Drink water on your face. Facial skin care - the benefits of mineral water

According to Ekaterina Komarova, a member of the Union of Hairdressers and Cosmetologists and art director of the Moscow beauty salon “Modny Dvorik”, mineral water, in addition to its main functions - quenching thirst and treating various diseases, can also serve as a cosmetic product for facial skin care.

What are the benefits of mineral water for the face?

Mineral waters have been used in skin care for quite some time. And they have become especially popular in the last few years. Simultaneously with thermal water for the face in the form of sprays, which appeared on the cosmetic market.

The composition of such waters is incredibly rich in its chemical composition. And every useful component is simply irreplaceable for our skin. Mineral water helps soften, nourish and moisturize, has an anti-allergenic and immunostimulating, wound-healing and bactericidal, toning and lifting effect. Eliminates excess oil, tightens pores, evens out skin tone, prevents dryness and tightness, helps fight teenage acne and age-related changes in the form of facial wrinkles and loss of elasticity.

Error-free use

Mineral water for the face should be selected depending on your skin type.

Mineral waters with a high salt content - "Borjomi", "Essentuki", "Narzan" - are suitable for caring for oily and combination skin, as well as porous skin. They help reduce the oily sheen on the skin and narrow its pores.

For those with normal or dry skin, low-mineralized ground waters are better suited - “Holy Spring”, “Golden Key”, since, in addition to the toning effect, they also have a softening effect on the skin.

You can only use mineral water without gas, as carbon dioxide dries the skin and can cause irritation. Therefore, before using for cosmetic purposes, carbonated mineral water is left in an open container for 30-40 minutes.

We offer you several procedures using mineral water. You can choose your own mineral water for your face. By the way, it is quite possible that you will be able to use all the recipes.

Ready-made recipes for some procedures

  1. Washing with mineral water. Dry and flaky skin will be a thing of the past if you wash your face every morning instead of chlorinated tap water. mineral water. It will be useful to perform contrasting washes, alternating warm water with cold.
  2. Mineral ice. After washing, it is recommended to wipe your face with pieces of ice made from mineral water (they can be easily made in an ice tray in the freezer). This helps to narrow pores, strengthen and contract facial muscles. This ice massage serves as an excellent workout for the muscles, they become stronger and better support the skin, which allows you to avoid the appearance of wrinkles longer.
  3. Lotion with mineral water. 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs pour 200-250 ml of mineral water, brought to a boil. Infuse the broth in a sealed container for 20-30 minutes, then strain. Every time after washing, wipe your skin with lotion with mineral water. This lotion can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. For oily and combination skin chamomile, nettle or calendula are suitable, for dry and normal - mint and birch leaves.
  4. Find a fine spray bottle and fill it with mineral water that suits your skin type. You can spray your face with this water several times throughout the day. This is beneficial for the skin itself, especially in hot weather or in winter in radiator-dry rooms. The procedure also helps extend the life of your makeup, which will last better. And finally, the fine spray produces a micro-massage effect on the skin, which is surprisingly beneficial.
  5. Anti-aging mask. Mix a teaspoon of sugar, the same amount of flour and 50 g of fresh yeast and dissolve in a glass of heated mineral water. Leave in a warm place for 3 hours, then stir everything well and apply to the face. After 20 minutes, rinse with plain water, rinse with mineral water, and use your nourishing cream. You can do this mask every other day.
  6. Mask for normal skin. Pour a teaspoon oatmeal 50 ml of mineral water and add 4 drops of lemon juice to the mixture. Leave the composition for half an hour and distribute on the skin of the face. Leave for a quarter of an hour, wash with running water, and finally with mineral water.
  7. Mask for dry skin. Mix a couple of tablespoons of honey with 3 drops of chamomile essential oil, pour in a little mineral water and apply the mask to your face. Keep it on for literally 7 minutes and rinse off as described above.
  8. For oily skin. Grind a pinch of salt with 3 drops of lemon essential oil, then dissolve this mixture in 50 ml of mineral water. Add 8 drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of oatmeal. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the skin. After 10 minutes, the mask is also washed off with mineral water.

