Group design on a winter theme. Interior teaching experience applique decoration of a reception room in a kindergarten with your own hands

Teacher of MADOU No. 203 “Combined kindergarten”, Kemerovo.

This work is intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions, this is the design of a group and a reception area.

A kindergarten is a special institution; it is practically a second home for its employees and children. And you always want to make your home cozy and warm. The lack of financial resources to purchase various equipment and games contributes to the development of teachers’ creativity.

This is my second year working in my group. The group arrived unkempt. But I tried to do everything possible to make the children comfortable and interesting, so that they enjoyed every day they lived in our group.

Design “Our group”. The squirrel and the umbrella are made of ceiling slabs, painted with water-based paint with the addition of multi-colored colors.

Also in the reception area there was a stand for children and parents “Do not bring to kindergarten” (as practice shows, this is very useful information).

To congratulate the children on their birthday, I made a cake with candles from corrugated paper.

Algorithm for dressing (we hang clothes according to the seasons) and putting clothes in a locker.

This is the “Funny Pencils” design for the art corner.

I make a lot of benefits from waste material. Pencil in the corner of Fine Art (from toilet paper rolls).

These are the attributes for the plot - role playing games“Shop”, “Daughters - mothers: dumplings, dumplings, fried eggs, cakes, pastries, sausages, noodles, carrots.

The decoration of the play corner is also made of ceiling tiles and painted with water-based paint.

Corner for studying and consolidating traffic rules.

Corner “We are on duty” and “Learning to set the table.”

Corner “Mumming” and “Barbershop”.

This is our “Hospital”.

Decoration of the “Nature” corner.

Educational zone and mini-museum “Burenushka”.

Design of the Cognition Center.

Do you want to make an interesting design for a kindergarten group? Look for ideas in the article.

For preschool children, kindergarten is a second home. Here they eat, study, play, and relax.

  • Therefore, all areas in the room where the babies are located should not only be cozy and beautiful, but also attractive to the child, as this shapes the mental and physiological state of the baby.
  • The development of the child as an individual, aesthetically and artistically, also depends on the interior design.
  • Decoration of zones in a group kindergarten- This is an important component of pedagogical work. Every teacher should remember this.
  • In this article you will find ideas for the correct and beautiful design of walls, cabinets and other blocks of the room where children are. It is also important that with the change of seasons, the design of the group also changes. We will show you photos and templates that will help make the group beautiful, depending on the age of the kids.

Beautiful group design in kindergarten: design rules, recommendations

Each teacher knows the characteristics of children at a certain age. This should be taken into account when decorating different blocks and corners in the room. Here are the rules and some recommendations for beautifully and correctly decorating a group in a kindergarten:

  • When decorating, take into account not only the age of the children, but also the size of the room, its features and the equipment you have available. The room should be bright, spacious and cozy, and this can be achieved by creating a bright and colorful interior.
  • Use for decoration ready-made kits stands. You can make them yourself using the templates that you will find below. The stands are easy to work with; you can hang menus, children’s daily routines, group lists and other useful information on them.
  • There should be little furniture, more play space for children. But at the same time, you need to create a study area with tables and chairs.
  • Create an interior in a group in a single thematic direction. For example, it could be a sea, space, fairy-tale or forest theme. But combinations are also allowed different options. This will depend on the imagination and materials that are available.
  • Themes from fairy tales and cartoons are suitable for decorating the room.. It is important to pay attention not only to the aesthetics of decoration, but also to modern educational purposes.
  • Create a corner where children can display their creative achievements: crafts and drawings. He should be in the field of view of mothers and fathers coming to pick up their children, so that they can admire their child’s achievements and praise him.

Advice: Involve parents in organizing the group. This will help create creative ideas and decorate the interior uniquely, brightly and beautifully.

Parents who know how to paint real landscapes, take unique photographs, or work with computer programs should help teachers decorate the kindergarten group.

Ideas for beautiful spring decoration, junior, nursery, middle and senior groups: photos, templates

In the spring, after a long and cold winter, you want to create a festive mood and therefore the interior children's room should be done in warm colors. Here are ideas for a beautiful spring design for junior, nursery, middle and senior groups, with photos and templates:

The spring mood is created by hanging garlands of green paper leaves and a girl made of fabric in the role of spring. Excellent design for a group of children of different ages.

This design can be done on any wall. Flowers made of bright fabric and swallows made of paper - everything is simple and quick.

