Marriage with a citizen of the Russian Federation. Marriage with a foreigner in Russia - necessary documents

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Russian legislation provides that a foreigner has the right to obtain Russian citizenship in a general and simplified manner.

According to the general procedure, a foreigner must live in the Russian Federation legally, obtain a residence permit, and only then apply for citizenship; all this will take about 6 years.

However, shorter periods of residence in the Russian Federation are established for representatives of foreign citizens who are married to a citizen of (civil) Russia.

What is a simplified procedure?

Representatives of foreign states can count on receiving a passport of a Russian citizen in a shorter time frame than is established for obtaining citizenship on a general basis.

The grounds for submitting documents and obtaining citizenship under a simplified scheme are for the categories of persons specified in Art. 14 Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”.


  1. After receiving a residence permit and without taking into account any periods of residence, persons who have at least one parent a citizen of the Russian Federation and those who were previously a citizen of the USSR and have not subsequently received citizenship of another country can apply for citizenship.
  2. Persons who have received a residence permit may not adhere to the 5-year period of residence with a residence permit if they have the following reasons:
  • have children with Russian citizenship; persons born in the RSFSR;
  • businessmen who conduct business in the Russian Federation with a turnover of at least 10 million rubles;
  • people who have made investments in the Russian economy in the amount of at least 100 million rubles or who have paid taxes in the amount of 6 million or more;
  • are highly qualified workers;
  • married a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • and other reasons.

How to obtain citizenship by marriage?

One of the grounds for obtaining citizenship under simplified conditions is marriage to a Russian citizen.

After marriage, a foreigner can expect that he will be able to obtain citizenship not after 5 years, but after 3 years under simplified conditions.

To register a marriage, a foreign citizen (citizen) and Russians (Russian woman) must complete the following steps:

  • the future husband and wife must submit to the registry office, which is located on the territory of Russia, their joint statement of intent to get married;
  • the application can be submitted personally by the future spouses to the registry office or the application can be submitted through the portal of municipal and state services;
  • A notarized translation of a foreign passport is also submitted with the application of intent to marry; the translation can also be certified by a consul or another institution of the country of which the future spouse is a citizen.

Also, the foreigner must submit documents confirming the fact that there are no obstacles to marriage. Such documents include a certificate stating that a citizen of another state is not married, or it may be other papers (it all depends on the laws of the bride/groom’s country).

In addition to all these documents, documents are also submitted that confirm the legal residence of a foreigner in Russia. You also need to pay 350 rubles as a state fee.

After a month has passed, the registry office must register the marriage with a foreign citizen. In some cases, it is possible to register a marriage earlier than 1 month; this is allowed, for example, during pregnancy and some other situations.

Obtaining the right of residence

The next stage is obtaining a residence permit for a foreigner, abbreviated as TRP.

A temporary residence permit in the country is a special stamp that is placed in the passport of a foreign citizen.

If a person does not have citizenship of any country, then the temporary residence permit stamp will be placed on a special form.

Having received such permission, a representative of a foreign state can live freely in Russia for up to 3 years, as well as find employment legally.

After receiving a temporary residence permit, after living in the Russian Federation for 1 year, you can apply for a residence permit. Obtaining a residence permit gives a foreigner much more rights, since in this status a foreigner can live in Russia for the next 5 years.

In addition, a residence permit gives the right to obtain citizenship. To obtain a residence permit, a foreigner fills out a special form in two copies and a list of required documents. You can see what papers need to be submitted on the FMS website.

After submitting all documents, the decision to issue or refuse to issue a residence permit is made within 6 months.

How to apply for citizenship?

It should be emphasized that a foreigner receives the right to obtain citizenship by marriage only if he has received a residence permit, and at least 3 years must have passed from the date of registration of marriage with a Russian man (Russian woman).

If these conditions are met, then the foreigner can submit an application for Russian citizenship in Russian in 2 copies.

Such an application is submitted to the FMS office at the place of residence. Foreigners who have a wife/husband with Russian citizenship submit the following documents along with their application:

  1. Marriage certificate;
  2. Passport of the wife/husband with Russian citizenship, who is registered in Russia on a permanent basis.
  3. Resident card.
  4. A receipt for repayment of the state duty, which is 3,500 rubles.
  5. A document that confirms the registration of a foreigner in the Russian Federation.
  6. The foreigner must submit documents confirming his renunciation of his current citizenship or confirmation that he does not have the opportunity to obtain a waiver. If the country of which the applicant has citizenship provides for dual or second citizenship, then it is not necessary to submit a renunciation of citizenship.
  7. 3 photos of the applicant measuring 30 x 40.
  8. Those wishing to obtain citizenship by marriage also need to submit documents confirming that the foreigner has a permanent income in Russia. The following documents are accepted: income statement of individuals, certificate of employment, tax return, work record book, bank statements indicating the presence of money in the account, pension certificate, etc.


In addition to the above documentation, the foreigner submits a document to the FMS confirming his knowledge of the Russian language. Such a document is a certificate of proficiency in the Russian language and knowledge of the basics of legislation and history of the Russian Federation.

Women over 60 years of age and men over 65 years of age are exempt from the obligation to take tests to obtain a certificate. Persons who are citizens do not need to obtain a certificate former countries USSR and received diplomas of education during Soviet times.

If this entire voluminous package of documents was accepted by the Federal Migration Service, then citizenship can be obtained within 6 months, this is precisely the period established in the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”.

At the same time, when applying for citizenship, in general, you will have to wait for a decision on granting citizenship for 1 year.

Even if a foreigner receives Russian citizenship, it can be revoked in judicial procedure, if there is evidence that the applicant submitted false or unreliable information about himself.

Sample documents

Risks of a fictitious marriage

Some “enterprising” foreigners decide to enter into a fictitious marriage in order to obtain citizenship as soon as possible.

According to statistics, more than 10 thousand fictitious marriages are registered in Moscow every year.

That is, marriages that are created not for the purpose of creating a family and living together, but for obtaining citizenship, registration, etc. Of course, a fictitious marriage in Russia is not a crime.

Abroad, if there are facts that confirm the fictitiousness of the marriage, a foreigner can even be imprisoned for up to 3 years or, at best, deported to his homeland.

True, in Russia there has also been talk for a long time about introducing criminal liability for fictitious marriages, but so far the issue is only under consideration. However, this does not mean that such actions will go unpunished in Russia.

This is important

In particular, if there is irrefutable evidence that a foreigner entered into a fictitious marriage with a citizen of the Russian Federation, then the citizenship obtained by marriage can be canceled, and all other issued registration documents can also be cancelled.

