Signs of female sympathy. How men show sympathy and how not to ruin everything with your expectations

Nonverbal communication, despite all our efforts, gives away our secrets. Girls take advantage of this and think that they know everything about men. How to get to them themselves? How to win the girl you like?

The answer is before your eyes. It's not what that matters, but how. Whatever you say matters the way you say it. Girls feel a man's insecurity, and in most cases it will lead to rejection. Be natural, observe, and the girl herself will tell you how and in what direction to move.

1. Take a closer look at the girl you like and try to draw conclusions: what mood she might be in, whether she’s tired or cheerful, what she’s doing, etc. The more information you find, the easier it will be for you to communicate and find topics for conversation.

Usually a girl charms with her appearance, but this does not mean that she will be good at communication. It is important to pay close attention to her movements so as not to accidentally be disappointed. If the girl’s manners, gestures, and behavior are similar to yours, then your interests are most likely to coincide. Body language in nonverbal communication, unlike words and appearance, never lies.

2. Look at her: if she notices your gaze and looks away, it means she saw a man in you and acted like a woman. If she stealthily looks up at you again, she likes you. And in that case, what to expect? You can safely go and meet her, otherwise the moment you pluck up the courage to approach, she will get up and leave.

3. To get sympathy, smile when you approach a girl. When you speak, look at her, not away, otherwise you will reveal your insecurity. Flirt – Women love to flirt.

Nonverbal communication with a girl: Learn to see interest:

- often looks into your eyes;

- straightens your hair, any item of clothing or handbag;

- turns his whole body towards you;

- smiles at you;

- listens carefully;

- She's a little tense.

The girl doesn't want to meet:

Turns away from you;

Often looks the other way;

Constantly yawns.

I'm not even talking about such overt gestures as deliberately not answering, getting up and leaving.

You must speak naturally, and most importantly, confidently.

4. Don't forget about the distance at which you should stand so as not to scare her. Girls do not tolerate intrusion into their personal area without their consent. The girls’ personal zone is an oval: you can approach them closer from the side than from behind or in front.

5. If she warms up to you, you can start invading your personal zone. Move closer to her, try to touch her more often, so that she perceives you not as a “girlfriend,” but as a man. Don’t forget to monitor the reaction and adjust your behavior.

6. If you have little time, then end the conversation at the moment when she is very interested in you, then she will want to see you again.

Signs a girl likes you in non-verbal communication

  • It's good if the girl reflects your position and changes in position (adjustment/leading). [By the way, even if she teaches NLP, she still won’t adapt to those who are not interesting to her, huh?]
  • In your presence, the skin of her face or open areas of her body turns red
  • In front of you, the girl starts to get nervous or make stupid mistakes, drop things, slip up, etc. Especially when you don't know each other very well yet.
  • Watch the distance between you when communicating. If she stands closer to you than other girls when talking, this may indicate that she wants to stand near you. At a party or disco she may randomly appear near you, then appear near you again when you move to another place. “Accidentally” touches you, “accidentally” touches you, looks in your direction (i.e. at you).
  • Is the conversation going well or is she responding in monosyllables? The paradox here is that a girl can feign indifference if she really likes you. When talking, if a girl likes you, she can either look at your mouth, “as if you were speaking prophecies,” or, conversely, object exaggeratedly (BZ). Look at nonverbal reactions. More indicative are reactions of the body that are difficult to control (glare in the eyes, dilation of the pupils, redness of the skin, erection of the nipples).

When communicating, it doesn’t hurt to give yourself answers to the following questions:

  • Does it concern you?
  • Does she respond positively to your touch?
  • Does the girl laugh at your jokes? By the way, an increase in mood in your presence is a good sign.
  • Is there dynamics? Is there an increase in the intensity of signs or an increase in their number? “The most common mistakes are the loss of the process - for example, a girl with sparkling eyes, erect nipples, a smile and a lot of sexy non-verbalism - you are nearby and conclude that it’s TIME, but she was sitting like that before you arrived and will sit like that after you leave , because just recently she had a hot boyfriend and she’s still all there....”

In “Secrets of Sexual Body Language” it was written that there must be at least 4 signs at once and they must be directed at you. There are options when people flirt with everyone except the object of their interest. Look carefully at everything as a whole.

