Sign a student's diary sample. Personal diary: how to keep and how to format it

    Beautiful, legible, on topic.

    Provide information that will help you get your diary back if you accidentally lose it (or try to lose it))

    Write your first and last name, class with letter, school name and academic years so as not to get confused in the future.

    And don't lose your diaries! Although I would like to :)

    It is not difficult to correctly sign the front page of a school diary. It contains special rulers, with stencils already written in and empty spaces, which the student must fill in at the beginning of the school year. First of all, on the first line you should add the ending of the gender in the word UCHENI and then on the same line write the name of the class - for example, 7 B CLASS.

    On the next two lines the name of the educational institution is written, now it is not just a secondary school but some kind of educational institution, and its address, for example the city of Vorkuta. On the last line the student’s first and last name is written, for example Ivanov Pavel. And finally, at the very bottom is the academic year: 2016-2017.

    Inside they write a list of subjects, teachers' names and class schedules, as well as homework.

    The diary was and is the most important document for school students, in which teachers reflect grades, and in which students record their daily schedule and homework. In this regard, the question of how to correctly sign this document is very serious. Here's an example for you:

    As a rule, the title page template is the same for all diaries.

    Thus, in order to correctly sign the diary, you must correctly indicate the key positions, namely, indicate your gender through the ending ka or tsy. Then, on the same first line, write down the number and letter of the class. On the second line, write the word secondary, which will go before the word school and the number of the school itself after this word, or write down another name and number of the institution where you study.

    Also, some diaries also indicate the years of study.

    The school diary must be signed in accordance with the standards set by the educational institution. Although there are uniform requirements for filling out the title page of this document, which accompanies the student throughout his entire school time.

    Regulations on uniform requirements for maintaining and filling out a student diary

    These standards will help you correctly sign a student's diary if the school does not have its own special requirements!

    On the cover of the diary there is a special form to fill out. On it you need to write the student’s first and last name, class and school number (lyceum, gymnasium), city or name of the locality where your educational institution is located. You should write in neat and legible handwriting, preferably without blots or mistakes.

    To sign a school diary, you need to provide basic information that the teacher will use to identify you.

    And parents at home will look through and praise or scold (as a rule, it happens both the first and the second).

    • write the ending: ka or tsy,
    • indicate the class number and letter,
    • city,
    • surname and first name,
    • then the school year.

    As soon as we signed the diary, we put it in a transparent cover so that the edges would not fringe and would exhale))

    The school year has begun!

    It is the signed diary that makes it stand out among many diaries of the same type.

    The diary reflects whether you are a girl or a boy, also in what class you are studying and in what institution (school, lyceum, etc.). In addition, the diary indicates a specific person, since the first or last name, and in some cases the patronymic, must be entered. And also reflect the specific academic years to which it relates.

    Most often, the diary is signed very simply, there is nothing special to fill out:

    After studying, write either ka if the diary belongs to a boy or young man, or tsy if it is a diary of a girl or girl. We put the class number before the class, and the letter after it. Most often they put it in capital letters, sometimes they put it in quotation marks (this nuance varies in different schools, it’s better to ask your class teacher about it).

    And, of course, don’t forget to write your last name and first name, in the genitive case, of course (Svetlana Sazhina, Nikolai Yurchenko, etc.).

    By the way, there are now a lot of hardcover diaries on sale, where the data is filled out inside the diary, but this shouldn’t be a problem either - you just fill out a form, and that’s it.

    Here is one option for filling out a school diary. I remember how we all took seriously filling out both school diaries and school notebooks, putting them in covers so that they would be preserved for the entire school year.

    There is no significant difference in the design of school notebooks and school diaries. The whole point of the cover design is who owns the diary. We are writing a student of such and such a class in such and such a school. Don't forget to indicate the city, town or village. In the last line we indicate our last name and first name in the genitive case, that is, whose diary, whose notebook.

    Well, below we indicate the academic year.

    My advice is that if it’s a pity to spoil the diary by filling it out incorrectly, then approach the class teacher with this question.