The marriage itself can also be declared invalid and will not have any legal consequences. However, it is almost impossible to prove that the marriage was actually entered into without the intention of starting a family. However, a spouse who has learned that his wife (husband) had selfish motives when entering into marriage can also sue.

IN modern world It’s no longer possible to surprise anyone by marrying a foreigner. Affordable trips abroad and year after year the growing friendship of peoples have increased the number of marriages with citizens of other countries by almost one and a half times.

Those who believe that girls are fleeing Russia in search of a good life are mistaken - foreigners (especially Europeans and Americans) take Russian beauties as wives with great pleasure. The main thing is that the marriage is for love, and not for convenience.

When the time comes to formalize the relationship, the bride and groom face many legal and organizational issues:
which country to choose for official registration, what documents are required for a marriage license. These and other questions should concern lovers first of all.

There are often cases when a marriage contracted in another country was declared invalid. Private international law even coined the term “lame marriage” for him. This is not irony, this, unfortunately, is legal practice, so during the pre-wedding bustle you need to think not only about bridesmaid dresses and the color of the groom's boutonniere.

The country of which your chosen one or chosen one is a citizen is of great importance.. You will need to comply with their laws, so it can never hurt to seek advice from an experienced lawyer.

Below we will try to cover all possible legal aspects of international marriage.

Legal aspects of marriage in Russia

Law Russian Federation recognizes only state registration with the civil registry office. Church marriage does not exist in Russia (unlike England), there is a Sacrament of Wedding, which has no legal force. Moreover, without a marriage certificate, the priest has every right to refuse a wedding.

Documents required for marriage with a foreigner

Conditions for marriage. The conditions are individual for each party and are determined by the legislation of the countries whose citizens are getting married.

1. Voluntary and mutual consent of the bride and groom to get married, which will be confirmed by them personally on the day of official registration.

2. Reaching marriageable age in accordance with the laws of the countries of which the bride and groom are citizens. The age of marriage in Russia is 18 years, but if there are good reasons, local authorities can give the go-ahead for marriage at an earlier age.

Valid reasons include: pregnancy of the bride, imminent birth of a child, illness of one of the future spouses, etc.

Foreign citizens are subject to the laws of their country: for example, in our country, a 16-year-old French woman can marry an adult Russian citizen without additional permission, since the marriageable age in France for women is 15 years old.

In legal terms, foreign citizens who marry on the territory of the Russian Federation are not subject to the provisions on reaching the marriageable age of Article 12 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

3. Absence of circumstances preventing marriage:

  • relationship of the bride and groom (including adoption);
  • a court decision on the incapacity of one of the future spouses;
  • undissolved previous marriage.

Documents required for submission to the registry office:

1. A joint statement from the bride and groom (in some cases, two separate statements are acceptable).
2. Passports or other identification documents.
3. Permission from an authorized government agency or parents (for citizens of some countries).
4. Depending on the situation, a certificate of divorce from a previous marriage or a death certificate of a spouse.
5. For a foreigner - certificates from the place of residence confirming that there are no circumstances preventing marriage (this concerns the issue of reaching marriageable age).
6. For minors - permission to marry.

The laws of some states are closely related to traditions, so if the prerequisites are: parental consent, official engagement, permission from local authorities, etc., then they are complied with without fail. It is worth noting that they should not contradict Russian legislation.

The civil registry office of the Russian Federation is authorized to independently verify the marital status of the bride and groom.

It can take a long time to respond to requests, so citizens of another state, when submitting an application to the registry office, are required to submit a certificate issued by the competent authority, embassy or consulate, stating that he (she) is not in a registered marriage.

The certificate must be translated into Russian or have a translation attached. The accuracy of the translation is endorsed by a notary or consulate.

Some states consider marriages with foreigners valid only with a mandatory marriage license, which is issued by special government bodies.

Among such countries— Germany, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland. In these cases, civil registry office employees have the right to find out from the foreign applicant whether he needs such a permit and request it.

The Family Code of the Russian Federation does not require a foreigner to provide a certificate of health.

Citizens whose countries have signed the Minsk Convention and bilateral treaties on legal assistance are exempt from legalization of marriage documents.

The Hague Convention does not require legalization, but participating countries are required to affix an apostille on documents.

If the other half has citizenship of several countries, then in this case you can choose any legislation and marry in accordance with its provisions.

But if a foreigner is also a citizen of Russia, then registration at the registry office will take place according to Russian legislation.

As soon as the package of documents is collected, you can safely submit an application to the registry office, set a wedding date and begin preparing for the ceremony.

Legal aspects of marriage on the territory of a foreign state

Recently, it has become fashionable to marry foreigners on the territory of their state. Most often, Russian brides take this step - a wedding ceremony abroad seems more romantic to them.

Almost all countries grant foreigners the right to marry, subject to compliance with local laws. The heavy burden of collecting the documents necessary for the “Russian half” falls on the shoulders of the foreigner.

First of all, you need a wedding visa for the bride/groom. To receive it, you must submit documents to the embassy, ​​including a marriage invitation from the state in which the wedding ceremony is planned. A wedding visa is attached to the main package of documents.

Documents for marriage with a foreigner (foreigner)

For a Russian citizen the following documents are required:

1. Passport.
2. Registration.
3. Certificate from the Embassy of the Russian Federation on marital status in the language of the country where the wedding will take place.
4. Birth certificate – for citizens born in the USSR, it is necessary to obtain a new type of certificate.
5. Certificate from the Housing Office about family composition.
6. Divorce certificate and extract from the court decision.
7. Death certificate of the spouse.
8. Child's birth certificate and parent's permission to travel abroad for a minor.
9. Health certificate (for the USA and some countries).
10. Certificate of no criminal record (for some countries).

Different countries require different packages of documents, but two requirements remain unchanged: all of them must have an apostille from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice and a translation certified by a notary.

A marriage registered on the territory of another country will be recognized by the law of the Russian Federation as valid if the interfering circumstances mentioned above have not been identified.

You need to be extremely careful: when marrying a groom from the countries of the Muslim world (Algeria, Egypt, Syria, etc.).

If it turns out that at the time of registration of the marriage he was married, then the union with a Russian citizen, formalized abroad, will be considered invalid in Russia! Even taking into account the fact that in many Eastern countries polygamous marriages are allowed.

A marriage certificate in Russia will be valid only if the legalization procedure has been carried out: the country that issued the document must affix an apostille. Next, you need to translate it into Russian and have it certified by a consul or notary. The Consulate of the Russian Federation can certify and translate only legalized documents.

