In what order should you do your manicure? Sequence of applying gel polish at home

Classic or edged manicure is the most common. It is recommended to do a manicure at least once every two weeks. However, it is optimal to do a manicure once a week.

Execution steps

A classic manicure is performed in the following sequence.

Hand examination

When examining hands special attention checks for skin diseases.

Nail polish removal

Removing nail polish with fortified nail polish remover without acetone. Acetone liquid has been replaced by new products based not on acetone, but on its “closest relative” - ethyl acetate - with a similar smell, the same attitude towards varnish, but more gentle on nails. All modern products, as a rule, contain: vitamins (E, F, etc.), a caring component (usually oil) and a perfume composition. Such liquids are great for brittle and dry nails, and they are also the only ones that can be used for artificial nails.

The shape of the nails is selected according to the shape and length of the fingers, taste and appearance. Nippers are used to shorten nails, and files are used to give shape. Very thin nails are shortened with scissors with straight ends. First shorten in length and then in width. The pliers are held with four fingers under the lower lever, and thumb Supported in the middle for stability. In order not to disturb its symmetry when shortening the nail, you need to be guided along the midline nail, drawn from the middle of the hole to the middle of the free edge. It is impossible to navigate along the border of the flesh of the fingertip.

Files with a rough surface are originally intended for processing artificial nails. It is unacceptable to use iron tools! The base for the files should be either rubber or cardboard.

First of all, remember: you need to file only dry nails, wet ones are most vulnerable and can begin to delaminate. The file should move in one direction - ideally - from the tip of the nail to its hole.

Square nails will serve as decoration only for long and thin fingers. In other cases, the classic one is almost always suitable. oval shape. When choosing a shape, do not forget that sharp nails look repulsive.

You can add a mirror-like shine to your nails using a polisher, which is often mistaken for an ordinary nail file. Meanwhile, it has four working surfaces. For convenience, choose a numbered option, that is, one where the polishing sequence is indicated by numbers on each of the faces.

It is necessary to file your nails very carefully, since damage to the skin on the sides of the nail can cause inflammation.

Filing should be done with smooth movements in the direction from the side edge of the nail to the middle.

Baths that soften the cuticle.

Having given the nails a shape, use an orange stick to push back the cuticle, starting from the little finger of the left hand, and immerse it in warm water (with liquid soap, aromatic oils or salt). The right hand is more working and, therefore, rougher, so manicure begins with the left hand. Read various recipes for strengthening, anti-inflammatory, whitening and other nail baths in the Nail Care section.

Removing the cuticle from the nail fold, removing hangnails

The next stage is cutting the cuticle. To do this you will need nippers or special cuticle scissors. Nippers with a spring between the handles are considered a tool for professionals and are more expensive. Cuticle scissors can be straight or rounded - the choice depends on personal preferences. When purchasing, you need to remember that the price of tools depends on the quality of steel. The most expensive tools should not require sharpening (such steel has the property of self-sharpening). Therefore, it is better to choose tools from well-known manufacturers rather than cheap Chinese manicure sets.

Don't forget that the appearance of your nails largely depends on the quality of the tools.

If you nevertheless decide to buy a cheaper tool, then give it the following test: take the wire cutters and look through the blades at the light - they should not let in a single ray (with imported expensive tools this test is practically not needed). Do not attempt to sharpen the blades yourself, as unevenness and small cracks will cause burrs.

When cutting the cuticle, you must ensure that the cut has a smooth line, and in no case “ragged”.

Do not be too zealous: do not cut the cuticle deeply, even if the nails are very “overgrown,” as you can injure the living cells that protect the nail metric. Do not forget that the more you cut, the faster the nail will begin to restore its protection - the cuticle will grow quickly and rougher than usual, as a result of which the nails take on an unkempt appearance.

Finally, a special nourishing oil, or a so-called cuticle softener, is applied to the cuticle. It is applied to the cuticle and rubbed in circular movements with the thumb of the other hand. If you have time, massage each finger at least 3 minutes- blood flow will ensure that the beneficial ingredients penetrate as intended, as a result of which the cuticle will not only become softer, but also slow down its further growth. The applied oil protects your nails by acting as a removed cuticle. It’s good if the oil contains vitamins C, E, F, jojoba oil, tea tree, lemon, sweet almonds, avocado oil and proteins.