Nonverbal communication: details

Principles are good, but the trick is in the details. So, let's look at our sympathetic girl in parts.

Nonverbal communication: Lips

  • The face is relaxed, smiling widely, showing teeth [if she has ugly teeth, this may not be the case]
  • Biting her lip or licking her lips (some lick one lip, others run their tongue over both lips).
  • Sticks out tongue or touches front teeth with tongue.
  • Biting her nails [could just be a habit, see how she acts around others]
  • Slightly protrudes lips (they swell when excited).
  • When he smokes, he exhales smoke in your direction.
  • Passionately responds to your kisses (OL)

Nonverbal communication: Eyes

  • The more often he looks into your eyes, the better. The longer you hold your gaze, the better.
  • He looks into your eyes with interest, his pupils are dilated [the pupils can be dilated in the dark - you can compare them with your own by looking in the mirror; Pupils also dilate when using certain drugs]. First, take a closer look at the diameter of people's pupils during normal communication in different lighting conditions. In a bar, on the street in the evening. So you can get an idea of ​​the normal diameter of the pupils in different conditions lighting. Over time it will be automatic.

A quick note about pupil diameter. I liked this sign. It is easily visible (except for people who have very dark irises, such as blacks and Indians). It reflects the state of the body, just like the redness of the skin, that is, it is harder to fake than postures, intonations, and so on.
It happens that a girl pretends that she likes you in order to get something out of you. I had this happen. Great sympathy is portrayed, she touches you, stands close, and the pupils are completely ordinary, not dilated at all. There is no redness of the skin. Disorder ;-)

There are only problems with the reliability of this sign: girls sometimes drop atropine into their eyes to dilate their pupils. The belladonna from which it was obtained is called in translation: “ beautiful woman" Belladonna tincture has been instilled into the eyes for a very long time. Pupils may also dilate when using certain drugs, such as cocaine.

What I noticed from my experience. The diameter of the pupils depends on the topic. Sometimes you see how normal it is when you talk to a girl about serious topics, about work or study, but it increases as soon as the conversation turns to non-work topics (without vulgar jokes yet). Sometimes a girl talks to one guy, her pupils are normal, and when she talks to another, they immediately dilate.

Another interesting point. When you want to find out what a girl's normal pupil diameter is, you look straight into her pupils, right? Such a look in itself can be regarded as a sign of sympathy on your part, so by calibrating the girl you can trigger her interest. But, in general, this is what we need, right?

  • The eyes are shining. The brighter the better.
  • Raises and then lowers his eyebrows exaggeratedly, sometimes combined with a smile and looking into your eyes.
  • Winks when talking or from a distance
  • When talking, blinks more often than usual, eyelashes flutter
  • Looks first into the eyes, and then appraisingly, starting from the feet, higher, and again into the eyes. (IK)

Nonverbal communication: Hair

  • Corrects her hair.
  • He twirls his hair around his finger when he looks at you.
  • Flicks hair back with head movement (Piz: even with short hair)

Nonverbal communication: Clothing

  • If nipples are visible through clothing, they begin to stick out (a sign of arousal).
  • Lifts the hem of her skirt to show her leg
  • Adjusts his clothes. (wants to be liked :-)
  • Wears red shoes.

Nonverbal communication: Sitting or standing

  • Moves to the beat of the music, looking at you
  • He begins to sit very straight, with his shoulders back.
  • In noisy rooms, leans towards you to better hear what you say.
  • She herself offers to change the place, go somewhere in a less noisy environment, or agrees to your proposal (no, I’m not talking about “to you or to me?” :-))
  • If you are in a club/bar/discotheque and say, “I’ll go away for a couple of minutes and come back,” then when you return, you find her in the same place, or she returns to the same place when she sees you.
  • Sits with legs apart [depends on upbringing]
  • Rubbing his legs against his legs (guess what else is rubbing there;-)
  • Rubs his foot on the table leg
  • Crosses his legs to show off his thigh.
  • If he crosses his legs, the toe points in your direction or swings towards you - away from you.
  • If you are sitting next to each other (in a movie, for example), he touches you with his shoulder
  • Watch the distance between you. If she tilts her body towards you - good, away from you - not so much. Although you may have bad breath, for example. Therefore, if there is a smell, for the purity of the experiment it would not hurt to go to the dentist to check the teeth and gums and to the ENT specialist to check the tonsils.
  • She doesn't shy away when you reach out to grab something for her (she's comfortable around you).
  • If you are standing in a group, the toe of your exposed foot is pointing towards you (Pease). “The direction of the toe of the shoe is very important, and if both toes are pointing at you, that’s even better! (She often does not see her legs, so the signal is quite subconscious and poorly controlled)... It is very important to pay attention to the Dynamics, that is, changes! If we take the socks of the shoes, then in in this case- a certain, albeit minimal, turn in your direction is enough every time you try to attract her attention - the more she reacts, the better...”