After just a few days of use, you will be convinced that your efforts were not in vain!

Water is the most healthy drink. Why? The benefits of water for the skin.

1) Water is the main primary source of energy. Without water, normal functioning of the body is impossible. Water relieves fatigue and restores sleep, water increases efficiency, has a positive effect on all body functions, and helps restore attention. If there is not enough water in the body, important body functions begin to suffer, metabolism slows down, and then important vital processes are completely inhibited.

2) Water reduces the risk of heart attacks, thins the blood, and prevents the blood in the vessels from clotting during circulation.

3) Water has a positive effect on the immune system, increases resistance to cancer, allergies, and infectious diseases; water helps normalize intestinal function, and also improves the quality of the skin, makes it smoother, and slows down the aging process of the body as a whole. Even drinking 5 glasses of water in one day significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer.

4) Water not only dissolves food, vitamins, minerals, helping to increase the absorption of vital substances from food, but also completely removes toxic substances from the body through the kidneys. Water helps get rid of addiction to coffee and other bad habits.

Most experts agree that it is useful to drink 1-2 glasses of water in small sips in the morning 15-20 minutes before meals. You can add lemon juice (1/2 lemon) or honey (1 teaspoon) to a glass. Remember that all water drunk on an empty stomach is completely eliminated from the body, effectively cleansing it. But liquid consumed at night does not benefit the body, but manifests itself in morning swelling under the eyes. It should be remembered that the adult body can absorb no more than 120 ml of water within 10 minutes.

Drinking plenty of water regularly (just try not to drink coffee, black tea, packaged juices, sweet carbonated drinks) throughout the day helps to quickly remove various harmful substances from the body.

Proven that regularly drinking small sips of water promotes health, improves immunity, improves appearance skin(maintains moisture balance, preventing it from drying out), improves the condition of internal organs, contributes to normalizationgastrointestinal tract, reduces the incidence of heart attacks, normalizes blood pressure, prevents strokes and heart attacks, helps fight overweight. Important to know, that you need to drink water throughout the day.

If your blood pressure level allows it and you do not have edema, then you most likely do not have any special restrictions on water consumption. It is recommended for an adult to drink 8-10 glasses of water during the day.

The saturation of the entire body with water depends on the rate of its consumption. It is beneficial to drink water only in small sips. If you drink water immediately, that is, in one gulp, the water is instantly absorbed and enters the bladder and then there will be no benefit from drinking water. It is also better not to drink water after eating, since liquid dilutes gastric juice and slows down the digestion process.

Remember when you were really thirsty? Probably only in childhood. Watch yourself and your children. You will see how greedily the children drink. Keep an eye on your pets. You will notice how often the animal goes to the water bowl during the day. If an animal does not drink, this is a serious symptom of a serious illness.

Don’t be alarmed if you notice that you suddenly feel thirsty, it means that your body is actively fighting the disease and “dehydration.” Even very slight dehydration reduces overall metabolism by 3%.

Research by nutritionists at the University of Washington has shown that just one glass of water reduces nighttime hunger pangs by almost 100%, and lack of water is the main cause of daytime fatigue. A preliminary study has proven that drinking 8-10 glasses of raw (spring or purified) water per day can relieve pain in the spine and joints in 80% of patients.

Even a slight decrease in the amount of water in the body, for example, by only 2%, can cause short-term memory impairment, cause a serious problem in simple calculations, a person cannot concentrate on the monitor screen, and cannot type simple text without errors.

Don't forget to keep a bottle or decanter of raw water on your desk. And - always be healthy!

"article". Where we'll talk about what you should pay attention to when choosing water for cosmetological purposes. We'll try not to talk too abstrusely, but. If anything, write in the comments, we'll correct it! So:

What kind of water is needed for skin care? Water is necessary for all organs without exception. Including for the skin - if there is a lack of water in the body, it simply will not be possible to fully moisturize the skin with creams alone. Washing is carried out with water or water with special cosmetics. The washing procedure cleanses the skin of decorative cosmetics, fat and impurities. You should wash your face 2 times a day - morning and evening, taking into account the type and age characteristics skin, as well as water quality.

