In what case can you re-register your pension? How to transfer a pension when changing place of residence: necessary documents, procedure and description of the procedure

Pensioners often change their place of residence in the Russian Federation. In this case, you must promptly notify Pension fund so that the payment (pension) file is forwarded to the new place of residence. This procedure does not apply to citizens who have moved outside of Russia, both to distant and near abroad. A different procedure for pension payment has been established for them.

Deadlines for transferring payment files

Employees of the Pension Fund of Russia fill out a request for a payment case and no later than one working day after the request send it to the Pension Fund at the previous place of residence. From there, the payment case is sent to the new place of residence no later than three working days from the date of receipt of the request.

Application for delivery of pension with information about the request for payment file, submitted by the pensioner to territorial body The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, located not at his new place of residence (stay, actual residence), is subject to referral to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at his new place of residence (stay, actual residence). This territorial body sends a request for a payment case to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the previous place of residence of the pensioner during the day.

After receiving the payment case, an order is issued to register it and extend the payment of the pension at the new place of residence no later than two working days from the date of its receipt. At the same time, the correctness of establishing the pension at the previous place of residence is checked on the basis of the documents of the payment file.

Is it necessary to transfer the payment file to a new place of residence if the pension comes to a bank card?

Yes, you should also request a payment file in connection with a move if you received a pension on a bank card account at your previous place of residence. The fact is that the payment file contains all the necessary information that you and the Pension Fund employee at your new place of residence may need. For example, to recalculate the amount of a pension.

Change of pension provider

You can change the pension delivery provider or delivery method at any time. To choose a delivery method or change it, you need to notify the Pension Fund about this in any way convenient for you:

  • in writing, by submitting an application directly to the territorial body of the Pension Fund or a multifunctional center (application form for pension delivery);
  • in electronic form by submitting the appropriate application through “” on the “Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (Functions)” and the Pension Fund of Russia website.

In the application, you must indicate the delivery organization and method of delivery of the pension, as well as account details (if through a bank).

Pension delivery methods:

  1. via Russian Post- you can receive your pension at home or yourself at the post office at your place of residence. In this case, each pensioner is given a date for receiving a pension in accordance with the delivery schedule, and the pension can be paid later than the established date within the delivery period. It is better to find out the end date of the payment period in advance, since each post office has its own. If the pension is not received within six months, then its payment is suspended and you will need to write an application to your Pension Fund to resume payment;
  2. through a bank - you can receive a pension at the cash desk of a bank branch or apply for a bank card (from 07/01/2017, only cards of the national payment system "MIR" are issued for pension payments) and withdraw funds through an ATM. The pension for the current month is delivered to the account on the day the funds are received from the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia. You can withdraw your money from your bank account any day after it is deposited. Crediting to a pensioner's account at a credit institution is carried out without charging a commission.

    IMPORTANT! pensioners currently receiving pensions on accounts opened with credit institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation, providing for transactions using payment cards of other payment systems, will be transferred to the national payment system "MIR" as their current bank cards expire;

  3. through an organization that delivers pensions- you can receive a pension at home or independently in this organization. A complete list of such organizations in your region (including those delivering pensions to your home) is at the disposal of the territorial body of the Russian Pension Fund. The procedure for paying a pension through another organization engaged in the delivery of pensions is the same as through a post office.

When retiring, citizens think about the most convenient way to receive support from the state. Many people prefer to choose home delivery, avoiding monthly visits to post offices and banks.

The procedure for payment and delivery of pensions to your home

If a citizen decides to receive his pension at home, then on the appointed day the money will be delivered to him by the postman or courier (depending on the chosen organization).

Important: with this method of receiving money, money may be received later than the designated day, but no later than the end date of the payment period.

Pension payment schedule: what is it and why is it needed?

Pensions are accrued according to the established salary payment schedule. Based on Government Order No. dated November 17, 2014, the benefit payment period, within which a specific date of receipt is established for each recipient, begins on the 3rd day of the current month.

Attention: if the delivery date of pension benefits falls on a weekend or holiday, the benefits may be paid earlier. However, payment cannot be made earlier than 3 days before the due date. Download for viewing and printing:

How is the date for receiving a pension set?