Another thing with the legs that I noticed quite often. Non-support leg can be rotated internal part feet towards you so that the supporting and non-supporting legs stand at right angles to each other, forming, as it were, the letter T. It’s more difficult to describe than to show, you’ll see for yourself. Here it turns out that the girl turns the inner thigh of her non-supporting leg towards you. Rotates to show off your figure from the best angle, especially on the dance floor

Nonverbal behavior of a girl. When walking

  • Touches you with her shoulder (hints you to take her hand)
  • When it turns out that you are walking (or sitting) behind him, he periodically looks as if to the side, but in fact he tries to catch you out of the corner of his eye.

Nonverbal behavior of a girl. Hands

  • In conversation, shows palms when gesturing
  • Strokes himself: rubs his hands up and down, rubs his cheek or chin. It's bad if you pinch yourself.
  • Sits with his hand touching his chest
  • When speaking, places one hand, palm up, on the palm of the other
  • Plays with some objects (keys, jewelry), strokes a glass.
  • Touches your arm, shoulder, hip, knee, back (if you didn't start first;)
  • When you pass by, he pretends to look at his watch
  • If the arms and body are still, this is good (she feels comfortable). It's worse if she drums her fingers [but she may also be nervous, look for other signs].
  • When he takes something from you, he touches your fingers with his fingers.
  • If he shakes your hand, he holds your hand in his a little longer. By the way, you can also use this technique.

Nonverbal behavior of a girl. Speech

  • Raises or lowers his voice after you (adjustment)
  • Speeds up or slows down speech after you (same thing)
  • Laughs in unison with you
  • Laughs at your stupid jokes (she's in a better mood in your presence)
  • Laughter chest, low
  • Gives you compliments
  • In a crowd or company, speaks only to you and focuses attention on you

Sometimes it happens like this. Some time after a girl likes you, she tries to show you that I’m not the only one talking to you, I like others too. Then she becomes nice to other guys in front of your eyes, laughs, etc. I don’t know what the purpose is here, to test your feelings, to cause jealousy or something else.

Here it can be very interesting to watch how she seems to be flirting with someone else, while the toes of BOTH feet are looking at you or the body is turned in your direction. Nonverbal communication is controlled by the right hemisphere, and it produces all these signs.

Can't figure out what feelings a man has for you? Throw away unnecessary guesswork and take a closer look at his behavior. If a man is really interested, you will certainly see it. It is enough to know the main signs of sympathy on the part of a man.

It is generally accepted that men are the initiators romantic relationships. However, from the behavior of some representatives of the stronger sex, it can be difficult to understand whether he sympathizes with you, or is showing signs of attention out of politeness. Due to their natural low emotionality, sometimes men cannot openly express their feelings, preferring to let the situation take its course. But, fortunately, there are signals that literally “scream” about his interest. We are talking about gestures, words and actions that are manifested in the behavior of guys in love.

Signs of sympathy from a man

Here are 7 signs of attraction that tell you a man is interested in a woman.

Sign No. 1 - gestures of sympathy

Facial expressions and gestures are the nonverbal “language” of our body, which is almost impossible to control. Being in the company of a woman who arouses sympathy in a man, his body literally “rushes” towards her. This includes copying your gestures, open eye contact, smiling, gentle touching, etc. If a man wants to please the object of his passion, he unconsciously uses “preening gestures,” namely, adjusting his collar or tie, smoothing his hair, etc. In addition, the guy’s sympathy is expressed in his piercing and attentive gaze. It has been proven that if a man is in love, then during a conversation most of the time he looks into the eyes and face of his interlocutor.

