Nine of the most beautiful and successful girls in Georgia. How to marry a Georgian? So, the recipe that I promised you

I thought about it today. Why do most people who have visited Georgia remain in such wild delight? It is clear that Georgia is not Adjarian khachapuri, which everyone likes. There are also dissatisfied people, but they are mostly men. And women who vacation in Georgia blossom and return inspired.

Perhaps one of the reasons is that many girls from Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine nowadays lack male attention in their homeland. But not such sticky, obsessive attention that envelops you from all sides at the resorts of Turkey and Egypt. No, normal communication. Light flirting. When you feel beautiful because strangers compliment you.

I’m lucky because I hear compliments at home every day in large quantities and in different ways. But it wasn’t always like this, and not everyone is like this.

Well, how could he think that I was Georgian? Who is “he”, read below
You know, it happens that you want to meet someone in Minsk. You leave the house and arrive at the establishment. If earlier in cafes, bars, and restaurants the ratio of girls to guys was 6 to 4, now it’s good if there is at least one guy for every 10 girls.

No, really. After you spend a long time in Minsk, faith in the existence of men as a species is completely lost. In general, there are men, but where they are all hiding is unclear. Mine is with me in Georgia. Apparently, everyone else is also in pairs and doesn’t really show themselves to other people. But meeting someone on the street or in an establishment is nonsense. Not for sex, but just to chat. We don't take into account meeting drunk people.

Before traveling to Georgia this summer, many girls wrote me messages asking whether it was dangerous here, whether it was worth going alone, whether it was boring, whether it was possible to meet someone?

Today I exposed myself to “danger”, went “out into the fields” and experimentally developed a recipe for the best remedy for raising self-esteem. The medicine is especially recommended for girls who live in cities with a small number of men.

Georgians No. 1, 2, 3

It all started on the bus when money fell out of my purse. While I was thinking about how to bend over so beautifully, three guys immediately rushed to pull out coins from under the seats, after which they went to accompany me to the boulevard (it’s dangerous to walk alone)). Nice.

So, the recipe that I promised you:

2. You put on a dress. Not a dress, but any other clothing (without clothing, the product may have side effects)

3. You leave your man at home, if you have one.

4. You go out onto the boulevard in Batumi and just walk

5. You can look at people or gaze thoughtfully into the distance. In my case, I was looking at the phone screen, trying to take more or less tolerable photographs of the city in the rays of the setting sun

Man #4

Taking photos of fishermen in the port. A man of unknown nationality, about 50 years old, approached. He spoke English and asked to take a photograph. I don't like it when people come from afar. I was in a hurry, and then the man seemed to be asking for a favor. It's rude to refuse. Then everything was as I thought. The photo is just a pretext for getting to know each other, the purpose of which is clear without further explanation. I leave this fashion model and run forward to catch the last shots before the sun finally disappears into the sea.

Along the way, my grandfather met me at the port, three fishermen and two children. Grandfather asked me for a long time where I was from, what I was doing in Batumi, and how long I had come for. Then he pointed at my hair and eyes, saying that I looked like a Georgian. I pointed to my snub-nosed Slavic nose. Grandfather ran out of arguments.

Boulevard and amusement park in Batumi

Georgian No. 5. Georgiy

Next comes the most interesting part. With my peripheral vision I begin to notice that someone seems to be walking behind me at a distance of 10 meters. This walking continues for several minutes, but not for too long - so that others do not intercept.

Usually, these “spiders” examine their prey from all sides and decide to approach or, as in the case of one of today’s contenders for a cup of coffee with me, ride up in a pedicab (and where did pedicabs suddenly appear in Georgia?)

The guy's name was Georges, aka Gogi (easy to remember - almost everyone here is called that). He was nice. I drove nearby for about a kilometer. It was obvious that it was hard for him. Several times he offered to sit next to me. He invited me to go for a ride tomorrow. It was not specified what we would ride on. We said goodbye. They fled. He promised to wait. I still don’t understand where to wait :)

What I like about Georgians is that they are persistent but polite and generally unobtrusive. That is, you understand that he meets you for a reason, but outwardly the person behaves as if you were his old friend. He talks about general things and is interested in your life.

