Open the holidays for no reason in the month of Ramadan. Rules of conduct during the month of Ramadan

This article contains: prayer before keeping a fast - information taken from all corners of the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

How is Islam different from other religions? The fast of Ramadan is the holiest time of the year for Muslims. They abstain from all pleasures in order to test willpower over carnal desires, repent of sins, and overcome pride in the name of the forgiveness of the Almighty. How to fast in Islam? This will be discussed in the article.

General information

During the Islamic fast, fasting people should not take any food during the day. They are not allowed to drink alcohol or have intimate relationships. Currently, there are bans on smoking cigarettes and chewing gum (and, as you know, they did not exist at the time of the prophet). And drinking alcohol in Islam is prohibited not only during the holy month of Ramadan, but generally throughout the year. Moreover, their sale is also unacceptable. Unlike Christianity, fasting in Islam allows the consumption of any food: meat and fried. At the same time, it is limited in time. It is permissible to eat only in the dark. It must be taken into account that Islam does not allow eating the meat of certain animals. For example, pork is highly prohibited.

Not only the holy month of Ramadan is a time of fasting for Muslims. Islam divides it into two types. The first post is mandatory. It must be observed during the holy month of Ramadan (ninth in the Muslim calendar). The second one is recommended. In Islam, the calendar is not the same as the Gregorian calendar. It is shorter by 11 days. And that is why every year the month of Ramadan comes ten days earlier. The recommended days of fasting in Islam are: every Monday and Thursday; 9th, 10th, 11th of the month of Muharram; the first six days of Shawwal. In addition to refusing food and carnal pleasures, those who fast are obliged to pray (perform namaz). Eating should be done before morning prayer (Fajr) and after evening prayer (Maghrib). It is generally accepted that during this month the Almighty (Allah) is more favorable to prayers and increases the significance of good deeds.

Unlike Christian fasting, fasting in Islam is not sad, but festive. For devout Muslims it is the greatest holiday. They prepare for it in advance: they buy food and gifts, since the Almighty forgives sins and answers the prayers of not only those who fast, but also those who help those in need and simply engage in charity. After all, even the most disadvantaged must eat after dark and participate in the holiday. Therefore, at the end of the sacred time, it is customary to collect money (zakat) for the poor. In addition to doing godly deeds, you need to try not to deceive anyone. Otherwise, it is generally accepted that the Almighty will not accept either fasting or prayer.

Fasting time

Islam, as the reader already knows, calls on all Muslims to fast during the holy month of Ramadan. What date it will occur on depends on the lunar calendar. For every year it falls on a new date. During uraza, it is customary to get up before the morning prayer to eat breakfast. This procedure of eating before sunrise is called suhoor. The Holy Prophet ordered the faithful not to neglect it, because it will give a lot of strength to perform prayer (namaz). Therefore, waking up an hour earlier should not be difficult for believers. It is recommended to complete suhur before the morning prayer - Fajr, so as not to be late for the time of fasting.

Throughout the entire day, until dusk, the fasting person must spend it in complete restriction, without food or water. He must interrupt it before evening prayer. Iftar should be opened with a sip of fresh water and a date. It is recommended to break the fast on time, without delaying it for later. After taking water and dates, you do not need to eat food immediately. First you need to perform evening prayer, and only then you are allowed to start dinner - iftar. It is forbidden to eat to satiety and overeat. You need to take just enough to satisfy your hunger. Otherwise, the post will lose its meaning. And, as you know, it is needed to cultivate bodily lust.

Actions that devastate the body

What breaks fasting in Islam? These actions are of two types: that which empties a person and that which fills him. The first include those during which certain fluids leave the body. As you know, this can be intentional vomiting (if it was not intentional, the fast is not considered broken) or bloodletting. Just as stated above, it is forbidden to enter into intimate relationships. And as you know, during this process, both men and women experience the release of sexual genetic material. Since the action is intentional, it is considered a violation.

In general, even without the release of genetic material, intimate contact breaks the fast. Even if it occurs between legal spouses. If the ejection occurred without intimate contact, but deliberately (masturbation), then this is also a violation, since in Islam such an action is considered a sin. However, if a man deliberately decided to do this, but no sexual fluid was released, then the fast is not considered broken. It is also not a violation for unintentional release in both men and women.

In Islam, this violation is the most serious. If a person has repented, then he can atone for his guilt in two ways: either free the slave (in the civilized world this is difficult and virtually inaccessible), or fast for the next two months. Even if, without a good reason, he violates or interrupts the restriction that he endures on the occasion of repentance for adultery, he must begin anew two months of abstinence.

Hugging and kissing during fasting is allowed. But these actions should not lead to sexual arousal, so that something that breaks the fast does not happen. If spouses know how to control themselves, they can calmly kiss each other. If you don’t have confidence in yourself or your significant other, then you need to refuse hugs. Sometimes it happens that the release of genetic material occurred in a dream. And as you know, a person does not control his actions at this time. Therefore, the fast is not broken. In this case, there is no need to reimburse it. And sodomy and bestiality in Islam are always grave sins, and not just in the month of Ramadan.

Bleeding during fasting

Donating blood is also a violation. It is believed that in this way a person becomes weaker. And feeling unwell during fasting is unacceptable. This means that a person should not become a donor. Even in cases of extreme necessity, this is a violation. However, the fasting person can make up for it on another day. If the blood flowed unintentionally, then the restriction is not violated. Donating blood for analysis also does not apply to this. Indeed, in this case, little fluid is released, so the person does not experience weakness. In addition, fasting during the menstrual cycle (also a kind of bloodletting) is not allowed. As you know, representatives of the fair sex experience weakness and pain during this period. And, as stated above, fasting is unacceptable at such times.