Thus, the first stage in facial skin care is cleansing with water. It seems so simple. But water can be different: cold water, hot, warm, tap water, rain, melt, soft, hard, etc. All cosmetologists recommend, regardless of skin type, to wash your face with soft water. Such water includes rain and melt water. However, due to modern environmental conditions, melt and rain water are not the best choice.

The first thing to consider in terms of water for skin care is water softening.

Water softening eliminates the aggressive effects of hard water. Water softening can be achieved if:

  • boil water (for more details, see the article “Thermal method of softening water”)
  • or, simply use purified water through a reverse osmosis system (for more details, see the “”) subsection.

So, you should wash your face with clean, soft water, without impurities and harmful salts. Distilled water or natural mineral water is best, but you can use river water - you just need to boil it (if, again, you are not afraid of what is in modern water).

The second is the acidity (pH) of the water for washing.

One of the most important indicators skin health - its acidity level. Or, scientifically, pH (read p-ash). pH reflects how acidic or alkaline water is. So, the lower the pH, the more acidic the water. The higher the pH, the more alkaline the water. Neutral water has a pH of 7.

Where does skin acidity come from? It's very simple: the sebaceous and sweat glands of our skin secrete various substances onto its surface. Mixing with exfoliated epidermal cells, these substances form a protective film on the skin - a lipid layer. And we take the pH of the lipid layer as the pH of the skin. pH is not the same in different parts of the body. On the scalp it varies from 4 to 6, on the skin of the upper body from 5 to 5.5, on the skin of the lower body from 5.5 to 6, on the palms from 6.2 to 6.5. Men's skin pH tends to be more acidic than women's.

Naturally, water is used for skin care. It must be taken into account that the water coming from our taps is not neutral, but, as a rule, alkaline due to the presence of chlorine and other hardness salts in it. Therefore, water for washing should be either distilled or softened by adding natural vinegar to it. That is, the pH of the water should be acidic.

There are several ways to make regular tap water acidic:

  • add 1 tsp lemon juice to 1 liter of water
  • add ¼ tsp baking soda to 1 liter of water
  • add 1 tbsp glycerin to 1 liter of water (this is for oily skin)
  • or simply use a reverse osmosis system.

By the way, please note: the reverse osmosis system is used both to make water soft and to make the water acidic.

Third, the temperature of the water when washing.

What is the optimal water temperature for washing? Cold water constricts blood vessels and disrupts the functioning of the sebaceous glands, due to which blood circulation in the skin decreases and it becomes pale, sluggish, and wrinkled. Hot water washes away impurities well, but expands pores and makes muscles weaker. The skin becomes flabby.

And for people with dilated capillaries, washing with hot water is generally contraindicated. And if you wash your face with soap and water, you will dehydrate and degrease your facial skin and cause blood to stagnate in the vessels (which can lead to red spots on the cheeks and nose). The best wash that is suitable for people with any skin is washing with water at room temperature.

Thus, for skin care you need clean, soft water at room temperature.

Happy skincare!

Mineral water for the face allows you to quickly restore the natural balance in tissues. Which water is better to wash your face depends on its type, for dry and sensitive, choose low-mineralized soil water, for oily, problematic ones - high in salts, for normal, combine various types. The magic liquid soothes the skin after deep facial cleansing and peeling. Homemade anti-aging cosmetics prepared on the basis of familiar mineral water are effective.

Benefits of mineral water for skin

Useful properties:

  1. Cleansing, removing toxins;
  2. Saturation with moisture and oxygen;
  3. Strengthening facial capillaries;
  4. Relieving swelling;
  5. Color improvement.

Water compositions may contain the following elements:

  • chlorides;
  • sulfates;
  • hydrocarbonates.

Methods of using mineral water

You can use mineral water for the skin in various cosmetic procedures. Depending on the composition, choose for each face type. It is better to pour carbonated water into a bowl and wait half an hour until the carbon dioxide evaporates. It is useful to add the prepared liquid to masks, scrubs, peelings, and use it to prepare lotions, cleansing and refreshing products.