Original design walls by March 8th. Find paper flower templates below. The number 8 is covered with fabric on which beads and rhinestones are sewn. The flowers are attached to the wall using double-sided tape.

The idea of ​​a beautiful spring decoration for junior, nursery, middle and senior groups for March 8

"Red spring has come." With this design you can organize a spring celebration. The vines attached to the ceiling are strips cut in a circle, and on the wall there are flowers and butterflies drawn and cut out by the children.

This is how you can decorate a group for Easter. Children will be happy to help you draw and cut out small details: flowers, easter eggs. Great decoration for toddlers: large objects that you can touch with your hands and a fairy chicken - she brought Easter eggs.

The idea of ​​a beautiful spring decoration for a junior nursery group for Easter

Here are the decoration templates:

Beautiful summer design ideas for junior, nursery, middle and senior groups: photos, templates

Any themes from cartoons and fairy tales are suitable for summer group decoration. Insert palm trees, green grass and bright sunny colors into the landscape - here you have summer - warm and carefree. Photos and templates with beautiful summer design ideas for junior, nursery, middle and senior groups:

This wall design is suitable for children in the nursery and younger groups. Ask creative parents to draw animals and just sit them next to each other. Now we have the plot of our favorite cartoon. On the left in the picture is a whole life that “boils” in a big fairy-tale city.

Ordinary indoor flowers act as palm trees on the wall. The butterfly templates are below and the turtle template can be found below. Simple design, but very creative and original.

Marine theme- this is summer, sun, fish and sea. In such an interior, the child will seem to find himself in the middle of the ocean with its inhabitants and fauna.

Cartoon design for a nursery group. Summer theme, fairy-tale heroes, cartoon plot - all this will appeal to any child from 1.5 years old. Naturally, either the teachers themselves or creative parents can paint the walls this way.

Creative design study corner kids. Multi-colored sun and frames with pictures - simple, but how eye-catching.

Here is a turtle template for the second interior design option. She will settle down perfectly on a hill, between the palm trees, and will delight with her cheerful appearance. Just print it on a color printer on paper the right size and stick it on the wall.

Ideas for beautiful autumn decoration, junior, nursery, middle and senior groups: photos, templates

Autumn pleases with its bright colors. This can be used in interior design. Below are photos, templates with ideas for beautiful autumn design, junior, nursery, middle and senior groups:

Such crafts can be made with older children, and then they can be used to decorate the room. Ordinary yogurt glasses, leaves cut out of colored cardboard and decorated with beads and satin bows. Add a smile to the leaves and they will delight you with their cheerful mood.

Again, crafts, but children of the middle or junior group can do them. These leaves and birch trunks can be used to decorate a wall in a group.

Autumn in the form of a girl is symbolic and perfect for decorating a kindergarten. This “picture” can be used to decorate a wall or a separate corner in a group.

The umbrella on the ceiling does not at all remind you of rainy weather. It complements the leaf decorations. The only thing is that you need to securely attach it to the ceiling so that it does not fall.

In this design, a whole autumn plot unfolds - bright, colorful, with forest inhabitants. Decorate any corner in a group like this: a play area, a study area, or in the entrance area.

Here are the leaf and mushroom templates for crafts:

Ideas for beautiful winter decoration, junior, nursery, middle and senior groups: photos, templates

Children associate winter with snow and the New Year. This should be used to decorate the group’s interior. Photos, templates, ideas for beautiful winter decoration, junior, nursery, middle and senior groups:

Any teacher can make such a tree. Templates for bullfinches are below. All you have to do is print them out, cut them out and give them to the kids to color. Snowflakes will add a winter mood.

Ideas for beautiful winter decoration for junior, nursery, middle and senior groups

Here is an original winter decoration for the entrance group of a children's room. Add a few drawings or applications that the children made to the wall, and it will be clear that creative and well-rounded children are growing up here.

This decoration can be made in a nursery or younger group. The main thing is to draw a hare on a large sheet of paper and make a blue background. Children will make real snow themselves using white paint. The little ones' handprints look like a real snowstorm in the forest.

“Even though we are kids, we decorate the group with all our hearts!” - this is how you can sign the application made by the teacher with the children. The snowman and the hare are glued together from paper blanks using children’s hands - it’s original, and you’ll never immediately think that these are children’s hands.

