"talk about moral values." "conversations with teenagers about ethical behavior" Lessons on morality and health preventive conversation

Conversation on the topic “Understand how you grow up”

Target: prevention of deviant behavior


    reveal the essence of the process of growing up;

    show significance the right choice life course development in adolescence.

    promote the development of a positive self-image.

    Motivation and goal setting

Good afternoon, girls and boys! Today I want to build a communication with you under the heading “Understand how you grow up.”

Do you consider this topic to be in demand and relevant?

Complete your wishes. What about this topic is of particular interest to you?

Collection of wishes (on record)

    Information part of the conversation

Adolescence is favorable for personality development and changes for the better; the young man seems to begin life with “ clean slate"and has a great chance to get rid of his childhood problems. On the other hand, at the same time the risk of new difficulties and developmental deviations increases. Be that as it may, this is an age of increased plasticity, readiness to change, develop and accumulate new life experience. And how exactly these opportunities will be used, whether you will use them for your benefit, depends, first of all, on you.

One of the central moments of psychological development in adolescence is the formation of the so-called"feelings of adulthood" . The young man acutely senses that he is no longer a child, and demands that others recognize this. For example, he strives to gain equal rights with adults and gain independence.

The feeling of adulthood manifests itself in different ways:

Imitation of external signs of adulthood . It manifests itself in the desire to behave like an adult: to earn money on your own, not to constantly report to adults about your whereabouts, etc. But often this imitation takes rather stupid forms.

Personal maturity . Main sign its achievements are a person’s desire and readiness to take responsibility for his actions and decisions. Besides responsibility. Personal maturity implies activity and initiative, the ability to control one’s emotions, decency, and a willingness to look at the surrounding reality not only from one’s own position, but also from the point of view of other people.

Imitation of the qualities of a “real man”, a real woman.” In boys, for example, in this regard, strength, dexterity, endurance, will, loyalty to one’s word, self-confidence, independence, and activity are highly valued.

Intellectual maturity . During the transition to adulthood, mental capabilities change qualitatively; a person becomes able to operate with abstract concepts. Naturally, this happens when the young person continues to develop his mind, and does not “get stuck” at the level of childish judgments. The condition necessary for such development is the inclusion of a person in activities that require him to demonstrate intelligence.

The first manifestations of a sense of adulthood often look rather strange: a teenager begins to behave openly defiantly, as if presenting “his will” to others. Most often, contradictions between teenagers and adults manifest themselves in such little things as: what time to come home, how to manage their free time.

The general psychological development of a teenager occurs according to his means. physical development, cognitive development emotional spheres, as well as the development of morality.

As a teenager grows up, he discovers hisinner world. During the transition to adulthood, the inner world with its thoughts and experiences becomes almost tangible. Suddenly you begin to realize that you yourself gain your life experience, and this is the most important part of what you have. As a result, self-awareness, that is, the “sense of Self,” actively develops.

Timely formation of a “sense of Self” - important condition further successful development. After all, if you young man If the core of the personality has not matured, there are no clear ideas about himself and his place in the world, then in later life he will have a hard time. Instead of setting realistic goals and achieving success, such a person turns out to be, at best, an “eternal dreamer”, not adapted to real life and helpless in “earthly” affairs.

What to do to ensure self-development proceeds safely?

    Don’t “lock yourself up” to some social role, but try yourself in different ones. After all, the one who equates himself with some single position in life (reasoning, for example, like this: “I am a snowboarder or I am aITnickname, and this is my essence!”) most often stop in their development)

    Treat your life as a unique and responsible experiment, the main objective which is to receive and comprehend experience.

    Not just participate in the events that happen in your life, but also think about their meaning.

    Whenever possible, correlate events in life with the results of your own efforts, and not some random circumstances beyond your control. In other words, take responsibility for what happens in life.

    Mentally “throw a bridge” between the present and the future. When dreaming about something far away and making ambitious plans, always ask yourself the question: what can be done now to make what you want come true?

