What does an endocrinologist check for 14-year-old teenagers? Interview with a pediatric endocrinologist

Any endocrine diseases cause hormonal imbalances. Parents associate some of the manifestations that occur when this system is damaged in children with character, genetics, or excessive spoiling, without attaching much importance to them.

Lack of timely treatment can cause serious complications. That is why it is important to know what indications you should contact an endocrinologist for, who he is and what diseases such a doctor treats.

The science of endocrinology - what does it study?

The field of medicine that studies various disorders and pathologies of the endocrine system is endocrinology. Glands located in the body constantly produce hormones that affect the processes occurring inside the cells and the functioning of almost all organs.

Endocrinology studies the work of:

  • pituitary gland;
  • hypothalamus;
  • glands (pancreas, thymus, thyroid and parathyroid);
  • adrenal glands;
  • ovaries and male reproductive glands.

The functioning of the endocrine system determines the maturation of the fetus in the womb, the development of the child after birth, and the condition of a person throughout the entire period of his life.

What does a pediatric endocrinologist treat?

The doctor of this specialty covers two main areas:

  1. Pediatric endocrinology. This area covers the category of adolescents, schoolchildren and younger children who have disorders of sexual development due to hormonal imbalance.
  2. Diabetology. This area involves the observation and treatment of children with diabetes and complications arising from this disease. The pathology can be acquired or congenital and is difficult to treat.

Timely contact with a pediatric endocrinologist allows you to:

  • distinguish the features inherent in a growing organism from any deviations;
  • identify pathologies caused by hormonal disorders;
  • eliminate organic endocrine abnormalities, which in adults are already considered incurable;
  • identify problems associated with puberty;
  • establish disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary system.
  • strong thirst;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • itching felt on the surface of the skin;
  • inflammatory processes affecting the skin;
  • pain in the calf or head area.

Statistics show that an unbalanced diet, a decrease in physical activity due to the constant use of modern gadgets by children, and an unstable social situation provoke excess weight in a child, which subsequently leads to obesity.

According to doctors, parents, due to their workload and inattention, discover this condition too late, so various dangerous pathologies develop, including hypertension, diabetes, metabolic disorders and many others.

Thus, any deviations in the development of children should be promptly noticed by their parents. The occurrence of a pathology affecting the functions of at least one endocrine gland contributes to the malfunction of other components of this system. This leads to irreversible consequences, especially if appropriate treatment is carried out late.

Almost all life processes in the human body are controlled by active chemicals called hormones. In turn, hormones are produced by the endocrine system, which includes the pancreas, adrenal glands, and thyroid gland. When the functions of the endocrine system are disrupted, the entire body is damaged, physiological processes are disrupted, various diseases arise, and the functioning of the brain and nervous systems may be disrupted. Therefore, it is extremely important to undergo a systematic examination by an endocrinologist, and for children there is a pediatric endocrinologist.

Let's consider what diseases this specialist can identify, and in which cases you should contact him immediately.

What diseases can an endocrinologist identify?

In children, diseases of the endocrine system can “masquerade” as completely innocent diseases - indigestion, sweating, increased fatigue, irritability. Therefore, if you find the indicated signs of the disease in your child, then you should not ignore them; contact an endocrinologist who will conduct an examination. If the examination does not reveal the presence of diseases, then this will reassure you. Otherwise, the following diseases may appear:

  • dysfunction of the adrenal glands;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system;
  • diabetes mellitus

All these diseases can cause significant harm to a child’s body, slow down and even stop its development. Therefore, a pediatric endocrinologist is a specialist who must be visited regularly, preferably undergoing medical examination at least twice a year.

Clear signs of endocrine system diseases

Every person is well aware that the earlier a disease is diagnosed, the easier it will be to treat. In relation to endocrinology, this means that in addition to regular preventive examinations, you must monitor the health of your child. Diseases of the endocrine system, as mentioned above, can be identified by external signs, which will require a pediatric endocrinologist to identify. In addition to those already mentioned, these signs include the following:

  • disturbance of night sleep and increased sleepiness during the day;
  • obvious deterioration in intelligence, learning difficulties;
  • constant thirst;
  • dry skin combined with swelling;
  • frequent toilet;
  • obvious delay in puberty;
  • pain in the front of the neck;
  • excessive weight.

