The healthiest foods for hair loss are vegetables and fruits. The most useful vitamins and products for healthy hair, skin and nails Products useful for hair and scalp

Flawless hair is not given by nature, you need to carefully care for your hair, you say and you will be right. Luxurious curls are a healthy lifestyle, others will say. And this is a correct postulate. Few people think that the thickness and degree of hair growth depend on nutrition. What foods are good for hair? What to give preference to so that the hair becomes thick, shiny and does not leave the head prematurely, you will learn by understanding the structure and composition of healthy hair.

How to keep your hair beautiful and healthy

Nature made sure that at birth a person received vegetation on his head, providing him with a root and a stem, as a representative of the flora. The condition of the protective cover is demonstrated by the visible part - the rod. Knowing the structure and chemical composition, we will develop a program for nutrition and hair health.

Rod composition

  1. The core is the medulla. Consists of inner, middle and outer concentric layers or cuticle. Occupies a small part of the hair - 10 percent. The non-keratinized part of the integument.
  2. The cortical layer is what is commonly called the hair itself. The keratinized cells – the cortex – provide the strength of vegetation, are responsible for the appearance and growth rate. The keratin fibers in the cortical layer number in the millions of strong bonds. Here are the pigments that determine the color of the hair.

Chemical composition of the cortex

Hair is primarily composed of keratin, a “bundle” of protein amino acids. Composition of healthy hairs:

  • protein - alpha keratin = 80 - 85 percent;
  • water = 10 percent;
  • lipids = 6 – 8 percent;
  • vitamins – biotin, B, A, E;
  • microelements – sulfur, calcium, iron;
  • pigments = 1 – 2 percent.

Core keratin protein is a mixture of insoluble amino acids.

  1. Elastin stretches tissue in the transverse and horizontal direction.
  2. Cysteine ​​is responsible for structure and strength.
  3. Glycine plays the role of a protective regulator.
  4. Alanine maintains an acid-base environment.
  5. Taurine accelerates growth and restores the structure of the stem.

Grow your braid to your waist...

Hair grows at different rates depending on age, gender, nutrition and care. Average value: one to one and a half centimeters per month. No matter how hard you try, a luxurious braid will not grow in a year. The lower part of the follicle – the bulb – is involved in the increase of vegetation on the head. Growth occurs through cell division of the hair follicle.

The life of the rods, 100 - 150 thousand hairs, lasts 2-3 years and consists of three cyclic stages:

  1. Three quarters of the hair is in the process of active growth. The anogen phase involves continuous cell division, as a result of which rods appear. The stage lasts 2 – 4 years.
  2. One percent of hairs rest in the catagen phase. The hair follicle “hibernates” for a couple of weeks.
  • 15 percent of vegetation is in the shedding stage - telogen. The period when cells stop renewing lasts 80–90 days. The bulb loses its connection with the stem, and the person loses his hair. The physiological norm for “losses” is 80–100 pieces per day. If you find a huge number of hairs on your comb, it’s time to address the problem.

You can influence the rate of division by nourishing the follicles from the outside, increasing blood supply. Cosmetologists offer masks based on cinnamon, tinctures of hot pepper, mustard, and ginger. Our task is to provide hair with inner strength - healthy food.

Video: Healthy foods for hair growth

Foods that are good for hair

Knowing that three-quarters of your hair is made up of protein, give preference to protein foods. Such a diet will make your hair thick, shiny, and protect it from hair loss. It is important to balance the food so that protein is three times greater than the amount of animal fat. An exception would be vegetable fats and omega 3 found in fatty fish.


The amino acids contained in the rod will help diversify your daily diet.

