Yeast mask for deep wrinkles. Making a yeast face mask at home: for young and aging skin

Anti-aging manipulations with the use of home remedies are becoming increasingly popular. Their advantage over salon procedures is primarily about accessibility. For example, a yeast face mask for wrinkles will help get rid of wrinkles as effectively as expensive creams, but for less money.

The effectiveness of a yeast face mask for wrinkles is due to the presence in the composition of a number of vitamins and trace elements that are responsible for the youthfulness of the skin. Thanks to this, the use of yeast helps to smooth out even deep wrinkles, tighten the contours of the face, eliminate abscesses and quickly heal wounds.

The basis of the vitamin-mineral complex that makes up live yeast is:

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine). Provides optimal flow of metabolic processes in cells, saturation of tissues with energy to maintain tone.
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Responsible for starting the process of cell division, leading to timely tissue renewal. As a result, the skin acquires a blooming, fresh look.
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). Activates the protective properties of the dermis, preventing the negative impact of environmental factors, stressful situations, chemical components.
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid). Helps eliminate acne and other minor skin lesions by triggering anti-inflammatory processes. Additionally dries and evens out the tone of the dermis.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol). Responsible for tissue regeneration, and, consequently, for the elimination of wrinkles and folds on the skin. It is also effective for sagging tissues, as it gives the skin elasticity and flexibility.
  • Vitamin PP (niacin). Gives the skin a beautiful "live" tone without gray shades and pallor.
  • Vitamin H (biotin). Used as an effective moisturizer for excessively dry skin.

A yeast face mask for wrinkles contains an amino acid series. Its components trigger the process of collagen synthesis, in the absence of which the dermis loses firmness, elasticity, and silkiness. And minerals such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, iodine, manganese, zinc contribute to the optimization of metabolic processes for facial skin rejuvenation.

In addition, the regular use of yeast-based products guarantees the regulation of sebum production. This leads to the elimination of ugly oily sheen and local healing.

Rules for preparation and use

In order for home procedures to give a visible result, when preparing masks, you must follow some recommendations. Their observance will ensure obtaining even, smooth skin without wrinkles, acne and other rashes.

For the preparation of masks, both dry and ordinary “live” yeast are suitable. The main thing is that the product is not expired and its storage conditions comply with generally accepted standards. No less useful for facial skin and brewer's yeast, which can be purchased at specialized establishments.

Depending on the type, the main component is prepared for use in the mask in various ways. The most convenient for making home remedies is brewer's yeast. They can be directly poured into the mask before applying to the skin.

Dry yeast, especially those with the word “active” on the packaging, do not require long fermentation. It is enough to dissolve them in warm water and leave for up to half an hour. A "live" product from a briquette should be kneaded in a liquid to a paste-like state, the time required for their activation is from an hour or more.

To start the fermentation process, you can not use ordinary tap water. It should be settled and slightly warmed up to 40 - 50 ° C. When the temperature drops, fungal cultures do not wake up; if it is exceeded, they simply die.

In the process of obtaining the sourdough that forms the basis of the anti-wrinkle yeast mask, it must be stirred from time to time. This ensures that the number of lumps is minimized and a homogeneous substance is obtained.

Before starting anti-aging procedures, it is recommended that the skin be properly cleaned of impurities and steamed over a decoction of medicinal herbs. For dry skin, a mixture of yarrow, chamomile, lemon balm, sage, rose petals, lime blossom is suitable. For skin prone to excessive fat separation, it is best to use a decoction of oak bark, St. John's wort, wormwood, coltsfoot, sage. After that, the skin should be subjected to additional cleaning with a soft scrub, but if there is problematic skin this step should be skipped.

How often to use a yeast mask

The duration of the procedures varies depending on the features of the additional ingredients of the masks, as well as the structural features of the skin. On average, the application time of the product is from 15 to 40 minutes. Failure to follow the recommendation downwards leads to insufficient penetration of the ingredients into the dermis. Exceeding the recommended time is fraught with drying out of the mask, which entails certain difficulties in washing off. Remove the product from the face with warm water and a cotton swab.

To maintain facial health and eliminate age-related wrinkles, it is enough to regularly apply yeast masks. The standard course is 10-14 procedures during a session at least twice a week.

Recipes for yeast masks for wrinkles

When choosing one or another recipe based on yeast, it is necessary to take into account the type of skin and the problem that is supposed to be eliminated in the end.

For oily skin

Owners of a dermis with excessive secretion of fat know firsthand about the problems associated with this. Unhealthy greasy shine, the regular appearance of acne and blackheads do not make you feel truly beautiful.

