Slavic fabric amulets dolls: their meaning and how to make them with your own hands. Amulet doll “Vesnyanka” - DIY master class Folk doll herbalist

Dolls-amulet touches even today - many are unable to pass by when they see similar products somewhere in hand-made shops. But what is worth knowing about such dolls, how to use them correctly? And maybe it’s better to make some amulets yourself?

Doll-amulet Herbalist

The Herbal Pot was summoned prevent illness, improve the condition of an already sick person. In addition, and with evil eye she could handle it perfectly, and atmosphere in the house make it more prosperous.

The secret of such a doll was that it was filled not with artificial fillers, but herbs, and even medicinal ones!

Doll-amulet The herbalist often kept herbs not only in the hem, but also in additional bags

It was customary to keep several Herbalists in one house. One disinfected the air and served as a prevention of colds. If there was a small child in the family, it was recommended to hang the doll over his crib.

The second Kubishka began soothing herbs and was located near the pillow- this ensured a calm and healthy sleep and a vigorous awakening.

The third doll often lived in the kitchen, awakening appetite and eliminating unpleasant odors. If there was barn, it was also worth delivering Kubishka there - she would have saved supplies.

The Herbalist amulet doll could be located in the barn
In the kitchen, the Herbalist amulet doll was also appropriate

IMPORTANT: In order for the Herbalist to cope with her mission, it was necessary to crush her - this is how she became more active essential oils. And I had to remember this every evening. However, excessive zeal threatened to turn the grass into dust.

The Herbalist amulet doll should have been crushed in the hands

The grass needs to be changed- at least once or twice a year. Otherwise, the amulet risks turning into a dust collector.

Amulet doll Podorozhnitsa

This amulet was presented to those who went on a journey. Since the pupa is quite compact - only 5-6 centimeters- it will not take up much space in travel bag. But it will always remind you of your home.

The amulet doll Plantain is quite compact

The doll will definitely have there must be a pouch, and in it - handful dear to man earth or ash from home. You can also put a piece of bread or grain- they will serve as a guarantee that the wanderer will not have to starve on the way. A a piece of fabric or wool will protect you from the cold.

The amulet doll Plantain must have had a bag
Often the emphasis in the Plantain amulet doll was on the bag

IMPORTANT: Since the power of a doll lies in the thoughts of its creator, craftswomen often read a conspiracy when making a doll so that the traveler would return safe and sound.

Doll-amulet for health

It was believed that this amulet could not only drive away the disease, but even take it upon yourself. Of course, for this it was necessary to make a doll with good intentions.

They preferred to choose the material for such a doll flax. Our ancestors knew that it is environmentally friendly. And they firmly believed that if they were to be treated, it would be with such material.

This doll cannot boast of being particularly elegant, because it was not customary to decorate it. Shown off on his chest protective cross made of red threads, which, by the way, did not tear during the needlework process. Another characteristic feature is long braid.

Often handicrafts were done by candlelight, and in parallel with this health conspiracies were read. However, one could simply repeat: "Greetings!".

Amulet doll Krupenichka

Keeping the harvest safe and sound was an important task for the Slavs. Moreover, damage to the crop, in their opinion, could be caused from the other world - for such cases, Krupenichka’s amulet was created.

Paradoxically, this doll was made not before the harvest, but after. The basis of the pupa was a bag into which cereal was poured. Mostly it was buckwheat, although they were often used rye and wheat.

IMPORTANT: Whatever grain is used, it is important that it is of good quality.

Dolls-amulets Krupenichki

Krupenichka lived in the house for six months before sowing or a year until the next harvest. Then the pupa was dismantled, the fabric was burned, and they ate cereals.

By the way, in the event of an emergency, it was quite possible to feed yourself with grain from the pupa for several days - this is truly a talisman!

The amulet doll Krupenichka was small, but the grain from it could last for several days

Family amulet doll

In Rus' large families have always been highly respected. And they met quite often, because the girls got married in early age. But all family members could get back on their feet only when everything was fine in it, which is why amulets were made.

The Family amulet was an adult doll and six diapers - this is how it embodied fertility.

An adult doll was made according to the principle of making a Stolbushka, that is, the basis was a small log or a twist of rags. As for attire, there are no restrictions, but a warrior or headscarf had to be present.

Amulet doll Family - this is one large doll and several small ones

IMPORTANT: The diapers were attached either to the Stolbushka’s skirt or to the belt.

The diapers could be attached to the amulet doll on the belt

Amulet doll Angel

For all believers, the angel was a very powerful amulet that came to the rescue in difficult moments. The angel drove away evil spirits and attracted good luck.

For such a talisman it is advisable to use white fabric- calico, linen, and chintz are perfect.

It is desirable that the Angel amulet doll be white

Often dolls were made for small children, and close people had to make them. At the same time, the doll was made strictly individually, and it was undesirable for others to take it.