Wipe your face

To tighten pores, improve complexion, and remove makeup, you can use still mineral water. To wash your face, moisten a cotton pad and use it to wipe along the massage lines. You can enrich it with vitamins; for dry skin, add grape, peach, and rice oils.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention It’s worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Ice cubes

Cosmetic ice is a great way to maintain freshness and elasticity and reduce the number of wrinkles. It is recommended to carry out the procedures in courses to avoid the skin becoming accustomed to the cold and reducing its effectiveness. Together with mineral water, you can freeze herbal decoctions, plant extracts, add essential oils. Use in the evening, before bed, making smoothing movements over massage lines, be sure to moisturize with gel or emulsion afterwards.

Lotion with mineral water

Lotion based on mineral water accelerates regeneration processes and has a beneficial effect on facial capillaries. Can be used instead of tonic to cleanse and refresh the face. For aging skin, combine with cucumber pulp; for oily and problematic skin, add a few drops of salicylic acid.

Mineral spray

A cosmetic spray will help soothe the skin after exposure to ultraviolet radiation and low temperatures. You can freshen your face by spraying three/four times throughout the day. To do this, pour a non-carbonated liquid into a spray bottle; you can add liquid vitamins. To apply, spray a cloud of droplets in front of you, then enter it.

Homemade mineral face mask recipes

The affordable product allows you to care for all skin types. The rich composition helps cope with inflammation and refresh color. Regularly preparing homemade cosmetics with mineral water is effective for preventing wrinkles and also prevents clogging of the ducts.

Nourishing mask for dry skin

Facial care with mineral water allows you to forget about peeling and sagging. A natural recipe will relieve swelling and uneven pigmentation. Restores the product and oxygen breathing, accelerating renewal processes.


  • 10 ml mineral water;
  • 5 drops of tocopherol;
  • 10 gr. sour cream.

Production and method of application: whisk mineral water with sour cream, add vitamin solution. Steam the skin, spread the mixture on the face with a brush, and leave for about half an hour.

Mask for normal skin

Whiten and refresh your skin, maintain youth and elasticity easily with folk remedies. A natural product will help keep your face velvety and soft. The components moisturize, preventing the appearance of expression lines and age wrinkles.


  • 20 ml mineral water;
  • 5 gr. henna;
  • Vitamin B ampoule 2.

Production and method of application: combine the plant powder with healing water, add a pharmaceutical solution into a homogeneous paste. Spread with a spatula after cleansing; fifteen minutes of action is enough. Rinse off as usual.

Mask for oily skin

The use of mineral water with a high salt content is effective for problematic, acne-prone skin, as well as for those with excessive secretion of glands. Regular use prevents the formation of ulcers, soothes irritation and redness, and significantly tightens pores. Thanks to the elements of the mask, the overall condition of the skin improves, the face looks healthy and well-groomed even without the use of decorative cosmetics.


  • 20 ml mineral water;
  • 10 gr. clay;

Production and application method: combine clay powder with carbonated liquid, add fresh citrus juice. After steaming with a hot compress, distribute the paste over all problem areas, paying special attention to the T-area. Wait ten/twelve minutes, then wash with cold water.

Moisturizing mask

This effective, affordable procedure saturates the face with moisture, strengthens facial vessels, and eliminates flaking. Useful to use all year round for all types, especially those prone to irritation and peeling. The components also affect regeneration, accelerating renewal processes.


  • 10 ml mineral water;
  • 10 gr. rice starch;
  • 20 drops of grape oil.

Production and method of application: mix cereal starch with berry puree, add water and moisturizing oil. Prepare your face for the procedure by removing all makeup, then distribute the cosmetic mixture evenly. After resting for half an hour, remove with a damp sponge.

Refreshing mask

For aging skin, it is worth using natural ingredients for complete care. Also effective cosmetic procedure for relieving fatigue, whitening, elasticity of the dermis. The mask restores the face after sunbathing and protects against low temperatures.


  • 20 ml mineral water;
  • 5 ml aloe juice;
  • 2 drops of tangerine essential oil.

