Battle of psychics: Swami Dasha's tattoos. What are the types of magical tattoos? Esoteric tattoos and their meaning

Many people have tattoos these days. And even those who make them without thinking too much about the history of the origin of this ancient tradition still put some kind of symbolic meaning. Is it worth getting tattoos, and what could it lead to, psychics once told us.

History of tattoo

People have been mastering the art of painting on the body for a long time. There were whole rituals, special patterns that were allowed by some and not available to others. Leaders and wise men, priests and generals decorated themselves in a similar way. By the pattern on the face, residents of one tribe could recognize a fellow tribesman and instantly identify a stranger. Therefore, images on the body have not just a hierarchical, but a truly sacred meaning. But the drawing on the body also has the opposite meaning. This is a stigma that was also not invented yesterday and behind which, through the centuries, stretches a trail of rejection, so romanticized by many in their youth.

Often people decide to get a tattoo in moments of serious shock, a responsible decision, or in memory of any event. The beginning of a new year or a new stage of life for a tattoo lover is marked by a new image, be it a modest inscription under the heart or a pagan monogram on the entire back.

Tattoos at the “Battle of Psychics”

Psychics participating in this popular mystical show also often have tattoos. Julia Wang, Natalya Banteeva, Nicole Kuznetsova, Namtar Enzigal, Marilyn Kerro - all these people, endowed with a gift and well known to fans of the project, carry on their bodies these messages and evidence of decisions once made.

Season 13 psychic Dmitry Volkhov also has tattoos and does not see anything dangerous in them if everything is done correctly and with meaning. But Elena Golunova, a participant in the same project, compares tattooing to a lottery. You can choose a good picture, and then life will change dramatically for the better, but you can also greatly harm your destiny.

One thing you definitely shouldn’t do is tattoo satanic signs, unknown runes and hieroglyphs, as well as inscriptions in an incomprehensible language on your body. Even if you, in general, do not care what will be written on beautiful picture in an elegant font, think about it and be sure to find out the meaning. A tattoo is a very serious matter, and it’s good if an unsuccessful hieroglyph is simply funny and inappropriate. And with magic symbols you have to be on your guard. After all, if you are not a good medium or necromancer, you have no need for the energy of otherworldly forces.

Be careful about the meaning of symbols and signs. Do not joke with other worlds and choose as your emblem only that which you can comprehend the meaning of. and behind its most powerful participants and don't forget to press the buttons and

12.01.2016 01:10

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Magic tattoos- these are tattoos that can influence the life of their wearer. They are quite diverse, but they are not to be trifled with. Before applying a magical ornament, you need to know its meaning. Magic tattoos and their meanings are varied.

There are a great variety of images and ornaments that carry a deep mystical meaning. Tattoo mascots, protective tattoos, tattoos for women, signs of strength, esoteric and shamanic tattoos - this is a little that you can learn about from this article.

Magic tattoos and their meaning

Magic signs include all images that contain properties. Humanity believes that such symbols influence personality, behavior, life, and destiny. There are a great many magical tattoos.

But we do not always understand their meaning and significance. Each image and each symbol has its own essence and brings a certain energy to its owner. We can say that tattoos really influence our lives.

But even the most magical tattoo can only influence someone who believes in its power. May you not pay attention to magic special attention, it’s better to play it safe and apply a mystical tattoo with positive, pure content to your body. Many magical symbols have come to us since ancient times.


The Slavs are a wise people with a rich culture, history and traditions. It's no coincidence today Slavic tattoos are very popular. Each image has a powerful magical message, so you need to choose it wisely.

Celtic patterns

Today, Celtic magical patterns are among the most revered in the world. The Celts are a warlike people, fierce towards their enemies, but reverent of the gods. Celtic patterns are not just beautiful and mysterious, they carry a powerful magical impulse.

When applying Celtic tattoos, you need to draw the symbols very carefully so as not to distort them and harm yourself. The types of ornaments amaze with their diversity and carry hidden meanings.

Animals and birds can be distinguished in the patterns. Their image also has its own meaning. Celtic patterns contain powerful protection for their wearer and symbolize the infinity of life.

One of the strongest Celtic amulets is the Celtic cross. It is believed that it bestows wisdom, saves from the influence of dark forces, and is a sign of the Celtic. Another amulet is the shamrock (trixel), which has powerful protective powers against evil people, damage, the evil eye, and good luck in your endeavors.