For home healing, yeast from wrinkles will help:

  1. Combine in equal parts (50 ml each) fat-free kefir and sour cream, heat the mixture to an acceptable temperature. Add a tablespoon of yeast starter to the liquid and mix well. Apply to the skin with a cosmetic brush, rinse with warm water after 30 minutes.
  2. Add wheat or rye flour to a tablespoon of yeast sourdough in the amount necessary to obtain a homogeneous, creamy consistency. To interact with the components and start the fermentation process, put the container with the mixture in a warm place and wrap it with a warm towel. Then apply a thick layer for 30 minutes.
  3. Dissolve "live" yeast in an amount of 20 g in warm water (50 ml) until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. Add 1 tsp. lemon juice, as well as beaten egg white and mix again. Apply the mask with a brush and wait for complete drying on the skin. On average, the procedure lasts 15-20 minutes. It should be removed by gently soaking the film.
  4. Dilute dry yeast powder (1 tbsp.) in 40 ml of warmed milk until smooth texture. In the mass add 1 egg, 1 tbsp. l. steamed olive oil (can be replaced with other vegetable oil), 1 tsp. liquid honey, 1 tbsp. l. wheat (rye flour). The mask should have a homogeneous, creamy texture. It should be applied in an even layer, over the entire surface of the face except for the areas around the eyes and lips.

For dry skin

Dry skin is characterized by deep, clearly visible wrinkles that are difficult to mask. To make your face look healthy and young, you can use some yeast-based recipes.

  1. Yeast for the mask must be taken dry, in the amount of 1 tablespoon. Dilute them in vegetable oil heated in a steam bath to a comfortable temperature (3 tablespoons), mix until smooth and apply to the skin with soft massage movements without excessive rubbing. After 20-30 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water without soap. It is recommended to additionally moisturize the skin with a nourishing cream.
  2. Dilute a tablespoon of dry yeast or 30 g of “live” yeast in warm homemade milk. Add 1 yolk, and after 1 tsp. liquid honey. Stir and put in a steam bath for heating. Remove from heat and apply to the face with a cosmetic brush in even strokes. After 15 minutes of the procedure, wash off the mask with warm water.
  3. Mash 20 g of "live" yeast in a container with 1 tsp. liquid honey and 1 tbsp. l. wheat flour. Then add slightly warmed milk (30 ml). The mask should have a creamy texture without lumps. Apply to cleansed face along massage lines for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water using a cotton sponge.

For problem skin

To solve the problem of frequent rashes, age spots, ugly irritations, you must regularly use healing masks based on yeast.

  1. For deep nourishment of the skin, dilute 1 tablespoon of dry yeast in warm apple juice. You can also use pumpkin, carrot, watermelon or grape juice. Put the container with the mixture in a warm place for an hour to start fermentation. Apply to the face with a cosmetic brush in several layers. After 20 minutes, the mask must be washed off with warm water.
  2. From age spots, a mask with a whitening effect will help. For its preparation, 2 tablespoons of dry yeast are diluted in freshly squeezed cucumber juice. It is obtained by squeezing the grated pulp of a vegetable. The mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes, then washed off.
  3. No less effective for freckles and age spots is a mask with the addition of hydrogen peroxide. Dilute 2 teaspoons of dry yeast in a small amount of 3% liquid to a more or less dense texture. Apply to the face, except for the area around the eyes and mouth.

Despite many positive characteristics yeast face masks for wrinkles in some cases are the cause of serious allergic reactions. Their appearance is associated with individual sensitivity both to the main component of the product and to other ingredients.

To prevent undesirable consequences, cosmetologists recommend conducting an allergy test on the skin of the wrist before applying a new mask.

Contraindications to the use of yeast home remedies include visible skin lesions (scratches, abscesses, sunburn), as well as diseases of the dermis of a fungal or infectious nature in an acute manifestation.

Have you tried yeast masks for wrinkles?

Beautiful skin with a delicate blush, even tone and perfect smoothness is the dream of many girls, but it is very rare to meet happy owners of such a face. However, to improve the condition of the dermis and achieve good results You can use natural remedies that were used by our grandmothers. Yeast face mask for wrinkles.

The mask is a unique tool in the fight against withering and premature aging of the skin. Today, there are many mixtures for all skin types that allow you to maintain youthfulness and beauty of the face. This is especially true for women who have crossed the 25-year mark. First of all, the skin of the face undergoes aging processes, as a result of which the owner has visible wrinkles and pigmentation. Over the years, the skin fades, and it is easy to determine the real age of a woman by her condition, no matter how she hides it.

With the help of masks, this unpleasant process can be prevented. To achieve the desired result, it is not necessary to buy expensive products and regularly visit beauty salons. The best option there will be yeast face masks for wrinkles. At home, preparing such a mixture is not difficult. The most important thing is to use fresh ingredients and have knowledge about the characteristics of the skin. However, one should not hope that a one-time use of the mask will immediately give an effect. but regular use, proper care and careful attitude together will help to make the skin not only young, but also fresh, supple and smooth.

Yeast face masks for wrinkles, best recipes which can be found in this article, contain active substances that, penetrating into the pores of the skin, contribute to the restoration of fat balance and metabolic processes. In addition, the skin receives all the necessary nutrients.

Amazing near

What women will not come up with in order to remain luxurious and attractive as long as possible! One fine day, the ladies found out about useful properties brewer's yeast and, of course, immediately forced to work for themselves! Actually, why not? In vain, perhaps, they will lose such an amount of protein, which is so useful for the skin of the face! In addition, yeast also contains thiamine, riboflavin, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, iron, vitamin D2, amino acids ... Not using all this abundance for your own good is simply a sin!