A school diary is an indispensable attribute of any student. And if previously it was used to record homework and as a way of communication between teachers and parents about the child’s progress, now it is an expression of the student’s individuality. A large number of diaries regularly appear on the stationery market, but often they do not meet the requirements for maintaining this type of school records. But if the educational institution does not recommend the use of thematic diaries, then, by showing your imagination and ingenuity, you can even turn an ordinary diary into a creative product.

Types of school diaries

Modern diary covers are bright

Sally Gardner, children's author: "The school diary is a way of making everyone equal, of making everyone just a number ready to be entered in a journal."

The history of the school diary dates back many decades. This document is an important element of school life, which represents a connecting element between the subject of educational activity (teacher), its object (student) and parents. At the same time, the principle of the appearance of the pages remains unchanged: columns with columns for recording dates, homework and grades, which cannot be said about the decoration of the cover and pages. But over the past ten years, not only the design of school diaries has changed, but also their form. Now the student's main document can be:

  • paper (traditional diary);
  • digital (in the form of an e-book);
  • electronic (all entries are made online and there is no material embodiment of the diary).

And if the second type is still only an experimental sample, then the electronic diary is gradually replacing its conservative predecessor. In order to use the electronic diary, it is enough to have access to the Internet. Moreover, all users (students, parents, teachers, administration) have personal passwords to access information, and all comments are made in certain formats for each category of users. Therefore, the student can see only what he needs, without having access to comments for parents.

Registration requirements

All entries in the diary are made in special columns

And yet the paper diary still does not give up its leadership position. Therefore, the Ministry of Education has developed clear requirements for the design of a student’s diary.

  1. Entries in the diary can be made in only two colors of ink (students write in blue, teachers write in red).
  2. The student signs the front page of the diary, fills out the columns with the first, patronymic and last names of teachers, as well as the names of training courses, electives, extracurricular and extracurricular activities.
  3. The diary should not contain extraneous drawings or notes.
  4. The student writes down the order of lessons for each day, as well as the dates and month, once for the entire upcoming work week.
  5. Every day, the student must carefully write down homework for the subjects in the appropriate columns.
  6. The child must present the diary at the request of the class teacher or subject teacher.
  7. After a student receives a grade for an answer or written work, the teacher records it in the student's class journal and diary.
  8. The teacher and class teacher make entries in the diary in specially designated comment columns.
  9. Every week, the student's parents review the grades and comments and sign.
  10. The diary is checked weekly by the class teacher, and once every quarter by the head teacher or director.

How to design individually

The diary cover can be designed at the child’s discretion.

The school diary requirements prohibit drawing or making notes on the document. However, children can show their imagination in the design of the cover, especially if the school prohibits the use of bright and colorful diaries in favor of standard, white options. For this the following can be used:

  • wrapping paper;
  • stickers;
  • regular newspaper;
  • music paper;
  • scrap paper.

You can decorate such a diary with artificial flowers, sparkles or other decorative elements.

In addition, you can add several sheets of white paper to the cover for drawings. True, the administration of some schools opposes such manifestations of children's creativity.

Which option is suitable for a girl?

As a rule, schoolgirls are very particular about the design of their notebooks and diaries. Therefore, there are several options on how you can make your student’s main document bright and expressive:

  • the cover can be made double-sided (one side is made of pastel-colored wrapping paper, and the other side is made of a piece of a geographical map or a color magazine or newspaper);
  • instead of boring signature lines, you can stick a special frame in which the owner’s name is written;
  • You can also decorate the cover with a class photo;
  • The different decorative elements on the diary (buttons, brooches, paper clips) look very original.