The Angel amulet doll was often made for children
The Angel amulet doll may look like this

Doll-amulet Success

Success was created specifically for those cases when success in some matter was necessary, and it was inconvenient to disturb higher powers on such an occasion. It was believed that the Successful Woman would prevent all undesirable outcomes of an important matter.

It was not worth using the wisher too often, because from offerings it would begin to resemble Christmas tree.

There will not be as many decorations on the amulet doll Successful as on Zhelannitsa

IMPORTANT: During the production of the Successor, it was necessary to clearly voice your wish. It needs to be said especially clearly when the knot on the doll’s belt was being made - it was believed that this is where success would be found.

The success was kept in the bundle on the side of the amulet doll of the Successful Woman.

But whatever the craftswoman’s imagination, she definitely had to make a braid for the doll. As we mentioned earlier, it was in the braid, as the Slavs believed, that a woman’s strength and success lay.

The braid of the doll-amulet of the Successful One should be given special attention
The beautiful braid of the amulet doll Successful is the key to making a wish come true

They preferred to dress up the doll the way it was customary for women to dress in the region where the craftswoman lived. It was also desirable to use Slavic symbols in decorating clothes.

Dressing the Successful amulet doll was the same as the local women dressed

Amulet doll for marriage

Girls getting married preferred to make amulets for a happy occasion. family life. However, such needlework could also be done by young ladies who only dreamed of getting married successfully, but had not yet met a suitable man.

Since time immemorial there has been a saying that a man is the head and a woman is the neck. The implication was that the head looked where the neck turned. That is why special attention was paid to this part of the pupa.

They made accents with beautiful multi-colored collars. Beads could also be used.

Beads are also a good option for decorating the neck of a doll-amulet for marriage.

IMPORTANT: When attaching each collar, the girl listed one quality that she wanted to see in the groom. At the same time, the qualities were spoken out loud.

A distinctive feature of such a doll was the absence of arms. It was understood that the husband would carry his chosen one in his arms.

Prosperous - amulet doll

The second name of this doll is Mistress. It will protect you from misfortunes, promote prosperity, and attract money and health. It could be created at any time - and on New Year, and for housewarming, and for a wedding, and just like that.

The amulet doll Blessed One may have been unprepossessing, but she was a lot of help

The lucky one is not a large doll - her height should be about 8 centimeters.

The amulet doll Blagopoluchnitsa belongs to small dolls

However, a coin of 5 kopecks or 5 rubles can easily fit there. And since such money appeared in our country only at the beginning of the 18th century, we can conclude that the Blessed One does not belong to the ancient amulets.

A coin was successfully placed in the amulet doll Blessed One

Amulet doll for pregnancy

The Novgorod pregnant doll was considered a very good amulet for early motherhood. Moreover, this amulet helped not only to conceive, but also to more easily endure pregnancy and childbirth, and warded off illness and the evil eye.

A distinctive feature of the doll was, of course, the belly in which the Diaper was placed. The diaper was wrapped in a kind of birch bark pencil case.

Checkered pattern is the preferred pattern for a doll-amulet for pregnancy

IMPORTANT: When making such a talisman, a man should not be nearby. And in the future you shouldn’t give him the doll - it’s better to hide it away from prying eyes.

Is it possible to give dolls as amulets, what are the rules for gifting?

When a doll-amulet is made as a gift, it must also be filled with the brightest thoughts, good wishes. Moreover, it is advisable to imagine how the good things you wish for are already coming true for the future owner of the doll.

The Slavs believed that for harmony it is necessary to compensate for empty space. So, the creator of the amulet put part of himself into the thing and, it turns out, gave himself away when donating. This means that the person who accepts the amulet must give something in return.

IMPORTANT: The cost of the return gift did not matter, because everyone’s financial condition is different, but the need for amulets is the same. Therefore, if a person can only give a small thing, he needs to be grateful to that too.

Even today there is such a thing as “puppet therapy”. Just imagine what kind of strength and energy a folk amulet doll can give! It contains the wisdom of our ancestors, passed down over the centuries. So why don't we take advantage of this wisdom?

This doll is filled with fragrant medicinal herbs. You need to crush the doll in your hands, move it, and the herbal spirit will spread throughout the room, which will drive away the spirits of illness. After 2 years, the grass in the pupa must be changed. This is exactly what our ancestors did.

The Herbal Pot doll has 6 knots: a large knot is the body, resembles a tumbler, a knot-head is tied to it (all knots are stuffed only with herbs), one knot is tied to the handles, that's two more, two more knots form the chest, total - 6 .

The Pot-Herbalist makes sure that the disease does not enter the house. Warmth emanates from her, like from a caring housewife. She is both a protector from the evil spirits of illness and a kind comforter. It was hung in the house above the baby's cradle. The doll was given to children to play with. It was also placed near the patient’s bed.

