Technique and basic rules of playing volleyball. The influence and benefits of team sports on the body Volleyball has a positive effect on

Not everyone likes team sports. But those who love are devoted to them with all their souls. Even today you can meet like-minded people who gather to play football, volleyball or hockey together. Game sports, in addition to the charge of positive emotions, have great benefits for the body. Let's find out which one.

General benefits for the body

If you do not consider any specific team sport, but look in general, then such physical activity is useful because it includes a variety of activities. Almost all muscle groups are included. Team sports usually involve running, jumping, stretching and other activities. Excess calories are burned, the body's endurance increases, and the condition of the cardiovascular system and ligamentous apparatus improves.

Sports games also have a very positive effect on the muscles and general tone of the body.
Team sports, despite the high risk of injury, have a complex effect on the entire body. If you want to look good and feel good, choose a team sport.

Benefits for character

Such sport also affects our spirit in the most positive way. Character is formed, the will to win, the ability to interact in a team, and accept failures correctly.
Also, a game sport develops an analytical mindset, teaches you to plan your actions and analyze mistakes.

Let's look at how the most popular team sports affect the body.

The benefits of football

Men especially love this ball game. But there are also women who don’t mind kicking the ball around the field. For example, I really loved such physical education classes at school. Why football is good for your health:

  • Has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Speeds up metabolism.
  • It has a general healing effect on the body.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system.
  • Improves endurance and agility, coordination of movements.
  • All muscles are involved in the training.
  • Excellent prevention of depression.
  • Suitable for combating excess weight.
Also, football is a team game, so it has a positive effect on character.

The benefits of basketball

Such training is also no less beneficial for the body than football. Almost all muscles are also involved, coordination, agility, and endurance improve.

The heart, lungs and blood vessels will be happy with such training. Peripheral vision improves when playing basketball, the body is in good shape, and a person trains to use his strength wisely.

Playing basketball has the best effect on the musculoskeletal system. If your goal is to lose excess weight, take a closer look at basketball. During one game, a person runs an average of 7 km, and due to the combined load, calorie burning is very effective.

Before training, do not forget to warm up well and warm up your muscles and ligaments to avoid injuries.

The benefits of volleyball

When playing volleyball, you need to be especially careful not to injure your knees and fingers. Therefore, when practicing seriously, it is advisable to take care of special protection and learn techniques that will help avoid mistakes and injuries.
Volleyball is a fairly dynamic game and requires constant concentration. What are the benefits of such training for the body?

  • Improves coordination and accuracy of movements.
  • Increases muscle strength and endurance.
  • The cardiovascular and respiratory systems are strengthened.
  • The oxygen supply to the body improves.
  • There is a complex effect on muscles and joints.
  • It has a positive effect on vision and trains the eye muscles.
  • Volleyball is an excellent prevention of depression.
  • Improves dexterity and flexibility of the body.
Volleyball, like any other team game, develops personal qualities, teaches you to work in a team, and builds will.

These are not all team sports. Among all the variety, you can choose a workout to your liking. Where can an adult exercise? Try asking friends or social networks. For example, in our city it is easy to find teams where amateurs play football. Some sports centers have sections for adults. And in the courtyards they still sometimes play volleyball or basketball in the warm season. The main thing is to take the initiative.

A volleyball net, for example, is inexpensive. But by gathering a backyard team of sports enthusiasts, you can easily solve the problem of “where to play volleyball.” Don't be afraid to make your dreams come true!

Do you like team sports?

Volleyball in our country is one of the most popular means of physical education. A large selection of physical exercises and methods of their application, which make up the content of volleyball, allows you to purposefully influence the development of all basic functions of the body, depending on the motor capabilities of those who engage in it. The wide range of volleyball means and methods makes it accessible to people of all ages, activities and physical fitness.

With the help of volleyball, the problems of harmonious physical development are most successfully solved, since it has at its disposal a wide variety of exercises that have a beneficial effect on various parts of the musculoskeletal system, on all muscle groups of a person.

