An effective iron cleaner. How to clean an iron from burnt soles: ways to remove burnt clothes

Even a good iron will sooner or later develop brown or black spots on the soleplate. At first they do not interfere with ironing. In any case, we do not notice that they are in the way. But over time, ironing becomes more and more difficult - the sole does not slip due to soot. It would seem, what’s wrong with that? We take it and clean off the fumes. But it's not that simple. If the ceramic or Teflon surface is scratched, the iron can be thrown away. So before cleaning your iron, choose the appropriate method or product.

Cleaning the iron from burnt marks on the sole

If the heating mode of the iron is incorrectly selected, a yellowish coating forms on the sole. It makes the sole rougher, which makes it glide worse on the fabric and makes ironing more difficult. If this deposit is not removed in time, it will turn brown, then black. The darker the color, the more difficult it is to get rid of plaque. If your iron is expensive, it is better to remove plaque after ironing. Ideally, immediately after it appears. Even if you do gentle cleaning once a week, this will be enough.

Cleaning method at home

First, how to clean the soleplate of your iron. Take a clean, dry cloth made from natural fabrics. It would be very nice if it had a rough weave, but it is not necessary. The rag needs to be folded several times and placed on an ironing board. Apply liquid or paste to it different composition, distributing it over most of the surface. Using an iron preheated to medium temperature or cold, we begin to “iron” the rag with the cleaning agent. This should be done for several minutes. It is advisable to remove the plug from the socket during cleaning. Alkaline or acidic components are usually used, so it’s better not to take risks, otherwise you’ll have to do more.

In some cases, if the rag is saturated with caustic components, you can simply leave the iron on the rag for a while. When the carbon deposits soften, you can iron it with a dry or damp cloth, but this one is clean. If not all carbon deposits have been removed, repeat the treatment. If it doesn’t help at all, try another method or composition.

When using certain cleaning compounds (baking soda, salt, toothpaste), the steam release pores on the soleplate of the iron may become clogged. A rag soaked in vinegar can help. We also iron it with a heated iron. Another way is to add water and vinegar and “release” all the liquid in the form of steam. Keep the sole pointing downwards. This, by the way, will also clean the scale that forms in steam irons.

Cleaning compounds

To say unequivocally - this works, but this doesn’t - it won’t work. Firstly, the type of burn is different. Secondly, the ironing soles are also different. Not only the shape is different, but also the materials. What works on ceramics may not work on metal. And vice versa. Often you have to try several options. What's interesting is that what worked this time won't necessarily work the next time. So you constantly have to experiment.

You can do it differently: apply the paste to the fabric and “target” rub the stains

Composition for application to clean fabric:

  • Mix baking soda and detergent, add water until it becomes a thick paste.
  • Whitening toothpaste.
  • Add a couple of tablespoons of ammonia to 9% or 6% vinegar and moisten the cloth.
  • You can try just vinegar. You can wet a rag with it and rub the sole with it. But “ironing” a rag soaked in vinegar is safer, and you can scrub off particularly stubborn stains.

There are also more aggressive methods. For example, take 20-25 grams for 200 ml of water citric acid. Pour the solution into a frying pan or baking sheet with high sides. Place the iron in it. The liquid should cover the sole, but should not exceed the connection level with the body. Leave for 20-25 minutes. Even the toughest carbon deposits are wiped off. If you put the iron in a frying pan or baking sheet on low heat and boil it, also clean it well limescale, which clogs the nozzles for steam release. The liquid should not boil, but only be hot.

A tougher option is a bath cleaner with acid or alkali. Again for different cases different compositions work. Place a piece of thick polyethylene on a soft rag and press it down a little in the middle so that the edges are higher than the middle. Pour the product and place the iron in the resulting puddle. The burnt spot on the sole should be immersed in acid. Wait 10-15 minutes, wash with a wet cloth. Even tough stains come off so well. If the soleplate of the iron is made of stainless steel, you can safely use this method. All others are at your own peril and risk.

Dry cleaning

There is also a method of mechanically cleaning the iron from carbon deposits, but it can be used with cheap or old copies. With those where the surface is made of ceramics and has a Teflon coating, these methods will not work. Or rather, they will remove the fumes, but the sole will get a lot of scratches, so it will be almost impossible to use. So before you clean the iron from carbon deposits mechanically, we look at the sole. If there are already scratches and it doesn’t bother you, feel free to proceed. If the surface is smooth, it is better not to take risks and try liquid products.

