Essay about friendship. Essay on the topic “True friendship” Essay on the topic of friendship

(116 words)

Friendship is a kinship of souls that binds two people with common interests and mutual sympathy, but does not tolerate betrayal, deception and falsehood.

Nagibin’s text describes the relationship between two boys, which in no way resembles friendship. The narrator does not immediately understand this, endures the arrogance and hysteria of his friend, and one day even experiences betrayal (sentences 21-24). It is at this turning point that he realizes that his comrade is a weak-willed and self-righteous liar, incapable of friendship.

Another example from literature is the relationship between Tolstoy and Tonkoy in Chekhov’s story of the same name. Thin betrays friendship by being a hypocrite and humiliating himself in front of his comrade because of class prejudices. In fact, in this case, the kinship of souls was also destroyed by the lies and mannerisms of one of the friends.

Thus, soul kinship is impossible without honest and open relationships.

Example from life

I also had a friend who was not known for his honesty. I realized this when we were playing with firecrackers. As soon as the adults discovered our joint prank, he blamed everything on me, although the idea belonged to him. After that, the friendship burned out as quickly as the fuse of a firework.

Essay 15.3 on the topic: What is friendship? According to Nagibin’s text “In our pair I was the leader”

Assignment: How do you understand the meaning of the word FRIENDSHIP? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic “What is friendship”, using the definition you gave as the thesis.

(117 words)

Friendship is a relationship between people, supported by loyalty, the desire to help and help each other, as well as common interests and unanimous opinions. But the most important thing in friendship is the rejection of betrayal.

In the proposed text, the narrator betrays friendship by slandering a comrade (sentences 28-30). The consequences of his action were insignificant, but Pavlik lost confidence in his friend and stopped communicating forever (sentence 62), because friendship without fidelity is an empty phrase, just a superficial acquaintance.

An example from the literature on this topic is the relationship between Troekurov and Dubrovsky in Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky”. The rich gentleman trampled on the feelings of his comrade, encroaching on his rights. The poor but proud nobleman never forgave the insult; many years of friendship were destroyed due to betrayal.

Thus, you must be able to be friends, that is, you must never allow yourself to commit betrayal.

Example from life

There was also a similar incident in my life: a friend didn’t help on a test at the most decisive moment, but not because she couldn’t: it was fundamentally important to her that everyone gets what they deserve. I would have understood it if I hadn't really prepared, but I was just sick when it was explained. As a result, I didn’t sit down with her and didn’t communicate anymore, because a true friend will always help out, which means she wasn’t one.

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Friendship... such a small word... of only 6 letters... And it sounds differently for everyone... Someone will gently, smiling, quietly whisper this word... And someone will shout at the top of their lungs and give a high five to a friend... So and it means it differently for everyone... For some, friendship is just a person with whom you can gossip, drink, get high and laugh together at some joke... But you don’t even know what’s going on in his life... The main thing is, to have fun... To forget about problems... To plunge headlong into the world of lies and falsehood... For others, this is a business relationship... at school, at college, at work... everyone has that person with whom you communicate only within a certain then a certain institution... Yes, you have fun with him... Yes, you can consult with him about something... Yes, you helped him, for example, with his homework in school, with a report at work, and he offered you help in return... Or in general, “give and give” you use each other... And that’s all... This is where your communication ends... No calls, no meetings, no correspondence... You purely communicate for some benefit... For others, this is some kind of increase in self-esteem... they will find someone a person who is worse than you in some way or is not prettier... and they go with him everywhere to show how good, smart, pretty you are... Or vice versa... They creep in front of people with high status, so that you are also respected and considered “higher” than who you really are... For the fourth, this is a person who is obliged (in the literal sense of the word) to listen to problems and solve them, without his own participation. .. Fulfill any requests and instructions... Run at the first call... And for me, such relationships take on a certain form of “despot” and “six”... For others, these are common interests, goals, hobbies, some kind of sympathy... But build relationships purely on these indicators it’s impossible... If they disappear, then friendship passes... And for others... like, for example, for me... Friendship is, firstly, a word with a capital letter! Like Parents, Life and Death, Love and Hate, Happiness and Despair... It is important for me that between me and a person there is trust, understanding, sincerity... For me, a Friend is a person who will always express his point of view, without fear that I I can react to this negatively, because he knows that I will understand and accept his choice, whatever it may be... Who will listen and support when I feel bad or don’t know what to do in a given situation... Will accept my problems as his own ... And he will solve them together with me... Shoulder to shoulder... Overcoming difficulties along the way... Because he knows that I will also not turn away from him when he needs help... Who can make me laugh if my soul is bad... He will rejoice at my victories and success... Who can call me at any hour of the day or night, knowing that I won’t send him and will talk out what’s boiling in my soul... even if it’s just another outburst or trifle... because he trusts... and for me that’s important... And it doesn’t matter to me how often we see each other, whether we call each other, or live in different cities... What are our hobbies, tastes, worldview and goals in life... Friends will always remain Friends for me... As long as I believe in our Friendship... Bye I believe,. . what do they need... I am turning to you, Friends... To my beloved and dear little people... I know... that my life has turned a gray side... Or maybe it’s already white... The main thing is that everything is already behind... And I took this chance by moving to another city... And now I’ve been living here for 9 months... far from you... And here still NO ONE has replaced you... Everything remains the same... The she-wolf did not want to create a new pack... and remained devoted to her family members of the small Family... Yes, yes... Exactly the Family... From six people... Some of you live in Taldom... Some in Dmitrov... Some in Moscow... But I don’t forget about anyone... Forgive me for rarely calling... I come very rarely... I really miss you very much I miss you... And thank you very much for understanding me... And they forgave me for abruptly leaving like that, when some of you needed my help... Now... I can only help with consolation, support and advice over the phone... It’s very painful and offensive to realize... That somewhere out there... several hundred kilometers away... it’s difficult for you... lonely... scary... And you’re used to me always being around... and now... that’s not there... it all ended when I moved... But such is adult life... Childhood is over... For everyone now my path... My goals... I feel that between some of you our spiritual thread is breaking... And it’s hard for me to realize this, because you yourself sometimes sharpen it with dull scissors... And both or several people must fight for Friendship!.. I don’t know... what will happen in 5...10 years... maybe... we will laugh at all these lines, because we will run away... And only memories will remain... Or maybe our Friendship will be even stronger! We will visit each other... babysit children... share news as always and laugh at any bullshit that pops into our heads... And we will be Happy!.. Everything depends only on Us... And I ask... Please... Let's continue to grow together this thread with a warm feeling... so that it becomes stronger than steel... and during quarrels... even very serious ones... it does not break...