Nausea while fasting

If a fasting person has stomach problems, he does not have to hold back vomiting for fear that this may break his fast. When a Muslim deliberately caused her, there will be no punishment for this action. If the fasting person involuntarily empties the stomach of its contents, this will not affect the observance of the fast. This means that it is not necessary to restrain the urge to vomit. But it is prohibited to deliberately call them.

Actions that fill the body

Filling actions include those during which the human body is filled. This is eating and drinking. And as you know, they are unacceptable during daylight hours. In addition to them, taking medications, blood infusions, injections are also considered violations. If medications are taken as a rinse and not swallowed, then this is acceptable. Therefore, it is necessary to take pills and other medications in the dark. Also, the fast is not considered broken if the blood is reinfused after it has been purified and saturated with the necessary nutrients. In addition, drops for the eyes and ears or enemas are also not prohibited during the holiday. It is even permissible to remove teeth, despite the possible bleeding from the wounds. If a fasting person uses oxygen pillows (including asthmatics), then the fast is also not broken. Because air is not food and drink, but gas entering the lungs.

Any Muslim who deliberately ate or drank committed a great sin. Therefore, he is obliged to repent and make up for the violation on another day. And it is a double sin to accept what Islam prohibits on any day, not just during Lent - alcohol and pork. If a person simply forgot about the restriction (and this is often observed in the first days of the fast), then the fast is not considered broken. It is not necessary to reimburse it. A person must thank the Almighty for sending him food (and there are many hungry people in the world). If a Muslim sees that someone else is reaching for food, he is obliged to stop him and remind him of fasting. Swallowing saliva or food debris stuck between the teeth is also not a violation.

What actions do not break the fast?

How to fast in Islam? What actions will not violate it? In addition to the cases indicated above, these include the following manipulations: applying antimony to the eyes (as is known, this is important for Muslim women); brushing your teeth with a special brush (miswak) or a regular brush without toothpaste. The use of the latter is not prohibited. The main thing is not to swallow the product, even partially. Other hygiene procedures are also allowed: rinsing the nose, mouth, taking a shower. Swimming is also allowed, but provided that the person does not dive headlong, as this can lead to water entering the body.

Also, a Muslim who involuntarily ingested tobacco smoke or dust does not break his fast. Inhalation of aromas (even intentionally) is also allowed. If women (and sometimes men) prepare food, it is acceptable to taste them. But it is forbidden to swallow it. Treating wounds with ointments, iodine, and brilliant green solution is acceptable. Women can have their hair cut and dyed. The same applies to men. In addition, representatives of the fair sex are allowed to use cosmetics. But many people refuse it during Ramadan.

Smoking while fasting

Smoking during the fast also breaks the fast. In general, this process is undesirable in Islam, since it harms the body and mind, and empties the wallet. And also due to uselessness. Therefore, intentionally swallowing tobacco smoke (as opposed to involuntary) breaks the fast. But many people who are on a diet do not enjoy cigarettes only during daylight hours. This is wrong. Because smoking not only cigarettes, but also hookah is prohibited throughout the month of fasting in Islam. It often happens that after the end of Ramadan, many give up this bad habit.

Fasting during pregnancy and lactation

How to fast during pregnancy in Islam? The expectant mother, if she feels well, there is no threat to either her or the child, is obliged to comply with the restrictions. If there is a possibility of miscarriage, then fasting is not necessary. The same applies to nursing mothers. Therefore, before the onset of holy fasting, the above women should consult a doctor. And pass the necessary tests.

If it is not recommended for them to fast due to a difficult pregnancy or for other reasons, then they are obliged to make up the fast at another time. Preferably before the next Ramadan. In addition, such a young lady needs to distribute alms to those in need (both money and food). However, if a woman cannot make up for the fast because she is again carrying the baby under her heart or continues to feed, then it is quite enough for her to help the poor.

Fasting for a pregnant woman in Islam is not too strict. It does not have to be observed for all thirty days in a row. Violations every second day are acceptable. Sometimes you can take a break for a week. The main thing is to keep it for thirty days in total. Since the days of fasting in winter are much shorter than in summer (in the cold season it dawns late and gets dark early), young mothers are allowed to make up for fasting on these days, even if Ramadan was in the summer.

Fasting during critical days

Is it possible to fast during menstruation? Islam prohibits a devout Muslim woman not only from observing restrictions, but also from performing namaz. If a woman does not do this on her menstrual days, then there is no need to compensate. All this is due to the fact that these days ladies are not pure. And as you know, observance of the most important Islamic rituals is allowed only if complete hygiene is observed.

If a woman keeps a fast, and suddenly she begins to have discharge, then it is considered broken. the girl will have to compensate him. But if this happened after dusk, then there was no violation. The next day you need to refrain from restrictions until the end of the monthly cycle. In a word, fasting should be for the benefit of those fasting, and not to their detriment. And if you feel weak in the body, you can get more negative things from the energy than positive things.

How to hold Uraza correctly for a woman

The ninth month of the Muslim calendar, Ramadan is one of the four holy months of the year. At this time, men and women keep a strict fast of Uraz, which is one of the main pillars of Islam. The main specificity of this fast is that the quantitative composition of food is not regulated - everything is allowed to eat, and only the timing of meals plays an important role. Let's figure out how a woman needs to keep the Uraza correctly so that long-term abstinence will benefit the body. Indeed, in addition to spiritual cleansing, Muslims fast to improve the health of the body.

Why keep Uraza in the month of Ramadan?

Fasting on Uraza helps atone for sins that were committed during the year. Ramadan is 30 or 29 days (depending on the lunar month) of strict fasting. During this period, Muslims should set aside time for donations, alms, reflection, contemplation and all kinds of good deeds. However, the main task of every believer is not to drink water or eat food from dawn to dusk. Unlike the Orthodox fast (Assumption or Great), during which it is forbidden to eat meat, fish, eggs and dairy products, during Uraza it is allowed to eat any food in moderation.

