DIY vases made from salt dough. Adventurous salt dough vase from sqart

To prepare salt dough you will need fine table salt, but not iodized salt, potato starch, wheat flour and water. There are many recipes; you can do without starch, but with it the dough will be more plastic and sticky. A large amount of salt leads to excessive softening during prolonged use. One of the best proportions is this: for a glass of flour you need to take half a glass of salt and 1 tablespoon of starch. All bulk products must be mixed, then gradually pour in plain or colored water, thoroughly kneading the dough each time.

You should immediately decide how the vase will be painted. A vase made from multi-colored dough looks impressive. To obtain it, you need to dilute food coloring in water in advance, and then knead the dough with this water. Or you can fashion a product from white dough, and after firing, paint it with acrylic paints.

Making a salt dough vase

You can use any plastic, glass or metal container as the base for the vase. For example, it is convenient to take a shampoo bottle, a plastic soda container, or any other. The top part must be carefully trimmed.

To make the work easier, roll out the dough using a rolling pin, then wrap the resulting layer around the base and seal the edges. To smooth the surface, you need to wet your hands or tools with cold water. It is also convenient to glue parts using wetting. You can immediately apply patterns to the surface using any available items - spoons, forks, spatulas, etc.

The resulting base should be dried for one or two days in a warm, dry place. When it becomes strong enough, start decorating the vase from salt dough. The neck can be decorated using a braid made of multi-colored dough, a thick “” in a contrasting color. Vases with molding or appliqué look impressive, and it can be very individual. For example, it would be appropriate for a woman who is interested in breeding fish to give a vase with their image.

Drying and varnishing

When the vase is ready, it should be dried. You can simply dry it near the radiator, in which case it will dry at a rate of 1 mm per day. Or use the oven, maintaining the temperature at about 70-80 degrees. It is important that there are no drafts or temperature changes, otherwise the product may crack or even become blistered. To check readiness, you need to knock on the vase with a stick. If the sound is ringing, then everything is ready, but if it is dull, more time is required.

The vase must be covered with one, or better yet, two or three layers of varnish, otherwise the dough will be washed away with any water. If it was painted with gouache, it is better to use a non-water-based varnish (for example, alkyd, PF or NC), but if not, use absolutely any nail polish.

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For a long time I have been looking at handmade floor vases. But my 45 square meters and my son, who had just learned to walk, simply did not leave me such an opportunity. And then the opportunity arose - to try new look creativity on adventurous exchange, which was organized by our forum "All by myself". And the work began to boil, it really boiled for a long time - a month, but this is what happened.

Description of making a vase made of salt dough:

I bought 1 m of the thickest sewer pipe, sawed off 80 cm with a hacksaw. The excess lies in the pantry - waiting in the wings. I cut out the bottom from plastic cover container - glued. At first, I simply painted the vase with a regular construction primer and acrylic paint - the result was not impressive - the paint strokes were too obvious. Then I glued a piece of regular wallpaper for painting - I painted it - I liked it.

I kneaded the most ordinary salty dough and kept it wrapped in cling film in the refrigerator. I tore it off piece by piece - otherwise the dough will quickly become airy and dry. I rolled out the dough into a layer, using a regular leaf from a houseplant as a template, and cut out the amount I needed. I also pressed through the veins of the leaves with a knife. I glued the glue onto the “Master” in a rather chaotic order.

Next came the turn of the lilac clusters themselves. A small ball is made, a droplet is made from it, which we cut into 2 or 4 parts with nail scissors. Open them a little - the lilac flower or bud is ready. A bunch of these small flowers is collected. I glued it directly to the base. I dried it near the radiator, turning it one way or the other. I decided to somehow decorate the top - I cut out circles from the dough and glued them on.

The main sculpting work was completed. I painted the grapes and leaves with watercolors and shaded them with glitter nail polish. Something was missing - my flowers looked like orphans on a white background - I went over the convex parts of the wallpaper with blue paint. Coloring the vase as a “birch tree” has improved appearance. At intervals of a day, allowing it to dry thoroughly each time, I coated it 3 times with acrylic varnish.

Elena Evdokimova
Summary of GCD for modeling from salt dough “Vases for flowers”

Continue to teach children to model vases based on the finished form, by adding various details to it.

Develop fine motor skills hands, creative imagination.

Lead children to the conclusion about whether it is possible to sculpt dough.

Preliminary work: examining vases, collecting and drying flowers. Selection waste material for the base - washing, drying.

Material: bottles from "rastishki", natural material (seeds, cereals, nuts, etc., salted dough, container with water, wet wipes.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Hello children, summer has finally arrived. And what changes with nature in the summer. (Children's answers) Today we will go to the forest. The teacher shows the children several reproductions depicting a summer meadow (I. I. Levitan, D. D. Burliuk). Children look at illustrations with meadow plants, clarify the structure and color flower, as well as the shape of the leaves. Now, tell me which ones flowers did you see in these pictures?

Children: Chamomiles, bells, cornflowers, dandelions.

Educator: right, now let's listen to the poems dedicated to these flowers.

Dandelion yellow

He took off his sundress,

He changed his boring dress

On white airy.