It was not possible to take beautiful photographs of evening Batumi. So another time

Georgian No. 6

She turned off the boulevard into the back streets. She noticed the second potential suitor almost immediately. He “led” me four blocks from the boulevard deep into the alleys. The sound of his flip-flops hitting his heels was starting to get pretty annoying. Finally he decided to speak:

- Why are you walking around without security?
- Why are you without security?
- I don't need it. I'm strong. I can protect you

I look at this man who is shorter than me and 5 years younger:

- Thank you, there is no one to protect me from. If only from you

He introduced himself as a businessman from Tbilisi. I’ve been in Batumi on business for 5 months already. Runs a cafe on the beach. I tried to find out at least something that would be interesting to talk about on the blog. He avoided questions. He only said about the clubs that the season is now over and all the clubs that worked in the summer and that normal people went to are closed.

There is only one place left where normal people don’t go. Turkish club. There are “prostitutes” (this is a quote), drugs, Turkish music and hookah. Georgian and Ukrainian women work as prostitutes. He refused to say the name of the establishment.

“I’m in a hurry,” I say.
“Me too,” he says and continues to walk next to her. -Where are you in a hurry?
- Home to your man
— I also have a mistress in Tbilisi (why too, I still don’t understand)

This one turned out to be more persistent. Like a regular, he kept repeating that he wanted to sit with me now or “yesterday” (some young Georgians confuse yesterday and tomorrow). Asked for a phone number. I said goodbye at the store, and then continued to look after (yes, yes, I turned around to check)

It is noteworthy that this particular manner of dating is popular in Georgia. People have met me this way several times in different parts of the country. And friends talked about “persecution.” That is, the guy doesn’t approach at first (for this you can get hit in the face if it turns out that the girl is not alone). Therefore, you need to act carefully. Therefore, the Georgians are waiting.

Questions are asked to which a polite person will answer “yes” and give minimal information about himself. Well, then it’s a matter of technology. I saw a boat leaving the port with one woman and four Georgians on board. She said that she was leaving on Tuesday, laughed loudly and asked to be delivered to the ground on time. I don’t know where the guys were going, but everyone looked happy. I think it's for a boat trip. I responsibly declare that riding a boat into the sunset in the company of good-natured, cheerful guys is cool!

Installation by the sea in the center of Batumi


Thus, if you lack unobtrusive male attention and light flirting, you can safely go to Georgia. Almost everyone here is ready to make you laugh, chat and help. Whether to continue communication is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Georgians will not impose themselves and demand anything by force. Too proud :)

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    • Mila Demenkova

Georgian girls are distinguished by their incredible beauty and bright appearance. Georgia is a country rapidly developing in a European manner, but the local population still honors and observes the traditions of their ancestors. How do Georgians live today and how are they noticeably different from women of other nationalities?

Georgian families

For many centuries in Georgia, women were raised to be like men. Even today, complete patriarchy reigns in the vast majority of Georgian families. The wife is lucky if her husband is the eldest child. According to the customs of this country, younger sons must live with their parents even after marriage. At the same time, their wives completely and unquestioningly obey not only their husbands, but also their mother-in-law, who in this situation plays the role of “senior housewife”. All this sounds too unusual for a European person, doesn’t it? Historically, the solution to all everyday issues lies on the fragile shoulders of women. In mountain villages today, every family has a large farm. At the same time, the function of a man is to work and provide for his family. Real Georgians do not help their spouses around the house. A woman should be not only an excellent housewife, but also an excellent housekeeper.

Raising Georgians

All women in Georgia, without exception, are wonderful housewives. Many families in modern cities choose the European lifestyle. But even in this case, it is a real shame for a mother if her daughter does not know how to cook national dishes and take care of the house. Today, all girls in Georgia receive secondary education. City residents often graduate from college. Particular attention is paid to raising children at home. Georgian girls are distinguished by pride, high morality, incredible love for their homeland and their own family. Georgians are highly respected in this country. They often look soft and resigned, but at the same time, most of them are distinguished by incredible strength of spirit and have a steely character.