Self-image is dual. On the one hand, a person has knowledge about what it is like in reality, what qualities it has (I-real). But on the other hand, there is also a certain ideal - an idea of ​​​​what one should be (I-ideal).

The real self and the ideal self usually do not completely coincide. Most people, especially smart ones, are not completely satisfied with themselves and want to be better than they are. And this is a completely normal state, without which self-development is impossible.

When a strong contradiction arises between how a person perceives himself and how he would like to be, this is accompanied by the experience of anxiety, discomfort and even self-loathing.As a result, there is a desire to reduce this contradiction, to bring the real into line with the desired. In what ways can such a result be achieved?

    Throughactivity , be it study, work, sports or some other form of self-improvement. This makes it possible to “pull up” your real capabilities to the desired ones. But as soon as desires become reality, you need to set new, higher goals. The person (especially the young one) who is sure that he has achieved everything he dreamed of and has nothing else to strive for is pitiful. It stops developing and begins to degrade instead.

    Throughchange in ideal self , i.e. lowering the level of the “bar” that the teenager has set for himself. It happens that the ideal chosen is so high that it is, in principle, unattainable. Then such a change will be for the good: rather than wasting energy on striving for something that will not be achieved anyway, it is more productive to set more realistic goals for yourself. But it very often happens that as a result of a “lowering of ideals”2 a person simply stops striving for self-improvement - they say, one can live like this...

    Through changeI'm real , i.e. ideas about who you are. This path is the easiest, but... illusory.

Self-image can be both positive and negative. If a person perceives himself positively, then he has high self-esteem, but if he perceives himself negatively, then his self-esteem is low. Anyone who has high self-esteem has a greater chance of achieving success, because self-image largely predetermines his actual achievements.

    Practical work. Self-esteem test

Instructions 1: From the proposed list of qualities, choose 10 qualities that you like and write them in the left column. Then choose another 10 qualities that you don't like and write them in the right column.

Instruction 2: Check the boxes in both the left and right columns that you possess.

Instruction 3: From the number of qualities marked on the left side of the table, subtract the number of qualities marked on the right side. The resulting difference is an indicator of self-esteem.

List of qualities in the application


Now let's get back to your requests and expectations. Assess the extent to which your requests and expectations have been achieved.


List of qualities:

Accuracy Pedantry

Carelessness Suspiciousness

Thoughtfulness Integrity

Hot temper Poetry

Pride Hospitality

Rudeness Swagger

Caring Determination

Dependency Restraint

Envy Shyness

Grudge Patience

Sincerity Cowardice

Sophistication Confidence

Moodiness Passionateness

Gullibility Perseverance

Slowness Compliance

Daydreaming Coldness

Suspiciousness Enthusiasm













List of qualities:

Accuracy Pedantry

Carelessness Suspiciousness

Thoughtfulness Integrity

Hot temper Poetry

Sensitivity Contempt

Pride Hospitality

Rudeness Swagger

Cheerfulness Reasonability

Caring Determination

Dependency Restraint

Shyness Compassionateness

Envy Shyness

Grudge Patience

Sincerity Cowardice

Sophistication Confidence

Moodiness Passionateness

Gullibility Perseverance

Slowness Compliance

Daydreaming Coldness

Suspiciousness Enthusiasm












Summary of the conversation with students “Moral and immoral behavior.”

The issue of moral behavior among adolescents is a problematic area in modern society, therefore the moral education of children should be given Special attention not only in the family, but also at school. One of the forms of moral formation can initially be ethical conversations between a teacher and psychologist and students. They should be carried out in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere, without being forced. One of the options for such a conversation could be the introductory lecture presented below - a conversation.
Target: contribute to the formation of the moral culture of students.
1. To introduce and generalize the concepts of morality, immorality, and crime;
2. Create conditions for fifth-graders to comprehend the qualities of a moral and immoral personality;
3. To promote self-knowledge of students in the matter of moral culture.

Progress of the conversation.