Volleyball classes at school contribute to: the formation of motor function; comprehensive harmonious development of the motor system and all body systems; nurturing a conscious attitude towards physical exercise, the formation of a healthy personality. In addition to the main tasks provided for by physical education, volleyball develops such physical qualities as agility, strength, speed, endurance, flexibility; form correct posture, cultivate perseverance, courage, and willpower. The listed tasks are specified depending on the age of the students, their physical condition, health and level of physical fitness.

Particular attention should be paid to solving problems that contribute to the formation of skills to manage one’s functions.

The motor function of children and adolescents is manifested through motor activity associated with the motor act and the stock of conditioned reflex connections. The greater the stock of conditioned reflex connections a person has, the easier and faster it is to form new forms of movements, the more successfully she controls them in the external environment.

The ability to control your movements and perform them in accordance with your needs is formed only in the process of special training with the help of specially selected physical exercises. It should be taken into account that the most important thing in training is the ability to evaluate your movements in time, space and the degree of muscle tension.

Every conscious work requires a serious sense of space and time and the ability to cope with this relationship, not theoretically, but in practice. Volleyball lessons are used to develop such skills. Urgent flow information about time, space and the degree of muscle effort in the process of motor activity allows students to learn to differentiate the sensations received by different values, which is important for controlling movements and expanding their motor capabilities.

Conscious control of motor activity is closely related to the development of sensory organs, especially muscle sensations. Perceptions of the external world pass through the senses. The less developed the organs of hearing, vision and other senses are, the more limited human activity is and the less developed it is. Children who have mastered their movements in space, time and force successfully cope with various motor actions, in contrast to those children who have not learned this. Their activity is more active, they are able to compare, identify similarities and differences between different motor acts. If, when learning motor actions, the ability to control one’s movements does not develop, then the motor capabilities of children are limited: the identification of their creative abilities in motor activity is narrowed, and the motor ability to improvise movements becomes more complicated. Motor maturity does not come alone with age - it develops in close relationship with the environment and the mode of motor activity of children.

As a means of physical education, the game of volleyball is very effective and rightfully occupies one of the leading places in the system of physical education of the population of our country.

All movements in volleyball are natural, based on running, jumping, and throwing. Modern medical, biological and sociological studies have shown that systematic volleyball training causes significant morphofunctional changes in the activity of analyzers, the musculoskeletal system and internal organs and systems. In particular, the ability of the neuromuscular system to quickly tense and relax muscles increases; metabolism, circulatory and respiratory function improves. The effectiveness of playing volleyball for correcting posture has been substantiated.

During the game of volleyball, favorable opportunities are created for the manifestation of ingenuity, dexterity, strength, speed, endurance, strong-willed qualities, mutual assistance and other qualities and personality traits. Taking into account all the advantages of volleyball, simplicity, emotionality, positive impact on health and the development of personality traits, it was included in physical education programs in primary, secondary and higher vocational education institutions.

At what age should you start exercising?

Typically, enrollment in volleyball groups for both boys and girls starts at the age of 10-11. If you are a little late and your child has reached the age of 12-14 years, it doesn’t matter: feel free to take him to the section.

But it is advisable to first go through gymnastics, swimming, football, athletics or other sports in order to come to the volleyball section already physically developed. After all, quite often young volleyball players lack basic functional training.

And coaches are more willing to work with boys and girls who have already developed coordination, endurance and other qualities of a novice athlete at first.

How to recognize talent specifically for volleyball

Coaches usually pay attention to the height of parents. This will most likely tell the mentor how tall the mentee will be.

Talent cannot always be recognized from the first lessons. A quality such as jumping ability can be trained, but only to a certain limit, that is, natural talent is also required, which can be revealed during training. The same applies to coordination and intelligence.

There is no big difference in the education of boys and girls. Girls are more flexible and learnable. Boys are more jumping, they play more at the net - blocking and attacking, their shots are more powerful. Girls are more inclined to defend, to play on the floor. But the principles of training are approximately the same.