The date of payment of the pension is determined individually for each citizen when it is assigned. To clarify this date, the recipient can contact the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of Russia (Pension Fund of Russia) with an identification document.

The day of receipt is set within the payment period, and does not depend on the wishes of the pensioner. This date is not regulated at the legislative level. It is influenced by several factors:

  1. Number of pensioners;
  2. Administrative specifics of the region;
  3. State of the regional budget.
A change in any factor influencing the determination of the payment day may provoke a change by Pension Fund employees of the date of transfer of allowances. At the same time, they are obliged to notify the recipient of the current situation.

Pension delivery schedule for different regions

Each subject of the Russian Federation has its own pension payment schedule. In order to study the exact delivery schedule, you must contact the Pension Fund branch or the Department with your passport Social Security Population (OSZN). You can also clarify the information you are interested in by calling one of the specified structures.

If the payment occurs through Russian Post, the recipient can familiarize themselves with the schedule at the post office. This information should be posted on the notice board.

Methods for delivering pensions to your home

When assigning pension benefits, a citizen has the right to independently choose the most convenient method for delivering benefits. In 2020, the Pension Fund offers 2 options to choose from:

  1. Post office;
  2. Credit and financial organization (bank).

Each of these methods has its positive and negative aspects. Before you finally decide on the delivery method, you need to consider each of them in detail.

Via Russian Post

If a citizen decides to receive benefits through Russian Post, he can do this independently by going to the post office or ordering delivery of benefits to his home. If you choose the second delivery option, the postman will deliver the benefit to the recipient’s home on the appointed day.

The advantages of this option are:

  1. Reliability - Russian Post is a state organization. It cannot suspend its activities due to bankruptcy or other reasons;
  2. The ability to order home delivery is not always convenient for a pensioner to visit a public health service center. In some cases, it is more convenient for a person to receive the required benefit without leaving home.

The disadvantage of this method is the lack of privileges and additional services offered to bank clients.

Via bank

You can receive your allowance at the cash desk of a financial institution or on a plastic card of a selected organization.

Receiving security through a bank does not allow the recipient to order delivery of benefits to their home.

The main advantage of receiving a pension from a bank is convenience:

  1. If the recipient opens a card account, he will be able to withdraw cash both at the bank’s cash desk and through an ATM;
  2. The recipient does not need to wait at home for the postman on the appointed day or go to the post office. Even if he is in another city, he will receive money into his account;
  3. You can use your money at any time, regardless of the period of receipt;
  4. Most financial institutions offer their clients services on preferential terms: loans at low interest rates, interest on the account balance or increased cash back.

How to re-register a pension with home delivery

As mentioned above, you can receive a pension at home only through Russian Post. To choose this method, you will need to contact the Pension Fund at your place of residence or the nearest MFC branch with your passport.

Application for pension delivery

In order to transfer your allowance to the post office and receive it at home, you will need to write a corresponding application. The form of such an application is not fixed at the legislative level, but the Pension Fund of Russia has compiled a single sample of this document. The application form can be found on the official website of the Pension Fund or at its territorial branches.

The application will require the following information:

  1. Full name of the applicant;
  2. Pension insurance certificate number (SNILS);
  3. Recipient's nationality;
  4. Registration and residence address;
  5. Contact phone number;
  6. Passport details;
  7. Desired method of receipt. If the pensioner plans to receive benefits via mail, then you will need to indicate the number and name of the branch. If you wish to receive your pension at home, you must indicate the applicant’s current residential address.
Note! After the application is accepted by Pension Fund employees, the delivery method will be changed from the month following the submission of the application.

How to get a pension for a disabled person

If a pensioner has serious health problems that make it impossible for him to receive his pension independently at a branch of the organization, then it would be advisable for him to receive his pension at home.

Under circumstances that make it difficult to receive this method, it is recommended to issue a notarized power of attorney to pay allowances to someone close to you.

Power of attorney to receive pension benefits

You can issue a power of attorney from a notary or the head of the medical institution where the pensioner is staying. To do this, you will need the passport details of the principal and the authorized representative. The power of attorney lists the actions that the authorized person is allowed to perform.

The document must also reflect the period during which the power of attorney is valid. If this item is missing, then by default the document is valid for 1 year.