It should be noted that one should not expect that a child suffering from diseases of the endocrine system will exhibit all of these signs. Often, only one symptom may indicate a disease. Therefore, if your child, for example, clearly drinks too much water, then a pediatric endocrinologist is already necessary.

All processes in the body occur under the close control of two regulatory systems: nervous and endocrine. The latter consists of glands that produce special bioactive substances - hormones that can have a very pronounced effect in extremely small concentrations. The prefix “endo-” means that these substances are produced exclusively in the internal environment of the body (blood). They easily penetrate other fluids (spinal fluid, intercellular fluid), which determines another name for this regulatory system - humoral.

Endocrine organs have their own hierarchy. The whole process is guided by a special structure of the brain - the hypothalamic-epiphyseal-pituitary complex, in which the main role belongs to the adenohypophysis. In addition to its own active substances, it also secretes tropic hormones, the concentration of which affects the other endocrine glands. In turn, “subordinate” endocrine organs, releasing large amounts of hormones, reduce the tropic activity of the pituitary gland. Those glands that are not subordinate to it are controlled by the pineal gland and hypothalamus.

The formation of the endocrine system occurs already in the 4th week of intrauterine development. Its formation occurs throughout pregnancy, during which the activity of various glands periodically increases and decreases. The final development of the internal secretion system ends with puberty.

Indications for consultation

Preventive endocrinological examinations of infants and young children are not provided. In the maternity hospital (3-5 days of a newborn’s life), mandatory screening is carried out for 5 hereditary diseases, of which 2 are related to internal secretion: adrenogenital syndrome and hypothyroidism. Identified violations require observation of infants by a specialist at the place of residence or hospitalization in a specialized hospital.

Children of pre-adolescence (at 10 years old) and during puberty (from 14 years old - annually) are subject to medical examination. Additionally, doctors of any specialty can recommend an examination by a pediatric endocrinologist. But more often, a referral for consultation is issued by a pediatrician, pediatric gastroenterologist, surgeon and gynecologist.

Particular attention is paid to young patients whose parents (close relatives) have identified endocrine diseases.

Parents' independent referral to a specialist in the endocrine glands can cause various changes in the child's status. This may be expressed in:

Morbidity structure by age

Failure of the endocrine system can occur at any age. Even during the process of intrauterine development, the fetus may experience disturbances in the formation and formation of internal secretion organs and, subsequently, their functions. The cause may be external factors, hereditary diseases, congenital pathologies. Endocrine disease can develop in early childhood, during school years, and in adolescence. The most significant periods in this regard are the periods of active growth of the child: infancy and infancy (1.), first (2.) and second (3.) traction.

  1. Newborns and children up to 3 years old. During this period, dysfunction of the thyroid gland (congenital hypothyroidism), adrenal cortex (adrenogenital syndrome), and insulin-producing cells of the pancreas (congenital type I diabetes mellitus - insulin dependent) can be detected. Changes in anthropometric indicators (disharmonious physical development, its acceleration or slowdown).
  2. In preschoolers and primary school students, the possibility of a malfunction in insulin production remains relevant. Changes (usually an increase) in body weight and height (usually a slowdown) are also typical for this age.
  3. Adolescents are primarily susceptible to disorders of puberty. Early development or its slowdown, as well as changes in the type of manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics require immediate consultation with a pediatric endocrinologist.

In addition to the main age-related problems in the internal secretion system, there is the possibility of the appearance of any diseases of a different morphofunctional nature, but affecting the hormonal functions of the affected organ. These include, for example, the absence of a testicle (one or both), hormone-producing tumors and a number of others.

General and special examination methods

A consultation with a pediatric endocrinologist begins with identifying the problems that brought you to this doctor’s office. Close attention is paid to heredity, in particular, the presence of endocrine pathology in the family. The specialist will be interested in the course of pregnancy and childbirth, the development of the child, and the diseases he has suffered.

Carrying out a physical examination, the pediatric endocrinologist will assess the condition of the skin and its appendages (hair, nails). By palpation (palpation), the doctor will determine the structure and approximate linear values ​​of the thyroid gland and examine the organs. Of no small diagnostic importance are data on the child’s height and weight and their ratio, head circumference and limb length. Absolutely all children (even toddlers) have their sexual development assessed using a special determination system.

The laboratory can perform a blood test for the content of all known hormones, hormone-like substrates, enzymes and other biologically active substances. Since most of them have daily fluctuations or other physiological changes, blood sampling for the test is carried out taking these conditions into account. Serological tests are used (the state of the immune system), for example, for antibodies to the tissues of one’s own glands.