Runic amulets

Runes are the ancient writing of the Slavs, Europeans and Scandinavians. Runic signs can be seen in ancient amulets. This is no coincidence, because they themselves carry enormous magical power.

Runes are primarily the language of thoughts, magic and spells. Ancient peoples used them for... Translated from Old Norse it means whisper.

Only a professional runologist, who knows all their meanings: both obvious and hidden, can create the correct rune record. And an incorrectly interpreted symbol will bring trouble and trouble to the owner of the tattoo.

Eastern and esoteric tattoos

Oriental tattoos are a separate world in which a person can only receive protection by knowing himself. The knowledge and magic of China, Tibet, India, and Japan are combined here. Oriental tattoos are characterized by sacred signs, hieroglyphs, plants, mythical and real animals.

Dragon, tiger, snake, lotus, cherry blossoms - this is philosophy, knowledge of your inner world, the search for truth. This is not protection in the truest sense of the word.

But knowing your strengths and weaknesses, you can protect yourself from life’s misfortunes and find the right way out of any situation. It is believed that a tattoo protects against illnesses and diseases, troubles, helps to understand one’s surroundings, and gets on the right path in life. Po amulets and esoteric tattoos came to us from the east.

Choosing a tattoo talisman depending on the type is the right position.

Here your amulet will be:

  • Zodiac sign;
  • symbol of the year of your birth;
  • flower, tree, .

To attract love and happiness

We not only want the magic of tattoos to protect us, but we also strive for love and happiness. The main tattoo for love is the heart symbol. This sign is present in the culture of every nation. The most famous is the Celtic heart. It is made of continuous lines and symbolizes eternal love, the merging of two souls, the inseparability of life and love.

In addition to the heart tattoo in the form of:
  • angel;
  • trefoil;
  • horseshoes;
  • sevens;
  • hieroglyphs “love”, “happiness”;

The mandala is considered both a talisman and a love talisman. Enclosing a drawing in a circle is a desire for integrity and spiritual wisdom. The sign will help everyone who strives for mental balance and personal development. This is an amulet for life and happiness.

Video on the topic

About magical tattoos and their influence on a person’s life in the video:

You can choose any talisman tattoo, but it is important to believe in it, and then it will definitely protect you and attract good luck to you.

Magical tattoos are tattoos that can have an impact on the life of their owner. They are quite varied. Before you get such a tattoo, you need to carefully study their true meaning. These are not things to joke about.

Sorcerer with long claws

Features of magical tattoos

Most of the modern tattoos that have magical properties originated in ancient times. The ancient Aztecs and Celts applied such images to their bodies. This category also includes images of zodiac signs, Buddhist symbols, and Slavic symbols. Such images are applied for the purpose of protection and help from higher powers. This is a kind of mark and amulet. Magic tattoos, photos of which you will find in any tattoo parlor, are very popular among representatives of informal associations.

Did you know? The most “tattooed” person lives in Scotland. Almost the entire surface of his body is tattooed in the form of a leopard skin. The only free space left is inside the ears and between the fingers.

Is it really magical tattoos concepts, the meaning of which is often discussed on esoteric forums, can greatly affect a person’s life? Such cases do occur in real life. Therefore, you cannot put an unknown inscription or hieroglyph on your body. First you need to know their real meaning. Each image has its own energy, so you need to be very careful when choosing them. However, most experts are inclined to believe that any tattoo can affect the life of its owner only if he himself believes in it magical properties.

For a very long time I doubted whether to put a rune tattoo on my body. But then I consulted with a local shaman, and he selected a suitable drawing for me. My life has changed for the better.

Svetlana, Lyubertsy

IN modern world magical tattoos are extremely popular. However, psychics do not advise getting too carried away with applying such drawings to your body.

Bird, eye mountain in a magic tattoo

Types of magical tattoos

The most popular magical tattoos are:

  • mandala
  • pentagram

Infinity sign

The infinity sign is both simple and ingenious. On the one hand, it is a mathematical symbol, and on the other hand, it is a symbol with deep magical meaning. This sign means innumerability and eternity of existence. Strangely enough, these images are endowed with magical properties by people working in the field of science. At the same time, the infinity sign has far from mathematical roots.

Magic sign of infinity

This symbol was first used in Tibetan prints. It symbolized a snake that bites its own tail. According to legend, the snake tried to eat itself. But due to the fact that he was growing up, he was unable to do this. This process went on forever. Over time, it was used as a symbol of the natural connection of beginning and end.

