Panda tattoo on neck. Panda tattoo

Panda tattoo on shoulder blade

The charming panda bear has found his way into the hearts of the most severe admirers of tattoo culture. His charm can win over any viewer.

Despite his comical appearance The panda remains a strong animal, capable of attack. The dual nature of the bear has become a meme in the world of tattoos.

Panda tattoo meaning

Presumably the panda tattoo appeared at the turn of the 70s. The animal gained its place in the pantheon of heraldic animal tattoos thanks to the spread of the hiki.

This trend was associated with the transformation of graffiti. The drawings that appeared had an allegorical meaning and were built on the principle of contradiction.

Everything that the panda symbolizes is divided into 2 halves. On the one hand, this is peace, friendship and bright thoughts. On the other hand, the furry animal embodies hidden intentions, aggression and seething passions that want to come out.

The panda acquired such significance after an incident in 1978 when a London Zoo keeper tried to take a toy from the animal.

The item ended up in the enclosure by accident, but the bear really liked it. Wanting to protect the acquisition, the furry creature bit and seriously injured the man.

Panda tattoo meaning for guys and girls

The image on the body for girls carries the meaning of a creative personality ready for unpredictable turns of fate. The figure can be depicted in the center; such a panda tattoo brings peace and harmony.

The image of the beast carries meaning for men as an allegory of gentleness and aggression. Considering the nature of the image, it is easy to understand its meaning.

If the furry bear is doing its usual activities, this is a positive sign. The owner loves humor and is not prone to rash actions.

A panda with a grinning muzzle is a symbol of warning; the wearer does not intend to tolerate interference in his internal space.

A panda with a bandana is often stuffed in red by travelers. The ancestor of the image was a toy made for the Steiff plant in 1938. The first copy became a participant in an international exhibition and traveled around the world.

Panda tattoo options

The drawing has many types of execution. Panda tattoo style is gaining popularity. The animal itself can be depicted partially realistically. It is surrounded by geometric lines. Or the whole figure is laid out with different figures.

In the panda style, they are stuffed in the form of an outline. Based on the popular image from the London Zoo logo. If a girl or young guy wants a very small panda tattoo in this spirit will most successfully realize their idea.

Most often, the animal is depicted with bamboo; a cute panda cub plays with the stems. The legacy of the hiki culture is the panda with pistols. There is humor in this drawing. The furry guy holds 2 Colts and threatens those around him.

The drawing can be negative and even evil. An angry panda is depicted surrounded by red spots. The shape of the muzzle can express aggression and the desire to attack.

Panda tattoo locations

For girls, the best place is considered to be the area on the arm near the forearm. Many panda tattoos come in 2 colors. Only medium or large images are complemented with flowers.

Men beat a bear:

  • on the chest;
  • on the ribs;
  • on the leg in the calf area;
  • on the shoulder and shoulder blade.

The composition of shades of gray, white and blue against the background of green bamboo shoots looks beautiful. Choosing a tattoo style

The fashion for tattoos began relatively recently; now it is difficult to meet a person without drawings on his body. A tattoo with an image of an animal is done by those who want to stand out from the crowd as much as possible and show this world their exclusivity. Tattoos depicting pandas are not so common today.

"Bamboo Bear" - a symbol of China

The panda bear lives in the vast expanses of China, where it is extremely rare, carefully protected and listed in the Red Book. Few lucky people can boast of seeing a live panda.

This is interesting! Many people who want to tattoo an unusual bear on their body are often fans of Chinese culture, and do not stop at just the panda. Along with the cute animal, Chinese symbols such as cherry blossoms, hieroglyphs, etc. are printed.


What does the image of a panda convey?

Of course, a person puts a personal, sometimes intimate meaning into a tattoo. The meaning of a panda tattoo varies depending on the type and style of its image.

Panda tattoos mean:

    If a panda tattoo is made in bright colors and generally puts you in a positive mood, then the owner, like a Chinese bear, is calm, balanced, and friendly in character.