This decoration is real winter, made by a creative teacher. Here you will need a little tulle and thin white lining fabric. Everything is simple, but how original.

How to beautifully decorate the walls in a kindergarten with your own hands?

Many ideas for decorating group walls in different seasons have been published above. Choose any one and create real masterpieces yourself or together with your children. Below are a few more photos that will help you beautifully decorate the walls in a kindergarten with your own hands:

Applications on the walls can be made together with children, but to create drawings, you will have to involve parents.

Beautiful design for the “Pochemuchki” group in kindergarten: ideas, photos, templates

The name of the group can be hung above the door in the entrance group. You can print ready-made templates on a color printer, stick them on cardboard, and hang them where you need them. Beautiful group design "Why Chicks"

Beautiful decoration for the “Pochemuchki” group in kindergarten: ideas, photos, templates

Beautiful decoration for the “Pochemuchki” group in kindergarten: ideas, photos

Beautiful decoration for the group “Pochemuchki” in kindergarten: ideas

A beautiful decoration for the group “Pochemuchki” in kindergarten

A beautiful decoration for the group “Pochemuchki”

Beautiful design for the “Rowanka” group in kindergarten: ideas, photos, templates

Group "Pock" should be decorated in the style of nature: natural materials, forest inhabitants, berries. Involve children and their parents in the design of the room. They will definitely suggest something creative and beautiful. Beautiful group design "Pock" in kindergarten - ideas, photos, templates:
Beautiful decoration for the group “Rowan” in kindergarten: ideas

Beautiful decoration for the group “Rowan” in kindergarten

Beautiful decoration for the group “Rowan”

Beautiful design of the “Rainbow” group in kindergarten: ideas, photos, templates

The “rainbow” group should be bright and beautiful. It should stand out from other groups with its rich interior design. Beautiful group design "Rainbow"
Beautiful decoration for the Rainbow group in kindergarten: ideas

Beautiful decoration for the Rainbow group in kindergarten

Beautiful decoration for the Rainbow group

Beautiful design for the “Firefly” group in kindergarten: ideas, photos, templates

Even if you get an unkempt group, don’t be upset. Name her "Firefly" and make an original interior decoration. Print the templates on a color printer and hang them on the walls. Beautiful group design "Firefly" in kindergarten - ideas, photos, templates:

Beautiful decoration for the “Firefly” group in kindergarten: ideas, photos, templates

Beautiful decoration for the “Firefly” group in kindergarten: ideas, photos

Beautiful decoration for the Firefly group in kindergarten: ideas

Children are the most valuable wealth for every person. You should try and use as many of your creative resources and imagination as possible to ensure that the kids in kindergarten feel comfortable.

Video: Design of kindergarten groups

Master class on decorating a group room for a kindergarten New Year's party"Winter Forest".

Author: Natalya Nikolaevna Pukanova, teacher at the Listvyansky kindergarten, Ryazan district, Ryazan region.
The master class will be of interest to preschool teachers, parents, and teachers primary classes, music directors and creative people who are looking for decoration ideas New Year's interior.
Target: Create a New Year's decoration for a group room with your own hands in the style of a winter forest.
Purpose: Using this New Year’s interior for a matinee at a preschool educational institution
Tasks: Creating a festive atmosphere in preschool educational institution group, decorating a group room with your own hands, joint activities preschool teachers and parents, development of fantasy and imagination.

Enchantress in Winter
Bewitched, the forest stands -
And under the snow fringe,
motionless, mute,
He shines with a wonderful life.

And he stands, bewitched, -
Not dead and not alive -
Enchanted by a magical dream,
All entangled, all shackled
Light chain down...
Fedor Tyutchev
Materials and equipment :
White paper for snowflakes, scissors, pencil, chalk, brown fabric (random size depending on the size of the tree trunk), green corrugated paper, Christmas tree tinsel, single-pin pins.
Fabric is used to drape the wall.

Stages of work execution:

1. Cut out snowflakes.
We will need at least 16 snowflakes of different sizes for each of the 2 trees, about 30 large ones for decorating snowdrifts and about 10 small ones for “snowfall”

For snowflakes, fold white paper cut into squares diagonally, then fold the resulting triangle in half, and then in thirds (it’s quite easy to cut through this many layers)

We draw the outline of the snowflake with a pencil. Here you need to use your imagination; it is not at all necessary that the snowflakes have the same pattern.

Cut it out.