The main activity of Muslims during Ramadan is prayer. Before sunrise, each believer makes a niyat (intention) to observe the Uraz, and then eats food 30 minutes before dawn and prays. Prayers during the holy month are held in mosques, where Muslims come with their children or at home with relatives and neighbors. If a believer is in other latitudes during the month of Ramadan, then, according to the Hanafi madhhab (teaching), he reads the obligatory morning prayer according to Meccan time.

How to keep a cheer for a woman

During Uraza, Muslim women, like men, are prohibited from intimate life during daylight hours, and some especially believers prefer complete abstinence from sexual contact throughout the thirty-day fast. Traditionally, after sunset, believers gather in large families to eat food after a day of fasting. Women prepare food during the day, so they are allowed to taste the food as it cooks. This is strictly prohibited for men.

How to eat properly

In the first days of Ramadan, you have to fast for about 20 hours, so imams (Muslim priests) advise eating foods with a lot of fiber: oats, millet, barley, lentils, brown rice, wholemeal flour, millet, legumes. The morning menu of a Muslim woman who celebrates Uraza must necessarily consist of fruits, berries, vegetables, meat, fish, bread and dairy products.

It is better not to complicate your menu with culinary delights during Ramadan, but to give preference to light salads seasoned with yogurt or vegetable oil. Such food does not irritate the stomach, improving digestion. To make it easier to hold the Uraz, broths made from lean beef, chicken, lean fish or vegetables are useful. During Ramadan, women should refrain from fried foods, completely replacing them with steamed or stewed foods. When preparing food, you need to dose the following products that stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid, which irritates the stomach walls:

For dinner, Muslims are advised to cook low-calorie dishes and not get too carried away with meat. During the day during Uraza it is forbidden to drink water, but after sunset it is advisable to drink 2 to 3 liters of water to replenish the water balance. Nutritionists, while observing Uraza, call for the exclusion of carbonated drinks, replacing them with natural juices, mineral water, and herbal teas.

The obligatory prayer for all Muslims who observe Uraza is Tarawih prayer. Her time begins after the night Isha prayer and ends shortly before dawn. It is better to read Namaz Tarawih together with other believers, but if this is not possible, then it is permissible to read the prayer individually. In general, Islam is a religion that welcomes attendance at collective prayers, and the mosque promotes communication when joint prayers are performed that praise Allah and the Prophet Muhammad while reading the Koran.

What not to do - prohibitions

Prohibitions during the period when Muslims observe Uraza are divided into strict and undesirable. Strict prohibitions refer to actions that violate fasting and require mandatory compensation for one day of Ramadan for 60 days of continuous fasting at any other time. These include: deliberate eating, vomiting and sexual intercourse. Also, during Uraza you cannot take medicines, capsules, tablets, give injections, drink alcohol or smoke. Undesirable actions in Ramadan that require only replenishment (1 day of fasting per violation) include:

  1. Eating out of forgetfulness.
  2. Involuntary vomiting.
  3. Swallowing anything that is not medicine or food.
  4. Touching the husband, kissing that does not lead to sexual intercourse.

At what age do girls start fasting?

A girl begins to keep the Uraz when she comes of age. A Muslim child reaches puberty when he reaches 15 years of age. Girls are allowed to fast earlier if they are menstruating or have their own desire. If all of the above signs are absent, then according to Muslim customs the girl should not fast.

It is now difficult to overestimate the importance of a 30-day fast for human health. Even science has proven that by fasting, the human body is cleansed of excess weight, salts, bile, under-oxidized metabolic products, and breathing is normalized. The experience of centuries shows that Uraza is the most effective method of getting rid of various chronic diseases: allergies, gallstones, osteochondrosis and migraines. During fasting, defense mechanisms are enhanced, the immune system is stimulated, and the aging process is delayed.

Beginners need to know that during this month all sorts of excesses are excluded, and there are special rules for the intake of food and liquids. Immediately after sunset, the fasting person eats only light food, and a couple of hours before dawn - a dense meal. Such food is considered godly, and therefore serves for the forgiveness of sins. At the evening meal, it is advisable that a mullah or a person who knows the Koran well be present; he will read surahs and talk about the deeds of God. Small talk is not prohibited during the evening breaking of the fast.

Is it possible to keep Uraza for pregnant and lactating women?

Women in the postpartum period or during menstruation do not observe Uraza - this is confirmed by the corresponding Sunnahs. As for pregnant and nursing mothers, they can completely or selectively refuse fasting at their own discretion, especially if they are afraid for their or their child’s health. As for making up for a missed post, the woman makes this decision on her own.

Eid without complete ablution

Sometimes, for some independent reason, a woman does not have a complete ablution, and fasting has already begun. For example, menstruation ended at night, or marital intimacy took place, or the spouses overslept the morning meal. This should not bother a woman in any way, because complete ablution and observance of Uraza are in no way interconnected with each other. Ritual purity is needed only for performing namaz.

When do you get your period?

According to the rules of Islam, during menstruation, Uraza must be interrupted in any case, regardless of marital status and age. Prayers and namaz are not performed, since the woman does not have ritual purity. According to the rules, the missed days of fasting at the end of Ramadan must be made up one to one in a row or in a breakdown at the discretion of the Muslim woman. But the woman does not make up for missed prayers.

What to do if it’s hard to keep Uraza in the heat

When the month of Ramadan falls in the summer heat, it is very difficult for Muslims to keep Uraz, because on hot days thirst increases, and refusal of water can negatively affect human health. Moreover, during a 30-day fast, it is forbidden not only to drink, but even to rinse your mouth, because drops of water can get into the stomach. In this case, Islam gives some concessions for pregnant women, children, travelers, the elderly and seriously ill people.

