Tattoos for girls on the shoulder blade are small. Tattoos on the shoulder blade for girls and women

Tattoos for girls on the shoulder blade are often found, since this particular area is convenient and practical for this purpose. Any image can be applied to the upper back. Women and girls of all age groups prefer to decorate their shoulder blades with designs. Owners of various body images appreciate them for their elegance, attractiveness and the ability to hide from unwanted glances.

Pros of tattoos on the shoulder blade

It doesn't hurt

An indisputable advantage is the completely tolerable pain sensation when creating images on this part of the body. There is significant roughness of the skin in the area of ​​the shoulder blade. The work is carried out in maximum proximity to the bone tissue. At the same time, a negligible number of nerve endings are concentrated in the working area.

bright butterfly on the shoulder blade

running cartoon bunny with a clock on his shoulder blade


The appearance of professionally performed tattoos on the back is always impressive, especially when it comes to a large 3D drawing. When a tattoo is applied correctly, a three-dimensional image effect is achieved. Due to the mobility of body tissues, it is created interesting game tattoos, she really looks alive.

butterflies on the shoulder blade

bat on the shoulder blade

Freedom of choice

It is necessary to allocate space for the customer’s imagination. The shape and size of the tattoo can be absolutely any. When planning the location of the pattern, you can also cover the shoulders and forearms with it. Also, the pattern can go down the back, spreading over the entire back or only on one side. The tattoo may extend across the shoulder blades and then move up to the neck. Tattoos that cover the shoulder blades and continue all the way to the tailbone always look impressive. Such a spectacle will definitely attract attention. There doesn't have to be a pattern on the back. Some people prefer tattoos in the form of text. They also look beautiful on the shoulder blades. For example, the text may go from one blade to the other, stand between them, or be located on only one side.

scorpion on the shoulder blade

pattern on the shoulder blade

Minimum risk

Working with a spatula, a master of any qualification has every chance of brilliantly completing the image. Folds and significant bends of the body are excluded here, so it is especially convenient to operate the devices. There is a fairly high probability that the finished drawing will be smooth and clear. By choosing the upper back as the location for a new tattoo, girls create all the conditions so that, if necessary, they can reliably hide the body design from prying eyes. You just need to hide your back under your clothes.

dream catcher on the shoulder blade

delicate flower ideal for girls

tree with birds and text on the blade

Shoulder blade tattoo ideas

Text on the shoulder blades

Tattoos for girls on the shoulder blade in the form of text are sure to contain a deep meaning. These words may contain hidden life principles, beliefs or emotions of a person. Many people choose the names of loved ones as text.

the text on the shoulder blade looks interesting and mysterious

Wings on the shoulder blades

Looking at the human back, the artist sees that magic wings will look most organic on it. A woman's back, decorated with wings, looks truly mesmerizing. Such decoration cannot fail to attract attention. Wings can be made in a variety of variations. Angel wings fit harmoniously into a gentle female image.

: girls like wings

Angel on your back

For some, it is not enough to have only wings; in such cases, a full-length angel is stuffed onto their shoulder blades. Owners of angel tattoos do not always want to reflect being under the protection of higher powers and imprint their heavenly protector on their body. In fact, girls often choose this design due to its aesthetic appeal and wear such designs without putting any meaning into them. In any case, this sweet and graceful creature deserves the attention of the fair sex.

flying angel from singer Pink

a fantastic winged creature adorns the female body

Live tattoos

All kinds of living creatures often settle on women's backs. These can be animals, birds, insects or fairy-tale characters. The drawings are made close to real ones or are deliberately distorted to give the composition a fantastic touch. Every living creature depicted on the shoulder blades is endowed with meaning.

cute cat on the shoulder blade

realistic bird in flight on the shoulder blade

large colored lizard on the shoulder blade

Symmetrical drawings

If it is possible to cover a significant area of ​​the body with a tattoo, then it can be considered as good option applying identical or harmonious images to both shoulder blades. This symmetrical composition will serve as an excellent back decoration.

winged horses on both shoulder blades

In modern conditions, when tattoo parlors have full-fledged technical equipment and first-class artists create, tattoos for girls on the shoulder blade can be done in absolutely any form. The main thing is to carefully think through all the details of the image and discuss this topic with the master. Before applying a tattoo, you must familiarize yourself with all possible options interpretation of the selected picture.

When a girl is going to get a tattoo, she first decides what she wants to draw, and secondly, where the tattoo will be. Some places on the body are more suitable - these are the back, shoulder blades, arms and legs due to large areas of smooth skin with less sensitivity. Many photos of finished tattoos depict these exact parts of the body. Among them, the best area for a tattoo is the shoulder blade.