Photo on the right- from the site

Material for work:
1. A piece of light fabric 20 x 20cm. – 1 pc.
2. A piece of light fabric in a small pattern 10 x 10 cm - 2 pcs.
3. A triangular piece of bright plain fabric for a headscarf, ½ 30 x 30 cm. – 1 pc.
4. A strip of red fabric 20 x 1 cm. – 1 pc.
5. A piece of colored fabric 40 x 40cm. – 1 pc.
6. A piece of colored fabric 5 x 5 cm - 2 pcs.
7. Sewing or lace, or a bright strip of fabric 7 x 10 cm. for an apron – 1 pc.
8. Belt braid 25cm.
9. Red threads
10. Fragrant medicinal herbs 3-5 items, 10 g each. Each
11. Sintepon or pieces of rags for filling the doll.
12. Needle
13. Scissors

The basis of the doll is a twist made of linen fabric, and instead of a body, a bag is made and filled with grass. Two small bags of grass are also tied to the doll’s hands. The doll is dressed up, and for a long time it pleases the residents of the house with the smell of meadow grass and a beautiful outfit.

Egg-cup manufacturing technology:

1. Take a piece of light fabric and put padding polyester or rags in the middle.

2. We make the doll’s head, trying to keep the face without wrinkles. To do this, we tie an even number of turns at the site of the intended neck with red thread.

3. Straighten the fabric diagonally, placing the halves of the flap on top of each other. At the ends of the diagonal we bend the fabric and tie an even number of turns with red thread at a distance of 2-2.5 cm. from the edge. We get hands.

4. Raise your arms and tie an even number of turns with a red thread in the area of ​​the expected waist.

5. Take scraps of light fabric in a small pattern. And in the same way as the head, we make 2 breasts. Each breast is slightly smaller than the head.

6. We tie each breast separately to the neck.

7. Take a red strip and tie two knots on it at a distance of 1.5-2 cm. from each other.

8. We tie a red stripe to the head and get horns.

9. We hide the horns by tying a scarf on our heads, which is tied at the back.

10. Take a large piece of colored fabric, lay it out on the table, fold the ends towards the middle.

11. Baste along the edge with large stitches so that you can pull it into a bag later.

12. Sprinkle some grass in the middle. Place padding polyester or rags on top of the grass. Then we add grass again. Then again padding polyester. We alternate layers until we get enough.

13. We put the upper part of the doll into the sundress and tighten the edges, evenly distributing the folds.

14. We tie the apron inside out under the chest.

15. We tie the doll with a belt on top.

16. Take small scraps of colored fabric, fill each with fragrant grass and tie them up.

17. We hang these bags from the doll’s hands.

18. After this, the doll needs to be smoothed out a little, wrinkled, and bumps and bumps removed.

Here the Herbal Pot is ready!

Information from Fafani:

Herbalist doll for a good night's sleep. Filled with sawdust, bark, juniper leaves and buckwheat grain.
One of the filling options is motherwort herb, lemon balm leaves, chamomile color. For a good night's sleep, dolls are hung on the headboard of the bed or can be placed under the pillow.

Herbalist doll for disease prevention.

First filling option: St. John's wort, chamomile, immortelle.

Second filling option: sage, yarrow, wormwood.

Third filling option: pine buds (you can also use pine needles, just tear them finely), thuja sprigs, several apricot kernels, garlic seeds. The doll can be filled with either a mixture of herbs or any one herb.

During epidemics of viral diseases, make and use a doll stuffed with either pine buds or garlic seeds. And for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and flu, it’s a good idea to use a doll filled with thyme.

Well, at the end of my story, I’ll add - if you want a grass doll to bring joy to your home and help in healing, then when collecting grass, just talk to the grass. Tell Mother Grass why, for what good purposes she is going, so that all the positive energy of the grass remains for a long time and brings the desired result.

And here is the text and my diagram from Vilena’s and my book “Doll Chest”.

Herbal egg capsule

This is a healing hostess doll.

To keep the air in the hut clean, they made a useful doll in Tula - the Herbal Pot. They hung it where the air stagnated, as well as above the child’s cradle. Inside the pupae is fragrant grass. They crumpled the doll in their hands - they moved it, and a herbal spirit was heard throughout the hut, which drove away the spirits of illness. After two years, the grass in the pupa is changed - filled with fresh fragrant grass.

The herbal pot is a wonderful gift for friends, family and friends.

For the doll we will need: white (white earth) cotton fabric - a square with a side of 20-22 cm and two squares with a side of 10 cm, strong red threads (red color is protective), a strip of red fabric 1 by 20 cm for a headband, a piece of scarf with a length of at least two and a half times the circumference of the doll's head, a square of colored fabric with a side of 40-42 cm for a pouch skirt, various fragrant herbs (sage, pine needles, yarrow, mint, lemon balm, oregano and others), rags, a bright strip of fabric for an apron 4 by 7 cm, colored wool threads for the belt.