Sign #2 - he initiates communication

The hunter's instinct awakens in every man in love. Among modern representatives of the stronger sex, this instinct is expressed in the fact that they unobtrusively “seep” into the life of their lovers, becoming an integral part of it. A man who is truly interested in a woman will do everything possible to spend time with her more often. If the relationship has not yet reached the category of friendly-romantic, he will initiate communication even for the most insignificant reasons. If you are already in the candy-bouquet period, a man in love will try to spend as much time with you as possible, even to the detriment of his personal affairs, relaxation and meetings with friends.

Sign #3 - He's joking with you

“If you want to make a woman fall in love with you, make her laugh.” This is exactly what folk wisdom says, which is clearly manifested in the behavior of interested representatives of the stronger sex. A man in love will not “burden” you with his problems and mental traumas, because subconsciously he understands that it is possible to evoke reciprocal sympathy only with the help of positive emotions. That is why, at the beginning of a relationship, many guys play the role of “fun guys” and “ringleaders” who tell jokes and funny stories from their childhood.

Sign No. 4 - he shows care and attentiveness

Falling in love - the best remedy develop caring and attentiveness in men. When a man is sincerely interested in a woman, he puts her interests and needs above his own. That is why he always makes dates where it is convenient for you, remembers your plans, and tries to please your tastes and interests. When the interest is deep, the guy is not only interested in your affairs and well-being, but also tries to make your life better. He meets you from work, invites you to cozy cafeterias, helps with housework, and also does many other pleasant little things.

Those whom we truly love become the main people in our lives. This means that their opinion is very important to us. You can understand that a man’s sympathy develops into sincere interest by a very simple sign - he begins to consult with you and be interested in your opinion on this or that issue. This could be anything from work problems to buying a new suit. By consulting with you, a man wants to involve you in his life so that you become even closer.

Sign No. 6 - he pleases you with gifts and surprises

By giving gifts, a man not only increases his importance in your eyes, but also tries to give you pleasant emotions. In the male language of love, gifts and surprises for no reason are the highest degree of care and attentiveness. With the help of your favorite sweets, cute bouquets and funny souvenirs, a man expresses his sympathy and interest. If you receive an unexpected gift from a man, you can rest assured that he really likes you. And what is important here is not the gift itself, but the fact that the man spent time and effort choosing it.

Sign #7 - He introduces you to his friends and relatives

If a man invites you on vacation with his friends or relatives, this means that he already sees you as his girlfriend. For the most part, representatives of the stronger sex are very dependent on the opinions of others, so they will not introduce into “their” circle those with whom they do not intend to build serious relationship. In addition, getting to know your loved ones may mean a desire to “show off” about you. In any case, this signal only means that you are really interested in him.

Despite the fact that we are all different and endowed with different characters and behavior patterns, falling in love makes people similar to each other. If a man is really interested in you, his behavior will definitely show some signs of sympathy.

Love - great feeling. Loving and being loved is the greatest happiness. But sometimes we cannot understand whether a person reciprocates our feelings, or whether it is worth showing signs of attention to him. Of course, it is accepted that men court girls, it has always been this way. A man is the head of the family, he creates his family well-being by choosing a girl as his wife. Representatives of the fair sex have also always been puzzled by the problem of choice. But in modern world, either men have become shyer and more insecure, or ladies refuse too often. But a trend has emerged for girls to take the initiative first. The question immediately arises: should girls express affection first? Probably shouldn't be too persistent. However, it is possible to push a man towards courtship and show that you are interested in him!

Loves - doesn't love

Men and women are very different, and sometimes communication does not work out for the reason that they simply cannot understand each other. Girls are romantic, dreamy in nature, and men love specifics and express everything in their own words. If a guy likes a girl, he'll probably just come up and say so. It's not so simple with girls. Guys sometimes perceive signs of a girl's sympathy in the wrong way. For example, in the psychology of girls, there is such a feature as the expression of dissatisfaction with the object of attention. Girls have their own tricks. Therefore, if you see that she is looking at you somehow dissatisfied, just try to smile, say a couple of compliments and see how she blossoms. Rest assured, if she melts, she really likes you!