As a rule, young boys and girls apply the infinity sign to themselves. Sometimes it is used by lovers to emphasize that their love is endless. The best place to get such a tattoo is the wrist. This is where it looks most harmonious.

I've been eyeing an infinity tattoo for a long time. I did it a month ago. I was very pleased.

Olga, Krasnoyarsk.


Runes represent the magical alphabet of Northern and Central Europe. They contain a special symbolic meaning, which is why scientists have been studying them for several centuries in a row. Each rune consists of three elements: sign (form), sound (song) and rune (mysterious law). The components of each symbol cannot exist on their own. They complement each other. By the way, magical tattoos, sketches of which can be made by magicians and sorcerers, are often applied to the wrist, shoulders or back.

Variant of the image of magic runes on the back

Another variation of the image of runes on the leg

Today, runes have exclusively magical functions:

  • divination
  • witchcraft
  • creation of amulets and talismans

For this purpose, tattoos in the form of runes are applied.

Tattoos in the form of runes are a very powerful talisman and amulet.


A mandala is a diagram composed of iconographic images and highly complex patterns. It originated in Buddhist mythology. Buddhists considered it a sacred symbol, since all the Buddhist saints were depicted on it.

Magic mandala made on the leg

The mandala on the calf is of a different shape, but the magical meaning of this tattoo does not change

Advice. Before applying any magical tattoo, consult with a person who is directly related to magic.

The most popular place to get a pentagram tattoo is the wrist.


Pentagram made on the back of a girl

The pentagram is one of the most mysterious symbols that arose in Mesopotamia 4000 years ago. It represents an image in the form five-pointed star. There is an opinion that this is a kind of movement pattern for Venus. The pentagram can bring its owner both positive and negative changes in life. This will depend on how you position the top of the five-pointed star. Today, the pentagram symbolizes leadership, prosperity, superiority, youth, health, and spirituality of nature.

Video: master gets a mandala tattoo

Sketches of magical tattoos

The phenomenon of the influence of tattoos on a person’s destiny has been proven by modern scientists and psychologists. A body pattern is not just a fashionable decoration, but a special symbol that accompanies a person throughout his life. Even the most ardent skeptics sometimes encountered mystical phenomena that are difficult to explain scientifically.

Excursion into history

Body painting goes back to those distant times when people did not yet know how to read and write. The tattoo helped convey information to others. It was she who served as a kind of “passport” of a person, by which it was possible to determine social status, marital status, merits and achievements, as well as character. The drawings were made publicly in front of all members of the community. The process was accompanied by special rituals and ceremonies, the celebrations of which sometimes lasted for months.

In many tribes, a tattoo served as an amulet that protected against evil spirits. For example, the Indians of North America painted their faces with a demon mask in order to deceive him and avoid death. Often there were images of totem animals and symbolic ornaments that protected the owner from enemies, troubles and troubles, and provided a positive influence on fate. Occultism was also common among pagans. The tattoo helped to establish a connection with the other world, deceased relatives and leaders. By piercing their bodies with sharpened stones or sticks, people fell into a trance and communicated with the world of the dead.

In medieval times, tattoos were banned for religious reasons. In the mid-twentieth century, body painting was revived as a fashionable youth trend, but people stopped attaching importance to the meaning of the images. Only at the beginning of this century did scientists become interested in the question of the influence of tattoos on a person’s fate and came to interesting conclusions.

Any image or painting is a portal to your world. Here it is also worth remembering, for example, those symbols (stars, domes, etc.) that thieves in law tattoo on themselves (usually on their shoulders, knees). These are outright magical seals of the egregor, many of which have pronounced portal characteristics (and where the portal leads is known only to the master, and even then not always).

It’s not for nothing that thieves have their own subculture with its own symbols, language and traditional rituals, coronations, etc. In fact, these are the same initiations/involtations that are used in Freemasonry or the army, and each initiation is an unconscious (or not entirely clear to the bearer) permission to connect a controlling entity, an egregor, the infernal world. For example, Yakuza tattoos are a direct infusion of spirits. But whether they are protective or not depends on the behavior of the adept.

The same applies to orders, for example. They are also a kind of portals, connecting to the egregor of the army (war), power and state: Are the inverted pentagrams in the center and on the right visible to everyone?

Where do we usually wear orders? That's right, on the chest, or rather on the heart. Attach the order to your heart and pump yourself up the Anahata energy as much as you like. Yes, and add the necessary settings there, I don’t want to block it. How many petals does anahata have? It is generally accepted that there are 12 (in fact, there are immeasurably many of them; the more multidimensional the chakra, the more petals there are). That is, if you now hang a portal with 5-6 rays there, then anahata will lose its power, become grounded, and blocked.