  1. Elastin, a filamentous protein, is produced by the body under the influence of vitamin complexes. Nutritionists advise pampering fish with a portion of liver a couple of times a week. There should be vegetables and fruits on the table. Give preference to greens, red peppers, apricots and black currants. Include tuna, sardines, and mackerel in your fish diet. Eat dairy products for dinner. Preference – fermented milk foods, cheeses, soy milk processing products. By choosing this diet, you will “kill two birds with one stone.” Together with elastin, the body will synthesize collagen and hyaluronic acid - “fellow travelers” of youth and elastic skin.
  2. Cysteine– sulfur-containing amino acid is an important component of human hair. The diameter of the rod depends on the quantity. Feed thinning, brittle hairs with high-protein foods. Cysteine ​​is found in meat and dairy products, buckwheat, Brussels sprouts, garlic, and onions. Warning: pasteurizing dairy products kills the amino acid, as does boiling. The body completely absorbs cysteine ​​from whey. Cocktails based on whey protein powder will benefit both your muscles and your hair.
  3. Glycine, aminoacetic acid of the nonessential group - protects the root and stem, increases the absorption of microelements. The body independently synthesizes amino acids from protein products. There are known foods rich in glycine: meat in jelly (jellied meat, khash, aspic), nuts, ginger, marmalade. The amino acid has a complex effect on the body - it reduces the effects of stress, gives healthy sleep and mood. Trichologists have found that a calm mood and joy have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.
  4. Alanin, an aliphatic acid, is involved in the synthesis of carnosine, which maintains acid-base balance in the body. Cosmetologists classify alanine as the “vitamin of youth and beauty”: it improves the condition of the skin, hair, and nails. A person replenishes amino acid reserves with poultry, pork, beef, and fish.
  5. Taurine, soluble acid, synthesized from cysteine. Performs a regenerating and protective function. Found in animal proteins: crabs, squid, eggs, milk. Contains sulfur.


Pharmacological complexes for hair growth and strengthening only complement vitamin food. We learn to replenish the body with vitamins from natural products. Hair loves vitamins:

  1. Retinol is responsible for the smoothness and thickness of hair. Vitamin A deficiency makes hair brittle and dull. Contained in yellow vegetables and fruits - carrots, pumpkin, peppers, apricots, peaches.
  2. Vitamin B provides color brightness, shine, and elasticity. Green vegetables, nuts, and cereals are a storehouse of pyridoxine and thiamine.
  3. Ascorbic acid is a universal vitamin. Promotes microcirculation of blood in the roots, prevents hair loss. Citrus fruits, rose hips, and kiwi are supplied to the body.
  4. Vitamins K are involved in hematopoiesis and regulate oxidative processes. The roots receive nutrition from blood cells, ensuring healthy growth of the root. Vegetable pantry of vitamin: spinach, potatoes, bananas.
  5. Tocopherol - vitamin E regulates hair oiliness. Contained in nuts, vegetable oils, legumes. 15 milligrams of oxidative vitamin will provide sufficient nutrition to the bulbs and stem.

The five “vitamin leaders” complement protein nutrition and are guaranteed to create silky thick hair.


Trichologists deal with the problems of baldness, fragility, dandruff, and oily seborrhea. We came to the conclusion that the violations are associated with nutrient deficiency. There is a known list of microelements that are beneficial for hair:

  1. Cottage cheese, cheese, eggs supply calcium.
  2. Seafood is considered a source of iodine.
  3. Beef, buckwheat, pomegranate are a source of iron.
  4. You will find sulfur in beef, lamb, and pork.
  5. Buckwheat, oatmeal, and rice will provide the body with silicon.
  6. Liver, shrimp, sunflower seeds, and rolled oats bring copper to the body.
  7. You will find selenium in pistachios, porcini mushrooms, and feta cheese.

What harms hair

To help your hairstyle, you need to change your diet to include healthy foods. Veto junk food.

Nutritionists agree: there are foods that make hair brittle, dull, and lead to baldness.

"Ten Harmful"

  1. Confectionery and sugar. Cookies, chocolates, and the habit of snacking on sweets “load” the body with extra pounds. Lead to the formation of insulin and male hormones, which slow down hair growth and thin the hair follicles.
  2. Fish – some species. Those that accumulate mercury are considered dangerous: tuna, pike, perch. Mercury entering the body causes baldness.
  3. Salt. Not only splashes of sea water are harmful to hair. Excess sodium turns hair into “dry straw”: dull, brittle.
  4. Sugar substitutes. The chemical basis of supposedly “healthy” sweeteners affects the body as a whole and slows down the division of the bulbs.
  5. Animal fats will add kilograms to your waist and cause oily seborrhea, which is difficult to get rid of. The second evil is the appearance of dandruff.
  6. Carbonated drinks fill the body with sugar, sweeteners, and chemical additives, which are instantly absorbed into the blood, causing damage to the hairstyle.
  7. Fast food leads to obesity. Trichologists warn: the negative impact of French fries is 10 times higher than other foods from this line. A high glycemic index, repeated use of combined fats, and salt weaken the hair, causing dandruff and greasy hair.
  8. Excess protein - poisoning by breakdown products of nitrogenous compounds. The result is gout and baldness.
  9. Hypervitaminosis, especially excess carotene, characteristic of vegetarians. If you lean on the carrot, get ready for the fact that the curls will be sparse and thin.
  10. Coffee, tonic drinks, and alcohol in excessive quantities are destructive for beautiful hair.

