending, preachy tone. Avoid ridicule, take your child seriously. You want your baby to continue to come to you with his questions.
  • Look deeper. Sometimes the question is an unconscious attempt to ask for help or hidden fear, try to understand what the little person really expects from you.

Usually the question “why?” Most often we hear from the lips of children who, due to their age, do not know many things. But if you think about it, it turns out that we, as adults, ourselves do not know the answers to seemingly childish questions: why is the sky blue or why does the grass have green color? At least once in his life, every person has thought about the questions, the answers to which await you in the continuation of the article, but due to their strangeness, he did not dare to ask.

Why do old books smell so bad?

In short, several hundred volatile organic substances contribute to the smell. In 2009, a study was conducted on this topic, the results of which were published in the journal Analytical Chemistry. According to him, volatile organic compounds enter the air from books, and more specifically from the decaying components of which they are composed - paper, ink and glue.
The study's author, Matija Strlič, described the smell as "a combination of herbaceous undertones with a slight odor of acids and vanilla, as well as an accentuated musty smell."

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How are seedless grapes grown?

Most fruits today do not come from seeds, but from cut branches. Small part grapevine or a branch is cut, processed and placed in the ground, after which roots and leaves begin to grow from it.
Some seedless grapes still contain seeds, but they are very small. In general, most types of grapes contain seeds, but not all of them form the hard shell we are used to.

Why don't we see pigeon chicks?

Perhaps because we don't often look into their nests. do not leave their nests until they are fully grown. In addition, when the pigeon is old enough to leave the nest, it is almost impossible to distinguish it from an adult pigeon.

Why does it smell so good when it rains?

This scent is called Petrichor. This is the word they decided to use to describe the smell in the air that remains after the rain has passed. It was invented by two Australian scientists in 1964.
This term Petrichor was formed by the merger Greek words petra ("stone") and ichor ("ichor" - the liquid flowing in the veins of the Greek mythological gods).
It is worth noting that in the creation of this aroma, one of the main roles is played by the organic compound geosmin (geosmin - from the gr. “smell of earth”). This organic substance is nothing more than a waste product of various microorganisms, including cyanobacteria and actinomycetes.

Why do we cry when we cut onions?

Onions contain volatile oils that give the plant its characteristic aroma. These oils contain organic substances - amino acid sulfoxides.
When cutting an onion, the structure of its tissues is disrupted, the cells are torn, which in turn leads to the release of sulfonic acid, which turns into thiopropionaldehyde-B-oxide - it is this that causes tears. In addition, these acids condense into the form of thiosulfite, which gives onions their characteristic odor.
It is worth noting that the formation of thiopropionaldehyde-8-oxide as a result of cutting onions peaks 30 seconds after the first cut.
Tears are a protective reaction of our body, which begins to produce a weak solution of sulfuric acid. Our brain “informs” the tear glands that it is time to secrete a large amount of fluid, which should wash away the irritating substance. More damaged onion tissue means more gas is produced and more liquid is produced by the body, i.e. more tears. The onion reaction is a kind of defense mechanism against pests.

How much gold does a gold ring lose when we wear it?

According to a 2008 study published in the journal Gold Bulletin, the average gold ring loses about 0.12 mg of gold each week.
Chemist Georg Steinhauser, who is the author of the study, writes: “The most gold is lost while relaxing on the beach, where the ring is exposed to the abrasive influence of sand.”

Why does garbage smell worse in hot weather than in cold weather?

Most garbage consists of organic material - fruit and vegetable peels, food scraps, etc. This material begins to decompose, releasing bad smell, which signals that it can no longer be eaten.
If the environment is fairly warm, organic material will decompose faster. We are also less sensitive in cold weather, so when warm weather arrives, the stench from the garbage becomes stronger.

Why don't penguins fly?

On the path of evolution, the bird apparently had to choose which skill would be more useful to it: to be able to fly well or to swim well. This idea was put forward by scientists whose research was published in 2013 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
According to the study, penguins cannot fly because their bodies are more adapted to diving than to flying.
"To learn to fly, they need to grow larger wings, or increase the size of their body to dive better, but if both conditions are met, then flight becomes impossible," explains Robert Ricklefs, co-author of the study and an ornithologist at the University of Missouri in St. -Louis.

Why is it difficult to sneeze with your eyes open?

It's worth noting first that if you decide to deliberately leave your eyes open when you want to sneeze, they will not pop out of their sockets. And even if this happened, closed eyelids could not help you avoid it.
In fact, when we sneeze, we close our eyes simply because the reflex is triggered. When your brain sends the signal to sneeze, part of it tells you to close your eyes.

Why do people walk forward and not sideways?

If crabs walk like this, why don't people do it? Even if we need to go left or right, we still turn and move in front.
One reason may be the fact that walking sideways uses as much energy as running forwards.

A study published in the journal Biology Letters in 2013 found that walking sideways requires more energy because it requires you to stop after each step to take the next step.

Why do some people have freckles and others don't?

Freckles contain the pigment melanin. Most freckles are caused by the same gene that causes red hair - MC1R.
The cells in the skin that produce melanin are called melanocytes. MC1R makes a protein that lives on these cells and tells your body what melanin to create.
In darker-skinned people, melanocytes are more likely to produce one type of melanin, eumelanin. People who produce more pheomelanin have paler skin and more freckles. By the way, such people do not tan very much, i.e. in the sun, their skin almost does not change color, since pheomelanin - unlike eumelanin - does not protect a person from ultraviolet rays.

Why does even the smallest speck of dust in the eye create a very unpleasant sensation?

Your cornea, the front most convex transparent element of the eyeball, has many nerve endings.
If you get dust in your eye and then start to rub it, you are simply rubbing the dust on the surface of the cornea, which worsens the situation, making the pain worse. You can also inadvertently press too hard on a speck of dust and it will go into the cornea. Instead of rubbing your eye, try blinking, this helps in most cases.