Let’s not forget about the stars that every Soviet schoolchild had to wear (and for bad behavior he could lose the star, and with it the respect of others, i.e. the state’s egregor kicked the adherent out of the door): Where is our grandfather to this day? Lenin? In the ziggurat. Where's the ziggurat? On the main square of the country. And it does not lead to the brightest worlds. The energy of hundreds of millions of anahatas was directed towards one of the main symbols of the state. By the way, this is another point that is worth paying attention to when cleaning.

Magic symbols are found everywhere and you should not be afraid of them. If a person is aware, he can remove the influence or it simply does not affect him. However, if there is not sufficient awareness/luminosity, the egregor turns on with all that it implies.

Any artist is a portal operator; through his work, a connection is made into his worlds. Tattooists are not just portal workers, but magicians who have had extensive experience as guides in the past, otherwise they would not have the skills to do this now (there is no “previously” acquired experience). any creation is a portal, and a tattoo is even more so since it is tied to blood. Magicians are usually not very “light”.

Again, let’s not put everyone under the same brush; there are those who understand perfectly well what they are drawing. For example, a man went to Thailand, decided to get a tattoo there, came to the master, and he did it. the man returned home, he began to have problems in life. goes to the sensation, and he says to him: “the master didn’t just fill you with a picture, but planted a curse/spirit, like revenge on an annoying tourist or just transferring something.” go back, demand that you interrupt now"

Many healers and healers, especially those working according to old traditions in villages, refuse to work with tattooed people, because... They believe that a person deliberately gave himself (part or all of his soul) to the service of one force or another.

Many tattoos cover energy centers - chakras. if a tattoo is made on the heart, for example, an eagle or a scorpion, this living creature really comes to life on the thin one, because it is recharged. The block can work quite strongly, sometimes controlling the personality. Of course, any living creature can be reprogrammed, but who even thinks about such possibilities?

Of course, tattoos were also originally used as amulets, but nowadays everything is turned upside down and few people really understand their magical properties. If you can reflash an individual egregor and even individual words, then reflash a picture or a master (adept of the egregor) is as easy as shelling pears.

In any case, a tattoo is not just a distinctive symbol, but a figurative and very powerful magic. In theory, a “good” tattoo should enhance strengths character and dull the weak. The only question is, who decides which side is which, the bearer, the master or the egregor? Everything is individual and the less a person understands the meaning, the more the meaning takes over the person (since we don’t build our own reality, someone does it for us, yeah).

As with all other aspects of life, the thoughtless use of someone else’s, especially fashionable and promoted symbols, is fraught, because within the framework of energy exchange, new symbols are equivalent to new energy in your field, which can include or exclude certain aspects from your life. After applying a tattoo, it is possible to lose or gain character traits, emotional states, acquaintances, areas of activity, material possessions, etc. In other words, there is a direct reprogramming of the subconscious, subtle bodies, DNA and events.

How do tattoos influence fate? As a result of the research, it turned out that body designs can be constructive and destructive. The same image can have opposite meanings different people. The answer lies in the subconscious of the person himself, in the goals and reasons why he chose this or that image.

A person imparts mystical properties to a tattoo, sometimes without even knowing it. Any body drawing is done for a reason. The owner invests in it special meaning, has been nurturing the idea of ​​a sketch for a long time and, as a result, realizes his plans. This whole long process is accompanied by certain emotions and experiences that influence the human subconscious. He focuses his attention on the tattoo so much that he himself “charges” it, and this affects his future life and destiny.

Take, for example, the image of an eagle or a tiger. If the owner of such a tattoo has a strong-willed character, then the tattoo will only emphasize his dignity, strengthen his faith in his own strength and serve as an incentive for further self-improvement. A soft, modest, indecisive person with such a pattern will only aggravate the internal conflict. Trying to live up to an unattainable image, he becomes even more disappointed in himself. All this has a negative impact on the psyche. This is one of the clearest examples of how the same tattoo can have destructive or creative properties.

Choose a tattoo that will match your image and highlight your individuality. Don't try to appear to be someone you are not. By doing this, you will disrupt your internal harmony, and such an experiment will have a negative impact on the psyche, the body, and subsequently on fate. A correctly chosen tattoo will help a person in the fight against shortcomings and development of advantages.