Think about whether it is worth consuming products that are harmful to your hair if you care about elegance and beauty.


Include small portions of protein dishes, vegetables, and cereals in your diet. Change your food preferences by excluding “fast” carbohydrates, canned food, and soda from the menu. The result will immediately appear: elastic, shiny, strong curls.

Shiny, thick and strong hair is the dream of every woman. Unfortunately, harmful environmental factors, poor lifestyle and insufficient scalp care often lead to brittle hair and hair loss.. Cosmetic care products do not always help correct the situation. It is impossible to have gorgeous hair without taking care of proper nutrition. What foods should you eat to keep your hair from falling out and to be thick?

What substances are good for hair?

Healthy hair is a woman’s adornment and an indicator of the well-being of the whole body. In addition, they also perform a protective function - they protect the scalp from hypothermia and overheating.

The famous French fashion designer Coco Chanel said:

“You should have your hair looking so good every day that you don’t have to wear a hat to look your best.”

The appearance of hair largely depends on proper nutrition. It is necessary that nutrients be supplied daily with food for the growth and strengthening of hair follicles. A lack of elements leads to fragility, dullness and loss of curls.

Name of substances Effect on hair
B vitamins (B6, B7, B9 and B12) Improves blood circulation in the scalp, accelerates metabolic processes and tissue regeneration, due to which the hair structure is restored and its growth is enhanced.
Vitamin A The main growth vitamin, a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes the oxidative effects of free radicals and other substances that destroy the structure of hair follicles
Vitamin E Promotes blood circulation in the scalp, helping to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the follicles (which is paramount for hair growth), protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays
Vitamin C A strong antioxidant that plays an important role in the production of collagen (the protein that makes up 90% of hair), ensures the health of blood vessels in the scalp, and helps iron digestion
Iron Directly involved in the production of hemoglobin, which in turn carries oxygen to the hair follicles
Zinc Necessary for the regeneration of the scalp and the growth of new cells, helps in the absorption of vitamins A, B, C
Sulfur Participates in collagen synthesis, provides adequate nutrition to hair follicles
Magnesium It is an integral component of most biological processes in the body; without it it is impossible to provide normal nutrition to the hair.
Silicon Necessary for the synthesis of collagen and keratin
Calcium Is a participant in metabolic processes, activates “dormant” hair follicles
Unsaturated fatty acids Collagen and keratin activators normalize hormonal balance in the body, which directly affects the appearance of hair

These elements are found mainly in plant and protein products. To keep your curls shiny and strong, dishes made from them should become the basis of your daily diet. Cosmetologists advise regularly eating raw vegetables and fruits, fresh herbs, and drinking freshly squeezed juices.

Of great importance for hair health is timely cleansing of the body from toxins and toxins, sufficient consumption of clean drinking water (1.5-2 liters per day).

Top 10 healthy products for strong and thick hair

Proper nutrition can do wonders for your hair. Healthy food saturates each of the 150,000 hair follicles located in the scalp with essential microelements and vitamins.

Below is a list of the most useful products for strengthening hair. Their daily use is a guarantee of healthy scalp and silky strong curls.

Nuts are a source of unsaturated fatty acids, magnesium, vitamins B, E, amino acids, and zinc.

They compensate for the lack of collagen and keratin, which form the basis of hair. If you eat a handful of almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts or peanuts every day, this will protect your strands from falling out and brittle, give them a healthy look, and eliminate split ends and dandruff. Nuts should be eaten unroasted; you can add them to salads, desserts, and main courses.

Oysters, shrimp and mussels contain a record amount of zinc and high-quality protein, and sea fish contains a whole range of vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial for hair.

You need to eat seafood at least twice a week (single serving 150-200 g).

Eating sea fish is especially recommended for dry and brittle hair. Fatty acids help normalize water-fat metabolism in the scalp and eliminate excessive dryness. Vegetable oils, avocados, olives, and nuts will also be good helpers in this fight.