To achieve the effect promised on the packaging of the product, it is recommended to use such oils several times a week, preferably before bed. There are products that, with daily use, will stop the cuticle from growing altogether, but only if used daily.

Deburring Procedure It’s quite delicate, but you can certainly handle it yourself:

  1. First, steam your hands well in a warm bath, where you first add a teaspoon of glycerin or a pinch of baking soda, and then wipe them dry with a clean towel.
  2. Now take special nail clippers that look like regular nail clippers with beveled edges and have triangular tips. Disinfect them in an alcohol solution!
  3. When cutting off hangnails, the tweezers should not lie parallel to the skin, like a file, but almost perpendicularly.
  4. It is not advisable to use nail scissors for this purpose, since their ends are very difficult to press tightly to the skin. Therefore, it is almost impossible to remove hangnails at the base of the nail with them.
  5. Under no circumstances pull the hangnail, but carefully bite it with tweezers.
  6. If there are no tears on the nail fold, but the skin is quite rough, simply sand it with a file.
  7. Be sure to treat small cuts and wounds with any disinfectant.


At this stage, nails and instruments are treated with medical alcohol.

  1. Apply base varnish, thanks to it main color it will turn out deeper and smoother; let dry for a few minutes.
  2. Take a bottle of your favorite polish, shake it, dip a brush into it and wipe it on the edge to get rid of excess polish, and at the same time the so-called bubble effect on the surface of the nail.
  3. The method of applying varnish itself is quite simple, but requires strict adherence to consistency in work. First, touch the brush to the middle of the nail and only then gently move it towards the edge. Without lifting the brush from the nail, move it upward to the tip with light pressure.
  4. Is there some polish left on the brush? Great, now carefully paint the sides of the nail. The second layer is applied in the same way.
  5. If you need the polish to dry faster, run your nails under cold running water. Many ladies prefer to use a hairdryer for this purpose, which is generally acceptable, although the varnish fades somewhat.
  6. An ordinary cotton swab moistened with nail polish remover will help you remove random blots in the cuticle area.

As for the shape, they are long almond shaped nails will decorate any intense shades, including dark, noble matte colors. Nails whose surface has grooves or irregularities should not be coated with pearlescent varnish, as the defects will become even more noticeable. But visually lengthen it too much short nails perhaps using light and pearlescent shades.

Do not thin the varnish with acetone. If there is little polish left in the bottle, breathe into it before closing it. Carbon dioxide will displace the air, and the varnish will dry out less.

Classic (edged) manicure: advantages and disadvantages

  • The procedure is simple and quick, but requires honed skill.
  • Classic manicure is the only help if your hands are very neglected.
  • There is a possibility of injury to the cuticle area due to insufficient experience of the specialist.
  • The likelihood of rapid formation of burrs after the procedure is also due to the lack of experience of the master.

Manicure at home is not a difficult ordeal, but quite an easy and pleasant procedure if you know some subtleties and tricks.

Any nail care involves several stages:

  • shaping;
  • removal of cuticles and hangnails;
  • strengthening the nail;
  • varnish coating

Each of them has its own rules, let's look at them in order of execution.

Rule #1

The best shape is oval or square nails. This manicure will look advantageous and neat on any hands. Stilettos on long or thin fingers will look awkward, and those with short or plump fingers should avoid a square shape and opt for an oval shape.

You can give it a shape using nippers or scissors, then finishing it to the desired contour with an abrasive stick.

Rule #2

When starting to file, visually imagine the intended edges. Move the nail file in one direction only: start from the edge (corner) and move towards the center. There is no need to perform multidirectional actions - this spoils the nail plate. Try to keep the tool perpendicular to the nail.

At home, it is most convenient to work with fine-grained files with rounded ends on a cardboard or plastic base. They will carefully and accurately create the shape you need. Coarse and coarse files are used only when working with artificial nails.

Rule #3

Shine and a smooth surface can be achieved using a polisher - a nail file with a “velvet” coating. As a rule, they have 4 different coatings, each following the other during grinding. The sequence is indicated by numbers on its edges. You should not treat your nails with ordinary files, since the effect from them is short-lived or absent altogether.

Proceed with manicure only with dry hands: damp or wet nails are easily injured and deformed. Because of this, both the form and the top layer may suffer.

Rule #4

Removing the cuticle requires preparation: it should be softened and moved to the edge. Anyone can help special remedy(liquids, oils) for the cuticle and a spatula with which it is carefully moved. Before this, you can perform a light peeling: massage the area at the root with a soft brush with soap or glycerin. A warm bath also perfectly softens and prepares the cuticle.