Marriage contract

It is known that foreigners prefer to enter into marriage contract. If your chosen one has expressed such a desire, treat this with understanding: a marriage contract does not just prescribe the rights and obligations of spouses in marriage and after its dissolution - sometimes it becomes a lifeline for Russian citizens.

To correctly draw up a contract and provide for all possible risks, you need to contact a lawyer. Once complete mutual understanding has been reached between the future spouses regarding the terms of the marriage, the contract must be translated and certified by a notary.

It should be remembered that if you enter into an agreement on the territory of Russia, then you cannot prescribe the regulation of personal relations, but on the territory of a foreign state in marriage contract You can write absolutely everything: a ban on scandals and infidelity, the number of hours or days per month that your spouse can spend with friends, etc.

Advantages of marrying foreigners

Needless to say, marriage with a foreign citizen has advantages:

1. The right to work and organize a business.
2. The right to stay in the country legally.

But don’t delude yourself: a stamp in a passport does not give the right to immediate citizenship. First, an annual visa is issued, which after this time is extended for another year, and only after this time it becomes indefinite. A few years later (in different countries ah – different terms) you can apply for citizenship.
3. The right to travel within the state. For Schengen member countries, the right to enter without a visa.

Starting a family with a foreigner is a rather serious step. Fascinated by the attention of a handsome foreigner, girls lose their heads and are ready to follow their beloved to the ends of the earth... And it is precisely women who need to be careful and think not about themselves, but about their future children.

It would not be superfluous to consult a lawyer on international law: Find out what rights a foreign wife is entitled to in the territory of her husband’s country and what difficulties may arise after the birth of a child.

Today you won’t surprise anyone with international marriages. Russian citizens actively travel around the world, and millions of foreigners come to Russia. International marriage agencies and dating sites have become popular, their services used by thousands of people. The question of how to register a marriage with a foreigner in Russia has recently gained great relevance. Although Russian legislation allows citizens of the Russian Federation to marry representatives of foreign countries, in order to do this, those getting married will have to overcome a number of problems and fulfill all the necessary conditions.

Marriage with a foreign citizen: where to start

IN in this case We do not consider the questions of how to meet foreigners, or for what purposes international marriages are concluded. What is important for us is that a citizen of the Russian Federation met with a representative of a foreign state and, as a result of this meeting, a joint decision was made to register the marriage.

After this, you should decide where it is better to formalize such an alliance. Family law differs greatly from state to state, and differences must be taken into account, otherwise they can cause big problems later. Sometimes a decision is made to formalize the marriage in both states of which the bride and groom are citizens; often the marriage is decided to be formalized in one of the countries - most often in the one in which the spouses plan to reside permanently.

The further algorithm of actions depends on this decision: whether all conditions for marriage are met, what documents need to be prepared, which government agencies should be contacted and within what time frame. For Russian citizens the closest and simple option will be registered in Russia. The procedure for registering a marriage with a foreigner on the territory of the Russian Federation is defined in Articles 11, 156-167 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

First rule: fulfillment of all conditions for marriage

In order to get married, future newlyweds must fulfill a number of conditions. They are determined by the legislation of the countries of which the spouses are citizens. Yes, Art. 12 of the RF IC specifies as necessary conditions for the bride and groom:

  • Reaching marriageable age. In Russia, the minimum age for marriage is the same for men and women - 18 years. The rules for marrying a foreigner in Russia require that this requirement be taken into account not only in relation to a citizen of the Russian Federation, but also in relation to a foreigner. The minimum age for marriage differs depending on the country and ranges from 12 years (in Canada) to 20 years (in China) for girls and from 16 (in Italy) to 21-22 years (PRC, India) for men. If minors are going to get married, then the consent of their parents will be a prerequisite (for many Muslim countries this is necessary in any case).

    The age of majority in different countries varies greatly - from 9 to 21 years. But marriage, as a rule, is always a circumstance that gives a person legal capacity, albeit limited.

  • Voluntary consent to marry. Coercion, blackmail, and deception are unacceptable here. When it comes to the marriage of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a representative of one of the states of the European Union, the USA, Canada or Japan, additional questions and checks are possible: about the likelihood of receiving material benefits for consenting to marriage, the fact cohabitation or meetings before marriage, the possibility of communication (knowledge of foreign languages ​​is checked).

In addition, before marrying a foreigner in Russia, you need to make sure (according to Article 14 of the RF IC) of:

  • absence of another registered marriage at the time of filing the application;
  • that the applicants are not in close family relationships and are not adoptive parents or adopted children;
  • absence of a court decision on the incapacity (of at least one of the applicants) due to mental illness.

In addition, Art. 15 of the RF IC provides for a free medical examination of those getting married before marriage, because concealing certain diseases (venereal, HIV infection) from a partner can serve as a reason for divorce. In France and Latvia, such an examination is mandatory for marriage.

In the case when a foreigner has several citizenships, he must decide which state’s family code will be taken into account when entering into a marriage (if a foreigner has one, he will be considered a citizen of the Russian Federation).

When all the mentioned conditions are met, you can move on to the next stage - preparing a package of documents.

What documents are needed to register a marriage with a foreign citizen?

Those wishing to get married must prepare a set of documents:

  • application (form No. 7);
  • originals and copies of civil (internal) passports;
  • certificates from an authorized body of a foreign state about the possibility of getting married in Russia and about the absence of obstacles to this (the minimum age has been reached, there is no official marriage);
  • a document that confirms the legality of a foreigner’s stay within the Russian Federation (visa, migration card, etc.).

In addition to these documents, you may need a certificate of divorce or death of the previous spouse (if there is one), a copy of the diploma and passport of the translator (if necessary), in case of an unusual situation (upcoming childbirth, pregnancy, danger to the life of one of the spouses) - additional papers.

Mandatory condition - all documents for foreign language(including passports) must be accompanied by a notarized translation or have an apostille.

Getting married in Russia: what visa is required?

Russian migration law does not require special visas for foreign brides and grooms, and there is no particular need for them.

The main thing is that at the time of submitting the application and on the day of registration, the foreign citizen can prove the legality of his presence on the territory of the Russian Federation.

For citizens of states with which Russia has visa-free agreements, a visa is not required at all: a migration card or residence permit can be presented.

Citizens from the EU, USA, Canada, Japan and others can use:

  • private visas (based on an invitation for up to 90 days); business visas (single and double entry up to 90 days and multiple entry up to a year);
  • work visas and others.

Tourist visas are not always convenient for these purposes - they allow stay in the Russian Federation for up to 30 days.