Photo examples

Volumetric details Scrapbooking
Aged paper

Options for a boy

Typically, schoolchildren are very skeptical about their school supplies. Especially for diaries. But if the cover of the diary is beautifully and stylishly decorated, then the mischievous person is unlikely to want to carry bad grades in such a diary. As ideas for designing the cover of a boy’s diary, you can use:

  • leather inserts (glue such sections onto the cover to create the illusion of a traveler’s personal diary);
  • wrap the diary in thick fabric, after making a decorative stitch;
  • decorate the cover of dark wrapping paper or special scrap paper with a small compass or clock;
  • print the symbols of your favorite football club on white wrapping paper, choosing a place to sign the owner’s name;
  • use a city map as a cover, clearly highlighting the route from home to school.

Examples in the photo

Variation in scrapbooking technique

Video: Making your own “Schoolboard” cover

Despite the fact that the requirements for the design of a school diary strictly prohibit drawings or decorations on the inside, the outside of the school document can be decorated at the discretion of the resourceful owner. Let your children realize their creative impulse, and then there will definitely be fewer bad grades and comments. Especially if classmates and teachers appreciate such a non-standard approach to a boring subject in school life.

If a person feels the need to understand himself, he sits down to write a personal diary. But not everything always works out right away, and some people are faced with the fact that they don’t know where to start or how to do it. That's what we'll talk about.

Personal diary: why?

Many people, most often pretty young girls, begin to keep personal diaries at a certain period in their lives.

What does this mean:

  1. First, the need to deal with yourself, put all the feelings and emotions on the shelves. This is typical for people who are prone to introspection, creative and very sensitive.
  2. People start keeping diaries out of a need to speak out.. It’s not always possible to say everything even to your mother, but paper, as they say, will endure everything and not blush. At the age of 14 to infinity (approximately then the vast majority turn to the epistolary genre, and many continue to write until the end of their lives) new and incomprehensible things begin to happen to a person. They are associated with growing up, with first feelings, with puberty. This is deeply intimate, which is why so many people turn to the diary.
  3. Some people just love to write. They are interested in it, they leave evidence of their history, and then they reread it with pleasure and remember half-forgotten details. And if you feel that it’s time to sit down with a diary, take it and start.

How to get started

A personal diary is similar to a school diary only in that it must also contain dates. A person writes his story, shares his experiences with himself, talks about recent events.

All this must be dated and beautifully designed. How – more on that a little later. In the meantime, let's talk about how this is done in general.


And sometimes a person sits down to write a personal diary simply because he wants to. Without any specific purpose. And this is also quite normal, because in general we are now talking about deeply personal activities.

Selection of tools

The next step is choosing the tools. Now in stores there is simply a limitless selection of different notebooks, notebooks and other stationery.

You can even choose printed diaries, beautifully lined and with cute locks. The key will be yours alone, so no one will peep any secrets.

What exactly to choose is a matter of taste for each person. For some, it is more convenient to take a large A4 notebook, while others would prefer to hide their secrets in a miniature notebook that easily fits in the palm of your hand. In any case, you are free to design your personal diary according to your own preferences.

You can write in it with multi-colored pens, emphasize the main thoughts and highlight important events, you can even draw all sorts of pictures and stick funny stickers on it. In general, do whatever your heart desires!

And finally, modern high technologies offer another option for keeping a diary - electronic. Many of us have already forgotten how to write on paper, but we are fluent in using a keyboard.

You can write the story of your own life on a computer, either personally only for yourself, saving it in folders locked with passwords, or posting it on the World Wide Web. But these will already be blogs. And now we are not talking about them.

When to write

And the third question is when to start writing? In principle, again, there is no specific answer, and there cannot be one. Write when your soul requires it.

Many people prefer to give themselves over to their inner experiences before going to bed, when no one is disturbing them and they can calmly think about the events and listen to themselves. This is probably the most optimal time. But again, not for everyone.

A diary is a state of mind transferred to paper (or to a computer hard drive), and it will only be alive and real when it is written at the request of the soul.

Not under pressure, not because “I started leading and now I have to do it every day,” but simply when I want. At such moments everything will work out by itself.

How to lead correctly

Again, whatever your heart desires. But still, there are some generally accepted rules for maintaining and designing a personal diary. Still, this is one of the varieties of the epistolary genre and the diary is obliged to obey certain requirements. Even if it's personal.

