Review of original gifts for avid coffee lovers. How to beautifully decorate a coffee gift How to beautifully decorate a coffee gift

It won't be long before we're at home, coffee shops will be decorated with New Year's decorations and lanterns, holiday songs will be heard more and more often, and the aroma of tangerine and spruce around will envelop each of us more and more. And we will peacefully and joyfully count the days of the calendar until the onset of our favorite holiday - the New Year. Some of us will be holding a mug of tea in our hands, warming ourselves up on a cold winter morning, while others will be making plans for the coming year and preparing a cup of their favorite coffee in the morning.

Our post today is dedicated to this larger and more vigorous population of the planet: Gift ideas for coffee lovers. So, if you, your friend, loved one or mother are on this list, then quickly sit back, take a pen and a piece of paper and start planning with us “What should I give?” Even though we called the guide “5 gift ideas for a coffee lover,” we have accumulated so many of them that we decided to divide our guide into three parts, gift ideas for:

“Those who are addicted to coffee. For a long time. Perhaps even addicted. "

Here, of course, you will have to surprise the coffee lover with your gift, because most likely this person understands the drink completely, can distinguish several degrees of acidity in coffee, and will argue for a long time about how best to brew coffee in a funnel and how to spill water. He already has at least one device for alternative brewing in his arsenal and most likely dreams:

Part three.

Gift ideas for those who want to make the coffee lover smile and laugh a little!

New Year is a time of smiles and a fabulous mood, so why not make people around you rejoice and shine with a coffee gift?

Quite interesting gifts to embellish the mood can be:

Coffee cup holders, which are attached to the side cushions of the sofa. Simple and convenient. Brew yourself a funnel, sit and enjoy your favorite movie, and a mug with a drink is always at hand.

Cushion covers with the words “Coffee by day, whiskey by night”. Perfect for the fair half of humanity, who have long dreamed of diversifying their coffee space with a dose of humor.

Coffee cup holder for bicycle. Very convenient for cycling enthusiasts for whom no weather is a threat.

Drawing gun made of milk foam in 3D format. Here, of course, you can give free rein to your imagination and emotions for the whole family and, having prepared a latte in the Staresso coffee maker, start building teddy bears from milk foam.

The pre-New Year bustle, shopping, shopping, work and endless household chores can drag you into a string of panic and lack of time to choose a worthy gift for a coffee lover. With care and love for you, we solved this problem quickly and simply by preparing two limited sets that will be a joyful and colorful gift for any coffee lover!

You can leave a request to order sets at our manager at Instagram or by ordering a call back. Delivery to your door is possible! We ship on the day of order. Give coffee, New Year's Magic this year!

And it doesn’t matter which group of coffee lovers you belong to: super pros, amateurs or just beginners. You just need to be able to enjoy this drink, experiment, try and brew it as you like, and no matter what method or method. It is important that with love and a little magic! The holiday is coming soon!

Well? What will you give to a coffee lover? Leave your comment below!

Life is better with coffee.

Everyone loves tea... Yes, some prefer coffee, others like cocoa. But hardly anyone will refuse a cup of strong, fragrant, aromatic tea. Tea as a gift is a universal and absolutely neutral solution. A tea gift can be given to anyone - be it a colleague, boss, teacher, doctor, hairdresser or old friend. Neither gender, nor age, nor interests, nor the character of the addressee matter. Everyone loves tea...

The gift should not only be pleasant, but also beautiful. Both packaging and design are important. If you decide to give tea, you can purchase a “take and give” product. Many manufacturers have products in gift format. Loose and bagged tea is sold in beautiful tin cans, wooden boxes, and boxes. In principle, such a gift does not require additional elegant packaging.

Gift products from tea producers

However, you can approach the formation of a gift creatively, that is, choose both the product and the “frame” for it yourself.

How interesting is it to give tea as a gift? We bring to your attention 10 ideas.

1. Tea maker set

When compiling sets, tea is complemented with related products. This could be cookies, sweets, a jar of honey, an original teaspoon, a pair of teas, a teapot, a box of brown sugar, lollipops, lemons, etc. You can accompany the gift with a book - for example, a tea encyclopedia or a publication of tea recipes.

The gift set is presented in a box, basket or bag (a rough linen bag would be appropriate).

2. Tea jar

An option similar to the previous one, but in a more modest embodiment. Today it is fashionable to present transparent jars with simple gifts.

You can take a special storage jar with a glass lid on a clip. However, an ordinary jar with a metal or nylon lid looks no worse. It will not be difficult to decorate it with a label, tag, “hat”, lace, or a tag on a rope. You can place funny or heartfelt inscriptions on the paper design, for example:
— Sweet holidays to you
— Keep calm and drink tea
- And let the whole world wait...
— Antistress
— Natural sedative

What should I put inside? Assorted tea in bags, small packs of loose tea, sweets, a teapot, stevia bags, etc. In general, everything related to tea drinking fits in a jar.

3. Teapot with filling

Tea bags or a tea set can be placed directly into a new teapot, which will become both part of a gift and a “gift box”.

The kettle can be anything: ceramic, plastic, metal, glass. Each option is good in its own way. The advantage of transparent is that it does not hide its delicious contents from view.