And so the yeast face mask was born, which:

  • slows down the aging process;
  • promotes cell regeneration;
  • prevents the formation of wrinkles;
  • saves the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

In addition, the vitamins contained in yeast tone and nourish, improve blood circulation and refresh; amino acids and antioxidants give the skin a radiance and elasticity; minerals protect from unwanted external influences.

Who needs a yeast mask? First of all, those young ladies who suffer from enlarged pores and are too oily skin, as well as those who do not know how to escape from acne, blackheads and inflammation. In addition, ladies will be delighted with this mask, whose skin has begun to fade and lose its former elasticity - yeast restores collagen levels. It will not leave indifferent those women who are dissatisfied with their complexion, whether it be excessive pallor or redness - after using this supermask, the skin freshens and acquires a chic matte-pearl color. However, the owners of dry skin will also be happy - there are recipes for yeast masks that will satisfy them too.

And what is most remarkable - there are no contraindications to the use of such masks! Is that an allergy to yeast, but this phenomenon is extremely rare.

Choosing the “right” yeast, as well as the rules for preparing the compositions

In order to get the expected result from applying the mask, you need to choose the “right” base. Here you need to use either brewer's yeast or a briquetted product.

Dry yeast, which we often use for baking, is not recommended to choose - there will be no benefit from such a procedure.

Rules for the use of masks

Before introducing yeast into the mask, the product must be prepared: we dilute the required weight with a small volume of warm liquid - milk or water - and bring it to a homogeneous state.

A rejuvenating yeast face mask is applied for no more than twenty minutes. If during the process there is a burning sensation, a feeling of tightness and other unpleasant sensations, then the duration of the procedure should be reduced to five to six minutes.

After the composition is removed, do not forget to apply the usual nourishing cream to your face.

In order for the procedure to meet expectations, it is advisable to observe the following rules:

  • it is necessary to apply the composition on well-steamed skin;
  • when removing, it is desirable to alternate warm / cool water;
  • the cream that you will apply to your face should be moisturizing;
  • if during the “work” of the remedy there is a clear discomfort, then it must be removed immediately;
  • the maximum time during which the composition can be kept is twenty minutes.

The benefits of yeast masks

Yeast is a collection of yeast fungi that have a unique composition of their kind: a variety of vitamins (B, D, E, C and PP), amino acids, antioxidants and minerals. Thanks to this accumulation of useful substances, this natural remedy is indispensable in skin care.

Tasks of yeast masks:

  • skin nutrition and toning;
  • regulation of fat metabolism;
  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • stimulation of collagen synthesis;
  • improvement of elasticity and protective properties;
  • increase the energy of skin cells.

For the preparation of masks, as a rule, yeast is used in baking sticks. You can also buy dry and granular, but the effect of them will be a little worse. To improve the effect of the use of masks, before applying, you need to steam the skin of the face, and then useful material will have better absorption. An anti-wrinkle yeast face mask also improves skin tone, removes redness and pallor. Thanks to this, you can look more natural and refuse to use tonal foundations and powder.

Invisible Helpers

The fungi that make up the yeast mass have a unique composition. It regenerates the skin, stabilizes the sebaceous glands and has a beneficial effect on lipid metabolism.

  • A rich supply of vitamins B, D, E, H, C, PP tone up, nourish the epidermis, normalize the processes of metabolism and blood circulation at the cellular level.
  • Numerous amino acids and antioxidants give the face an amazingly radiant appearance, restoring the production of collagen fibers to the maximum.
  • Minerals act as protectors of the skin, enhancing its protective qualities, and help to increase elasticity.
  • Phospholipids containing glycerol and essential fatty acids are amazing cell builders. These substances give cellular tissue energy and vitality, create all the conditions for the normal functioning of cells.

Yeast face mask has a perfect mechanism of action on the skin. Once in the deep epidermal layers, yeast fungi begin their vigorous activity. They actively process the fatty deposits accumulated in the pores, simultaneously releasing stimulating enzymes that have a beneficial effect on all processes in the epidermal layers.

What is the benefit of a yeast mask?

A yeast face mask for wrinkles works great, and here's why.

  • The product contains many vitamins that restore beauty and youth to the skin, smoothing out many wrinkles.
  • Course use helps to restore the natural turgor of the skin, completely eliminating flabbiness.
  • Yeast has the ability to enhance the activity of metabolic processes at the cellular level. And this means that the effect of regular use of masks based on this product will be long-lasting and persistent.

If you have oily facial skin, then yeast masks without additional components give an excellent result. V pure form they have astringent and astringent properties, which solves all the typical problems of oily skin - enlarged pores and unpleasant shine.

Dry skin will require the introduction of additional ingredients into the composition of the product.

The mechanism of action of yeast on the skin

The main difference between yeast and any other cosmetic product is its living structure. That is, such a homemade mask is not just absorbed by several upper layers of the skin. During application, yeast lead an active life on the face: they feed on fatty deposits in the pores and then secrete enzymes that stimulate regenerative processes in cells. This is why yeast face masks are so helpful in smoothing out wrinkles and reducing acne.