Production and method of application: grind oatmeal into powder in a coffee grinder, pour hot mineral water, combine with viscous juice, add citrus drops. Distribute a thick layer on the face along the massage lines, leave to act for twenty/twenty-five minutes, then wash.

Interesting video: Mineral water for skin

By answering this question, we will answer one of the main questions related to facial skin care.

Everyone knows that the most common means of keeping skin clean is water. However, not everyone knows that the effect of water on the skin depends both on the temperature and chemical composition of the water, and on the condition of the skin itself.

The skin of the face is constantly exposed to a variety of irritants. external environment. The varying degrees of perception of external irritants by normal skin depend on the general condition of the body, its nervous system, etc. This explains, for example, the fact that sometimes the skin may temporarily not tolerate water, soap and other hygiene products. Therefore, individual facial skin care techniques should change in accordance with its current condition.

As practice shows, water cannot be considered a non-irritant for the skin. Water containing significant amounts of calcium, magnesium and other minerals, so-called hard water, is harmful not only to the face, but also to the hands. With prolonged use, it dries out the skin, especially dry, thin and sensitive facial skin, makes it rough, flaky and often causes inflammation. To eliminate the irritating effects of hard water, it must be softened. This is achieved primarily by boiling it for a long time.

You can also soften hard water by adding one of the following three products to 1 liter of water: 1) 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda; 2) 1/2 teaspoon of borax; 3) 1 tbsp. a spoonful of glycerin (for oily skin). It is best to use rain or snow water that does not contain irritating substances - so-called soft water, after use of which the skin feels particularly velvety.

If your skin is hypersensitive to water, you should use boiled water mixed with milk (temperature 24-25°C).

Skin that is irritated, inflamed or flaky often does not tolerate water at all. In this case, you need to completely avoid washing with water during the illness, especially in the morning, before going outside, and in the evening use warm vegetable oil, removing it with a tea solution, or a special lotion.

In the morning, 30-40 minutes before going outside, it is recommended to refresh the skin with a liquid emulsion or fatty cream applied to a cotton swab. This method of healing sensitive skin quickly restores its elasticity.

Of course, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics skin.

The temperature of the water plays an extremely important role when washing your face. This question is so important that, in addition to the general provisions given in this section, the effects of cold and hot water on the skin of the face are also devoted to the two subsequent sections.

Constant use of cold water impairs skin nutrition, causing temporary vasoconstriction and reducing blood supply, just as hot water with prolonged use causes persistent dilation of the superficial vessels of the skin and weakens their walls, which leads to loss of skin elasticity.

You should wash your face not with hot or cold water, but with water at room temperature (24-25°C). (If you measure the water temperature with a thermometer 2-3 times, then in the future your facial skin itself will accurately tell you the desired temperature.)

Every woman can wash her face with water at room temperature, regardless of age, skin properties and time of year. This water is very pleasant for the skin, and even washing it abundantly does not cause the unpleasant feeling of deep cooling that occurs when washing with cold water.

Water at room temperature causes a short-term constriction of blood vessels, followed by a prolonged dilation. This promotes blood flow to the skin, which is exactly what is necessary to improve its nutrition.

It is useful to sometimes wash your face with warm water alternately with cool water, causing contrast irritation. A rapid change in temperature has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, on the nerve endings of the skin and is a kind of gymnastics for the blood vessels, ensuring good nutrition of the skin.

The denser the skin and the deeper the blood vessels are located in it, the more often washing with water at a contrasting temperature can be used. In this case, the procedure should be completed with water at room temperature, cool or cold.

So, the most reasonable thing is to wash your face with water at room temperature, soft (rain, snow) or softened by boiling or adding borax or soda.

The effect of cold water on the skin of the face. This is what Prof. writes about the effect produced on the skin by constantly washing with cold water. M.A. Rozentul: “Cold water, when exposed to the skin, causes a drainage of blood from the superficial vessels and leads to bleeding of the skin and a narrowing of its blood vessels. The latter, in turn, causes a delay in the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands and a decrease in the secretion of sebum and sweat onto the surface of the skin, which contributes to the skin’s loss of elasticity, causing dryness and sagging of the skin.”