Fast one day or with breaks every other day

If a Muslim woman has serious illnesses, for example, diabetes, pancreatitis and others, then she can keep Uraza not every day, but every other day. Fasting is not so much abstinence from food and water as it is the promotion of spiritual growth and purification of thoughts. But if a woman can keep Uraza with such diseases, then she should eat fresh raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, not overeat, and not throw on food at the holiday of breaking the fast of Eid al-Fitr, when Ramadan ends.

Video: how to hold Uraza for the first time

When a woman holds Uraza for the first time, long before the onset of Ramadan, she needs to prepare herself for the fact that this is not a hunger strike, but a great joyful holiday, so that there is a feeling of a cheerful event. It should be remembered that the fasting person receives a reward, which during Ramadan multiplies all the good deeds of a person. And for violating Uraza without a good reason, a Muslim woman will have to pay the needy a certain amount and make up for the missed day with any day of fasting. Watch the video for advice for women starting to keep the Uraz:

Fasting for Muslim women and men in 2018

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar, the date of which changes annually. In 2018, Muslims begin to hold it on May 26, and on June 26, Muslim men and women around the world celebrate the greatest holiday of Eid al-Fitr. On this day they give alms, remember relatives and friends, and visit the graves of deceased relatives.

Fasting schedule

The pre-dawn meal (Suhur) ends 10 minutes before the morning prayer (Fajr). At the end of the evening prayer (Maghrib), you should break your fast, preferably with water and dates, after making an appeal to Allah. Night prayer is Isha, after which 20 rakats (cycles) of Tarawih prayer are performed for men, followed by Witr prayer.

12. Swallowing food remaining between the teeth, if the total mass does not equal one pea.

13. Injection into a muscle, into a vein or under the skin, but only if medically necessary.

14. Inhaling incense, even intentionally.

15. Tasting food without swallowing it.

16. Using ointments, iodine or brilliant green to disinfect or heal an open wound.

More details


Doesn't random contact with women in a store, subway, etc. break the fast?

Does accidentally touching the opposite sex (women in my case) spoil the post? Orik.

No, it doesn't spoil. This does not affect the validity of the post in any way.

In our region it is customary to greet girls by the hand. Does this affect the post in any way? Does it violate it? If so, are previous years also considered violated, regardless of whether I knew about the ban or not? Azamat.

Your fast has not been broken, but you cannot shake hands with women or girls who are not close relatives of you.

I am a gastroenterologist. During working hours, you have to palpate (feel) the patient’s abdomen. I wanted to take a vacation during the fast, but the head physician did not let me go. I adhere to the Hanafi madhhab. 1. Does such a thing spoil Taharat (ablution)? 2. Doesn't this spoil the post? Airat.

1. No. According to the scholars of the Hanafi madhhab (substantiated by reliable hadiths), the state of ritual purity in your case is not violated.

2. This does not affect the post in any way.

Visiting the dentist

Will my fast be broken if I have a tooth filled? Galymzhan.

No, it won't be broken.

On the 5th day of Ramadan I had to break my fast because I needed to have a tooth treated. Everything is fine now. May I continue my post?

Yes, definitely.

Is it possible to go to the dentist during pregnancy? This dentist himself keeps a fast and reads prayer. He claims that you can walk and treat your teeth. I have bad teeth, but I don’t want to spoil the post, and at the same time I have toothache! What should I do?

And do anesthesia injections break the fast? Kairat.

You can go to the dentist. Sick teeth need to be treated. Anesthesia can be done.

Is fasting broken when using local anesthesia during dental treatment or when installing braces? Zarina.

This does not affect the post in any way.

Visit to the gynecologist

1. Is it possible to visit a female gynecologist during fasting? I don’t want to postpone the visit, since we are planning to have a child. Every procedure I might need to do delays conceiving a child by a month.

2. Will a gynecologist’s examination (analysis, ultrasound, procedure, treatment) disrupt my fast? Zarema.


Please tell me, is fasting broken if you sleep all day and only get up for prayer? I'm on vacation. Rasul.

The fast is not broken, but a sedentary lifestyle is detrimental to the human body and brain.

Yesterday I slept for a very long time, woke up two hours before iftar. Doesn't this violate the post? Alibek.

This does not break the fast, but I advise you to introduce a strict sleep and wakefulness regime, regardless of whether it is a day off or a weekday. With this discipline, your performance will increase and your immune system will strengthen.

I work the night shift and rest during the day. Therefore, I often skip prayers, although I later restore them. Is this acceptable? And what should I do during the month of Ramadan? R., 20 years old.

If you are free during the day, then I see no reason why you would have to skip prayers. The same applies to fasting. By the way, sleep does not break fasting.

A person observing fasting works the night shift and sleeps during the day. Will he receive the same reward as someone who is active during the day? Lena.

If this is his work schedule, then yes, of course. Let me just remind you that sleeping more than 8–9 hours a day is harmful, as is sleeping less than 7.

Sprays, drops and inhalers

I have had allergies for 2 years now, my eyes itch, and my nose often gets clogged, so I use nasal drops. I read that nasal drops break the fast because they go down the throat. But I still fast because I think it all depends on the intention. After all, even if the drops pass through my throat, my thirst is not quenched. Ulan.

You're right. The drops do not violate the validity of the fast.

Is it possible to use nasal drops during fasting (during the day) (they do not go into the mouth), and also do inhalations? Aisha.

The holy month of Ramadan is coming soon, and I have started to have allergies - I’m sneezing, my nose is stuffy, etc. Can I use sprays or drops to ease my breathing during fasting? Aibek.

During fasting, I have a runny nose, I have to constantly blow my nose, and I use nasal spray. I’m not sick, I feel fine, and it’s not at all difficult for me to keep the fast. But I had my doubts. Does a runny nose break my fast? Lilya.