The liver contains all the necessary substances for healthy hair: it is rich in B vitamins, it contains as much protein as beef, and in terms of vitamin A and iron content, the liver is a leader among food products.

The liver should be bought fresh (not frozen), and not overcooked when cooking. A sauce made from sour cream or sour cream will add softness and tenderness to the dish.

For strong and thick curls, you need to consume liver at least 2 times a week, 200-300 g.

Sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds contain a large amount of zinc (5.2 – 7.5 mg/100 g with a daily requirement of 10 mg). In combination with proteins and B vitamins, which are also abundant in seeds, zinc returns shine to curls and stimulates their increased growth.

To improve the condition of hair, raw dried seeds are used as food. You can add them to ready-made meals, salads, or eat them as a snack (150 g per day is the optimal amount).

Zinc-rich foods should definitely be included in your diet if your hair seems dull and unattractive. This mineral helps eliminate scalp irritation that occurs due to frequent use of hair styling devices.

5. Cabbage and green vegetables

For thick hair, it is useful to eat white cabbage, broccoli, spinach and witloof earthy endive salad. These are excellent sources of vitamins B and C, containing many salts of magnesium, calcium, sulfur, and iron.

A storehouse of useful substances is sauerkraut. Its regular use improves the digestive processes in the body, allowing you to get rid of waste and toxins. Rubbing the juice into the scalp improves blood circulation and stimulates the active growth of hair follicles.

Carrots are the leader among vegetable crops in terms of beta-carotene content, a precursor of vitamin A (9 mg per 100 g).

To strengthen hair, it is enough to receive only 5 mg of this vitamin per day. The root vegetable contains a lot of other useful substances: vitamins C, E, zinc, iron, magnesium. Regular consumption of raw carrots (1-2 pieces per day) improves blood circulation in the scalp, accelerates regeneration, restores damaged hair structure, and adds natural shine.

In addition, carrots contain essential oils and phytoncides, which, when applied topically, have an anti-inflammatory effect on the scalp and regulate sebum production.

An excess of vitamin A, which can occur as a result of infatuation with carrot diets or uncontrolled intake of vitamin preparations, leads to the opposite effect - hair loss.

As British scientists have found out, an apple contains more than 300 valuable biological active substances: vitamins A, C, B, organic acids, iron, zinc, pectin, etc. It is not without reason that they say that those who eat at least two apples a day will not need doctors.

Regular consumption of apples has a positive effect on the entire body, helps restore hair structure and significantly reduce hair loss.

To grow and strengthen curls, apples can also be used externally in the form of masks. The pulp of the fruit must be grated and the resulting pulp must be rubbed in a circular motion into the scalp.

8. Lactic acid products

Kefir, tan, yogurt and other lactic acid products are sources of calcium and essential amino acids. They also contain microorganisms useful for digestion, which help to establish intestinal microflora and cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

It is useful to drink 500 g of kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk daily; you can add nuts, bran, and seeds to drinks. This combination will bring double benefits to your hair.

9. Honey

Natural honey is a product that has many positive properties. Its benefits are invaluable for the whole body, including hair: the product contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for healthy hair.

In the collection of folk recipes there are many masks based on honey to strengthen hair, because the substances contained in it nourish the roots and hair follicles, and heal the scalp. The use of beekeeping products internally becomes indispensable in the care of weakened, dry and dull curls.

10. Cereals

To keep your hair always glowing with health, it is useful to eat whole grain porridge for breakfast every day (instant porridge is not suitable). All cereals are rich in the necessary substances for the growth and strengthening of strands: millet contains vitamins B6 and E, beta-carotene, oatmeal contains a lot of magnesium and sulfur, buckwheat is rich in iron, vitamin B9, zinc and magnesium. When cooking, you should not overcook the porridge; even better, pour boiling water over the cereal in the evening and eat it in the morning.

Cereals are especially beneficial for oily hair. Eating porridges, bread made from wholemeal flour and bran eliminates the lack of B vitamins, which most often disrupts the production of sebaceous secretions in the scalp.

In order for your hair to always glow with health, and for the thickness of your hair to be the envy of others, it is necessary to provide it with comprehensive care. Shampoos and conditioners should always be used together with a balanced diet rich in vitamins and microelements. Eliminating bad habits and limiting your diet of salt, sugar and coffee will also help you have silky, strong hair.