The analysis of peripheral blood is of interest to the endocrinologist from the standpoint of determining sugar levels, its daily fluctuations and glucose tolerance test. During the diagnosis (treatment) of diabetes mellitus, a test of sugar content in the urine may be prescribed.

Ultrasound scanning of the endocrine glands has become widely used. It is also used to assess the structure of “target organs” that respond to changes in the content of the hormones being studied. Due to its safety, relative ease of implementation and low cost, ultrasound can be performed many times. Including, to assess dynamic reactions to the therapy being taken.

MRI and CT are performed as necessary, taking into account all the indications and contraindications of these studies. Relatively, the condition of the pituitary gland can be judged by radiography of an anatomical bone formation called the sella turcica. Specialized radioisotope research (scintigraphy) is used extremely rarely in pediatric practice.

The endocrine system of a child is a complex, mutually regulating combination of endocrine glands, hormone-producing cell clusters in other organs (insulinocytes of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas) and individual elements with the function of producing bioactive substances. Independent intervention in these processes (whether using 0.5% hydrocortisone ointment or oral contraception), as well as failure to correct disorders in a timely manner, can lead to very serious consequences.

Endocrinology studies the structure and functioning of the endocrine glands, the production of hormones, and their effect on the human body. When the functioning of the producing organs is disrupted, various diseases develop, which are treated by an endocrinologist. The doctor monitors the development of adolescents during puberty, prescribes the necessary treatment when pathologies are identified in adults and children, helps restore metabolism, functions of the reproductive system and eliminate other associated symptoms.

Who is an endocrinologist, what does this doctor treat and what symptoms do they treat? The doctor's field of activity concerns the thyroid, pancreas, pituitary gland and brain, adrenal cortex, ovaries in women and testicles in men, and the pineal gland. These organs produce important hormones that are responsible for the smooth functioning of the body.

What diseases does an endocrinologist treat?

  • Thyroid diseases: , .
  • Pancreatic diseases: diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2.
  • Diseases of the reproductive system: infertility due to hormonal imbalance, menstrual irregularities, delayed puberty, premenstrual syndrome.
  • Congenital pathologies of endocrine organs: aplasia or hypoplasia of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, uterus, ovaries. Anomalies in the development of the thyroid and parathyroid glands (ectopia,).
  • - This is a disease in which the secretion of male hormones increases.

  • Endocrine neoplasia.
  • Hormone-producing tumors of the pituitary gland, adrenal cortex, ovaries, prostate gland in men.
  • Hyperaldosteronism.

Since endocrine disorders affect not only the endocrine glands, but also many vital systems, additional consultation with an oncologist, pediatrician, gynecologist, urologist, gastroenterologist, and cardiologist is required.

What symptoms should you contact an endocrinologist for?

Who is this endocrinologist and what does the doctor treat, what complaints do they turn to this specialist for? It is necessary to visit a doctor if the following symptoms appear:

  • general weakness, malaise, fatigue;
  • severe hair loss on the head;
  • acne on the face and body that cannot be treated;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • infertility in women;
  • weakened libido, erectile dysfunction in men;

  • or rapid weight loss;
  • in women, male pattern hair appears on the face and body;
  • strong feeling of thirst;
  • poor condition of hair and nails;
  • frequent urination;
  • dry skin, appearance of age spots, prolonged wound healing;
  • muscle weakness, tremors of limbs;
  • lack of appetite or, conversely, a constant desire to eat;
  • virilism in women: changes in the figure according to the male type, intense hair growth, hoarseness, atrophy of the mammary glands, increased size of the clitoris, increased libido;
  • in men;
  • bulging eyes, enlarged neck, tachycardia;
  • growth retardation, puberty in adolescence.

Examination by a doctor

How is an examination by an endocrinologist carried out, what does the doctor check at the appointment? The doctor interviews the patient, listens to complaints, and finds out whether there are hereditary diseases of the endocrine system in the family. It is important whether there were delays in development or puberty.

An examination by an endocrinologist includes palpation of the thyroid gland and regional lymph nodes. The doctor identifies characteristic external signs of diseases:

  • hair loss;
  • presence of acne;
  • bulging eyes;
  • lethargy;
  • deterioration of motor reflexes;
  • decreased tissue sensitivity.