As for the spatula, it is better if it is a tool with a rubber tip. Wooden and metal ones are quite rough and can damage delicate skin. Sometimes simply moving the cuticle is sufficient and does not require further trimming. If this is not your case, then use nail clippers and carefully cut off what is unnecessary.

Do not use a manicure fork; if used incorrectly at home, it will only cause harm.

Rule #5

Deburring is a delicate and responsible procedure, but it can be easily done at home. First, make a bath of hot water with 5 drops olive oil and a pinch of baking soda. 10-12 minutes after steaming, dry your hands and begin removing with tweezers. Pre-treat them with alcohol to avoid infection.

When trimming, do not pull the burr, but carefully bite it off with tweezers. Rough skin along the nail can be removed with a nail file.

Rule #6

You can strengthen your nails in various ways: apply oil, take a paraffin bath, use medicinal varnish. Strengthening products must contain calcium, fruit acids. Strengthening varnish can also act as a base for regular varnish.

Plays an important role in the beauty of nails proper nutrition, which contains vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities. Thus, vitamins A and B are the foundation for nail growth. Iodine is necessary for strength and strength, and silicon and calcium create a healthy and elastic nail plate. In addition, you should add foods rich in sulfur and iron to your diet.

Rule #7

Short but very important. Manicures at home should be done in good lighting. This is often forgotten, but it is the lack of light that can ruin all your efforts when you see the result of your work in sunny weather outside.

Rule #8

Always follow with a base coat before applying color. It performs the function of creating a smooth surface and protects from harmful influences. Thanks to the base coat, the main color goes on evenly and has a more saturated color. Be sure to dry your nails completely before the next step.

Rule #9

Before painting, shake the tube of varnish and wipe the brush on the edge to avoid excess flow. You should start painting from the middle of the nail, smoothly painting and moving towards the edges. Today there are a large number of options for the type of manicure: from simple French to complex drawings and patterns. Color and painting are a matter of taste, choose at your discretion.

Rule #10

All that remains is to correct and correct those “blots” that have gone beyond the edges of the nail. You can do this using cotton swab, previously soaked in nail polish remover, or a special pencil with a solvent on the rod. For quick drying, you can use a stream of cold water or a hairdryer.

The final touch to the manicure is applying moisturizer to your hands. It will make them softer and more delicate, thereby completing a pleasant beauty creation procedure.

Today, salons offer a wide range of manicure techniques - hardware, European, SPA, etc. But the classics remain the most in demand and popular - trimming technology, which can be performed both in a beauty salon and at home.

What is a classic manicure?

Any type of manicure is designed to give your hands and nails a well-groomed look. In order not to get confused in the terminology of such broad methods, it is worth understanding that classic manicure is synonymous with edged manicure. The word “trimming” refers to the removal of the cuticle with a special tool - circumcision.

Among the advantages of trimmed manicure are speed and ease of implementation, a minimal set of devices and tools and, accordingly, lower financial costs. Trim manicure will give a guarantee positive result even in the most advanced cases.

But, despite all this, there are also disadvantages, namely, to perform this type of nail treatment you will need some skill, otherwise you can get injured. To create a high-quality edged manicure at home, at a minimum, you need to watch video tutorials from professionals, or carefully study this issue.

Classic manicure: set of tools with photos

A classic manicure at home requires special tools.

The shoulder blade is a pusher. Some girls completely forget about such a useful tool as a spatula. Or in professional jargon - a pusher. Depending on its purpose, it has different shapes of ends. According to their purpose, pushers are divided into manicure pushers.

The pusher has 2 working surfaces. Most often, one side is made in the form of a spatula, and is intended directly for pushing back the cuticle. An orange stick can perform the same function.

The second part acts as a “scraper” and removes the thin skin that grows on the nail plate (pterygium). In addition, this tool can be used to clean the edges of the nail if it is very dirty.

When choosing, it is best to give preference to products made of medical steel. Of course, there are plastic and wooden specimens, but they are quite brittle, but they are not used in salons at all due to sterilization problems.

Equally important when choosing a tool is its convenience, namely the handles. Plastic and wood are the most preferred in this regard, but metal ones often have serrations on the handle that allow you to hold the pusher in your hand.

It is worth paying attention to the shape of the spatula; the universal model is oval. Square when used can cause inconvenience and even pain.