Psychologist. I want to start our conversation today with the words of Robert Rozhdestvensky: “We choose our own path.” Rozhdestvensky writes: “Every person has freedom of choice. And this choice should be reasonable. Choice exists every day, in the moment. Equal in severity, unequal in consequences. To step or not to step? Keep silent or answer? To endure or not to endure? To overcome or to retreat? Yes or no? Where to go to study? How to live? What to do?" That is how it is. Every day and every minute we make a choice about what to be: honest or deceitful, brave or cowardly, lazy or hardworking? And what we choose is what we will reap.
Guys, as you understand: “act morally”, “act immorally”. What behavior do you consider moral and what is immoral? Student answers. Immoral - violating the principles of morality; contrary to moral rules.
Psychologist. A special place in morality is occupied by the so-called universal principles, such as: “Honor your father and mother,” “Do not kill,” “Do not steal,” “Do not bear false witness.” Among universal human principles, the “golden rule of morality” stands out for its significance, which states: “Treat another person as if you would like him to treat you.”
Morality is a harmonious combination in people of such qualities as honesty, love, frankness, sincerity, kindness and benevolence, selflessness, mercy, hard work, love of nature and children, respect for women and old age.
Based on this, what can we name as general moral norms? Student answers: honesty, truthfulness, commitment, sincerity, fidelity, devotion, reliability, benevolence, benevolence, non-harm to other people, non-damage to private or public property, beneficence, conscientiousness, decency, gratitude, responsibility, fairness, tolerance, cooperation.
What could be the opposite of morality? Student answers: deceit, hatred, isolation, hypocrisy, greed, malice, selfishness, hard-heartedness, pragmatic attitude towards nature and its resources, indifference to children, neglect of women and old age, egocentrism, as exalting the interests of one’s “I” over public ones, etc. .
Psychologist. Okay, we have understood the concepts of morality and immorality. Next, I would like to say a few words about violation of moral or ethical standards. Often we don’t think that some of our actions can cause harm to another person - be it a joke, a practical joke, or just a desire to look better or to protect ourselves - however, this can lead to irreparable consequences. Unfortunately, some members of society violate moral standards and commit immoral acts. Examples of children. Having once committed an immoral act (misdemeanor), without realizing it, without correcting himself, a person can commit a more serious act - an offense. What is this? An offense is an antisocial act that causes harm to society, is prohibited by law and entails punishment. Sometimes a person does not know, does not think that he is committing an offense, but everyone knows that ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility for violating it. For example, to avoid test work, the boy decided to joke - he called the school and said that there was a bomb planted in the school. Of course, the police immediately responded to the report of a terrorist attack, and an investigative team with a dog handler and a search dog arrived at the school. Firefighters, ambulances and a group from the Ministry of Emergency Situations rushed in. And, probably, seeing all this, the boy himself already regrets his stupid act. Oh, if only I could bring everything back. But, no, a crime has been committed and you will have to answer for it.
What is this? Joke or crime? This is an offense, an article of the Criminal Code. This boy will have to answer to the law.
Psychologist. Do you consider yourself moral people? Now we will determine what level of moral culture each of you has.
1. Do you experience your own pain, grief, or the tears of any person, regardless of whether you know him or not?
2. Do you rejoice in the success and luck of another person as if it were your own?
3. You are not asked for help, but seeing that they need it, do you provide it without expecting either praise or gratitude?
4. Do you experience the failures and troubles of others as if they were your own?
5. If you are asked to help, do you readily come to the rescue?
6. Do you willingly and with great pleasure provide services, help, and support to those in need?
7. Do you notice the grief and pain of another person and offer help in order to be known as a kind person?
8. Do you usually not notice the serious condition of those around you, and if they ask for help, do you not refuse?
9. Do you notice another person’s bad health or mood, but it doesn’t bother you?
10. You are asked for help, but you refuse, citing lack of time, overwork, or lack of means of assistance?
11. Have you ever said: “Serves him right.” He deserved it"?
Results. Answers-statements from 1 to 5 indicate a high level of moral culture; from 6 to 8 - about the adaptive level; from 8 to 11 - about the low level of moral culture.
The discussion of the results.
Psychologist. What should we do to avoid committing serious offenses or even crimes?
I would suggest following the code of moral law, which consists of only 4 points
1. Love – (kindness, benevolence, mercy, compassion, etc.).
2. Tolerance – (forgiveness, generosity, restraint, compliance, forbearance, etc.)
3. Modesty
4. Conscience – (self-criticism, honesty, conscientiousness, ability to repent, etc.).
And most importantly, before you do anything towards another person, put yourself in his place and think about how he will feel, what it will be like for him. And once again I would like to repeat the golden rule of morality: “Treat another person as you would like to be treated by him.”

