Sunscreens for hair. How to protect your hair from the sun - tips, recommendations, professional secrets Protective micro-veil Micro-Voile Protecteur, Kérastase

A couple of years ago I went to the sea with blonde curls. Just ten days later she returned with “straw” on her head. I'm not exaggerating at all! When I combed my hair, my hair fell off like autumn leaves. There were two reasons for this: firstly, I bleached my hair before going to sea, and secondly, during my vacation I did not protect my hair from exposure to the sun and sea salt. It took me exactly the next two years to restore my hair. Experience, the son of difficult mistakes, suggests that it is better to spend money on good cosmetics before your vacation than to cry over scorched tow after. This is especially true for those who dye their hair.

Some simple tips on hair care on vacation from hairdressers and the five best, according to Cosmopolitan magazine (and in my opinion, also quite good - I tried some myself) cosmetic lines for summer hair care - in this post.

To begin with, a few pseudo-scientific horror stories. Yesterday I visited the hairdresser, she told me how hair, the sun and salty sea water interact approximately, so that it would be clear what you need to protect yourself from.

Ultraviolet rays dehydrate hair and gradually destroy both natural and artificial pigments. As a result, undyed hair fades, and dyed hair loses its color brightness, becomes dry and dull. Hair is approximately 70% keratin, which is based on protein enriched with sulfur, iron, chromium, copper, zinc, and manganese. In addition, hair contains vitamins A, B, PP, C, H, lipids, pigment and water. The sun's rays “stretch out” all this, as a result of which the hair loses both flexibility and volume. Salt water washes proteins out of your hair, but that's not the worst thing. Sea salt settles under the scales, dries out in the sun, and salt crystals begin to scratch and destroy the hair shaft. This is why sea-dried hair splits and falls off. In addition, in the summer you have to wash your hair more often, and this is an additional factor that deprives the hair of its elasticity. This is the kind of attack our curls have to withstand!

To help your hair at sea:

1. Do not dye your hair before traveling to the south. Any coloring, even with the most gentle means, is stressful for the hair. Coloring plus sun is a double whammy. It is better to do a salon oil wrap. Last year, before going to the seaside, I did lamination. This is a controversial procedure, it is not suitable for many, but lamination personally saved my hair then.

2. Be sure to use special moisturizing shampoos (or better yet, care series, about them below) with nutrients that bind moisture and prevent hair from drying out. It’s good if the composition contains keratin and oils.

3. Try not to dry your hair with a hairdryer or use styling products, do not comb wet hair, use conditioner and oil for the ends of your hair.

4. Before going into the sea or pool, tie your hair into a tight bun and wet it with fresh running water. It will fill the cuticle and make the hair more resistant to salt. After each bath, be sure to rinse your hair in running water and do not let the salt on your hair dry in the sun.

5. Use a spray with UV protection, or cover your head with a hat/scarf.

And now five cosmetic “solar” series, which are recommended by overseas experts. I repeat, I tried some of this. If you have your own observations, please share! Sometimes friendly advice helps a lot in such matters!

What to put in your suitcase to keep your hair from falling out at sea?


The brand produces, in my opinion, simply the Queen of Masks. Expensive, but your hair instantly comes to life.

Moroccanoil Glimmer Shine spray contains argan oil, vitamins A, F, E, and a sunscreen is also present. This cosmetics instantly nourishes and smoothes hair without weighing it down.

I use oil for the ends of my hair all the time, regardless of the time of year. I tried the shampoo. I personally liked it, but it seemed a little expensive. Recently I found a more affordable and, in my opinion, no less effective alternative - moisturizing shampoo and conditioner with macadamia nut oil from the company Aussie.

By the way, Moroccanoil produces travel kits for the price of two products.

Convenient for vacation.

Biolage Sunsorials from MATRIX

Some hairdressing salons operate on Matrix. Personally, I haven’t tested this cosmetics anywhere except in a hairdresser, but they write that the “solar” series smoothes and nourishes hair well. The basis of the technology is sunflower seed extract, vitamin E and ceramides. The series includes shampoo, mask and protective spray.

Wella Professionals Sun

The Sun line is five products for hair care before, during and after sun exposure. The advantage of the line is that there is a protective spray for fine and normal hair and a cream for coarse hair. I used the spray, my hair becomes very soft after it, the aroma is pleasant. There is also a universal moisturizing cream for hair and skin in the series, I didn’t dare buy it, but they write that you shouldn’t be afraid of this versatility.