Let's expand.

We make the required number of snowflakes (about 70 pieces). At this stage, the participation of parents is very welcome. The more interesting it will be for them to then find “their” snowflakes against the general background.
2. We make a pencil sketch of a tree trunk on paper and use it as a pattern (if it is not possible to do this directly on the fabric), or immediately on the fabric (folded in half) we draw the contours of the tree trunk with chalk, mark the position of the branches. The height of the tree is optional.

Cut out 2 trunks at once

3. We make Christmas trees from corrugated paper. There will also be 2 of them.

We cut a square piece of paper from the roll, trim it to a triangle. This will be the top of the tree. We make the lower part wavy. The second tier has the shape of a rectangle, and we also make its lower part wavy. The third, lower tier, is also rectangular in shape, but slightly larger in width, and also has a wavy bottom edge. The height of the tiers is equal to the height of a roll of corrugated paper. We make all the details in pairs (we need 2 Christmas trees)

We make tucks along the upper cut of the tiers and pin them with single-rod pins.

We attach Christmas tree tinsel to the wavy lower cut of the tiers using the same single-rod pins.
4. We begin to design the composition on the fabric. We place the trunks and Christmas trees in the places we need and pin them with pins.

We form snowdrifts from large snowflakes along the lower edge of the woven drawstring.
We decorate the crown of trees from snowflakes.

The finishing touch is a few small snowflakes floating in the sky and falling to the ground.

Now our festive scene is ready for the holiday, all that remains is to decorate the Christmas tree and wait for the arrival of Grandfather Frost...

Project “New Year, at the Gates”. New Year's decoration groups in preschool educational institutions.

Winter has brightened up...
Winter has brightened up:
The headdress has fringe
From transparent ice floes,
Snowflake stars.

All covered in diamonds, pearls,
In colorful lights,
The radiance is pouring around,
Whispers a spell:

Lie down, soft snows,
To the forests and meadows,
Cover the paths
Leave the branches down!

On the windows, Santa Claus,
Scatter crystal roses
Light visions
Tricky gossip.

You, blizzard, are a miracle,
Round dances of the backwaters,
Take off like a white whirlwind
Turning gray in the field!

Sleep, my land, sleep,
Keep your magical dreams:
Wait, she’s dressed in brocade,

New dawn!
M. Pozharov

Every year, in anticipation of New Year's holidays, our group’s premises are dressed up in festive decorations. In December 2015, with the help of our parents, we decorated the windows with carved paper snowflakes and protrusions. Ideas and templates were drawn from Internet resources. There seemed to be an atmosphere in the group New Year's fairy tale. Everyone gave us rave reviews and took pictures in front of the group's windows.

However, as teachers, we did not receive complete satisfaction from the work done. After all, all this beauty was made by the hands of adults, and we would like every child to be able to take part in fabulous decoration groups. We understood that the children were 5 summer age, will not be able to cut out beautiful, carved snowflakes; their mastery of the cutting technique is far from perfect. It was then that the idea was born - next year, let the children do what they can do, and our task is to combine the result child labor into the overall composition.
A year has passed. In December 2016 in preparatory group The project "New Year at the Gates" was launched. In a conversation with the children, we remembered how wonderful the children used to decorate cards for their grandmothers with palms cut out of colored paper. What if you cut out palms from white paper and make them into window decorations? Everyone liked this idea. We stocked up on white paper, hard work and patience, and together with the children we got down to business. Our preparations were outlined with a simple pencil their palms and diligently cut them out with scissors.

And then, together with the teachers, they glued them onto cardboard templates.

We fantasized a little, and as a result we got a snowman, a Christmas tree, and bunnies.

We decorated the figures on both sides so that our winter's tale was visible not only from the group, but also from the street.

We placed a snowman, a Christmas tree and two bunnies on the windows in the bedroom. The children, going to bed, listened to tales about New Year's miracles and looked at the hand-made paintings on the windows. Each child understood that this was the result of common work, and he was also involved in it. You won’t believe it, but the children even remembered where and whose palms were.

Our parents did not remain indifferent and kept bringing us openwork snowflakes. Well, what's the New Year without Father Frost and Snow Maiden? Here we are, in group room, on the windows there are Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden, in fur coats made of openwork snowflakes.

I'll tell you little secret, the face of Grandfather Frost was printed on a printer, painted, the outline of a fur coat was drawn on the window (by hand, without templates), and then all the details of the figure were attached to the window with tape. I keep asking myself: how did we manage to live and work before the invention of scotch tape?