Conversation with teenagers
"Our eternal values"
The life of every person is the Universe,
a loss that cannot be replaced...
The goal is to instill in children an attitude towards life as a great value.
land, develop moral qualities personalities
I. Introductory speech by the teacher: motivation of students to
discussion of the topic.
Guys, today we will talk about human values.
What are human values? What can a person value?
(Children's answers)
There are material, socio-political and spiritual values. IN
Different social classes had different ideas about values:
love, goodness, freedom, justice...
Every person has his own moral values, what he values ​​most
appreciates what is sacred to him.
What is value to you?
(Children list their values)
If a person knows how to correctly assess events, various situations,
actions, he has the opportunity to make a choice between good and bad,
good and evil, useful and harmful.
If a person dreams of acquiring only material goods, he values
yourself at the level of material wealth: as the owner of a house, dacha, car...
If a person lives to bring good to people, to alleviate suffering,
bring people happiness, joy, he evaluates himself at the level of this
Only a vital goal allows a person to live his life and
get joy.
II. Updating the material: So, what are the main human
values? Listen to the poem by M. Andronov.
Along the path that led to the river,
Under a drooping poplar branch,
A dove was fighting in a child's fist
In full view of a flock of pigeons.
The dove was fighting, the dove was alive,
And his breadwinner is eight years old
I buried my dead head in the dust
And I haven’t seen a summer sunset in the village.
And the sunset was red from the fires.
The dove fought as if caught in a vice,
How he wanted to soar above the rooftops,

How I wanted to fly up to the winged family!
Life and death are intertwined into one ball.
The boy was killed by a Nazi mine.
He lay in the dust, and the dove
My heart was longing for a flock of pigeons.
Let's say what the most important human value is glorified in
Yes, life is the most important value on earth. And every person
must take care of his own life and that of others. No wonder there is such a saying: “Life
every person is a universe, the loss of which is impossible
make up..."
An outstanding teacher taught his students to value their own and other people’s lives,
taught to live beautifully and with dignity: in work, honesty, caring for each other. All
Makarenko dedicated his life to children. He worked without knowing any days off or
vacations, he did not spare himself for the sake of the happiness of his children. And these are his words:
Every person has a choice - what to do with their life, for whom to live.
You can live differently in life,
It is possible in sorrow and in joy.
Eat on time, drink on time,
Do nasty things on time.
Or you can do this:
Get up at dawn
And, thinking about a miracle,
Reach the sun with your bare hand
And give it to people.
For life to become happy, you need to fill it with meaning. Need
to live life to the fullest is the need of every person, forcing him
seek and find the meaning of life. A man who feels his life
devoid of meaning, cannot live, or he lives not human, but
plant life. through the lips of his hero he well expressed the existence
the need to have meaning in life: “...the secret of human existence is not
just to live, but what to live for. Without a firm idea,
Why should he live? A person will not agree to live and would rather destroy himself than
will remain on the ground.”
And here is how the poet A. Isaakyan writes about life, about meaning.
To live for the sake of the joy of happiness,
To live is for the bitterness of tears.
To live for the sake of the word of participation,
Live for the beauty of dreams.