Tattoos on the shoulder blade for girls, photos of which will be posted later in the article, can be easily hidden under clothing. The fairer sex is often offered a large selection of sketches, which allows you to choose a design that will best suit the girl’s character and style.

The practical benefits of getting a tattoo on this part of the body are many, and there are reasons why the shoulder blade is one of the best places for a timeless design.

Advantages of a tattoo on the shoulder blade:

  • It doesn't hurt. Each person has a different pain threshold, but there are “common” places where pain is felt much less. The shoulder blade is one of the best places for a tattoo due to fewer nerve endings, which reduces sensitivity, and girls have a small fat layer. If it were not there, then the sensitivity of the scapula would easily be equal to the external or inside knees
  • Realistic. A tattoo on the shoulder blade will not be as obvious as on more open areas of the body. It will not affect the overall appearance, and only those who saw it themselves or who know that a tattoo exists in this place will know about its presence. In addition, due to the surface area of ​​the shoulder blade, here you can experiment with a design and, as an option, a 3D tattoo.
  • Freedom of choice. The shoulder blade is a fairly flat area of ​​the body with a relatively large area, which means that a tattoo of almost any size can be placed on it, which gives a huge choice when choosing a design. Considering that this part of the body is mostly closed from prying eyes, the content of the tattoo can also be anything. It is worth remembering that artists prefer to make either “paired” tattoos on two shoulder blades at once, or only on one of them.
  • Minimum risk. There are no significant body curves or folds in this part that could affect the appearance of the tattoo. It is easier for the master to work, which means that the application will be faster. No stretch marks or scars form on the shoulder blade, which means the pattern will not be damaged. In addition, a tattoo here is quite easy to hide under clothes, even in summer.

What does the location of a tattoo on the shoulder blade mean?

Tattoos on the shoulder blade for girls are photographed less often than other places. It is more difficult to detect the presence of such a tattoo, and the girl may even hide it from prying eyes. The back is a rather personal place, so tattoos on the shoulder blade usually have the meaning of a talisman that other people should not see.

Angels, wings, amulets (both symbols and ornaments) and inspiring quotes that reflect the essence of a person are usually placed here.

Tattoo parlors have big book with sketches of tattoos, but many artists can take on the development and application of original drawings, often in a 3D version. When choosing a sketch, you should use the following tips.

You need to rely only on your decision

Getting a tattoo is a very personal matter, and only the future owner of the tattoo can decide what design should be on his body. Individuality in a sketch is the most important thing. The options for ready-made tattoos are good, but it will be much better to contact a master or a person who develops sketches.

This will guarantee that the tattoo will be truly unique.

You need to decide: an ornament or a picture

There are 2 main types of tattoos - designs and ornaments, and with both options not everything is simple. The design can be in different styles - traditional or recent, size, color, color saturation, detail and realism - all this must be chosen in advance.

Tattoo on the shoulder blade for girls: photo of the ornament and design

The ornament may be based on local traditions and have meaning, or simply imitate the style.

Drawing as a reflection of the essence

Often tattoos reflect the essence of a person. As a drawing, you can use things that inspire, are important, or just really like - this applies to animals and plants.


The color of the tattoo is very important. Bright colors look beautiful on light skin, but tend to fade over time, while dark colors (especially black), on the contrary, retain their durability and clear boundaries of the pattern much longer. It is worth knowing about the meaning of color when applying a tattoo, as well as the combination of the color itself with the chosen sketch.

It may happen that the color and content of the tattoo have opposite meanings and this will lead to confusion. It is possible to remove a tattoo from the skin, but very rarely it is completely removed. Black tattoos appear best.

Attitude towards tattoos of relatives and colleagues

People often depend on public opinion, so even a tattoo on such an inconspicuous place as a shoulder blade will have to be approached with the utmost care. Even if everyone is happy that the tattoo will not be visible, it can have unpleasant consequences.

Shoulder blade tattoo ideas, their meaning

Tattoos on the shoulder blade for girls, photos of which are posted later in the article, are often made in the form of inscriptions in various languages, oriental hieroglyphs or images of fauna. Many female stars have tattoos on the shoulder blade with meaning. There is a list of the most popular and varied tattoo ideas.

Inscriptions in a foreign language with translation

Putting an inscription on your body is one of the brightest forms of self-expression, and since this is a text, there is a deep meaning that can be embedded in the phrase.

This is how they express it:

  • your beliefs;
  • worldviews;
  • credo.

The font also plays a significant role - it can be light and flying, or heavy gothic, which sets the character of the entire tattoo - gentle and romantic or loud persuasive words. Most Popular foreign languages for tattoos - English and Latin, slightly less - French and Spanish.

