Coloring page Santa Claus Snow Maiden and Christmas tree to print. Santa Claus coloring book

The New Year has arrived. But the old New Year is still ahead, and winter is still ahead. Coloring pictures with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Recently, our dear Grandfather Frost has been increasingly replaced by a guest from across the sea - Santa Claus. Nowadays, even on postcards they draw this cheerful, red-cheeked Santa. Do you know how to distinguish one from the other in a picture?

Firstly, our Father Frost always wears a long fur coat, trimmed with fur, with spacious “boyar” sleeves. The fur coat can be red, blue, or light blue to match the color of frost. There are felt boots on his feet, a high hat on his head, and a staff in his hands. Animals help him - squirrels, hares, even bears, although they are supposed to sleep. Father Frost delivers gifts not alone, but together with his granddaughter Snegurochka. He rides in a sleigh drawn by three horses, and a snowman controls the horses.

Well, Santa Claus wears red pants and a short caftan just below the waist, and a cap with a pompom on his head. It is carried by reindeer. Gnomes help make gifts.

Everyone good afternoon, today we have prepared for you large coloring pages with Russian Santa Claus. New Year's holidays are very difficult to wait for, let's keep our children busy with useful things - let them paint new coloring pages with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, with Christmas trees and gifts. In this article you will not find pictures with Western Santa... here I publish only Russian Santa Claus - in his long fur coat, felt boots, and in a team not of deer, but of horses. If you need coloring pages with a typical Santa Claus, with his leather belt and red pants, then follow the link to our article “84 Coloring Pages with Father Frost and Santa Claus in A4 format.”

Here you will find just large pictures with a respectable and stately Santa Claus, as well as good funny illustrations for coloring, where Cheerful Grandfather Frost drinks tea, plays the balalaika, goes to visit, reads letters... lives his fabulous life. Also there will be Santa Claus on a sleigh, skiing, and skating.

Coloring pages for children

Santa Claus's New Year's work begins when he receives a letter from the children. Here are three coloring pictures of Santa Claus reading children's letters. Beautiful simple coloring pages that have large size- the first one can be painted with paints and a brush, because here all the details of the drawing are large.

New Year coloring pictures

Santa Claus collects gifts.

When all the letters have been read and accounting has been made in the New Year's book, all the gifts need to be collected in a bag, loaded into a sleigh and hit the road.

Here is a selection of coloring pages where Santa Claus collects gifts for children in his bag.

And as soon as New Year's Eve arrives, Grandfather Frost's timer goes off and he goes on the road.

Here is a coloring page where Santa Claus puts gifts in a sleigh. He looks especially good in this picture with that curly cloud beard of his.

Santa Claus coloring pages

carries a Christmas tree on a sleigh.

Here are two more coloring pages where Grandfather Frost rides a real Russian sleigh pulled by horses and carries a large fir tree.

Coloring book with Santa Claus,

who is carrying a bag.

Here is a series of coloring pages where Santa Claus carries gifts in a bag. Here good Grandfather Frost with a bag on his back. This is a large picture in A4 format - the size of a landscape sheet.

Here are three coloring pages where Santa Claus is walking through the forest. In a long fur coat and felt boots, he walks through a snowdrift with a bag behind his back, he leans on his staff and smiles into his beard.

Santa Claus SKIING

A4 coloring pages.

Here are pictures for coloring with Santa Claus cutting through the snowy expanses on strong skis. Grandfather Frost also knows how to skate (bottom coloring picture). Children can paint snow fields with blue watercolors, or cover them with light shading of blue crayon or pencil.

It looks beautiful when pictures with Santa Claus are decorated with tit birds or bullfinches - you decide how to color the birds’ breasts - red or yellow.

Cheerful Santa Claus on skis with a kind smile and a mischievous look.

Santa Claus RIDES ON A SLED.

Coloring pages for children.

Here are a few pictures of coloring pages in which Santa Claus rides on a sleigh loaded with gifts and a fluffy Christmas tree.

Here is a coloring page where Santa Claus is accompanied by cheerful forest bunnies.

Santa Claus at a CHILDREN'S PARTY

Large coloring pages.

And finally, our Grandfather Frost came to the children’s holiday. He admires the elegant Christmas tree, sparkling balls, and garland lights. Santa Claus is happy and excited next to the Christmas tree - a beautiful coloring book for children (all pictures are in A4 format)

Santa Claus sings New Year's songs with the children, rejoices and has fun.

Here are large coloring pictures where Santa Claus plays with children, starts songs together with the Snow Maiden, and leads round dances. And then from under the tree he hands out boxes and bags, New Year’s gifts.


coloring pages for kids.