No, it doesn't.


Please tell me, if I accidentally cut my finger and it bled, was my fast broken?

This has nothing to do with the post. The fast has not been broken.

Is it true that blood breaks the fast? For example, you cut yourself accidentally or take blood from your finger for testing. Ibrahim.

No, that's not true.

Does fasting spoil when donating blood? Zainab.

Donating blood does not break the fast.


Can I use lip balm while fasting? Lips get very dry.

It's possible if you don't eat it. I'm sure lip balm is not a food product.

Is it possible to paint my lips if I'm crazy? Mavzuna.

Yes, you can.

Can I use salicylic alcohol based face lotion while fasting? L.


Is hunting allowed during the month of Ramadan? Ramil, 29 years old.

Yes, if there is appropriate permission from government agencies.

During the month of Ramadan, the waterfowl hunting season opens. Is it possible to go hunting or is it better to abstain? F.

Injections (shots, droppers)

Is the fast broken if I give intramuscular injections twice a day? Rashid, 22 years old.

Do intramuscular and intravenous injections break fasting?

No, if there is a medical or medical need for it.

Does taking a medical solution into a vein through an IV break the fast?

If there is a medical need during the treatment process, then the fast is not broken. If the solution nourishes the body with vitamins, being a general tonic, and is used specifically for this purpose, then you should abstain.


Is it possible to take biologically active supplements (dietary supplements) during Ramadan? Almira.

After sunset and before dawn - it is possible if they do not contain anything explicitly prohibited (haram).

Is it possible for a fasting woman to knit during Ramadan? Zalina.

Yes, sure.

Is it possible to have your ears pierced while fasting? Ayna.

Is it possible to cut your hair during the holiday? Arthur.

Can I cut and dye my hair while fasting? Diana.

Is it possible to play cards during the holiday? Talgat.

For what? Read, for example, Gleb Arkhangelsky’s book “Time Drive” (or listen to its audio version) and begin to treat time more responsibly.

Playing cards does not affect the validity of the fast.

Is it possible to clean your ears while fasting? Elena.

Yes, sure.

Is it possible to swallow phlegm during an uraza?

I have the initial stage of sinusitis, so my nose is constantly stuffy. Nasal mucus goes into the throat and it is uncontrollable! I hope my post is not broken because of this.

The fast is not broken. And to prevent sinusitis, you need to move more - at least one kilometer in the morning and one kilometer in the evening - and breathe actively at the same time.

If sand got into my nasopharynx through my nose and I swallowed it (not on purpose, I was in a dusty room), was my fast broken? Sultan.

No, not broken.

Is it permissible to take medicine after sunset during Ramadan?

Yes, sure.

What should you not do while fasting? I recently heard that the fast is broken if a person scratches his ear. What else can't you do? And how should you open a fast (break your fast)? Is it necessary to take a small ablution? Seirana.

1. Scratching the ear does not affect the validity of the fast.

2. There is no need for a small ablution before breaking the fast.

1. In mid-August, the urologist with whom I am being examined is due to return from vacation; I need to go to see him. Is it considered a violation of the fast if he performs physical procedures on me? Various antibiotics will also likely be prescribed. Can they be consumed during fasting or will the fast not be counted?

2. Will gastroscopy (examination of the stomach by inserting a tube into it) break the fast? Aslan.

1. While fasting, you will not be able to take medications during the daytime. I advise you to start treatment (medication) at the end of the month of Ramadan. As for physical procedures, this does not affect the validity of your post.

2. No, gastroscopy will not break the fast.

Is the fast broken if I am stung by a bee while working with bees in the apiary? Bee venom contains 600 useful microelements. Insaf.

The fast will not be broken.

Is it possible to hug the girl you intend to marry during Ramadan? Is it possible to kiss her? Will this break the fast? A.

Before the wedding (nikah) - it is impossible, neither during Ramadan nor outside it. But this will not break the fast.

Cases of breaking the fast

Can taking a medicine (tablet) without water break the fast? Madina.

Yes, this will break the fast.

My mother takes medicine for diabetes. Is it possible to fast while taking pills?

No, you can't.

I was stung by a wasp and needed to take two prednisolone tablets immediately. I didn't know that the pills broke the fast. Should I make up this day? Marseilles.

At the end of the month of Ramadan and the day of Eid al-Adha, make up for the broken fast one to one.

On the first day of fasting, out of ignorance and misunderstanding, I ate suhur before sunrise, and not before dawn. After reading about the post on your site, I realized the mistake and do not intend to repeat it. Will my fast for this day be accepted and should I do qada (make up for it) since I ate at the wrong time? Ainur.

Replenish one to one after the month of Ramadan at a time convenient for you, for example on a weekend.

Is smoking hookah haram and is it possible to smoke hookah during Ramadan?

Smoking a hookah is prohibited (haram) both during Ramadan and at any other time. Read the relevant material about this in my book “Men and Islam”.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “Whoever breaks the fast out of forgetfulness does not make up for it, and there is no atonement for him. [That is, having remembered the observed fast, a person stops the action that violates the fast and continues to fast. His fast has not been broken].” Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. al-Hakim and al-Baykhaki. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 517, Hadith No. 8495, “sahih”.

This hadith concerns all three points mentioned. For more details, see, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari [Code of hadiths of Imam al-Bukhari]. In 5 volumes. Beirut: al-Maktaba al-‘asriya, 1997. Vol. 2. P. 574.

“Whoever, out of forgetfulness, begins to eat or drink, ends his fast [on this day]. Truly, the Almighty fed and gave him something to drink [that is, the fast was not broken, but marked by the Lord].” Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. al-Bukhari and Muslim. See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 2. P. 574, Hadith No. 1933.