5 facts from the history of volleyball

The famous volleyball player Alexander Savin became interested in this sport only in the eighth grade. But this did not stop him from achieving great success and being included in the US Volleyball Hall of Fame.

Volleyball originated in 1895 in the United States at a YMCA college. Physical education teacher William Morgan challenged students to throw a ball over a tennis net.

The record attendance for a volleyball match was set in 1983. More than one hundred thousand spectators attended the Brazil-USSR game, which took place at the Maracanã football stadium.

Athletes hit the ball with enormous force. After being hit by a professional volleyball player, the speed of the ball can exceed 130 kilometers per hour.

Where are future volleyball players trained?

Schools "Victoria" /teams/dynamo4/

Volleyball sections by district:

B. Kharitonyevsky lane, 22/1, Sports School No. 21, tel. 8 (495) 625‑31‑48

St. Chaplygina, 9, school No. 613, tel. 8‑916-097-74‑77

Prospect 1st Maryina Roshcha, 3A, tel. 8 (495) 631‑13‑76

Chapaevsky lane, 6, school No. 1249, tel. 8 (495) 157‑07‑04

St. Flotskaya, 11, school No. 648, tel. 8 (495) 453‑01‑75

St. Alabyan, 13, Sports School No. 73, tel. 8 (499) 195‑98‑43


St. Novoalekseevskaya, 6, school No. 308, tel. 8 (495) 633‑63‑86

St. Menzhinsky, 30, school No. 757, tel. 8 (499) 184‑03‑65

St. Novgorodskaya, 24, building 1, school No. 219, tel. 8 (499) 200‑01‑60

St.  B. Cherkizovskaya, 26A, school No. 650, tel. 8 (499) 168‑81‑19

St. Lechebnaya, 20, school No. 1362, tel. 8 (499) 166‑98‑95

St. Pervomaiskaya, 78, gymnasium No. 1508, tel. 8 (495) 465‑04‑45


St. Krasnokazarmennaya, 11, school No. 417, tel. 8 (495) 361‑40‑65

St. Krasnodarskaya, 2, school No. 1148, tel. 8 (499) 722‑02‑93

St. Guryanova, 71, school No. 1041, tel. 8 (499) 722‑42‑10

St. Paromnaya, 5/3, school No. 998, tel. 8 (495) 340‑24‑69

Nagatinskaya embankment, 56, school No. 1750, tel. 8 (499) 614‑76‑21

St. Chertanovskaya, 44A, school No. 880, tel. 8 (495) 313‑20‑71

South-Western Administrative District

Universitetsky pr., 3, school no. 26, tel. 8 (495) 651‑27‑45

St. Vinokurova, 19, school No. 520, tel. 8 (499) 122‑55‑21

St. Krupskoy, 17, school No. 7, tel. 8 (499) 783‑84‑23


St. Katukova, 21, building 2, gymnasium No. 1519, tel. 8 (495) 757‑79‑58

St. Planernaya, 5, building 2, school No. 883, tel. 8 (495) 949‑04‑10

St. Mnevniki, 7, building 5, school No. 1010, tel. 8 (499) 197‑61‑04

Osenniy Boulevard, 10, building 3, school No. 1440, tel. 8 (495) 415‑36‑22

Rublevskoe sh., 24, building 3, gymnasium No. 1584, tel. 8 (499) 727‑55‑32

Mozhaiskoe highway, 38, building 7, school No. 1400, tel. 8 (495) 446‑57-83


Coaches in any situation are hostages of the result. They are forced to conduct a selection process so that the most promising guys get into their groups.

At any age, a coach can tell his student that he is unpromising. Or the student himself realizes this and leaves, seeing that he is less and less assigned to important matches.

But at the same time, there are not so many very talented and universally prepared players, especially in children's teams.