    Is the picture made in black and white? Then the owner of the drawing is most likely an ardent fighter for nature and living beings, because the panda is a symbol of the World Fund for Animal Welfare. A person may not fight for animal rights, but only sincerely admire nature.

    If a person did not limit himself to an animal, but also decorated his body with a lotus, sakura or bamboo, then this symbolizes wisdom, balanced decisions and self-control, characteristic of the sages of Ancient China.

    The bamboo bear is a predator by nature, but feeds mainly on plant foods, which is why a panda tattoo can be found on the body of a vegetarian.

    A panda is a rare animal, so the owner of a tattoo with the image of a funny animal can consciously or unconsciously emphasize his exclusivity, unconventional thinking and highly developed creativity.

Panda tattoo on a man's body

Not long ago, the magnificent cartoon Kung Fu Panda was released, the hero of which, the fearless dreamer and naive simpleton Po, was loved by television viewers.
There are videos online of pandas funny somersaults or hugging people, which has contributed to the development of the animal’s popularity.
Guys stuff a panda to emphasize their masculinity, determination, readiness to reach a goal and not give in to difficulties, and also as a sign of the somewhat humorous nature of this creature.


Important! Guys rarely get pandas in color; the stronger sex more often receive orders for black and white tattoos.

Guys who choose a tattoo with a panda bear are usually peaceful in life, because pandas, although they are predators, are completely non-aggressive, but on the contrary, cute and funny and clumsy.

Do girls get panda tattoos?

Yes, the image of a black and white bear is also popular among girls; representatives of the fair sex often decorate little pandas with bows, flowers and other cute paraphernalia typical of girls.

Important! If men are inclined towards a more realistic depiction of the Chinese bear, then girls ask to draw it more cartoonish, like a plush toy.

The image of a Chinese bear tattoo on a girl’s body indicates kindness, openness, sincerity and femininity.
Less common is the image of a bear with wings; this indicates the girl’s spirituality and dreaminess, and the fact that she likes to soar in the clouds.
Quite determined, “combat” women who practice martial arts can also stuff a panda. IN in this case the tattoo is intended to show their unity with the culture of China.


The meaning of a panda tattoo in the prison world

In the zone, such tattoos are not very widespread, but they still occur. The panda is depicted with a menacing grin on its face, and outright aggression can be seen in the drawing. This image is portrayed by outwardly calm and peace-loving people, but at the same time they can give a significant rebuff when it comes to their interests.


What part of the body is best to depict a panda?

Choosing where to get a tattoo is no less important than choosing the design itself. By the place where the tattoo is applied, we can understand what kind of person is in front of us. If the tattoo is located in an open place, then its owner is an extrovert, a sociable and open person. But introverts do not tolerate interference in their own personal space, and choose closed areas on their bodies as tattoo locations.

Most often, a panda is stuffed:

  • Back. This is the largest area of ​​the human body, so flight for creativity will be maximum. Moreover, the back is least susceptible to aging.
  • Hands. Tattoos on the arms have been proven to be the least painful. Hand tattoos are most often done by men to emphasize the beauty of their hands, their brutality and masculinity. Moreover, such tattoos are also found on the hands of girls who love to demonstrate their beauty and be the center of everyone’s attention.
  • Shoulder blades. Tattoo designs on such places are done by private people who do not want the tattoo to be seen by strangers. The disadvantage of stuffing art on the shoulder blades is that it is very painful, since the skin is located as close as possible to the bone.
  • Legs. A panda can be depicted on a leg, but this phenomenon is seen extremely rarely due to the large number of bones, joints, muscles and tendons. And the healing and rehabilitation process also promises to be difficult and painful.


A panda tattoo looks good on almost any part of the human body, since the animal is beautiful and aesthetic, and its character is sweet, good-natured and completely non-aggressive. Such an image symbolizes the positive beginning in a person and leaves only the most pleasant impressions.

Among the many animal designs that are ordered from, the panda tattoo stands out. In the 21st century, panda animal tattoos have become almost a cult, along with. Here they actively compete with wolves, raccoons and even cats. It would seem that the dominance of cats, supported by success on the Internet, is eternal. However, funny furry creatures with friendly faces managed to show themselves worthily in the competition.