And here comes the Snow Maiden

The Snow Maiden's braid was drawn and attached separately.
The fur coats of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden were also decorated with an edging of palms cut out by children.

We live in Russia, our children should know and love their country. Therefore, it was decided to decorate the central window of the group with the symbol of the Russian New Year - the Chimes on the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin. And also, the symbols of Russian winter - red-breasted bullfinches.
We found a template for the Kremlin Tower on the Internet, modified it a little, made a stencil, transferred the outline to the window, and painted it in our own way.

We painted the pictures on the windows with white water-based paint using red and orange gouache. The frames were painted on all the windows with the same white paint; in our opinion, this made it possible to combine all the windows of the group into a composition in the same style.

The final point in the New Year's window decoration was an openwork curtain made from snowflakes cut out by parents according to a single template.

Admire our windows.

IN New Year It is customary to give gifts, such a gift to all employees, children and parents of the “Darovanie” kindergarten was made by the hands of teachers Antonova T.G., Amirova G.R. and Chapurina N.A., fireplace from cardboard boxes. We installed a fireplace in the hallway of the group; everyone can come up to the fireplace to admire and take New Year’s photos.

In order for children to enjoy going to kindergarten, both parents and teachers need to make some effort and knowledge about how to how to decorate a kindergarten with your own hands. Moreover, literally everything can be decorated. Starting from the hall and lobbies to the area for children's walks and games, where children spend a considerable part of their time. In the material you can get acquainted with examples of educational and play areas, as well as the group as a whole.

How to decorate a kindergarten with your own hands photo

It would be best to break down the information thematically by topic, how to decorate a kindergarten with your own hands, photo-examples and so on for the areas you will be working on. And we will move logically, like a baby who finds himself in this new and still completely unknown world for the first time. And I want the child to be imbued with love and interest in his new “second home” at first sight, so that he feels comfortable and pleasant to be there. To do this, in all zones without exception, you need to fill the space with fairy-tale characters, toys, and fun entertainment. So that kindergarten is immediately associated, even among adults, with an interesting pastime.

The first place where the baby ends up and where he gets the impression of his new place of stay is the hall and corridors of the room. It would be a big mistake to leave just plain, painted and whitewashed walls, even though they are three hundred times recommended by sanitary standards. After all, this is not only boring, but also scary, reminiscent of either a hospital or a boring institution. It’s a completely different matter when, right from the door, the baby finds himself in a real fairy tale. You can see examples of this in the photo above, and, you see, they immediately create the right mood in parents, and will cause real delight in kids. There are practically no restrictions on the choice of colors, since the goal is not to calm the children, as in the recreation area, or to make them more focused, as in the classroom for lessons and activities. It is best to choose not cartoon stories, because the fashion for them goes away quite quickly, but some neutral fairy-tale stories.

For example, in the photograph you can see very interesting option design that resembles a city road with markings, signs, and traffic lights. We assure you that even the girls will be delighted and will quickly remember the way to their group, let alone the boys. Often each group is given its own separate name, rather than boring numbers and letters. Such a name in the form of an emblem can also be placed in the design, for example, by making a sticker or drawing on the doors, placing the corresponding soft toy or other things like that.

The second area where mom and dad and their child find themselves when they open the door in the beautiful corridor is the locker room. It is also decorated as beautifully as possible, as far as the budget of the entire event allows. But not only beauty is important, but also the convenience of dressing, especially when it comes to senior group, where children already dress themselves. In the photographs you can see various options furniture sets, which will be convenient for use by both parents, teachers and nannies, and for children. Also, do not forget that the locker room is the very place that parents visit most often, since they do not directly enter the group every day. This is where you should place a stand with useful information for them, make an exhibition and so on. Of course, all this should be organically integrated into the fabulous design of walls and furniture, and not stray from the general outline.

How to decorate a kindergarten group with your own hands

The main attention should be paid directly to the room where the kids are, that is, the group. About how to decorate a kindergarten group with your own hands, a huge amount has been written methodological manuals and recommendations, because there are simply no trifles in this matter. And yet we urge you, in addition to the norms and rules, to also be guided by common sense and sense of taste. You can use your favorite examples, because, by and large, the group is such a kind of children's room, only there are many more kids there. But otherwise, the tasks before the designer are still the same - to create a beautiful appearance for the room, where it would be possible to combine a study area, a play area and a place for relaxation (napping).