First of all, you can’t abandon your diary for too long. Ideally, it should be written every day, with the obligatory indication of the date.

Sometimes, if a person makes several entries in one day, he makes notes “a little later”, “later in the evening”, “after a while”. This creates a feeling of the fluidity of time, giving a certain effect of presence.

In general, a personal diary is a deep spiritual work. Therefore, there cannot be any strict framework here. The main thing is not to leave it unattended for a long time.

Where to hide

Since we are talking about the main repository of personal secrets, making a diary is not all. It is important to hide it well. And here there is limitless scope for imagination.

Put it away in your personal belongings; many people hide it in the same place where they put away their laundry. It is unlikely that anyone will rummage in such a place except you. You can put it deeper in the closet, you can put it under the pillow, and make the bed thoroughly. Someone goes even further and hides it deep under the mattress.

Others prefer to always carry their diary with them. And this is understandable for two reasons: firstly, if he is with you all the time, no one will find him. And secondly, if suddenly inspiration comes outside the home, you can sit down and write. And then again hide the precious notebook (or notepad) inside your spacious bag.

For greater secrecy, you can buy diaries with a lock; no one will look into them, even if they accidentally discover them.

Design ideas

Since we are talking about a deeply personal thing, how to design it is a matter of the owner’s preferences. You can somehow decorate it in an original way with your own hands by gluing interesting stickers or painting the fields with different ornaments.

You can also put funny pictures or images in your diary that correspond to your state of mind. It’s even easier in an electronic diary - you can download and insert the desired picture.

What to write

What could you tell yourself? Yes, almost anything your heart desires! Various secrets, experiences, stories can easily fill a personal diary.

You can write down some facts, even the prices of new things - then it will be interesting to read about it. The more details, seemingly insignificant and empty, the more rich and lively the recordings will become.

Everything that may seem stupid at the moment will later become a priceless memory. And the more such trifles and nonsense there are in your diary, the more expensive it will be for you.

To briefly summarize, here is everything you need for a classic personal diary:

  1. A great desire to keep records about oneself. Sit down to write only when you really want to.
  2. Accessories that suit your mood. Create your own system of stickers and notes; it will be even more interesting.
  3. Appropriate design. Draw in your diary, draw diagrams, try to organize the information as much as possible.
  4. Focus on the little things. Record as many details and little things as possible, then the diary will become more lively and interesting.
  5. Frankness with yourself. Write about the secret, say everything. This is your personal diary, and there should be no secrets from yourself.

Keep diaries, get to know your own soul through them - and something beautiful and infinitely deep will be revealed to you. Or rather, you yourself.

Video: Design ideas

A diary is important in developing positive motivation in students.
What does a diary mean for a student? This is his social passport. This is the plan of his life, this is a list of his achievements and failures. But often it becomes precisely a list of failures. It becomes a list of failures instead of a list of strengths that the student can use further.

Nevertheless, the diary is very significant for the student. It is for this reason that it is hidden when the teacher intends to write a remark there.

Two main principles:
1.Increase the number of positively motivating entries in your diary
2.Transform and reduce the number of negatively motivating entries in the diary.

Diary entries that address positive motivation are entries that contain
a) unconditional recognition of the student’s identity
b) records containing conditional recognition of the student. This is recognition given to a student for a job well done.

The most difficult thing may be to express unconditional recognition and acceptance of the student, since the school is focused primarily on successful activities. However, it is possible. Unconditional recognition is expressed primarily through a respectful form of address. Unconditional recognition can be expressed through an address by name (to the student), by name and patronymic (to parents), through written congratulations on national holidays - an entry in the diary from the class teacher, from the school director. (Remember: Suvorov A. knew each of his soldiers by name). These could also be parting words and wishes from the class teacher to have a good holiday - at the end of the quarter, half-year.
The so-called “conditional” recognition should be expressed for success in academic and extracurricular activities, and for personal achievements. It can also be not only a mark, but also praise,
for example - for attentive work in class, for an excellent answer at the board. Comments on grades are important, clarifying the nature of the work done by the student, containing recognition of success, and clarification of the opportunity to correct a bad grade. It can also be gratitude, for example: for helping the teacher in class, for participating in extracurricular activities, for being on duty at school, in class, gratitude for a message in class, for help provided to a classmate.