Cleaning method: rub an iron over a pile of baking soda or salt

The essence of the method is to pour dry fine abrasive and move an iron over it until burnt fragments remain on the abrasive. We act like this. On a hard surface, spread a sheet of paper (you can use a newspaper, a magazine spread), pour in baking soda or fine table salt. We heat the iron a little (do not heat it), pressing it against the dry substance, trying to peel off the burnt residues. The cleaning time depends on how much the carbon deposits have become stuck. Sometimes the process goes quickly, sometimes slowly, but it always cleanses. Not to a mirror shine, but it does remove the blackness.

The disadvantage of this method is that if there is carbon deposits inside the recesses of the iron sole, it is very difficult to remove. I'll have to take it cotton swab, dip it in water, soda/salt and clean each hole in this way. The boiling method works faster.

You can remove burnt marks from the gray sole from a matchbox

There is another method of mechanical purification - using sulfur on an ordinary matchbox. The sulfur strip is a fine and soft abrasive. It should not even scratch the ceramic surface. Cleaning carbon deposits from the iron is simple: scrape off the carbon deposits with the corner of the box.

Using a pencil to clean your iron

There are special pencils on sale for cleaning the soleplate of the iron. They may have different compositions, but the cleaning process itself is the same. First you need to protect the plastic part of the body, which is located below the sole. Masking tape is ideal. It sticks easily, holds well and leaves no marks after peeling off. We seal the plastic carefully.

You will also need a clean rag or paper towels to clean the surface of residues and drips. We put thick cotton work gloves on our hands - steam will be generated actively and the gloves will protect against burns. It is better to cover the table with paper or old rags - dirty liquid will flow. Next, clean the soleplate of the iron as follows:

  • Preheat the iron to medium temperature or higher. The higher the temperature, the faster the cleaning will take place. But the fumes are very active, so ventilation should work well or you can clean it near an open window.
  • Tilt the iron so that the sole is pointing slightly downward. We choose the angle arbitrarily, but the composition from the melting pencil should not flow inside through the steam holes.
  • We actively move the pencil along the sole of the iron. It melts, evaporates immediately, and some of it drips down.
  • Periodically clean the surface with rags or paper towels. When all the stains come off, wipe the sole clean and remove the tape.

This method is one of the most effective. The price is a couple of tens of rubles, but it can be used for Teflon, steam, and ceramic irons. Fast, convenient, inexpensive.

Removing scale from inside

Almost all irons now come with steam - they are more convenient and efficient. During operation, scale forms inside - these are insoluble substances that water contains. They exist if undistilled water is poured into the iron. If the iron has a self-cleaning function, turn it on periodically. If not, you will have to act differently.

This is what was inside the steam iron

Cleaning from the inside

To remove scale from the iron, you need to pour acidified water inside. Scale is salts; an acidic environment corrodes them, they loosen and come out with steam. It is better to take water that is as purified as possible. Better - distilled. If it is not available, it can be boiled or after a good cleaning. Add citric acid to the water. For 200 ml - about 25 grams, per liter - 5-6 tablespoons. You can also add alcohol vinegar (one glass per liter 9%), but it has more bad smell.

In order to clean the inside of the iron, you need to fill it with water with citric acid and turn it on until it heats up. And this is what comes out of there

Pour acidified water into the iron reservoir. In terms of quantity - to the maximum. Turn on the iron to maximum temperature. Heat until the light goes out twice or three times. Turn off the iron and go to the sink. We give him a good shake and let off some steam. If it has cooled down and there is still water inside, heat it up again, turn it off and continue cleaning.

The final stage is to pour in clean water and “evaporate” all of it. You can do this over an old impression rag. Usually, after observing what has accumulated inside, they forget to clean the iron less often.


The same composition (water with vinegar or citric acid) is poured into a baking tray with high sides. We put two chopsticks on the bottom (you can use them for sushi, you can just use wood chips). The purpose of the sticks is to provide a gap between the baking sheet and the soleplate of the iron.