I Love you very much, my Friends! This text is dedicated to you!

Ozhegov’s dictionary gives the following definition of the concept of friendship: “Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, and common interests.” I think this definition is very true.

I believe that only those people around whom a person becomes himself can be called friends. In the company of these people, he is not afraid to seem funny, stupid, or uninteresting. Because friends are those people who accept you for who you are.

I would also like to note that the longest marriages, it seems to me, are built on friendship. The fact is that the state of love often passes, the intensity of feelings goes away, and marriage in such a situation is under threat. But unions in which strong friendship remains after passion, as a rule, last a lifetime. I believe that it is in such marriages that spouses become truly close people.

True friends can help a person in any, even the most difficult, situations. But, by the way, I believe that friendship is tested more by joy than by troubles. When finding himself in unpleasant situations, a person can find help and support from his friends. But only friends can rejoice and share happiness. For some reason, a person is designed in such a way that in someone else’s misfortune he sees some kind of reassurance for himself: “Everything is not so bad for me,” “It’s good that trouble passed me by.” But it’s much more difficult to rejoice at other people’s successes. Simple human envy begins. As a result, it turns out that friends are tested by their happiness, because only a true comrade can sincerely rejoice with you.

So how does friendship begin? In fact, in life it is almost impossible to predict your relationship with this or that person. It happens that sympathy arises immediately, from the first minutes of communication. And it begins to seem to you that this relationship is for centuries. But... some time passes, and you realize that this person is not “yours” at all. In the sense that in reality you have so little in common and, by and large, you look at life very differently. It happens quite the opposite. At first glance, you do not expect anything from a person other than smiles and greetings when you meet. But after a certain amount of time, you begin to take a closer look at him and understand that this person is interesting to you and, perhaps, he will become your friend.

Now, perhaps, it is worth explaining the meaning that I put into the expression “my man.” It seems to me that there are several types of relationships between people. First type: you communicate with a person very well, despite the fact that they are dissimilar in many ways. Perhaps you have different musical tastes, you prefer different literature and are unlikely to agree on which film to go to the cinema. But this is not so important. The main thing is that you have the same core of life. That is, you look at life from the same angle and perceive important life events in the same way. You are your own people.

Second type: you are similar in musical, literary and other tastes, but you perceive life radically differently. I believe that such friendly alliances are unlikely to last long.

A strong partnership between people who are completely different in their essence can begin only in extreme situations. I mean the comrades with whom a person went through the war. Such a terrible event in life really binds people together. E.M. wrote his wonderful novel about this. Remarque.