In Latin, as a rule, ancient quotes or expressions are written, as well as phrases whose meaning should not be understood by everyone.

Examples of popular phrases for tattoos:

"One day at a time""live one day at a time"
"It's good""This is good"
“But without the dark, we’d never see the stars”"but without darkness we would never see the stars"
"Amor Vinci Omnia""love conquers all"
"Memento Vivere""remember life"
"Memento Mori""remember death"
"Remember who you are""remember who you are"
"Tempus neminem manet""time waits for no one"
"Carpe diem""seize the day"
"Gutta cavat lapidem"“a drop wears away a stone”
"Potiusseroquamnunquam""better late than never"
"Suum cuique""to each his own"
"No lite judicare et non judicabime"“Judge not, lest ye be judged”
"There is always hope""hope dies last"
"Never give up""never give up"
"Now or never""now or never"
"Live without regrets""live without regrets"

The inscriptions are very diverse and for the most part carry an inspiring meaning, a call to live life to the fullest in the current moment.


For girls, hieroglyphs have always remained popular ideas for tattoos on the shoulder blade, shoulder or neck. As a rule, they use Chinese or Japanese, and tattoos of this type are shrouded in an aura of mysticism and mystery. Eastern culture has always been unknown and unattainable for Europeans.

A story about the meanings of Chinese characters for tattoos:

Before applying such a tattoo, you need to know the exact translation of a word or phrase, since an incorrectly written or constructed sentence can cause laughter or conflict with native speakers. You must have a reliable photo and translation of the desired hieroglyph.

The Chinese language has a huge number of hieroglyphs, but for tattoos they prefer those with meaning:

  • Love;
  • wealth;
  • family;
  • luck;
  • strength;
  • faith;
  • fate;
  • dragon;
  • fire;
  • happiness;
  • harmony;
  • hope.

It is believed that tattooing with such a meaning attracts the aspect to which the image is dedicated.

In Japanese, the characters look simpler and more elegant than in Chinese, so it is no less in demand. For tattoos, Japanese characters are used that have the same meaning as in Chinese.

Symbols are often used to mean:

  • dream;
  • music;
  • honor;
  • respect;
  • passion;
  • individuality;
  • mystical.

Most people can't always tell the difference between Japanese and Chinese, so a hieroglyph tattoo might not be that impressive.


One of the most common tattoo options on the shoulder blade and back is wings. Angelic, demonic, dragon - they are all a symbol of aspirations, strong desire, speed and freedom. As a rule, the wings are made in pairs - on both shoulder blades at once, they can be small and folded, or they can cover the entire back and arms.

Most often, angelic wings are chosen and applied either with black ink or dark gray.

They symbolize:

  • ease;
  • insight;
  • desire to rise above or show kindness;
  • the girl's sincerity.

They are often combined with inscriptions located either between the wings or under them. The second most popular are the wings of mystical creatures.

Dragons and fairies will be first on the list, which means:

  • ease;
  • mystical knowledge;
  • wisdom;
  • speed.

Membranous wings may also belong to bats, gargoyles and demons, in this case the meaning of such a tattoo is belonging to the “dark forces” and mystery. The wings of butterflies on the back symbolize tenderness and lightness that the girl who owns it is very fragile and innocent.

One of the rarest tattoo options is the wings of birds or the bird itself with open wings. Most often you can see the wings of ravens, eagles and owls on the shoulder blades. Such tattoos have much more meanings, and first of all it depends on the chosen bird.

The very choice of bird may indicate which girl prefers to be her “patron”.


Angel is one of the most popular mythical characters. In all cultures, angels are protectors of people, messengers of the gods, leading wars against evil spirits. An angel tattoo on the shoulder blade is a kind of amulet against evil forces. The best tattoo would be an angel on the right shoulder blade - there is a belief that an angel sits on the right shoulder, and a devil on the left.

As a rule, such a tattoo depicts a winged person and has a lot of meanings:

  • ease;
  • purity;
  • spirituality;
  • innocence;
  • loyalty;
  • protection.

The image of a cherub, a child angel, is often used. The most famous is Cupid, and the meaning of such a tattoo is true eternal love. A tattoo depicting a warrior angel with a sword can be understood as a protector or warrior. A girl with such an angel on her shoulder blade will protect, just like this angel.

Another commonly encountered species is fallen angels. Fallen angel tattoo means repentance for something bad, what has been done previously, the loss of someone or a serious offense. A sinister tattoo idea is a dark angel.

The image of a gloomy figure in a dark cloak with a scythe and black wings means:

  • death
  • fear;
  • threat.