4. "Full Cup"

A small tea set can also be assembled directly in a mug. A lot can fit in a container with a volume of more than 350-400 ml: for example, a dozen small sweets, about 15 tea bags and a spoon.

It is advisable to wrap the mug with the filling in a transparent package.

5. Tea house

In tableware stores you can find very beautiful and cozy house jars (they are also called dispensers) for tea bags. Bought, filled and presented. Simple and beautiful.

6. Tea cake

Edible and inedible gift “cakes” are made from a variety of things: sweets, chocolates, money, toys and even diapers for newborns. A similar structure can be made from tea (from small boxes or tea bags). The gift will be more interesting and tasty if you combine tea with chocolate.

Low cylinders made of cardboard, foam plastic, etc. or cylindrical cans-boxes with sweets are used as a base.

The base of this “cake” is a cylindrical tin box of cookies. Link to the needlewoman

Tea bags are secured with paper clips or with an elastic ring, on top of which a decorative braid is placed.

7. Tea box

We select any cute little box and fill it with tea - an elegant gift is ready.

You can, of course, immediately buy tea in a box - many manufacturers have such gift sets. But, firstly, ready-made kits can be quite expensive. Secondly, they do not always present exactly the tea that you would like to present.

8. Tea Christmas wreath

This is a gift idea for New Year and Christmas. Such homemade gifts are presented only to fairly close people.

A popular tea wreath model is a cardboard ring to which wooden clothespins are glued. The tea bags are fixed on them. It is also necessary to provide a ribbon for hanging the wreath.

Along with tea bags, you can attach chocolates to clothespins.

9. Tea tree

Another tea gift idea for New Year and Christmas. Nowadays it is fashionable to give small handmade tabletop Christmas trees to friends, family and colleagues. Some of these Christmas trees are eaten and drunk with pleasure after the holidays (if they are made from candies, cookies, tea, etc.).

Photo of a Christmas tree made from greenfield bags from here

To build a tea tree you will need: a stable cardboard cone, double-sided tape and green tea bags. The bags are fixed on the cone in even rows.

10. "Cup of tea"

This is an idea for those who love and know how to make paper crafts. You can fill a large paper cup with tea and sweets, which will act as a gift box. Particularly beautiful are fake cups made using techniques such as quilling and modular origami.

Decorate a can of coffee as a gift

Any gourmet highly values ​​the taste and aroma qualities of the drink; it is important for him that coffee gives pleasure, so the coffee as a gift should be excellent. We advise you to focus on elite coffee varieties or rare blends, as well as beautifully designed products that the manufacturer offers in original gift boxes or jars. So, we present to your attention several options from which you can easily choose elite coffee as a gift.

As a gift for a coffee lover, you can choose one of the products from major manufacturers whose names have become world famous. Even if the recipient of the gift has already tasted such coffee, he is unlikely to refuse to repeat this pleasant moment. And you definitely can’t go wrong with a gift! The most popular gift options are the following brands of coffee:

Jamaica Blue Mountain is an amazingly good coffee gift that will not leave the happy recipient of the gift indifferent. The fruits of this variety, grown on the noble slopes of the Jamaican Blue Mountains, in a real “coffee paradise,” are considered one of the rarest and most valuable in the world. The rich bouquet and surprisingly soft taste of this coffee make it an ideal gift. Such a gift for a coffee lover will bring a lot of positive emotions. The legendary Blue Mountains coffee is available in a variety of presentations: gift boxes, cans, kegs of different weights, shapes and designs. In addition, depending on the preferences of the gift recipient, you can choose either bean or ground coffee.

Another unique gift for a coffee lover is a premium product from a top manufacturer. Luxury coffee blends from renowned brands often come in beautiful packaging. Coffee in an original metal barrel is ideal as a gift option. This eliminates the question of how to package coffee as a gift. However, you can add a couple of touches of your own - beautifully tie a ribbon or bow to create a more solemn atmosphere when presenting a gift. Coffee kegs usually come in 2kg and 3kg sizes - a real treasure for the true coffee lover. Manufacturers pack their best coffee blends into gift barrels, which deservedly take a leading place in the list of the best gifts for gourmets. This non-standard gift will emphasize the status and excellent taste of the giver. Imagine this picture - the celebration has just begun, guests appear with all the paraphernalia suitable for the holiday: sweets, flowers, champagne, etc. And then you enter with your 3-kilogram barrel of coffee, decorated with a bright bow! You cannot avoid admiring glances and compliments for your refined taste, not to mention the happy smile of the hero of the occasion!

A very original idea is to give a gourmet elite coffee in a metal barrel every year, for example, on the occasion of a birthday. As a result, he will be able to collect an amazing coffee collection. Interestingly, even after the coffee runs out, these original packaging will not lose their charm - they can be used to store any other items.

If you can’t decide on the choice of coffee as a gift, then feel free to contact our specialists at the specified phone number. Our knowledgeable staff will answer all questions and help you choose a coffee gift option based on your wishes. This way, choosing a gift will become a pleasant and exciting process, and you will learn a lot about the magical world of coffee.