To live both in suffering and in affection.
In faith, lack of faith, in a dream,
In the rapture of a fairy tale
And in honor of spring.
M. Wilson writes that a person has a need that he does not forget about:
“The powerful sweet desire to create is the same as: an idea, a machine,
a house, a dress, a plant grown from a seed, but create exactly as
planned. And when people are deprived of this opportunity, they lack something in
You can give examples of creation from books. In the colony of A.S. Makarenko
the spirit of creation and creativity truly reigned. Heart, hands, brain of everyone
the children were busy creative work. They did something every day
created, moved life along a given path. They were constantly in
The same idea was expressed by Leo Tolstoy: “When a person is in motion,
he always invents for himself the purpose of this movement. To go 1000
miles, a person needs to think that there is something good behind these
a thousand miles. You need to have an idea of ​​the promised land for
in order to have the strength to move.”
A. Anton Chekhov saw the meaning of life more simply: “A person must work,
work hard and this is the meaning and purpose of life, his happiness,
his delight."
You mentioned another value – faith.
What does faith mean? What do you believe?
Faith is conviction, deep confidence in something.
A Russian proverb says: “Good is to him who believes.” How do you understand this?
What should you believe in? Why?
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(Children's answers)
For a person to have a happy life, he needs to believe in himself. This
the most important. Listen to the parable.
A man turns to God: “Lord, help me to believe in you.
How much I’ve been praying, but I still can’t believe it.”
To which God answers him: “First believe in yourself, and you will believe in me.”
Indeed, self-confidence is a very strong thing.
Why do you need to believe in yourself? How do you understand: “According to faith let him be rewarded”?
The German writer and thinker Goethe wrote: “If you have lost your fortune, then
you haven't lost anything yet; you can make a fortune again. If you are
lost honor, then try to gain glory - and you will have honor
returned. But if you lose faith in yourself, you have lost everything.”

Chekhov said: “A man is what he believes in.”
Let's discuss these two statements.
(Children's answers)
Faith grows from the very depths of human nature. Man can't
live without faith, without a point of support. His inner world must certainly
include a developed sense of faith in something: in God, in Salvation, in
Happiness, in Good.
Those who do not worship God
In a cruel grown-up age,
We understand little by little
That a person is strong in faith.
Belief in shrines gives a person spiritual qualities. He's getting kinder
more tolerant, has its own dignity.
Imagine a man living without faith, he looks gloomily at
future. He has nothing to rely on, except perhaps his mind. Faith Serves
Our guiding thread in the most difficult life situations. One of
philosophers said: “Faith is, first of all, the courage of the spirit, which
rushes forward, confident that he will find the truth. She is not the enemy
reason, and its light.” And if a person sees this light, trusts his heart,
then overcomes everything in its path. Lack of faith - main reason
spiritual emptiness.
When we live without faith,
Having no desire for the light,
The soul grows stale every day,
And the mind becomes a lackey.
If you lose faith in yourself, in another person, a breakdown occurs in your soul,
a person becomes two-faced, hypocritical. No matter what vices arise
seeds of unbelief, a person becomes morally thick-skinned, ethical
values ​​do not exist for him. He vigilantly notices the slightest manifestations
immorality in the world around him, evil seems to attract him.
The heart was gnawed by the bitterness of doubts,
The mind is confused by the seething thoughts.
I would be glad to grab at a straw -
This straw will crunch in your palms.
What should I do?
Is it possible to swim out?
Is it possible to believe?
Is it conceivable... Believe! (Ya. Rainis)
From time immemorial, our people have always been distinguished by their strong faith, which is why they have withstood
wars, bore all the hardships of life on his shoulders. For him there were always
shrines - Faith, Love, Goodness.
Believe in the great power of love,
Believe sacredly in her conquering cross,