Is it possible to change the receiving option at State Services?

In order to change the delivery method, it is not necessary to personally visit the Pension Fund or MFC branches. This can be done online using the government services portal.

Help: to use this method, you must have a verified account with State Services.

Algorithm of actions for changing the method of receiving public services:

If the necessary information about the applicant is available to the Pension Fund, the delivery method will be changed from the date indicated in the application.

Attention: if the Pension Fund does not have the necessary information about the recipient, the applicant will receive a notification about the need to visit the territorial office of the pension fund. The notice will also contain information about the documentation that will need to be provided to Pension Fund employees.

Pension delivery is a convenient service that allows you to receive government support without visiting the organizations making the payment. It is especially relevant for residents of small settlements where the banking structure is underdeveloped. You can change the receiving option at any time convenient for the recipient.

Watch a video about how pensions are delivered

January 29, 2019, 15:02 January 7, 2020 02:06

Elderly people often change their address. Some, depending on life circumstances, should be closer to their children, while others, on the contrary, return there after working away from their home? where he was born. In any case, relocating pensioners have a question about how to receive a pension after changing their address. In this article we will talk about this in detail.

Payment of pension when changing address within the Russian Federation - when moving to another city, region, changing registration

Citizens of the Russian Federation receive pension payments at their place of residence, and in the event of a change of residence address, it is necessary to notify the relevant authorities of this fact.

The conditions for pension payments when changing address are, first of all, determined by where exactly the pensioner is moving. If the new registration is in our country, then the procedure for receiving pension accruals will be simpler. But if the pensioner’s state of residence changes, payments will be made in a different manner.

The procedure, the amount of pension accruals and the schedule of payments to citizens of the Russian Federation are determined by Laws 400-FZ, 424-FZ and 166-FZ.

When changing the address of his residence, the pensioner must notify the Pension Fund of this fact.

Each pensioner has his own payment file - and so that after moving the person does not have the question of how to receive a pension, this file must be transferred in advance to the local Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the new address of the recipient.

The pensioner’s case is transferred by the internal resource of the pension fund, which is why it is necessary to notify the authority about the fact of the move in advance.

How does the transfer of a pension transfer case occur when a pensioner’s place of registration changes within Russia?

After moving, the recipient comes to the Pension Fund of his new residence.

In order for the local office to request a pensioner’s file, the following documents will be needed:

  1. Formal application recipient to the local Pension Fund for the transfer of his personal file (request for pension payments upon change of residence).
  2. Identity card. If the recipient makes a request to the Pension Office through his representative, it is necessary to properly draw up papers under a power of attorney to confirm that the latter’s actions are legal. Then the request to transfer the payment case is drawn up using the passport of the authorized person.
  3. Marking a new registration the pensioner should already be in his passport (Articles 48 and 52 of the Administrative Regulations). It will be the reason for requesting and further transfer of the pension recipient’s case to the local Pension Fund of Russia and the basis for pension payments when changing place of residence.

The pensioner can submit all the papers for calculating pensions and starting their payments under a new registration both to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation branch of his new locality and to the MFC (service centers for citizens of the Russian Federation). This can be done within a month after new registration.

In both structures, the pensioner can be explained how, when and how much he will receive pensions under the new registration.

Other methods of transferring documents on pension transfer when changing the registration of a pensioner within the Russian Federation

Completed papers can be sent and by mail, and also take advantage of the publicly available government services website- and send them in the form of digital analogue copies.

The process of transferring data to the Pension Fund is facilitated by a specially created interactive form on its official website, by filling which the pensioner makes a request.

Another way to notify the relevant authority about a change of residence is provided for working pensioners - such a request can be submitted pensioner's employer with his permission in writing.

When do you receive a pension after new registration, and will the amount of pension payments remain the same?

As soon as the pension file is delivered to the local Pension Fund of Russia, pension accruals will begin to occur at another address of the recipient.

Neither the schedule of pension payments nor the size of the pension depend on the place of registration of the pensioner.

How to receive a pension when changing your place of residence and leaving for another country - instructions

Today, cases of elderly people moving abroad are not uncommon, since many Russians take their parents abroad after settling down there themselves.

