Maximum waist size for women. How to measure your hips

Very often women are faced with the problem: how to measure hip volume? It would seem that there is nothing complicated about this. But in order to order clothes online or monitor your figure, accurate measurements are necessary. In order to get them, you need to know a few simple rules.

In order to measure your hip volume correctly and accurately, make sure you have on hand:

  • measuring tape
  • mirror
  • notepad and pen

We measure the volume of the hips

  • Step 1. First of all, you need to remove all bulky or tight clothing from your hips. Ideally, you should not be wearing any clothes. This way you can make the most accurate measurements.
  • Step 2. To correctly measure body volumes, you need to relax and breathe evenly. Stand straight, without slouching or arching your back. Look at yourself in the mirror to make sure your posture is correct.
  • Step 3: Now take a measuring tape and wrap it around your thighs. This should be done along the line where the most convex places on the buttocks and sides are located. The tape should not dig into the body or hang down. Place it parallel to the floor and look at the divisions. Instead of measuring tape, you can wrap a string around your hips and then apply it to the ruler.
  • Step 4. Write down the result in a notebook so as not to forget. This is your exact hip size.

Many women and men do not know how to measure volumes correctly. With these simple steps you can find out your real hip size at any time.

Professional dressmakers know: taking correct measurements of a woman’s figure is already a successful start to work. But in life we ​​all have to do this on our own. Some to order clothes online, others to control their weight loss, and others to participate in modeling castings. The most difficult thing to measure is the hips. How can you accurately determine their girth? What should you consider in measurement? How does this indicator relate to clothing sizes? Let's answer these questions.

So, before you start measuring the circumference of your hips, decide what you need it for. If you intend to buy and wear trousers, a skirt, a dress of a tight-fitting model with a certain underwear, for example, with a tightening effect, then measurements must be taken in this particular underwear. You should know that it makes it possible to reduce the size of the waist and hips from one to three centimeters. When you need to know exactly your parameters for casting, then the measurement must be carried out in ordinary underwear, removing the tights.

Measurements are taken using a measuring tape, grasping the most protruding points of the buttocks. There is no need to tighten the tape or press it to the body. The measurement should be free.

Many women make unforgivable mistakes when measuring the circumference of their hips using the area of ​​protruding bones or “breeches.” This is not the right way measurements.

If you have a protruding belly (this is not uncommon), then this feature of your figure should be taken into account when measuring. This is usually done using a flexible plate that is applied to the abdomen and down to the thighs. It is important to take into account the protrusion of the abdomen for those women who are going to purchase a dress, jumpsuit - clothing of a one-piece design.

For design purposes of making clothes, the resulting figure for the circumference of your hips is designated as OB, for example, OB 89. Sometimes this figure is expressed in half the size - half hip circumference, PoB. In this case, the same measurement result is expressed as PoB45, that is, with a rounding in the direction of increasing.

If you plan to purchase imported clothing, it is possible that you will have to convert the measurement to another measure of length. For example, for American clothes local manufacturers often express its parameters in inches. Then you need to take into account that 2.54 centimeters fit in one inch. It is worth using the following measurement analogues: 1 mm equals 0.0397 inches, a centimeter equals 0.397 inches, one meter equals 39.37 inches.

When written, inches are indicated as an apostrophe at the end of the number, for example, 39.37’.

If you don’t have a measuring tape at hand, then if you need to measure the circumference of your hips, you need to measure with a rope, tape, or thread. Just grab your hips with such a measuring device along the most protruding points of the buttocks, and accurately mark the place on it that corresponds to your measurement. Next, attach this tape or rope to a tape measure or wooden meter and find out the numerical expression of the circumference of your hips.

Please note that when taking measurements you need to stand without tension, while your legs should be straightened, without bending one of them.

If you're going to use your hip measurement to buy clothes online, then you'll need to take these correspondences into account. A hip circumference of 84-88 centimeters corresponds to clothing size 40, 88-92 - 42, 92-96 - 44, 96-100 - 46, 100-104 - 48.

There may be a need to convert these sizes to international ones. Then you should know that our size 40 is designated as XS, 42 as S, 44-46 - M, 46-48 - L, 48-50 - XL.

Other matches have european sizes. So, 40 is 34, 42 is 36, 44 is 38, 46 is 40.

So, the accuracy of hip measurement allows you to be sure that the item will suit you. But if it doesn’t work or you simply don’t like it, take the opportunity to exchange it or send it back to the customer. It's your right.

How to do it rightmeasureweight.

Let's figure out how to do it right measure weight,

and also measure height, Solovyov index, waist size, hip size, determine body type and other important parameters for every person losing weight.

If you want to lose weight or simply control your weight, know that a lot depends on how correctly you measure your weight. As well as some other, besides weight, important anthropometric measurements.

To calculate your ideal weight and determine overweight, we need to know not only our real, current weight, but also exact height, sometimes - age, waist size, hip size and body type.

For all these measurements we will need the following correctly adjusted and tested instruments: scales, usually floor scales (measurement range 20-160 kg) and a measuring tape. That's enough.

How to measure weight.

And now - in detail about how to correctly measure weight.

Weight measurement(weighing) is carried out at bathroom scales. It is better to take electronic scales; the measurement error of the scales should be no more than +/-50 g. For any weight measurement and to determine the ideal weight, use the results of the same scales, then the calculations will be the most reliable.