Etiquette of Georgian women

In Georgia, it is not customary to look strangers in the eyes, especially men. This behavior is considered defiant. Many Georgian girls have been able to look “through people” since childhood; this is the look that is considered acceptable and acceptable. During a conversation in this country, it is customary to keep a distance of at least a meter. Only close relatives or good friends can get closer to each other. Separately, it is worth noting the norms of everyday clothing. The traditional color for Georgians is black. Most often, women wear skirts below the knees. They also choose sweaters and blouses in dark shades. Accordingly, accessories are selected to match.

Beauty in Georgian style

What do very beautiful girls look like in Georgia? Georgian women are naturally beautiful. Thick dark hair, dark skin and expressive eyes. Among the representatives of this nationality it is simply impossible to find a clearly unattractive person. Many Georgian women value their hair and grow long braids. Short haircuts are not popular among local women. Georgian women are naturally slender and have very feminine figures. However, in adulthood, many women begin to gain extra pounds. Most often, the reason for this is a passion for national cuisine combined with a slower metabolism. To correct their figure, beautiful Georgian girls choose diets, but sports activities in this country are considered an unwomanly affair. Many Georgian women enjoy wearing costume jewelry and jewelry. Residents of many provinces of Georgia use cosmetics only on major holidays. The situation is completely different in big cities. Here women wear makeup every day, black eyeliner is very popular. All Georgians, without exception, are partial to perfumes.

Female Georgian names

Many Georgians, even today, take very seriously what to name their newborn child. National ones in Georgia are often borrowed from ancient legends and traditions. In this country, it is important not only how musical a personal address to a person sounds. Georgians believe that a name can influence a person’s character and destiny. Jamaliya ("beauty"), Mariam ("decisive"), Mzevinar ("sun"), Tinatin ("glimmer of the sun"), Teona ("thought of God"), Aliko ("all-knowing") - this is what the girls are called in this country for many generations. However, it is worth noting that old names are not very popular with young people. And often abbreviations used in everyday life are invented from full and complex names. Many “modern” parents in Georgia name their daughters the same as Europeans or Russians. Diana, Christina, Ekaterina, Marina, Maya, Natalie, Nellie, Polina, Sofia are modern Georgian girl names. Most Georgians are Christians. Many families choose biblical names for their babies.

Relationships with men and wedding traditions

Most Georgian girls get married at a young age. In some regions of the country, an ancient custom involving bride kidnapping is still common. And yet, most marriages in this country are concluded by mutual consent and agreement between the newlyweds. Young Georgian girls should be modest and chaste. Young Georgians are advised to behave in such a way that none of their neighbors can even think of anything bad. A wedding in Georgia is a special event. They prepare for the celebration for some time; all relatives and friends are invited to it. Even in large cities, many ancient customs are observed today. A wedding in Georgia is a very colorful and interesting event with traditional dances and songs, beautiful toasts and an atmosphere of general fun.

Features of life in cities and villages

Modern Georgia is a country of contrasts. Small villages and hamlets live the same way as they did decades ago. But large cities are not much different from European megacities. The upbringing of Georgian girls largely depends on how strict the father is in the family. In most villages, even when swimming in ponds, you must wear clothes. At the same time, fashion boutiques, cafes and nightclubs are open in the cities. Many representatives of modern youth dress the way they want and look quite extravagant. But, of course, such behavior is unacceptable in rural areas. The actions and appearance of Georgian girls in the provinces have been discussed for years. Mistakes are unacceptable, because even today, for most young Georgians, the priority goal is a successful marriage. This means that the local population tries to take care of their own reputation from their youth.

The legendary Queen Tamara is the ideal image of a Georgian woman

Many creative people looked for inspiration in the landscapes of Georgia and the beauty of local women. The main muse and the real Georgian is Queen Tamara. This woman went down in history thanks to her wisdom and great achievements. The queen built cities, made significant government decisions, and in her free time from political affairs she was personally involved in raising children and doing handicrafts. If you believe the words of famous poets, Tamara was incredibly beautiful and feminine. She was often called simply “perfection.” Many modern very beautiful girls in Georgia strive to develop their character and dream of becoming at least remotely like the great Queen Tamara.

