What to give to a newborn girl: we look at all the options. Practical gifts for newborns or what to give to babies. We are replenishing the wardrobe of a newborn girl.

The birth of a new person is a joyful event in the life of every family. As a rule, after some time, new parents invite their closest ones to visit so that they can share with them the miracle of the birth of a baby. And, as you know, people don’t go to visit empty-handed.

So what to give to a newborn so that the present is not only beautiful, but also useful?

Adoptions are organized by the social service centers of each autonomous community, and cases of child abandonment and adoptions are taken into account in each region. According to data from the Autonomous Communities, Madrid and Catalonia are the regions where birth parents in Pora Contra, Cantabria, Asturias and La Rioja have increased the number of births of babies. children placed for adoption in the past year.

The decision to place a child for adoption is completely legal and does not have any criminal consequences for the parents. However, abandoning children or children on the street means that it is considered a crime under Article 229 of the Penal Code, which states that “Abandonment of an elderly or disabled person in need of special protection is punishable by imprisonment of one to two years "

You can follow popular beliefs, for example: if you give a baby a gold or silver spoon, it is believed that in the future it will bring him success and wealth. Money placed under the baby’s clothes also promises prosperity.

Well, for those who do not believe in omens, there are many other interesting options.

Toys as a gift for newborns

Toys occupy the first place among gifts for children. You won’t see anything on the shelves of children’s stores: dolls, cars, balls, rattles, pyramids. However, for newborns, Lego, dolls and cubes still have time to grow and grow; you will have time to give them to them.

And if the refusal also implies a danger to the child’s health, the punishment can be extended to four years. The original mother may need assistance with breastfeeding. Help her to be calm and attentive. Place pillows or blankets under your arms and behind your back so you can sit comfortably. Ask family and visitors to leave the mother and newborn alone. Breastfeeding becomes easier with practice.

The first milk is like liquid gold

Breast milk is better for the baby than any compound or formula milk. A good position when breastfeeding can prevent nipple problems or duels. Wait until you open your mouth and then your chest. The nipple and the dark part around it should be well tucked into the mouth. The first breast milk, called colostrum, comes in small quantities, but it is enough for a newborn because only a few teaspoons can fit into your stomach. Colostrum is sticky and yellowish, different from the milk that comes after, but it is an ideal food for a newborn.

Inexpensive choice: rattles or sets of rattles. The baby is growing quickly and will soon learn to grab toys. Buy ones that your little one can easily hold.

Good option- musical and educational toys, for example:

  • Mobile - suspension above the crib
  • Developmental mat
  • Musical toys for hanging in a crib, stroller, or on a development mat
  • Development center
  • Arc into a stroller or crib.

Such toys attract the baby’s attention, develop hearing, visual perception, fine motor skills. But from soft toys It is better to refuse, as dust and allergens accumulate in them, which is unsafe for the baby’s health.

Does the baby have enough milk?

Don't believe anyone who tells you that you can't produce enough milk for your baby, especially in the early days when your body is just starting to produce milk. Due to peer pressure or lack of self-confidence, many mothers give their children formula milk, porridge or other food. These extra foods are a waste of money and can cause diarrhea in your baby. Diarrhea causes a child to lose weight and become weak. By using these additional products, the mother's body produces less breast milk.

Night light for the crib

With a newborn comes sleepless nights. Mom and dad often have to get up to see the baby, and here a night light is very useful, which will softly illuminate the crib and help the baby fall asleep faster. You can buy any model: pendant night light, musical night light or projector night light.

The mother then becomes even more convinced that she cannot feed the baby enough by breastfeeding alone. If you are medical worker, you can avoid this cycle of serious health problems by showing mothers that you believe they are capable of breastfeeding. Help them place the baby in the right position and give the mother time to learn for herself how to breastfeed. Talk to her kindly and be patient.

To produce enough milk

If the child's father and family help with household chores, the mother can take better care of the child.

  • The more you breastfeed your baby, the more milk your mother produces.
  • Take more fluids and eat more food.
  • When you feed yourself, feed your baby too.
The longer a baby breastfeeds, the more milk the mother produces.