Nail files. In any case, a manicure cannot be done without a nail file, even if the nails are not natural. With modern abundance various options It’s difficult not to get confused and find the right model.

When choosing this tool, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics: abrasiveness, base and the material itself. The higher the abrasiveness, the finer the spraying roughness, and accordingly the file is softer. This indicator is measured in Grit, and for natural nails, for a standard manicure, files with an abrasiveness of 200 - 300 Grit are quite suitable. Files with high abrasiveness - 900 - 1200 Grit are designed for polishing nails to give them shine.

It is best to give preference to rubber and cardboard based options. Iron files are relics of the past. For those with strong nails, it is quite possible to use sand or sapphire nails. If your nails are brittle and brittle, then it is best to give preference to fine-grained files with a buffer zone.

Nail clippers. What exactly to choose for cuticle removal is the choice of every woman. But as practice shows, most people prefer wire cutters. The modern market for manicure tools offers a wide selection.

As with pushers, it is best to give preference to nippers that are made of medical steel and hand-sharpened. Such tools are the sharpest, which ensures high-quality manicure and prevention of hangnails.

Among the amateurs home manicure The most popular brands of nippers are: Zinger, Stalex, Yoko. Usually, the purchase begins with the Zinger company, but disappointment sets in almost immediately. Nippers from this company do not have enough weight, they are practically not felt in the hand, which makes it quite difficult to treat nails. Moreover, they do not have manual or even diamond sharpening, which significantly affects the quality of the manicure and cutting ability. As a result, the nippers do not bite off the cuticle, but simply tear it off, therefore, after a couple of days, instead of beautiful, well-groomed fingers, a huge number of rather painful hangnails appear.

Companies such as Stalex and Yoko have the most positive reviews. Moreover, even professionals recommend them for home use. The cutters of these companies are sharpened by hand, made of medical steel and have a wide range of models. By choosing the right model that is most convenient, you can forget about sharpening for a long time and enjoy a high-quality manicure for a long time. Stalex and Yoko trim the cuticle rather than pinch it off, so you can achieve a smooth cuticle edge and forget about burrs.

Curettes for manicure. This tool is designed to remove dead skin cells that may accumulate between the cuticle and nail. In general, the range of indications for curettes is quite wide. This tool is a must have for people who are familiar with the problem of ingrown nails.

Externally, this tool is very similar to a dental excavator; by the way, if there is such an opportunity, it is best to use them. The working surface of curettes can be different - in the form of a spoon or a spatula. Can be unilateral or bilateral. Using a curette, it is easy and convenient to remove the dry cuticle that is located along the nail.

Classic manicure technology: sequence with photos

The most important condition for a neat manicure is that your nails should be the same length. Nail clippers or scissors will help achieve this goal. And giving shape is the first thing you need to start a manicure with.

After cutting your nails, if necessary, and giving them shape, you need to finish what you started with a nail file. Important condition- you can only file dry nails, otherwise there is a high probability that they will begin to peel. When filing, the file should be positioned at an angle of 90 degrees, only in this case all layers of the nail will be filed evenly.

Only after treating your nails can you proceed to the 2nd step - baths. This condition is necessary to prepare the cuticle. Thanks to the baths, it absorbs moisture and softens. If time is limited, you can use a special liquid for removing cuticles, which will literally soften the skin in a matter of minutes and there will be no need to steam your nails.

Nail baths can be made with sea ​​salt, regular soap, essential oils and many others ingredients you like. As a container for the procedure, you can use special manicure devices or the dishes that you can find at home. The water for baths should be warm and pleasant; it is best if it is at body temperature 36 - 37 degrees. The next stage is to push back the cuticles. For this you can use a pusher or orange sticks. This manipulation must be performed as carefully as possible, trying not to put pressure in the area of ​​the nail root. We must not forget about the cuticle at the side ridges. When moving it away, it is necessary that the spatula lies on the nail plate.

Then you can proceed directly to cutting the cuticle. At this stage you need to be especially careful, because this stage is quite traumatic. It is better to start trimming the manicure on the left hand on the left, on the right hand, respectively, on the right. And gradually move along the perimeter, not forgetting about processing the side rollers.

Exactly what movements to perform the work is a matter of skill. Professionals can trim the cuticle in one motion, but at home you can remove it in small pieces. The most important thing is to trim the cuticle, and not pinch it off, much less tear it off.