Contraindications to the use of masks

When using any cosmetics, you should pay attention to contraindications. Every person is different and what works for one may not work for another. The use of masks is excluded if: the skin is damaged; there are fungal infections and other diseases of the dermis; allergic reactions occur in the form of redness from the mask.

Recipes for home cosmetology

Rejuvenating face masks

The preparation of the composition begins with grinding 50 g of pressed yeast. The resulting powder must be poured with water and add a couple of tablespoons of rye flour to it. Mix everything thoroughly. The mixture should have a consistency similar to sour cream. For fermentation, the composition must be removed in a warm place for a day. Cover the bowl with a napkin. After a day, the leaven must be evenly distributed over the face, neck and décolleté. After application, the anti-aging yeast face mask is washed off with water.

This procedure should be carried out twice a week. The duration of the course is 20 sessions.

Another recipe suitable for those who do not want to wait a whole day for the yeast to begin active life. For quick preparation of the mask, you need to take 10 g of yeast. Mix the powder with a teaspoon of honey and the same volume of onion juice. Mix all components well. The mask can be applied directly to the face.

Rejuvenating mask. Yeast (50 g) diluted with water until creamy. Leave overnight in a warm place. Then smear thickly on the face and décolleté area, hold for 20 minutes. Wash your face and apply moisturizer immediately. The course is 2.5 months, the frequency is once every three days. The skin becomes more elastic and taut, the facial muscles come into tone.

Anti-Wrinkle Yeast Mask

To prepare a composition that smoothes wrinkles, you need to mix the yeast with warm water. After dissolving, a tablespoon of cold-pressed oil is added to the mixture.

The resulting volume can be divided into several servings. Apply each on top of the previous one after light drying. The procedure should be carried out no longer than 20 minutes. It is better to add olive oil to yeast face masks for wrinkles, as it does not dry the skin after application.

Mask for dry skin

You can rid the skin of wrinkles and at the same time moisturize it by preparing a slurry of yeast and sauerkraut. It is necessary to finely chop the cabbage, mix with yeast, add any essential oil and apply on the face. Another option for a moisturizing mask is a mixture of yeast, grated apple and beaten egg. Apply the paste on your face for 20 minutes.

With regular use for two weeks, the disappearance of fine wrinkles can be noted. A yeast face mask for wrinkles with the addition of cottage cheese, milk and honey will also help whiten the skin. It is necessary to knead the cottage cheese, heat the honey, dilute the yeast in milk and mix everything thoroughly. Apply to the skin for half an hour.

Masks for oily skin

  1. For this mask, you will need two tablespoons of yeast and a spoonful of kefir. It is necessary to stir the ingredients to a thick slurry and apply in a circular motion on the face for half an hour. Also, to combat excessive fat secretion, a mask based on sour cream is suitable.
  2. Sour-milk mask for oily skin. Rub a spoonful of yeast thoroughly with a spoonful of warm kefir and a spoonful of low-fat sour cream. Spread on the face, lie down for a quarter of an hour, then wash with warm water. This will help dry out oily skin and even out the complexion.

Restoring complexion

Dilute yeast (20 gr.) in juice from sour fruits: lemon, currant, grapefruit (16 ml). Mix thoroughly and place the container with the mass in heated water (hold it there for 3-4 minutes). Then apply immediately to the face. This brightening brewer's yeast face mask will additionally infuse your skin with beneficial vitamins.

Mask for problematic pale skin

For girls with such skin, a face mask with yeast against acne and wrinkles with the addition of grapefruit (you can add any other citrus) is perfect. To prepare, mix a spoonful of yeast with water, knead citrus into a gruel, mix the ingredients and apply on the face for half an hour.

Yeast Acne Mask

Dilute one tablespoon of yeast with water to the consistency of gruel. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice and raw protein. Stir, spread on the face, hold for about a quarter of an hour, wash.

Yeast eye mask

Yeast mask is one of the most effective for the skin around the eyes. Her recipe is captivatingly simple:

  • yeast (large spoon);
  • oil (to choose from - sunflower, linseed or olive - a little less than a teaspoon);
  • milk (literally a few drops, an optional component, but desirable, because it gives a whitening effect).

Gently apply the mixture on the skin around the eyes, and after twenty minutes, rinse off just as gently. If you manage to do it before going to bed, then in the morning your skin will delight you with a fresh look.

By the way, the mask is universal - if you are not the owner of dry skin, then it is suitable for the entire face, including the eyelids. Convenient, isn't it?

Skin mask 40+

Dissolve half a pack of yeast in a spoonful of milk, add two tablespoons of sugar and honey, apply with gentle movements. After applying the mask, a matting effect and the elimination of black dots can be noted. Folk methods bring undeniable benefits with a competent approach.

Skin at any age needs to be replenished with useful substances and constant care. Natural ingredients do the best job with this task. However, it is worth remembering both the benefits and contraindications if you are using a yeast face mask (anti-aging) for wrinkles in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Using regularly described recipes suitable for your skin type, in a period of two weeks, you can see noticeable changes in positive side. Remember: wrinkles are easier to prevent than to get rid of them. Be young and beautiful!