SOLAR SUBLIME from L’Oreal Professionnel

They write that the distinctive feature of this series is the professional (that is, optimal) concentration of a protective filter, which protects the hair structure from the aggressive effects of the sun, salt water and wind. There are two types of after-sun shampoos: for normal and colored hair. An excellent hairdresser once told me that if you are in doubt about whether to buy shampoo for colored hair or regular shampoo, choose one for colored hair, because it moisturizes as much as possible. So we take it for painted ones, the main thing is that it does not weigh it down. The series includes sun protection milk specifically for those with unruly hair.

Kerastase Soleil

This line is especially famous for its spray oil (pictured on the right), which protects hair from fading. The trick of this spray is that it moisturizes, protects and at the same time adds shine to your hair. If you spray it on your hand, you will see small golden particles that probably reflect the sun's rays. Hair looks very well-groomed after it.

How do you take care of your hair in summer? Maybe you know some good folk remedies for restoring elasticity and shine?

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Benefits of using sunscreen shampoos:

  • the scalp will not be exposed to aggressive sunlight, reducing the likelihood of dandruff formation;
  • each hair will be covered with the thinnest film, which prevents the scales from opening and the penetration of harmful “agents” directly into the hair structure;
  • “sealing” also protects against moisture evaporation, which keeps the curls shiny;
  • the production of pigment increases, which gives and maintains the color of the strands, so they will not fade during prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • The composition contains extracts of medicinal plants that strengthen, relieve inflammation, soothe, and nourish the hair and scalp with vitamins and minerals.

Most often, shampoos are positioned as moisturizing and nourishing products with filters that “repel” ultraviolet and infrared rays from the surface of the hair.

Quite a popular shampoo from Estelle "Hydration and nutrition" withUV filters. Distinctive characteristics:

The consistency of the shampoo is quite thick. The composition contains pearlescent particles and gives shine to the hair. It has a pleasant aroma with slightly chemical “notes”; it completely disappears after the hair dries and does not appear when the hair gets wet.

The manufacturer recommends using sun protection once every 3-5 days. But consumers point out that the next day after washing, the effect of a flawless hairstyle is lost - the curls at the roots look greasy, and it is impossible to add volume even with a hairdryer. Estelle should be used by those who are used to washing their hair daily.

The cost of shampoo is on average 305 rubles per 250 ml, but this product is from a line of professional cosmetics and has high quality characteristics.

In Ollin shampoo The composition is multi-component, there are chemical elements that are considered aggressive to hair. But the combination of ingredients is so competent that curls after use become:

  • shiny even after prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the color does not fade, does not change or become duller, because Ollin shampoo is able to saturate each hair with moisture and cover it with a thin protective film.

The manufacturer recommends using shampoo and conditioner from the same line to achieve soft hair. Even 2-3 days after washing your hair, there are no signs of contamination; it remains possible to add volume to your hair.

Sun protection set Ollin Pina Colada from (shampoo, balm, oil spray)

The cost of Ollin is low - for 100 ml 250 rubles Its consumption is minimal.

Shampoo Matrix Biolage has a sweet aroma that remains on the hair even after it dries completely. The composition contains L-carnitine, which protects hair from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, nourishes it, saturates it with vitamins and microelements. The manufacturer recommends using Matrix Biolage shampoo in combination with a mask, which is applied immediately after washing and removed with warm water after 3-5 minutes.

The product is excellent for dry, thin and damaged hair from frequent dyeing. It completely cleanses curls of dust and sea salt, making them shiny and easy to comb.

Matrix Biolage (shampoo, protective spray, mask)

Shampoo price – 480-530 rubles for a volume of 250 ml. The expense is quite high.

Rules for using sun shampoos:

  • Shampoo is applied to the roots of the hair, then distributed along the entire length, the ends should be treated especially carefully. You need to foam the product with light movements, but it is worth considering that sun protection products have the ability to “produce” a small amount of foam.
  • After rinsing off the product, apply a mask or balm from one line to the hair, distribute it over all curls and remain on them for 3-5 minutes.

Read more in our article about sun protection shampoos.

Read in this article

Is it really necessary to use sunscreen shampoos?

Ultraviolet rays negatively affect the appearance and health of hair - curls become faded, dry, brittle, and look like wire. Most often, sunscreen shampoos are considered an advertising ploy by the manufacturer, although both cosmetologists and dermatologists insist on the need to change this detergent to a “summer” option when hot days come. And they argue for this as follows:

In addition, such care products contain extracts of medicinal plants that have a beneficial effect on the hair and scalp - strengthen, relieve inflammation, soothe, nourish with vitamins and minerals.