Classic manicure: video

Despite the fact that trim manicure is the most complex in technique, it is the most common and effective, suitable for use on nails in any condition. It requires not only certain skills, but also a mandatory set of tools. After classic nail treatment, you can proceed directly to coating them with varnish.

This season, the most contrasting trends coexist peacefully in manicure fashion. Choose what suits you best. Prompts master of manicure and pedicure in Moscow beauty salon"Sphere" by Ada CHUGAEV.

Hands are always visible. To keep them in good condition, they should be given attention. Once a week is enough.
To do your own manicure you will need:
1. Small scissors if your nails are soft, or clippers if your nails are strong.
2. Miniature nail clippers.
3. Wooden stick: flat on one side and sharp on the other.
4. Files.
5. Nail brushes.

First stage. Using scissors or clippers, give your nails the desired length and shape. Then file your nails with a nail file. Do not forget that nails are always filed in one direction - from the sides to the middle. The file is at a right angle to the nail. Corners should not be filed deeply.

When giving your nails a shape, remember some small optical tricks: rectangular nails should not be too long, and their tips should be slightly rounded; triangular nails with a wide base are filed oval; It is advisable to file long nail plates shorter.

Second stage. To soften the cuticle at the base of the nail, immerse your fingertips in warm soapy water for about three minutes. Before the “water procedure”, you can lubricate the bases of the nails with mild liquid soap or a special “Cuticle Remover” liquid.

Third stage. Blot the softened nail skin dry and gently move it down with a wooden stick. Remove excess skin with sharp tweezers or cut off with curved nail scissors.

Fourth stage. Rinse your nails with a brush under running water. This procedure will clean the nails and remove any remaining nail skin. In addition, it is an excellent massage that strengthens the nails and provides them with good blood circulation.

Fifth stage. Often, nails that are constantly coated with varnish change their natural color. To “whiten,” press your nails into the pulp of half a lemon. After 3-5 minutes, rinse your hands with water.

Sixth stage. Soak your nails in cream or oil. Rub with the pad of your thumb in small circular motions, starting from the root of the nail to its tip. Now your nails are ready to decorate them with polish. Check to see if there is any greasy film left on the nail plates. To make sure of this, “walk” over your nails with a cotton swab moistened with nail polish remover.

Which color should I choose? When choosing a varnish, you should take into account not only your taste and color preferences, but also the color of your hand skin. All warm colors are suitable for dark skin: orange, copper, burgundy. The tenderness of pinkish skin will be set off by pink colors of all shades and coral-reddish varnish. For pale “olive” skin, matte shades of white, pink and red are preferable.

The most durable varnish is at least three layers. Moreover, the very first one - the base - must initially dry completely. Base varnish protects nails from yellowing, so it is extremely necessary when using dark and bright varnishes. In addition, the base “smoothes out” the roughness of the nail plates, making it easier uniform distribution colored varnish.

Colored varnish, applied in one or two layers, is covered with a top protective varnish. It is transparent and protects colored varnish from fading and peeling. Close all bottles carefully immediately after use. While the varnish is open, the solvent evaporates and the varnish thickens.

The edges of wide rectangular nails should be left colorless, covering only the middle with colored varnish. The wide base of the nail is also not completely painted over. Nails with a small surface should be grown longer and painted over completely. Dark and bright varnishes are contraindicated for such nails.

“Fun, catchy, unusual” is the motto of current fashion. The aesthetics of nail decorations are gradually returning to smooth, monochromatic nails in a wide variety of colors and shades, with the possible exception of matte white.

Multi-colored nails have noticeably lost their position. They remained only a sign youth fashion. Multi-colored nails are no longer relevant for “adult women” who have crossed the line of twenty-five years.

While nail decorations remain fashionable: feathers, stones, pictures. Designs on nails are applied with colored varnishes or special paints using the thinnest brushes or pointed wooden sticks such as toothpicks. At home, it is more convenient to use nail stickers, which are glued to the nails according to the instructions. Painted nails at work, or even more so during business negotiations, are considered a sign of bad taste. But for festive evenings or for visiting, they are great.

For a night out, paint your nails with two coats of silver or midnight blue polish; draw abstract pictures with black or silver varnish - stars, Christmas trees, crescents; Cover painted nails with clear or glitter polish. For a daytime feast in sunny weather, use flower motifs: tulips, forget-me-nots, leaves, sunflowers. These designs are best applied to a background of yellow varnish.