The day on which the procedure for registering a marriage with a foreign citizen in Russia will be carried out is counted in accordance with Russian legislation from the moment the future newlyweds personally submit an application for marriage. As a rule, this period is at least a month.

If, after registering a marriage, a foreign citizen wishes to live in his homeland and regularly come to Russia, then he has the right to continue to receive Russian visas on a general basis.

Expedited registration of marriage with a foreign citizen: when is it possible?

The time that legislation allows for future newlyweds to finally consider their decision can be changed: the RF IC allows not only to shorten this period, but also to extend it for another month. If extension of the term is an extremely rare occurrence, then accelerated marriage registration is very common.

In order to reduce the waiting period (even to the point that the signature can take place on the day of submission of documents), you must provide evidence of valid reasons:

  • bride's pregnancy;
  • birth of a child;
  • long-term cohabitation;
  • threat to life for one or both applicants;
  • conscription into the army;
  • long business trip and others.

There is no exhaustive list of such situations. In each specific case, the decision is made by authorized employees of the state body that carries out the registration (Registration Office). Often the approaching expiration date for a foreign national's visa can also be considered as a reason to reduce the waiting period slightly.

As evidence of the urgency of the situation, medical certificates from medical institutions and antenatal clinics (about pregnancy, about an upcoming operation), certificates from the place of work and other papers can be presented.

Payment of state duty for marriage: how much and where

Marriage is a government service for which you need to pay a fee (only disabled people of groups 1 and 2 are exempt from it).

In 2017, the state duty is 350 rubles. from each applicant (RUB 700 per couple).

The amount must be paid before the appointed wedding day; If the fee is paid and the wedding day is postponed to a later time, there is no need to pay a second time. A receipt for paying the state fee with all the necessary details is often issued at the registry office when submitting an application - young people only have to enter their data (full name, address, amount, OKTMO code, date) and pay.

Payment of state duty can be made:

  • in cash at a banking institution;
  • via credit card;
  • through the State Services website - in this case, paying by non-cash method (via card, e-wallet or mobile phone) there is an opportunity to get a discount and save 30% of the amount.

Possible additional costs

There are no mandatory payments other than fees when concluding a marriage. Newlyweds, at their discretion, can receive additional services for an additional fee.

Most often, among the possible offers, a solemn wedding ceremony is chosen: musical accompaniment (Mendelssohn's march and other musical works during the ceremony), photo shoot and video filming, exchange of rings and glasses of sparkling wine or champagne. Here everything depends on the desires of the newlyweds, their financial capabilities and the capabilities of the registry office in which the ritual is performed. As a rule, wedding prices are high: one photograph can cost from 200 to 500 rubles, live music - 3,000 rubles.

Is a translator necessary for a wedding?

Having a translator will be useful in the case where one of the spouses does not speak Russian at all. The bride or groom must answer questions (about the state of relationship with the marriage partner, about the voluntariness of making a decision, and others), understanding what is at stake. Otherwise, ignorance of the language may become a reason for declaring such a marriage invalid. World practice suggests that in such a situation a professional translator is needed who can duplicate the questions in the language of the spouse and his answers in Russian.

The translator must present his diploma and passport to the registry office employees in advance, and copies of them must be attached to the application. In this case, no one will be able to express doubt about the legality of the marriage.

Legal advice: in what cases it can help

Family law in different countries is so different that sometimes it is difficult for a non-specialist to figure out what conditions need to be met, what documents to prepare, where and how to certify them, how to conclude a marriage contract (in most foreign countries this is a common practice) so that it meets the requirements of the legislation of both states

Legal errors made can lead to large material costs (at a minimum, the need to come to Russia several times), as well as to such serious troubles as refusal to enter into a marriage or a so-called limping marriage, when legalization of marriage in the country of residence of one of the spouses is impossible due to for non-compliance with local family laws.

For example, papers in foreign languages ​​must be certified with an apostille in the country of origin, but if this state has not joined the Hague Convention (PRC or Brazil), this option will not work. In this case, the documents are subject to consular legalization and should be certified in Russia by a notary.

Thus, legal advice in some cases becomes simply necessary. Numerous law firms offer a whole range of services: from initial legal advice on registering a marriage with a foreigner (1,900 rubles) to comprehensive legal support for the entire marriage process (7,900 rubles) or concluding a marriage contract (8,900 rubles). If you do not want to pay extra money, then you should approach the issue with all responsibility and independently study all the nuances.

How to put a marriage registration stamp in a foreigner’s passport

  • consular legalization: translation and notarization in the justice authorities and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, then in the consulate of the spouse’s state; applies only to this country.
  • If the marriage is concluded with a citizen of one of the CIS countries - a party to the 1993 Minsk Convention - then neither legalization nor apostille is required for the submitted documents.

    Based on a legalized marriage certificate in the spouse’s country of residence, it will be possible to begin the process of legalizing the marriage. You should be prepared for the fact that another country may require additional documents (birth certificate, police clearance certificate), and the process itself may take a long time (for example, in Israel - up to 5 years).

    Registration of marriage with a foreign citizen: what the legislation says

    Marriage on the territory of Russia is possible exclusively according to Russian laws, according to which those wishing to get married submit an application to the registry offices, wedding palaces or local government bodies (village council or executive committee), which are empowered to register acts of civil status without any reference to the place of registration. What follows is the standard wedding procedure.

    Which registry offices and how to apply to register marriage with foreigners

    The RF IC does not stipulate special conditions for foreign citizens - you can submit an application to any registry office in the Russian Federation. However, it is too early to put an end to this and a wedding with a foreigner in Russia may be delayed: situations often arise when local people (especially in the outback of the country) begin to look for a reason, especially if the bride or groom is from “far” abroad, to refuse to accept such applications.

    This is due to the low qualifications of employees and their fear of getting involved in solving complex legal problems. Therefore, you should take this factor into account and try to submit an application to the central branches of the registry office.

    Approximately the same situation has developed even in the capital - Moscow, where all foreign embassies are located, and the question of which registry office registers a marriage with a foreign citizen should not have arisen in principle.

    Citizens from the CIS countries freely submit applications to any registry office; all other foreigners, according to the internal registry office regulations, are sent to the Wedding Palace No. 4 (Butyrskaya St., 17). This is the only registry office in Moscow where you can register a marriage with a foreigner without any problems.

    If you want to fight the bureaucratic machine, you should be persistent and show your knowledge of the law: the application must be accepted in any registry office of the Russian Federation, regardless of the personal desires or preferences of the administration. In case of refusal, you should receive a written version of it and appeal to a higher authority or through the court.

