Slavic dolls - amulets - a lot!!! Protective dolls from Ruslana Vepsian doll Cabbage, or Karelian jerk.

Master class “Folk protective doll Grace”

The master class is designed for educators and parents.

Purpose. play doll for a child; amulet; handmade gift; decorating your favorite corner in the room.

Target. Extracting beauty from ordinary, seemingly waste scraps and scraps of fabric edges.

1. Teach how to make a doll in a seamless way, showing imagination and creativity.

2. Arouse interest in folk art. To restore and preserve for new generations such a phenomenon as a folk traditional doll.

3. To interest master class participants in the revival and preservation of folk traditions of family needlework.

- a spear made of birch or rowan;

- a square of white fabric (20x20) for the head;

- two squares (14x14) for the chest;

- scraps of fabric for a skirt, apron, scarf;

- white threads, red threads;

- cotton wool for volume;

- braid for the belt.

Good afternoon, dear guests. I am very pleased to see you all today.

“Whoever does not play with dolls does not know happiness”

Now I’ll tell you about the folk doll,

And if you like it, I’ll show you how to do it.

For centuries, hand-made dolls have accompanied the life of Russian peasants. They were carefully kept in chests and passed down from generation to generation. Mothers, older sisters, grandmothers sewed dolls for small children, “... despite all the incredible busyness, they found time for this. The child was specially taught traditional techniques for making a doll, and from the age of five, any girl could make a simple rag doll.” Girls began to be taught how to make dolls from the age of three.

The main feature of the doll is that it is made without a needle and is faceless. For a child, a doll will be a toy-friend and a talisman at the same time, so it is useless to prick it with a needle, and according to popular beliefs, it is forbidden to make a face, since such a doll can gain a soul and become dangerous. A “faceless” doll is considered an inanimate object and cannot harm the child. A doll made with love with your own hands will be a source of pride for its craftswoman. Today we will make a doll - a talisman “Grace”. Let's listen to this word Good - good, give - I give, I create. These are kind words that are necessary for every person.

The Grace Doll - Good Giver is made as a gift for Christmas or for the Feast of the Annunciation on April 7. You can do it just like that, as a token of gratitude. Then Gratitude will return to you with good news. “First give, then ask.” Gifted with the words: Never be sad, don’t be discouraged and don’t give up.” And indeed, the doll is very symbolic with its unbending branch-like arms, which are stretched out to the sky, as if in hope of heaven’s help. “Grace” - the doll’s raised wand hands symbolized a plea for grace, for a happy woman’s lot. The Grace doll reminds a woman of her main task - to Give Good. For this purpose, she has large breasts.

The doll is made on a rod made of birch or rowan. The doll is made bright, cheerful, joyful. Since the doll is protective, we secure everything with red thread.

Now we will make a doll the same way as they did in Rus', i.e. without scissors and needles. Let's do it carefully, with love! Think about what your doll protects you from! Remember that you have a big family, where everyone helps each other, does not quarrel, and shares what they have. Good luck!

The doll is just a sight for sore eyes,

To the surprise of all the children,

If you want to learn

Make this doll

You will have to not be lazy

And put in the effort!

1. We start with the hands. We take the red thread and bend the tip inward, begin to wrap the branch in a spiral around the hand until it joins. We wrap the second branch in the same way. We fasten the threads at the base.

2. Making the head. Place a cotton ball in a 20x20 square of white fabric. We tie it with thread around the neck. We received a bag.

3. Make 2 more breast bags 14x14 cm from colored fabric.

4. Place the head on the fork of the branches. We wrap the remaining fabric around the trunk and secure it with thread.

2. Attach the chest to the neck with a red thread in a cross pattern.

3. We gather a skirt of the desired length on a thread, gathering it, and fasten it at the back with an overlap.

4. We put an apron on top, fold the edge of the apron and wrap it in a non-reversible manner, and secure it with a belt.

5. We put the warrior under a scarf.

6. We tie the scarf forward.

These were the dolls. And this is only a small part of all that diversity. All of them carried a magical effect. Of course, someone may say that this is all fiction, but people believed in it. This knowledge lived for a very long time and was passed on from generation to generation.

Thank you for your attention and friendly attitude. Before leaving, I invite each participant to indicate their impressions of the master class by choosing a flower of any color and decorating our doll’s outfit with it. Red flower - I liked everything, blue - I want to know more, yellow - I was interested, I will use it in my work.

1. Kotova I.N. Kotova A.S. “Russian rituals and traditions. Folk doll: Parity, 2008.

2. Bersteneva E. Dogaeva N. “Doll chest. Traditional folk doll with your own hands.”

DIY grace doll step by step instructions

Slavic amulet doll Grace.

The “Grace” doll was made and given with words. “Don’t be sad, don’t be discouraged, don’t give up.” Doll for the blues; a wish for prosperity, well-being, satiety and healthy children - this is indicated by large breasts. This doll is made for well-being and people ask it for as many benefits as they need. “The Giver of Good” never gives up on doing good deeds; she helps us understand what is good for us and see it for ourselves in a changing world.

The “Grace” doll is traditionally created on the day of the Annunciation (April 7), so that prosperity and abundance will enter the home along with the good news. This doll has twig-like arms raised up. This is a symbol of the fact that for well-being it is necessary to be ready for the flow of abundance, to be a BLESS-giver, which a woman is by nature. This is a symbol of openness to heaven, God and the world around us.

By creating this doll, we will be able to realize the obstacles and limitations that in our subconscious do not allow the flow of ABUNDANCE into our lives. Let us understand what qualities of our souls bring GRACE to loved ones.

Creating your own space of well-being and wealth is a subtle, intimate and individual process, it is beyond any technology and algorithms, it is difficult to describe and diagnose. He is experience, soul movement and inner exploration. Grace is a doll that will help us understand the harmonious structure of the world and ourselves, thereby creating a special creative state of “grace” around our lives.

The protective doll Grace is made on a horned branch - a symbol of the World Tree. Anyone who has practiced Yoga will immediately remember this exercise, when outstretched arms should be held up with palms facing the sun; this exercise, in my opinion, is called “Worship of the Sun.” It is interesting because while it is being done, a person’s time is spinning in the opposite direction. Did 10 minutes, became 10 minutes younger. The exercise, I’ll tell you right away, is not easy! :-))))))

An American maple branch is well suited for such a doll, because... their branch fork is quite symmetrical.

I begin to wind the red thread (turn to turn, without gaps) from the fork to the end of the branch and back down to the fork, go to another twig, wind it up again and return down to the fork.

I make a head from a square of fabric, tie it into a fork, then attach the breasts, the paneva and the apron inside out.

Tie a scarf on your head. This doll is from Valyuni (Saransk, Mordovia).

Or from 1 piece of fabric - MK video

Regular classes on protective dolls - Fair of Masters - handmade, handmade

Dear needlewomen and newcomers to this business! We invite you to our master classes, where you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a sincere women's circle and create your own assistants in the household). Classes are regular and take place in Moscow at the “Power of Life” spiritual development center (Aviamotornaya metro station, 2nd Kabelny proezd, 1, room 306). The cost is 1500 per day of classes, 1200 rubles - upon prepayment. Make an appointment by phone: 8 963 6О5-24-85 Julia

— A story about traditions, the meaning, “functions” of a particular doll.

— Making a protective doll (different each time). You take it with you.