Every child loves to color pictures with bright pencils. This New Year Every child expects gifts from Santa Claus. Gift coloring pages are just the thing for impatient little ones.

On our paints you will see pictures of Santa Claus presenting gifts together with the Snow Maiden in a beautiful kokoshnik.

Here is a whole bag of gifts, which the children are looking at with delight. Kind Grandfather Frost smiles with a soft smile, his kind eyes look at the children with warmth and joy.

Here are some coloring pages where Santa Claus gives gifts to forest animals. Animals receive their New Year's presents. Simple coloring pages for little children.

Coloring pages with Santa Claus

and gifts.

Here is Santa Claus putting gifts under the Christmas tree. Great coloring book that kids of all ages will love. Each picture has a ready-made A4 size - so each coloring will come out correctly on the printer - it will fill the entire size of a sheet of office paper.

Simple coloring pages for children

Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Well, enough of the plot pictures. Let's take a break. Let's look at static coloring pages where the characters just stand and pose. Here is a selection of coloring pictures where Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are standing next to each other.


large coloring pages in A4 format.

Here are the large coloring pages good quality with Santa Claus in full size. A white-bearded giant stands tall in a long fur coat and holding a magic staff. Santa Claus' fur coat can be painted red, blue, silver, gold, and green. You can draw patterns on a fur coat - elements of snowflakes, New Year's motifs, frosty patterns like on the window.

And here are the coloring pages with cute versions of Santa Claus - here he is short. funny fat guy.

In some pictures he is even modest, shy, almost cute.

Santa Claus can be serious, thoughtful with a kind and wise face.

Coloring pages for children.

The firecrackers made noise, the New Year holidays were shot off with fireworks - now Grandfather Frost can take a breath - sit calmly in his chair (coloring page below) ... get himself in order (coloring page even lower).

He can stop pretending to be icy and freezing and enjoy drinking hot tea with his granddaughter.

Read the most interesting fairy tales out loud to the Snow Maiden before going to bed.

So that the next day you can lead an active lifestyle - sing songs with the birds, dance with snowflakes, ski race with hares and make snowmen.

And again drink tea and walk in the fresh air, admiring the winter forest in the rays of the clear sun and magical sparkling snowflakes.

Gain strength to come to our holiday again next New Year.

That's all - beautiful coloring books will help you celebrate this New Year and see it through the eyes of Santa Claus. Let your New Year's holiday will give you a happy carefree joyful time.

And let your children be proud of the beautifully colored pictures.
Now is the time to choose the most interesting coloring pages with Santa Claus and send them to print.

On our website there are also template pictures with Santa Claus, which are also suitable for coloring and for creating color appliqués.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

Download or print the pictures you like with Santa Claus, and then color the picture to your liking.

The picture shows Santa Claus. The New Year is about to knock on the door. At the old man's good mood. Do you know why? It's very simple! He has already made gifts for all the children and has time left for walks.

New Year is a time of magic. But Santa Claus is the reason for the magic. He gives gifts to good children.

Klaus had a free moment. He decided to devote his time to reading books. This is a very useful thing! I recommend following his example.

Coloring book: Santa Claus and toys.

Santa Claus prepared for the New Year. He decided to look through the toys that the Elves had made.

Once upon a time, trouble happened to Santa Claus; he got stuck in a pipe. But after using magic powder, he jumped out of it.

Santa Claus took a bag of gifts and wanted to go on a sleigh to the children, but little Deer wanted to go on a journey with Claus.

The elf took a picture of Santa Claus with his camera. This is what he did.

Santa Claus is a kind old man who watches children all year round and puts them on the good or bad list, depending on their deeds. The boss of the New Year's magazine wanted to photograph Santa to put him on the cover, that's what happened...

The picture shows the real Santa Claus. He sits in a sleigh, but the harness is horses.

Santa Claus is on the street, enjoying the holiday and the gift that the animals gave him.

Santa Claus walks joyfully in the forest and sings songs about the New Year.

Santa Claus's horse is sick. He is shocked and doesn’t know how to manage to deliver gifts to all the children now. And then an idea came to him - the plane would save the situation.

This is what Russian Father Frost looks like. Print the picture and color it to your liking.

Grandfather Frost is trying to learn to play the drum on his own and is having a lot of fun with it.

The picture shows Santa Claus himself. He decided to fix all the broken toys in the house.

Grandfather Frost made a Christmas tree. The picture captures the moment when he admires the product.

Grandfather Frost decided to give the child a ride on his sleigh. And this moment was captured by one artist on his canvas and this is what happened...

Santa Claus loves winter and knows how to ski. He is in a hurry to give ski gifts to the children.

One artist painted Klaus as he imagines him. Print the picture and color it.

Santa Claus gets along very well with the Elves. The picture shows the Elves tickling Santa.