Choosing a good gift for a loved one always brings a lot of trouble, because the gift should not only be pleasant, but also useful. However, a certain hobby or hobby of the hero of the occasion is a kind of help in the process of choosing a gift. So, what should you give to a coffee lover?

As the famous saying goes, a book is the best gift. And who said that this is not relevant today? An amazing gift edition in a beautiful binding with colorful photographs dedicated to the great coffee culture and educational information or exquisite coffee recipes will certainly delight any coffee fan. From this it follows that the book is the best gift for a coffee lover of all times!

This unique book about coffee has already become a reference book for most coffee lovers and specialists working in the coffee industry. The most interesting thing is that this colorful publication, written by a real coffee genius, was originally intended for professionals, but the book turned out to be incredibly interesting for a wide range of readers.

In other words, if you are still looking for a good gift for a coffee lover, then know that the best gift is a book. To buy a book about coffee in our online store, you need to contact an employee at the specified phone number. Order delivery is made within 24 hours. At your discretion, you can decorate the gift beautifully - tie a bow or a bright ribbon to make the moment of presenting the gift more colorful and memorable.

The most popular products in the category - Ground coffee

Gift for a coffee lover

A gift for a coffee lover - what to choose? Every time this question arises before us, we begin to frantically rack our brains, because we want not only to present a gift, let’s say, “for show,” but to please the recipient of the gift. It is believed that it is very difficult to surprise an avid coffee lover with anything, since he has probably tried many types of coffee. However, even if the hero of the occasion is very picky about coffee, you can find an excellent option.

Elite coffee varieties for the most sophisticated connoisseurs

Kopi Luwak is the most original, unusual and exclusive gift for a coffee lover. The “producers” of this Indonesian variety are local animals - musangs (or civets), which eat coffee beans and then excrete them. The grains treated with animal gastric juice are collected, thoroughly washed and sent for sale. It is impossible to find a more mysterious and exotic coffee as a gift for a coffee lover!

A metal keg of coffee is an unforgettable gift for a coffee lover

Gift sets: elite coffee in luxurious design

Don't forget that coffee is not only drunk, it is also prepared! Each stage of coffee preparation or the tasting process itself is a whole ceremony for a real coffee lover. That is why a unique coffee set from a well-known brand is a perfect gift for a coffee lover. Such a set can consist of both coffee pairs (cups and saucers) and other devices accompanying the rituals of preparing the drink: coffee makers, Turks, coffee grinders, tampers, pitchers, French presses, etc. Many well-known manufacturers in the world produce designer coffee sets in beautiful gift packaging, which will make the moment of presenting a gift more pleasant and exciting.

In short, buying coffee as a gift for a coffee lover is the right decision! Have a delicious holiday!

The best gift for a coffee lover is a book

Perhaps one of the most original and amazing books is a book about coffee, the authors of which are real experts in the coffee world: Vincenzo Sandali and Fulvio Eccardi. This book about coffee was created by true professionals in their field: V. Sandali runs the famous Italian company for preparing coffee blends in the city of Trieste, and F. Eccardi is a famous photographer and biologist who devoted his life to the study of nature. Any coffee lover who receives this book as a gift will be interested to know how a small coffee bean, having gone through all the required stages of growth and processing, turns into an element of the blend of a delicious coffee mixture.

The most popular products in the category - Coffee beans

How to beautifully wrap a gift with your own hands

When it’s a holiday and we start choosing the right gift, we want everything to be perfect.

You may have doubts about the gift or be absolutely sure that this is exactly what you need, but beautiful packaging is not enough to complete the picture.

It is not necessary to order or buy special gift wrapping - you can decorate the gift yourself.

On our website you will also find:

It’s not difficult to wrap a gift beautifully (be it New Year’s or a birthday), you just need to know a few secrets.

It is worth noting that there are many ways to decorate a gift, and you can find out about the most interesting, original, simple and not so simple here.

How to wrap a gift in paper. The easy way.

How to make a gift with your own hands

First you need to determine the amount of wrapping paper you need. To do this you need to cut out a rectangle.

* To find out the required width of the rectangle, measure the box around the perimeter using a measuring tape. After this you need to add 2-3 cm to the hem.

* To find out the length you just need to know that it is twice the height of the box.

Helpful tip: If this is your first time wrapping a gift, test it on regular newspaper. This way you can determine the correct sizes.

1. You have cut out a rectangle of the required size from wrapping paper. Place the gift box in the center of the paper.

2. Now you need to bend the left or right vertical edge by about 0.5-1 cm and glue double-sided tape to the fold.

3. The gift box must be wrapped tightly. Remove the film from the tape and glue the folded edge of the wrapping paper.

4. The top part of the wrapping paper needs to be folded as shown in the picture. It must be pressed tightly against the end of the box.

5. The side parts must also be bent and pressed tightly.

6. To secure the lower part neatly, you need to bend it and press it against the end of the box. After this, you need to bend this part and bend it again, but now in the middle.

7. Glue tape to this part and attach it to the end of the box.

8. Repeat the same process on the other side.

How to decorate a gift. Option 1.

First you need to cut out a paper strip of a different shade. Wrap this strip around the box and seal the ends with tape. You can add decorative cord.