The following research and materials were used in writing the article:

  • Agafya Zvonareva. “Braid to toe. Natural remedies for beautiful skin and hair."
  • Sharmaine Yabsley. “Natural self-care products. More than 250 products, recipes, products and care methods.”
  • Briza Oksana and Georgy Etvin. “Skin and hair. Become a deity for him."
  • Oksana Lazareva. “Grow your braid to your waist. Skin and hair care. Natural remedies."
  • Yuri Konstantinov. "Folk recipes for youth and beauty."

Hair loss can occur for many reasons, sometimes it is difficult to even list them all from memory. Air and environmental pollution, stress, hormonal imbalance, seborrhea, lack of vitamins.

If you notice that your hair has started to fall out, the first thing you should think about is whether you are eating right and whether your hair is getting enough vitamins and nutrients.

It is almost impossible to influence the structure and appearance of hair, because it receives all its vitality from the hair follicles, and there nutrition comes through small blood capillaries. Therefore, the way your hair and facial skin look greatly depends on nutrition.

We have prepared a list of the most useful hair products. They contain exactly those vitamins and micro-, macroelements that are necessary for health, hair growth and prevention of hair loss.

What foods contain vitamins for hair loss?

  • 10th place. Walnuts

It’s not for nothing that they say that one handful of nuts a day will ensure good functioning of the heart and brain. It is rich in essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals that are essential for hair. Zinc and selenium, B vitamins, together prevent hair loss. If you eat 2-3 nuts every day, you can stop taking multivitamins, as the benefits will be much greater.

  • 9th place. Bean sprouts

Be it soybean sprouts, wheat sprouts or golden bean sprouts, they are all very rich in silicon. An element that is also called the hair breadwinner. It forms complex molecules and strengthens cells, creating connective tissue. There is little of it in the body, but it plays a very important role. Among others, silicon strengthens the cells of hair, skin and nails. With a lack of silicon, the skin becomes flabby, hair becomes brittle and falls out.

  • 8th place. Seafood

The iodine, zinc, sulfur and fatty acids contained in seafood make them a special dietary product. People who frequently eat fish and seafood are not only less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, but also less likely to be obese. To have beautiful and healthy skin and strong hair, you need to eat fish or other sea creatures (shrimp, scallops, oysters, lobsters) at least 2 times a week.

  • 7th place. Oatmeal

There is no need to say again that porridge is healthy, but oatmeal necessary as it contains a large amount of zinc and iron, fiber. Zinc deficiency is one of the most common causes of hair loss. Our hair contains a certain amount of zinc, which maintains the normal structure of the hair. However, if there is a deficiency in other organs, the body takes it from the hair, since it does not perform an important role. So it turns out that the hair suffers first and over time loses its vitality and begins to fall out.

  • 6th place. Wheat germ oil

Another good source for replenishing zinc in the body, which is also rich in vitamins and amino acids. You can take one spoon every day or add it to salads, cereals and other dishes.

  • 5th place. Carrot

The best and most affordable source of beta-carotene, an important substance for maintaining healthy and beautiful hair. Make carrot juice with apples or other fruits in the morning and recharge your energy for the whole day. Carrots are also interesting because the amount of beta-carotene only increases after cooking.

  • 4th place. Spinach

Spinach often added to lists of the most useful crops and for good reason, because this is a real concentration of vitamins and nutrients. Magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, vitamins A and C, all of them prevent hair loss and have a positive effect on their condition. In addition, it is one of the best sources of easily digestible calcium.

  • 3rd place. Fatty fish

Fish oil is necessary not only for the functioning of the cardiovascular system and brain. Its polyunsaturated fatty acids provide nutrition to the scalp, and therefore the hair.

  • 2nd place. Almond

A good source of magnesium, deficiency of which also leads to hair loss. A handful of nuts every day, plus grinding almond oil into the hair roots will give good results in the fight against hair loss.

  • 1st place. Eggs

You might say it's corny, but these are some of the most nutritious and healthiest foods in existence. Ideally, eggs should be eaten raw. More suitable for this quail, since they cannot infect us with salmonellosis. But still, even a boiled egg is a unique and irreplaceable product. Contains: phosphorus, iodine, selenium, zinc, sulfur, B vitamins, biotin. Eggs are also useful for hair in the form of masks.