Expensive gifts for a newborn

If you want to give an expensive gift, there is a great solution: a baby monitor or video baby monitor. This is a special device that allows you to hear or see what the child is doing if the parents are in another room. It is advisable to check with your parents if they have such a device: maybe someone has already given it to them, or they managed to buy it.

Clothing as a gift for newborns

It is normal for a baby to lose weight during the first week, but after that weight loss means that the baby is not drinking enough milk. Likewise, babies urinate a little on the first day, but from the second day they should urinate every 2 to 3 hours. If your baby doesn't urinate often, he isn't drinking enough milk. It is very unusual for a baby to not grow or urinate despite drinking milk frequently. If this happens, you should give him a different type of milk.

Never give sugary water or rice water. Also, do not give formula unless you are sure you can afford the recommended amount of milk powder. If you mix with more water than the recommended amount to give you more, it may cause diarrhea and other illnesses for the baby. It's also best not to use bottles because they are difficult to clean and can transmit germs that cause diarrhea.

Here are a few more ideas for growth: a baby car seat, a playpen, an electronic swing, a rocking chair, a high chair.

You can give things necessary for caring for your baby that every mother will appreciate: baby scales, a blender, a sterilizer or bottle warmer, a thermal container, a changing table, a children's ergonomic mattress Cocoonababy Red Castle.

You will have to give more milk if the mother dies or is separated from the baby, or if the mother really cannot produce enough milk. The best solution is to find a mother who is willing to breastfeed. Another option is to prepare animal milk using the following formulas.

You will need to boil any of these formulas to kill germs. Let it cool and give your child a clean cup or teaspoon. If you have to go to work or leave the baby for any reason, the mother can get the milk and another person can feed the baby in her place.

It’s better to make expensive gifts collectively: it won’t be so expensive, and it won’t put parents in an awkward position.

Clothing as a gift for newborns

A beautiful set of clothes is never superfluous. The main thing here is not to make a mistake with the size. It is preferable to buy suits or dresses in larger sizes: for ages after 3 months. Very little time will pass, and the mother will be happy to dress the baby in a new thing. Moreover, children under one year old grow very quickly.

Oral candidiasis

Breast milk can be stored for about 8 hours without spoiling as long as it is not too hot. You can save more time if it is refrigerated. When white patches appear on the tongue or inside the cheek and the baby is irritable while breastfeeding, there may be an infection known as oral thrush. This infection can spread to the mother's nipple and cause redness, itching and pain.

Rinse the nipple with a little vinegar and then with water. Or, if vinegar is not available, wash and dry the nipple after breastfeeding your baby. If this does not cure candidiasis, paint the nipple a little 2 times a day for 3 days. Also close inner part mouth of the child once a day.

Gold decoration for newborns

Another worthy gift for a newborn girl is precious jewelry. A few years later, when the baby is a little older, the parents will solemnly put on him the chain, bracelet or earrings you bought.

Gift for memory

You can give something that will remain for a long time:

Pain, swelling, obstruction, or infection of the breast

If thrush comes back again and again, your baby may have another problem that is weakening their ability to fight off the infection. Sometimes breast milk gets stuck in the canal and the breasts become swollen, red, and painful.

  • A hot, red, hard area on one breast.
  • Breast pain and breastfeeding.
If there is a fever, then the infected canal is infected.

You can also use fresh cloth or cabbage leaves to relieve bloating.

  • Support good position for breastfeeding.
  • The child's entire body should be facing the mother.
If there is fever, give 250 mg 4 times daily. The baby will be even more protected if he takes only breast milk for the first 6 months or until his first teeth appear.

  • A photo album where photographs of the first days of a little person’s life will subsequently be stored.
  • Set of frames in the form family tree or a certificate for making a photo book.

Parents will also appreciate the certificate for a professional photo shoot with their baby.

Newborn care items

Traditional gifts such as pacifiers, pacifier holders, feeding bottles, and hygiene products are always appropriate. Such things run out very quickly or go out of use, so the young mother will probably be grateful to you if another pack of wet wipes or baby shampoo. Don’t forget about the aesthetic component: put your cosmetics in a beautifully packaged basket or box.

What should be gifts for newborns?