Tattoos may also contain a praying angel. A drawing with a bright meaning - a request for the fulfillment of desires, an appeal to God, a wish for peace of loved ones or the soul. Often such a tattoo contains the name of the person for whom this angel is praying.


Thanks to the rich world fauna, the meaning of animal tattoos is extremely diverse.

Some may have a positive meaning:

  • wisdom;
  • bravery;
  • loyalty;
  • tenderness.

Some have a negative meaning - deceit, cruelty and danger.

In all mythologies or religions, different animals have different roles, so when choosing an animal tattoo, you need to take into account the mythology in accordance with which the meaning was chosen. Mythological animals are often used. One of the most popular tattoos is a dragon.

It symbolizes:

  • power;
  • wisdom;
  • strength.

Dragons exist in many cultures in different forms, and this character retains his basic qualities almost everywhere. The cat has the meaning of a mysterious, beautiful, independent and dexterous nature. Many girls like this design, and the rich history of cats and their deification in ancient times makes this animal one of the most common designs on the shoulder blade.

The spider is a rare option for a tattoo, but it has meanings of wisdom, modesty, magic and hard work.

Many consider this creature to be quite vile and creepy, but the choice of such a tattoo communicates that the girl treats everything carefully and responsibly. In ancient times, spiders were a talisman of prosperity and good fate.

Butterflies symbolize:

  • tenderness;
  • femininity;
  • grace;
  • fragility.

This is a fairly common option for a design on a shoulder blade, and is often combined with flowers or inscriptions.

Panther has almost the same meaning as cat, but she is more cunning and strong. Tough and domineering girls prefer this tattoo. Snake tattoos are preferred by cunning, insidious and flexible girls. This image is found in many cultures, and although some positive properties were attributed to snakes, for the most part they remained a symbol of deceit and were not held in high esteem.


One of the largest “sections” of tattoo designs is flora in various forms. Flowers have a deep meaning and are appropriate in any life situation. When choosing a flower tattoo, you should base it not only on your preferences, but also on the meaning of the flower itself and especially its color.

In the East, sakura and lotus are considered the most revered, in the West - lily and rose.

Lily on the shoulder blade means harmony, calm, tenderness and hope. It is considered one of the most innocent colors and is suitable for girls who want to emphasize this quality in themselves.

Lily color meaning:

  • dark lilies - desire and passion;
  • pink - youth;
  • orange – uniqueness;
  • yellow - arrogance;
  • white - wealth or death.

The four-leaf clover is a symbol of good luck. There is a belief that a four-leaf clover will bring good luck to the one who finds it, so such a tattoo on the shoulder blade will always be relevant. Lotus - in Eastern culture it is considered a symbol of purity, perfection and immortality.

In many eastern countries, it symbolizes fertility, victory over evil and the feminine principle.

Dandelion is a simple and common flower that evokes playfulness with its bright color, the transience of time when the wind blows its seeds, and in many classical paintings the dandelion was a symbol of sadness. Rose is the most popular and desired option.

Beautiful and prickly at the same time, it symbolizes:

  • fame;
  • sadness;
  • secret;
  • Love;
  • youth;
  • eternal life.

Due to its variety of uses, the rose is considered the most philosophical and unique flower. It can be a symbol of a new life and its end; it can be given to lovers even when parting. A lot also depends on the color of the rose. A red rose on the shoulder blade will mean love, white – innocence and fidelity, black – sadness, blue – unattainability.

Musical theme

Musical tattoos indicate that this is one of the most important aspects of the life of a person who decides to get such a tattoo. As a rule, lines from favorite songs, their notes or treble clef with a stave. If there is an idol musician or singer, you can often see his tattoo.

A drawing of those who are truly admired and inspired by creativity is applied to the shoulder blade - the place of a kind of amulet.


An eternal symbol, the meaning of which is one – love and romance, the entire vitality of a person. A heart tattoo often contained an inscription or name- and they were always dedicated to who or what the person sincerely loved. Heart tattoos reminded of home and family.

  • A heart with wings is an unearthly love that makes a person want to rush to heaven.
  • A broken heart on a shoulder blade is a symbol of sadness and loss due to love.
  • The brave heart theme is a heart and sword tattoo.
  • If the heart is pierced with a dagger - this is a symbol of treason or betrayal loved one, and pierced by an arrow - painfully sweet love.

A lot depends on the color of the tattoo:

  • red heart means love and life;
  • black - grief;
  • golden - god;
  • blue – cold;
  • white is considered a symbol of caring for the sick.

What should not be tattooed on your shoulder blade?

Tattoos on the shoulder blade for girls, whose photos provide complete freedom in their choice, should not be done in the form of some images.