- tea, intimate conversations about our own, about women’s)

— We study not only technology, but also how to work with intention, achieve your goals, fulfill your desires, and work on your “difficult” aspects.

People say “The husband is the head, and the wife is the neck.” Wherever your neck turns, that’s where your head will look.” Apparently that’s why in the “For a Successful Marriage” doll the main emphasis is on the neck. The doll is made without hands - so that there is less hard work and so that the husband can carry it in his arms. Many collars - so that the chests of clothes are full. Girls who wanted to attract a groom and get married quickly made such a doll. The craftswoman chooses the number of collars herself, while working, wishing for each of them some quality of her future spouse (so that he loves, knows how to provide for his family, etc.) When making a wish, we don’t get too carried away and remember that“a wise neck does not go higher than its head, but knows how to turn so that the head sees what it needs”!

. dense fabric for twisting (the base of the doll) so that the doll can stand: jeans, thick linen, cotton. It is possible to use our materials (+200 rubles to the cost).

Doll Simeon the Stylite (symbol of masculinity)

This amulet is a symbol of the infinity of life, the masculine principle, without which the feminine is weak and barren. The Inner Woman and Inner Man live and get along in each of us. Simeon protects that part of our personality that is responsible for the Inner Man. Later a tradition appeared give this amulet to men. so that their strength never runs out.

Simeon is also a helper in completing things! If there is some kind of protracted process (at work, related to money, etc.) or you simply don’t have enough strength and determination to finally complete a once-started business or an ethereal relationship, then it’s worth getting Simeon for yourself.

It is also worth making Simeon if you feel disharmony with your Inner Man, feel a lack of some traditionally masculine qualities - courage, strength, determination, logic, etc. or too much rigidity, strength, assertiveness, etc. And of course, Simeon will help to work out problems in relationships with a spouse or beloved man, and unmarried women to understand the reasons for loneliness.

Bring additional. a wooden stick the length of your palm (preferably a male tree: oak, etc.) It is possible to use our materials (+200 rubles to the cost).

Ritual doll “Manila”

A doll to attract guys. Brings changes in personal life. Girls made or purchased such a doll if they wanted to attract suitors. This doll is also made for married women so that the other half does not look “to the side.” The Manila doll will help you protect yourself from adultery. To make this doll, you need your personal item that you have been wearing for some time (brooch, button, beads, etc.). This personal item is tied or fastened to the amulet by you personally.

Additionally, bring with you: your personal item that you wore for a while (brooch, button, beads, etc.), linen (plumbing) for the doll’s hair. It is possible to use our materials (+200 rubles to the cost).

Doll “Grace” and “Blessed Lady”

In this lesson we will make two dolls:

The “Grace” doll is made and presented with the words: “Don’t be sad, don’t be discouraged, don’t give up!” This doll, like the “Graceful One”, never gives up, they are raised high - she asks the Almighty for grace for her owners. Therefore, she is also called Oranta (praying). It is also a sign of Gratitude. “First Give, then Ask.” The Grace doll brings good news and goodness into the home and reminds a woman of her main task: To Give Good.

The “Prosperous” doll protects the family, promotes prosperity at home and increased prosperity (there is a coin inside). She is also called “The Brownie” because it was believed that she finds a common language with the brownie. This protector of the house can be hidden in the palm of your hand - her height is only 5-8 cm. The small and charming doll is nevertheless capable of resisting all the evil forces trying to bring trouble to the house.

Bring additional. staghorn (birch or rowan branch bifurcating on one side)

Doll “Bird of Joy” - a doll of a spring ritual associated with the arrival of spring. It was believed that birds brought spring on their wings. In the first days of spring, women put on their brightest outfits, went outside the outskirts and called for Spring. The joy bird helps a woman understand her purpose and feel her attractiveness: it is important to separate the concept of “beauty” from the ability to attract - in a special way to charge the surrounding space with oneself and one’s condition, into which people are attracted - men, women, children’s souls. This is a special ability of a woman - to give a man what gives him confidence, peace, a sense of self-importance, significance, dominance, and ask him in return for protection, love, tenderness, generosity. And this doll also turns time to spring, and life to joy!

Additionally, bring with you: twisted fabric

Doll “Spring Fever” (for diseases)

The end of spring and mid-autumn - the period when most colds begin - is the right time to make Lichomaniac dolls.

Rag dolls Lihomanki are special, protective dolls. Their task is to attract the attention of the villainous disease that has flown into the house.

According to ancient Slavic mythology, various kinds of diseases associated with chills or fever were caused by fevers or shaking sisters and were represented in the form of skinny, evil winged women in white, with an uncovered shaggy head and a stick in their hands. These evil creatures, having served the allotted time deep underground, flew out into the world and scattered in different directions. They greedily attacked people and caused various diseases. A feverish woman attached to a person began to “burn and scorch, walk into the world, shake the human race, shiver, torment, dry out the body, break bones and pull veins.”

Based on the nature of the diseases and the course of the diseases, observant people identified 12 main sister fevers. The Thirteenth Kumoha is the eldest, “largest” of them and the most evil. It is Kumokha who sends her sisters into the world of people - “to shiver, torment the sinful body and crush the white bones.”

Our grandmothers believed that the evil spirit of illness would fly into the home in search of its victim, see bright, elegant Lichomaniac dolls, think that it was a person, and move into one of them……. That is why Lihomanoks are made from very bright, eye-catching fabrics. And during production, a special conspiracy is read. The pupae that have served their time are burned along with all the diseases that they have accumulated...

Additionally, bring: 12 different bright fabrics (palm-sized squares), 1 bright fabric (elbow-sized square), fabric 1 meter long and 10 cm wide, cotton wool. It is advisable that you have worn one of the fabrics...

The Girl-Baba doll represents the values ​​and tasks of a woman before marriage, when she is a girl, and after marriage, when she becomes a woman. Why does this “turn into a woman” hurt your ears? Yes, because today the meaning of the word baba is completely different. To be called a woman was very honorable and it had to be earned by giving birth to a successor to the family - a girl. The woman who gave birth to the life-giving force could only bear this title of Baba. And those who gave birth to sons remained young. The Girl-Baba doll reflects the 2 essences of a woman: she can be open to the world and give beauty and joy, and she can be turned to herself, to the unborn child, and preserve peace.

The girl is elegant, beautiful, with a braid, with a ribbon - all out, showing herself in all her glory, in all her strength to the world. She does this for a reason, her task is to find her betrothed, attract him, and the betrothed must be a match for her and have the same strength as the bride. Only in this case will they be able to form a happy couple, which is why she puts herself out there for everyone to see. Then the hem turns out, the girl disappears inside, and the woman appears outside. She is dressed more modestly, in a scarf, clothes in calm tones. But the girl’s strength has not gone away, it’s just that now there is no need to show it to everyone, the strength is preserved for herself, for her husband, for her family, it is always there inside.

Bring additional. a female tree stick approximately 25 cm long and as thick as a finger (birch, willow, rowan, spruce), plumbing flax.