Many representatives of the fair sex from the CIS marry Georgians. Men of this nationality, like most Caucasians, like the beauty of Slavic women. And it’s not just about beautiful appearance, Ukrainian women are just exotic for them. We have quite a different mentality, many views on life differ, this difference is quite noticeable in close communication, but sometimes it is precisely this contrast that is necessary for harmony and family happiness.

Georgian men are colorful, sincere, kind and temperamental. If you want to start a family with a resident of this wonderful country, we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with all the pitfalls and weigh the pros and cons of such a marriage. In this article we will cover the following topics:

  • features of mentality;
  • what Georgians love in girls;
  • Georgians in relationships;
  • traditions;
  • family;
  • how our women live in Georgia;
  • how to marry a Georgian.

Features of the Georgian mentality

The first Georgian trait that catches your eye is their hospitality. Local citizens warmly welcome guests of the country. They are open to people, non-conflicting and friendly, although it is sometimes difficult to believe this, seeing their ardent temperament. Georgians will help you in difficult situations and do not demand anything in return.

Almost all residents of this country speak Russian or at least understand this language. Also, the English language is becoming increasingly popular in Georgia, so there should not be any difficulties in communication. The reason why English is so widespread is that getting an education in Europe is common for residents of the country. And in general, Georgia is becoming more and more European. There is a very high level of security here, there is practically no crime. Naturally, it's all about people.

What do Georgians love in girls?

Despite the fact that Georgians are real lovers of flirting, they approach the choice of a future wife seriously and responsibly. Do not flatter yourself if you are showered with compliments and beautiful words. These men are very loving, they like everyone, but to create relationships they choose only decent and serious women. Fickle girls are unlikely to conquer the ardent Georgian heart. It’s possible to communicate, yes, but you can’t count on more. Due to their mentality, Georgians communicate with everyone easily and naturally, like with old friends, but this is not an indicator - it’s just their habit.

But what is the most important thing in a woman for representatives of this marvelous nationality? First of all, modesty, which will balance and complement Georgian emotionality and temper. Agree, if you are such a “woman is fire”, two ardent temperaments may not get along together. Of course, this doesn't always happen, and if two people love each other, nothing will be a hindrance. Georgians also value wisdom, tact, loyalty and sincerity in girls. Remember, these men are like an x-ray, they see right through you. It’s better to be yourself, an open and honest person around them, otherwise they will quickly recognize falsehood. The main thing in communicating with a Georgian is to be feminine in all its manifestations. Be soft and a little defenseless, then your husband will carry you in his arms.

Get ready for the man to be bossy. But, frankly speaking, this is what attracts many girls to marry a Georgian. After all, behind this mask of firmness and power lies reliability, adrenaline, passionate feelings and real tenderness.

Georgians in relationships

You won't get bored with Caucasians! The first reason for this is that they look after incredibly beautifully. If you like constant compliments, you have definitely come to the right place, because a Georgian will definitely say a lot of beautiful words to you. You definitely won’t be left without attention; such a guy will constantly call you and write SMS. But keep in mind that it will be very difficult to get rid of your Georgian boyfriend. They are interesting conversationalists, often chatty and a little intrusive, but you may even find this cute.

In a relationship with a Georgian, it is important not to reject their concerns. Even if you are strong and independent, a little tenderness will only work in your favor. Of course, you shouldn’t be a submissive sheep either, as you will never be able to find out what’s on a person’s mind. It is important to understand whether a Georgian man accepts your character for who he is. After all, trying to change each other will not end in anything good either for you or for him.

It is worth remembering that Caucasians are very jealous. In order to avoid quarrels, it is better not to provoke a man again. Forget about provocative clothing, flirting with other guys and affairs, because such seemingly innocent pranks can lead your romance to a fatal end. Giving a Georgian a reason to be jealous is truly playing with fire. They can easily fight with a competitor or shower him with terrible curses, and your relationship risks ending quite painfully.

Be pious and modest, then there will be no complaints.

Georgian traditions that are important to remember

Georgia is a country with an incredibly rich culture, with its own customs and traditions. Usually, citizens of the country respect the traditions of their ancestors and do not violate them, including when it comes to family. This means that patriarchy, respect for elders, goodness and order will reign in the Georgian family. Many of the customs of this country seem outdated and meaningless to our girls, but you still have to observe them.