In her light, radiantly saving
A world mired in dirt and blood.
Believe in the great power of love!
Goodness, kindness are the eternal values ​​of man!
Kindness has long been valued in Rus'.
How do you understand what good is? Why should it be done?
(Children's answers)
said this: “Kindness is the only garment that never
is falling into disrepair. And Ludwig Van Beethoven: “I know of no other signs of superiority
except kindness.”
Let's discuss these statements.
Chinese wisdom says that “the source of good and evil is in our souls, not in
out." It depends on the person himself whether he will be kind or not. Spiritual
personality is expressed in an active attitude towards good and evil, in the ability not only
see good and evil, but also take everything that happens to heart.
Ideas of the good are the yardstick by which we approach explanation and evaluation.
human relationships around you. Good is when people cooperate,
help, give us the opportunity to feel richer, happier,
more confident in life. a kind person notices the good in others first of all,
evil - bad. Good must always be done and you will see how much will appear
you have good friends, how much happier you will become. wrote: “While you
young, vigorous, do not get tired of doing good. If life has meaning and purpose, then
The meaning and purpose is not in your happiness, but in something more reasonable and greater.
Do good.”
Sometimes not only an action, but a simple word will make a person happier,
happier. Don't forget to talk Nice words every day, but also
think before you say an offensive word or express dissatisfaction. After all
a word can hurt and damage the soul.
On kind word no need to skimp.
Saying this word is like giving someone a drink.
You can’t rush with an offensive word,
So that tomorrow you won’t be ashamed of yourself.
But beware of offensive words
Isn't it the same as being afraid of your own shadow?
I know these truths from childhood,
And I need to think about them all my life.
Good must be active, active.
Reflection. What does active good mean? Give examples.
But do you know what is the good of the ages?
We must love all living things, all living things,
No evil in thoughts or actions, -

Movement "FOR MORALITY!" reminiscent of a blossoming flower, young and fresh, gaining strength in aroma as it begins to bloom. It is not without reason that the Movement chose the white lily flower as its symbol - as a symbol of purity and harmony. A white lily against a background of a blue and white ribbon, another symbol, speaks of nobility and lofty aspirations, mercy and spirituality. In fact, all these qualities are components of Morality.

First conversation.
“I treat others the way I want others to treat me.”

This first point of the Code reflects the Golden Rule of Morality, which is found in almost every culture: in Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Confucianism, and in the sayings of ancient philosophers.

Second conversation.
“I do not harm any person, animal, or Nature”

This is the second paragraph of the Code of Morality of the International Social Movement “FOR MORALITY!”

Non-harm means not causing suffering or hardship to anyone.

Conversation three.
“I treat my neighbors and my home – planet Earth with love and care”

“Love is the power that resides in the depths of our being. And this is the greatest treasure of our world, which is worth keeping and protecting much more than money, things or gold.”

Conversation four.
“I am for working for the Common Good”

“...work in itself is of great value. True work is the highest good for the development of the soul. And, ultimately, what will matter is not the new coffee makers, fur coats and cars, but a completely different result of our work, namely: those skills and that invaluable experience that is necessary for the development of our individuality.”

Conversation five.
“I choose honesty, truthfulness and sincerity, moral purity,
simplicity and modesty in public and personal life"

“Only the truth felt by the heart can help another person. Not to humiliate a person, but to elevate him, heal his soul, direct it to development and improvement. To avoid harm, Truth can only go hand in hand with Honesty and Sincerity.”

Conversation six.
“I strive to raise my consciousness and think positively.”

“... There are many methods and exercises for developing positive thinking. We propose to start with the most important thing - to develop the habit of being grateful to any phenomenon and event in life, to any manifestation of a person.”

Conversation seven.
“I follow a healthy lifestyle”

“The seventh point of the Code of the participant of the International Social Movement “FOR MORALITY!” touches on a broad topic of health."

Conversation eight.
“I rejoice in the achievements of others as if they were my own.”

“We need to learn to enjoy other people's achievements. We need to sincerely rejoice in their achievements. Then we, too, will be able to acquire those virtues that are inherent in these creative people. And one righteous act that finds a positive response in the hearts of ten people will be multiplied tenfold.”

Conversation nine.
“I am for the brotherhood of all peoples”

“In the processes of unification and joint work, there is no need to dwell on contradictions for a long time. Because then, when we act, move and solve current problems on the go, there is no need for many useless discussions. Real actions aimed at the Common Good and Goodness can themselves serve as a true guide in a world of chaos. Only where a new pattern is created on the planet is Truth found. Where there are empty and lengthy reasonings and discussions, there is no Truth.”