In addition, volleyball is a team game: not only geniuses are important in it, but also the so-called workhorses. And cases when a boy or girl is eliminated at first are extremely rare. Well, then everything will depend on the desire, hard work and talent of your child.

Expected expenses

Classes in most children's volleyball sections are held free of charge - for both boys and girls.

Uniform costs: T-shirt 500 rubles, shorts 300 rubles, sneakers 3,000 rubles, tracksuit 2,000 rubles. True, since the young volleyball player is growing quickly, he will not have enough form for more than a season.

When an athlete reaches 13-14 years of age, parents have to participate in financing the team's travel. Often this has to be done even when these costs are included in the school budget. The fact is that government standards often lag behind real prices for travel, hotel and food. But there are no fixed amounts here - it all depends on the location of the away tournaments.

Career Length

Russian volleyball player Irina Kirillova, at the age of 45, was one of the best players in the country. And performing at a high level before age 40 is not that uncommon in volleyball.

The level of medical support for teams has improved in recent years, which allows for an increase in sports performance in both men's and women's volleyball.

In addition, volleyball is not a contact sport, so unlike football or hockey, older athletes are much more likely to be found here.


World volleyball stars, many of whom play in Russia, have contracts of more than a million dollars a year. Moreover, there are more millionaires among men than among women.

In general, players of the Russian Super League, even without being stars, receive quite decent salaries: from 100 thousand rubles per month and above. TO

In addition, a student volleyball system has already begun to take shape, with universities interested in recruiting promising athletes for their competitions. They even invite those who, due to their level of play, could not sign a professional contract.

Why is it useful?

In addition to physical improvement, a young volleyball player develops thinking, the ability to position himself in a team and other important social qualities. However, this applies to any team sport, where it is almost impossible to achieve results alone, without the help of partners.

It is also worth noting that, having learned to play volleyball, your child can always become the life of the party on the same beaches during vacation.

Typical injuries and their prevention

In tall people, as a rule, the most problematic area is usually the spine and knee ligaments. And from a young age, if you send a boy or girl to volleyball, it is very important to build a muscle corset around the spine. Due to insufficient coordination and insufficiently strong ligaments, tall children often experience ankle sprains when landing poorly.

Other acute injuries are also typical - sprain of the capsular-ligamentous apparatus of the knee joint, damage to the menisci. These problems can be called methodological: damage occurs when strengthening muscles and ligaments was not given enough attention during training.

If a sprain occurs in any joint - from the ankle to the fingers, it is necessary to endure the full period of treatment and rehabilitation, which for serious injuries can be up to six months.

It is dangerous to force a return to the training process in such cases, because in 90 percent of such cases the injuries are repeated. Even adult athletes often have weak points - these are sprains that were not properly healed at school age. By the way, as for injuries to the fingers, these troubles happen less often at a younger age.

In children's volleyball, there is no big difference between boys and girls in the specifics of diseases and injuries. When planning a training load, you only need to take into account the fact that girls physiologically become adults two to three years earlier than boys.

It can sometimes be scary for a beginner in volleyball to watch how tall people, jumping for the ball, fall onto the hard floor. But this apparent danger is exaggerated. Volleyball players, like wrestlers, are taught by coaches from their early years how to fall correctly. In fact, the tallest volleyball players on the team - the center and blockers - fall the least often.

This role goes to the lowest ones - liberos and finishers. They are the best at acrobatics, and knee pads protect weak points from damage.

All young athletes should keep a daily journal. Write down all the smallest details, down to what food and sleep you had.

Volleyball is a team sport, and dozens of people may pass through one locker room throughout the day. In modern sports complexes, at the exit from the shower, there are baths with a special solution that protects against foot fungus. But don’t forget all the necessary hygiene products yourself.

The publication was published with the financial support of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications.