By the way, not everyone knows that there are two types of panda bear - large and small (red panda). The species are very different from each other. The first one is large and black and white, really looking like a bear. The second is slightly larger than a large cat, more reminiscent of a raccoon than a club-footed forest dweller.

Red panda tattoo on leg

This is one of the rarest animals in the world. According to statistics, there are now no more than three hundred giant pandas on the entire planet. Laws and nature reserves do not save us. People are too quickly destroying bamboo forests, which are home and a source of food.

We have prepared material from which you will learn:

  • What meaning can a drawing carry?
  • The most popular sketches;
  • On what part of the body are tattoos with this animal done;
  • What styles are used?

Let's move on to the important point - let's discuss the meaning of the panda tattoo. Representatives of both sexes order it. Therefore, it cannot be said that such a tattoo is exclusively female/male. However, this depends on the design and execution. If you tie a pink bow to the animal’s head and give it a bouquet of flowers, then this would be a more logical option for women.

What will be the meaning of a girl's panda tattoo? Usually we are talking about simplicity, kindness and carelessness. Often depicted with colored details, in flowers, sleeping, etc. Female versions are usually small and rarely depict aggression.

However, the meaning for men and women depends on what meaning the artist and the customer himself puts into the sketch. These could be:

  • Kindness and help;
  • Ecology, love of animals;
  • Friendliness;
  • Trust and openness;
  • Commitment to vegetarian/vegan ideas;
  • Deep inner peace and spirituality of a person;
  • Calm and poise.
  • If a panda sits, like a yogi, in a pink lotus flower, this means wisdom, knowledge of secrets.

Of course, every person invests special meaning into a tattoo. Especially if the sketch was created to order, and was not taken ready-made from a catalog.

On the plus side, in the zone such tattoos do not have any local negative or criminal significance. When choosing a sketch, you don’t have to be afraid that on the street you will be mistaken for a criminal.

Who is a panda tattoo suitable for?

A typical image of such a person looks like this:

  • By nature a person is kind, perceiving the world in a positive light;
  • Trying not to get nervous over trifles;
  • Smart, interesting;
  • Attractive, attracts people, inspires trust
  • At the same time, he is quite cautious, because... understands that his kindness and peacefulness are weaknesses that others can take advantage of.

Of course, a person with the panda type also has disadvantages. He is quite lazy and clumsy, even if he has a good figure. Although he can stand up for himself, he does so only when emergency situations, when all peaceful arguments have been exhausted.

People with panda tattoos value friendship. For them, any form of relationship built on trust is an opportunity for a harmonious and comfortable existence.

Panda tattoo designs

In the catalogs of tattoo parlors you can come across different designs of panda tattoos. Some are made in traditional Asian style. They may depict lotus flowers and fresh bamboo shoots. Animal lovers order a tattoo that depicts a panda and a koala.

Humanization of animals is very popular these days. And it all started not with such a phenomenon as furries, but with cartoons. For example, after one of them, Kung Fu Panda tattoos appeared. Many people fell in love with the pot-bellied hero - a lover of dumplings - and his friends - a snake, a praying mantis, a crane and a tigress, as well as their teacher - Master Shifu.

However, besides this cartoon character, often draw neutral characters. They are dressed up like people, sometimes emphasizing specific professions and occupations:

  • panda in a hat. This can be either a traditional headdress of the peoples of Asia, or a cowboy, or a Mexican sombrero;
  • the Indian panda is depicted with feather decoration, traditional for the tribes of North America;
  • a panda in a tie symbolizes the modern office worker. A sort of middle manager. He has a sedentary job, due to which his figure takes on the well-known shape;
  • A panda in glasses resting under an umbrella with a cocktail in his paw. Who among us would not like to be in her place now?
  • If you love sports and, in particular, martial arts, a panda wearing boxing gloves or a kimono on the tatami is suitable;
  • A popular theme is a panda with balloons. Sometimes even flying at them;
  • For lovers of a certain style, the panda gangster is suitable. She has her own style, a gun and a very dangerous look. It’s better not to approach this one;
  • Often you come across a drawing of a panda astronaut in a spacesuit and with a helmet;
  • If you like Japan, a great option is a samurai panda in a traditional outfit and with a katana;
  • The panda looks great with headphones. Old cassette players like the Sony Walkman are often depicted;
  • Another well-known option is the Greenpeace panda. Although we are talking about the World Wildlife Fund WWF;
  • Often there are drawings in which the animal smokes bamboo. Although in nature it feeds on this plant.
  • The panda's head is a skull, or even robotic with cameras instead of eyes, various details characteristic of mechanisms. Great option for fans of cyberpunk and biopunk.

In general, a panda tattoo in clothes, with various objects characteristic of people, is very common.

The giant panda is an omnivore. However, the main part of the diet is bamboo. Although they are usually considered good-natured bumpkins, they are, first of all, wild animals. By the way, an angry panda, or a very frightened one, can seriously injure an adult with its sharp teeth.

Therefore, a tattoo depicting a panda with a grin is not a joke at all. The cute little animal is quite capable of protecting itself if necessary.

Tattoos with baby pandas look very cute. They are even more funny than adults, and therefore seem to be just soft plush toys.

For people interested in Taoist culture, the panda can be the personification of the yin-yang symbol. As some joke, this bear is a symbol of the fight against racism. After all, he is black, white and Asian at the same time. At the same time, everyone loves him. Jokes aside, this tattoo is one of the kindest and most peaceful symbols.

Performance styles

Each tattoo artist has his own unique style of execution, as well as a set of styles and techniques in which he works. The simplest and most common are traditional and old school. More detailed pandas are obtained in realism and graphics.

Sketches in the style of geometry and linear art are also often ordered. It's amazing how impressive a panda made of broken lines can look. In general, such trends as geometry, dotted style (dotwork), white contours inside black (blackwork) are gaining more and more popularity in the world.

There is a sketch of a panda tattoo in a triangle. If the art itself is black and white and the triangle is red, it's most likely .

Original art is produced in watercolor style. Some consist of multi-colored spots, the combination of which forms a picture perceived as the head of a panda.

Areas of drawing on the body

Panda tattoos are often found on the arm - wrist, forearm, shoulder. Sometimes they order a design on the shoulder blade. This option has its pros and cons. Plus, the skin stretches more slowly. The downside is that its proximity to the bone causes pain during tattooing.

Creating tattoos on the leg - thigh, calf, lower leg - can also be a painful process. Especially if you have a small amount of muscle tissue. Even if you cope with the pain, the recovery process will be quite long.

Options - on the sternum or on the back are liked not only by guys, but also by girls. In both cases, the artist has scope to create a large and detailed picture.

There are numerous photos of panda tattoos on the Internet. The advantage of such sketches is that they look great even in black and white.


In this photo review we are shown a variety of tattoos with pandas, which are presented in various color solutions and styles, from multi-colored to black and white. All tattoos were done by professionals, using good equipment, which guarantees their high quality.

What thoughts come to mind when we see such a cute and rare animal as the Panda? The appearance and behavior of the black and white bear literally radiate warmth, kindness and some gentleness. Like large plush toys, pandas represent... positive attitude and childlike spontaneity. Such an attractive image predictably became an inspiration for many professional tattooists. In almost every salon you can see sketches of panda tattoos in the most different techniques execution.

The birthplace of the panda tattoo.

The reason for the popularity and universal love for the bamboo bear in China is extremely simple: the animal is a symbol of this country and occupies a special place in its national culture. In the eyes of the Chinese, the panda is associated with unpretentiousness, modesty, and a calm disposition. A hidden meaning is seen even in the black and white color of the animal - many see in it a kind of reference to the concept of Yin and Yang. The panda symbolizes harmony, the balance between the energy of a woman and a man. The most popular areas for panda tattoos are on the arm, neck, back, and calves.

The meaning of tattoos in world culture.