When a pensioner leaves the Russian Federation, the procedure for calculating the pension will be as follows:

  1. In case of departure recipient to another country for permanent residence, the first thing you need to do is notify the Pension Fund (local branch) of your move. It is extremely important to do this no later than a month before your planned departure from the Russian Federation. Law 400-FZ regulates the list of documents and deadlines for their submission.
  2. At this very moment a leaving pensioner submits an application to travel abroad.
  3. Providing a document- identity certificate (passport).
  4. In the case when for a pensioner a proxy acts, his passport and a notarized power of attorney from the pensioner are provided, which indicates the powers of the authorized person.
  5. When an application is written and a request is made to transfer the payment case to the Pension Fund, The pensioner must have a certificate from the diplomatic mission in his hands (usually issued at consulates) that the pensioner actually has permanent residence in another state. This official certificate must indicate the exact date of the pensioner’s departure to another state. If his authorized representative acts in the interests of a pensioner, such a certificate at the diplomatic mission is also issued to this authorized representative.
  6. If the pension is calculated in case of loss of a breadwinner(people who have custody of minor children, grandchildren, sisters or brothers) in addition, a certificate is required stating that in the country where the recipient is traveling, he does not have a job with a fixed salary. This certificate is also issued by the consulate of a foreign country.

The methods for submitting documents to the Pension Fund are the same as in the case of a change of address within our country.

Is it possible to receive a pension into a bank account - instructions on how to do it

If a pensioner has left the country and wants pension payments to be made to a bank account, he needs to choose the method of receipt from those offered. This must be done simultaneously with the message about leaving the Russian Federation.

In principle, the recipient can choose whether to receive a pension into an account in a Russian bank or a foreign one. If you want to receive money at home, then enrollment will be in rubles.

While abroad, the pensioner will receive his payments through a trusted representative.

If the pension was issued no later than 2014, payments to those who do not live in Russia will be made in the same way and to the same address in another country.

However, if a pensioner wants payments to be made in Russia, he submits a petition - and can arrange payments to an authorized person, or to an account opened in advance in a financial organization of the Russian Federation.

Annual update of data in the Pension Fund and transfer of pension to another region when a pensioner’s registration changes

With any option for receiving your pension, the recipient must annually submit documents for their renewal.

In order for pensions to continue to be paid in the same amount and in the same way, pensioners are forced to submit documents to the Pension Fund once a year that confirm the fact of the pensioner’s life.

This type of certificate can be obtained from a notary operating within our country, or from a foreign authorized body if the recipient of the payments lives in another state.

To attest to the fact that the pensioner is alive, he needs to appear in person at the Russian Consulate or the local Pension Fund office.

If a citizen has not certified his existence within the required time frame (has not appeared at the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and submitted a certificate), pension payments are suspended until the required certificate is submitted (clause 14 of the Regulations).

The method of issuing pensions directly to pensioners is very convenient and simple, but, unfortunately, such a service is not available to everyone. Elderly people are forced to go to post offices to pick up funds that have already been transferred, which for some is not the easiest procedure. The first stumbling block is the impressive queue of people with a similar problem. “Government support” is a big statement that is mentioned along with pensions. The modern banking system is extensive, which attracts more and more people who want to use Sberbank products. It seems problematic for older people to get acquainted with new technologies, because some of them still have difficulties in using an ATM. How can you transfer your pension to a card without the huge waiting time?

How to get a Sberbank pension card

A simple solution to the problem is to register the service of receiving a pension on a card. To do this, open a bank account, leaving a special written application to the manager. If the pensioner previously received a pension using a savings book, it is also provided along with the application. The received application is reviewed within 10-14 days. Applications are usually processed more quickly.

The pensioner also provides:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • pension certificate.

At the end of the allotted period, citizens receive a payment instrument. At the first request of the bank client, the consultant will print out the relevant card details on one convenient document. They take the printed details with them to the Pension Fund at the place of registration to process the transfer of the pension to a bank account/card.

Benefits for the elderly

Receiving a pension on the card is provided by the “Golden Years” program. The service package includes operations and benefits for retirees. By becoming a participant in the program, a citizen receives the right to insurance pension. Simply put, he can cash out without waiting in line. By using mobile phone It’s easy to monitor your account and conduct settlement transactions without leaving your home. All larger number pensioners are mastering the delights of cashless payments in food, household and clothing stores.