How to decorate a gift with your own hands. Option 2.

This option can be used if you have double-sided wrapping paper. Leave more paper around the width and use this part for decoration.

How to decorate a gift box. Option 3.

Try using several different colored satin ribbons.

How to beautifully decorate a gift. Option 4.

A lace ribbon can also help decorate a gift. Wrap it around the gift wrap and secure the ends with double-sided tape.

How to wrap a gift beautifully

- roll of wrapping paper

1. Prepare a roll of gift paper, unroll it on a flat surface (table) with the pattern down (wrong side up).

2. Take the gift box and turn it upside down. Next, place the box on gift paper.

3. Trim the paper, leaving a margin of approximately 2-3 cm.

4. Stand on the side where you have the roll. Stretch the paper on the opposite side and secure it with double-sided tape.

5. Unroll the wrapping paper and cover the entire box with paper. You also need to cover that part of the box that is slightly covered on the opposite side. The paper should extend beyond the edge of the box by about 2-3 cm.

6. Bend a margin of 2-3 cm inward and secure it to the box along the fold using double-sided tape.

7. The ends of the paper sticking out from the side need to be folded inward. You need to make four sashes that bend at an angle of 45 degrees. Next, bend the paper along the flaps.

8. The top flap must be carefully bent to obtain even corners. To achieve this, you need to bend along the top edge of the gift. Next, the sashes need to be bent again to get a line along which you can cut off the excess with scissors. Once you have cut off the excess paper, glue it to the box.

9. Do the same with the bottom sash.

10. Repeat steps 7, 8 and 9 for the other side of the box.

11. Prepare a bright ribbon that should be about five times as long as the box. Place the wrapped gift upside down on the ribbon, pull it tight and wrap the gift as shown in the picture.

12. Turn the box over. The ribbon needs to be tied in a double knot and made into a bow.

13. You can cut a triangle at the ends of the ribbon.

How to wrap a gift with your own hands. Wedding option.

- light-colored wrapping paper

1. First you need to measure out the required amount of wrapping paper - just take the necessary measurements. It is worth noting that in this case, the width of the paper must be calculated so that the gap between A and B is about 1-1.5 cm, taking into account that edge A is bent by 0.5 cm.

2. Place a strip of tape on edge B of the wrapping paper. This should be done from the front side and at a distance of about 1-1.5 cm from the edge.

3. Prepare a lace ribbon - its length should be 2 times the length of the wrapping paper.

4. Remove the protective film from the double-sided tape and glue the lace to the paper.

5. Now wrap the gift box with paper. It's worth noting that edge A, which is folded over 0.5 cm, is glued on top of edge B, to which you glued the lace.

6. Make a bow from the tip of the satin ribbon. Glue double-sided tape on the back side.

7. Apply tape to the box. You can decorate it with beads.

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    Nowadays, do-it-yourself gift wrapping is actively becoming fashionable, and I decided to figure out what’s what - let’s find out what trends there are in gift wrapping, what you should focus on, and how in general you can pack a gift for any holiday with your own hands.


    Nowadays, it is no longer enough to wrap a gift in gift paper - gone are the days when half a meter of sparkling paper with a ribbon bow was considered the best packaging. Currently, most attention is paid to three areas:
    • eco-style (one of its subtypes can be called rustic style);
    • minimalism;
    • eclecticism and futurism.
    Gift packaging in eco-style involves the use of natural materials - natural shades, various textures, nothing artificial. In this style, packaging made of kraft paper with a bow made of ordinary twine or twine looks good; quite often gifts are tied with unbleached linen or cotton.

    Minimalist motifs are always strict and restrained. Here you should be guided by one idea - the simpler the better. A minimal number of decorative elements is welcome here - for example, a gift can be wrapped in plain white paper, and a special small element made from a die-cut or a regular elegant tag can be used as decoration.

    Futuristic and eclectic notes will appeal to those who prefer to combine several styles into one - there could be an elaborate, complex bow made of satin ribbons and the simplest craft paper for packaging, or, conversely, a complex shaped box covered with natural fabric for decoration. be attached with a decorative pin.

    So, what should be the design of gifts so that it is fashionable and beautiful? Unusual, stylish and neat.

    Original handmade boxes

    The simplest and at the same time effective way to pack a gift in an unusual way is to make a cardboard box for it. How to make a gift box in four easy steps?

    Another option for a homemade box:


    Or this option:

    Templates for her:

    Or maybe make a pyramid?

    Scheme for the pyramid:

    By the way, a DIY gift box can be of any shape - why not a candy box? Especially if the gift is not too large or oblong.

    What is required to make this packaging?

    • Colored cardboard.
    • Ruler and pencil.
    • Scissors, stationery cutter.
    • Template (can be printed or redrawn).
    • Glue.
    • Ribbon or stiff thread.

    You can also make your own gift box in the shape of a piece of cake. Almost everyone loves sweets, and a piece of cake looks extravagant and cute at the same time.