In the meadow chamomile blooms

Modest little white flower,

What's in the yellow pocket?

Dropped a petal.

The blue sky fell on the meadow,

Everything around became blue, blue,

They bloomed in the meadow, by the blue river,

Like blue skies flowers - cornflowers.

Educator: Guys, it’s very beautiful when flowers decorate our lives, our room. And in order to preserve their beauty and freshness longer, I propose to make flower vases.

Stage 1 - let’s make something universal with the children dough according to recipe(4-5 minutes):

1 glass of salt

1 cup wheat flour

1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

half a glass of water

Appoint two assistants.

Pour a glass of salt and a glass of flour into a large bowl. Mix with a spoon. Pour in half a glass of water and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Mix with a spoon and knead with your hands until smooth, as usual. dough. During the lesson we will explore the properties test(sticky, viscous, similar to plasticine). What is it used for? dough? What makes of dough mom at home? Are we like this? made the dough? What gives strength to salted products? test? Why elastic dough? (children's answers)

Stage 2 - let's make vases (10 minutes).

Cover the waterproof form with a thin layer test. Dough You can roll it out with a rolling pin. The thinner the better.

Mask and smooth the joints.

Decorate the vase as you wish with stucco paintings or patterns.

You can suggest decorating it with natural material: seeds, cereals, shells, pebbles, nuts.

As the work progresses, finger gymnastics (1-2 minutes):

A poppy grew on the hill (Gather the fingers of your left hand into a pinch)

He bowed his head like this (Bud tilt)

A butterfly flutters over him, (Cross your arms, wave)

Flashes its wings quickly.

The petals flew around (With your right hand, bend the fingers of your left)

The house dried out from the heat

began to rattle like a rattle. (Fingers form a pinch)

This is such a nice toy. (Clench the fingers of your left hand into a fist "rattle", like a rattle).

Fizminutka « Flowers» .

One, two, three have grown flowers(we were squatting, we stand up)

Reached for the sun high: (stretch on tiptoes)

They felt nice and warm! (look up)

The breeze flew by, the stems shook (swing arms left - right above your head)

They swung to the left and bent low. (lean to the left)

They swung to the right - they bent low. (lean to the right)

Wind run away! (they shake a finger)

You don't break the flowers! (squats)

Let them grow, grow,

They will bring joy to children! (slowly raise their hands up, open their fingers).

At the end of the lesson there is an outdoor game (3-5 minutes):

Outdoor game "Stream"

The number of participants is odd. Having split into pairs, the players stand one after another, hold hands and raise them above their heads. A kind of corridor is formed. The one who is left without a partner goes to "source" stream and then, making his way under clasped hands, chooses a mate. The new couple goes to the end of the stream, and the player left alone goes to the beginning. And everything repeats itself.

As the vases are made, children carry their creations. After which the children choose the most successful vases.

Publications on the topic:

Modeling of the panel “Tea Party” from salt dough. Abstract of GCD on artistic and aesthetic development in the senior group Modeling of the panel “Tea Party” from salt dough. Objectives: Educational: Teach children to model tea utensils from salt dough. Activate.

Abstract of GCD Modeling from salted dough “Pretzels - Kovrizhki” Objectives: 1. Teach children to think about the content of their work based on the personal.

Modeling from salt dough “Mouse on cheese” Senior group. Goal: teach children to sculpt animals from salt dough. Objectives: 1. Educational:.

Notes on how to sculpt from salt dough “The first spring flowers - snowdrops” Abstract of GCD on artistic and aesthetic development in senior group. Modeling from salt dough Topic: “The first spring flowers - snowdrops.”

Notes on how to sculpt "Spring Carpet" from salt dough for older children Abstract of the GCD for the partial program of I. A. Lykova “Colored palms” Topic: Decorative modeling from salt dough “Spring carpet” (weaving.

After viewing the works different masters, I wanted to try sculpting with salt dough.

I decided to combine two ideas. Make a vase from a spool of used paper. And decorate it with a grapevine made from salt dough.

At work I have spools left over from used paper rolls. So I decided to put them to work.

Materials I used:

Bobbin from a roll of used paper;

PVA glue;

Glue moment “Liquid nails”;

White acrylic paint (interior);

Acrylic paints (art);


Masking tape;


Finishing acrylic putty for wood;

Acrylic varnish (furniture);


Palette knife;


For the salt dough I used this recipe:

Dough for delicate work.

300 g - flour;

200 g salt;

4 tbsp. l. glycerin (sold in pharmacies);

2 tbsp. l. glue for simple wallpaper + 125-150 ml of water.

Let's get to work.

1. I cut the bobbin from a roll of paper with a 50 cm metal hacksaw. Then we cut out a round stand (bottom) from the remains of the laminate. My husband helped me cut it out with a jigsaw. I cleaned the edges of the workpieces with sandpaper (zero).

Having degreased the round blank with alcohol, I glued both blanks together using Liquid Nails moment glue. I waited until they stuck to each other.

Then I covered the round blank with masking tape and primed the bobbin with two layers of white acrylic paint (interior). I applied the paint with a foam sponge. Allow drying between layers. When the acrylic paint had dried, I sanded the bobbin with sandpaper so that it became relatively smooth. After sanding, be sure to wipe off any remaining dust with a slightly damp cloth.