We can say that writing in a diary is a special form of pedagogical work with students, since, as the people say, “What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax.”
A diary is not a notebook from which you can tear out and throw away the wrong page. Is this the reason why students lose their diaries so often? At the same time, they also lose a part of their life that they want to quickly forget about. And those who did not lose them during the school year, with great relief of heart at the end of the year, throw the diary into the trash bin in order to quickly forget about the huge red twos, appeals to the parents and student conscience, about their grievances against teachers, about the feeling of helplessness in front of circumstances and adults whom they are not able to influence... To forget at least for the summer...
Will the time come when diaries will begin to be carefully preserved as a memory of personal successes, noble deeds, class and school events, the nobility and help of teachers, the knowledge gained in favorite subjects, and the new step taken by the student into an interesting, adult life? It would be nice if it came.
So let's give our students gratitude, appreciation, love, admiration, respect, social recognition of success, the importance of what they have done, the results achieved, self-confidence in themselves and in the future, self-confidence.
Let school life become such that there is no need to be afraid of the wrong answer, ridicule of classmates, irony of the teacher, public criticism, silent (or not silent) anger of parents.

I offer 10 specific methods that allow you to establish positive contact, influence a student’s behavior, and invite parents to cooperate in raising a child. The description of these 10 methods can be used as instructions when working with a student's diary.

10 methods to establish rapport and enhance student success
1. Method of establishing contact. Entry in the diary begins with addressing the student by name, and the student’s parents by name and patronymic (instead of: “Dear parents...” or: “Fill out the diary!”).
2. Method of positive reformulation Positive reformulation of negative behavior into positive qualities. (Instead of: “He got into a fight during recess!” - “Your son knows how to stand up for himself. We hope that next time he will do it in a safe way.”)
3.Direct request method. Describing what student behavior is desirable rather than describing undesirable behavior. (Instead of: “Systematically late for the first lesson!” - “Petya, come to class on time”) To achieve results from another person, including a student, it is important to positively formulate what you want to get from him, and not what you don’t want to get it from him.
4.Advance method. Any quality that you want to develop or strengthen in a student is advanced to him. (Instead of: “You didn’t listen attentively in class” - “Vova! You are able to listen carefully in class” or “Petya! You are able to arrive on time”
5.Method of permission, permission. The wording begins with the words: “You can...” For example: Sasha! You can study well!” or “I’m glad when you arrive on time...”
6.Method of accurately describing behavior (Instead of describing the student’s personality). Specification to a specific situation instead of generalization of quality or behavior for the entire future.
7. The method of comparing the student with himself, with his own results in the past, instead of comparing him with other students or with the required standard “today you were more attentive than yesterday”
“I only got into a fight once this week” “Thank you for your attentive work in class”
8. A method of talking about yourself and your feelings, instead of talking about others. Addressing your feelings. Instead of describing other people. For example: “Dear Anna Pavlovna! I am concerned about your son's grades in physics. Please come on the 14th at 17:00 to discuss the issue.”
9. Method of good wishes “I wish you a better grade in the next lesson!” I hope for the same excellent work in the next lesson (next trimester, next academic year)!”
10. A method of analyzing and determining the purpose of the appeal - especially to parents - how, why, for what purpose, in what form. When an entry is made in a diary, it is important to determine exactly what the purpose of the entry is, what result you want the student to achieve through this entry, and relate the entry to the intended result. This is especially important when communicating with parents - very precise wording is important, so that there cannot be different understandings of what teachers want from parents. An entry in a diary should not be a pedagogical puzzle that parents need to solve in order to understand what kind of help the teacher wants from them. She must make it clear enough to parents what is expected of them.