    To make a piece of cardboard cake, you need to prepare:

    • thick colored paper or thin cardboard;
    • ruler and pencil;
    • glue.
    Manufacturing will take no more than half an hour. First you need to transfer the template onto the desired colored paper - it is better to make the top brown or pink (the color of the glaze), and the bottom part can be anything. By the way, you can make a bright cake, for example, in purple or pink colors - unusual and cool! Choose any lid: with a wavy edge or with a straight edge, and the base:

    The box is made of two fragments, the lower part should be smaller (literally a couple of millimeters in each direction). We cut out the blanks and transfer them to colored cardboard.

    We do the creasing (we draw a line along all the folds with a knitting needle until grooves form - this will make the folds smoother).
    We glue the blanks according to the allowances and dry them well. Our box is ready, now the only thing left is to decorate it.

    For example, you can make a light rose out of paper and tie it with twine.

    This option is easier to manufacture. Without removable lid. You just need to print (or draw by hand) this template on a beautiful cardboard, cut where it is marked, bend where the dotted lines are, glue where it says glue, and you’re done!

    How to make an origami style box? You need to stock up on a ruler and a pencil, pick up two beautiful square sheets of paper (I use scrapbooking paper), and you will also need scissors. By the way, you can also use the box for your own needs - I keep paper clips in one on my desk.

    Packed beautifully

    We already know how to make boxes, now we need to understand how to beautifully wrap a gift with our own hands. Of course, you can leave the gift as is (or put the gifts in gift boxes, which is also good), or you can think about how to decorate the gift and come up with something special.

    Let's look at how to wrap a gift in paper so that it looks truly stylish and does not give the impression of sloppiness. Pay attention to the choice of paper - you can choose regular light or dark paper, you can choose natural packaging paper (Kraft), or you can buy several sheets or rolls of beautiful printed paper from a scrapbooking store.

    See how to wrap a gift in an original way. Try a new way that attracts attention - your gift will look very, very unusual!

    How to do it right

    1. Packaging must be neat - cuts of paper or fabric must be even, and there should be no visible traces of glue, tape or paper clips.
    2. It should completely hide the gift, then you can make a surprise and give the hero of the occasion not only your gift, but also a few exciting minutes of guessing and guessing what is hidden inside.
    3. Don't forget about the decor and name card - such details always catch the eye.

    How classic gift packaging is made:

    This was a classic type of packaging, and now there will be an original gift packaging for a man or woman - in the form of a Christmas tree.

    We will need:

    • packaging - it can be wrapping paper, fabric or film;
    • glue (for fabric) or double-sided tape (for paper);
    • sharp scissors;
    • various decor - ribbons, cutting, feathers, butterflies.
    To make a pigtail, you will need a lot of decorative paper. So, we consider: we will need to completely wrap the box (width and allowances), and in length we will need to take 1.5 measurements of the length of the gift and 2 of its height. By the way, you don’t have to fasten the Christmas tree, but collect it in a kind of ponytail, then it’s better to take the length of your gift and multiply it by 2.5 - then you’ll definitely have enough.

    As a practice, try wrapping any small box with a piece of newspaper or plain paper - this way you will understand how to fold the folds, where to lay the tape and practice a little.

    This way you can make packaging for anything - it could be a large box of chocolates and an ordinary book, a set of cosmetics or a plush toy.

    Tying bows


    Another simple and effective bow

    1. Fold the bow according to the photo instructions and tie it with thread.
    2. We tie a ribbon around the box, put our bow on top of the knot and tie another ribbon bow on top of it. See photo master class:

    Or this version from paper:

    Here is a decor option made from satin ribbon:

    The box can also be decorated with flowers made from plain paper or corrugated paper (an ordinary napkin will do), see:

    Various packaging options

    Have you ever thought about how the packaging for New Year's gifts should be different? How can you make packaging wedding gifts interesting and atypical? How can you make beautiful cardboard bonbonnieres or miniature boxes? If you have kraft paper and twine, then don’t worry - look at the selection of photos.

    How to pack a gift in other ways? The main role can be played by gift wrapping paper - for example, the design of New Year's gifts made in red, white and green colors will bring the spirit of Christmas miracles, and the combination of blue and brown is well suited for a gift to a man!

    Are you preparing a wedding gift or a birthday gift? Ideas for wrapping gifts for different holidays - for the New Year you can do something multi-colored, and for original wedding gift design it would be useful to stock up on silver or gold dust; it will make a light box with a gift truly magical.

    Do you want to pack in an unusual way? Pack it in craft paper and use original stamps (they can be cut from a regular eraser). Simply stamp craft paper or a box of craft paper with the stamp you created - white ink looks amazingly stylish on craft paper.

    Use the diagrams and templates below to fold your own boxes (by the way, you can make birthday or wedding invitations with your own hands from the same cardboard).

    Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world, and its consumption is only growing every year. This means that coffee can be a universal gift, suitable for almost any occasion. However, what if you need to choose a gift for a real coffee lover who has an excellent understanding of the invigorating drink? There is no need to worry: if you follow simple rules, you can choose an excellent option that will certainly please even a sophisticated gourmet!

    I'm not very knowledgeable about types and varieties of coffee. How do I choose a really good one?

    It is obvious that this is what a coffee lover needs to give as a gift. But this is where the ideas may end: a large selection of varieties can lead to despair. If you know the favorite kind of person you're choosing a gift for, great, but what if you don't?