DIY grace doll step by step instructions - interesting material

Purses, wallets, purses, diplomats, folders, briefcases, belts, travel and sports bags, cases and other accessories. Moreover, I myself used to love writing like this. Preparation of paper vines - tubes for weaving We prepare paper vines for weaving - tubes 40 cm long, 15-20 pcs. And the Angel hurriedly began to move from house to house, To find out to whom he should give the Christmas tree of God. This is precisely where our opinions differ. Sometimes I can be very angry and tough. She doesn’t want to fight for the crown, she doesn’t want to live in a palace. Meanwhile, Emori comes to her senses and realizes that she has become a prisoner of a terrible man and, it seems, she has no chance of salvation, because HE will never fall under suspicion! The play “The Gift” is a free interpretation of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov’s unfinished work called “Platonov.” By Upton’s will, the action will be transferred to the 90s of the last century - the “post-perestroika” time. How good G's books are. But why number 13 and where are the 12 other Evas? But above all, this is high-quality prose.

You don’t separate people from what they do, but I clearly separate the business and the person. Because I can help someone. Chloe decided she was up to the task. The question of whom to write for is directly related to the question of how to write. This is still relevant today. How to make an interior doll “Christmas Angel” with your own hands; 2. Secret investigation of the king of peas 2002 Belyanin A. OLMA Media Group, 2015.

And if you don’t see the connection between Nora Gal - her daughter - her grandson, and you don’t see the general outline, you don’t draw conclusions from this, dismissing it with a general phrase, which happens in any family - I’m very sad. From white paper we cut out a strip for the halo mounting leg, 4 mm wide and 2.5 cm long, glue the parts together and glue them to the head. The final ratio: good + “don’t care.” There is a collection of Russian textile dolls. And it seems that these “keys” - the strange notes and no less strange trinkets she placed here and there - provide the only chance to shed light on the fate of the disappeared woman. But whether we like it or not, our decisions will always have consequences for ourselves.

We also have more distractions than ever before that take us away from what really matters. The main advantage of the community, as I see it now, is its high efficiency compared to individual forms of farming. One consists of two small dolls in white and blue, the other is a double-sided doll. Mycorrhiza grows from fungal spores. The doll performs an educational function, teaches handicrafts, joint work on the first toy helps the child learn and understand the traditions of his people, promotes the development of fine motor skills and the child’s creative abilities.

And it’s not about the fact that the young geography teacher Sluzhkin falls in love with his own student. There is no need to talk about any kind of community when a settlement can be stretched over several kilometers. Planets, satellites, asteroids" will make an imaginary journey from our star the Sun to the distant outskirts of the solar system, get acquainted with all the planets and their satellites, as well as dwarf planets, asteroid belts, learn about the history of the discovery of planets, and about spacecraft flights to them. And soon Masha returned home, but could not really tell anything, except that, by a happy coincidence, she managed to escape. The truffle grows in nests of 3-5 pieces and has no hats. The feeling that you are parsing the text literally, rereading it many times and delving into it. Werewolf Vacation 2003 Belyanin A. According to legend, these close relatives of ordinary Homo Sapiens still live in inaccessible places - high in the mountains or in deep caves. There must be good books that you can rely on.

Slavic amulets and dolls

Dear friends! On our new pageSlavic Amulets and Dolls I want to continue the Traditions of Our Ancestors, consciously approaching this Good Cause. Only a Person who has well experienced the Essence of the Doll or Amulet itself can, with the Blessing of the Higher Powers, Create a Amulet for Himself or for another Person, as well as his Kin.

About dolls

The doll was a person’s assistant in rituals aimed at life. Many agricultural rituals with dolls are still known. These are dolls - Mermaid, Cuckoo, Harvest, Yarilo, dolls - images of natural entities.

There are dolls depicting Christian saints, who were previously worshiped by the people. These are Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, Simeon the Stylite, Spiridon Soltsevorot, Kozma and Demyan and others.

The dolls depict people in rituals and agricultural holidays - Semik and Semichikha - a married couple with whom they collect money for the Semik holiday.There are known dolls that depict the phenomena of the universe - Day and Night. And dolls with which you can interact with the forces of nature - Mokredina, Sukhoveyka.

With the help of dolls, they arranged a happy destiny (for happiness, for a happy marriage), protected a wedding (lovebirds), childbirth (kuvadki) and protected them on the Path.

Dolls replaced men who left home; for this purpose, dolls (male doll images) were made, which were fed and consulted with. Sometimes dolls were placed on the roof of a house or in a garden and they were used to judge the fate of the departed.Dolls protected home, sleep, and served as amulets for Satiety and Prosperity.There were many dolls depicting women in one state or another: Vestas, Mothers, Grandmothers (Beauty, Motherhood, Moskovka) or at the mowing, harvesting (Pokosnitsa, Reaper).

The doll was used to judge the craftsmanship. There is a doll for praise (to boast), which served as a kind of exam for admission to gatherings where one could look after a couple. The work pass was an embroidered apron.

There were dolls that were used to see how a husband would treat his future wife. They judged it by the way they took the doll, and if there was something wrong, they helped - they corrected it, they taught it. The Slavs have always cared about the world within themselves and helped others in this way.

The help of dolls is invaluable in translating diseases onto them, which were seen as spirits or entities tormenting a person; they were called Fevers and Fever.

Slavic amulets dolls: 1

There is a special doll for destroying mold in barrels of pickles - Akila-Borage. His head is stuffed with mustard seeds and is therefore heavier than his body. Akila swims in the brine upside down, and the mustard prevents mold from growing.

Akila requires undyed fabrics and threads made from natural fibers.


The Lady doll belongs to the so-called “rolled” dolls, that is, made without sewing with a needle.

For older children, rag dolls were made, which were called “Ladies”. First, they made the body (without sewing with a needle), covered it with white cloth and bandaged it in three places, then they took a long flap, covered part of the body with it, bandaged it, separating the head. The remaining fabric on the sides was cut into three parts and braids were made - these were the hands. They put a skirt and apron on the doll, and tied a scarf on her head (tied at the back).”

Bereginya, Stolbushka

Take care of the family hearth. Since ancient times, it was believed that a pillar protects the house from the evil eye. This is a rag doll without eyes and ears. She does not see or hear anything; it was believed that by acquiring facial features, such a doll gains independence and loses its magical and protective properties.

The Bereginya doll had a special meaning.
Bereginya - from the word “to protect”, “amulet”. This doll is traditionally placed opposite the front door, above people’s heads, so that it greets everyone who enters and does not allow evil forces into the house, protects the family from dark forces, quarrels, and illnesses.

Despite the simplicity of the technology for making traditional dolls, they all turn out different, with their own character, so you need to choose from several dolls, which one your “eye catches” on, the one that attracts attention is the one you take, because it chooses its owner.

A sincere gift - a wish for goodness, joy, comfort, prosperity, happiness.


This is a doll-amulet with a prayer (incantation) in a female form for the home. Stored near the window or at the door behind the trim.


Birch is a tree that was worshiped and used in all kinds of rituals that ensure a happy life. For fortune telling, they made a Birch doll from a birch log, a symbol of the birch tree. This is a one-day-old doll, they used it to tell fortunes. They did it in the morning, in the evening they took it apart and left it on the birch tree.

Several girls made the doll together and used it to tell fortunes. The doll was beautifully dressed up, decorated with birch branches and grass with inflorescences.


This is a magical lullaby doll.. When the baby began to cry for no apparent reason, the mother, in order to calm him down and protect him from evil spirits, quickly rolled up the amulet doll and put it in the cradle, saying:

Don't play with my baby
Play with this doll.

The Insomnia doll was created from square pieces of fabric and stuffed with soothing grass.

Such a doll remained in the house forever.