If you are going to a formal reception, then a blue and white landscape will do. Cover the base of the nail with white polish, the middle with blue, and the tip with blue. Place a toothpick on the borders of the color stripes and, using circular movements, “mix” the not yet dry varnish in the form of waves-curls. Glue stones or apply silver glitter dots onto two or three nail plates. You can add black stars or boats. Cover the entire composition with clear varnish.

For fun youth parties, a theater or a nightclub, you should sprinkle your nails with sparkling glitter and stick a feather on one nail of each hand. They are glued as follows: a feather is carefully placed on the wet second layer of varnish and held until dry. Then glitter is applied to the nail and clear varnish. Don’t forget - nails with feathers cannot be wet, otherwise your hands will take on a “shabby” appearance. In conclusion, I note that the eternal classic is still considered the shape of the nails, when they slightly protrude beyond the fingertips, in a soft oval or square shape. This elegant nail shape and average length comfortable, beautiful and sophisticated.

Don't get carried away with polishing your nail plates with buffs - polishing files that smooth the surface of your nails and give them shine. Their frequent and excessive use thins the nail plates.

"Women's Health"

Most women use two methods of hand care, performing trimmed and untrimmed manicures. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. The hot manicure technique is the golden mean of popular procedures.

The essence of technology

Modern method comprehensive care for fingers was developed based on old recipes for combating various diseases of the skin and nails, used by our grandmothers. Its essence lies in treating the hands with a heated lotion prepared from healing herbal ingredients. In salons, masters use special ready-made products, which are also made from substances of natural origin.

The advantage of hot manicure is the simplicity of the technique and a minimal set of tools for the procedure. Due to its effectiveness and accessibility, this method of caring for fingers has been mastered by many women at home.

What effect does a hot manicure provide?

Treating the skin of your hands with heated lotion has a beneficial effect on your nails, enriching them with nutrients. The nail structure is severely damaged after repeated shellac coating, which has become popular recently. The use of removers and other aggressive agents, as well as the procedure for nail extensions, provoke thinning of the plates and brittleness. The active components of the lotion help to restore and strengthen the nails and eliminate surface roughness. The antiseptic and wound-healing substances included in the composition help eliminate microcracks and wounds.

The nourishing components of the lotion perfectly moisturize the skin, relieve inflammation and swelling. Periodic procedures create reliable protection female hands V winter time and hot weather.

Who is a hot manicure suitable for?

The gentle hand cleaning technique is ideal in the following cases:

When the vessels are close to the layers of the epidermis;

As a restorative procedure after nail extensions;

If there are microcracks and inflammation in the cuticle area;

When the plates became thinner, they began to peel off;

If hangnails appear too quickly after the next removal;

Children for whom European and classical technique manicure


There are no significant restrictions on the hot manicure procedure. However, you should avoid using heated lotion if there are open wounds and burns on the skin. Before treating your hands, you need to study the components of the composition to exclude an allergic reaction.

The natural origin of active ingredients and the gentle effect on the skin make it possible to use hot manicure even for little fashionistas.

How the procedure is carried out in salons

It is always more pleasant to carry out the procedure in a salon, because the process is completely controlled by the master. After examining the nails and skin of the hands, the professional outlines a work plan taking into account the identified characteristics of the client.

Gentle cuticle trimming;

Removing residues of the working composition from hands (use dry and wet wipes);

Coating of plates with protective varnish (at the client’s request).

After one procedure, you can evaluate the effectiveness of the hot method. The skin becomes velvety, and when touched you feel the tenderness and smoothness of your hands. One of the significant advantages of manicure is a simple method of removing cuticles, which eliminates damage to blood vessels and skin.

Hot manicure at home

Expensive salon procedures and a lack of free time force many women to learn new manicure techniques at home. The hot method is no exception. The following recommendations will help you get the job done efficiently:

For the convenience of performing a manicure, it is suggested to clear the table, cover it with a napkin, and lay out everything necessary tools and materials;

Treat hands with disinfectant;

Give nail plates desired shape and length;

For the procedure, you can use a ready-made lotion, purchased in a specialized store, and prepared with your own hands. The recipe is simple: in a glass or ceramic container, mix olive oil (150 ml), glycerin (10 mg), Vitamins A and E (5 drops each), freshly squeezed lemon juice (20 ml). It is better to prepare the product before the procedure itself. If stored for a long time, the lotion loses its healing properties.