Avoid unfamiliar symbols (such as hieroglyphs or writing in a language you don't know). You can misinterpret the image and thereby distort your destiny. Be especially careful with images of witches, bones, skulls, goat heads and foreign symbols, as you can activate destructive energy and demons.

There is another aspect to tattoos. It has two meanings, good and bad. Very often if the tattoo is done a good master who understands the meaning of the image he puts on the skin, then the tattoo “glows” on a subtle level like a beacon.

Using this beacon it is very easy to track a person’s location and what he is doing at the moment. It is possible to influence such a tattoo and what the tattoo reflects on the subtle plane, that is, the tattoo wearer himself, through some energy plane. This is one of the unpleasant aspects for the tattoo wearer.

One of the positive aspects is that a tattoo can be a personal protective totem or determine the wearer’s affiliation with any clan (egregor), that is, it can warn that the tattoo bearer is under the protection of some kind of ancestral forces.

But, by and large, identifying oneself with a tattoo on the body, both socially and energetically, is not very good thing. In any case, you are positioning yourself, that is, attracting attention to yourself. Declare yourself as an object that is available for influence. Moreover, for influence of any nature, including magical.

I don't think most magical practitioners actively seek "explicit prominence" on the energetic levels of reality. In some cases, a magical formula or a magical totem applied to the skin in the form of a tattoo blocks the further development of the practicing magician. Broken skin, anywhere in the physical body, disrupts the movement of energy through the subtle energy channels that permeate our entire body. And if the tattoo is applied to the area where the channels of any chakra exit, then the effect of such an impact is rarely positive and benefits the bearer of the tattoo.

In principle, any magical sign applied to the body through a tattoo changes the normal flow of energy in the human energy system and, most often, in the direction of “voluntary blocking the flow of energies.” Tattoo on physical body- it is always a “sacrifice” (since broken skin always causes bleeding. Blood magic is a serious thing) in the name of something, someone for some purpose. Voluntarily sacrificing yourself, your energy structure, as a sacrifice to something is a denial of your “freedom of choice.” And this is precisely what the Creator “rewarded” man.

So, a little about blood magic. I want to warn and “scare a little.” But first, a small digression.

How an icon is prepared for painting, what an icon painter does before starting work. Oak boards (blanks) are dried in a dark and dry room, where there is natural air circulation. Next, the boards are glued together with natural glue, which is specially prepared. This, of course, was the case before; today glue is bought in stores, but one way or another, the glue must consist of natural ingredients.

Next, gesso is prepared, in this mixture it is used chicken egg, namely the yolk. The resulting mixture is a bioenergetic mass (mixture), which is applied to the prepared base - oak boards. All together, this forms the basis for a magical “living” artifact, on which a “magic drawing” will be superimposed - the face of some saint. But, before this, before starting work, the icon painter himself must undergo the necessary processing (preparation). Firstly, fasting (from three days to a week), secondly, cleansing, thirdly, sanctification of your intention (the goal of your subsequent work). That's about it, if you don't go into a lot of specific details. This is how a magical artifact was prepared - the Icon.

Now let's go back to our tattoo parlor, where we wanted to get some kind of tattoo. Let's skip some details of the process and think about a few important things.

So, the master himself. How experienced is he? Does it evoke a feeling of purity of “soul and body”? Is he friendly towards you? Is he calm in mind and emotions when he sees you? Maybe the “master” is generally hungover or after another quarrel with a girlfriend or wife. And does he think about you while he is working? And if he thinks, then how?

Well, let’s say we are satisfied with everything and the interior of the salon and the master himself satisfy us according to some of our criteria. What else you need to remember and be sure to know. The meaning of your drawing, your tattoo is important - it matters a lot. And, of course, the most important thing is blood magic, some aspects of its action. One way or another, this will be present in the further process of applying a tattoo to the body (on the skin).

When applying a tattoo, the skin breaks through and droplets of blood flow out from the small capillaries punctured by the needle. These “holes” make up the tattoo design. The tattoo design itself is saturated with blood - that is, the tattoo is consecrated and activated (the tattoo design already becomes magical and has energetic impact on your energy structure).

Let's say you have chosen, consciously and wisely, the tattoo design you need (that is, you have prepared). But what does the artist himself think when he puts a tattoo on your skin? What are his thoughts at this moment? Where is the guarantee that the master at this moment is thinking positively and not remembering any of his life problems. One way or another, the tattoo artist puts the energetic imprint of his thoughts on his work (on your tattoo).