The advantage of the program is the production of a social card that is issued free of charge. That is, the bank client does not pay additional costs.

Important. A pensioner can withdraw his Sberbank pension from another financial organization without commissions or loss of his own funds.

How can you receive a pension payment on a Sberbank card?

Before receiving your pension on a Sberbank card, understand existing types cards offered by a banking organization. The following types of social cards are offered to clients:

  1. Maestro – provides the ability to remotely manage your account with access to additional banking products. The amount of compensation for older people is quite modest, so Sberbank is thinking about them, increasing the cash balance on the card by 3.5%. When the end of the card's validity period approaches, the bank offers a reissue procedure so that the client receives funds without any problems.
  2. MIR - the device has special protection via an electronic chip; there is no fee for issuing or using the card product. The pension transfer is made after submitting the appropriate application and documentation to the Pension Fund. However, we should not forget about the certificate required to visit the Pension Fund and submit it along with the application.

At their core, both card products have the possibility of free re-issuance, and their difference is only in the interest accrued on the amount received by the means of payment.

Functions of plastic cards

Pensioners who have issued a Sberbank card enjoy a classic set of functions, including:

  • making money transfers to the balances of organizations/individuals;
  • informing about expenses/receipts from/to the card;
  • carrying out non-cash payments in supermarkets;
  • balance management via the Internet or remote access;
  • cash withdrawal at any ATM;
  • payment of utilities and other services;
  • receiving a 12% discount in Sberbank partner stores.

How to transfer a pension to a Sberbank card without a pensioner

Now the requirements of the banking system indicate the need for the presence of the recipient. However, more preferential conditions are offered for older people, because some are unable to move freely without assistance. To freely carry out procedures with a bank card, you must have an authorized representative who will carry out all procedures, process transfers using bank details and withdraw additional funds for the care of pensioners who lead a sedentary lifestyle or have poor mobility. This problem is especially relevant among people over 70 years of age.

In order for such persons to have the right to use a bank account or manipulate the details of a pensioner, they draw up a special power of attorney certified by a notary. Now we face the most difficult procedure of transferring a pension to a Sberbank card. It will not be possible to resolve the power of attorney issue remotely without the presence of the pensioner.

Older people are finding it increasingly difficult to use 21st century technologies that challenge them. To facilitate the procedure, a special Sberbank portal was developed, where information is available in simple and understandable language:

  • at what time and in what amount the pension is transferred;
  • what is the state of the pension account;
  • retirement requirements.

Another important addition to the portal’s services is the ability to contact the bank manager at any time on the issue of changing the type of pension.

Acceleration of submission of documents to the Pension Fund of Russia

Yes, complete registration of state support remotely is impossible. You will also have to wait some time until your application for a pension is approved. Often pensioners are outraged by this situation and try to find a way to quickly move forward the documents that are being verified.

Speeding up the process is possible using the following algorithm:

  • visiting the Pension Fund website and going to the electronic services section;
  • fill out an application for an appointment, confirming contact details and other information;
  • indicate a convenient date for your visit and submit the form for verification.

This procedure allows you to simplify and speed up the process of processing documents to receive a pension. You can always submit an application on the Pension Fund website to change the type of money accrual.

Transfer payments back to the post office

Some people simply find it inconvenient to use card products, so a pensioner can refuse such a service by choosing mail. To return the previous changes, visit the branch of the pension fund at your place of residence, submitting an appropriate application (bring with you documents confirming your identity). It would be useful to visit a bank branch and submit a written refusal of the services provided by the organization.

A number of important features

The answer to the question: “Is it possible to apply for a pension without the presence of a pensioner” is ambiguous. The modern registration procedure will make it possible to issue a pension only partially, but for the main procedures the presence of the client for whom the pension is being issued will be required. In addition to the existing benefits, pensioners will be able to participate in various promotions offered by the banking organization. A social card is an accessible and cheap way to receive legal funds, allowing pensioners with a modest state support Don't spend an extra penny.