If you eat correctly, and most importantly, have a varied diet, you will never have to take vitamin complexes, the effectiveness and digestibility of which are very doubtful. Your skin and hair will glow with health, and health is beauty.

Modern lifestyle has such a strong impact on the environment and nutrition that our health and beauty have long become a constant source of concern. Millions of women are ashamed every day of a variety of skin and hair problems. Dandruff, lack of shine, split ends, bald spots... Alas, this sad list is so long!

Of course, many solutions are proposed. And here a sarcastic thought about diseases for which there are too many different drugs is appropriate. Since there are so many of them, the disease is unlikely to be easily curable.

Hundreds of formulations for external use - lotions, creams and masks. We pour water on the leaves of the plant in vain, completely forgetting about the roots. Another nonsense!

While salvation should be sought in proper nutrition, creating a diet balanced with valuable nutrients. Beauty is nourished from within! Therefore, the list of healthy products offered below is many times more effective than all the beautiful jars on the bathroom shelf.

Hair Growth Products

Green leafy vegetables

Spinach, lettuce, common garden greens (dill, parsley), turnips, broccoli, green beans and green peppers are the richest sources of those substances that are beneficial for the active growth of healthy hair.

By regularly consuming these vegetables, you can significantly reduce the rate of hair loss and create conditions for the growth of their strong counterparts - from the first millimeter from the roots.

Other vegetables and fruits

Carrots, Jerusalem artichokes, bananas, onions, garlic and beans also promote hair growth. They contain substances that strengthen hair roots and increase blood circulation in the scalp.

By adding these vegetables to salads, or boiling them as a side dish, you can seriously affect many hair problems.

Sprouts of seeds and nuts

A concentrated source of healing nutrients! Wheat, oats, naked rice, lentils, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, peas and buckwheat. All these seeds can be sprouted to enrich the menu with truly irreplaceable products!

And what’s especially pleasing is that it’s easy to wait for the sprouts! You will get edible sprouts after 1-2 days of soaking. For the Slavic expanses, the germination of wheat, oats, buckwheat, sunflower and sesame seeds is especially important.

In addition to activating hair growth, these products will allow your hair to be shiny and silky due to the increased content of easily digestible protein - in addition to other valuable components.

Nuts and dried fruits

Almonds, walnuts (find out how to choose and store them correctly here), hazelnuts, cashews and pine nuts, dried apricots, raisins, figs and prunes - all these delicious guests on our table bring invaluable benefits to beauty and hair growth.

A very popular trend in nutrition, the raw food diet, invites us to eat nuts exclusively raw, after soaking them for 4 or more hours in water at room temperature. This way the nuts will reveal all their benefits by the time they reach the table.


Probably, almost all inhabitants of the planet know the enormous benefits of fish. Who hasn't heard about omega fatty acids? It is these acids, especially omega-3, that are destined to make your hair strong and accelerate its healthy growth. So eat fish! Or take Omega-3 supplements.

It is worth mentioning here that the most useful preparation of omega acids should be considered only capsules with a balanced composition of fatty acids at all levels - omega 3, 6 and 9. This way we will support not only hair growth, but also the health of the heart and blood vessels.

Cow milk

An important factor influencing the condition of your hair is a balanced diet. A properly formulated diet will prevent hair loss, accelerate growth, and give shine. It is important to choose a healthy diet for your hair.

List of vitamins the body needs

A lack of nutrients contributes to hair loss, reduces their thickness, and makes them split and brittle. What foods help increase scalp hair growth? Their list is long. They must contain.