We place the cold iron in a container on some pieces of wood. The liquid level should be such that it covers the sole, but does not reach the plastic parts. We put all this on the burner, bring to a boil, and leave to cool. Heat again, cool. So 2-4 times. Next, you need to drain the water that got inside the iron through the steam holes. You can drain it through the filler hole. The water will not be clean, usually yellow with scale residues.

Pour clean water into the iron, rinse and pour out. Then you need to leave it alone until it dries. After a couple of hours, you can turn it on and try ironing.

Iron is indispensable assistant for the hostess. Everyone knows that it cannot be left unattended and that different fabrics must be ironed at a certain temperature. But in a hurry it is forgotten, soot forms on the surface of the sole. Ironing becomes impossible. How to clean the iron from carbon deposits without damaging the equipment?

Cleaning your iron at home from scale and carbon deposits is not difficult; cleaning products are available to everyone. It is prohibited to use abrasive products as they damage the equipment.

The device must be cleaned disconnected from the electrical network!


To clean the heating element you will need table vinegar. Natural ones - apple, wine - will not work, they contain natural sugars that contaminate the sole of the device.

Vinegar is used when yellow or brown spots appear. The acid dissolves salt deposits and scale formed when steaming fabrics.

You will need:

  • vinegar 9%;
  • cotton swab;
  • cotton pad.

Cleaning method:

  • heat the device;
  • unplug;
  • soak a cotton pad and stick in vinegar, squeeze out the excess;
  • wipe the sole with a cotton pad, go through small parts with a stick;
  • connect to the network;
  • iron cotton fabric.

If the surface is heavily soiled, soak a cotton cloth in a vinegar solution and iron until the dirt disappears.

The material must be natural. Otherwise, you will get fresh traces of burning on the sole.

As an alternative to vinegar, use citric acid. A chemically pure substance, not citrus juice. Lemon contains sugar. Its use will increase surface contamination.

Dissolve the acid in water until it tastes richly sour and treat the contaminated surface.

Hydrogen peroxide

When hydrogen peroxide decomposes, it releases atomic oxygen and may produce a strong odor. Will help clean and disinfect ceramics or Teflon coating.

Soak a cotton swab or thick cloth with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Wipe the contaminated cold surface thoroughly. There is no need to rinse or rinse.


Ammonia is not used in its entirety. To clean the base of the device, ammonia is mixed in equal proportions with vinegar.

Treat the cold surface of the device with the resulting liquid. Leave for 2-3 minutes. Wipe the sole with a waffle napkin or sponge.

You should work with ammonia in a ventilated area. Do not inhale vapors and do not allow the solution to get into your eyes or mucous membranes!

Other methods

Table salt will help clean the surface of the iron at home from burnt marks. The method is not suitable for Teflon surfaces!

Sprinkle fine salt onto a sheet of paper. Warm up the device and iron the sheet. Baking soda powder works similarly.

A budget-friendly product for cleaning iron from burnt marks is laundry soap. To remove the stain, heat the device and wipe with dry soap. Leave until cool. Then wipe the sole with a dry cloth. Remove the remaining soap with a damp sponge.

Toothpaste is a universal, gentle cleanser. Apply the paste to the sole. Heat up the device. Remove with a damp cloth toothpaste. Put it in steam mode. Remove any remaining cleaning agent from the surface.

Overview of special tools

Special chemicals for clearing smoke do not require specialized skills.

It is enough to read the manufacturer's instructions.

  1. Bubble Ice pencil contains ammonium nitrate, adipic acid, citric acid. Preheat the device to a temperature of 130 degrees or set the “wool” mode. Turn off the device. Apply burn remover. Wait for it to melt and thoroughly wipe the sole with a dry cotton cloth.
  2. Pencil Tefal XD900100 – suitable for all types of surfaces. The composition and method of use are not indicated on the packaging.
  3. Iron care kit WPRO IRON KIT - contains descaling liquid and a pencil for treating the heating element. Manufacturer Italy. Approved for cleaning aluminum soles.

What products can harm the iron's coating?

Manufacturers are now producing equipment with various types coatings – stainless steel, ceramics, non-stick based on Teflon.