    There are several ways to submit an application to the registry office if the groom is a foreigner:

    • make a personal visit to submit a joint application (it is possible to submit separate applications by one person if there is a notarized application from the other half);
    • use the State Services portal - submit electronic applications and book a registration time with payment of the state fee online or make an appointment to submit an application in person;
    • submit an application through the MFC.

    Please note that in any case it will be necessary to make a personal visit to the registry office to confirm electronic applications and submit a joint application.

    Is it possible to register a marriage at a diplomatic mission?

    Registration of marriage at a diplomatic mission (embassy, ​​consulate) of another state on the territory of the Russian Federation will be carried out in accordance with the family law of this state, not the Russian one. And after the marriage is concluded, it will be necessary to legalize it in Russia: put an apostille on the marriage certificate, have it translated and notarized, and so on.

    Is it possible to register a marriage abroad according to Russian laws?

    Marriages between citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners registered abroad are recognized as legal in Russia if they were concluded taking into account the requirements of Russian legislation (Article 158 of the RF IC) and have undergone the legalization procedure.

    However, Art. 157 of the RF IC allows Russian citizens who live outside the country to formalize their relationship with a foreign spouse according to Russian laws at diplomatic missions or consulates of the Russian Federation in the country of residence. This form of marriage of a foreign citizen with a Russian citizen provides more reliable protection for citizens of the Russian Federation.

    Marriage with citizens of the CIS and Georgia: light regime

    Marriage between citizens of Russia and the CIS countries and Georgia is regulated by the same legal acts as marriages of Russians with citizens of other states, as well as the Minsk Convention of 1993. Its part 3 “Family matters” is devoted to issues related to marriage between citizens of contracting states.

    According to the convention, a simplified regime for marriages is introduced. This primarily concerns the mutual legalization of marriage certificates: documents that are officially issued in the territory of one of the states do not require additional legalization in the territory of others.

    The only requirement for legalization of a document is the provision of a notarized translation of the certificate into the official language of the spouse’s country.

    The stamp of marriage in the Russian Federation is not affixed to the passports of CIS citizens, otherwise the passport will lose legitimacy.

    An exception is Belarus - the stamp is affixed in the “Other marks” section of the passport.

    Among the documents that must be submitted when submitting an application, citizens of CIS countries only need a passport (in the absence of records in Russian, with a notarized translation). Those citizens who have a record of marital status in their passports do not need to receive a certificate of absence of another marriage.

    For example, in an Azerbaijani passport it is indicated “single” or “married”.

    In recent years, the number of international marriages in Russia between citizens of the Russian Federation and representatives of the Central Asian republics: Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan has increased. Migration in search of work from these states (primarily the male population) has led to an increase in the number of interethnic marriages in Russia.

    Some states (for example, Tajikistan) were even forced to introduce restrictions on marriages with foreigners.

    At the same time, the majority of hired workers from this region, especially from Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, do not strive to stay forever in the Russian Federation and take root here. Local tasks are often set: get a temporary residence permit, find good earnings, save money and go back to your homeland. One of the ways to achieve this is through fictitious marriages, which can only be concluded on paper.

    Find out in more detail about all the intricacies of registration

    Citizens of Kazakhstan are in no hurry to formalize marriage relations with citizens of the Russian Federation, despite the fact that Ch. 3 of Code No. 518-IV “On Marriage (Matrimony) and Family” allows them to marry foreigners. According to statistics, the CIS has the least number of Kazakh-Russian marriages.

    Representatives of the Caucasian republics - Armenia and Georgia - more often marry fellow countrymen who have long settled in Russia, have Russian citizenship and live in Moscow, St. Petersburg, large regional and regional centers.

    When can they refuse to register a marriage with a foreigner?

    Foreign citizens can enter into marriages on the territory of the Russian Federation with Russian citizens without hindrance until all the conditions stipulated in Article 14 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation are met. If at least one condition is not met (the minimum age for marriage has not been reached, the previous marriage has not been terminated, and so on), the registry office will not issue permission for registration. In addition, registration may be refused due to non-payment of state fees.

    When marrying a foreign citizen, a number of papers must be requested from the diplomatic institutions of his country, and failure to provide such papers is a serious obstacle to a Russian citizen marrying a foreigner.

    The surrounding reality constantly puts forward new realities (same-sex marriages, citizens who have changed their gender, etc.), to which family legislation must adequately respond.

    Married life after wedding: rights and responsibilities

    After the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds acquire not only new personal rights, but also new responsibilities. Rights and obligations can be property and non-property; they are inextricably linked with each other. For example, the legal form of marriage between a foreign citizen and a Russian citizen gives the spouses the right to change their last name or keep the same one and at the same time obliges them to respect the choice of the partner.

    The rights and obligations of spouses (according to Article 161 of the RF IC) are determined by the laws of the state in which they live together. If there is no joint place of residence, then on the territory of the Russian Federation - Russian legislation.

    The best option is to conclude a marriage contract in which the spouses can stipulate the rights and responsibilities at their own discretion, but in compliance with equality and without contradictions to family law. The contract can be drawn up before or after the wedding; the text must be notarized.

    Marriage with a citizen of the Russian Federation in Russia and a temporary residence permit for a foreigner

    When a marriage between a Russian citizen who is registered in the Russian Federation and a foreigner took place, according to Art. 6 Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 115 of July 25, 2002, a foreign citizen has the right to simplified citizenship in Russia (outside of any quotas) for a period of three years, and subsequently to obtain Russian citizenship.

    When applying for a temporary residence permit, you will need to provide a marriage certificate (there is no need to legalize a Russian certificate) and a passport. You should make sure that the last name in the passport and certificate match. If your surname has changed to that of your spouse, you must replace your passport before issuing a temporary residence permit.

    What dangers can marriage with a foreigner pose?

    Marriage to a foreign citizen can have hidden dangers. Therefore, registering a marriage with a foreigner in the Russian Federation according to Russian laws will be the guarantee that will help, if necessary, get out of a difficult situation. Most often, when the husband is a foreign citizen and the wife is Russian, the following threats occur:

    • Strong differences in family law. A marriage that is completely legal in Russia may not be so in an Islamic country and will have to be supported by religious rituals (in addition, Sharia norms fully allow for the presence, in addition to the Russian wife, of two or three older spouses).
    • When moving to the country, the husband must legalize the marriage. This process can be complex and confusing. Ignorance (or poor knowledge) of the local language, laws and traditions will further complicate the situation.
    • There is a high chance of losing acquired property, children (born in the spouse’s country), and citizenship as a result of deception on his part.