The best sunscreens for hair

Sun shampoos are products included in the manufacturer’s line of sunscreen products. Most often, they are positioned as a moisturizing and nourishing product with filters that “repel” ultraviolet and infrared rays from the surface of the hair. Among consumers and specialists, a unique rating of such shampoos has developed, and only some products are recognized as truly effective, safe and affordable.


The shampoo is called “Moisturizing and Nourishing” with UV filters. Distinctive characteristics:

  • cleanses the hair and scalp as much as possible from dust, dirt and salt deposits (important when relaxing at sea), but does it gently and carefully;
  • ensures smoothness of hair, it does not tangle and fluff up even after prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • moisturizes curls, the nutrients in the product have a low molecular weight, so they penetrate deep into the structure of each hair;
  • adds shine to the strands, they shimmer in the sun even after relaxing on the beach.

The consistency of the shampoo is quite thick, it is clear that the composition contains pearlescent particles - they are what give the hair shine. It has a pleasant aroma with slightly chemical “notes”; it completely disappears after the hair dries and does not appear even when the hair is subsequently wet.

The manufacturer recommends using a product with sun protection once every 3-5 days, but consumers themselves point out that the next day after washing, the effect of a flawless hairstyle is lost - the curls at the roots look greasy, and it is impossible to add volume to the strands even with a hairdryer. Therefore, it is worth using Estelle for those who are used to carrying out daily water treatments for the head.

The cost of the shampoo is quite high - on average 305 rubles for 250 ml, but this product is from a line of professional cosmetics and has high quality characteristics, so the financial costs are justified.


The composition is multi-component, there are chemical elements that are considered aggressive to hair. But the combination of ingredients is so competent that after using shampoo the curls become:

  • really clean - even sand and sea salt are washed away;
  • obedient to style and easy to comb;
  • shiny even after prolonged exposure to the sun.

If the strands were previously dyed, then under the influence of ultraviolet rays the color does not fade, does not change or become duller, because Ollin shampoo is able to saturate each hair with moisture and cover it with a thin protective film.

The manufacturer recommends using shampoo together with conditioner from the same line to achieve soft hair. Even 2-3 days after washing your hair, there are no signs of contamination; it remains possible to add volume to your hair.

The cost of Ollin is low - for 100 ml 250 rubles. Its consumption is minimal due to its dense structure and rare use.

Watch the video about hair products from the Ollin brand:

Matrix Biolage

The shampoo has a sweet aroma that remains on the hair even after it dries completely. The composition contains L-carnitine, which not only protects hair from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, but also nourishes it, saturates it with vitamins and microelements. The manufacturer recommends using Matrix Biolage shampoo in combination with a mask, which is applied immediately after washing and removed with warm water after 3-5 minutes.

The price of sun shampoo ranges from 480-530 rubles for a volume of 250 ml. The structure of the product is not thick, so the consumption is quite large.

Rules for using sun shampoos

Regardless of which particular product is chosen as a “rescuer” of curls from ultraviolet rays, you need to know the rules for its use:

  • You should wash your hair once a day before going outside and visiting the beaches.
  • The water for manipulation should be warm and flow with good pressure - it is important to rinse the product thoroughly.
  • Shampoo is applied to the roots of the hair, then distributed along its entire length, the ends should be treated especially carefully. You need to foam the product with light movements, but it is worth considering that sun protection products have the ability to “produce” a small amount of foam.
  • It is not recommended to use shampoo more than twice during one wash.
  • After rinsing off the shampoo, apply a mask or balm from one line to the hair, distribute it over all curls and remain on them for 3-5 minutes.
  • The final rinse is done with warm water. There is no need to use air conditioners.

Any sunscreen shampoo should be used only for its intended purpose and is not suitable as a regular cleanser/detergent. Such a product, with the right choice and proper use, perfectly protects hair from drying out, loss of color and shine, fragility and thinning - this is exactly how the influence of ultraviolet rays affects strands.

The sound of sea waves, the shining sun, giving the skin a bronze tint... A pleasant picture, but we must not forget that ultraviolet radiation and dry air can harm the skin and hair. Don't forget to buy sun protection products and a hat before the season to enjoy your vacation without any consequences for your curls.

Ultraviolet radiation and thermal exposure are the main enemies of beautiful hair. Moreover, it’s more difficult for colored strands: UV rays neutralize coloring pigments, which can result in unwanted shades. The structure of dyed hair is more porous. As a rule, curls are weakened and more susceptible to the negative effects of exposure to the sun.