Requirements for keeping a school diary

N.V. Lushpayeva ,
Deputy Director for Educational Work, School No. 402, Moscow

A diary is the main document of a student while he is studying. Its maintenance and completion is regulated by certain rules that must be followed by all participants in the educational process.

The older a child becomes, the more resourceful he becomes in order to hide negative school news and facts from his parents. Most students do not want to show their parents their unsatisfactory grades, inform them about a new call to school, or mention the amount of homework. As usual, at the most crucial moment, the diary is “forgotten”, “loaned to a sick classmate”, “lost”, “spoilt”, etc. To prevent such “accidental” troubles and increase parental control, a system of electronic diaries is additionally being introduced in modern Russian schools . However, it is still impossible to do without traditional diaries.

A student's diary is:

  • a journal in which a student's grades are recorded;
  • student performance indicator;
  • remedy for appeals schools to parents.

Please note: not “communications with parents,” but specifically “school appeals to parents.”
I will leave aside some of the senselessness of such one-way communication, but it is curious that the instructions even regulate the text of the notes that the teacher can make.
Is there any point in communicating here, with this approach?

The modern printing industry is turning the diary into a fashionable school accessory, offering a choice of diaries in different formats, with colorful covers (varnished, foil-embossed, matte, laminated), with colored endpapers containing various reference materials, maps, etc.

The bright design distracts the student, he forgets that the diary remains the main document of the student, and its maintenance and completion is regulated by certain rules. Otherwise, the diary becomes formal, not interesting even for “good” and “excellent” students, and an unnecessary subject for parents.

Requirements for keeping a diary by students, subject teachers, class teachers, school administration and parents are fixed only by a local act of the educational institution (Regulations on keeping a diary). Neither the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” nor other legal acts regulating the activities of educational institutions mention the student’s obligation to keep a school diary.

What should a student know about journaling?

The student must be periodically reminded that the diary is his school document, by which diligence and level of consciousness can be judged, and that he must fill it out in strict accordance with the instructions set out in it and in the Regulations on Keeping a Diary.

on uniform requirements for maintaining and filling out a student diary

The diary is a student's school document. The responsibility for its obligatory and accurate maintenance lies with the student himself.

  1. The student makes all entries in the diary in blue ink.
  2. The student completes the front cover; writes down the names of subjects and surnames, first names and patronymics of teachers; provides a schedule of lessons, extracurricular activities and, as necessary, extracurricular and extracurricular activities; indicates the month and day. Extraneous entries and drawings in the diary are unacceptable.
  3. The student writes homework for independent work every day in the columns of the day for which they are assigned; During school holidays, a plan for extracurricular and extracurricular activities is drawn up.
  4. The student presents the diary at the request of the subject teachers and the class teacher.
  5. The teacher, evaluating the student’s answer, puts a mark in the class register and at the same time writes it in the diary and certifies it with his signature.
  6. The class teacher monitors weekly the fulfillment of the requirements for keeping a diary, the presence in the diary of marks received by students during the week, and notes the number of tardiness and missed classes. At the end of the diary, the class teacher provides final information about the student’s progress and attendance and certifies them with his signature in specially designated columns.
  7. Records of the work performed by the student during the period of labor practice are made by the persons responsible for organizing this work.
  8. For notes from teachers and the class teacher, free columns or specially designated columns and diary pages are used.
  9. Parents weekly, as well as at the end of the academic quarter (academic trimester), half-year and year, review and sign the diary, and, if necessary, control its maintenance.
  10. The school administration exercises systematic control over the keeping of diaries for students in grades 2–11 in accordance with these requirements.

The student must be aware of the obligation to produce his/her diary when requested by school staff.

A respectful attitude towards the diary can be formed during various educational activities: classroom hours, round tables (for example, on the topics “Why do you need a diary?”, “What are the differences between a passport and a diary?”).

Subject teachers' work with schoolchildren's diaries

Recently, teachers have often used verbal assessments. They help to increase the student’s self-esteem and positive emotional state.