It's no secret that the most effective masks to improve the condition of the skin of the face, those are considered to be those that include active substances that penetrate deeply into the epidermis. They stimulate metabolic processes in all layers of the skin and restore epidermal tissue at the cellular level. Such effective anti-aging and cleansing facial skin products, of course, include yeast masks. Yeast is a biologically active product of fungal origin with unique rejuvenating and anti-inflammatory properties. Make a yeast face mask at home you can very quickly and easily according to any of the recipes that we have posted in this material.

Thanks to the complex effect of all the components included in the recipe for the preparation of a tightening mask, the skin of the face becomes elastic and velvety. In order to quickly achieve a rejuvenating effect and noticeably correct age-related skin changes, it is advisable to alternate the use of yeast masks with other natural remedies (for example, gelatin masks, honey masks, starch masks).

A variety of recipes for yeast masks allows you to choose an option for any type of skin. Regular use of this anti-aging remedy at home will help to quickly tighten sagging skin, smooth out even deep wrinkles, even out the color and relief of the face. Yeast masks cleanse the skin of acne and blackheads, lighten age spots and acne marks, and restore the water balance of the epidermis. An incredible effect in improving the condition of the skin of the face is achieved due to the fact that yeast contains useful substances such as: biotin (vitamin B7, eliminates peeling, moisturizes the skin); thiamine (B1, stimulates metabolism, tones the skin); tocopherol (vitamin E, accelerates regeneration, tightens sagging skin, smoothes wrinkles); riboflavin (vitamin B2, restores turgor in cells, eliminates peeling); niacin (vitamin B3, improves complexion, eliminates yellowness); folic acid (vitamin B9, stops inflammation, cleanses the skin of acne).

Yeast masks recommended not only for women in adulthood to restore a toned face and rapid skin rejuvenation. In adolescence, the periodic use of homemade yeast masks will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cleanse the skin of acne and other rashes. You can alternate the use of yeast masks and gelatin masks with activated charcoal to cleanse the pores of blackheads. To prepare masks at home, we recommend using brewer's (beer) yeast or baker's yeast in briquettes. Liquid brewer's yeast is ready for use without pre-treatment, and to prepare a mask from baker's yeast, you need to do the following: separate a piece from the briquette and grind it to a powder state, and then dissolve it in warm mineral water(holding time for yeast fermentation is at least an hour), stirring with a spoon.

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This tool helps to speed up the metabolism, increase blood circulation and optimally saturate the skin of the face and neck with all the necessary substances. The amino acids and antioxidants contained in yeast stimulate the synthesis of elastin and collagen so actively that after several courses of using these masks at home, you can see clear signs of skin rejuvenation. On the toned face the number of wrinkles is noticeably reduced, the skin does not look flabby. A yeast mask quickly tones the skin and returns the face to a natural healthy color with a mother-of-pearl tint. Home procedures will help to deeply cleanse the pores of blackheads and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.


For normal skin (masks from yeast, honey, flour, eggs);

For dry skin (masks of yeast, egg yolk, honey);

For problematic oily skin (yeast masks, egg white, kefir);

For combination skin (yeast mask, olive oil).


From the many recipes for masks, you are sure to find an option suitable for your age. Already at a transitional age, teenagers successfully make yeast masks to moisturize and cleanse their faces from acne. After 30 years, it is recommended to apply a face mask suitable for your skin type at least several times a month to protect the epidermis from harmful external influences, improve complexion, and slow down age-related changes. After 40 years, you can apply a yeast mask once a week for 6-8 weeks, and then move on to a course using kefir or egg masks (choosing yolk for dry skin or protein for oily skin). After 50 years, it is advisable to apply a yeast mask 2 times a week for several months. If age-related skin changes are noticeable, deep wrinkles have appeared, then within one course you can alternate the use of yeast masks with clay masks or oatmeal masks. After such a two-month course, be sure to take a break for 1.5 months.


The incredible rejuvenating effect after using the yeast mask is due to the fact that the procedure helps to actively synthesize collagen, which restores skin elasticity, makes it more elastic and toned. Masks for oily skin allow you to clean enlarged pores from sebum and narrow them a little. Masks for dry skin eliminate peeling, nourish and moisturize the skin of the face. Masks for normal skin quickly restore the epidermis after exposure to external factors, tone and tighten the face, and protect against the appearance of wrinkles.

In the photo: BEFORE and After applying a yeast mask for problem skin

In the photo: BEFORE and After applying the yeast mask for rejuvenation


Recipe number 1: a mask of yeast, honey, egg yolk, olive oil


Stops inflammatory processes on the skin, rejuvenates and tightens the skin of the face, cleanses pores from dark spots.

What is included:

1 tablespoon yeast, 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon lime honey, 2 teaspoons olive oil, 1/2 cup milk.

Cooking method:

Add yeast to warm milk and stir until creamy. then we separate the egg white from the yolk and add the yolk, honey and olive oil to the mass. Thoroughly mix everything until smooth.


To prevent age-related skin changes and protect against external influences, apply a mask 2-3 times a month. In adulthood, use the mask 2 times a week. In total - 12-14 procedures followed by a break of 1 month.