See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 3. P. 1731; al-Sha'rawi M. Al-fatawa [Fatwas]. Cairo: al-Fath, 1999. P. 115; ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 2. P. 72.

See, for example: Abu Dawud S. Sunan abi Dawud [Compendium of Hadiths of Abu Dawud]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1999. P. 270, hadiths No. 2378 and 2379, both “hasan”; Ibn Majah M. Sunan [Compendium of Hadiths]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1999. P. 184, hadith No. 1678, “sahih”; al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra. In 2 vols. T. 1. P. 305, 306.

It is reliably known that “the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did bloodletting during fasting.” Hadith from Ibn ‘Abbas; St. X. Imam al-Bukhari. See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 2. P. 576, hadiths No. 1938 and 1939; Imam Malik. Al-muwatto. Cairo: al-Hadith, 1993. Ch. 18. Part 10. P. 247, hadiths No. 30–32; Same. Beirut: Ihya al-‘ulum, 1990. P. 232, Hadith No. 662–664.

Miswak is a stick that replaces a toothbrush and toothpaste at the same time.

It is reliably known that the Prophet used a miswak during fasting. See, for example: Al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra. In 2 volumes. T. 1. P. 329.

You can refrain from using toothpaste during fasting. B O Most scientists say that if it enters the stomach, it breaks the fast. If a person uses it, they must be careful not to swallow it. See, for example: Al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra. In 2 vols. T. 1. P. 329, 330; ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 1. P. 112.

For more information about this, see the material “Oral hygiene during fasting.”

See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 2. P. 574; al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 3. P. 1731; ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 1. P. 97, 98.

Imam al-Bukhari cites in his collection of hadiths several cases from the life of the companions and representatives of the next generation after them that they carried out various water procedures during fasting. See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 2. P. 573.

For more information about this, see the material “Rinsing your mouth and showering during fasting.”

Intentional inhalation of tobacco smoke, that is, smoking cigarettes or hookahs, breaks the fast. Read more about the permissibility of smoking cigarettes and hookahs from the point of view of Muslim canons in my book “Men and Islam” or on the website.

If blood or drugs are evidently ingested, the fast is broken. An exception may be cases where something extremely insignificant gets into the larynx or esophagus along with saliva, which is closer to suspiciousness than to the obvious ingestion of blood or medicine.

Self-induction of vomiting, in which the oral cavity is filled with vomit, as well as deliberate ingestion of vomit, break the fast. In this case, it will be necessary to replenish it. See, for example: Ibn Majah M. Sunan [Code of Hadith]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1999. P. 183, hadith No. 1676, “sahih”.

For more information about this, see the material “Vomiting during fasting.”

See, for example: ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 1. P. 107, 109, as well. T. 2. P. 89.

As for enemas, in all cases they break the fast. The majority thinks so. See, for example: ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 1. P. 108.

I will mention, however, that there is a reasonable opinion of major and respected imams, such as Ibn Hazma, Ibn Taymiyya and others, that enemas Not break the fast. In exceptional cases, one can, I believe, use this opinion. See, for example: Al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra. In 2 vols. T. 1. P. 305, 306; Shaltut M. Al-fatawa [Fatwas]. Cairo: al-Shuruk, 2001. pp. 136, 137. The basis for this opinion is that the prohibition during fasting concerns food and drink that enters the stomach through the larynx, and therefore there is no point in prohibiting what enters the human body in other ways.

See, for example: ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 1. P. 103, as well. T. 2. P. 88; al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra. In 2 vols. T. 1. P. 305, 306.

For more information about this, see, for example: Al-‘Askalani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-Bukhari [Opening by the Creator (for a person to understand something new) through comments to the set of hadiths of al-Bukhari]. In 18 volumes. Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, 2000. Vol. 5. pp. 192, 193.

See, for example: Al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra. In 2 vols. T. 1. P. 305, 306; Shaltut M. Al-fatawa. pp. 136, 137.

See, for example: ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 1. P. 108.

Most often, two types of suppositories are used: vaginal and rectal. The first of them are usually used to treat various diseases of the female genital organs. And suppositories intended for insertion into the rectum can be divided into two groups. The first group includes those suppositories that act at the injection site. They may have, for example, an antihemorrhoidal effect. The second group includes suppositories, which are like substitutes for tablets. That is, the medicinal substances from them are absorbed, enter the blood and affect the entire body. The same substance, produced in tablets and suppositories, passes through the body in different ways. The medicine that enters the stomach and intestines is affected by many digestive enzymes. And the medicine that gets into the rectum is absorbed directly into the blood, bypassing the liver; it does not have to “pass” through the entire digestive tract. See:

See: 'Ali Jum'a M. Fatawa 'asriya. T. 1. P. 93; al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra. In 2 vols. T. 1. P. 305, 306; Shaltut M. Al-fatawa. pp. 136, 137.

The basis for this opinion is that the prohibition during fasting concerns food and drink that enters the stomach through the larynx, and therefore there is no point in prohibiting what enters the human body through other routes.

See, for example: Al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra. In 2 vols. T. 1. P. 305.

See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 2. P. 574; al-‘Askalyani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. In 18 vols. T. 5. P. 194, 195; al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra. T. 1. P. 305, 306; Shaltut M. Al-fatawa. pp. 136, 137.

See, for example: ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 1. P. 109; al-Buty R. Mashurat ijtima‘iyya [Advice to people]. Damascus: al-Fikr, 2001. P. 39.

See, for example: Mahmoud A. Fatawa [Fatwas]. In 2 vols. Cairo: al-Ma'arif, [b. G.]. T. 2. P. 51; ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 1. P. 103, as well. T. 2. P. 88; al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra. In 2 vols. T. 1. P. 305, 306.