The Grace-Blessing-Giver doll is made as a gift for Christmas or for the Feast of the Annunciation on April 7. You can do it just like that, as a token of gratitude. Then Gratitude will return to you with good news. “First Give, then Ask.”

Give with the words “Never lose heart and don’t give up.”

The Grace doll brings good news and goodness into the home and reminds a woman of her main task of Giving Good. For this purpose, she has large soft breasts.

The woman takes her strength from the sky, so her arms are raised up and form a funnel. It seems that now... she’s going to spin.

The doll is made on a rod made of birch or rowan. Both trees are protective.

The doll was made bright, cheerful, joyful.


This is a pair of Zernovushki originally from the Moscow region. The rich man is a talisman doll. When creating it, they thought about their family, ancestors, and set a certain task: profit and prosperity for the next year, protecting the well-being of the family, etc.

They made the doll on the eve of the Autumn harvest festival, the holiday of the Family and Family, timed to coincide with the equinox on September 22.

God's eye

The most ancient protective doll of our ancestors. The eye of God is only indirectly connected with a person, so it is called a doll rather conventionally.
At its core, God's eye has a cross - a very ancient symbol. In this case, it personifies the spread of protective forces throughout the entire space - on all four sides. These are also the four helping elements: Fire, Air, Water, Earth. The number of multi-colored stripes are the forces called for help, as well as a symbolic designation of generations of the family, stored in the memory of the family. For example, if you have knowledge of who your great-great-grandfather was, then there may be four colored stripes on your home God's eye.

God's eye is placed above the entrance door to the house, room, above the child's bed, in a place that is clearly visible to the person entering. The bright and unexpected image of the amulet attracts the attention of the person entering, who forgets about the bad intentions towards the owners of the house.

When creating the Eye of God, you must be guided first of all by your desire, because... a person intuitively feels what support he needs and the amulet, through the enhancement of a certain color, gives him this.

White- associated with light, purity, truth

Red- fire, sun like heavenly fire, blood (life force)

Green- life, nature.

Black- Earth

Gold- Sun

Blue- the color of the sky, water.

Violet- the color of higher spiritual abilities, enlightenment and intelligence.

Broom of prosperity

This doll was made on Christmas Eve. To make it you need bast (bast), pieces of fabric, thread, braid and a variety of cereals (the more types of cereals, the more prosperous the coming year will be). This cereal was poured out in the red corner at night; it was believed that in the morning it would acquire healing powers. In the morning, the cereal was collected into bundles (each separately), there should be an odd number of them, and hung on the doll.

The Venichek of Well-Being was kept away from the eyes of strangers, and only the owner knew where he stood. Cereals in bundles were saved as a last resort; if one of the household became seriously ill, these grains were added to his food. And since this is Venicek, the housewife could use it to “sweep” everything bad out of the house secretly from everyone.

Vepsian doll Cabbage , or Karelian jerky

Veps are a small people living in Karelia, Leningrad and Vologda regions, which have preserved their traditions and rituals, many of which are similar to those of North Russia.

This doll belongs to their ancient culture. This doll is interesting because it is both protective and playful. It was made from my mother's old things and was small in size - just enough for a child's hand. The doll was intended to ward off damage and for play, accompanying the child for so long until it was torn or spoiled. Before the baby was born, in order to “warm the cradle,” this doll was placed in it. And then the doll hung over the cradle and guarded the baby, symbolizing a nursing mother whose milk never runs out, protecting her from hunger. When the child grew up, he played with her. But this is not all the role of the doll; the image was multifaceted.

It’s not for nothing that they say that children are found in cabbage. So, girls made a Vepsian doll when they realized that it was time for them to get married, and they put it on the window so that the guys knew that it was time to get married. The Vepsian doll also personifies the image of a married woman, a nurse. Her large breasts indicate that she can feed everyone.

The doll is a good talisman and amulet for both children and adult girls and married women. She is destined for the role of a domestic Beregini, who, saturated with the energy of positive events and existing in the emotional field of the family, gives confidence, balance, and a sense of security to the entire space of the house.

Verbnitsa, Easter doll

The doll is made for the holiday of Easter, or Easter.
Making a doll is equivalent to painting Easter eggs, and such a doll can be given as a holiday gift.

The willow branch in the doll represents growth, multiplication, and fertility. That is why children were lightly “whipped” with willow branches to make them grow faster. In Ancient Rus', people swallowed willow buds, which, according to legend, relieved illness and drove away any disease.
The Verbnitsa doll seemed to consecrate the willow; children went with it to pick up willow branches before Palm Sunday.
The doll's face and hands were made of red fabric, which personified Easter and the Renaissance.

Vesnyanka, Small oatmeal or Avdotya-Vesnovka

In ancient times, the Slavs celebrated the New Year on the first day of spring - March 1, which according to the new style falls on March 14. Celebrations were widespread because the beginning of a new year was a symbol of the beginning of a new time.

From this day it was possible to begin a new cycle of field work and engage in other agricultural work. After the adoption of Christianity, this holiday began to be celebrated as the day of the Venerable Martyr Evdokia, who took on the image of Spring (Vesenitsa)

Sometimes it was done on the day of the spring equinox, when, in accordance with the mythological views of our ancestors, the doors of Iria opened and larks flew to the earth - the messengers of revival and the fact that the entire space around had awakened after the winter torpor.

It was then - on a fine spring day - that the girls went out into the street to do handicrafts and made stoneflies - bright dolls of the most incredible colors. Stoneflies were amulets of youth and beauty, so they had a perky, bright, cheerful image. Their obligatory attribute was a long braid of rainbow shades, the same braid that people have long talked about as a girl’s beauty. Therefore, the doll’s braid was certainly decorated with ribbons, beads, and first flowers. The braid was also the embodiment of girlish happiness and good luck.

Then the girls exchanged dolls so that none of them would be left without a gift, and wished each other health, beauty and joy.

They could use the stoneflies to guess about the coming year - all the dolls were collected in one place, and the girls with their eyes closed took the first one they came across - they made predictions about their future based on the color of her dress and hair. Red and green stoneflies were considered especially happy, because they foreshadowed a meeting with a betrothed, as well as mental and physical prosperity.
Springfly is a talisman of youth and beauty. By giving such a doll to a man, you wish him to remain young and cheerful for a long time, and for a woman to always be charming and attractive


People call her Changeling, Vertushka. It can be called a doll of dolls, because it contains 2 images - 2 heads, 4 arms, 2 skirts. The secret is that when one part of the doll is visible, for example, the girl, then the second, the woman, is hidden under the skirt; if you turn the doll over, the woman will reveal herself and the girl will hide. That is, the doll symbolizes the transition from a girl to a woman, but also vice versa - from a woman to a girl - this refers us to the motive of birth - a woman gives birth to a girl who herself will become the continuer of the family. It is not for nothing that among our ancestors, only a woman who gave birth to a girl and passed on her accumulated wisdom could be called a woman, and if only boys were born, then she was considered a young woman until old age.

The girl is the embodiment of beauty, carefree, fun, she is open to the world and gives everyone beauty and joy. And the woman is economical, sedate, she has all the worries about the house and family, she reflects a different state, turns to herself, to the unborn child, protects the harmony and peace of the family.

The doll served children as a detailed explanation of how a girl’s costume differs from a married woman’s, since it did not require careful elaboration of details, but carried the most general characteristics: bright fabrics, a braid, and ribbons are suitable for a girl, and darker colors, two braids are suitable for a married woman , twisted into a hairstyle and covered with a scarf (or even two).