The following actions will damage any surface:

  • abrasives - which are included in cleaning products for tiles or enamel surfaces. After use, cracks remain and the device stops sliding on the fabric;
  • iron brushes are an abrasive option;
  • aggressive acids and alkalis - ceramics and Teflon, inert materials, metal surfaces underneath. Enough cracks and aggressive substances will penetrate into the internal structures of the device and cause corrosion. After a while, the device will have to be thrown away;
  • rinsing under running water – gets on the internal components of the device. Short circuit is guaranteed;
  • paraffin - there is a possibility that an oil refined product in liquid form will get inside the device or remain in the steam outlets.

It’s easy to let it burn: get distracted or set the wrong temperature on the regulator, but it’s difficult to wash the sole!

Modern electric ironing devices are becoming more and more sophisticated, but at the same time they are demanding in terms of operating conditions and maintenance. An incorrectly selected ironing mode can lead not only to damage to clothing, but also to fabric sticking to the surface, and using plain tap water leads to the formation of scale. All this requires the owner to take measures to clean the ironing equipment that is indispensable in the house.

The best iron cleaning products

You can clean the iron using special store-bought products, here they are:

  • a special pencil based on ammonia. This product can be purchased at any hardware store, and it costs a penny. All you need to do is heat the electric device, rub its sole with a pencil, and then run it several times over a piece of unnecessary fabric, on the surface of which all the dirt will remain along with the remnants of the product;
  • What else is used to clean an iron? Silit will help remove rust and scale. After heating the device, you should turn it upside down and carefully drop a few drops of the product into each steam outlet. After a few minutes, rust will begin to appear on the surface, which should be removed with a dry cloth. And then it is recommended to fill the tank with water, select the steaming mode and punch holes well with a jet by pressing the corresponding button several times. Drain off excess water, wipe the device dry and begin ironing.

How to clean an iron from carbon deposits

There are many ways to clean your iron at home, here are some of them:

  1. Soda combined with dishwashing detergent. These two components must be mixed in a 2:1 ratio to obtain a paste. The sole of the iron should be covered with this slurry using a sponge. Leaving the device for 5–10 minutes, then vigorously rub the surface with a damp cloth.
  2. You can also clean your iron from carbon deposits using laundry soap. It is enough to warm up the device well and wipe its sole with a piece of the product. Wait until the iron cools down and wash off any residue with water.
  3. It can also help to clean your ironing equipment. regular vinegar. Armed with some rough, unnecessary cloth, you should soak it in vinegar and thoroughly wipe the contaminated surface. Since vinegar evaporates quickly, you will have to wet the cloth several times. After all the dirt and plaque remains on the fabric, the iron should be returned to its original appearance by ironing first the wet and then dry fabric.

How to clean iron from fabric

Fabric remains are the most common contamination that occurs when using the device in everyday life. If you do not take cleaning measures immediately, you can later damage your clothes when ironing, which will be contaminated by the fabric elements remaining on the sole.

We must immediately warn you that you cannot use strong abrasives such as sandpaper, blades or metal sponges, as they can easily scratch the sole. This can lead to further damage to your clothes when ironed with such a ridged and scratched iron. It is better to clean the iron at home like this:

  1. Heat the device, moisten an unnecessary rough cloth with ammonia and, as in the case of vinegar, rub the entire contaminated surface well. In the same way, we remove tissue residues and other plaque using hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Hydroperite tablets will help clean the iron from the fabric. After heating the electric device, you should rub its sole with a couple of tablets, and as soon as the dirt begins to come off from the surface, remove the remains with an old dry rag.
  3. The surface of the iron will shine clean again if you treat it with toothpaste, then turn on the device and iron the unnecessary fabric with a well-heated soleplate. To prevent the paste from clogging into the steam holes, you can pour water into the compartment and turn on the steam ironing mode.

Cleaning the iron inside

Like any electrical or other device operated with water, the iron tank sooner or later becomes covered with rust. The culprit may be failure to follow the instructions and use of plain water instead of distilled water. However, there is no need to panic or get upset. There are a couple of ways to solve this problem, here they are:

  • You can clean the inside of the iron at home using anti-scale agent or citric acid. To obtain a solution that needs consistency, you need to dissolve 0.5 teaspoon of the product in a glass of water, pour it into the compartment of the heated device and leave for 20–30 minutes. Then clean the holes by pressing the “steam” button several times. If the tank is not completely cleaned, you can repeat the procedure;
  • the same method, but instead of acid or anti-scale agent, use a mixture of water and vinegar.