Subjects of posts can be varied:

  1. Verbal assessments, praise (“Well done!”, “Clever!”, “Did a great job!”, “Very well prepared!”, “Excellent!”, “Brilliant!”, “Wonderful!”, “I’m proud that I have such a student!”).
  2. Notes.
  3. Acknowledgments (“Gratitude is declared (expressed) ...”, “Thank you for ...”, “I express my gratitude ...”).
  4. Invitations (“Dear ________________________! I invite you to a parent meeting on the topic _______________________________________________________, which will take place __________ in office No. __________. Class teacher _____________________”).
  5. Announcements.
  6. Recommendations (“Please pay attention to...”).
  7. Informing parents about the progress of their children.
  8. Notifying parents about upcoming joint activities at school.
  9. Happy holidays.
  10. Congratulations on your victories at the Olympics and achievements in sports.
  11. Appeals to parents.

If it is necessary to write down a remark or appeal to parents, then this should be done correctly, briefly and clearly, without humiliating the dignity of the student, and without any hints to the parents about the poor upbringing of children. Illiteracy, violation of the norms of literary language in formulations, illegible, careless handwriting, violations of etiquette (tactlessness) are not acceptable for a teacher!

It is important to remember that similar entries and frequent comments in the diary, especially if it concerns behavior or unlearned lessons, are addictive and do not have any effect on an unscrupulous student. It would be more effective to invite parents to the school, perhaps even with a special notice.

The teacher is obliged to control the recording of homework by students in their subject, paying special attention to low-performing and unsuccessful students; Regularly display all grades received by students for the lesson.

Work of class teachers with schoolchildren's diaries

The work of class teachers with student diaries is regulated by their job responsibilities in the educational institution.

The class teacher is obliged:

  • check the diaries of students in your class weekly;
  • monitor students' compliance with the requirements for keeping a diary;
  • control the presence in the diary of all marks received by students during the week;
  • note the number of missed lessons per week and the number of tardiness;
  • control: accuracy, literacy of records, correct errors in them; correct filling of the diary; feedback from parents;
  • certify with your signature the verification of the diary.
  • reflect the activity and effectiveness of the student’s participation in the life of the class and school.

The variety of printed versions of diaries makes it difficult to check them, since not all of them have pages for comments, vacation notes, quarterly schedules, etc. Therefore, we suggest purchasing identical diaries for the class (by decision of the parent meeting held in May or August, or the parent class) taking into account school-wide requirements.

Parents checking a student's diary

Parents should review and sign the diary weekly, as well as at the end of the academic quarter (academic trimester), half-year and year, and, if necessary, check the correctness of its maintenance.

A diary completed in accordance with the requirements allows parents to: see the successes or failures of their child; control his school fees; know about the schedule of classes, vacation activities; and also keep abreast of school events.

Work of the administration of an educational institution with schoolchildren’s diaries

The school administration carries out systematic control (according to the HSC plan) of keeping diaries of students in grades 2–11 in accordance with the requirements set out in the Regulations on keeping diaries. During administrative control of diaries, the presence in them of:

  • information about class teachers;
  • lesson schedules for the quarter (trimester) and for the current week;
  • bell times for lessons;
  • schedule of sections, extracurricular activities, project activities, etc.;
  • homework;
  • data on absences and tardiness for training sessions;
  • unethical comments to students and appeals to parents from subject teachers and the class teacher;
  • current grades that should be given by subject teachers, not class teachers;
  • parents' signatures;
  • marks given for written work on the day of its completion.

In addition, the quality and frequency of checking diaries by the class teacher is controlled, as well as the culture of keeping and the aesthetics of diary design by students.

Based on the results of administrative control, the administrator who checked the diaries draws up a certificate in which he indicates the identified violations, formulates comments and makes recommendations for eliminating the violations over a certain period of time.

based on the results of an administrative check of student diaries

Date: _________________ 20 ____

Purpose of the check: monitoring the readiness of student diaries for the beginning of the school year.