Each doll image performed its own function. If you turn the doll over to the “woman” side, she will help with household chores and
protect the family. And if suddenly fatigue sets in, and the days become grayer, then you just have to turn the doll to the “girl” side - and your strength will return, and your life will sparkle with rainbow colors, and your husband or loved one will present you with a pleasant surprise.

Devkin's fun

Such a doll was usually made by teenage girls, whose spiritual life moved to a qualitatively different level, and their own non-childish questions, thoughts, and problems appeared. And not all of them wanted to be shared with family or friends. Then the girl herself created an interlocutor for herself - a patchwork doll who listened attentively to stories about the sorrows and joys of the young mistress. In talking with the doll, the girl was essentially talking to herself, learning to independently find solutions to problems.

The doll helped get rid of the feeling of loneliness and became a reliable intimate friend - hearing and understanding everything. She usually hid on the stove or in a chest. The hostess could give this simple-to-make doll ribbons and beads, create decorations, thus Devkina’s fun was the first step towards realizing herself and her place in the world; in continuation of work on herself, the Zhelannitsa doll was usually created, which helped to gain control over your thoughts, feelings and desires.

Day and Night

Dolls "Day and Night" are dolls that serve as home amulets. Dolls protect the change of day and night and order in the world. During the day they put the light one forward, and at night - the dark one.

The "Day" doll is young, lively, active, hard-working and cheerful. She is the mistress of the day, and makes sure that on weekdays people work, work, on holidays they have fun, sing, dance, play, so that the sun shines during the day. The doll monitors the lives of people in the light of day, protects the day. So that the day is not wasted, but meaningfully. Then the doll is happy, and everything is fine with the people.

The “Night” doll is wise, thoughtful, calm, she is the mistress of the night. Night is a magician. It changes both things and people. She brings another world. Everything is mysterious at night. Everything familiar without sunlight becomes unrecognizable. And people become different. More frank and open. The most heartfelt conversations drag on past midnight. But the main thing is that people sleep at night. The night makes sure that everyone calms down and goes to bed, rests from daytime activities, and gains strength. She gives sleep and protects it.


A multi-armed producing doll, that is, intended to help girls preparing a dowry, or young women in their handicrafts: knitting, sewing, embroidery, weaving, so that they can do everything, and everything goes well with them, and there is always order and prosperity in the house.
It was made from bast or straw on October 14, Intercession, when it was time for weddings and handicraft evenings. They could be made by the bridesmaids or by herself from bast or an old mother's dress. In its manufacture, protective red threads were certainly used, and 9 red threads or ribbons-bows were necessarily tied to the hem.

The doll would dress up brightly, they could even “give her a gift” in the form of beads around her neck, so that the tireless assistant would become even more diligent.

During the manufacturing process, wrapping threads around the doll’s hands one after another, the craftswoman mentally determined for herself the sphere of help for each: “This one will help me spin, and this one will help me cut and sew a dress, and this one will help me make a fancy embroidery on my loved one’s shirt on time...”

After making, the doll was traditionally burned so that her help would materialize more quickly, but it could also be left in the house and placed in a prominent place in the room in which the girl usually worked.


Didukh (also called dido, didochok, sheaf-paradise, kolyada, kolidnik) is a sheaf tied in a special way from the last or best sheaf of the harvested wheat, oats, rye or flax, decorated with dried flowers or ribbons. The number of bunches (ears in a bunch) must be a multiple of seven, since Didukh symbolizes the seven tribes of the clan.

The tradition of placing Didukh in the house dates back to very ancient pre-Christian times.

Didukha began to be woven after the harvest and was stored until Christmas. On Holy Evening, the owner of the house solemnly brought him into the hut, saying: “Didukh before the hut - trouble out of the hut.” Didukh was placed on the straw in a place of honor. His presence brought a festive mood, comfort and tranquility to the family.

The holiday sheaf stayed in the house for a week, then the straw from under the sheaf was burned. Part of the Didukh was threshed and presented with grains to dear people or added to grains intended for sowing, and fruit trees were tied with the resulting straw so that they would bear fruit well the next year.

The straw amulet - Didukh, a symbol of a good harvest, peace and harmony in the family and prosperity in the home, has become an indispensable attribute of folk fairs and is beginning to take its rightful place among Ukrainian national traditions.


This doll, trimmed with ribbons, beads, and buttons, was endowed with the power of fulfilling desires and was owned by every girl in the village. Secret (necessarily hidden from men's eyes), she hid in her own wicker box, sprinkled with essential oils. The hostess, taking it out from there, made a wish, sewed a bead on the hem of the doll or tied a bright ribbon, then brought it to the mirror, saying: “Look how beautiful you are. And for a gift, fulfill my wish.” And the wish was certainly fulfilled, and the doll returned to its place - in its box.

The choice of the type of desired woman depended on the temperament of the hostess and on the wishes being fulfilled. The wisher could be a Jump - light and fast, fulfilling wishes in the rhythm of a dance, made on a cross made of birch, rowan, and cherry branches. Moreover, the type of tree also made its own adjustments. Birch gave the doll healing properties. She provided assistance in matters of health, caring for loved ones, and family matters. The wisher on the rowan tree is a fighter. Her sphere of influence was defending interests, protecting from negative influences, envy and anger. The wisher on cherry branches - in a very feminine way, helped to maintain charm and attractiveness.

The second type of wishlist - Kroshechka-Khavroshechka - on a birch bark or cardboard cylinder. Its design made it possible to store notes with wishes inside. She is unhurried, but reliable, more thorough, economic and responsible. They approached her with desires of a material nature. She helped to increase goodness (both monetary and spiritual).

Desire is a brilliant mechanism for working with desires in its simplicity and wisdom, based on the principle of “letting go.” Such a doll allowed the owner to formulate the request as precisely as possible, prioritize between the important and the unimportant, and then let go of the desire without pushing it inside herself, transfer it to the doll, relieving herself of excess stress.

And August was considered the best time to make a wishful. And such a doll was made most often once in a lifetime, then carefully preserving its faithful assistant and keeper of secrets.

Desire - we make it with our own hands

Feminine essence

In a house where they really expect and desire a child, there was this doll.
They placed it in a prominent place in the bedroom. The purpose of this amulet was to restore fertility to a woman.

It was believed that the doll had the ability to lure the soul of a child with its long braid. The doll should demonstrate a well-fed, rich life, and should be smartly dressed. Her legs are very thin, she always wears shoes, her hands are in mittens, her body is plump (a well-fed girl).

The obligatory part of this doll (in fact, why it is called “feminine essence”) is the hole left at the bottom. From which the filler sticks out - mokhnashka. On the apron is embroidered the Woman in Birth - Lada giving birth to Lelya. In addition, the sign of Ognevitsa, burning away female diseases, Vseslavets, symbolizing a strong family, symbols of the Sown Field, and Moraine crosses, symbolizing the Transition of Hypostasis, were used.

Thumb Bunny

The Russian people had dolls in which people saw their helpers and considered them a talisman. Such dolls were made throughout life, starting from early childhood. They were made from old clothes worn by their father or mother. And the dolls lived in houses, becoming not just a toy, but a part of the world and a member of the family. That’s why they turned to them in difficult moments of life, talked, shared sorrows, and did not forget in joy.