  1. Vitamin A (beta-carotene). Stimulates the strengthening of the bulbs, affects growth in men and women, prevents hair loss, normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands. To replenish it, you need to eat pumpkin, carrots, spinach, and bell peppers.
  2. Vitamin E. Increases blood circulation, increases the permeability of nutrients to the hair follicles. It is useful to take products with vitamin E orally and lubricate the face. Contained in vegetable oils, nuts, apples, bran bread, soybeans.
  3. Vitamin B1. Responsible for metabolism, its deficiency is manifested by dry, brittle hair. Include tomatoes, meat, pine nuts, and eggs in your diet.
  4. Vitamin B2. How does it affect? Promotes redox processes. A lack of vitamin is fraught with loss of shine, split ends, and rapid fat loss of hair. Sources: meat, liver, bran, greens.
  5. Vitamin B10. Nourishes hair, helps against hair loss, improves hair growth. The vitamin prevents early aging. Products: chicken yolk, spinach, mushrooms, potatoes.
  6. Vitamin B12. Participates in cellular processes; if there is a lack of it, hair breaks, falls out, skin becomes dry, teeth become brittle. Natural sources: fish products (oysters, salmon, herring, sardines), kidneys, beef liver.
  7. Vitamin C. Normalizes blood circulation in the scalp, awakening dormant hair follicles. What to eat? There is a lot of it in apples, red sweet peppers, herbs, zucchini, cabbage, tomatoes, and sea buckthorn.
  8. Vitamin H (biotin). Makes hair smooth and shiny. A lack of vitamin causes a disruption of the natural secretion of the scalp, which leads to excessive dryness or oiliness. Contained in chicken meat, kidneys, beef, liver, milk.

Products that are good for hair

Nutrition to stimulate growth should be natural. Meat should not be replaced with sausages or smoked meats; dairy products should be chosen without preservatives. Fried, fatty foods will not have a positive effect on your hair.

Below is a list of products for rapid growth, compiled by trichologists.

Walnuts, almonds, peanuts

Do you want to have the healthiest, strongest hair? Eat almonds and peanuts regularly - receptacles of proteins and protein, vitamins, zinc, which can stimulate growth rate. Lack of zinc leads to hair loss and baldness. Walnuts are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and linolenic acids. Without them, hair becomes too dry or oily.

It is better not to eat nuts every day, as they are high in calories. 1-2 times a week is enough.

Greens with lots of fiber

Contains almost all vitamins, calcium, iron. With the arrival of spring, include as much fresh greens in your diet as possible. This normalizes the functioning of sebum, which protects hair from negative effects.

Milk and dairy products

Natural milk is rich in casein, calcium, and vitamins, which are necessary to accelerate hair growth. The most useful substances in fermented milk products:

  • kefir;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • curdled milk;
  • cottage cheese.

Whole milk is also rich in vitamins and calcium, but it is difficult to digest, so it may not be suitable for everyone. And products such as sour cream, cheese, kefir should be in the daily diet. They prevent hair loss and promote hair growth. Kefir can be added to homemade mask recipes.

Pumpkin seeds

A storehouse of vitamins, therefore they save you from many diseases. Helps against hair loss. They contain vitamin A, D, C, K, group B, copper, phosphorus, zinc, iron, manganese, amino acids. But there is especially a lot of E - a natural antioxidant.

Due to the high amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber, pumpkin seeds are a healthy food for increasing hair growth.

Ground flax seed

They have a unique chemical composition: essential oil, polyunsaturated acids of the Omega group, vitamins A, B, E. They restore body functions and have a positive effect on hair health and growth.

The result of using 1 tsp. products daily become:

  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • protection against fragility and splitting;
  • smoothing and thickening hair;
  • bulb nutrition;
  • hair fixation.

Legumes: peas, lentils, beans

Rich in zinc, iron, biotin, protein, vitamins. Biotin eliminates hair fragility. The body often experiences a deficiency of it. For hair growth, you need to eat at least 3 cups of legumes (beans, peas, lentils) per week to improve the density of your hair.

Abundance of Vitamin C – Citrus Fruits

Oranges, lemons, tangerines, grapefruits are valuable sources of ascorbic acid. The vitamin helps the body absorb iron and synthesize collagen.

Turkey, chicken, goose meat

Another useful component of meat products is iron. It saturates the cells with oxygen, which makes the hair grow faster. Better absorption of protein is ensured when boiled or steamed.


The root vegetable contains a record amount of vitamins and retinol. It participates in metabolic processes, improves tissue regeneration, restores damaged hair structure and enhances growth.

The natural vitamin carotene, due to which carrots have a bright orange color, is an antioxidant that protects against negative effects. The vegetable contains tocopherol, which improves blood circulation in the hair follicles, essential oils and phytoncides, which have an anti-inflammatory effect on the scalp.

Fatty fish

Contains a large amount of Omega-3. There are especially many of them in salmon. A deficiency of fatty acids leads to dandruff, itching, dryness, and hair loss.