Rice. 1. We make the upper part of the pupa – the head – from a large white (or white earth) square of fabric. We bend it diagonally and put a tow (tow) or rags (old rags) in the center. We create a tight, even head without wrinkles on the face, and secure it with a thread around the neck.

Rice. 2-3. We make hands-palms. Straighten the fabric diagonally. At the ends of the diagonals we fold the fabric. Fold the tip of the flap approximately 2-2.5 cm inward. We twist the edges of the fabric inward and, stepping back from the edge 2-2.5 cm, secure it. We do the second handle in the same way. We tie the doll around the belt.

Rice. 4-5. From small squares we make a strong chest in the same way as the head. The size of each breast is slightly smaller than the head (voluptuous breasts were considered a sign of fertility), each breast is separately tied to the body in turn.

Rice. 6. We tie a red striped ribbon with horns on the head of the Tula doll. For horns, two knots are tied on a strip at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other.

Rice. 7-8. The horns are hidden under a scarf. The scarf is tied at the back.


Rice. 9-10. Next, we proceed to making a sundress. Take a large colored square. Filling: pour a handful of grass of one type, put a rag, pour a handful of grass of another type, put a rag, etc. We alternate layers of rags and grass until we collect enough. The sundress is made in the form of a bag - to do this, we fold the corners onto rags with herbs, collect them along the edges - we get a bag.

Fig. 11-12. We put the upper part of the doll in a sundress bag and tie both parts of the doll (upper and lower) tightly. The upper edge sticks out under the chest - like the breast of a sundress. The entire edge should be well folded, and the folds should be evenly distributed.

Fig. 13. We tie an apron to the doll using a reverse method. We wrap it with a belt (knitted from woolen threads) starting from the front (we tie the apron), take the threads behind the back, cross them there, lower the apron, bring the ends of the belt forward and tie it. The ends of the belt should be equal in length - if the ends are equal, then the housewife is worthwhile.

Rice. 14. Bags of grass are tied to the doll’s hands. They are made from squares of fabric. Pour the grass into the center of the square and lift the edges of the fabric, forming a bag. We tie it and tie it to Kubyshka’s handle. After making the doll, you can get along with it - knead it in your hands, feel the aroma of herbs, remove tubercles and irregularities.


The traditional version requires dexterity of skills, beginners can try to make the following option - Eggball in a skirt (Dona’s author’s version). It's a little easier to do.

Points 1-10 are the same. We also make the upper part of the doll, and also lay layers of rags and grass on the square.

Fig. 10b. We bend the edges of the square towards the center, sew along the edges with large stitches (it is better to choose a very strong thread so as not to tear) and tighten it (not yet firmly).

Fig. 11b. Then we place the upper part of the doll in the center of the skirt. You can tie the top and bottom of the doll by pulling the thread (which was used to sew the edge of the skirt) very tightly and tying it.

Fig. 12b. Preparing an apron. We tie it under the chest and straighten it. It can be dressed inside out as in the traditional version (then we make it not very wide) or as shown in Figure 12b (we put a thread on a rectangle of fabric, lower the edge, wrapping the thread, and put the apron on the doll, tying it from the back with this thread) - then it can be make it wide, extending back through the sides of the pupa.

Fig. 13b. We also tie bags with fragrant grass to the handles, tie a wicker belt, and the doll is ready!

Svetlana Myasnikova

Purpose « Herbal Eggs» - amulet for home, present.

In progress making a doll the idea of ​​folk culture is formed doll, as an attribute of the spiritual culture of the Russian people, interest in manufacturing of amulets, ritual and game dolls. Such dolls are simple, affordable and everyone can make them, and the trimmings new fabric found in every home - chintz and calico are used.

Many people know that the world of folk dolls is very diverse.

According to the belief of our distant ancestors « Kubyshka-Herbalist» is healing doll - hostess. Our ancestors used it to purify the air in the house and prevent various diseases. They hung or placed the doll « Kubyshka-Travnitsa» in places where the air stagnated or above the baby’s cradle. Every evening, before going to bed, the bag must be kneaded so that the herbal spirit can be heard in the room, which has a beneficial effect on the state of sleep and the air in the room.