  1. First of all, these are drawings or ornaments, the meaning of which can later be regretted. For example, these may be incorrectly displayed hieroglyphs or with the wrong meaning.
  2. The second is realistic portraits. Tattoos that remind you of loved ones are very pleasant, but not every artist can make a drawing from a photograph on the skin, but after some time the boundaries will begin to blur slightly and a seemingly good tattoo will become creepy.
  3. The third is tattoos dedicated to mom. This manifestation of love is very beautiful, but you can prove your love for her a little differently.
  4. In the fourth - the names of your beloved ones. It is unknown how things will go further and separation is quite possible, but the tattoo will remain.
  5. Fifth - tattoos with a “negative” meaning, such as death, fear, chaos or horror. The meaning of a tattoo on the shoulder blade is a talisman or protection, so you should, if possible, refrain from such aggressive designs and not tattoo them.

A tattoo on the shoulder blade is a very striking part of the image and many girls are ready to take such a serious step. One of the most favorable places for a tattoo is both the first and tenth; a shoulder blade with a correctly chosen design for it will not cause problems, but will certainly please the owner with its appearance and beautiful photographs.

Article format: E. Chaikina

Useful video about shoulder blade tattoos for girls

Video about the process of getting a tattoo on a shoulder blade:

What unusual places do people get tattoos? The shoulder blade is considered one of those classic places where both girls and boys can get a tattoo; this place is the most convenient: the tattoo is easy to hide if at the moment you need to have a more presentable look, and in the summer and during vacation the place, on the contrary, is in plain sight, and you can show off your work of tattoo art.

Pattern with a swallow on the shoulder blade

What tattoos are best done on the shoulder blade?

A tattoo on the shoulder blade, the designs for which are very diverse due to the ease of implementation of the design, is considered one of the most conservative places. This place is very convenient due to the fact that it has no bends. In addition, getting a tattoo on this place is not very painful.

Sakura tree on the shoulder blade

What size is best to choose a tattoo?

Any picture will look great in this place, but the most advantageous options in terms of dimensions are usually medium and large. It is better to select a design so that it is neither vertical nor horizontal, but is more rounded and elongated.

Work that would start on the shoulder blade and cover another part of the body would look very advantageous. For example, an image of a bird of paradise whose tail goes down to its ribs, or a chameleon with a tail going over its back. If you decide to do men's tattoo on the back of the shoulder blade, there is always the possibility in the future to beat it and make a real picture on the whole back or half the back.

Tattoo on the shoulder blade in the form of a sparrow sitting on a tree branch

What designs are best for girls to choose?

  • Flowers
  • Hieroglyphs
  • Inscriptions
  • Birds (bird of paradise, peacock, parrot, kiwi, hummingbird)
  • Animals (cat or wild cats such as panther, tiger, cheetah and lynx, horse)

I once got a tattoo on my shoulder blade: three characters representing creativity, love, luck and femininity, but in Japanese, not Chinese, because Japanese characters I like the outside much better. Over time, I wanted to turn them into something more, so I added a sprig of sakura. After a few more years, this branch “sprouted” onto my back and turned into a real tree, then I added the outline of Mount Fuji, an image of a rising sun and, finally, an image of a geisha in a traditional Japanese costume. I never regret that I came this far - my back painting is magnificent. It’s good that I made the very first hieroglyphs on the shoulder blade - my picture definitely wouldn’t have fit anywhere else (:

Nina, Saratov

Tattoo on the shoulder blade in the form of a horse. Made in watercolor style

Tattoos for men

Since men are more likely to get a full back tattoo than girls, tattoos on the shoulder blades are perfect for large “pictures.” A tattoo on the shoulder blade, the meaning of which promises to be complex in the future and will form a large landscape, will look good and self-sufficient, even if you decide to start with the shoulder blades and return to the rest of the plot much later. Many men start large paintings with wings, which are made on the back, go down to the lower back and over time “overgrow” with other details on the back and spine: this is how the plot appears.

I always wanted to make a large painting on my back, but I realized that this was a costly idea, both in terms of time and money. I planned for a long time, developed a sketch, and decided to do the drawing in stages. The most important thing, it seems to me, is to imagine a clear result of what it will look like in the end before even getting a tattoo. I decided that it would be best to start with the shoulder blade, in my case both - and I pricked myself with huge angel wings, which later turned into a large praying stone angel against the backdrop of fiery rain. This story reminds me that you shouldn’t lose hope even when it seems like everything around you is falling apart. My tattoo supports me a lot.