Many mothers do not have clean water, firewood or money to buy, prepare and provide milk for their baby. Babies who take formula are more likely to be malnourished, have diarrhea, and even die. You don't need to buy formula, bottles or other things, which helps stop the mother's bleeding after birth. Helps prevent new pregnancies for several months after birth. Helps protect children from diarrhea, pneumonia and other diseases. Protects your child from diabetes, allergies and several types of cancer throughout his life. It protects the baby and warms up when he is near the mother. It enhances the bond of affection between a mother and her child.

  • Protects mother from cancer and weak bones.
  • It is always fresh, warm and ready to eat.
  • It contains all the nutrients necessary for newborns.
A mother may have different reasons for deciding to breastfeeding.

Diapers: what you always need

A gift that will never be out of place in a family with a newborn is diapers. It’s just advisable to first ask your mother what brand they use: perhaps they already have their own preferences.

Yes, and don’t miss the chance to show originality and modernity - present your happy parents with a diaper cake (you can order it or make it yourself). This is much more interesting than just handing over a large bag of diapers.

How to give breast milk

The most common may be. In the case of separation, mother and child are unable to breastfeed directly or only in some cases, as may be the case for children admitted to hospital due to illness, prematurity or low weight. If your baby has lost more weight than usual after giving birth or is having difficulty recovering. If you have stopped breastfeeding or other supplements have been introduced into your baby's diet and you want to return to exclusive breastfeeding. If you want to induce breastfeeding. To reconcile family and work life. For personal reasons, such as that the mother has to follow some guidance or goes out to dinner with the couple and prefers not to take the child.

  • If the baby sucks weakly or ineffectively and is unable to feed properly.
  • If the baby is unable to latch on or reject the breast.
  • If the baby is very sleepy and has little interest in feeding.
Although the purpose of this dossier is to discuss various options, available for obtaining a baby's breast milk extract, the methods used are equally applicable to any other type of supplement that must be provided for medical or other reasons.

If you are still in doubt about choosing a gift, there is a reliable option - money. Maybe there is some thing that a young family simply needs, but they do not have the opportunity to purchase it. It is likely that for the next year and a half, the child will ride in a stroller purchased with the money you donated. But this is the most important thing - to know that you pleased and made someone at least a little happier.

Exclusive: handmade

But if possible, to always supplement it, it is recommended to consider the mother's own milk as the first choice, because it makes breast stimulation and milk production easier. In our culture, bottles are utensils for which there is a fairly widespread predisposition to use and consume them, to the point that it is impossible to raise a child without using them. However, they have many disadvantages that make them less suitable for use, especially in the case of nursing mothers.

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The birth of a child is a huge event in the life of every family. Some people celebrate it magnificently, throwing a celebration for their family and friends, while others celebrate it quietly, with their family, because the young mother wants peace and quiet. But in any family, the birth of another person is a holiday on which friends and relatives congratulate the new parents and give gifts to mother and baby. In this article we will tell you what to give a newborn girl and her mother, and we hope that our tips will help you please the woman who has just given birth to a daughter.

All of these disadvantages are associated with the use of the bottle itself, regardless of its contents. In the case of breastfeeding, there is also a large body of scientific evidence suggesting that bottle use poses other additional disadvantages.

This causes "Nipple Confusion Syndrome"

Especially if they are introduced very early. How smaller child, who are given nutritional supplements added to the bottles, the more easily problems arise that lead to abandonment of breastfeeding. Sucking at the breast and bottle is different, and many babies may become confused and try to suckle at the breast by placing their lips and tongue as if it were a bottle, which can lead to nipple injuries, ineffective breastfeeding, and breastfeeding. It is common to see that these children begin to “fight the tit” until they finally give up.

Gifts for mom

In fact, the child is still too young to appreciate your efforts, so good option the gift will be something that can make the life of her mom and dad easier: they will definitely appreciate it.