Volleyball is one of the most popular and accessible mass sports. In order to play volleyball, large financial expenditures and serious physical training are not required. A ball, a suitable area and a few people willing to play - that's all you need to have fun and usefully spend time. In the absence of a special volleyball court with a net, you can simply play standing in a circle, as is done in the summer on many beaches in our country. Volleyball is characterized by a wide variety of game situations, the need to quickly respond to them, numerous jumping games, and constant variability in the intensity of physical and emotional stress. All this has a positive effect on the human body and promotes health and longevity. At the same time, volleyball is a traumatic sport, so before starting the game it is necessary to warm up, and the intensity and duration of the game should depend on the age, physical condition and individual characteristics of the person.

Benefits of volleyball:

  • Regular play of volleyball has a hardening effect on the body and increases the body's endurance.
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system and improves blood circulation.
  • Positively affects the respiratory system.
  • The variety of movements and variable intensity of the load when playing volleyball trains almost all muscle groups.
  • Volleyball strengthens the musculoskeletal system and improves joint mobility.
  • Trains the eye muscles, expands the field of vision.
  • Volleyball has a positive effect on the nervous system, improves mood, and helps fight stress and depression.
  • Volleyball trains agility, precision of movements, mobility and flexibility.
  • Volleyball classes develop in children and adults such qualities as hard work, courage, perseverance, perseverance, discipline and the ability to quickly respond to changing situations.
  • They help a person overcome complexes, relax, and find a common language with peers and people of different generations.
  • Volleyball and other team sports foster a sense of responsibility to the team, the ability to work in a team and trust others.
  • Develop the habit of regularly exercising and exercising.

The benefits of volleyball for children: The above effects of volleyball also apply to the effect on the child’s body. In addition, this game teaches the necessary motor skills, develops moral and volitional qualities, and promotes the correct physical and psychological development of the child.

Contraindications for playing volleyball: Volleyball, as well as volleyball, is contraindicated for people with various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, and gastrointestinal tract. If you have such ailments or other serious illnesses, be sure to consult your doctor before playing volleyball.

Have fun playing sports and be healthy!

In case of dizziness and darkening of the eyes, it is necessary to slow down the pace and walk slowly. In the case of training a novice athlete at the beginning of the season, it is necessary not to move away from the starting point in order to be able to quickly return if discomfort appears. The work discusses indications and contraindications for skiing. When practicing skiing, metabolism is activated, system functions are improved...

Indications and contraindications for skiing. (volleyball is possible) (essay, coursework, diploma, test)