Recipe number 2: a mask of yeast, honey, flour, eggs, olive oil


An excellent remedy for improving the condition of the skin of the face and neck in a few months. Recommended for combination and normal skin. The skin becomes elastic, pores are cleansed, wrinkles disappear.

What is included:

1 tablespoon yeast, 1 tablespoon wheat flour, 1 whole raw egg, 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon olive oil, 1/2 cup milk.

Cooking method:

Stir the yeast in warm milk, add the egg and olive oil to the creamy mass and stir thoroughly. Then add honey and flour, mix everything until smooth.


To cleanse the skin of blackheads and acne, use the mask once a week, only 10 procedures, and then a break of 1 month. To cleanse and rejuvenate aging facial skin, apply a mask 2 times a week for 2 months, then a break of 1.5 months.

Recipe number 3: a mask of yeast, egg white, kefir


Soothes inflamed skin, cleanses pores of sebum, eliminates shine and tightens the skin. An effective rejuvenating and cleansing treatment for oily skin.

What is included:

20 gr. yeast, 3 tablespoons of kefir, 1 egg white.

Cooking method:

Add yeast to kefir and stir. Then carefully separate the protein from the yolk and add the protein to the mixture. Now it remains to mix everything until a thick mixture is obtained.


To cleanse the pores of the skin, eliminate inflammation and dry the skin of the face, apply a yeast mask once a week before going to bed for a month, and then take a break for 2 weeks. To rejuvenate sagging skin and restore the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, apply a mask 2 times a week. In total - 12-14 procedures, then - a break of 1 month.


- pictured: yeast face mask


✽ prepare the skin for the procedure. With the help of cleansers (foams, gels, tonics, milk), we remove all decorative cosmetics, and then rinse our face with warm water;

✽ it is advisable to steam the skin a little before the procedure by applying a hot compress to the face (for a few minutes) to improve the absorbency of the skin. A compress can be made from a soft towel dipped in heated settled water or in a decoction of herbs;

✽ With a sponge or fingertips, apply the mask to the face along the massage lines. The mass is applied with massaging movements in the direction from the bottom up, starting from the chin area. Then from the chin area we move to the earlobes, from the corners of the lips to the ears. After that, apply a mask from the middle of the forehead to the hairline and to the temples. In addition, we put a mask on the neck. The area around the eyes and lips is left clean (or you can apply a nourishing cream);

✽ for 15-20 minutes (for oily skin) or for 20-30 minutes (for dry skin), try not to touch the mask with your hands and do not move your facial muscles. After that, you can wash first with warm and then cool water without using soap;

✽ Now it is desirable to apply a cream on the face that soothes and moisturizes the skin.


❶ for the preparation of masks, use only fresh products that are part of the recipe;

❷ before the procedure, do a facial massage so that the skin becomes more receptive to the absorption of nutrients (see video below);

❸ do not apply a mask on the face if there are open inflammations, wounds and tumors on the skin;

❹ in order to achieve the best effect in improving the condition of the skin of the face, alternate the use of different anti-aging masks so that the skin does not have time to get used to yeast masks;

Age-related changes in the skin of the face cannot be completely stopped. But it is real to slow them down significantly.

For this, it is not necessary to go to salons, you can use home remedies. For example, a yeast mask for wrinkles is very popular - it is easy to prepare and gives noticeable results.

In this article:

Benefits of yeast for skin

Yeast is a completely natural remedy of fungal origin. They are actively used in cosmetic recipes due to its active anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. Besides, the product helps to slow down the aging of the skin and improves its appearance.

In general, the entire list of their properties is quite extensive and it is easier to talk about the effect of the active substances contained in them:

  • amino acids - improve the production of collagen, which enhances the elasticity of the epidermis, smoothes it and makes it elastic;
  • biotin - actively moisturizes;
  • minerals - normalize cellular metabolism, regulate the sebaceous glands;
  • niacin - giving it a fresh look;
  • pantothenic acid - creates a protective barrier against external influences;
  • riboflavin - accelerates cell division, contributing to a healthy and fresh complexion;
  • thiamine - tones the skin;
  • tocopherol - promotes healing of injuries, visually tightens the contour of the face, eliminates flabbiness;
  • folic acid - fights inflammation, has drying properties.

Based on all this, a powerful health complex is obtained, aimed at eliminating the shortcomings of the epidermis.

How to use correctly

For beauty treatments it is advisable to use brewer's yeast or those that are sold in a briquette. They allow you to get the maximum effect from the mask.

Yeast is never introduced directly into the mask - first they must be diluted with warm water or milk and mixed until a homogeneous composition. The briquette is pre-crushed.

A yeast face mask for wrinkles should be kept on the skin for no longer than 20 minutes. If discomfort occurs - no more than 5-6 minutes.

The face must be steamed before application, and after removing the mask, treat the skin with a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

IMPORTANT: Remember that a lasting effect can only be achieved with regular use.

Yeast anti-wrinkle mask is applied 2-3 times a week.

The same tool is not used for more than a month - after a break is needed.