So, three processes are interconnected - blood, the drawing (tattoo), the energy message (thoughts) of the tattoo artist in the process of applying the tattoo (the very meaning of the drawing, your tattoo, is of additional and great importance). How positive are the energies (emotions, thoughts) of the master? What he puts on your artifact (skin+blood+drawing) at the moment, voluntarily or involuntarily, consciously or subconsciously.

What energy matrix is ​​applied to your artifact? (the thoughts of a tattoo artist are like a slander to a runic stave. Only a thought form is much stronger than a verbal spell - words spoken out loud. Since blood consumes a lot of energy and is itself an active bioenergetic substance at the moment it appears on your skin).

I don’t think that most tattoo artists undergo a similar cleansing ritual before their work, like a master icon painter. It’s unlikely, although in “good salons” where they work with you individually, it is quite possible that tattoo artists undergo similar training. But it's expensive, like everything else individual work with the client. These are roughly the thoughts that should enter your head if you decide to get a tattoo.

So is it worth getting or removing tattoos?

It all depends on you, gentlemen, free will is paramount. It is highly recommended not to apply other people's drawings, especially those with incomprehensible symbols. It is better to invest your own soul and choose a pure master. If you already have a tattoo, you can change it: see its compatibility, talk to it in meditation, reprogram it if necessary, pacify it.

In any case, we remember that some people believe that by putting a certain symbol on their body (or hanging an icon on a dashboard in their home/office), they will become happy, rich, protected and successful. This is wrong. everyone has different genetics, energy systems and levels of natural/ancestral protections, (not) compatible with many symbols and archetypes. Don't forget about this. While in one culture a sign may have the meaning of protection, in another it is completely contraindicated or has the opposite meaning.

A tattoo has a deep psychoenergetic meaning; it introduces new vibrations into your body, changing the flow of energies, the matrix of the soul, often through working with archetypes. Hypothetically, a tattoo can reveal your potential and there are people who testify to this, but again, each case is individual. If you are unsure of your compatibility, meaning or are afraid of it, it is better not to apply anything. You can try a temporary tattoo and see the effect.

The higher your luminosity and awareness, the less influence you have. However, if the energy of the tattoo is in dissonance with yours, it can have a significant impact. For example, it is better not to apply symbols of thieves in law just like that, especially to peaceful and law-abiding citizens. Trust in the master is very important; it emphasizes your energy connection and compatibility with someone who, one way or another, will change your energy cast. The issue of trust is generally very important in all areas of life. If there is no trust, it is better not to go to this or that specialist.

Since ancient times, tattoos have had a sacred magical meaning. Many of them, applied incorrectly, can greatly affect a person’s life, bring misfortune and even death.

In the modern world, tattoos have become a very popular way to decorate one's body. However, one of the participants in the “Battle of Psychics”, who wished to remain anonymous, spoke about what body designs bring troubles and misfortunes to their owners. According to the clairvoyant, any tattoo greatly influences a person’s life. Therefore, it is best to do without them altogether. However, there are some drawings that absolutely cannot be printed under any circumstances.

Images of loved ones

Under no circumstances should you tattoo images of people close to you on your body. In this way, you strengthen the energetic connection between you and many of this person’s misfortunes and problems will be transmitted to you, as well as illnesses. It is especially important not to get tattoos with portraits of people who have already died. In this way, you establish a connection with the afterlife, and your energy goes there, gradually drying up and sucking out all your vitality, luck and fortune, and people who are especially sensitive to otherworldly forces can even be driven to the grave. Tattoos depicting celebrities, especially dead ones, also influence your destiny, but to a much lesser extent than drawings depicting loved ones with whom you already have strong energetic connections.

Images of angels

Many people think that a tattoo with the image of an angel will protect its owner from troubles and problems. However, everything is exactly the opposite. Such tattoos have a strong impact on the psycho-emotional state and can lead to severe depression and even drive you crazy or lead to suicide.

Numbers and dates

It is better not to put any numbers or dates on the body. They energetically bind you to a certain date, and you will become highly dependent on it. In some cases, you can even start the countdown to your death this way.

Satanic tattoos

The most dangerous. These include images of the devil, pentagrams, and other occult paraphernalia. Their danger lies in the fact that they rarely act immediately and their influence is often invisible. However, a person can slowly begin to change from the inside, while gradually losing pieces of his soul. The result is usually fatal: accidents, death, or the commission of some crime under the influence of dark energy that a person brought upon himself.