That's all about cleaning ironing equipment at home. In order for the iron to last as long as possible and always delight you with the shine and cleanliness of the sole, you must follow the operating rules and observe the temperature conditions for different types fabrics and do not neglect ironing through gauze. And then you will not be in danger of holes on your favorite blouse and rusty spots that are clearly visible on light-colored things. Good luck!

No matter how high-quality an iron you use, at some point in time you will encounter the problem of carbon deposits on the iron! A small mistake and the iron cannot be used. However, don't despair! In this article you will learn how to clean carbon deposits from your iron.
Cleaning the iron with improvised means
First you need to stock up on everything you need. You will need coarse table salt, paraffin candle, soft cloth, hydrogen peroxide, matchbox, table vinegar, soap, baking soda and nail polish remover. Any housewife can find all this. So you can quickly and easily start cleaning your iron from carbon deposits.
Attention! Use all of the above methods at your own peril and risk, in some cases you risk damaging your iron, so be careful!

Method 1
You need to pour a little salt onto a thick sheet of paper. Heat the iron very high and move it over the salt crystals until the carbon deposits come off. For a better effect, add finely ground paraffin from a candle to the salt.

Method 2
Wrap the paraffin candle in thick cotton cloth. Then scrub the candles with a hot iron. The candle will melt, so you need to tilt the iron so that the paraffin flows into a pre-prepared tray. It is important not to forget about this, because if paraffin gets into the holes of the iron, it can then ruin your things when ironing. After cleaning, you need to remove any remaining paraffin and dirt.

Method 3
Place a handful of salt in cheesecloth and rub the heated iron thoroughly. The carbon deposits will go away quickly.

Method 4
You can use a matchbox. You need to heat the iron and clean the soleplate with a strip of sulfur the size of a box of matches. It's better to take new box so that the sulfur layer is intact.

Method 5
Take a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, soak a cotton pad in it and wipe the soleplate of the iron to remove carbon deposits. You can also use a hydroperite tablet. The tablet must be moved over a very hot iron. Be careful, as an unpleasant odor will be released, so it is better to open the windows in advance. The carbon deposits will peel off and can be easily removed with a damp cloth containing hydroperite residues.
cleaning the iron from carbon deposits

Method 6
Soak a cotton pad in acetone or vinegar and rub the working surface of the iron. After removing carbon deposits from the iron, wipe it with a piece of wool. If the carbon deposits have not gone away, then turn off the iron, let it cool slightly and place it overnight on a rag soaked in vinegar. The plaque will soften, peel off and can be removed with a soft cloth.

Method 7
In hardware stores you can purchase a special pencil for cleaning the iron from carbon deposits. To use it, you need to heat the iron and rub it with a pencil. Then wipe the sole with a cloth. If you have chosen a high-quality pencil, then after cleaning the iron will become like new, smoother and more gliding.

The above methods will help you quickly remove carbon deposits from your iron at home. They are also suitable for cleaning Teflon irons. However, for such delicate and sensitive units there is another, more gentle method.

Method 8
You need to heat the iron and rub the stained area with soap. This method is especially effective on fresh stains.

Method 9
If polyethylene accidentally sticks to the surface of the iron, this mark can be removed with nail polish remover.

Method 10
You can also use baking soda. You need to mix it with water, soak a cotton pad in the solution and rub the cold iron in a circular motion. After this, rinse the surface of the iron with a sponge soaked in clean water and wipe with a soft cloth.

It is important to remember that you should never clean your iron with rough abrasives or a knife. This damages the working surface of the iron and can lead to further problems.
Everyone also knows that prevention is better than cure. Therefore, after each use of the iron, wipe its sole with a soft cloth.

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How to clean the ceramic soleplate of an iron? Many housewives think about this when the equipment stops sliding well over the fabric, and the ironing process takes more and more time and effort. Before cleaning the ceramic surface, you need to choose a product that will not damage the delicate coating. We'll talk about ways to clean ceramics at home later.