    This is only a small part of the problems that may await Russian citizens married to foreigners, especially from far abroad.

    How to divorce a foreigner

    Art. 160 of the RF IC is devoted to issues related to the dissolution of marriage between Russian and foreign citizens. The termination procedure is carried out according to Russian laws and can be carried out either through the registry office (diplomatic mission or consulate of the Russian Federation), or by decision of a Russian court. The divorce must receive official confirmation in accordance with the legislation of the foreign state in which the spouse lives - from the authorized government bodies in the country or a diplomatic mission in the Russian Federation.

    Currently, statistics on marriages with foreigners are disappointing: more than two-thirds of unions break up for one reason or another.

    The simplest option for divorce is by mutual consent in the absence of claims against each other. If there are controversial issues(property, children, absence of a spouse), then the procedure becomes somewhat more complicated.

    International marriage: pros and cons

    Marriage relations with a foreign citizen have both positive and negative aspects. Much, of course, depends on the citizenship of the spouse. Citizenship of the USA or France offers more opportunities than citizenship of Ghana or Mongolia. In addition to emotional and sensual moments in relationships with positive factors can be attributed:

    • free movement within the Russian Federation and the spouse’s country of residence;
    • the right to employment, medical care, double tax deduction when married to a foreigner and participation in social programs;
    • the opportunity to master new languages, knowledge, culture;
    • expanding life opportunities for future children.

    Among the negative aspects are:

    • difference in national characters;
    • discrepancy between expectations and reality;
    • ignorance of a foreign language, laws, traditions and customs, way of life in a foreign country;
    • nostalgia for homeland.

    Thus, each citizen has the right to independently assess what an international marriage will bring more - pros or cons - and make an appropriate decision. If love is present at the same time, it will help smooth out all the negativity and strengthen positive aspects union.

    Marriage with a foreigner. Legal assistance, consultation: Video

    In order to officially register a relationship, it is necessary not only to have the consent of the bride and groom to enter into a union, but there must also be no grounds established by law under which registration of marriage is not allowed.

    In addition, the foreigner will need to provide a number of certificates and documents obtained in the country of citizenship, which allow him to marry outside its borders.

    If one of the future spouses is a citizen of another country, then to formalize relations with a citizen of the Russian Federation, the following documents are submitted to the registry office.

    Spouses' passports

    Since the identity card of a citizen of another country contains entries in a foreign language, then A notarized translation of the document is provided to the registry office along with the passport into Russian.


    Certificates confirming the right to enter into a marriage union

    The legislation of different countries may have significant differences, and in order to register a relationship in the Russian Federation, a foreign citizen presents a document that confirms that the foreigner does not violate the laws of his state and there are no obstacles to concluding a union. Such a certificate can be obtained from the authorized government agency.

    For example, German citizens submit a certificate of marital capacity to the Civil Registry Office of the Russian Federation, which you receive at the registry office at your place of residence.

    Divorce certificates (if available)

    If the bride/groom has previously been legally married, then at the time of filing the application the previous marriage must be dissolved. In this case, it is enough for a citizen of the Russian Federation to provide a certificate of dissolution of the union, but a document from a foreigner must be legalized on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is marked with an apostille if the country that issued it is a party to the 1961 Hague Convention.

    In another case a consular legalization procedure may be required. A notarized translation of documents into Russian is provided to the registry office if the document on dissolution of the union is drawn up in a foreign language.

    Certificate confirming the legality of a foreign citizen’s stay on the territory of the Russian Federation

    A family union between citizens of the Russian Federation and a foreign state can be registered only if the foreigner presents a document on the basis of which he is legally present in Russia. Such a document could be:

    • residence permit;
    • resident card;
    • visa.

    A visa is required, if there is a visa regime between Russia and the country of citizenship of one of the future spouses.


    Is translation necessary and where can it be done?

    All documents of the bride or groom arriving in Russia from abroad contain information in the official language of the country where they were issued. In this regard, the Civil Registry Office department, when accepting a package of documents for registering a family union, will require their translation into Russian.

    To do this, you can contact a translation agency, which, as a rule, cooperates with professional translators and active notaries.

    The accuracy of the translation of documents is certified by an official of the consular office of the Russian Federation who has the right to perform notarial acts, or by a notary.

    In what cases is an apostille required?

    Foreign documents are recognized as valid on the territory of the Russian Federation if they have undergone the legalization procedure in accordance with the law.

    Citizens of countries that are parties to the Minsk Convention, concluded in 1993, do not need to go through it, since documents issued on the territory of these states in compliance with all legal requirements (presence of a seal, signatures of authorized persons, etc.) are accepted in Russia without any or a special certificate (Article 13 of the Convention).

    In other cases foreign documents must contain an “apostille” mark or undergo consular legalization so that they are recognized on the territory of the Russian Federation. Apostille is the most common and simpler form of legalization.

    Documents can be legalized by affixing an Apostille stamp in states that are parties to the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement for Legalization of Foreign Official Documents.

    If a foreigner plans to register a marriage on the territory of the Russian Federation, then he needs to take care of the legalization of his documents in advance. An apostille is affixed only in the country where the document was issued. To make a mark, a citizen in the territory of his country applies to the authorized government body, depending on the type of document that is subject to legalization. These institutions may be different in each country. For example, in Russia an apostille is affixed:

    • Civil registry offices;
    • Ministry of Education;
    • Ministry of Justice;

    When submitting a document for apostille, the authorized body checks its authenticity, checking the correspondence of the signatures and seal.

    Apostille is affixed only on official and notarized documents. The mark cannot be placed on counterfeit documents.

    After the inspection, the authorized body places the appropriate stamp, which must contain the word “Apostille”. The stamp is indefinite; only the document itself can be valid.. If a foreigner arrived from a country that is not a party to the Hague Convention, then consular legalization will be required for the recognition of his documents in the Russian Federation.

    The procedure for concluding a marriage between a citizen of the Russian Federation and a foreigner does not have any special features, but for official registration a number of additional documents are required from a person arriving from abroad. All foreign papers must be translated into Russian and certified by a notary, and, if necessary, have an “apostille” mark for their recognition on the territory of the Russian Federation.

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    Personal experience

    Two years ago I married a Mongolian citizen.

    Now we are applying for a residence permit, the next step is Russian citizenship. I'll tell you what it's like to be married to a foreigner in Russia.