Based on the results A check of student diaries in ___ classes revealed the following:

Notes on Journaling Class Full name class teacher Student names
The uniform form of keeping diaries is not followed
The title page of the diary is not completed
The page with the list of teachers is not completed
Full name Teachers' students' classes are recorded with errors
The page with the call schedule is not filled out
The lesson schedule is not fully written
Most students in the class do not write down their homework in their diaries.
No signature from the class teacher at the end of the school week
No parental signature at the end of the school week for all or most of the students in the class
Worst diaries from an aesthetic point of view
  1. Conduct a class hour to eliminate shortcomings in the design of the diary.
  2. Please draw the attention of students and their parents to the following:
  • the diary is kept only with a pen with blue ink (entries with a pencil, pens with ink of other colors or markers are not allowed);
  • entries should be made carefully, legibly, without the use of correction tape or liquid;
  • it is necessary to indicate the current month and dates on the pages with the lesson schedule and homework;
  • when writing down homework, do not overuse the phrases “in the notebook”, “lecture”, etc.;
  • It is unacceptable to tear out pages from the diary;
  • the diary should be submitted to the subject teacher during the answer for marking or at the first request of the teacher or any other school employee.
  1. Check and sign diaries weekly.
  2. Draw the attention of subject teachers to the fact that marks in diaries should be entered immediately, comments and appeals to parents should be formulated correctly and correctly.
  3. Submit the diaries of the following students for re-checking:

Checked by: ___________________ _____________ ___________________

(position) (signature) (full name)

Maintaining school diary

We live in the era of electronic diaries and magazines, but regular diaries remain relevant. The explanation is extremely simple: homework is written down here, grades are given that can make you happy or sad. As my practice of checking student diaries shows, 30% of them are not viewed by parents. Some children keep diaries carelessly.

A diary is the main document of a student while he is studying. Its maintenance and completion is regulated by certain rules that must be followed by all participants in the educational process.

Schoolboy's diary -

  • This is a journal in which the student's grades are recorded;
  • student performance indicator;
  • a means for the school to reach out to parents.

To help both children and parents, I would like to once again remind you of the simple rules for keeping a school diary:

What must know student O conducting diary ?

The student must be periodically reminded that the diary is his school document, by which diligence and level of consciousness can be judged, and that he must fill it out in strict accordance with the instructions set out in it and in the Regulations on Keeping a Diary.

Position O united requirements To maintaining And filling out

student diary

The diary is a student's school document. The responsibility for its obligatory and accurate maintenance lies with the student himself.

1. The student makes all entries in the diary in blue ink. 2. The student or parents fill out the front cover (print and stick). The diary must be wrapped in a gel cover (which must be changed at least once every six months) with a bookmark.

3. The student, with the help of his parents, fills out p.1 (be sure to paste a photo) and 4 before the start of the school year; until September 15 - pp. 5 and 6

4. In the first school week, we fill out the diary for the next day together with the guys; from the second week (when the schedule becomes permanent), the student must fill out the diary on Thursday - Friday for the next week.

Attention! The diary is filled out by the STUDENT!

Clue .

  • We write the month with a lowercase (small) letter.
  • We set the dates.
  • We write the names of objects with a capital letter.
  • The student writes down homework assignments for independent work every day in the columns of the day for which they are assigned. We write down homework carefully, the height of the letters is ½ the height of the line. If the assignment does not fit, you can write on a line in 2 rows, or below (after lesson 5) on free lines.
  • During the holidays, the word “Holidays” is not allowed in the diary; a plan of extracurricular and extracurricular activities is drawn up on the pages.
  • Extraneous entries (“Holidays”, “Sick”, “Frost”, “Happy Holidays”, etc.) and drawings in the diary are unacceptable.
  • The student must keep a diary neatly, in legible handwriting, without blots.

5. The student presents the diary at the request of the subject teachers and the class teacher.

6. Parents must monitor their child’s progress and diary keeping, and sign at the end of each week at the bottom of the right page.

7. Once a week the diary is checked by the class teacher.