Safe cleaning products

To get rid of fresh carbon deposits, use folk remedies that can be found in any home:

  • lemon juice;
  • table vinegar;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • sulfur;
  • toothpaste or powder;
  • ammonia;
  • soda solution;
  • aluminum foil.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice helps remove fabric stains from soles. To do this, dilute it with water in equal parts, soak a cotton swab in the solution and wipe the surface of the device. No less in an efficient way Cleaning with table vinegar with 9% vinegar is considered, which is carried out in several stages:

  1. Heat up the iron, then unplug it.
  2. Moisten cotton wool with vinegar and thoroughly treat the ironing surface of the device. Use cotton swabs to clean the holes.
  3. When the dirt has dissolved, turn on the iron and iron a piece of natural fabric.

Hydrogen peroxide

Ceramic and Teflon coatings can be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide. Warm up the device as much as possible and iron a linen or cotton cloth soaked in the product. Carry out the procedure until the dirt is completely removed, then wipe the surface with a soft, damp cloth.

You can read more about cleaning Teflon soles in this article.


Sulfur is considered a proven cleaning agent. Take a new matchbox and rub the soot-damaged area with a sulfur strip. Carefully remove any remaining dirt with a sponge soaked in water.


There is nothing easier than removing carbon deposits from the soleplate of the iron using toothpaste. Apply the product to the heated surface, then thoroughly scrub the stained area with an old toothbrush. With the same success, you can use tooth powder, which is previously diluted with water to a paste. After cleaning, remove the white residue with a napkin.

Ammonia alcohol

You can quickly and easily clean a ceramic iron using ammonia. Warm up the device slightly and unplug it. Soak a waffle towel in ammonia and wipe the burnt surface with it, then clean the product with a damp sponge and wipe dry.

The procedure using ammonia should be carried out in a well-ventilated room.


Soda has established itself as a universal cleaning agent for various ceramic products. Prepare a solution from half a glass of warm water and 1 tsp. soda Soak in the resulting liquid cloth napkin and treat the sole of the device. Remove any remaining product with a damp cloth.


Aluminum foil will help remove burnt-on fabric from a ceramic-coated iron. Tear off a piece of metallic paper and iron it. The fabric that has become embedded in the sole will come off and stick to the foil; all that remains is to wipe the work surface with a napkin.


You can buy it at any hardware store special pencil for cleaning the iron. It is safe for different types coatings, because it is made on the basis of ammonia.

To remove dirt, proceed sequentially:

  1. Preheat the device to maximum and turn it off.
  2. Work the pencil over the contaminated area, holding the iron in a vertical position.
  3. After cooling, wipe the surface with a clean cotton cloth.
Prepare a container or waste cloth in advance to drain the melted pencil residue from the sole.

If your home already has ceramic-coated appliances, such as a stove, then you probably have some special cleaner for cleaning such surfaces. It can also be used for ironing. Apply a small amount of cleaner to the surface of the device, let it sit for a few minutes, then polish the sole with a soft cloth.

How to clean a ceramic soleplate from heavy dirt

If you have ironed artificial fabric and exceeded the temperature regime, the synthetics will begin to burn and marks will remain on the sole. One of the following methods will help you cope with the problem:

  • nail polish remover. Soak a cotton pad in it and wipe the surface of the warm iron. Remove any remaining dirt with a damp cloth;
  • soap. Fresh carbon deposits from fabric can be removed using regular soap. Rub with a bar of soap warm sole device and leave for 30-40 minutes. After the allotted time, remove the remaining carbon deposits with a piece of clean cloth;
  • salt Suitable for removing old stains. Pour a little fine salt onto the paper and smoothly walk over it with the heated sole of the iron until completely clean. Using coarse salt, you risk ruining the delicate coating;
  • hydroperite. Put on gloves, heat the iron and rub the heavily soiled area with an antiseptic. Remove the residue with a damp cloth and do not forget to ventilate the room.

Even if the burn on the coating is strong enough, do not use abrasive products for cleaning. You need to clean the ceramic sole so that there are no scratches on it. Do not use sharp objects, steel brushes or kitchen brushes: they will irreversibly damage the ceramic surface. We hope our tips will help you safely remove any contamination.