Sea fish is rich in phosphorus, iron, vitamin B12 - valuable components responsible for the beauty of hair. Fatty fish should be consumed baked or steamed. It is better to fry briefly, with the addition of olive or linseed oil.

An excellent dish is tuna salad. Better with olive oil. Possible options: trout, sardine, mackerel, salmon for the prevention and restoration of dull, brittle, falling out hair.


Sprouted grains of rye or wheat

Contains copper, chromium, zinc, iodine, silicon, selenium, iron, vitamins, folic acid. This is a product that makes hair and beard grow. The value of sprouts is to cleanse the body of toxins and waste. Grain fiber swells under the influence of alkalis and acids, absorbing all harmful substances, and is then easily removed from the body.

This has a positive effect on health, prevents illness, restores growth and strength, if you don’t want to cut your hair, but grow your hair. How to eat? You need to eat half a glass of sprouted grains daily.


Contains proteins, vitamins, calcium, iron, potassium. These minerals accelerate hair growth. Soy products moisturize the scalp, which makes strands shiny and vibrant.

Fruits and healthy vegetables

The reserves of elements necessary for hair growth can be replenished from avocado, kiwi, persimmon, pomegranate, mango, peach, apples, banana, melon. Or vegetables: cabbage, tomato, bell pepper, broccoli, beets, onions. Eat them raw or stewed. Add products to the compositions of folk hair masks, which are rubbed onto the scalp or rubbed into curls.

Bran from cereals

Corn and oat flakes, bran, and whole grain bread are rich in protein, selenium, iron, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. They affect the growth and appearance of hair and affect health. Eat 1-2 tsp of wheat bran daily. Vitamin-rich foods accelerate hair and nail growth.


Shellfish, oysters, and seaweed contain a lot of zinc, which is why they make hair grow. Of course, not everyone can afford oysters and shellfish due to their high cost. But seaweed is inexpensive and available to everyone.

Full menu table for the week

Day of the weekMenu
MondayBreakfast: cottage cheese with salt, dill or honey and raisins; tea or coffee;

Snack: banana;

Lunch: vegetable salad, vegetable broth soup, rye bread with butter;

Afternoon snack: carrot juice with a teaspoon of flaxseed oil;

Dinner: stewed vegetables, steamed cutlet.

TuesdayBreakfast: omelet with cucumber, herbal tea or coffee;

Snack: orange or tangerine;

Lunch: boiled poultry, stewed zucchini, juice;

Afternoon snack: eating any nuts;

Dinner: boiled rice with beef, salad with vegetables, pumpkin or olive oil, cottage cheese casserole.

Breakfast: buckwheat or wheat porridge, salad, coffee or tea;

Snack: raw pumpkin or sunflower seeds;

Lunch: vegetable or mushroom soup with bread, salad;

Afternoon snack: apple;

Dinner: mashed potatoes, beet salad with onions, olive oil.

ThursdayBreakfast: coffee with milk or herbal tea with lemon, sandwich with cheese;

Snack: yogurt;

Lunch: soup, vinaigrette, juice;

Afternoon snack: dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins);

Dinner: baked salmon with vegetables, tea.

FridayBreakfast: buckwheat with meatballs, steamed broccoli;

Snack: banana (apple, mango);

Lunch: fish with vegetables and bread, juice;

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole with cocoa;

Dinner: stewed pork liver, a glass of tomato juice.

SaturdayBreakfast: two soft-boiled eggs, bread and butter, tea;

Snack: cottage cheese with dried fruits;

Lunch: cabbage salad with sunflower oil, stewed beans;

Snack: grapefruit and apple;

Dinner: vegetable salad, pasta with tomato sauce.

SundayBreakfast: oatmeal with dried fruits, coffee or tea;

Snack: ham and cheese sandwich, tea;

Lunch: chicken chop, salad with beans, glass of juice;

Afternoon snack: a piece of dark chocolate, an apple (banana, grapefruit);

Dinner: vegetable stew with beef liver.

These foods need to be eaten for the full growth of women's and men's hair.

Trichologists' opinion on good nutrition

The decision to completely exclude meat and other animal products from the diet leads to fragility and thinning. Hair is 80% protein: trichocides, fibroblasts, keratinocides.

For their normal condition, meat, dairy products, and eggs are necessary. These are important products for speedy hair growth on a woman's head.

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