To avoid long-term restoration of hair damaged by dry air and ultraviolet radiation, take care of its protection. Benefits of using professional sunscreen cosmetics:

  • easy to use;
  • long-term protection;
  • color preservation;
  • moisturizing and healing strands.

Catalog of sunscreen products for hair

We have collected the best cosmetic products for comprehensive protection of your hair during the holidays. Aldo Coppola brand products - shampoo, mask, oil and milk - are suitable for any type of hair, intensively reconstruct it, and prevent aging due to deep nutrition. A special feature of the Aquamare After Sun line is the elimination of the effects of sun exposure. The effect can be seen almost immediately.

Grown Alchemist brand conditioners contain hydrolyzed quinoa and baobab proteins, as well as panthenol, and are ideal not only for UV protection, but also for restoring hair after coloring.

Enjoy the sun and sea without fear for their health and beauty!

When going to a seaside resort, you need to take the issue of sun protection especially seriously. At the same time, not only the skin of the face and body, but also the hair, which is also subjected to serious testing, should be protected from the harmful effects of its rays. ELLE has selected the best sun protection products to take with you on your summer vacation.

sunscreen shampoo and conditioner

When exposed to the scorching sun, hair quickly loses moisture, becomes more porous and less shiny. To help avoid these negative consequences, products from the Sun Spark series, which include sunscreen shampoo and leave-in conditioner lotion, are designed to help avoid these negative consequences. The main secret of the line's products is the Radialux technology with microions used in their creation, which restores the hair structure and gives it a healthy look. Tangerine extract, included in sun protection products, not only refreshes the scalp, but also has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, while macadamia oil gives hair a well-groomed appearance, making it soft and manageable.

L"Oreal Professionnel Solar Sublime

shampoo and conditioner for hair after sun exposure

Another duet of professional products in the fight against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on hair is L'Oreal Professionnel shampoo and balm from the Solar Sublime series. The shampoo not only thoroughly and carefully cleanses hair of sand, chlorine and sea salt, but also restores its elasticity and firmness , and the balm, meanwhile, puts a reliable block on the subsequent harmful effects of sunlight. Together, these products protect hair from bleaching and drying, because despite the fact that the effect of burnt strands is one of the main beauty trends of the season, it is worth achieving it in the salon under sensitive conditions. the guidance of professionals, and not the natural way, sacrificing the health of the hair.

protective micro-veil

In order not to be tormented by the question of what to do with damaged hair at the end of summer, it is better to take care of its protection in advance. suggests using for this purpose a product with the beautiful name hair veil, which literally envelops the hair in a thin film, reliably covering it from UV rays. The weightless formula does not weigh down the hair, and the active ingredients prevent the “dandelion effect”, when high humidity causes hair to become frizzy and look untidy. By the way, the product is presented both in a full-format size of 125 ml, and in a travel version of 50 ml, which will not take up much space even in hand luggage.

Sun protection for normal to fine hair

The next product to add to your vacation packing list is Wella Professionals Sun Protection Spray. This bottle should be on hand throughout your vacation, because you can use it before, during, and after exposure to the sun. The product is a two-phase product enriched with a complex of vitamins. The first phase protects the hair, creating a protective barrier, and the second phase nourishes it from the inside. While sitting on the beach, simply shake the bottle and spray the product onto dry or damp hair. Another advantage of the spray is that it is not washed off with sea water.

hair conditioner after sun exposure

If the damage has already been done, your hair has become brittle, dry and difficult to style after being in the sun - no problem! The After Sun restorative conditioner will come to the rescue, which will restore shine and strength to even the most damaged and weakened strands. It should be applied to clean, towel-dried hair, paying special attention to the ends, then comb the hair, and then rinse the conditioner thoroughly with lukewarm water. Quickly absorbing into hair pores thanks to its light texture, SP After Sun conditioner instantly brings hair back to life, adding silkiness and shine.

hair spray "Double protection"

Even the healthiest hair loses its strength under the influence of the summer sun, and what can we say about strands weakened by bleaching and dyes! It is for those with colored hair that Amway specialists have developed Satinique Dual Defend Spray, which works on all fronts. Firstly, it reliably protects hair from UV rays, secondly, it restores strength to colored hair, and thirdly, it protects strands during heat styling. The two-phase spray is enriched with pomegranate extract and vitamin E, which have a restorative and nourishing effect on the hair structure, as a result, the hair looks healthier and its color lasts longer.