One of the main features of the Caucasian mentality is total respect for parents. Their opinion will always come first for a Georgian husband. Be prepared that your husband may agree with you and allow you to convince him in private, but in front of your father or mother - he is right, and this is not subject to discussion. In any quarrel, a man would rather take his parents’ side than yours. Moreover, he will ask you to apologize. So if you want peace in the family, it is better to avoid conflicts with your mother-in-law. Accept that she always has the last word, and arguing on your part will not lead to anything good.

In general, family is a sacred concept for Georgians. They really feel this family support, especially between brothers and sisters. If there is no father, then the responsibility for unmarried sisters falls on the shoulders of the brother.

If you want to marry a Georgian, be prepared to marry in his homeland, with all the beauty of its culture and nature. The best gift you can give your husband is not just to accept, but to love his country, to be imbued with its history, beautiful cities, and majestic traditions. If you become a true fan of the Georgian land, you will get a chance to become your own here. And an indifferent attitude will not work if you do not want to remain a stranger to Georgia.

It is worth remembering that the level of observance of traditions is purely individual. It very much depends on the place of residence, upbringing, education and status. All the inhabitants of this country are completely different. In large cities, most people adopt European standards, and therefore gender equality in the family and relationships. Therefore, don’t let the “traditionality” of Georgia scare you. We still live in the 21st century, many customs are simply erased, especially among young couples.

Georgian family

If a Georgian married you, he takes full responsibility for the financial well-being of the family. If you like being a housewife and organizing your home, your husband will be only too happy about it. In any case, you won’t have to worry about how to feed your children. A Georgian man will always find a way to earn money for his family. Of course, modern residents of the country do not prohibit their wives from working. If you really can’t sit at home and want to do what you love, go ahead! And yet, Georgians prefer quiet keepers of home comfort, not careerists.

Most likely, raising children and everyday life will fall on your shoulders. Even in intelligent and modern families, all housework falls on women's shoulders. The exception may be the wealthiest couples who can afford a housekeeper.

How our women live in Georgia

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question; everything is purely individual. Someone finds the love of their life and becomes their own in Georgia, while others do not get along with their husband and return to their homeland. Marriage to a resident of this country will require patience, concessions and the ability to compromise, but most importantly, sincere and true love. Love breaks all barriers, we know that for sure. There are many examples of Ukrainian and Georgian women creating a happy family for many years. The main thing is to find your person, and you can cope with traditions, believe me!

How to marry a Georgian

If you are attracted by the temperament and charisma of Georgian men, you don’t have to go to their homeland to meet your destiny. Nowadays, dating sites and marriage agencies are very common, this will not surprise anyone. But how can you choose the most worthy one among the abundance of options, so that your acquaintance will bring you happiness, and not disappointment and wasted time?
Happy Family Agency will help you choose a suitable candidate, and will also provide support at all stages of dating.
So, have you already studied in detail all the features of marrying a Georgian? Now the choice is yours! If your soul lies with this country and the people who live in it; If this is exactly the kind of person you would like to see as your future husband, feel free to carry out your plans!

A conversation with my neighbor Zina prompted me to this slippery topic. So, meet early in the morning on the street.

Still, these newcomers are arrogant. They are simply stealing our men. Just imagine, a pensioner came from Moscow and married a Georgian widower. And now, with pressure and groans, she prepares chakhokhbili for him. She can’t even say the words, but she’s saying something. And he calls him, you know what?

- “Atari”! I would just take it and strangle it. The invader is.

What, I say, is the problem? Let them enjoy their health. “Atari” is probably making things up a la Chakhokhbili and not complaining. Why didn't you marry this starving widower yourself?

I? Are you kidding me? I didn’t get married at the time. And now even more so. At 70, it’s time to get ready for the next world, not get married. People have no shame or conscience!

And we went in different directions. Nevertheless, the conversation stuck in my head and I began to interview different people, how can one explain the phenomenon that many Georgians marry Slavic women, while local women, with all their merits, for some unknown reason remain unclaimed. Or it just seems like it to me.