See, for example: ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 1. P. 107, 109, and also T. 2. P. 89; al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra. In 2 vols. T. 1. P. 305, 306; Shaltut M. Al-fatawa. pp. 136, 137.

Every person has probably heard about Muslim fasting during the month of Ramadan, whether he considers himself a Muslim or a follower of another religion.
The first and, in my opinion, main reason for fasting is the pleasure of the Almighty. Eid is a direct order from Allah and must be followed by every Muslim. Addressing the faithful in the Quran, the Great Allah commands:
“O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, just as it was prescribed for those who came before you (Jews and Christians), so perhaps you will fear God!” (Quran: Sura 2, Ayat 183).

The second reason to fast is that it helps improve human health. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) says in one of his Hadiths: “Fast – it will improve your health.” Any Muslim had no doubt about these words. However, non-Muslims did not really believe in this.
How to keep your spirits up.

We have analyzed two main reasons to keep the post. I want to point out some important points on how to do this.
The first element of the prayer is niyat or the intention to fast in the name of the Lord. During Ramadan, from night to noon, a Muslim must - mentally or out loud - pronounce in any language and in any wording his intention to fast for the sake of Allah during the coming day. However, without this intention, the uraza is considered invalid.
The second important point is abstaining from food, drink and sexual intercourse from dawn to sunset. If a person deliberately swallows even a little water or food, then the food will spoil.
The time of abstinence begins approximately 2 hours before dawn and lasts until sunset. (The times of dawn and sunset can be found in any calendar, or in the city mosque).

The following things invalidate a post:
1. Intentional eating or drinking.
2. Intentional vomiting.
3. Female bleeding, even if it happened at the last moment before sunset.
4. Male defilement as a result of kissing his wife, hugging, etc.

However, the following is not considered a violation of fasting:

1. Eating or drinking by mistake or forgetfulness, as well as under duress, does not require compensation or atonement, but simply continues to fast.
2. Unintentional vomiting is also not considered a violation of the fast.

During iftar (meal in the evening) you can say the following prayer: “Lord, for your sake I kept the fast and with your food I broke my fast, my thirst disappeared, and my veins were filled with moisture, and may I be given my due (reward), if it is Your will ".

Ramadan is a month in which it is more necessary than ever to trust in the Lord, remember Him more often, do good deeds and improve your soul.

While many prominent doctors of our time successfully practice fasting treatment, Islam has long established this and obliges all Muslims to fast in the Holy month of Ramadan.
So let's keep up the spirit together, and Allah, if it is His will, will reward us for this! Amen.

Ramadan is the holy month of obligatory fasting for Muslims, and it was during this time that the Koran was revealed to people. During this month, millions of people around the world fast from eating, read the Qur'an and pay obligatory charity (Zakat al-Fitr). Iftar is an evening meal that begins immediately after sunset. According to the 2009 census, 70 percent of the population in Kazakhstan is Muslim. Iskander Salikhojaev decided to tell how Oraza is kept in Kazakhstan, what they eat for iftar (the evening meal that begins immediately after sunset), and also about how best to observe fasting.

According to the Gregorian calendar there are 365 days in a year, according to the Hijri (Islamic lunar calendar) - 354, so Ramadan goes through all cycles in 33 years, shifting by ten days every year. It is easiest to keep Oraza in winter, when the days are shorter. In the hot summer, when the time from dawn to dusk is approximately 18-19 hours, only the most devoted fast. During fasting, you should completely abstain from daily intake of water and food, as well as from intimate relationships.

Ramadan, bank branch director:

– During my school and student years, I kept Oraza, but recently, due to various circumstances, I have not been able to keep the fast. It is believed that fasting is most difficult in the summer - the time between meals is 18 hours. And although I had health problems (high blood pressure), this year I decided that I would fast.

Aigerim, the wife of Ramadan, prepared manti for Iftar. These are special manti, practically fat-free, dietary. And although Aigerim does not hold Oraza herself, she wakes up every night to prepare saresi for her husband - a meal before dawn. According to the prophet, a fasting person must take saresi, if not with food, then at least with a glass of water, for there is grace in it.

Traditionally, the evening meal begins with water and dates.

“The most important thing is the right attitude,” Ramazan shares his secrets. – I recommend not to drink anything sweet, it is advisable to give preference to water and dried fruit compote. I also recommend eating dates, they give a lot of energy. Fresh salads, which are high in fiber, are also good.

– There is a misconception that you must eat a hearty meal at Iftar. But this is not so, you should not overeat, eat in the usual quantities. Consider yourself simply changing your eating schedule from day to night.

Meilan, store manager:

– I’ve been keeping Oraza for 19 years. I started fasting as a child, it was not difficult, besides, it was in winter and only 12 hours - from 6 to 18.00. In summer, of course, it is much more difficult in terms of water and heat. But there are no particular difficulties with my current job, since I work in an air-conditioned office.

Meilana's sister made khinkali today.

Before the meal, Meylan reads the evening prayer. Muslims believe that during this holy month the jinn and the devil are bound and the gates of heaven are opened. This helps the believer overcome his own passion and educate himself morally.

Then the eldest daughter Ayat brings him dinner.

– I don’t make any special restrictions when it comes to food; I eat whatever is prepared. Of course, I try not to indulge in salty foods and fish,” says Meilan.

It’s not difficult to hold an oraza; it’s important to have the right mindset and cast aside all doubts. And most importantly, you must pronounce niyat (intention) every day that you are going to fast, sincerely, for the sake of Allah. Niyah is said between night and morning prayers.

Aini, worker:

– I came here from Tajikistan, we have unemployment in our country, and therefore many of our citizens are forced to work on construction sites in Kazakhstan and Russia.

– Oraza in Tajik will be Rose. I have been fasting for several years in a row, now I don’t even remember when I started.

– Our food is usually prepared by the owner of the house where we are doing renovations. But today we cooked it ourselves.