    Victor Sikirin

    married to a foreigner

    My wife and I often come across the stereotype of Mongolia as a country of the former USSR, but this is not true: Mongolia was never in the Soviet Union. The official language in the country is Mongolian, Russian is taught as a second foreign language along with English. In 2014, Russia and Mongolia abolished the visa regime, and now a Mongolian or Mongolian woman only needs to apply for a visa to Russia if they want to stay here longer than three months.

    How do we live?

    In 2009, my wife came to Russia to study. We met 6 years ago, have been married for 2 years and live in Voronezh.

    My wife's short name is Mugi. For 7 years in Russia, Muga’s passport was never checked. She takes Mongolian documents with translation only when she goes to the hospital or to some official.

    We live in a rented apartment and have moved a couple of times. Many owners are scared by the need to register Mugi in an apartment, so it was more difficult for us to rent an apartment than for an ordinary family.

    On the street, in the crowd, in shopping centers, we attract attention: people look at us, but we have never encountered open hostility; on the contrary, everyone supports us. People are as surprised as possible by the unexpected union. Those who are older love to remember how our peoples were friends in Soviet times. Many had relatives working in Mongolia.

    We are often asked: “Are there airplanes in Mongolia?” (there are), “What about apples?” (no), “Do you live in yurts?” (no), “Do you have any cities?” (There is). We talk about Mongolia as much as we can.


    Marriage does not change the citizenship of the spouses. I remained a citizen of Russia, and Mugi remained a citizen of Mongolia. To obtain Russian citizenship, she needs to obtain a temporary residence permit, then a residence permit - and only after that can she receive a Russian passport. If you do everything quickly, then from the first visa to citizenship it will take 3 years.

    Marriage visa

    There is no special visa for the bride or groom in Russia - which is a pity. Such a document would make life easier for lovers.

    A foreigner can enter the Russian Federation for marriage only in the usual manner: visa-free or visa-free, depending on diplomatic agreements between countries.

    Russia and Mongolia have a visa-free regime for 30 days, but no more than 90 days within one half-year. This means that you have to leave the country every 30 days. You can move back in immediately, but you can only do this a total of three times. Then you will have to take a break for 3 months.

    Marriage does not give a foreigner the right to stay in Russia

    Marriage does not give a foreigner the right to stay in Russia. If your stay in Russia has ended, you need to leave. To come again, you will have to apply for another visa.

    I issued a visa invitation so that Mugi could stay for 90 days at once. When they ended, Mugi left Russia and came back visa-free for 30 days. We left Russia and came back two more times allowed. This time was almost enough to obtain a temporary residence permit. With this document, Mugi was able to stay.

    What documents are needed to marry a foreigner?

    Marriage and others family relationships governed by the domestic laws of the country in which the marriage took place. You cannot get married in one country, get divorced in another, and file for alimony in a third. A citizen of Russia can marry on the territory of Russia, according to Russian laws, with a citizen of any country or a stateless person. In order for a marriage to be recognized in another country, it must be formalized in compliance with all the requirements of that country.

    Marriage with a foreigner will be registered at any registry office, the main thing is to submit necessary documents. If they refuse to accept the application, write a complaint, go to court, or simply submit documents to the central registry office of your city.

    Marriage with a foreigner can be concluded in any registry office of the Russian Federation

    In Moscow, Wedding Palace No. 4 specializes in international marriages. In addition to the registry office, a marriage can be registered at the consulate of the state from which the foreigner arrived. Such a marriage will be concluded according to the laws of his country. If there are special international acts, such a marriage is recognized in Russia, but it must be clarified specifically for each country. For example, this is how you can marry a Japanese citizen: both Japan and Russia recognize this marriage and will regulate it according to their laws.

    The registration procedure at the registry office is no different from the usual one. The only difference is the documents required for the application. In addition to passports and a receipt for payment of the state fee (350 R), Mugi needed:

    • - passport and its notarized translation;
    • - a certificate stating that she is not married in Mongolia, and a notarized translation of this document.

    Translation of Mongolian documents must be certified by a notary. It is better to do it in translation agencies that cooperate with a notary, otherwise you will have to bring a translator with a diploma for certification.

    For some countries, documents require an apostille - a special mark placed by the highest judicial authorities of a foreign state. It confirms that the papers are valid and have legal significance. Apostille is placed only in home country. In Russia, a foreigner cannot obtain an apostille.

    We did not specify in advance what documents with an apostille are needed. I had to ask my relatives in Mongolia to affix an apostille and transfer the documents through a friend who was flying to Russia.

    Only the consul and the migration service of the Russian Federation gave us complete answers to all questions.

    To get married, it is not necessary to know the language, but then a professional translator with a diploma must be present at the ceremony. If this condition is not met, the marriage may be declared illegal in the future.

    Mugi speaks excellent Russian, and we did not need a translator.

    Temporary residence permit

    After registering the marriage, we applied for a temporary residence permit. This is a stamp that is placed in the passport and gives the right to stay in Russia for three years. To get permission, you have to wait six months. When her visa and visa-free regime expired, Mugi left the country for just over a month. When she arrived back, the residence permit was already ready and we were finally able to be together. If Mugi were pregnant, the document would be issued in 1-2 days.

    Foreigners who are not married to a Russian citizen are given temporary residence permits based on annual quotas. If you do not submit documents at the beginning of the year, the allotted number of permits may already run out

    A temporary residence permit gives the right to:

    • - live and work in Russia for 3 years;
    • - work without a patent or permit in the subject of the Russian Federation where the permit was issued;
    • - use a health insurance policy at a clinic at your place of residence;
    • - register an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

    With a residence permit you cannot:

    • - leave Russia for a period of more than six months, otherwise it may be cancelled;
    • - hold military and state security-related positions;
    • - vote and be elected.

    To obtain a temporary residence permit, you must collect medical certificates, provide a certificate of no criminal record and translations of all Mongolian documents. I also had to prove that my wife speaks Russian. To do this, you need to obtain a special certificate or a Russian certificate of secondary education. We presented a diploma from the Russian university from which Mugi graduated.

    6 months

    we had to wait for a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation

    A separate point is the queues. You can submit an application 2 days a week to the migration center of your city; documents are accepted only half a day. People come at 5 am and sign up for a queue. Many do not have time to submit documents in a day. In practice, it can take one and a half to two weeks to submit documents.

    Mugi underwent fingerprint registration - she gave her fingerprints at the migration center. After receiving a temporary residence permit, you must register at your place of residence: in your own apartment, with relatives or in a rented one. The passport was stamped with the address. Without such registration, you cannot use free medical services or visit a clinic.