Igor, Rostov on Don

Celtic triangle on the shoulder blade

The best images on the shoulder blade for men

  • Patterns: tribal, dot work, Polynesian and Aztec ornaments
  • Horse
  • Image of women, portraits
  • Scorpio and spiders
  • Animal head (wolf or wild cat)
  • Tattoos in the old school style (swallows with a ribbon with an inscription in their beak, roses)

Advice: if you are still planning a large tattoo on your back in the future, you should not get a small one on your shoulder blade just because you are not ready for a large one yet. The fact is that having made a small one, in any case, in the future it will not be in harmony with the next one as much as if you initially come up with a plot that will take up both the space on the shoulder blade and on the back.

Heart with an arrow and a ribbon on a shoulder blade

When I was younger, I wanted to get a scorpion tattoo on my shoulder blade, got it when I turned 18, and got it right on my birthday. In principle, I was happy, but a few years later the idea came to me to get a larger tattoo on my back, but I could no longer afford it, because part of the space on my back was already taken. At first I thought that I could do without a tattoo in this place, but it couldn’t get out of my head, and I decided to do it. The most difficult thing was to cover the drawing so that the scorpion was not visible at all, since it was quite large. In some places we even had to seriously change the tattoo in this place, the sketch of which the artist and I had been coming up with for so long and adapting for even longer. If it weren’t for this scorpion on my back, everything would be much simpler, so there’s definitely no need to rush with tattoos. Think twice before stuffing something.

Konstantin, St. Petersburg

Musical motif tattoo on the shoulder blade. Sparrow with notes and treble clef

Best Images for Back Tattoos

  • Epic, historical, large and large-scale paintings with many small details (battle scenes, biblical scenes)
  • Dragon
  • Stylized paintings (oriental, for example, or Indian 5 out of 5.

A tattoo on the shoulder blade is unique in that this part of the body is movable. Thanks to this, you can successfully depict a design on it that will look stylish in dynamics, for example: a snake, a dragon, a cat, a bird, wings, etc. Therefore, such tattoos are preferred by active people who want to surprise others.

In addition, a tattoo on the shoulder blade is universal - suitable for both women and men. At the same time, the dynamic pattern looks especially sexy on the back when its owner dances or plays sports, as well as during intimacy.

Also, such tattoos are good because they can be extended to any adjacent part of the body: shoulder, neck, back (closer to the spine or ribs), etc.

In addition, a customer who decides to get a tattoo on his shoulder blade has an undeniable bonus - a minimum of pain from the process of applying the design. This is due to the fact that there are practically no nerve endings in this area.

And finally, a “masterpiece” of body painting made in this area will be noticeable or invisible to others, which completely depends on your personal choice. After all, such a tattoo can be easily hidden under any clothing.

Features of a tattoo on the shoulder blade

When getting a tattoo, some customers mistakenly believe that absolutely any pattern can be removed with a laser without leaving a trace. However, this is not true when it comes to a tattoo on the shoulder blade. It will be impossible to remove such a design in the future without leaving a trace, so the choice of theme and style of its application must be taken as carefully as possible.

Also, before applying a tattoo, you can choose one of the options:

    double-sided composition (in this case, the ornament is applied symmetrically on both shoulder blades);

    one-sided drawings (on one side, only on the shoulder blade area);

    arbitrary (with transition to adjacent parts of the body).

Despite the fact that such a body “masterpiece” will not constantly loom before your eyes, and you can only see it in the mirror, the selection of an image for a tattoo on the shoulder blade should be meaningful. In fact, this is your message to others, with the help of which you can express your individuality, tastes and preferences, and life position.

A tattoo helps you express your individuality and highlight your special style. Men do not always apply designs to visible areas of the body; for example, a tattoo in the area of ​​the shoulder blades will look original and non-trivial. The meaning of a tattoo on the shoulder blade for men will directly depend on the choice of sketch and drawing up an artistic composition.

The emotional message will vary depending on the desired execution style and color scheme. Today, different themes and categories of drawings are in trend, ranging from laconic mini ideas, monochrome brutal options, ending with bright 3D, color and symbolic images. The best offers from masters with photos and tips will be in the article below.

Tattoos on the shoulder blades are an original addition to the image of a stylish modern man. But often the first difficulty is choosing a sketch, due to the abundance of cool ideas for modern body art. We bring to your attention the most successful and fashionable offers of the current year:

Scorpion– the choice of a strong-willed and strong leader who is not afraid of change and difficulties. This sketch is perfect for men who often face risks and dangers, as a talisman and a source of courage.

Dragon- a symbol of a fearless romantic, as well as a man with endless drive in realizing himself and his goals.

Scull- a symbol of man’s absolute fearlessness, even of death. From this figure one can judge strong personality with a certain amount of sarcasm in character. It is believed that the skull can also serve as a talisman against risks and dangers.