The patient's blood pressure and pulse are measured.

After the examination, the doctor prescribes laboratory blood tests for hormone and glucose levels; you may need to do an ultrasound, MRI, CT scan, or other instrumental studies of organs.

An electrocardiogram is performed to detect heart rhythm disturbances. If cancer is suspected, a tissue biopsy is taken for histological examination. Based on the results of diagnosis and examination, the necessary treatment is prescribed.

Doctor's office

How does an appointment with an endocrinologist proceed, what should be the standard of equipment for the office? The endocrinology office must have the necessary equipment to examine the patient.

List of necessary instruments that a doctor should have:

  • scales;
  • stadiometer;
  • measuring tape;
  • tonometer;
  • glucometer and test strips for determining blood glucose levels;
  • neurological kit for testing tendon reflexes, tissue sensitivity: hammer, monofilament, graduated tuning fork;
  • test strips for detecting microalbuminuria and ketone bodies in urine.

In the endocrinologist's office, patients with diabetes are trained; the doctor explains the basic rules and features of nutrition, behavior, and taking medications. Teaches you how to do it yourself. In the office of a good endocrinologist, there should be separate rooms for examination and therapeutic and diagnostic procedures.

Pediatric endocrinologist

What does a pediatric endocrinologist treat, what does the doctor look for, and when should you contact him? The specialist conducts preventive examinations and monitors the child’s development. During puberty, hormonal changes occur in the body of a teenager, which can cause the development of many pathological diseases of congenital, acquired etiology, or autoimmune nature.

A pediatric endocrinologist conducts a preventive examination of a child at 2–3 years of age before enrolling in kindergarten, and at 6–7 years of age before entering school. Adolescents aged 10–16 years are examined annually by an endocrinologist to assess height, weight, thyroid size, and sexual development.

If there are genetic diseases in the family, the child undergoes a thorough examination immediately after birth, then an annual doctor’s appointment is indicated, which helps to detect disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine organs in a timely manner.

What diseases does an endocrinologist treat in children? The most common diagnosis is type 1 diabetes and menstrual irregularities in girls. Viral and infectious diseases suffered in childhood can serve as a provoking factor for the development of autoimmune processes. In this case, the thyroid and pancreas glands are affected.

A pediatric gynecologist-endocrinologist treats menstrual disorders, diseases of the ovaries, appendages, hormone-producing tumors and congenital pathologies.

Who is an oncologist-endocrinologist?

What does an endocrinologist-oncologist do, what diseases does he treat? This is a doctor who studies benign and malignant tumors of the endocrine system, metastases and the negative impact of pathology on the body. Thyroid and pancreatic cancer: epithelial, papillary cystadenomas, adenocarcinomas, lymphosarcoma, small cell neoplasms.

The doctor prescribes diagnostic tests, analysis for tumor markers,. If necessary, surgery is performed to remove the affected area of ​​the gland. After this, chemotherapy and hormone replacement therapy are indicated.

What does a gynecologist-endocrinologist do?

What kind of doctor is an endocrinologist-gynecologist, what does he treat? This is a doctor who checks the functioning and structure of the organs of the reproductive system in women. An appointment with an endocrinologist is carried out by interviewing the patient and examining him in a gynecological chair. Additionally, tests and laparoscopic examinations are prescribed.

The doctor treats infertility, menstrual irregularities (dysmenorrhea,). An endocrinologist monitors the condition of pregnant girls with hormonal imbalances and women during menopause.

A pediatric gynecologist-endocrinologist treats:

  • vulvovaginitis, vulvitis, which often develop after viral diseases;
  • cystitis;
  • thrush;
  • juvenile bleeding;
  • amenorrhea;
  • endometriosis;
  • inflammation of the uterine appendages;
  • tumors of the reproductive system.

A pediatric gynecologist-endocrinologist monitors girls during puberty, since the onset of menarche often causes the development of tumor processes and the formation of cysts. Menstrual irregularities cause a failure in the secretion of sex hormones. A pediatric gynecologist-endocrinologist prescribes treatment to stabilize hormonal levels.

How to choose a good doctor

Often patients, having received a referral, ask: advise a good endocrinologist. When choosing a clinic, you should pay attention to:

  • licensing of medical activities of the clinic;
  • the experience of the doctor who sees patients;

The health of the baby is determined by the timely development and coherence of the work of all organs and systems.