At the heart of this doll skirt - bag filled with medicinal herbs (tansy, yarrow, oregano, motherwort, St. John's wort, mint, etc.) It is believed that such doll protects the house from evil spirits and any illness. doll« Herbal capsule» can be used depending on the herbs that are placed in its pouch from various ailments: soothing ingredients (fresh sawdust, bark, pine needles and buckwheat; motherwort, lemon balm, mint, chamomile). For a good sleep, the doll should be placed in the bedroom, placed on a shelf or table near the bed. For prevention colds– St. John's wort, chamomile, immortelle; sage, yarrow, wormwood. For diseases of the upper respiratory tract it is useful to stuff doll with thyme grass. Can put the doll in the kitchen filling her skirt with currant, raspberry and lemon balm leaves. After two years, the effect of the medicinal herb weakens and the herb in the bag needs to be replaced with freshly dried one.

Materials for conducting master class:

1. A square of white fabric for the head and arms.

2. A square of colored fabric for the skirt.

3. A square of gauze where the grass will go.

4. Dry medicinal herbs and dried grass.

5. Two squares of colored fabric for the chest.

6. Threads for twisting the shape of the herbalist and making a belt.

7. Triangle of fabric for a scarf.

8. A patch for an apron.

9. Fabric or lace for the warrior.

10. Is padding polyester another filler? (I like to work with cotton wool, the synthetic padding slips and doesn’t hold its shape well).

11. Two squares of fabric for knots with herbs.

12. Zigzag scissors for decorative processing of fabric and ordinary scissors.

13. Threads with a needle.

Move master class:

Step 1. Making the body dolls. We take gauze. We place the grass in the center of the fabric and collect it with a thread towards the center.

Step 2. We lay out the colored fabric for the skirt and bend it at four corners and bait it, gather the thread towards the middle and tighten it.

Step 3. Form the head, filling it with padding polyester. We wrap threads around white. We have a head and torso.

Step 3. Making the chest. We take a square of colored fabric for the chest, stuff it tightly with filler, and wrap it with thread.

Step 4. Attach the breasts to the body with threads. WITH reverse side torso dolls the threads should cross three times.

Step 5. Sew on the top part " Herbal Eggs"to a skirt with grass.

Step 6. We form handles by bending the sharp corners of the fabric inward.

Step 7. Sew on the apron.

Step 8. On the head" Kubyshka-Travnitsa“We put on a military uniform and tie a scarf on top.

Step 9. Place grass on two squares of different or the same color and collect the square into a knot, you should get two knots. Attach knots to both handles" Herbal Eggs"with thread and tie in knots.

Step 10. Take two threads different colors and twist it in your hand, forming a beautiful belt. We tie the belt" Kubyshka-Travnitsa"in a bow, tying the ends in two knots.

Gorgeous " The Herbal Pot is ready"!

Publications on the topic:

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! I bring to your attention a master class on the topic “Doll from Talash”. Of course, folk dolls were made.

To make the Herbalist we need 1 piece of white fabric, multi-colored chintz, a little lace and satin ribbons. Manufacturing feature.

Vladimir Miodushevsky: Theater is thoughts free flight, Theater - here fantasy blooms generously. The ice is melting in the theater of hearts. And a miracle.

Master class on making a motanka doll (Bride). 1. For the doll’s head, roll a long strip of fabric into a tight roll. 2. Wrap it up.

Master class on making a diaper doll Master class on making a diaper doll Objectives: to introduce master class participants to the traditional folk doll; display and production.

), V Ancient Rus' made dolls for all occasions. And this is not an exaggeration - there are about a hundred dolls known today. It seems to me that no less number of ritual, amulet and gaming rituals remained unknown. Slavic dolls. What remains in the people's memory, some sketches, drawings, fragments preserved in burials - these are the crumbs that we inherited, the descendants of those who lived in these territories many thousands of years ago. Therefore, you must always remember the true traditions and customs of the Russian (Russian, Slavic - whatever you like) people, take an interest in them and reintroduce them into your life. It is necessary to re-form national values ​​and priorities to save and preserve our country in the future.

Eh, I'm gone! - Veselina came earlier than usual today, and somehow I didn’t have time to prepare for her arrival, scattering my thoughts around the house in search of the right tone for new article. - Yes, we think, we think about traditions and everything else, don’t worry so much.

You may be thinking, only at Kuklastadte, you know, the world doesn’t converge like a wedge, - Still in the spirit of battle, I answer this doll girl.

I don’t know where your light converges, and in what form, but I have a serious conversation,” Veselina went straight to the point, realizing that you could spend a couple of weeks talking on this topic without really noticing it, “Do you even know that we don’t have a single doctor in our city?

Well, here we are! What, our dolls are starting to get sick? And what kind of misfortune is this? - I began to encourage Veselina, although I know that our dolls are not only made of rags, wood or clay, each doll has a small piece of soul and this is what distinguishes it from a mannequin.

Actually, everyone here is healthy, there are no sick people, but I think that we need to be on the safe side just in case. There are more and more dolls in the city, and soon, as you say, foreign guests will appear, so something needs to be done in this direction. What are we going to do? - this whole tirade sounded on the way to the chair from behind a large pile of scraps, which was slowly moving forward, leaving behind a stream of small scraps falling out.