    There are several win-win options:

    • Monosort. This is coffee that is grown in a certain country on a certain plantation. The taste of the drink is influenced by a huge number of factors: climatic and geographical conditions, soil composition and much more. The result is a unique taste that is unlike anything else. Manufacturers select the best beans for single varieties, so you can be sure of excellent quality. The name often refers to the country where the coffee grew.
    • Espresso blends. If single-origin beans consist exclusively of Arabica, then Robusta is often added to the espresso mixture. This is not done to reduce the cost of the final product (or not only for it). Robusta helps stabilize the taste and gives the drink richness and strength. The result is excellent taste regardless of the cooking method. Pay attention to espresso blends roasted and packaged in Italy and Sweden - they know a lot about their production here.
    • Flavored coffee. This coffee is often taken as a gift for the fair sex. Three flavors are considered classic and combine perfectly with the taste of an invigorating drink: chocolate, vanilla and caramel. Types with the aroma of famous drinks, for example, Baileys and Amaretto liqueurs, as well as unusual varieties with the taste of desserts, such as tiramisu or Panna Cotta, are incredibly popular.

    Is it possible to put sweets (and what kind) as a gift? Will this not offend the taste of a real gourmet?

    The rich taste of coffee is wonderful in itself. But over the thousand-year history of consumption, gourmets have developed several combinations that perfectly emphasize its qualities - for example, sweets and spices. Presented with coffee, they can be a wonderful addition to your gift.

    • Chocolate. This combination has become so classic that some European coffee shops serve several pieces of chocolate with every cup of coffee ordered. A chocolate bar or chocolate candies in a beautiful package is a perfect gift with coffee.
      We recommend paying special attention to handmade chocolate with the addition of berries. Their slight sourness combined with the sweetness of chocolate and the invigorating richness of coffee is a real pleasure. Traditional Sicilian chocolate also goes well with the aromatic drink. It is produced by hand using a special technology: the result is a surprisingly rich taste and an interesting porous consistency.
    • Honey. The unusual combination of coffee and sweet fragrant honey is becoming increasingly popular. Moreover, honey can be served along with coffee in beautiful rosettes, or it can be added directly to the drink. We recommend considering an unusual honey soufflé as a gift. Its unusual consistency and huge palette of different flavors will delight a true gourmet.
    • Jam. Freshly baked bread, smeared with the freshest butter and delicious jam - such additions to coffee are usually served in Italy and France. Therefore, it is not forbidden to put a jar of Italian citrus fruit jam in a gift package for a coffee lover - it will come in handy!
    • Spices. Spices are absolutely necessary if the person you are choosing a gift for is a fan of Oriental or Indian coffee. Cinnamon, cardamom, allspice, cloves - all this will give the drink a unique aroma!
    • Cane sugar. There is an opinion among gourmets that it perfectly reveals the notes of coffee and softens its characteristic bitterness. For lovers of everything unusual, you can choose a flavored version of sugar (for example, with lavender or strawberry).

    What else can I give besides coffee?

    Choosing good coffee is only half the battle. Coffee lovers understand that it also needs to be brewed correctly and served beautifully. Pay attention to useful accessories that will help you prepare and serve a delicious aromatic drink. They will properly reveal the taste and aroma of the beans and will always be useful to a true coffee lover.

    • Geyser coffee maker. An indispensable thing for those who love freshly brewed coffee, but do not have enough free time. Allows you to quickly prepare excellent coffee, while the stove is guaranteed to remain clean! Italian coffee makers are leaders in quality.
    • Turk for coffee. A classic way to make coffee at home. Turkish coffee is thick and incredibly aromatic. Copper Turks are usually beautifully engraved and look very elegant, making them a great gift.
    • French press. A convenient method of brewing coffee using a French press is gaining popularity. If the coffee is ground coarsely enough, the French press drink will be rich and quite strong. In addition, French press coffee is convenient for brewing in the office or during a picnic.
    • Pen for drawing on milk foam. A great gift for creative people! A coffee lover who appreciates not only the taste, but also the appearance of the drink, will be happy with such a gift.
    • Cups. The good thing about this gift is that you can choose something to suit every taste and budget: from democratic-minimalist glass to Wedgwood porcelain.

    How to beautifully wrap a gift with coffee and is it necessary to do it?

    This point should never be underestimated: a bright, exclusive design will highlight your gift and draw attention to it. In fact, it is the beautiful packaging that turns a set of items into a real gift.

    Compare how much more advantageous the same thing looks when it is successfully included in a beautiful, elegant and original package. This is no longer just a useful item, but a real gift, prepared with care and love.

    How can you package coffee beautifully?

    • Craft box. Perhaps the best packaging option for coffee. Thick craft cardboard will withstand small amounts of water. This is non-marking and wrinkle-resistant packaging. In addition, unlike shiny plastic wrapping, it is easily recycled and in this regard more environmentally friendly. The porous structure allows the products to breathe, and condensation will never accumulate in such packaging. Just touching the material evokes a feeling of warmth and comfort. And such boxes are often decorated with bright thematic designs.
    • Wooden box. A very original design for a coffee gift. Suitable if you decide to give something fragile and bulky along with coffee, such as cups or latte glasses.
    • Wicker basket. A beautiful and elegant frame for a gift set. It allows you to easily and beautifully package coffee, candies and other accessories. A gift in a basket will create a holiday mood.