This opinion of a prominent dermatologist is confirmed by practical observations. If you constantly wash your face with cold water, it first develops paleness, then dryness, dullness and, finally, wrinkling. Women often notice this too late.

The desire to harden the skin of the face and equate it in all respects to the skin of the body is unjustified. After all, the face is already constantly influenced by the external environment and its contrasts. Cold water hardens the body and our entire organism, but with constant use it often causes damage to the skin of the face, contributing to its premature aging.

With dry skin, when the secretion of sebum by the glands is already limited, the use of cold water, even without soap, further prevents sebum secretion. Skin that is prone to dryness also cannot withstand prolonged washing with cold water and begins to peel, even in young people.

From the above it is clear why in winter and spring it is not advisable to wash your face every morning with cold water. This applies not only to dry or sensitive skin, but also to normal. Low temperature Outdoor air cools and dries the skin, so you should not increase hypothermia, which leads to irritation or frostbite.

By the way, women rarely notice slight frostbite on the face, especially the cheeks and tip of the nose, at -15-20°C, and this becomes clear later, in a beauty salon. As a result, the recommendations on this issue by many Western European experts are not always acceptable for our climate.

During the cold season, you can use water at room temperature to refresh your face in the morning. This rinsing of the face and neck, followed by applying a rich cream to a wet face, should be done 40 minutes before going outside (from the moment moisture and excess cream are removed from the face).

Thanks to proper care, which helps to increase the elasticity of facial skin, increases its resistance to any factors of meteorological influence; With this care, skin peeling is completely eliminated and skin dryness is significantly reduced.

During the warm season or in areas with a warm climate, using cold water in the morning (you can even add a piece of ice to it) refreshes and strengthens any skin, since after washing, the warm air increases the flow of blood.

Washing your face with cold water or applying ice in the evening before bed is not recommended, as this can cause unwanted stimulation and disrupt sleep. For the same reason, it is better to postpone contrast washing in the morning.

The effect of hot water on the skin of the face. It is known that water somewhat degreases and dries out the skin. This effect is enhanced by washing your face with hot water and soap.

It would seem that in this case, if you have oily skin, you should use hot water for washing, because it cleanses the face well, washing away fatty layers from its surface along with dust particles that have fallen on them.

However, daily washing with hot water leads to dilation of superficial blood vessels, to stagnation of blood in the skin, which can, in turn, cause unpleasant redness of the skin of the nose, cheeks, etc. In addition, hot water helps to relax the superficial skin muscles, which further causes sagging skin and contributes to the appearance of wrinkles.

Hot water not only mechanically washes away dirt, but at the same time expands pores and reduces skin resistance. Therefore, it is enough to wash your face with hot water once a week, in the evening, after which you must certainly rinse it with cool water.

Practice shows that it has a good effect on oily skin special evening wash. In this case, you should use boiled warm water (not higher than 30°C) and neutral soap. The most suitable in this case is shaving soap.

After washing, rinse the face with acidified or slightly salted cold water or water at room temperature. You can also carry out a contrast wash, that is, alternate warm water with cool water several times, starting and ending this procedure with always cool water.

If the skin is very oily, rough, with large pores, then the duration of the contrast wash can be increased by using cool water, but this should be done gradually so that it is pleasant for the skin. This procedure can be used not only as a means of cleansing the skin, but also for treatment. In the latter case, such washing is carried out over 10-15 days, preferably in the morning or one and a half to two hours before bedtime.

Note: Washing with hot water is contraindicated for those who have dilated capillaries on their facial skin; This also applies to sharp contrasting washes.

From the above it is clear that the systematic use of hot water, as well as cold water, is harmful to the skin. So, oily skin can be washed with hot water only once a week for no more than 1-2 months. Then, instead of hot water, warm water (temperature no higher than 35°C) is recommended, followed by washing with cool water. For any face wash, use softened or, even better, soft water at room temperature.

Washing with warm water (35°C) soothes nervous system, relieves tension in the skin muscles, prepares the body well for sleep, but we must not forget that abuse and prolonged use of warm water is not recommended for anyone. Its use should be determined by necessity.