The most important system in a child’s body, which regulates many processes, is the endocrine system.

To understand whether the baby’s endocrine system is in order, it is advisable for every mother to know what the symptoms of endocrine diseases are, for which it is necessary to consult a doctor. We'll talk about this today.

Endocrinologist: what kind of doctor?

Endocrinologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats diseases of the endocrine system in adults and children.

Endocrine system - these are endocrine glands (hypothalamus, pituitary gland, pineal gland, pancreas, ovaries, testicles, etc.), which secrete hormones into the body’s bloodstream that regulate important life processes of the body.

The endocrine system is a very delicate mechanism that reacts sharply to all harmful factors. Endocrine system of children more susceptible to environmental factors than the adult system.

Many pathologies of the endocrine system begin to develop in childhood, so it is very important to regularly visit an endocrinologist and be sure to show your baby to the doctor if you notice symptoms of endocrine diseases in a child in order to identify the problem in time and begin treatment for the disease.

The most serious symptoms indicating endocrine diseases

Delayed puberty or precocious development

It is worth talking about delayed sexual development if girls over 15 years of age do not have menstruation and the mammary glands are not enlarged, if boys over 15 years of age do not have hair in the armpits and pubic area, if the size of the testicles is too small.

It happens that delayed puberty is not associated with endocrine system disorders, but is hereditary (that is, the parents also began sexual development later). In this case, you still need to contact an endocrinologist to rule out any disorders of the endocrine system.

Precocious puberty usually means enlarged mammary glands, the appearance of hair in the pubic area and armpits in girls under 9 years of age, as well as enlarged testicles, the appearance of hair in the pubic area and armpits in boys under 10 years of age.

Almost everything cases of premature puberty are associated with endocrine problems, and therefore require immediate consultation with a doctor.

Diabetes symptoms

With endocrine disorders, the child may develop symptoms : the baby drinks too much, he urinates frequently, he abuses sweets, his body weight decreases for no apparent reason, weakness appears, and he does not want to do anything or move actively.

If these symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor to make a diagnosis and begin treatment.

Short stature and excessive growth

The easiest way to determine Is your child's growth normal? , compare it with 5-10 peers. If your baby is significantly shorter than other children, your child may have growth retardation. If, on the contrary, the baby is too tall in comparison with other children, this may indicate excessive growth.

The cause of short stature or excessive growth can be not only endocrine diseases, but also heredity, diseases of the musculoskeletal system

According to the norms, average height of a boy should be 92-99 cm, girls - 93-98 cm, at 4 years old, a boy's height should be approximately 99-105 cm, girls - 98-104 cm, at 5 years old, boys' height can be 105-112 cm, girls - 104 -110 cm, at 6 years old - boys - 112-118 cm, girls - 110-118 cm, at 7 years old - boys - 118-125 cm, girls - 118-124 cm. At each age, fluctuations in the height of boys and girls are possible + /- 5-7 cm.

The cause of short stature or excessive growth can be not only endocrine diseases, but also heredity and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Only a doctor can determine what caused the problem. Typically, the doctor will X-ray of the hands and wrist joints , which can be used to determine the state of growth zones.

Mom Elena shared her story: “My son has always been short, shorter than everyone else his age. At first I thought that this would soon be corrected, but now he was already in his 6th year, and the situation had not changed, I began to worry a lot. I decided to go with the child to an endocrinologist. The doctor ordered tests for us, we passed everything, it turned out that our son was healthy, short stature was his peculiarity. The doctor said to carefully monitor the baby’s health during adolescence, since at this time the child’s growth can increase greatly in a short period, and this is harmful to the spine.”

Underweight or overweight

A serious symptom of endocrine disorders is insufficient or. According to medical standards, at 3 years the boy must weigh approximately 13-16 kg, girl - 13-15 kg, at 4 years - boy - 16-18 kg, girl - 15-17 kg, at 5 years - boy - 18-20 kg, girl - 17-19 kg, at 6 years old - boy - 20-22 kg, girl - 19-22 kg, at 7 years old - boy - 22-25 kg, girl - 22-25 kg. Weight fluctuations are possible at any age from 1 to 2 kilograms.

For weight problems it is necessary consultation with an endocrinologist , you should not torture your child with a diet yourself or, conversely, force-feed. Perhaps it's not the diet, but the hormones.