Since we are having a serious conversation, I propose to make a healer for all occasions - let’s make a rag doll amulet called the Herbal Pot.

“Finally, I’ve waited,” Veselina exhaled with relief, “and while I’m picking up the scraps, tell me something interesting about this doll.”

How it appeared, the meaning and features of the Kubyshka-Travnitsa doll

Many hundreds of years ago, people, although they were much healthier than us, still sometimes got sick. More often they were sick in the body, less often in the soul. And all because in every house there was a rag doll, Kubyshka the Herbalist, who constantly protected all the people living in that house. Of course, she couldn’t scare a bear in the forest, and that wasn’t her task. To prevent illness, improve well-being, scare away evil spirits, improve the atmosphere in the house - this is the main purpose of such a doll.

Well, how, I wonder, could one doll cope with all these things? - Veselina asked with interest, sticking her head out of the box with rags.

It’s all about the secret of this doll,” I answer her, “some parts of the Herbal Egg are filled not with rags or rags, like other dolls, but with real medicinal herbs. The entire body of the doll, as well as the two bundles she holds in her hands, are herbal bags containing mixtures of medicinal plants intended for specific purposes.

Several of these dolls were made in one house. One of them was always hung over the cradle, if there was small child. This doll scared away evil spirits, disinfected the air and was responsible for the prevention of colds in all household members. Another Herbal Pot was filled with sedative compounds and placed near the pillow or directly under it. She helped to fall asleep and protected sleep and the sleeping person from evil forces. With such a doll in bed, you always wake up cheerful, rested and in a good mood.

The Third Herbalist lived in the kitchen; there were plants in her, the smell of which awakened the appetite and purified the air in the kitchen, eliminating extraneous or not very pleasant odors. The next option for using a doll is to assign it as a disinfectant and send it to a barn or cellar for better preservation supplies. In general, in any corner of the house and in any situation, the Herbal Pot found a use and successfully helped our ancestors in solving certain problems. The main thing in this matter was to choose the right herbs correctly and make a doll.

In order for the doll to fulfill its purpose, it had to be slightly crushed so that the grass inside would begin to release essential oils. This needs to be done every evening so that the effect does not stop, and quite carefully, since dried grass easily turns into dust and dust with active friction.

The rag doll Kubyshka-Travnitsa is a long-lived doll. It was sometimes stored for several years, periodically changing the grass in it. The contents of the doll can be replaced at any frequency, but no less than once a year or once every two years. The doll should not turn into a dust collector; it has very specific tasks that it is not able to perform if it already contains dust, and not medicinal plants.

Like other amulets dolls, the Herbalist Cup must be made in compliance with all the rules - do not prick, do not cut, do not chatter during work, read a spell or prayer, do it in one sitting. Well, all the crafters interested in this topic probably already know about this, I just once again reminded.

At the end of the story about this doll, it is necessary to note one more meaning of the Herbal Pot, the signs of which literally lie on the surface. Pay attention to the exaggerated signs of the female figure that the doll is equipped with. This was done, as you understand, for a reason. In such details, the cultures of many peoples of the world retain the sacred meaning of the feminine principle, as a symbol of procreation in one case, and in another - this is a kind of embodiment of the female deity, protecting the life of a person and preserving his family.

You need to know and remember this, especially when making a doll. Grass or other parts of the plant should be in the doll's body and two knots attached to the arms. The doll's head and chest must be filled with something more substantial than dried leaves. I prefer to use rags for these purposes.

And one more point that I want to draw your attention to. Sometimes there are plants that have a similar healing effect, but do not do well in the same company. This may concern the required temperature or humidity conditions, or other parameters. In such cases, you can pack some of them into bundles and others into the body, successfully using them simultaneously. This is how separate therapy works.

And now,” Veselina waited for a pause in my report and hurried to take advantage, “Now we will show you...

“We’ll show you how to make a doll amulet called the Little Herbalist from fabric,” I agree. - And, if you want, you can join and make your own doll with us.

Herbalist doll master class

For work we will need the following materials:

  • for the head and arms, a piece of white fabric 25 x 25 cm;
  • three bundles of rags for the head and chest;
  • chest flaps 10 x 10 cm 2 pcs;
  • flaps for knots 10 x 10 cm 2 pcs;
  • flap for the overskirt 30 x 30 cm;
  • flap for the petticoat 25 x 25 cm;
  • warrior 5 x 10 cm;
  • scarf 20 x 20 cm;
  • apron 10 x 15 cm;
  • twisted lace or braid;
  • medicinal herbs;
  • red thread.

Let's start from the head:

We lay out the flap for the head and arms, find the middle, and place a rag well crumpled in a fist in the center of the flap.