    Most foreigners who already have a temporary residence permit need to apply for a multiple-entry visa to leave Russia. Without it you cannot cross the border of the Russian Federation. We are lucky: residents of Mongolia do not need such a visa.

    Another condition: the residence permit must be confirmed every year. To do this, you need to bring a notification and a certificate of income to the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Migration Affairs. If this is not done, the permit will be revoked.

    Temporary residence permit must be confirmed every year

    After receiving a temporary residence permit, Mugi opened a SNILS and Taxpayer Identification Number.

    With a temporary residence permit you cannot stay in Russia forever. A temporary residence permit is a temporary measure until the foreigner obtains a residence permit.

    A residence permit is a document according to which a foreigner can live and work in Russia for 5 years. A residence permit gives most of the rights of a Russian citizen. The blue book is similar in appearance to a Russian passport. A residence permit is issued for six months.

    To obtain a residence permit, you must live continuously in Russia for at least one year under a temporary permit.

    Residence permits are issued for 5 years. It can be extended an unlimited number of times. Once Mugi receives a residence permit, most of the problems associated with her foreign citizenship will disappear.

    5 years

    A foreigner with a residence permit can live and work in Russia. Then you will also have to renew

    A residence permit gives the right to:

    • - live in Russia;
    • - leave the country without special documents;
    • - work in any subject of the Russian Federation;
    • - receive medical care according to compulsory medical insurance;
    • - elect and be elected to local government bodies and participate in local referendums;
    • - receive a pension and free education;
    • - issue an invitation to enter the country for your relatives;
    • - take loans.

    With a residence permit you cannot:

    • - serve in the army;
    • - work in the civil service and in the security agencies of the Russian Federation;
    • - be a civil aviation pilot;
    • - vote and be elected at the regional and federal levels;
    • - leave Russia for more than six months, otherwise you will lose your residence permit.

    Once a year, Mugi will have to submit a notification of confirmation of residence under a residence permit in Russia. If you violate this condition, your residence permit may be revoked.


    To obtain Russian citizenship, an ordinary foreigner must live continuously in Russia for 5 years. As a Russian wife, it is enough for Mugi to be married to me for 3 years. There is a limitation here too. If you leave Russia for more than 3 months in one year, this year will not be included in the period of residence required to obtain citizenship.

    Officials can consider an application for citizenship for up to 6 months.

    With citizenship, Muga would receive all the rights of a Russian: full voting rights and the opportunity to serve in the military and law enforcement agencies. Well, the most important thing for us is full guarantees for medicine and the opportunity to leave when and as much as we want.

    We have not yet decided whether Mugi needs Russian citizenship. The problem is that according to Mongolian and Russian laws, in order to obtain another citizenship, Mugi will have to give up his Mongolian one. We don’t want to do this, because Mugi doesn’t want to lose the opportunity to freely enter his home country.

    To obtain Russian citizenship, you will have to renounce your current

    Perhaps over time the laws will change and allow having two citizenships. Then Mugi will receive a Russian passport and we will become an ordinary Russian family.

    Work and taxes

    Muga has a Russian diploma in philology. In Mongolia, she worked as a translator in a bank with Russian clients. She has a license as a professional translator, but in Russia a Mongolian translator is rarely needed. She translated several times in court, and did the rest of the orders for business. Now she translates as a freelancer and sews clothes to order.

    183 days

    A foreigner must live in Russia for a year to be considered a tax resident

    A temporary residence permit gives the right to work, but regular employers do not want to get involved with a foreigner. Mugi was unable to find an office vacancy in Voronezh. Once an employer hears the name Munkhtuyaa, he no longer needs an employee as much as before. An exotic name scares off even employers with less interesting vacancies for salespeople or bartenders. The only place that was happy about Mugi's Asian appearance was a Japanese restaurant, but she didn't want to work there.

    When Mugi receives a residence permit, we want to move to Moscow. The capital is clearly more accustomed to foreigners: Mugi receives responses to her resume, and they agree to meet with her and discuss the job.

    Employers in Russia are put off by exotic names

    It seems that Moscow employers are less afraid of Muga’s citizenship than provincial ones. Perhaps she will work at the Mongolian consulate.

    At work, Muga will have the same social package as Russians. The only difference is that the employer must notify within three days GUVM MIA on the conclusion or termination of an employment contract with a foreigner.

    If a foreigner lives in Russia for more than 183 days within 12 consecutive months, he is considered a tax resident of the Russian Federation and pays income tax of 13%.


    Mugi and I don't have children. But our friends - Sasha and Khulan - have them.

    If a foreign woman gives birth to a child from a Russian, this does not give her automatic citizenship, does not shorten the time frame for obtaining it, and does not even extend the visa.

    Like Russian pregnant women, Khulan chose the services of a antenatal clinic, maternity hospital and children's clinic using a birth certificate. But maternity benefits and benefits for early stages She is not pregnant. The child's father cannot claim them either.

    One-time benefit at the birth of a child - 16,350 rubles in 2017, child care allowance - 3,000 rubles in 2017 and monthly allowance for a child under 16 years old - 257 rubles in 2017 are also not allocated to a foreign mother, but the father can apply for it.

    If the mother does not have Russian citizenship, she will not be paid maternity capital.

    If a child was born in Russia and at least one parent is a Russian citizen, the child receives Russian citizenship by birth. Emily received Russian citizenship, but Khulan did not, so now she and her daughter are citizens of different countries.

    Subtleties of international marriage in Russia

    1. There is no marriage visa in Russia. The bride or groom arrives in the country as usual.
    2. Marriage on the territory of Russia is concluded according to Russian laws.
    3. Each country has its own requirements for marriage. It is better to get married according to the laws of two countries at once.
    4. Translations of documents must be certified by a notary, in many cases they must have an apostille or consular legalization.
    5. Marriage does not change the citizenship of the spouses. Scheme for obtaining a Russian passport: temporary residence permit - residence permit - Russian citizenship.
    6. A temporary residence permit is issued for three years. It allows you to live and work in Russia and use the compulsory medical insurance policy. It cannot be extended, but you can apply again.
    7. To obtain a residence permit, you need to live in Russia for a year with a temporary permit.
    8. A residence permit is given for 5 years. You can extend it as much as you like.
    9. After three years of marriage, you can obtain Russian citizenship.
    10. If a foreign wife has a temporary residence permit or residence permit, at work she will have the same social package, contributions and taxes as Russians.
    11. Children do not simplify legal complexities. A foreign mother will be given a birth certificate, child benefits can be issued by a Russian father, and maternity capital is issued only to Russian citizens.