Wings– a person is not ready to put up with harshness real life, he is endowed with endless optimism and faith in a better future. The drawing also speaks of the desire to be under the protection of higher powers.

Cross– the religious motif speaks of a person’s faith in God and higher powers, humility to bear his cross, recognition of only God as an authority. Sometimes you can say from a tattoo that a person is independent of anything in life.

Expert opinion

Viola Madison

Tattoo artist, 8 years experience

It is important to know that in the area between the shoulder blades there is an energy center responsible for willpower, the male ego, desires, needs and temptations. This means that sacred drawings are appropriate here, helping to enhance the good qualities of character and pacify the dark side in a person’s essence.

Features of tattoos on the shoulder blade in men

If you are thinking about getting a tattoo on your shoulder blade, we suggest you think carefully about the decision, weighing all the pros and cons. The main advantages clearly include several points:

  • aesthetics– with the help of modern ideas and cool craftsmen, you can create an individual fashionable image;
  • camouflage– in this place, work can easily be covered with clothes, which means bold experiments will not interfere with building a career;
  • ease of execution– the smooth surface and large space make it easy to create spectacular pictures;
  • versatility– in such a place any sketches and styles of execution are available, there will be no boundaries or restrictions in front of the man and the master;
  • low level of wear- regardless of age-related changes, weight gain or muscle mass, weight loss, the pattern on the shoulder blades will not be distorted;
  • sacred meaning– various mystical and magical signs and symbols aimed at improving the quality of life will work ideally here.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • bright and cool ideas will be relatively expensive, so it is better to prepare for the costs in advance;
  • the owner of the tattoo himself will not be able to regularly enjoy the aesthetics of the work, since it is located on the back;
  • The design will not always be in the viewing area for the environment, for example, in cold weather, when the tattoo will be hidden by clothing.

For reference! In terms of caring for the healing area, it will also not be entirely comfortable. You will need the help of another person to clean and apply restorative products. But in general, healing will proceed quickly and without problems.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your shoulder blade?

To understand how painful the procedure for applying a tattoo on the shoulder blade will be, it is worth knowing what factors determine the degree of sensitivity. This includes the thickness of the skin, the presence of adipose tissue, muscles, the number of nerve endings in this place, the proximity of blood vessels and bones.

In practice, most men note that the work of an experienced master will be relatively painless. Despite the different pain thresholds, rarely did anyone complain of pain, since the skin here is quite dense and there is a sufficient level of fat. The work is easy and quick for the master due to the absence of folds, wrinkles and pronounced relief.

Which tattoo style do you prefer: minimalism (M) or realism (R)?


Styles and colors for tattoos on a man's shoulder blade

Another important criterion on which the meaning and visual perception of a tattoo directly depends is the style of execution. One and the same picture can be depicted so differently that it will radically change the vector of its understanding. This year it’s worth taking a closer look at the following trends in body art:


finishing touches;



trash polka;


old school;

new school;


Next, decide whether it will be a monochrome one-color version or a color image. If the second option is closer, use base paints and their similar shades, which creates the effect of chiaroscuro, an optical illusion.

Inscriptions with meaning

Inscriptions in this area of ​​the body are an original and popular solution for creating an image. Their main task is to define and formulate the owner’s life credo. What topics do they cover:

  • Love;
  • friendship;
  • family;
  • religion;
  • philosophy;
  • life events.

The person who wrote the inscription seems to be silently declaring something personal. A variety of modern languages ​​are used, as well as ancient Latin, Hebrew, and aesthetically pleasing Arabic script and hieroglyphs.

In order for the work to be unique and creative, you should pay attention not only to the meaning of the inscription, but also to the font of its writing. Most often, masters practice 3 options - handwritten, calligraphic and Gothic font.


The most popular language for writing inscriptions is oriental hieroglyphs, which are distinguished by their aesthetics and mystery. And since the meaning of the signs will be clear only to the owner himself, we can talk about the sacred meaning of the tattoo. The inscriptions can relate to faith, love, family, or a man’s credo in life.



Fans of body art with particular zeal choose images of animals, including those for painting on the shoulder blades. Large sketches are mainly of panthers, jaguars, lions and tigers, bears, and wolves. The choice indicates that a person is in motion and determines his life goals. Moderate sketches are the heads of animals and predators, as the appearance of strength, readiness to stand up for oneself and loved ones, mercilessness towards enemies.


Birds of prey, such as the eagle, hawk, and kite, are primarily associated with freedom and independence, and also demonstrate a desire to strive upward, bypassing any obstacles. Crows and owls are considered symbols of a sharp mind, developed intuition and even mysticism. In any case, this is the desire to rise above vanity.