Forming the head:

We wrap the rags in fabric, straighten the ends, make sure that they are the same, and pull them under the neck with thread.

We make a protective cross and palms:

On any doll that serves as a talisman, I always make a protective cross on the chest. Fold the fabric inward on the arms and secure it with thread at the wrists.

For the chest we make two ordinary knots stuffed with rags.

We turn the knots on the chest over and fasten them on the body as high as possible towards the arms. For convenience, I temporarily fasten my hands together above my head. This will allow them to remain identical and in their original condition in the future. Otherwise, the arms can be easily deformed by tightening the thread securing the chest.

Let's move on to the secret section - the herbal bag:

We use two flaps, the inner one will prevent the grass from spilling out, the upper one will be a beautiful skirt.

Assembling the doll:

I first wrap the grass in thick fabric, then I sit the doll on this bag and then get ready to put on the skirt.
We place the flap in the folds under the breast and secure with thread.
We fasten the apron on the same line and tie a belt on top.

We put on a military uniform and make knots with grass for our hands.

A small pinch of dry plants is placed in the nodules.

We complete the process:

We fasten the knots on the hands and put a scarf on the head.

That's it, now you can go to the podium:

Finally, a photo for the family archive:

It's always more fun together!

That's all for today. Veselina is already cheerfully telling something to her Herbal Pot on the way to Kuklastadt, and it’s time for us to finish. You saw how you can make such a healing doll from fabric, learned a little about the history of the appearance of the Herbal Pot, its purpose and features. Make dolls for yourself, give them to friends and relatives, and join the traditions of our ancestors.

Well, with this I will say goodbye. Write your impressions on the topic of the article in the comments. Maybe something needs to be added or, conversely, removed. If you are interested in the article, put links to it on your social media accounts. Thank you for your attention, good luck everyone, bye.

The Herbalist doll was one of the most popular amulets among the Slavs. It combined two important elements of Slavic culture - handicrafts and healing. This protective item was popular among the people, because everyone could collect herbs and get scraps for the doll.

Kubyshka Herbalist is still relevant today. This article will tell you how to make a traditional motanka correctly, what herbs to fill it with and how to use this talisman.

History and meaning of the Kubyshka Herbalist doll

Fabric amulets in the form of dolls had a special meaning in the culture of the Slavs. This type of amulet was used as a family talisman, but sometimes it also became a personal protector.

The popularity of reels was facilitated by their availability. It was not at all difficult to find materials for such dolls. When making the amulets themselves, sacred actions were often performed. Some of the dolls, for example, were filled with cereals and bells, and others, such as the Kubishka doll, were filled with herbs.

The meaning of this doll was determined by what herbs were placed in it. Traditionally, it became a family amulet, helping to purify the air in the house and ward off illnesses. But in general this doll is universal in use. With its help, you can protect yourself from evil forces, attract love, or make a toy for a child that helps him stay full of strength.

The mention of herbalism evokes associations with traditional medicine. But in the old days, people used the collected herbs to drive away diseases. With their help they also got rid of headaches, treated nerves, and improved sleep.

You can put either one type of herbs or a collection of different ones into the doll.

There are no strict rules for the use of herbs for this motanka. It is known that the Slavs hid leaves, stems, flowers, or roots of one plant in the Herbalist amulet, and sometimes they placed a whole collection in it.

Having understood the meaning of the herbs used by our ancestors, you can use this knowledge to create your own amulet:

  • Mint – has a calming effect, relaxes the nervous system.
  • St. John's wort is believed to ward off evil spirits. In addition, it treats diseases of internal organs and helps get rid of depression.
  • Thyme is known for its antiseptic properties - it fights inflammation, helps with coughs and insomnia.
  • Chamomile, like mint, soothes and also disinfects.
  • Oregano speeds up recovery from colds and also clears the air of germs.
  • Lavender helps relieve headaches.
  • Wormwood and dandelion will provide a good appetite.

Features of making the amulet doll Herbalist

Making a Herbalist doll with your own hands is not difficult - even young needlewomen can do it. The main thing is to be patient. Wrong actions while working on the amulet can nullify all your efforts.

To avoid making mistakes, pay attention to several features. Taking into account all these nuances, you will create a truly strong amulet.

Protective doll's headdress

The Kubyshka amulet reflects the traditions and even fashion of the ancient Slavs. Women of that time always wore hats. This was done in order to preserve vitality and health. It was customary to hide your hair from strangers, preventing them from causing harm.

Traditionally, a warrior was worn under the Travnice scarf, which helps protect the hair from tangling and protect the main headdress from rapid contamination.

Herbalist's Breasts

The herbalist was always made busty. In this way, the Slavs depicted a woman’s fertility - one of her main advantages received from nature.

Particularly careful attention to this detail should be paid to those who have female health problems. Give the doll a lush, even shape without defects and soon you will be able to feel long-awaited joy motherhood.