On hot sunny days, it is necessary to protect not only all exposed areas of the body, but also hair from UV rays. The harmful effects of the sun cause your beautiful curls to become brittle, dull, lose their original shine and silkiness, begin to split at the ends, and the hair follicles become depleted.

In our selection you will find items that you should definitely take with you on vacation.

“If you are planning a vacation in hot countries or will be in the open sun for a long time, use several hair protective products at the same time.”
Spray to protect hair from the sun.

Shampoos and hair conditioners with SPF are a must for use in the summer, but they only provide light superficial protection because after rinsing, a small amount of SPF remains on the strands. To reduce the negative effects of harmful UV rays, it is necessary to use sun protection spray for hair, which will provide reliable, long-term protection.

The main benefit of sunscreen spray is that it can be spread evenly throughout your hair. This will protect every hair not only from the sun, but also from the aggressive effects of sea water.

Sun protection spray for hair

Sun Care Hair Veil by Aveda

Protective spray for body and hair creates a kind of indelible “veil” on the surface of hair and skin that will last for at least 16 hours. A pleasant summer aroma with notes of ylang-ylang, citrus and neroli will be a pleasant bonus.

Micro-Voile Protecteur by Kérastase

The spray will not only protect your beautiful hair from photoaging and ultraviolet exposure, but will also give your curls extraordinary silkiness, natural elasticity and radiant shine. The spray works best on bleached or colored hair, improving color vibrancy and shade saturation.

Sun Protection Spray from Wella Professional

A two-phase innovative spray created on the basis of a specially developed vitamin complex. The first, main phase, will protect the strands from the sun, and the second will gently care for the curls, moisturizing and giving them a healthy shimmering shine.

Vitalite Express Cheveux by La Biosthetique

Two-phase waterproof spray with care + protection formula. The product contains natural extracts of wheat, sunflower and tetrapeptides, as well as unique silicone components that provide reliable protection from harmful radiation and allow you to quickly restore even severely damaged hair.

After using this protective spray, the hair acquires a natural, natural shine and becomes very elastic. Apply the spray to damp or dry hair before going to the beach and enjoy your hot summer holiday in peace.

Sun protection oil for hair

To rid your hair of dryness and condition the roots, you should apply it to your strands before going outside. sun protection oil for hair, which has a light filtering effect. Vegetable oils will prevent your hair from drying out and splitting, and natural ingredients will restore damaged curls and give them a healthy shine. It is best to apply oil to dry hair, paying most attention to damaged ends.

Benefice Soleil Anti-Ageing Protective Oil SPF 15 from Payot

The spray oil has a light structure and protects hair from drying out. The product is suitable for body care and has an anti-aging effect.

Hairdresser's Invisible Oil from Bumble&Bumble

The product contains six natural oils. Instantly drying and extremely light oil will give your hair a healthy shine and silkiness, protect your curls from harmful UV rays and any thermal effects.

Moroccanoil Treatment

An oil for styling, caring for hair and adding natural shine. The patented innovative formula contains vitamins A, E and F, argan tree extract, phenol and tocopherol. The unique composition of the product will protect the strands from exposure to aggressive rays, making them light, silky and shiny. The oil will make styling easier, soften unruly curls and restore lifeless hair, making it more elastic and soft.

In the summer, hair becomes very dry, breaks and splits, so you need to choose a shampoo that contains special ingredients that maintain an optimal level of humidity. It is also worth paying attention to substances that keep hair healthy even with long-term sun exposure.

Color Extend Sun After-Sun Shampoo by Redken

Unlike the above protective products, this shampoo should be used after you return from the beach. In addition to its main function - cleansing the hair, the shampoo restores the strands and further protects them.

After-Sun Hair Body DualSenses Sun Reflects from GOLDWELL

Protective shampoo will keep hair healthy, provide soft, gentle care and intense hydration of strands after too long exposure to the sun. Thanks to its innovative formula, this shampoo will instantly make your hair shiny and silky. Shampoo for protecting hair from the sun from GOLDWELL very carefully and gently cleanses the scalp and protects curls from the harmful effects of harmful rays, salty sea water and hard chlorinated water.

Moroccanoil Moisture Repair Shampoo

The shampoo cleanses, restores and protects colored and damaged hair, giving hair smoothness and shine. The shampoo contains avocado oil and argan oil, as well as plant extracts of chamomile, jojoba, lavender, rosemary, rich in antioxidants; amino acids of keratin, silk, proteins and a set of other substances beneficial for hair.

We hope ours will help you make the right choice. And when you return from vacation, you will certainly boast not only a luxurious bronze tan, but also the healthy shine of your hair.