– For Iftar we have fried potatoes, flatbread and watermelon. Watermelon is very juicy, but not as tasty as in our homeland.

– I have a large family in Tajikistan - parents, wife and three children. My youngest daughter was born a month ago, I haven’t even seen her yet. If I were at home on Orazu, my mother would prepare me delicious pilaf and green tea with baklava. But here we have to eat right at the construction site. This is a test we must pass.

– We work for a long time under the scorching sun, and therefore it is very difficult to keep the fast: you sweat a lot and feel thirsty. But I found a way out - I douse myself with water two or three times a day right in my clothes. This is not prohibited, the main thing is not to drink the water. And clothes dry quickly.

Bauyrzhan, shop assistant:

“I tried to hold Oraza several times, but it didn’t work. The last time I started fasting was in 2010, but then I worked in a carpentry shop and was very tired, as there was a lot of workload. One day I fainted and was told to stop fasting or I would cause harm to my health.

– This time, I think I will succeed. At first I doubted it, but after the first week I got used to it.

Bauyrzhan’s mother cooked pilaf today and bought tandoor samsa.

– I know that in some Islamic countries, during the month of Ramadan, a special schedule has been introduced for workers - they work half a day or do not work at all. But we have a secular state, so this is impossible - they will fire you immediately.

Vyacheslav (Mahmud), a gas-electric welder, has been holding Orazu for the fifth year:

– In one of the hadiths, the Prophet Muhammad said: “There are two joys in this world. The first is when a person is in a hurry to make iftar, and the second is the reward for holding Oraza.” Oraza is good in everything, it is the mercy of the Almighty, the forgiveness of sins. And it is also very good for health.

– I start Iftar with water and dates, preferably the water should be melted. After freezing, it has a special taste, softer and fresher, like new. It is also advisable to eat talkan (crushed millet), it is very well absorbed by the body, and it is easy for a person to tolerate Oraza.

– The most important thing is with what intention a person holds Oraza. He must understand that he is doing this not because his father or everyone around him did it, but to gain the mercy of the Almighty. When this realization comes, it will be easy to hold Oraza.

Dinara, journalist. Orazu has been holding for more than 10 years:

– Many people are mistaken in believing that fasting only means not eating food. It seems to me that there is a deeper meaning in this - it is spiritual cleansing, summing up and rethinking the results of the year, fighting one’s weaknesses and vices. And most importantly, fasting is maintained for the sake of Allah. If a person performs hajj or namaz for himself, then he holds Oraza for the sake of the Almighty.

During Ramadan, after meals and night prayer, an additional tarawih prayer is performed, consisting of 8 or 20 rak'ahs.

– For me, the onset of the month of Ramadan is a holiday that you look forward to. It is gratifying to see many young people in mosques who come to taraweeh (prayer). It is especially pleasant that now almost all mosques have created conditions for women, and there are separate places for prayer.

Today relatives invited Dinara to auyzashar. During the month of Ramadan, people, even those who do not observe Eid, hold ayzashar in their homes and invite friends and neighbors.

Despite the fact that 70% of the population is Muslim, most people have little understanding of the intricacies of Sharia law. Along with those who fast, those who do not fast are also called, which is erroneous.

In Kazakhstan, it is a widespread practice to give auyzashar on behalf of businessmen, akims, and even the president. It is believed that the one who gives the auyzashar receives a reward equal to that received by the one holding the Oraza. Fasting has great social significance, since at this time wealthy people remember people in need and help them. Many mosques set tables with free food.

Ramadan ends with the three-day holiday of Eid al-Adha. Muslims and their families go to the mosque for Eid prayer. All three days in each house, guests are greeted by generously laid tables. These days, alms are distributed and all Muslims ask each other for forgiveness for past grievances.

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In this blessed month, everyone has the best opportunity to correct their life, start it anew, cleansing their heart and mind from bad thoughts and actions. This month is a great mercy, and only a fool will pass by without at least trying to rid himself of the burden of sins.

Everyone knows that Ramadan is also called the month of fasting, a lot is said about this every year, many books and recommendations have been written for those who still decide to cleanse themselves, but have little knowledge. During this month, a huge number of people rush to worship and return to the path of truth. Someone decides to fast for the first time and stands up for prayer for the first time.

It’s wonderful when there are people nearby who can support, teach, explain and explain, but it’s even more wonderful to know that for this kind of help people on both sides will receive a great reward from our Creator.

How to maintain good hygiene during the month of Ramadan

All about Ramadan
Everything you need to know when fasting in the month of Ramadan
Woman in Ramadan
How to make your husband happy during Ramadan?
I am fasting, but my husband wants love
About kissing during fasting
Best Food for Iftar in Ramadan
Ramadan is a month of fasting and prayer, not a "festival of the stomach"
Stop smoking during Ramadan!
Who can avoid fasting during Ramadan?
Ramadan: should children fast?
About fasting in Ramadan in questions and answers
Fasting in Ramadan according to the Hanafi madhhab
Paying Zakat-ul-Fitr at the end of Ramadan fasting
month of the Quran
How to behave in the month of Ramadan?
Ramadan is sweeping the planet

Taking this opportunity, I would like, by the will of the Almighty, to at least try to help someone during this blessed period in the life of the Islamic community. In order to make it easier for us to receive useful knowledge during fasting, to make it easier to do good deeds, our body must be healthy, strong, resistant to difficulties, and we, in turn, must strive in every possible way to help our own body cope with these difficulties.

5 steps to Ramadan

Dua before the start of Ramadan

Dua on the night of Laylat-ul-Qadr

5 rewards per post

Top 5 – fruits against thirst in Ramadan

Is it possible to perform Taraweeh if there are missed Farz prayers?

Zakat ul Fitr - Zakat in Ramadan