Classes are perceived as ordinary walks, and then gradually, as the heart and muscles strengthen, the load increases to a training level. There are a number of contraindications to skiing: severe myopia, heart disease, poor coordination, asthmatic phenomena, chronic sinusitis and sinusitis, and some diseases of the lungs and pleura. But they should not be considered as a strict prohibition, but rather as a signal to carefully dose the load. Any skiing is not recommended for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, primarily diseases of the knee and ankle joints. It is not advisable to start skiing immediately after suffering infectious diseases or surgical operations - the body must have the opportunity to fully recover before active loads. For heart diseases, alpine skiing is not recommended, but you should not engage in skiing For those who are active with snowboarding and do not have appropriate acrobatic training as beginners, it is better to give preference to calm descents. It is necessary to take into account age, chronic diseases and general health when determining the pace, time and distance of skiing. The most important thing is to know how to listen to your body. If it’s hard for you, you don’t have enough strength to breathe, then reduce the pace, shorten the distance. Increase the load gradually. Do a warm-up before skiing. Then everything will be fine! During strenuous activities, the dangers are primarily the heart and spine (in certain ski disciplines, due to the asymmetry of the load). To prevent negative consequences, it is necessary to take precautions - regularly monitor the pulse - dangerous loads lie above the frequency of 150-160 beats per minute; - in case of dizziness and darkening in the eyes, it is necessary to reduce the pace of a leisurely step. - in the case of training a novice athlete at the beginning of the season, it is necessary not to move away from the starting point in order to be able to quickly return if signs of discomfort appear. If you develop a cold, it is recommended to cancel your ski run. CONCLUSIONThe work examines indications and contraindications for skiing. When practicing skiing, metabolism is activated, the functions of the circulatory and respiratory systems are improved, posture is developed, and almost all muscle groups are involved. There are a number of contraindications to skiing: severe myopia, heart disease, poor coordination, asthmatic phenomena, chronic sinusitis and sinusitis, and some diseases of the lungs and pleura. Any skiing is not recommended for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, primarily diseases of the knee and ankle joints. It is not advisable to start classes immediately after suffering infectious diseases and surgical operations. LITERATURE Furmanov A. G. Health-improving physical culture: Textbook. for university students/L.G. Furmanov, M. B. Yuspa. - Mn., Theseus, 2003. - 528 p. Zheltikov A. A. Some criteria for assessing the functional state of the body // Physical culture: education, training. - 2001. - No. 3. - P. 56−57. Matveev L. P. Theory and methodology of physical culture (general foundations of the theory and methodology of physical education; theoretical and methodological aspects of sports and professionally applied forms of physical culture): Textbook. for the institute of physics. culture. M.: Physical culture and sport, 1991. - 543 p. Smirnov V. M., Dubrovsky V. I. Physiology of physical education and sports: Textbook. for students medium and higher educational institutions. - M.: Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS, 2002. - 608 p. Physical culture of students with poor health at St. Petersburg State University. St. Petersburg State University University-wide Department of Physical Culture and Sports. Series "Science of Winning". Volume 5. St. Petersburg, 2012, 34 p. Shlykov V.P. Recommendations for performing physical exercises for various diseases. Educational electronic text edition. GOU VPOUGTU - UPI, 2006 Alyabyev, A. N. Questions of physiology, psychology and pedagogy in ski training: Textbook. manual / A. N. Alyabyev, V. L. Marishchuk, V. N. Tsygan; Military Institute of Physics culture; Com. in physics culture and sports administration of St. Petersburg. - St. Petersburg: VMedA, 2001. - 125 p. Vachevskikh, V.I. Special exercises in ski training / V.I. Vachevskikh, L.D. Vachevskikh // Physical culture at school. - 2007. - No. 7. - P. 31−34; No. 8. - pp. 8−10.


  1. Furmanov A. G. Health-improving physical culture: Textbook. for university students/L.G. Furmanov, M. B. Yuspa. - Mn., Theseus, 2003. - 528 p.
  2. Zheltikov A. A. Some criteria for assessing the functional state of the body// Physical culture: upbringing, education, training. - 2001. - No. 3. - P. 56−57.
  3. Matveev L. P. Theory and methodology of physical culture(general foundations of the theory and methodology of physical education; theoretical and methodological aspects of sports and professionally applied forms of physical education): Textbook. for the institute of physics. culture. M.: Physical culture and sport, 1991. - 543 p.
  4. Smirnov V. M., Dubrovsky V. I. Physiology of physical education and sports: Textbook. for students medium and higher educational institutions. - M.: Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS, 2002. - 608 p.
  5. Physical culture of students with poor health at St. Petersburg State University. St. Petersburg State University University-wide Department of Physical Culture and Sports. Series "Science of Winning". Volume 5. St. Petersburg, 2012, 34 p.
  6. Shlykov V. P. Recommendations for performing physical exercises for various diseases. Educational electronic text edition. State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education USTU - UPI, 2006
  7. Alyabyev, A. N. Issues of physiology, psychology and pedagogy in ski training: Textbook. manual / A. N. Alyabyev, V. L. Marishchuk, V. N. Tsygan; Military Institute of Physics culture; Com. in physics culture and sports administration of St. Petersburg. - St. Petersburg: VMedA, 2001. - 125 p.
  8. Vachevskikh, V.I. Special ski training exercises/ V.I. Vachevskikh, L.D. Vachevskikh // Physical culture at school. - 2007. - No. 7. - P. 31−34; No. 8. - pp. 8−10.
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