How girls show their love

  1. Character. Most girls live up to the title of the weaker sex. There are, of course, representatives with a strong character, they know what they want and expect to be conquered. There will be no compromises with such a lady. If you fall in love with such a girl, then act first and don’t miss the chance. Most girls have an easygoing, soft, good-natured character. Men are attracted to precisely this kind of feminine essence; they love feminine and good people. Love is, first of all, caring. If a girl likes a guy, then she will, first of all, take care of him, help with the housework, ask if he has eaten and if he is dressed warmly.
  2. Psychological support. Another fact that suggests that a girl is not indifferent to you is support. There is an opinion that a man becomes a real man only next to a real woman. And so it is. When a man hears praise and support addressed to him, he himself is filled with strength and becomes capable of much. Faith - main feature love. If you believe in someone and show your attention, then this person will certainly turn his attention to you.

Signs of a girl's sympathy for a guy cannot be put into a list and given a name. Just remember that a man must remain a man, and if you like a lady, then do not expect actions from her, act yourself and do not be afraid of anything! This is the only way you can prove to her that you are worthy of her sympathy and even love.

Women's tricks

Girls, for the most part, are modest, gentle and vulnerable creatures. Therefore, do not expect that a sweet, pretty girl will approach a guy and say that she likes him, even if she is head over heels in love. Most likely, she will resort to feminine tricks and tricks. Such signs of attention are called nonverbal cues sympathy. These are glances, accidental touches to the object of adoration, a desire to stay longer in the company. Often girls resort to male help. This is kind of a trick. She just wants to show how weak she is so that you will help her. For example, when seeing the object of love, a girl’s leg hurts sharply, and she needs support in the form of male shoulder, or the lock is broken and the guy definitely has to fix it, so know that she’s just playing on your sense of pride. You can’t refuse such a lovely creature or admit that you don’t know how to do something?

You can talk for a long time about how girls show sympathy, but still not learn anything. Girls are very chaotic, their thoughts every second, words thrown casually can be poorly understood by you. If a girl wants to say something important, she will never say anything specifically, much less expect a declaration of love. Most likely, a man will hear words taken out of context, and then understand it as you wish. But still, there is one common sign of love: when a person is in love, next to the object of adoration, he becomes shy. And someone will have to overcome this shyness.

What did Sharon Stone mean in the famous scene in Basic Instinct when she crossed her legs this way and that? And why did the cops watching her turn red, then turn pale, or even close to fainting? We answer: because we understood - she sent them SSS - hidden SEXUAL SIGNAL.

A woman does not say everything in words. She would twirl her lock of hair, or suddenly touch it by accident. Or he’ll even throw limbs over limbs - even if not on purpose... If a girl wants you, she herself will tell you about it, without uttering a single word, but simply giving you various hidden SEXUAL SIGNALS are signs of sympathy. But the worst thing is when there’s a blockhead sitting in front of a lady who doesn’t understand a thing! If a man or guy wants to know for sure: does a woman like you, does she want you, then you need to watch the girl carefully!

Sign of sympathy 1. Close contact
The girl, seemingly casually approaching you, wants to be close, she slowly enters your zone - about forty centimeters towards your face. She expects a response. Let's say you smile, hug her...
A woman needs to keep in mind: sometimes you come across stupid ones. No, even dumber. A man needs to keep in mind: if you’ve already hugged her, don’t let her go until she understands that you understand her.

Sign of sympathy 2. Showing armpits
She leans back, feigns relaxation, exposing her armpits.
A woman needs to keep in mind: it’s not bad if everything is in order with your hair removal.
Men need to keep in mind: she understands what she is doing. They won’t show this to just anyone.

Sign of sympathy 3. Playing with hair
Playing with her hair, she fingers it without looking away - the woman is clearly WANTS for you to touch them. A woman needs to keep in mind: if HE EXTRACTED HIS HAND to your hair - it's yours. A man needs to keep in mind: this may be a clear sign of her obsessive sexual desire.

Sign of sympathy 4. Unobtrusive exhibitionism
The dress slips off the shoulder, but she supposedly doesn’t notice. Moreover, note that the shoulder is exposed just when you look YOU... A woman needs to keep in mind: doing these tricks with someone in front of your friend is very dangerous. Men, keep in mind: just don’t think that she has become hot, in fact she wants to get closer.