“Three Comrades” is a work about love, friendship, and people who went through the First World War. The generation of these people is usually called “lost.” The main character of the novel, Robert Lokamp, ​​went to war as a very young man. Having gone through all the horrors of war, he learned from there the value of true friendship. Later, in peacetime, he again met his comrades in arms, and they opened a joint business. Robert, Otto and Gottfried stick to each other, never leaving their comrade in trouble. When Robert's beloved woman needs urgent medical help, Otto Kester, putting aside all his problems, takes off and brings a doctor from another city. When money is needed for a possible cure for Pat, Kester, without hesitation, sells the most expensive thing he has, his brainchild - his racing car.

But the motive of friendship in this work is also manifested in the theme of love. After all, Robert calls his beloved “my beloved, brave old friend.” And this is no coincidence. Pat also won his heart by accepting him as he was, without trying to change him. Their love would not be so strong if there were not also close friendly feelings between them.

To summarize all of the above, I want to say that true friendship is a true gift. Not everyone can build such relationships. But the one who finds a friend in life is truly lucky. Because he took a big step towards the most important discovery in the world - knowing himself.

I would like to begin my discussion with the definition of the term friendship. Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual respect, care, and a willingness to share grief and joy. A friend is a person you are always happy to see. A friend is the person you can rely on, who will come to your aid in difficult times.

Seneca also wrote: “Friendship ends where mistrust begins.” Thus, he wanted to show us that friendship is based on immense trust in a person. There are often cases when a person gives his life into the hands of a friend. That's how much trust there can be among friends. After all, a friend is a person who will not betray. But if mistrust arises during a friendly relationship, then the friendship can be terminated. Seneca thought so.

Without true friendship, life becomes harder. Because when hard times come and a person needs support, there will be nowhere to get it from. After all, money can't buy friendship. Cicero wrote: “There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship: excluding friendship from life is the same as depriving the world of sunlight.” So a friend is another person's light.

It seems to me that every person is capable of friendship. It’s just that some people do not fully possess the qualities that are attributed to an ideal friend. However, we know that there are no ideal friends, just as there are no ideal people. Therefore, people can either be friends all their lives or quarrel, becoming enemies for a long time. Omar Khayyam also wrote that if you offend a friend, you will make an enemy, if you hug an enemy, you will gain a friend.

What is the most important thing in friendship? Of course, the ability to forgive. Understand and forgive very important moments in friendship. Without this, no friendly union will be strong.

In modern society there is an opinion that friendship is like a ghost. Everyone talks about it, but no one has really seen it. In other words, people don't really believe in friendship. But I believe that true friendship exists. I believe that friendship is the most beautiful feeling on Earth. This is a gift to humanity given from above. All ages are submissive to friendship. A friend can be a father and mother, a sister, a grandfather, or a neighbor at school.

Friendship is like family. She is strong and strong, but at the same time very fragile. Friendship is built on trust and the ability to understand and forgive a person.

A true friend is found in trouble. Because in joy everyone wants to be with you, but as soon as bad moments happen in life, then only friends remain with you.

I choose friendship and I am ready to fight for it!

Theme description: Remember how in the children's song?

The breeze is friends with the sun,

And dew - with the grass.

A flower is friends with a butterfly,

We are friends with you...

So, childhood is over, and now it’s school and we’ll talk about “Friendship.” Please:

"What is friendship and my view of friendship."

What is friendship? This is joy! Great joy from communication! The joy of having someone close to you who will help you with advice, will always listen and will certainly support you in everything. Only he can be completely trusted. Only from him can you listen to criticism addressed to you without being offended.

True friendship, like true love, is a rather rare phenomenon. But if it does exist, then we must take care of it like the apple of our eye. After all, when we lose a friend, we lose a part of ourselves. And we must always remember that it is easy to lose it, but it is incredibly difficult to find it. And the older we get, the more difficult it is.

Friendship must be nurtured like a fragile and delicate flower. “Water” with thoughts about a friend, “fertilize” with worthy deeds.

What should a friend be like? Faithful! Patient! Good! Yes, exactly like that! After all, he is a Friend! A friend will be tested by both time and circumstances. And over the years, true friendship only becomes stronger.

Friendship cannot be one-sided, otherwise it is no longer friendship. Everything is common, all together! Always and everywhere!

There cannot be many friends, one, maybe two or three in a lifetime. And the rest of the dozens and hundreds are just friends, comrades, acquaintances. Yes, they are good, pleasant, wonderful, but these are not friends.

And I have a friend! Which means I'm a happy person. So I'm not alone. And so did he. And together - the sea is knee-deep, together we will solve any problems, and we will not be afraid of any difficulties and adversities. After all, we are friends!