To measure weight, stand with your feet in the middle of the scale, without touching walls or adjacent objects, and do not move for 5-10 seconds. Wait for the numbers to appear on the scale display - now you know your real, current weight.

Weight, unlike height, is a more variable indicator and can fluctuate even throughout the day depending on many factors. Daily weight fluctuations can be up to 1.5-2 kg.

To eliminate as much as possible possible average daily weight fluctuations, all weight measurements are taken in the first half of the day, exclusively BEFORE eating and drinking, on an empty stomach, and after visiting the toilet. Best of all - at the same time, before breakfast. You should be as undressed as possible - this is ideal, but underwear or light clothing quite acceptable in winter.

Although you can gain weight in just 1 day - for example, immediately after a feast, step on the scales and see how many kilograms you have eaten. Unfortunately, when losing weight, it’s the other way around—stable weight loss can take hold only after 2-3 days.

How to measure your waist.

To measure waist size, you need a flexible measuring tape, preferably made of a hard material that is not subject to stretching. It’s better not to take a cloth or oilcloth centimeter - there are “craftsmen” who can stretch the tape an extra 2-3 cm, or even more.

Correctly measure your waist - without clothes or in light underwear, so that the measurement is carried out on the skin.

Measure your waist at the narrowest point on your stomach. Unfortunately, if the excess weight is significant, then it can be difficult to measure the waist “by eye”; then the waist volume is measured in the middle between the edges of the costal arch and the crests of the iliac bones (the highest point of the pelvic bones).

To measure your waist, you need to stand straight, relax your stomach and let your arms hang freely along your body. The measuring tape itself must be positioned strictly horizontally, without tension.

The resulting dimensions are noted at the end of normal exhalation.

Try to measure correctly! Remember, be honest and careful when measuring your waist - this is a very important parameter for losing weight, here every centimeter is of great importance.

How to correctly measure thigh volume.

To determine your hip size, the measurement rules are the same as when measuring your waist.

I will briefly repeat: to determine the size of your hips, stand straight, heels together, buttocks and legs relaxed, arms at your sides.

Place the measuring tape strictly horizontally, without tension, around the hips at the level of the most protruding part of the buttocks and measure the hips. The volume of the hips should be measured without clothes.

How to measure height correctly.

Since a person’s height gradually changes with age, one should measure one’s height every 5-10 years. If you use height data from 20 years ago to calculate excess weight, you may calculate incorrectly due to changes in height over this period. To avoid this, you need to correctly measure your height again before losing weight. To accurately measure your height, you need not an oilcloth meter, but a “construction meter” - with a rigid measuring tape made of hard metal that cannot stretch. You will also need an assistant. Correctly measure height in a room with room temperature: +18...+26 C. Measure height in the morning, because in the afternoon a person’s height may decrease due to the vertical position of the body and the load on the spine - the vertebrae are several " “sag” and by the evening the height value changes by 2-3 cm less than it was in the morning. And during sleep in a horizontal position, the muscles and ligaments of the spine relax and return to normal, so it is correct to measure height in the morning after sleep.

To measure your height, follow these steps:

Stand up straight with your back against a flat wall.

Legs are straightened, knees and heels are closed together. There should be no shoes on your feet; it is better to be barefoot or wear thin socks.

Place your arms along your body, shoulders back, back straight.

Raise your head parallel to the ground: so that the lower jaw is directed horizontally along the floor line, look straight ahead.

The heels, protruding parts of the buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of the head should touch the wall.

When you have taken the desired position, the assistant places a flat board or book on the top point of the head (crown), “squeezing” the hair - it can add 1-2 cm to the height value.

Then a pencil mark is placed on the wall against which your back is leaning, at the level of the bottom edge of the measuring board. Measure the distance from this mark to the floor level with a centimeter - and you will get your exact height.

How to determine your body type. Solovyov index.

To determine your ideal weight, in some cases you will need to know your body type (body type). This can be done “by eye”, but the correct way is to measure the Solovyov index and use it to determine your body type.

Solovyov index - this is the diameter of your wrist in centimeters, it is determined by measuring the length of the wrist circumference on the working hand (usually on the right hand). Since the Solovyov index is an approximate indicator that allows you to judge the thickness of the bones of the skeleton, based on your Solovyov index value you can determine your body type.

Conventionally, there are three types of figures:

1. Asthenic body type (“thin bone”).

External features of the figure: the longitudinal dimensions of the body prevail over the transverse ones: long and thin limbs, neck, chest, thin bones; relatively weak development of muscle tissue.

Rib angle: acute, that is, less than 90 degrees;

Solovyov index: for women = less than 15 cm, for men = less than 18 cm.

2. Normosthenic body type

External features of the figure: proportional build, average development of muscle tissue, all transverse dimensions are proportional to the longitudinal ones.

Rib angle: straight, that is, equal to 90 degrees;

Solovyov index: for women = 15-17, for men = 18-20 cm.

3. Hypersthenic body type (“wide bone”)

External signs of the figure: the transverse dimensions of the body prevail over the longitudinal ones: short and powerful limbs, chest, neck, massive bones; relatively high development of muscle tissue.

Costal angle: obtuse, that is, more than 90 degrees;

Solovyov index: for women = more than 17 cm, for men = more than 20 centimeters.

Now we know how to correctly measure weight, as well as measure height, Solovyov index, waist and hips, and determine body type.

This means that we can now correctly determine:

Or simply calculate your body mass index.