If an insect is depicted on the body, we can safely talk about a man with a non-standard vision of life and himself. Creatures like ladybugs, beetles, and grasshoppers are amulets with which you can protect yourself from risks and failures. Spiders and scorpions speak of a strong-willed personality capable of fighting back.

Sea life

Shark, turtle, fish, dolphin or whale are most often chosen by individuals prone to adventurism and daydreaming. Tattoos can also imply philosophical overtones, the desire for new knowledge and travel. And some symbols and characters even work as amulets against life’s troubles and problems.


The opinion that flowers and trees are a purely female option for tattoos is actually erroneous. Peony is the personification of male energy, rose is love and fidelity, tree is stability and development, and dandelion and thistle are strong amulets. Such motives are characteristic of creative, sensual men.

Memorable tattoos

If the purpose of tattoos is to perpetuate a serious event, then we are talking about memorable sketches. These could be the names of people who have passed away, children born, dates of military service or training, professional badges. Also, with the help of tattoos you can not hide scars from a serious incident, but rather capture them.


Symbols are different objects and signs with sacred and magical effects. Some improve energy and character, others eliminate failures and risks, others attract good luck and prosperity into karma. Most often depicted on the shoulder blades:

  • Yin-Yang;
  • zodiac sign;
  • infinity sign;
  • mandala;
  • cross;
  • all-seeing eye;
  • key and much more.


  • Polynesian pattern;
  • cross;
  • tiger and dragon;
  • grin of a predator;
  • flame;
  • scull;
  • wolf;
  • bear and much more.

Mini tattoo

Miniature drawings are preferred by discreet, conservative men who value simplicity and clarity. Most often these are symbols that act as amulets and amulets. For example:

  • dream Catcher;
  • compass;
  • anchor;
  • crown;
  • animal paw print;
  • cross;
  • stars and much more.

Beautiful and cool tattoos

Cool and beautiful ideas are characteristic of creative and extraordinary individuals, young and expressive guys. With the help of drawings they emphasize their special vision of beauty and style. What could it be:

  • geometric shapes or patterns;
  • abstraction;
  • angel wings;
  • 3d drawings;
  • landscapes, etc.


The master can execute any idea in color format, using any bright colors or halftones. Body designs, in general, will symbolize passion, sensuality, ardor in character, the desire to attract attention and show your best qualities. The following ideas look especially impressive in color:

  • space and planets;
  • mythical creatures;
  • predators;
  • carp;
  • rose or peony;
  • warrior.

3d tattoo

A real hit of 2018-2019. steel body drawings in 3D format. The masters' works turn out to be so realistic that they attract attention and admiring glances from all sides. The following ideas can be performed on the shoulder blade:

  • biomechanics;
  • pattern or whole ornament;
  • portrait of a girl;
  • angel;
  • the face of a saint or Jesus Christ;
  • animal;
  • bird, etc.

Before going to the master, it is important to think through several important points:

  1. Sketch– it should not be someone’s idea, plagiarism, but the author’s, pre-prepared version.
  2. The meaning of the drawing– it should be clear to a man even before the tattoo is applied to the body.
  3. Size– you should have an idea of ​​how large the drawing will be before starting work.
  4. Style– he is chosen by the man himself, the master can only give recommendations.
  5. Location– this could be a tattoo in the center of the shoulder blade, paired version on two shoulder blades, an element from the composition along the entire back or on the shoulder.

You also need to think about how long it will take for the master to complete the idea, and how much you will have to pay for everything. And only based on this information, you can go to the salon.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

It is important to entrust the execution of an order to an experienced and highly qualified craftsman. These people work in salons where:

  • modern equipment is used;
  • use professional dyes;
  • sterility and sanitation standards are observed;
  • there is a website with a catalog of previous works and customer reviews.

Advice! Don’t try to save money on tattoos by going to private traders and untested artists. This can lead to injury, poor quality results, infections and allergic reactions.

What should you definitely give up? The top worst ideas for tattoos included the following options:

  • satanic symbols– entail negativity and danger to life;
  • prison motives– repel, create the wrong impression about the owner;
  • signs of subculture– may cause conflict;
  • names– will lose meaning over time;
  • love motives– a man may have several girls and wives in his life, but the tattoo will be there forever.

A win-win option is a drawing that is completely in harmony with the image of a man, which will not cease to be relevant even over the years.


Tattooing on the shoulder blades is an important step, so it is extremely important to choose the right ideas, execution styles, and colors. The top ideas are wings, scorpion, dragon, skull, cross. No less popular are 3D tattoos, biomechanics, inscriptions, monochrome and color, miniature and cool tattoos. The choice of colors can also change the perception and understanding of the work as a whole.