The product can be stored for a maximum of three days, but it is better to prepare it at a time.

Do not use if you have allergies or damaged skin.

How to apply

If you want to get the maximum effect from the product, then apply it as follows:

  • the face is cleaned and steamed - this is necessary for better and deeper penetration of the mask;
  • distribute the mixture over the face evenly, with soft strokes and leave for 15-20 minutes;
  • it is necessary to wash off with a contrast method - alternating hot and cold water;
  • apply the cream on your face and rub it with massage movements, wait until it is absorbed.

This procedure does not require specific manipulations, while bringing great benefits.

Recipes for yeast masks that promote skin rejuvenation

According to the preparation time, these products are divided into 2 types:

  • fast - the mixture is prepared immediately before application;
  • long-term - prepared 2-12 hours before application, keeping this time warm.

The liquid for breeding yeast should be exactly warm - boiling water will “kill” the yeast.

For your convenience, anti-aging recipes will be divided into logical blocks.

For face

Yeast masks for aging skin help to make it much younger, smooth wrinkles, and even out complexion.


You will need to take:

  • yeast - 2 tbsp. l;
  • cucumber - 2 pcs.

Juice is squeezed out of vegetables, which is then diluted with yeast to a paste state. The mixture is distributed over the face, aged for about 15 minutes and washed off.

Sour cream and yeast

It is prepared as follows:

  • 2 tbsp. l. yeast is carefully diluted with warm low-fat kefir;
  • add sour cream (2 tablespoons);
  • cover the container and put in a warm place for several hours.

Then applied to the face and washed off after 15 minutes.

garden dessert


  • yeast - 1 tbsp. l;
  • a few strawberries.

Yeast is diluted with warm milk. Strawberries are mashed. Mix the components and put them in heat for several hours. Apply the mask on the face and wait 15 minutes. Wash away.

For the skin around the eyes

A yeast eye mask should definitely contain gentle ingredients to offset the effect of the foundation.

You can, for example, try something like this:

  • take 1 tbsp. l. the following components - yeast, rye flour, or sunflower, honey, egg;
  • dissolve yeast with warm milk;
  • honey must be taken liquid;
  • add all components and mix thoroughly;
  • immediately apply the mixture to the area around the eyes;
  • wash off after 10-15 minutes.

This will help with crow's feet and give the skin a fresher look.

What masks are suitable for different types of face

If you have, then you can simply apply diluted yeast to your face. They effectively dry the epidermis and normalize the sebaceous glands. Additional components will expand the range of the tool. In your case, you should add onion juice, honey or protein to it.

If, then mix yeast with oil - it will perfectly nourish the cells of the epidermis, and the film from it will prevent moisture from evaporating quickly.

To combat acne, add hydrogen peroxide to the mask.

Oil mask

You will need:

  • yeast - 2 tbsp. l;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Yeast is diluted in warm water, then mixed with oil. Apply the mask as follows: spread over the face with a thin layer, allow to dry. Put the next thin layer on top, wait for it to dry and repeat the procedure until the mixture runs out. Hold for 15-20 minutes, wash off.


This remedy reduces wrinkles, cleanses pores and relieves inflammation. Take:

  • egg white - 1 pc;
  • yeast - 1 tbsp. l;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp

The protein is poured into the diluted mixture, mixed and lemon juice is added to it. The mask is distributed over the face, held for 10-15 minutes, washed off with cold water. At the end, a compress is made from chamomile decoction and put on the face (gauze is moistened in decoction and put on for 15 minutes).

With onion juice

We will need:

  • yeast - 10 g;
  • liquid honey - 5 g;
  • onion juice - 32 ml.

Yeast is diluted in onion juice and mixed with honey. Apply to face for 15 minutes. Wash away. The tool nourishes and tightens the epidermis.

With hydrogen peroxide

For a cleansing and rejuvenating mask you will need:

  • yeast - 1 tbsp. l;
  • pharmacy hydrogen peroxide.

Yeast is diluted in peroxide to a thick state. The mask is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. The tool clears clogged pores and helps with comedones.

These simple means you can greatly. Yeast will not only reduce wrinkles but also help improve oily or dry skin. Choose a mask that suits your type and enjoy the reflection in the mirror.

Useful video

Universal mask.

In contact with

Despite the abundance of all kinds of cosmetics on store shelves, folk beauty recipes continue to be popular with modern beauties. Among the most common and effective folk remedies is a yeast face mask for wrinkles, which prolongs the youth and freshness of women's skin.

Natural anti-aging remedy

Yeast is a single-celled fungus, essentially a living organism, which, among other things, contains a huge amount of useful chemicals:

  • folic acid- has anti-inflammatory properties and a drying effect.
  • Amino acids- improve the condition of the outer and deep layers of the dermis, rejuvenate it.
  • Tocopherol (Vitamin E)- one of the best antioxidants that help restore the epidermis and deeper layers of the dermis.
  • Niacin (nicotinic acid)- evens out the tone, eliminates age spots, dullness and yellowness of the face.
  • Biotin (vitamin B7 or H)- an effective moisturizer.
  • Thiamine (B1)- tones the skin and fills them with energy.
  • Riboflavin (B2)- accelerates the process of cell renewal, refreshing the complexion.
  • Pantothenic acid (B5)- protects the dermis from negative external factors.
  • Minerals- the product contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine and other minerals necessary for the dermis to improve metabolic processes in its cells and help normalize the process of sebum production.