They made a bunny on the finger for children from the age of three so that they would have a friend, an interlocutor. The bunny fits on your finger and is always next to you. Parents used to give this toy to their children when they left home, and if you get bored or scared, you can turn to him as a friend, talk to him, complain, or just play. This is both a friend and a talisman. Children are very responsive and see a kindred spirit in their favorite toy, open up and talk as if they were with a living person.

This is how this bunny is, quite complicated.


Healing doll. Her competence is to help a person cope with the disease. Succeeding in this, she can even take the disease upon herself. Moreover, the healing mechanism of the doll is usually activated with the help of kind thoughts and words with which a loving person will make this doll for the patient.

It is most often made from linen threads, since it is believed that flax, with its natural properties, is very environmentally friendly and, by taking the disease upon itself, helps a person get better.

This doll is as simplified as possible in its manufacturing technique and is not decorated with anything. She is characterized by a long braid. To wrap the entire doll, one thread is used, which is not cut or torn anywhere, and is a protective red color. A protective cross is applied to the doll's chest using such a thread - a sign of healing and protection.

It does not tolerate fuss, but on the contrary, it must be done, trying to remain in a state of goodness as much as possible, concentrating with thoughts about the sick person for whom this is being done. You can light a candle and read prayers or conspiracies. For a sick child, the doll is placed in the crib, he can play with it, and as soon as the illness goes away, the doll is burned. When braiding a doll’s braid, you must say: “To your health, to your health.” Upon completion of production and upon handing it over to the patient, you must also repeat: “To your health.”


The Kasha doll is the image of a seven-year-old girl. At the age of seven, the girl began cooking porridge for the whole family. A doll in the form of a bag was made to serve as her assistant. This doll was a measuring stick.
They poured the cereal up to the legs, poured water up to the waist, up to the neck - it turned out to be porridge.

How can Porridge help us?

Of course, organize the cooking. You can ask the doll what to cook for dinner, how can I organize a weekly menu, or ask her to help prepare a festive dinner for guests.

The doll is made of linen fabric. The height of the doll is about the size of a saucepan where porridge is cooked. The doll is filled with cereal.

Cereal meaning:

rice - wealth,

buckwheat, pearl barley - satiety,

oats - strength.


This doll is a calendar one - it was made on the eve of the new solar year - after the winter solstice, laying in it the image of a happy next year.

The goat and the bear are indispensable participants in the Christmas round of courtyards and mummers, since these animals have long been associated with the cult of fertility among the Slavs. The goat was a symbol of vitality, and it was supposed to bring this strength to the owner of the hut and his land, the field, so that bread would be born better.

The goat was usually portrayed by one of the guys. They put a sheepskin coat on him, with the fur turned outward, his face was smeared with soot, and any hat was put on his head, to which horns made of straw were attached. The “goat” guy sat astride the arch - so the carolers carried him from hut to hut. At the same time, the goat danced and her retinue sang.

The goat always brought its owners happy changes, joy, prosperity, and fortitude, because it was a symbol of the newly born sun.

It is based on a wooden cross, and the muzzle, horns, and beard are made of bast or straw.
The Goat was dressed in a special bright dress, on top of which were attached ritual objects: pipes, barrel organs, tambourines, horseshoes as a gift for good luck, bells, bells, wooden beads, earrings, bags with gifts, wreaths of prosperity with small red bags with cereal grains, a wooden a block as a gift to a bachelor, as a reminder of the need to get married.


This is a good news doll. Her homeland is Valdai. This is where the Valdai bells came from. In the old days, it was believed that the ringing of a bell protected people from the plague and other terrible diseases. The bell rang under the arc at all the festive troikas. The bell was associated with the little sun because it is dome-shaped and resembles the sun from above. And inside the doll there really is a real ringing bell.

Bell is a cheerful, perky doll, her task is to bring joy and fun to the house. This is a talisman of good mood. By giving a Bell, a person wishes his friend to receive only good news and maintains a joyful and cheerful mood in him.

The doll was usually hung next to the door, and the person entering would touch it, and a protective ring would be heard. And the doll itself was the ancestor of the bell; it is not for nothing that even now the tradition of hanging bells at the door continues.

The doll was sure to have three skirts. And this is not without reason, not only wealth and contentment were emphasized by this excess. The fact is that happiness also consists of three parts. The ancestors believed that a person consists of three parts - the soul (our inner self that thinks and feels), the spirit (some divine force present in every person) and the body (the physical shell). In this regard, happiness is the harmony of all three parts. If the body feels good, the soul is happy, the spirit is calm, then the person is completely happy.


A calendar winter doll, the creation of which coincides with the winter solstice - December 25. At this time, the most severe frosts were observed, according to ancient beliefs, coinciding with the revelry of evil spirits. The celebration of Kolyada, with its fun and optimism, expressed faith in the inevitability of the victory of good principles over the forces of evil. To help Kolyada defeat and drive away evil spirits, those celebrating burned bonfires, sang and danced around them. Then the carols began.

This doll is a symbol of the sun and good relationships in the family. She was a portly woman, dressed in everything new and elegant. On her behalf, the carolers wished happiness and prosperity. They sang joyful songs glorifying the owners.

In some areas, carols ended near the fire with wishes for good to themselves and loved ones and the burning of Kolyada. In other areas, she was left until next year so that she would maintain harmony and a sunny atmosphere in the family. Because they believed that with her arrival happiness, peace and harmony between family members would settle in the house.

The doll is anthropomorphic; the bags suspended from the belt contain grain and salt (the same bread and salt with which guests are traditionally greeted). A broom is tucked into his belt, which Kolyada uses to ward off evil spirits.


Kostroma was the name of a straw doll, which in the summer was carried by girls in a round dance, special ritual songs were sung to it, and then carried to the river, drowned in water or burned at the stake. The funeral festival of Kostroma was one of the main ones in the cycle of summer folk festivities.

It is believed that under the guise of the funeral of Kostroma, a straw effigy, the ancient custom of the spring sacrifice to Yaril was preserved among the people. The clergy brutally persecuted such celebrations. But despite all the prohibitions of the church, holidays in honor of such Slavic deities were celebrated in Kostroma and some cities of the modern Kostroma region.


At first glance, the sacrum does not look like a doll at all, but some 100 years ago the sacrum doll was used in games instead of male dolls. The games were called, as they are now, “Mothers and Daughters.” In addition, the Sacrum doll had a distinct meaning. The village boys also made the sacrum. The doll was made at the end of December, during Christmas time. According to legends, it was during the Holy Week that demonic forces were released. The most reliable way of cleansing was considered to be swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany (January 19th).

According to belief, water on this day became holy or sacred. People believed that when bathing in an illuminated spring, evil spirits leave the human body. To prevent evil and insidious demonic forces from taking possession of a person again, people made a Sacrum doll. She was the person's "deputy". The sacrum was placed in snowdrifts near the ice hole. In order to attract the attention of evil forces, the cross was decorated with bright colorful ribbons and rags. Since winter swimming was mainly attended by young, healthy guys, the Sacrum doll began to symbolize a man.


A simple-looking doll - a small one, but made with great love, has a deep symbolic meaning, being a talisman for satiety and prosperity in the family. It was usually given as a gift for Kolyada, Christmas and sometimes on holidays associated with the harvest. The doll was necessarily filled with grain (which symbolized the saved strength of the nurse-earth), preferably buckwheat, wheat or grain of all sorts at the same time, so that the harvest would be rich in all types of grain crops.