The Herbalist's breasts are sure to be made lush


The Kubyshka doll always wears an apron. This seemingly ordinary item was given special attention when making the reel. To fulfill her duty to the Family, the Herbalist was given a long apron. The longer it is, the more children there will be in the family.

There were no specific instructions regarding the pattern on the fabric, but if stripes were chosen, they had to be horizontal. It was believed that vertical stripes would lead to all the wealth flowing out of the house right along the lines from the apron.

Master class on creating a Herbalist doll with your own hands

Many experts are inclined to believe that amulets made with one’s own hands are stronger than purchased ones. Therefore, the Herbalist's Egg, made with your own hands, will be a good amulet for the home. Lyalka will make the residents of the house happier, monitor their health, and protect everyone from the evil eye.

Materials for making a talisman

The amulet doll Kubyshka Herbalist is made only from natural materials. Under no circumstances replace them with artificial ones - this will ruin all the work.

To work you will need:

  • A piece of fabric 20x20 white - for the face.
  • Two colored pieces for the chest – also 20x20 cm.
  • Two square pieces of takani for bags of herbs that the kula will hold in her hands.
  • Pieces of cloth 30x30 cm for hands. Same or different color as for the chest.
  • Two pieces of fabric 40x40 cm - one white for the bottom bag, the other colored for the top.
  • Triangle format 25x35x25 for a scarf.
  • A skein of red thread.
  • Leaves, roots or stems of herbs, or collection.

The material is linen or cotton, and the threads should be wool. Take fabrics without dark colors- let them be bright, colorful, attracting attention - this will strengthen the positive properties of the amulet.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a Herbal Pot

First of all, fill the bags for the chest and head with grass.

  1. To do this, take white pieces of fabric and fill them evenly with dried herbs. Gather the resulting white bags into a bun, tying them with thread. To prevent the herbs from showing through, tie a colored cloth over it, repeating the manipulation with the thread. The white fabric for the head needs to be filled and tied in the same way. After that we join hands.
  2. Take the fabric for the hands and fold it into a triangle. This action must be repeated several times until you get a triangle with an obtuse angle. Then fold the top down. Now you can combine all these elements into one shape.
  3. Cross the triangular arms so that the part where the folded piece does not reach the edge is on the bottom. Place the head bag on top, and the chest bags underneath, tying it all together with thread. When the base is ready, you need to make the main bag with herbs.
  4. Take a white cloth for the largest bag and fill it with herbs. After tying it with thread, attach it to the workpiece. You need to tie the bag directly on your belt. The edges sticking up will be hidden by the fabric of the skirt.
  5. Usually the lower garments are tried on inside out and then turned inside out, tied with thread. This should be done with both the skirt and the apron.
  6. We collect two small bags of herbs and attach them to our hands with red thread.

The doll is almost ready. All that remains is to figure out the headdress, and then read the plot and you can use the Herbalist for its intended purpose.

Activation of the amulet

Placing dried leaves, stems, grass roots or a whole pharmaceutical collection into the Herbalist protective doll strengthens its power. But this is not enough. For the amulet to start working, it must be activated.

There are no special conspiracies in this regard. You can use general spells for health, wealth or happiness. Or express your request in your own words. This should be done not at the end of the work process, but during it.

Contact the doll, tell us about your problems or desires, ask for help in what is important to you. The main thing is to clearly formulate the thought so that it is accessible.

It is very good if the motanka is done in sunny weather. This arrangement of affairs will not only put you in a good mood, but will also give the future talisman additional strength. To do this, leave the doll in the sun for several hours.

How to use the doll correctly

Proper manufacturing of the amulet does not guarantee its good performance. In order for a magical thing to fully fulfill its tasks, you need to know how to use it.

If you hold the doll in the sun, it will be charged with additional energy.

Previously, Herbalist dolls were used as follows:

  • The amulet, filled with medicinal herbs, was given to all family members to hold. We did this immediately after finishing work. It was believed that in this way Kubyshka met those whom she had to protect.
  • The Slavs were not limited to creating one amulet; sometimes they made several dolls. Each had its own goals - one warded off illness, the other maintained favorable energy in the house, and the like.
  • Often the doll served as a toy for children. It was hung over the crib to strengthen the physical and spiritual health of the child, ward off bad dreams and ward off damage from the baby.
  • There was no specific place in the house for the Herbalist. It was placed in the guest room, in the bedroom and even in the kitchen or pantry. It depended on what herbs the figurine was filled with.
  • The amulet, in addition to its main functions, was also used for simple household purposes: it removed bad odors, serving our ancestors as a kind of “air freshener.” Certain herbs in the doll also helped repel pests.

Knowing all these rules, you will use the Herbalist correctly, which means that she will give you everything you ask her for.