All these substances are able to penetrate deeply into tissues, stimulating the production of collagen, a protein that helps maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

In addition, they accelerate wound healing, have an antibacterial effect and serve as a good prevention of acne and acne treatment.

Indications and limitations

Yeast cosmetics are great for fighting wrinkles on all skin types. Along with the general anti-aging effect, it individually affects each type of skin:

  • eliminates greasiness and oily sheen, normalizes the functioning of the glands, cleanses and tightens pores - on fatty;
  • delivers from peeling - on dry;
  • saturates useful substances - on the combined;
  • fights with inflammation and other deficiencies - on the problem.

Therefore, it is recommended to use this cosmetic product to solve most problems with the skin of the face.

However, despite all the benefits of a fungal product, yeast cosmetics are contraindicated in:

  • the presence of damage to the epidermis;
  • pathologies of infectious or fungal origin;
  • redness or burning sensation- These symptoms indicate an allergic reaction to the ingredients.

Cooking methods

To prepare a cosmetic product at home, you can use any yeast (dry, compressed or liquid). It is noteworthy that a number of cosmetologists consider the dry look less effective. However, there is no confirmation of this yet.

In order for home cosmetics to bring maximum benefit, it must be properly prepared. In particular, properly prepare the main ingredient for use.

The exception is beer (liquid), which are used without any prior preparation. Dry ones must be dissolved in warm water (not in boiling water!) And left to ferment for half an hour.

Carefully crushed pressed ones are also dissolved in a slightly warmed liquid, but in order to reach “condition”, they need to wander for an hour and a half.

During fermentation, the solution should be stirred as often as possible - so that all the lumps dissolve and a homogeneous mass forms. When the resulting mass “reaches”, other ingredients can be added to it.

Finished cosmetics can be stored for up to three days, but at the same time, its benefits are reduced every day. Therefore, it is better to prepare a fresh solution every time.

Terms of use

Before applying homemade paste, the face must be thoroughly cleaned (for example, by scrubbing) or steamed - in this case, the beneficial substances will be better absorbed and their effect will be more effective.

You can steam your face over a steam bath of ordinary water, but it is better to use herbal infusions, which will further enhance the benefits of the procedure.

Ready yeast paste is distributed over the face evenly, with light strokes.

The procedure time is 15-20 minutes. At this time, it is best to be at rest - professional cosmetologists say that it is in this case that you can get the maximum benefit from the mask.

After the procedure, the dried paste is thoroughly washed off. In this case, it is necessary to use a contrast washing - alternately with warm and cold water. Finally, a moisturizing and nourishing cream is applied to the face.


To date, there are a large number of homemade yeast-based cosmetics recipes, including anti-wrinkle ones. The most popular ones:

  • With flour. 50 g of the main ingredient are diluted with liquid in a large container until the density of sour cream, after which 25 g of flour (rye) is added there. The resulting mass is covered with gauze and cleaned for a day in a warm place. This mask is applied in a thick layer. At the same time, it can be applied not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté. Suitable for oily skin.

  • WITH onion juice . 10 grams of yeast mass is diluted with 32 ml of freshly squeezed onion juice. 5 ml of honey is added. After that, all the components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the face. This composition in just a few applications will help to noticeably rejuvenate the skin, moisturize it and saturate it with nutrients. Alternatively, you can add 1 teaspoon of olive oil to the paste. Suitable for dermis with high fat content.

  • With milk. One of the simplest anti-aging recipes, which requires only 30 g of live yeast and warm milk (not hot). The mixture is brought to a consistency that will be most convenient for application to the face. With oily dermis, milk can be replaced with kefir or yogurt, and with increased dryness, wheat flour and 5 ml of honey should be added to the composition.

  • With cabbage. Finely chopped cabbage leaf is thoroughly mixed with honey (a small spoon) and a teaspoon of yeast mass. Such a composition will not only help smooth out wrinkles, but also significantly improve complexion.
  • With strawberry. A tablespoon of yeast is added to the puree of ripe strawberries. The consistency of the resulting mixture should resemble a cream. After that, the container with the composition is placed in a saucepan with warm water and fermentation is expected to begin, then it is used for its intended purpose. Wash off the composition after 15 minutes with warm water. This combination of natural ingredients effectively fights even deep wrinkles and makes the skin more beautiful and fresh.

  • Oil. For rejuvenation and healing of dry skin with hypersensitivity, a paste of 1 tablespoon of yeast diluted in warm kefir and 2 tbsp. l. softened (not melted!) butter. Butter can be replaced with sour cream.
  • Honey-vinegar. A mixture of 1 teaspoon of yeast ingredient, 3 tsp will help to cope with peeling. cream and 1 tsp. vinegar and honey. For preparation, the yeast is first mixed with cream and allowed to ferment, after which the remaining ingredients are added.