The doll was made of burlap - a small bag was filled with grain and dressed, a coin could be placed at the bottom of the bag. Krupenichka kept highly valuable and rare seeds of the future harvest; it was carefully placed in the red corner. A guest entering the hut could determine from the doll whether the family was living well. If the doll was thin, it means there was trouble in the family, because in difficult times they took grain from the doll. It served for a year, and after the harvest season it was again filled with selected grain.

The first handfuls of grain when sowing were taken from a bag sewn in the image of this doll. The grain in it symbolized the saved strength of the Earth's Nurse.
After the harvest season, the pupa was again filled with selected grain from the new harvest. She was dressed up and carefully kept in a visible place in the red corner. They believed that only then would the next year be full and there would be prosperity in the family.

In times of famine, they took grain from the pupa and cooked porridge from it. It was believed that this porridge conveys the powers of Mother Earth.
A guest entering the hut could determine from the doll whether the family was living well. If the doll was thin, it means there is trouble in the family...
And today this doll will help you have wealth in your home.

Values ​​of cereals in grain size:

buckwheat satiety and wealth,

rice( the most expensive grain) - for the holiday,

pearl barley - for satiety, oats - for strength.

Krupenichka - we make it with our own hands

Herbal egg capsule

To keep the air in the hut clean, they made a useful doll called the Herbal Pot. They hung it where the air stagnated or above the child’s cradle.

The sphere of influence of the herbal egg capsule is protection from disease; it must vigilantly monitor the physical health of all family members. This is a protector from the evil spirits of illness, and a good comforter. A cozy round and soft doll exudes some special warmth and homely atmosphere, like from a good housewife. It truly creates a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere in the house.

Her thick round skirt and bundles in her hands are filled with healing fragrant herbs. Our ancestors believed that the aroma of the grass drives away the spirit of illness; to do this, the doll must be crushed in your hands. If someone in the house gets sick, it was placed at the head of the sick person’s bed; if a child was sick, then such a herbal was made for him to play with or hung over the cradle.

When the Doll was first brought into the family home where it would be located, it was certainly given into the hands of all household members, who inhaled the aroma of dry herbs, tried to guess what the jar was filled with, and asked to protect the house from diseases.

The doll can be placed in a wardrobe, then its smell will perform another protective function.

The herbalist can delight you with the smell of herbs and a beautiful outfit for a long time, because the doll is valid for 2 years.

Kuvatki (kuvadki)

Dolls that accompany a child from birth. About two weeks before giving birth, the woman made a twisted doll from multi-colored scraps and placed it in the cradle, in order to “warm” the space and prepare it for the arrival of a new person. When the baby was born, the father of the child, in order to distract and deceive evil spirits that could harm the woman in labor and the baby, performed a ritual - “couvade” - imitating the process of childbirth.
Bright dolls were hung on the walls, because, according to legend, spirits angry at deception would unleash their indignation on the first thing that came their way. Kuvatki were supposed to be such a talisman. After this, the dolls were burned. And new ones were made, which were hung over the baby’s cradle, performing the same protective function, distracting unkind glances.
Kuvatki were the first educational toys and rattles; they were strung in whole bunches mixed with bright beads and shreds, so the baby received his first lessons in the variety of shapes, colors and textures.

Later, when the ancient rituals were forgotten, but the mythological perception of the world filled with good and evil spirits was preserved, the image of the kuvatka was transformed into the image of an angel, retaining its protective meaning - colorful patchwork dolls were still entrusted with protecting the baby from hostile forces.

Kuzma and Demyan

The dolls that Agayeva Irina Vladimirovna talked about

Head of the department of scientific, methodological and educational work of the association "Tula Regional Historical, Architectural and Literary Museum", People's Master of Russia.

Kuzma and Demyan are patrons of the family hearth and crafts

In the central provinces of Russia there were traditional rag dolls Kuzma and Demyan. Kuzma and Demyan's name days are celebrated on November 14 and are called autumn Kuzminki. After the harvest in the villages, it was time for rest and weddings.

Saints Cosmas and Damian are Asian brothers, originally from Asia Minor. Their mother Theodotia raised the children in the Christian faith. Well-educated, skillful doctors, they healed the mental and physical torments of people, treated animals, and for free, for which they were called unmercenaries.

Kuzma and Demyan are considered patrons of the family hearth, the holiness and inviolability of marriage, and the organizers of marriages.

Lesson motto: Maxim Gorky: “Without knowing the past, it is impossible to understand the true meaning of the present and the goals of the future”

Lesson objectives:

The purpose of the lesson: to systematize information about the folk doll, to teach how to make a talisman doll “Grace”. To cultivate in schoolchildren a culture of perception of the material world, to promote the formation of an aesthetic attitude to reality, to consolidate the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge and skills, with their subsequent application in creative activity, namely in the implementation and design of a creative project on a chosen topic.

  • Educational – to form knowledge about the folk textile doll, expand students’ horizons about its use in everyday life and rituals, develop the ability to make the details of the doll’s cut using an eye meter, and calculate the amount of fabric.
  • Developmental – develop cognitive interest, perception of geometric shapes and combining parts into a whole, thinking, independence, initiative, fine motor skills.
  • Educational– to cultivate love and respect for folk traditions, hard work, frugality, aesthetic taste.

Teaching methods:

  • methods of emotional stimulation of artistic and practical activities (creating a situation of success, encouragement, using play situations with the help of dolls made by children);
  • methods for developing cognitive interest (creating a cognitive situation: amazing facts; creating a creative situation);
    • Verbal, visual
    • Independent work of students
    • Exhibition of works

Learning Tools:

  • scraps of fabric for making a doll,
  • samples of Russian folk dolls.


  • ritual dolls, finished products of folk dolls;
  • fabric samples (large) for frontal display.


  • scraps of fabric (2 pieces for each student)
  • instruction cards “Making a Russian folk doll”
  • “iris” threads
  • scissors

TSO: Video: making a “Grace” doll

Interdisciplinary connections: literature, history, geometry, art.

Lesson progress

I. Org. moment.

Preparation for the lesson;

II. Preparation for educational and cognitive activities.

Look around, what do you think will be discussed in our lesson? (About dolls)

Remember your first doll, what was it like? (From the store, plastic).

Today we will travel back in time and find ourselves in the Russian outback, in a village where our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers may have lived. To where our origins begin. We find out what children played with, how and what dolls were made from.

So, we begin our journey! Since ancient times, a traditional toy in the life of the Russian village, even in the poorest peasant families, has been a rag doll. While the children were small, their mothers, grandmothers, and older sisters sewed dolls for them. The folk rag doll was not just a toy, it had a certain function: it was believed that such a doll protected children’s sleep and protected the child from all evil. Our great-grandmothers knew how to make dolls that brought good luck to the house, comforted children, and drove away illnesses. Everything was done by hand, for a specific child, in a single copy; the toy was not standard even within the same street. The toy was not only a wise teacher in life, not only a friend and companion, but also a talisman.