You can see examples of how you can transform it in the photo above. As you can see, here too you must adhere to the general chosen concept so that the room looks like fairyland. In fact, doing this is much easier than it seems, because in modern world there are so many mediums that can make anyone feel like an artist. Children need tables and chairs for activities. Moreover, unlike school desks, here it is better to make the workplaces individual and it will be especially good if you can make furniture that is adjustable depending on the child’s height, and also meets all the requirements for the formation of correct posture, which is very important at such a young age. very important.

It is better to move the sleeping area as far as possible from the work tables; there should be the possibility of maximum provision of fresh air, both in summer and winter, but it should not be cold or damp. It is better to cover the walls with drawings in the most neutral, light, pastel colors, which would not attract the attention of the children at the moment when they are trying to sleep. The same should be said about cribs and bedding; they should be beautiful, in harmony with the surrounding space, but not attract attention or arouse interest.

Often teachers design several thematic corners. This is truly a wonderful idea, because they are all necessary and important, but it would be better if they do not mix either in space or in the children’s heads. Thematic corners the teacher chooses himself, but the most common among them are a corner of acquaintance with nature and the surrounding world, a corner of health, a corner sports games and achievements, as well as interesting decorative elements that game form can teach kids. For example, these could be posters with the correct sequence of putting on clothes for a walk, a height meter, names and pictures of pieces of furniture, clothing, dishes, etc. It is believed that it is better to design a group for older children with letters and numbers, so they will be remembered faster and will be stored in memory literally on a subconscious level. But for kids, it’s better to have more pictures exploring the world that surrounds them - animals, houses, transport, and so on.

How to decorate a kindergarten playground with your own hands

Let's move on from the interior to landscape design and we use all our knowledge on the topic in order to make daily walks in the fresh air not only more interesting and fun, but also ones that will help the baby’s development so that he becomes stronger, more dexterous, and smarter every day. In that how to decorate a kindergarten playground with your own hands, there are no strict recommendations, the main thing is that all the elements with which you fill the space are safe for children, and, at the same time, useful for them, for their physical and mental development.

The input data, which is available at almost all sites, is a covered veranda where you can walk during unfavorable weather conditions, during strong sun and so on, also a fence or fence that separates the playground from the outside world and several swings and sports equipment. All this needs to be decorated and supplemented in order to make such a dull project truly interesting.

Key task No. 1 can be called resolving the issue how to decorate a kindergarten veranda with your own hands. This room should not be just a temporary shelter from rain and sun, it should be no less beautiful than the group, and also filled with interesting games. Except beautiful drawing, which is done on all surfaces and walls of the veranda, you also need to take care of a sufficient amount of light that should get inside. This can be provided either by windows or by the roof structure. It would be very appropriate to design the floor as a platform for games, for example, hopscotch or tic-tac-toe. You can also make shelves there where toys are stored, reception; this can be either their permanent storage place or a temporary one if there are doubts about their safety inside the veranda.

Very often there is a fence adjacent to the veranda and just as often it presents a boring, dull sight. But this “canvas” is just begging for some interesting work. So before you buy an expensive swing or conjure up grandiose crafts, you should learn how to how to decorate a kindergarten, areas with your own hands, referring only to simple way refining the space.

How to decorate the territory of a kindergarten with your own hands

It is impossible to express in any words how much children love to play, and when buildings or crafts that are installed on the playground help them in this, there is simply no limit to this delight. Below you will see some examples of how to decorate the territory of a kindergarten with your own hands with the help of such crafts. And even if they are not very useful, the pleasure of imagining yourself as the captain of a real ship, a truck driver or a real tram, as they say, is priceless.

Another idea that is often forgotten when decorating is to have a purpose-built tiny house or gazebo. In fact, this is one of the favorite children's entertainments, because there you can invite guests, have puppet tea parties, in a word, behave like real adults.

How to decorate the kindergarten yard with your own hands

And the last collection of ideas, how to decorate the kindergarten yard with your own hands, which may push you to new achievements ahead of the start of the new school year. Sandboxes, slides, sports equipment - all this will fit perfectly into the concept of an ideal site. Just don’t forget that you need to leave enough space for outdoor games, and don’t overdo it, trying to squeeze everything you like into the limited space of the yard.