Conversation ten.
"I live according to my conscience"

“We need to elevate the concept of Morality to the rank of state ideology. It is necessary to instill in the consciousness of the people the understanding of God as the Supreme Moral Law that exists in the Universe.”

"Conversation about Morality"

Target : expand your understanding of moral education in family.


    Form a respectful perception of your home and family.

    Contribute to the formation of moralpersonality traits.

    Foster a desire to care about others.

Form: Feedback;

Direction: “Spiritual education in the family”;

Equipment: visual material, stencils;

Educator: first qualification category Elena Igorevna Saenko;

Used Books : classnye-hoursy.ru

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time.

Hello guys, in our lesson today we will talk to you about spirituality, its importance for the well-being of the family and raising children. And I want to start our lesson with a story.

1. Conversation: “The Origins of Morality”:

A man was walking along the shore and suddenly saw a boy picking up something from the sand and throwing it into the sea. The man came closer and saw that the boy was picking up starfish from the sand. They surrounded him on all sides. It seemed like there were millions of starfish on the sand; the shore was literally strewn with them for many kilometers.

- Why are you throwing these starfish into the water? - the man asked, coming closer.

- There was a storm and the stars washed ashore. If they stay on the shore until tomorrow morning, when the tide begins to go out, they will die,” the boy answered, without stopping his work.

- But that's just stupid! - the man shouted. - Look around! There are millions of starfish here, the shore is simply littered with them. Your attempts will not change anything!

The boy picked up the next starfish, thought for a moment, threw it into the sea and said:

- No, my attempts will change a lot... For this star.

Can this boy be called a highly moral, spiritual person?

What is morality? (children's answers);

What is spirituality? (children's answers).

In Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary: Morality is the personality traits that determine human behavior.

What qualities of a person do you know?(kindness, hard work, courage, truthfulness, responsibility, responsiveness, caring, loyalty, friendliness, politeness, gratitude, frugality, selflessness, hospitality, curiosity, wisdom, modesty, compassion, sensitivity, generosity).

We have listed some very good personality traits that determine a person's behavior. There are character qualities that are opposite to these qualities. Name them (anger, laziness, hostility, rudeness, irresponsibility, stupidity, greed).

2. Analysis of the story: “Shards of kindness:

Listen to the story “Shards of Kindness” by an unknown author.

The family spent their day off on the beach. Children swam in the sea and built sand castles. Suddenly a little old woman appeared in the distance. Her White hair fluttered in the wind, clothes were dirty and tattered. She muttered something to herself, picking up some objects from the sand and putting them into her bag. The parents called the children and told them to stay away from the old woman. As she passed by, bending over to pick up something every now and then, she smiled at the family, but no one returned her greeting. Many weeks later they learned that the little old lady had devoted her entire life to picking up shards of glass from the beach that children could use to cut their feet.

How do you feel after reading the story? (children's answers);

Why do you think the old lady devoted her whole life to this activity? (children's answers);

Do you think if people found out what the old lady really did, what would they do? (children's answers).

Have there been times in your life when you initially didn't like a person because he was different from others, and later you learned something good about that person? (children's answers).

3.Exercise: “Magic hands”:

Now let's do the exercise. Trace your palm or take a stencil. Above each finger of your palm, write down the moral qualities that you possess.

Summing up the lesson:

Guys, tell me, what is morality? (children's answers);

Which personality traits can be called moral and which immoral? (children's answers);

How should a person cultivate spiritual and moral qualities? (children's answers);

What would happen to the world if there was no kindness in it? (children's answers);

List everyone whose kindness helps you grow (children's answers).

This concludes our lesson. Goodbye.

kindness hard workangercourage truthfulness wisdom responsibility responsiveness caring loyaltylaziness hostility

friendliness politeness gratitude frugality selflessness hospitality



sensitivity generositystupidity greed

Morality is the personality traits that determine human behavior