I selected the desired color by mixing white acrylic paint (interior) with acrylic paints (art) and painted the entire bobbin with a sponge in two layers; I did not paint the stand, I left it natural. After drying, I sanded it again, wiped off any dust and removed the masking tape.

3. We decorate the baguette along the upper edge of the vase.

Add a little PVA glue and water to the finishing putty to create a structural paste. Attach the stencil and apply acrylic putty with a palette knife. Carefully remove the stencil and let the putty dry.

When the putty has dried, apply the stencil again and paint it with gold paint. Carefully remove the stencil and let the paint dry. We have a baguette along the top edge of the vase. It is visible on the finished vase.

4. Now let's start making stucco from salt dough.

Mix flour, salt and glue, add water little by little and knead the dough. Glycerin was added while kneading the dough. Knead the dough well, the dough should not be too thick or soft, it should be elastic. I divided the dough into parts and painted it with acrylic paints in the desired colors.

To color the dough, you need to lay out a piece of dough and drop paint on it, then knead thoroughly to get a uniform color. For twigs and tendrils we paint in brown. For leaves and grapes in green. And for one more type of grape in burgundy. As the dough dries, the color fades. But this is not scary, since we will decorate the leaves and everything else.

I cut out templates of grape leaves of different sizes and shapes from stiff paper.

Having rolled out a layer of dough thinly (2-3 mm), I apply the templates and cut out leaves according to them. I use a toothpick to make veins and give the leaves different shapes.

For twigs and tendrils, the dough is simply rolled out thinly, given the desired shape and immediately glued to the vase with PVA glue.

Grapes - roll into balls of different diameters and glue to the vase, placing them in the form of a bunch.

I sculpted all the details of the grapes, gave them shape, laid them out and glued them with glue right away. This process took me several days, since all the parts dried right on the vase. In order to lay out the branches of grapes with reverse side you need to wait until the previous vases dry.

I chose the process of drying the parts on the vase because it is easier to give the soft dough the shape of the parts as you need and lay them out on the round shape of the vase as you like. The grape bunches took the longest to dry due to the large mass of the dough.

The dough is considered dry if it makes a ringing sound when tapped.

5. Once all the grape parts were glued and dry, I made some eggshell crackle between them.

To do this, dry the shells, washed and cleared of the inner film, thoroughly. Then we apply PVA glue to the places where we will glue the shell, and apply small pieces and press them so that they crack. We move them apart. When the shell sticks and dries, cover it again with PVA glue. Crackle is ready.

6. Now that everything is glued, let's start decorating grapevine. It's a matter of taste here. You can take any picture of grapes and decorate it.

I have an airbrush, so I painted the leaves and grapes with it, and the twigs and tendrils with a brush. When everything is decorated, coat the entire vase several times with acrylic varnish.

The vase is ready, you can put artificial flowers or a composition of dried flowers in it. I have peacock tail feathers in it.

Thanks everyone for your attention!

Today I will share with you my experience in making a vase from salt dough, and at the same time I will tell you about the mistakes made that can ruin the whole thing. Making a beautiful vase from salt dough is actually very simple, the main thing is to do it right. By the way, a minimal set of tools is needed for this:- rolling pin; - an empty glass bottle of a suitable shape; - knife; - plastic bag and tape; - and of course the dough. For the test you need:- one to one extra salt and flour (I took 1 glass each); - ice water(approximately 0.5 cups per 2 cups of bulk mixture). This must be cool salt dough. We have already told you more than once, so I won’t dwell on this point for a long time. Let's start making a vase Roll out the dough evenly so that the height is 3-5 mm.

We put the bottle in a bag and secure it to the neck with tape. And then I allowed fatal mistake, which led to the collapse of the whole business - the bag must be secured with tape ONLY on the neck of the bottle, otherwise it will not be removed later, which means the dough will remain on the bottle. We wrap the bottle with dough and smooth the joints well. Then we make the height of the future vase - trim off the excess dough and smooth the edges. Now let's move on to the formation of the relief. I planned to make a vase “like a tree,” so I made the relief that you see in the photo. Once the relief is ready, you can begin to form additional patterns. It is better to make patterns that will be end-to-end after the dough has already begun to dry out a little, this will make it more convenient to cut out clear details. Don't forget to smooth all the edges to make them neat. After you have cut everything out, leave the bottle to dry for two days or put it in the oven to bake. When the vase is ready, you need to cut the tape on the neck of the bottle and remove the vase along with the bag, then remove the bag from the vase (this is not difficult). If, after you have removed the bag from the vase, the inner walls are not yet completely dry, then you need to dry the product. Remember that natural drying, although it takes more time, leaves the product without cracks or flaws. The vase can be painted and varnished, or decorated using decoupage. It all depends only on your imagination. Of course, you can’t put fresh flowers in such a vase, but dried flowers in such a vase or artificial flowers perfectly complement the interior. Good luck in your creativity and don’t repeat other people’s mistakes! Author of the master class Olga Olefirenko