    What if I don't have time to pack? Where can I get a good coffee gift set?

    A great option would be to buy a ready-made gift set. Our store offers many options that true coffee lovers will appreciate. The unsurpassed quality of the products will delight them. In our sets we put excellent varieties of coffee, roasted and packaged in Italy, delicious and beautiful handmade chocolate, original jams, aromatic cane sugar, and complement them with useful and beautiful accessories - geyser coffee makers and Turks. And all this at a very reasonable price.

    We pay special attention to the beautiful packaging of coffee as a gift. Our designers have developed a unique craft box specifically for special coffee sets. The warmth of natural material is combined with an exclusive thematic pattern in a classic red and black color scheme. Such a gift will be remembered for a long time!

    You can buy all the components from us - craft boxes, wooden boxes, wicker baskets, bright filling - and pack the gift with your own hands. For a coffee gift, we recommend choosing our branded coffee box with a unique print and a narrow paper filler in red, black or beige. These exquisite color combinations will highlight the original design of the box. The box can also be tied with a brown (café au lait color) or red satin bow, which will give the finished set an additional touch of elegance.

    And you can always take advantage of ready-made proposals developed by our designers. We are proud to present our unique coffee sets, which stand out for their original exclusive design and first-class content. Buying a coffee set at Boffo is the fastest and most convenient way to find the perfect gift for a coffee lover.

    The most ordinary gift in original packaging carries a different meaning and significance. Today we will learn how to beautifully pack a gift in paper, box, film, for birthdays, February 23, March 8.

    If you show a little imagination and inspiration, you can make an unusual gift wrapping with your own hands, surprising and delighting your loved ones with your creativity.

    You can buy paper, film and cardboard for work at a stationery store or use any available material:

    • Wallpaper leftovers, newspapers, magazines, maps
    • Shoe boxes, jars, flower pots
    • Any beautiful fabric or scraps of burlap, linen, velvet, drape. silks
    • Buttons, braid, beads, beads, ribbons, cords, ropes
    • Natural material - fresh flowers, herbariums, twigs of evergreens, nuts, berries

    It is worth experimenting with the shape and material for packaging, moving away from the usual and template pompous or hackneyed options, such as a plastic bag. Duty cookies, beautifully wrapped and presented to friends for the New Year, will be a pleasant surprise.

    You don't have to wait until a holiday to give a gift. Wrap a beautiful bottle of champagne in a sweater or shirt sleeve and tie it with a rope. In 10 minutes the packaging is ready, you can go on a visit.

    Fashionable gift wrapping in Japanese style furoshiki. We take a square piece of durable and bright fabric (from 30 cm or more, depending on the size of the gift) of any texture and wrap the gift in it, and tie it on top.

    On a visit with a bundle containing a surprise for the hosts, you must agree, this is a very unusual packaging solution.

    How to pack a gift in gift paper step by step instructions

    Paper is the most common packaging material.

    If you decide to wrap a gift with your own hands, you have hundreds of options for high-quality, beautiful wrapping paper:

    • matte and glossy
    • smooth and corrugated
    • thin, transparent and dense
    • with one-sided and double-sided pattern
    • plain and colored

    Wrapping paper can be used to creatively wrap a tiny box of jewelry or an entire car.

    How to wrap a gift in gift paper?

    We will need:

    • gift (we took a rectangular shape)
    • tape, scissors
    • wrapping paper
    • pencil

    For work, we free up space on the table so that nothing gets in the way

    • Lay out a piece of paper or roll face down
    • Place the box with the gift on it, also face down.

    • We wrap the box, mark the place where you need to cut the paper and bend it, leaving 3-4 cm in reserve

    • Cut off excess paper

    • Place the box in the center of the sheet
    • Fold one edge of the roll, on the long side of the box, 2 cm

    • We lift the paper from both sides to the center of the box
    • We fix the uncurled edge with tape, moving 2 cm from the center of the box

    • Place paper with a curved edge on top and fix it
    • Secure with transparent tape so that the center runs exactly in the middle
    • When decorating the package, the central seam can be covered with ribbon or braid

    • On one side of the box we fold the corners in the form of triangles

    • Fold the bottom edge of the paper 1 cm - 1.5 cm

    • Press the top edge of the paper against the box and secure it

    • Lower the top edge of the paper, pressing it against the box, and fix it
    • Raise the bottom edge of the paper, carefully connect it in the center with the top edge with tape

    • One side of the package is ready

    • We place the box vertically and also do it on the opposite side

    • Fold corners into triangles

    • We wrap one side 1 cm and connect it to the other with tape exactly in the middle

    • Box packaging is ready

    You can complement the packaging decor with decorations made of ribbons, bows, and flowers.

    Instructions on how to pack a round gift in wrapping paper

    A round box decorated with gift paper looks festive and elegant. This packaging option is used by the Japanese, fine connoisseurs of beauty.