Here are some opinions.

Tamriko Kiknadze: My older brother moved to Russia 30 years ago. First he studied, then he served in the army. At first he lived in a hostel, then registration was required and he moved to his classmate from Tambov, who already had a one-room apartment. Lived with her for several years.

My father was nervous and called Achiko here. After all, he was the only son; high hopes were placed on him; girls from good families were looked for. Then Achiko announced to us that he would marry Valya, since she was pregnant. My father almost went crazy due to nervousness. Marrying a woman with a child from his first marriage was beyond his understanding. He had a stroke, but Achiko still did as he decided. He announced to us that Valya is the best. In the end, we had to come to terms and accept Valya with wooden smiles. Valya visited Tbilisi, but she never wanted to live here. Achiko also repeated in her tone:

Indeed, he earned good money, sent money to his parents every month and did not forget us, two sisters. Sometimes he came with his son and stepdaughter, who called him “my daddy” and did not even know that he was not her father.

We asked him why he didn’t marry a Georgian, and named specific girls who corresponded to him in all respects. He said something like this:

Russian women are more beautiful than ours in both their faces and figure. It's easier to communicate with them. Georgians are more pretentious. I lived with different women, and no one demanded anything from me.

What can I say after all these years? My brother is apparently happy, he is a crazy father, he loves his son very much. They have different things with their wife, Achiko is cheating on her on the sly, and Valya turns a blind eye to it. Their marriage took place. I only feel sorry for my father, who can’t come to his senses after a stroke, can barely walk, can barely talk. It was necessary to accept Achiko's choice more philosophically.

And as for our women... In my corps, exactly half of the girls never got married, although all are beauties, hardworking and good housewives. Although there are those who got married two or three times.

David: My wife is Georgian. We live normally, we have two children. Several of my friends have Slavic wives. This, of course, has its advantages. It's much easier with them than with ours. And visually they immediately attract the eye. We men don’t like to be pressured and burdened with responsibility. Here you haven’t had time for a month to just hang out with a girl, cinema, cafe, back and forth, her parents are already looking at you as an official son-in-law, and try not to get married. The whole thing. And my friends lived with their loved ones for several years, and no one dragged them to sign. They could jump off at any moment. For example, my sister remained unmarried, although she is a wonderful housewife, a beauty and an excellent specialist in her field. But she would not let a man come close to her with any suspicious proposals.

Maiko Gagnidze: Yes, there is such a tendency. I also notice that our men marry Russians. Either they bring them here, or they meet tourists here. Personally, I like Russian women too. There is a lot to learn from them. They are beautiful, disciplined, raise children well and are very relaxed. No complexes. I think that’s why our men like them.

Ruslan Strizhak: Another option. At the level of instincts, two fight, one requires a close and native type for the reproduction of offspring, and the other requires the most different one, for the introduction of fresh blood. Both instincts work in everyone, and which one will be stronger depends on external factors.

Yulia: Maybe the candidates don’t have a large number of relatives? Our men are spoiled. Drunk, skinny, doesn't work and drinks. But you still run after him, and he turns his face up - yes, you are fat, and you have children from your first marriage... And the Georgian himself runs after you, and in general loves children more than the average Russian - his own and others. And he will help, and give compliments, and is always ready for intimate relationships. So our ladies favor Georgians, they know what to compare with. Sometimes they are ready to carry such a handsome man in their arms. And they see a good attitude.

Alena: I myself am a native resident of Tbilisi, but I have not noticed such a trend. They marry both of them quite well. They don't marry someone. Very often it depends on the desire of the woman. By the way, not everyone wants to get married.