  1. Baby monitor or video baby monitor. With its help it is very convenient to look after a child who is sleeping in the next room. It is better to choose not an analog baby monitor, but a digital one - it delivers sounds more clearly, parents will even hear the baby’s quiet grunting. A video baby monitor is an even more convenient (but also more expensive) option.
  2. Chaise lounge or electronic swing. Another device that makes life easier for a young mother. Children usually love to spend time in a sun lounger, and parents have some free time.
  3. High chair for feeding. It will come in handy a little later, when the baby is introduced to complementary foods.
  4. Bedding for the crib. A beautiful bedding set for a crib will also come in handy.
  5. Soft sides. With them, the baby crib not only looks beautiful and gentle, but also becomes safer for the child: babies often stick their arms and legs out between the bars or knock on them.
  6. Comfortable and beautiful night light. You can buy a beautiful night light in a design suitable for a child's room.
  7. Household appliances: air humidifier, blender (this will come in handy when the child is given adult food).
  8. Car seat. If the girl’s parents have not yet purchased one, buy them a car seat from a good company with high safety ratings in crash tests as a gift.

Sets of bottles, food warmers and sterilizers should not be given as gifts - if the baby is breastfed, they may not be needed at all.

Gifts for a newborn

You can buy some memorabilia, toys and clothes for the girl as a gift. For example:

  1. Developmental mat. Already at the age of about two months, children look at toys with pleasure, smile, try to reach them - waving their arms and legs. Give your girl an educational mat: it is soft and has arcs attached to it, from which you can hang any toys. Some children play for a long time lying on such a rug.
  2. Mobile. Another toy that both the child will love and will make the life of the parents a little easier: the baby will lie in the crib, listen to pleasant melodies and watch the musical carousel with funny animals spin around.
  3. Toys. All kinds of musical toys and unusual rattles are suitable. Kids love everything that makes noise, crunches, sings funny songs and moves. You can buy a ratchet toy or a squeaker. The pyramid with rings is an ageless classic; modern children also play it.
  4. Cloth. It is better to choose suits and dresses for growth: no less than height 62 - 68, usually children grow to this size very quickly.
  5. Memorabilia – if you want your gift to remain as a keepsake in the girl’s family. You can buy her a designer doll, a beautiful porcelain figurine in the shape of a baby, or you can give her some jewelry: a personalized pendant, gold earrings, a hair clip. Various items made of silver are suitable as a gift: this metal is considered good for health. For example, a silver spoon in a beautiful box, small silver combs for the baby’s delicate curls, a silver rattle.

It’s better not to give soft toys to a newborn: she won’t be playing with them any time soon, and there’s no need for an extra dust collector in the house.

DIY gifts

If you want to give a girl and her mother something unusual, individual, or put a piece of your soul into a gift, you can make it yourself.

  1. Baby's metric in a beautiful frame. You can make such a picture in the most different techniques: There are many master classes on the Internet. Very popular cross stitch metrics and patterns for them are easy to find, and even a novice needlewoman can handle embroidery. You can do the main work in advance, even before the baby is born, and then simply add her name, date and time of birth, weight and height.
  2. Diaper cake. It looks beautiful and festive. You just need to understand that the baby’s parents are unlikely to use these diapers for their intended purpose because of their non-sterility.
  3. Photo album in scrapbooking style. You can buy an ordinary photo album and decorate it so that it turns into a real author's creation.
  4. Knitted items. If you know how to crochet or knit, you have truly endless possibilities for gifts for a newborn and her mother. Dresses, sundresses, booties, headbands, hats - you can find many ideas on the Internet or in special publications.
  5. Three-dimensional letters of a girl's name. Such letters can be cut out of thick plywood with a jigsaw, carefully processed, and then fixed to a base and covered with paint, or you can sew them from fabric and stuff them with padding polyester to make them voluminous.

If you are meeting a mother with a baby from the maternity hospital, do not forget to bring flowers (preferably without a strong aroma) or a bouquet of balloons.

TOP 10 gifts for a newborn and her mother

  1. Chaise lounge or swing for babies
  2. Developmental mat
  3. Mobile
  4. Photo album
  5. Diaper cake
  6. Baby monitor
  7. Toys
  8. Children's metric
  9. Memorable gifts (jewelry, souvenirs)
  10. Knitted items

You can’t come up with a gift for a girl and her mother, don’t want to give a useless thing? Then don’t hesitate to ask young parents what they would like to receive for the birth of their baby - your question may come in handy. Most mothers make detailed shopping lists before the birth of a child, and perhaps they did not have time to purchase something or did not do it for reasons of economy. And if you want the gift to be a surprise, don’t be afraid to rely on your taste. After all, the main thing is that your congratulations to the baby’s parents will be sincere and from the heart.