The Chinese vision of the panda is significantly different from the global one. Europeans who choose this animal as a body image explain this choice by the desire to express friendliness and openness towards others. The fact that the panda is the official symbol of wildlife also contributes to the spread of tattoos. An endangered species depicted in the form of a tattoo is a kind of call to protect the environment and endangered animals. This is why panda tattoos can often be seen on the bodies of active environmental activists. The Chinese bear also inspires many vegetarians: it is known that the animal's diet consists of plant foods.

Specifics of tattooing.

It is logical that most Chinese bear tattoos are done in black and white. Some masters add variety and complement the sketch with symbolism inspired by Eastern and Asian motifs. Most often, the panda is depicted together with pale pink lotus flowers and bamboo. Such additions are not at all meaningless: a bear sitting on a lotus represents wisdom, truth, knowledge. Fans of simpler sketches, devoid of deep meaning, often get a tattoo of the famous cartoon character - Kung Fu Panda.

Who is this tattoo suitable for?

Sketches depicting a cute black and white bear are especially popular among the fairer sex. This is quite natural - girls’ love for teddy bears has long been known. And yet, it is a mistake to assume that a panda tattoo is relevant for girls and only that. In fact, the image of this animal is fully suitable for guys. Don’t worry that the tattoo will look awkward, inappropriate or “inappropriate” on you. Agree: kindness, wisdom and compassion have no gender. The Chinese bear tattoo is designed to emphasize originality, spiritual fulfillment, determination, the ability to sympathize and trust.

Panda tattoos are very popular in the West. They are applied to support organizations that fight for endangered species and the environment in general.

The panda is an endangered species of animal, of which there are very few left on Earth. IN Asian countries A panda tattoo is usually applied with the addition of various decorative elements. For example, surrounded by bamboo, lotus or sakura. In Europe, such a tattoo is quite rare.

Who is this tattoo suitable for?

It is believed that this tattoo would be fine an exceptionally optimistic and joyful person. Positivity and good nature are the distinctive features of this animal. This symbol carries mystery and a great hidden meaning that characterizes a particular person. It is also generally accepted that the panda tattoo is associated with an extraordinary personality, with a certain childlike spontaneity and innocence.

In most cases, girls are the adherents of this tattoo, but this does not mean that such a tattoo is not popular among men. In general, it is generally accepted that animal tattoos are universal for both genders.

Main characteristics and meaning of the panda tattoo

The meaning of this tattoo, in addition to caring for the world around us, comes from distant memories of childhood. The time of carelessness and naivety is long gone. This is a symbol of the past.

Support for vegetarianism is another distinctive characteristic of the panda tattoo, which means the promotion of this trend to the masses, because for a long time it was believed that the panda is a herbivore, a symbol of vegetarianism, and it also requires protection, like many other types of fauna.

Tattoo modifications

The classic version of a panda tattoo is black and white. But this does not mean that the tattoo should be exactly like this. Adding various elements is also optional. The panda symbol carries a very big meaning, which in itself is unique and significant and does not require additions.

Various variations of the classic panda tattoo to a greater extent characterize the owner as a great, extraordinary person. For example, a colored panda reveals brightness and characterizes the positivity of its owner. Various elements The decor speaks about the versatility of the personality, and completely unusual solutions characterize the youth of spirit and a certain recklessness of the owner of the tattoo.

Adding lotus and bamboo symbols are the most common options. It is these elements that characterize that golden time and memories of childhood. At the same time, the variant of a panda sitting on an open one is also common. This tattoo means a sign of a person’s wisdom and openness to the world around him, goodwill, and also that this person will be happy to communicate with people and is ready for new discoveries.

Prefers a cartoonish interpretation of the classic panda. This is an image of the Kung Fu panda from the popular cartoon of the same name. This cartoon character reveals a person as cheerful, brave and good. The main point of this particular modification is to show the main characteristics of a particular cartoon character. Namely: friendliness, courage and resourcefulness.


People who prefer the “panda” tattoo can safely be considered the most open, good-natured, and also have no conflicts with modern world. These are people who live in comfort and harmony with themselves and others.