Tatiana Leon: Yes, I am generally for mixed marriages, I am a child from a mixed marriage, my child is from a mixed marriage. I don’t agree with saying that they only marry Slavic women; I have a friend who is married to a Japanese woman. It’s just that those Georgians who are married to Japanese, Italian, French, etc. are almost invisible in Georgia, they simply don’t live there! Why are Slavic women visible, because the near abroad is more accessible, then in Georgia, I think, after the 90s, a massive depression began: everywhere was good, except for Georgia, and many left, in all directions, and since it was easier in the near abroad, so The kind of marriages turned out to be where you live there and fall in love. Then a wave of tourist boom began with the oohing and aahing of the Slavs, how they adore Georgia and how they wanted to live in Georgia, and so the spell was set in motion. About the fact that it is easier to live with Slavic women, it is difficult to put the same labels on everyone, everyone has their own character, but if you ask Europeans who ate the dog about this, they will say that it is Slavic women who are more capricious, but I don’t want to generalize that Georgians are more interested in brains, it’s hard to generalize, there are different ones. But, probably, in the beginning it is more difficult to court Georgian women, because they grew up with beautiful words and know that it is often dust in the eyes, beautiful conversations, so men do not want to waste their energy.

Anna Masterkova: Parents of Slavic girls interfere less in their choice. They also don’t look at economic conditions. The girl’s responsibility to the family is less, especially at the initial stage of dating. You can step back more painlessly, but in practice it leads to marriage faster.

Anna Puchkova: Georgian men often fall in love with Slavic women, because the behavior is different and the attitude is different. Now, if a man grabbed all the bags and carried them, then the Georgian woman will not blink an eye: “He’s a man, he’s obliged.” And a Slav, especially from Moscow, will say: “Wow, how nice, thank you very much.” She knows that there are men who don't do this. If a Georgian woman offers a man to take her somewhere, bring her from somewhere, then she takes it for granted, and the Slavic woman as a super caring man. If a Georgian woman is counting on a serious relationship, then she can harass a guy for months without having an intimate relationship, a Slavic woman, in most cases, for the sake of decency, will endure it for two weeks, and then will have a full-fledged relationship. For Georgians, children and parents come first in most cases. For a Slavic woman, a man is almost always the center of her attention. At the same time, of course, Georgians devote a lot of time and effort to household chores and worries, and this cannot but admire. All this is not without exceptions. There are also counter examples. But men explain it all something like this.

Temuri: I didn't notice anything like that. As it was, so it is. The main thing is not in origin, but in finances. If everything is financially stable in the family, then there will be no problems. Nowadays, if men see that a woman earns good money, they will gladly marry her. And women think the same way. For example, my neighbor married a Chinese man and already has a child. The Chinese have a business here. They live normally, there is definitely no misunderstanding. I'm a different person. I would never marry anyone other than a Georgian. I really respect our traditions, culture and history. And I think that you shouldn’t mix with anyone.

Many respondents repeated what had already been said before them. All this can be summed up by one simple truth - there are no ready-made recipes for happiness.

I would like to end this impromptu survey with one story.

Marina Kulikova: I want to tell my story.

On July 3, 2008, I also met a young and handsome guy via the Internet. I knew little about the Georgians, and about Georgia in general, at that time, we talked for days on end on Skype, strong feelings appeared, and then on 08/08/2008 the war began. I bought tickets, but the borders were closed, how many worries there were, how many nerves - it’s all simply beyond words. And, lo and behold, two days before my departure the border was opened! I didn’t doubt it for a minute and flew from St. Petersburg to Tbilisi, of course, in transit. At the airport I was told that my flight from Kyiv had been postponed by 12 hours. There had never been a connection like there is now; I managed to convey the message that I was late. As a result, when I was flying, I was the only Russian on the plane, there was NOT ONE sideways glance, and this was September 11th! Everything would be fine, but while I was sitting in Kyiv, they lost my luggage, and when I arrived, everyone had already left, and I was still writing a statement about the loss, I could not go to Gio. He waited for me for 12 hours at the airport! Neither he nor I knew exactly when I would arrive; there was no longer any communication either.

We spent ten amazing days together, and then, when I returned, I decided all my affairs and two months later I arrived for good.

08/08/2009, exactly one year after the sad events, our Sandra was born, and a year later - Gio, son. We have been happily married for nine years, for us every day is like the first day!

So you can’t put everyone under the same brush: there are both good and bad people in every country! Decency does not depend on nationality!

Girls, don't be afraid to love and be loved.

GOOD and MUTUAL LOVE to everyone!

I join Marina Kulikova’s wishes and wish all Sputnik readers to find their soul mate and, most importantly, to maintain mutual feelings for life.