The “Krupenichka” doll, an ancient bulk toy, is a talisman for satiety and prosperity in the family. From early childhood we remember the Russian folk tale about the beautiful Krupenichka: “One prince had a daughter, who, at the whim of her father, was named Krupenichka. Krupenichka grew up beautiful, smart and hard-working. The infidels attacked the principality, captured Krupenichka and drove her away as a gift to Khan. Krupenichka rejected Khan’s claims to marry, and in order to break the proud beauty, he loaded her with backbreaking work. From dawn to dusk Krupenichka worked in the field. One day, a poor praying mantis passed by, returning from distant holy places. She took pity on Krupenichka, turned her into a buckwheat seed and hid it in a pouch. So she brought it in a pouch to her home. And so that the Basurman Khan could not find Krupenichka, she buried her in the ground. And Krupenichka sprouted into a beautiful buckwheat bush, which gave a bountiful harvest. This is how buckwheat appeared in Rus'.” From that time on, the Slavs began to grow a grain unprecedented before that time - buckwheat.

The most important feature of the material for making the doll was that it was taken from one’s home, was used and old, that is, “our own.” The use of worn fabrics and thread remnants used to be associated with savings, since in the old days in Rus' they were made by hand, and this was difficult and time-consuming. They also believed that hand-made fabric that “lived” in the house would protect the family from danger.

Before the start of the sowing season, the owner of the house made a clay doll and buried it in the center of the field, with a prayer for a good harvest and good weather. No one knows where the first dolls in Rus' came from.

There is a legend. In ancient times, the Slavs worshiped pagan gods. Every spring they brought various gifts to the gods of the earth, including a beautiful girl. And then one day a young man fell in love with such a girl, and he decided to save her. “Stop!” he shouted from the crowd. A young man came out holding a birch log in his hands. Having asked the women for a few handkerchiefs, he dressed up a log in an instant - why not a girl with a white face! The log doll was immediately given a name - Collodion - and a sacrifice was made in place of the girl. Thus came the end of the terrible custom. Slavic women were spared an absurd death. And memories of this remain only in fairy tales, where beauties pay off dragons. And the Slavic gods began... playing with dolls. Yes, yes, after all, Kollodiya was the first Slavic doll.
Gloomy rituals of sacrifice turned into joyful holidays. Stuffed dolls were usually woven from straw, dressed up, carried around the village singing, dances were performed around them, games were played, and then they were “given” to the gods, asking in return for good weather, rich harvests, and successful hunting. The holidays were so good! Some of them have survived to this day.

Let's remember what holidays these are when we use dolls? (Maslenitsa, Trinity, Spiritual Day). Let's continue our journey.

Let's take a look at the nearest hut.

A young peasant woman bent over a wooden cradle. She places a homemade rag doll next to the newborn baby and says: “Sleepy, insomniac, don’t play with my baby, but play with this doll.” We found ourselves in a Russian village.

And near the stove hang dolls of “twelve fevers”: Ogneya, Lidea, Greseya, Chikheya, Znobeya, Kashleya, Kosneya, Glukheya... Before the cold weather, they invited a special grandmother to the house, who read a long conspiracy for various diseases and at that time was the eldest in the family a woman had to twist at least 12 dolls. It was believed that the more she twisted the dolls, the more she would protect the family from major diseases during the winter, and in April they were taken out into the street and burned, the diseases that they had taken upon themselves went away with the fire. They must drive away diseases from their owners. As you can see, the doll was still a toy not for a child, but for other misfortunes. Her job is to protect a person and distract evil forces from him. That’s why such a doll was called bereginya. If trouble happened in the house, you had to take the doll, turn it counterclockwise three times and say: “Turn away with evil, turn with good!”

The beautiful bride also played with dolls. Her mother gave her an elegant amulet doll, blessing her for marriage.

Let's remember the Russian folk tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful”.

“In a certain kingdom there lived a merchant. He lived in marriage for twelve years and had only one daughter, Vasilisa the Beautiful. When her mother died, the girl was eight years old. Dying, the merchant's wife called her daughter to her, took out the doll from under the blanket, gave it to her and said: “Listen, Vasilisa!” Remember and fulfill the last words. I’m dying and, together with my parent’s blessing, I’m leaving you this doll; always keep it with you and don’t show it to anyone; and when something bad happens to you, give her something to eat and ask her for advice. She will eat and tell you how to help the misfortune...” This is, of course, a fairy tale, but...

There was a custom in a pagan family: every year the housewife lovingly made a doll, which was supposed to protect and protect children, husband, and home from illness, grief, crop failure, and the evil eye. That’s what the doll was called – Bereginya.

Beregin dolls were made from what was at hand (straw, flax, bast, birch bark). Sometimes the doll was placed on the door lintel, saying: “Turn with good, turn with evil.”

There is another moral meaning hidden in the tale of Vasilisa: a thing handed down from a deceased mother will protect us all our lives.

Every nation has had its own dolls since time immemorial. Toys of many nations, despite their differences, are largely similar in design, shape, and decor. And this happened because toys were born through labor. Both the famous master and the simple peasant learned from one great master - nature, and the child played in a luxurious palace and in a thatched hut.

Only the toys—the dolls—were different. The doll was dressed up, but the face was not painted. Such dolls were called faceless.

According to popular beliefs, a doll with a face seemed to acquire a soul and could harm the child. Therefore, the faceless doll was also a talisman. And one more feature of amulet dolls is that when they were made, they were tied with red threads, with a cross in front and two parallel threads in the back.

III. Formation of knowledge and skills. Explanation + demonstration of practical techniques. Today in the lesson we will make a doll - the amulet “Grace”. Let’s listen to this word “Blessing”, “good”, “giving”, “giving”, “creating”. These are kind words that are necessary for every person.

Consolidation of knowledge and skills.

  • What is a doll - a talisman? (Protects from the evil eye, wards off trouble)
  • What were homemade dolls made from? (Made from mother’s shirt, kept mother’s warmth, herbs, clay, straw, birch bark)
  • What is the base of the doll?
  • What other dolls have you learned about?
  • Why do we take red threads? (The color of love that gives strength to life)
  • How do we twist the doll? (Tight, cross in front, track in back)
  • Why is the Russian textile doll faceless?

V. Control and self-control.

Oral control.

Look at each other's dolls.

What is the character of the dolls?

Do they look like their owners? (is a reflection of the inner world of the hostess)

Correct it, tighten it up.

VI.Lesson summary.

At the beginning of the lesson, we moved to the Russian outback and felt its flavor. Did we succeed? During the lesson you learned a lot and learned a lot. How did you understand and feel what dolls for children should be like?

Now you understand that dolls should be mentally warm, raise a girl as a future mother, teach her how to run a household, take care of loved ones, and protect her in difficult times.

As a reminder of today's lesson, you will have this amulet doll.

At home you can make the same doll yourself; it will be a wonderful gift for your parents, sister, or brother. After all, for a mother or grandmother there is nothing more pleasant than holding in their hands a product warmed by the warmth of their own children’s hands.

Making a doll. Detailed show

Now we will make a doll the same way as they did in Rus', i.e. without scissors and needles. Let's do it carefully, with love! Think about what your doll protects you from! Remember that you have a big family, where everyone helps each other, does not quarrel, and shares what they have. Good luck!

Instructions for making a Russian textile doll-amulet “Grace”.

1. Roll up a twist from a rag or an old towel and tie with strong threads along the entire length.

2. We form a face from white fabric. We apply white fabric to one edge of the twist and tie it with threads.

3. We put on a shirt. We tear off a square from the fabric and cut out the neckline. We dress the doll. We form sleeves and cuffs.

4. We put on a skirt. We lift the sleeves up. At chest level we tie the skirt with folds. The width of the skirt is three times the width of the doll. Tear off the required fabric measurement.

5. We tie up the apron.

6. We tie up the nightstand.