Many pensioners today prefer to receive their pension on a bank card. Of course, this is more convenient than receiving cash at the post office after standing in line. We will tell you about the translation procedure pension payments and how to receive a pension on a Sberbank card, and at the same time profitably use other services of the credit structure.

Advantages of cards for pensioners

Everyone knows how to receive pension payments: in person at the post office, at home through the postman, via a savings book, or via card. We will not compare all options; we will note the advantage of the offer from Sberbank:

  • The pension is transferred to the Sberbank card exactly on time, without delays;
  • You can receive notifications about all transactions on your account by activating SMS notifications;
  • Money is available without restrictions, around the clock, you can pay with the card in stores, pharmacies or withdraw cash;
  • It is easy to receive transfers from relatives and friends to your card account;
  • Issue and maintenance of special cards is free;
  • You can receive additional income: interest is charged on the balance;
  • Clients are automatically connected to the “Thank You” bonus program, which makes it possible to accumulate bonus points and exchange them for goods;
  • The bank offers pensioners preferential lending conditions;
  • The card provides funds protection: if it is stolen or lost, just call the bank and block the account.

How to transfer payments to the bank

To receive a pension on a Sberbank card, you need to fill out a standard form; it can be obtained from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the MFC, or downloaded from the website of the credit structure. Let's consider the stages of transferring payments by contacting the bank and the Pension Fund.

Transferring a pension to a Sberbank card should begin with the registration of the card itself. We recommend doing this in the office to receive detailed face-to-face consultation and assistance in filling out paperwork. The procedure is as follows:

  1. A pensioner with documents (passport, pension, SNILS) visits the bank office and fills out an application for issuing a plastic card. At the same time, an application for banking services is made, a set of services is selected (mobile banking, Internet services, SMS notifications, etc.). It takes about 10 days to issue a card; the client will be notified of its readiness by phone;
  2. When you receive the card, you should ask the bank specialist for the transfer details. This information is necessary for the Pension Fund;
  3. Visit the Pension Fund branch with your passport, pension and personal account details. You need to fill out an application form for crediting your pension to a Sberbank card. In this case, you do not need to present your Sberbank pension card; it is enough to indicate its details in the application.

Ways to apply for a pension on a bank card will not take much time. Those who, for health reasons, cannot personally visit all authorities should issue a notarized power of attorney to receive a card and represent their interests at the Pension Fund.

How to transfer payments back to the post office

If it is not possible to receive your pension on a Sberbank card and you want to change the delivery method, this can also be done through the Pension Fund of Russia branch.

We will tell you about two ways to transfer your pension to the post office:

In each option, the transfer is carried out within two months: the current and the next.

What do pensioners receiving payments on cards need to know?

Despite the high level of protection of banking products, cardholders can become victims of fraud. To avoid this, you need to follow basic safety measures:

  • Do not share your card or passwords with unauthorized persons;
  • Do not share your secret PIN code and CVV2/CVC2 with anyone;
  • If the card is stolen or lost, notify the bank and block the account.

Sberbank offers to issue a free MIR card to receive a pension. The owner of such a card does not depend on the postman’s work schedule; all funds are available for withdrawal immediately after receipt of funds from the Pension Fund.

How to transfer your pension to a Sberbank card without waiting in line, at any time convenient for you? After filling out an application for issuing a bank card, you must use one of the additional methods of transferring consent to pay a pension through Sberbank, without personally visiting a Pension Fund branch.

Both the bank client and his authorized representative can draw up such an application to the Pension Fund.

Transferring a pension to a Sberbank card today: what you need to know

Payment of pension to the card is made by the Pension Fund branch strictly on the appointed payment date. Funds can arrive either in the morning of the specified date or in the evening of the same day. Cash withdrawal from Sberbank ATMs is carried out without commission.

Is it possible to issue

Pensioners can instruct the Pension Fund to transfer their pension to the bank. The MIR card is issued specifically for making such payments, so the tariff for its service does not contain paid services, except for the SMS notification option, which can later be disabled.

Cost of service and conditions

For pensioners, the bank offers a special type of plastic card “Pension”. This card is issued and serviced free of charge and is valid for 3 years. The date of receipt of the card is several working days after the date of its issuance.