Sign of sympathy 5. Neck exposure
She seems to be sticking her neck out, all so defenseless. Pure SSS water. A woman needs to keep in mind: are you sure you need this? A man needs to keep this in mind: compliment her hair if you want something.

Liking Sign 6. Shy Geisha
She looks away and down - all so decent and shy. TRUE SIGN: she clearly wants to meet you!
A woman needs to keep in mind: if you look away for a long time, he may look in the other direction. A man needs to keep in mind: if within a minute she glances at you again, it means happiness is in your hands. Some strike while it's hot.

Sign of sympathy 7. Weathervane palm
If a woman looks at you with her chin on her fingers and her palm slightly turned towards you, it means she is ready for a lot. A woman needs to keep in mind: watch how your palms are turned so that you are not misunderstood. A man needs to keep in mind: while you are thinking, she may turn her palm over.

Sign of sympathy 8. Silly
In front of you, she starts giggling, doing stupid things, reacting to everything like a little girl. A woman needs to keep in mind: he may think that you are truly inadequate. A man needs to keep in mind: this can happen to her accidentally, or maybe on purpose.

Sign of sympathy 9. Sideways glance
A woman steals a sidelong glance at you. And if she repeats it again?! She's definitely interested in you, but she wants to seem unperturbed. But you cannot deceive a man initiated into the secrets of the SSS! A woman should keep in mind: exercise is also good for the eyes and relieves tension. A man needs to keep in mind: is there anyone else behind his back to whom the glances are directed - and only then ask her how to get to the library.

Sign of sympathy 10. Stroking
If she strokes her shoulders, her hips adjust her straps. Women need to keep in mind: if you are young and inexperienced, stroking can turn into scratching. And men like it when a woman caresses herself. A man needs to keep in mind: she is waiting for you to come up and talk.

Sign of sympathy 11. Games with decorations
If she looks at you intently, playing with a necklace (maybe just fiddling with something in her hands). She wants you to come closer. A woman needs to keep in mind: fidget with everything you can get your hands on. But the show-off necklace may turn some people off. A man needs to keep in mind: This is not: what if her chain is just tangled?.. This is - come here, she wants to give you something tasty .

Sign of sympathy 12. Demonstration of legs
And he sits this way and that, cross-legged, then lifts them, then intertwines them, then shakes his shoe. Ooo!
A woman needs to keep in mind: beautiful legs are our lethal force! A man needs to keep in mind: she simply has an abyss of unspent sexual energy.

R.S. It's good to be able to use these 12 tips well. Don’t you think that rather than just reading an article, it is much more important to use this knowledge today in a subway car or during a break at the institute?
The question is not what you can do now, but how great your life can become if you start applying new knowledge today.
I don't encourage you to do this, I just explained that everyone can learn.

Public consciousness has not yet eradicated the stereotype that girls are not the first, but give the initiative to the stronger sex.

And since all young ladies can do is send nonverbal signals and attract attention, you should learn to accept these signals and notice her features.

Explore the ones described below. signs of sympathy on the girl’s part, practice reacting to them correctly, and your success with the opposite sex will noticeably increase.

1. She spends time on you even when you're not around.

She sent a message reminding you not to be late for the couple, prepared the necessary information in advance even if you didn’t ask, or made coffee for two at lunchtime.

Any of these situations indicates that there is a place for you in her thoughts, but she will not dare to take a step.

Has she “inherited” your page with comments and likes?

A good sign only if she accepted the friend request.

Otherwise, this is a pretty clear hint not to pester her in real life.

3. She tries to show off your connection to others.

Pay attention to how she behaves when you try to whisper something in her ear.

Can you see a smile and excitement in her eyes? Does the girl herself reach out to you with her cheek?

A good sign, because you were able to get into her comfort zone.

If in response she tries to evade or put a bag between you, then it is better to retreat immediately.

8. She can't stop looking at you

The longer a girl holds her gaze on you, the greater her level of attraction.

Why? Because eye contact is a kind of , and your lack of response will make her feel rejected.

Well, if her gaze wanders, then most likely she is looking for another.

These are the most obvious signs of sympathy on the part of a girl.