    To work you will need:

    • gift in a round box
    • PVA glue
    • tape, preferably double sided
    • scissors
    • to decorate a brooch

    Packing a round box in paper is not difficult:

    1. Determine the width of the package by twisting the paper around the box
    2. We remove excess packaging material and secure the edges with overlapping tape.
    3. From the bottom and top of the box, mark on paper the size of the radius of the bottom and lid of the box
    4. Cut off the excess paper, leaving a margin of 2 cm
    5. We press a piece of paper with our finger to the center of the box
    6. Gradually fold in the remaining paper
    7. Cover the joint by gluing a circle of paper to the bottom and top of the package

    Decorate the top of the package with brooches, ribbons, and flowers. The gift is ready and can be handed over to the recipient.

    How to wrap a gift in film?

    For many years, film held the palm as a packaging material and is now in demand:

    • film transparent, translucent (cellular), matte (polysilk)
    • double-sided and single-sided film
    • decorative packaging film with designs, patterns, pictures, emoticons, holograms

    If you are giving a fruit basket, flowers, a painting, then the film will not only serve as packaging, but will emphasize the beauty of the gift.

    Packing gift baskets with transparent film (cellophane)

    Laying out the transparent film on the table surface, place the basket on it and collect it at the top, securing it with a bow.

    The main thing is to choose the right size of film, beautifully place a gift or several gifts and get creative with tying a ribbon and bow.

    We pack candies, coffee, tea, Easter cakes, champagne and soft toys under transparent film. For gifts, you need to make a base for the packaging; it can be a box of chocolates, a chocolate bar, a book or a piece of cardboard.

    Polysilk film is a new material for gift wrapping

    Polysilk packaging film is sold in rolls, has excellent stretch, and has a metallic or golden sheen.

    • To wrap a gift, cut off the required piece of film

    • We collect the film on top of the gifts and tie it in a knot

    • We cut the ends of the film with scissors, we get a pompom

    • Polysilk film has a wide range of applications; it can be used to pack an ordinary gift, as well as a car or motorcycle.

    Decorative and transparent films are used by florists to pack flowers.

    How to pack a gift in a box?

    Convenient gift packaging is a box; if it has an unpresentable appearance, it can be packed in gift paper or film. Originally designed boxes of different sizes and shapes make beautiful gift packaging.

    Gift packaging - shoe box

    The simplest packaging option is to decorate a ready-made box for shoes, tea, coffee with wrapping paper, not only on the outside, but also on the inside.

    • Box packaging using collage technique- sheets of paper or fabric of different shapes and colors, selected according to the color scheme, are assembled into an abstract pattern

    • Box covered with newspaper or special paper with the image of printed matter using black ink or carbon paper to give it a vintage look

    • Fabric is suitable for decorating the box any texture and pattern. You can make the lid and box in different colors.

    • Box packaging in patchworg style from assembled pieces of bright fabric using braid, ribbons, buttons, varnished on top

    • A box in the shape of a chest is painted with acrylic paint or covered with napkins using the decoupage technique. For decoration we use unnecessary belts, a metal or paper tag

    We fill the empty space of the box with any filler.

    Simple DIY square gift box

    You can make a gift box yourself if you have scissors and a piece of paper on hand; the size depends on the size of the future packaging; it can be assembled without glue.

    Getting the job done:

    1. We print the template on a printer or draw it on paper
    2. Cut the workpiece along solid lines
    3. Fold along the dotted lines
    4. We assemble the box so that the fragments with semicircular ends are between the other two, and the semicircles remain outside
    5. We hide the gift in the box and close the lid
    6. You can tie the packaging with a bow

    We decorate the packaging with appliques and bows. ribbons, flowers and buttons.

    Ideas on how to pack a big gift

    Large packaging is intended for a large gift or packed in several layers of paper using filler. The giant box performs not so much a decorative function as it hides the gift itself from the eyes of others, maintaining intrigue.

    • For packaging we use a box from electrical appliances, glue decorative paper or appliqués on it, tie a bow and the packaging is ready. Such a large box can hide a person, a large soft toy, a blanket, pillows, and electrical appliances.

    • Inflatable balloons packed in a large bag or box made of kraft paper. We make a bag or box and place inflated and connected balloons in it. As soon as the hero of the occasion opens the lid of the box, a chain of balloons flies into the sky - a creative and cheerful surprise for dear and close people.

    • If you decide beautifully pack the dishwasher, washing machine, cover the finished box with gift paper. This way you can maintain intrigue and maintain interest in the contents of the box not only among the person to whom it is presented, but also among other guests.

    • Packing in colorful gift paper, pillows, rug, blanket We do it on the same principle as packing round boxes (see above)

    There are many options for packaging for small gifts, sometimes with a dose of irony and humor.

    Ideas: how to pack a small gift?

    If you are giving your loved ones a small gift, choose the packaging:

    • box
    • box
    • bonbonniere
    • pouch
    • basket

    Every creative person can add additional elements to the packaging decor, which will make the gift wrapping your own design work.

    The most common way to pack a small gift is a box, which can be of various shapes.

    Gift box for sweets, jewelry in the shape of a house

    You can decorate such a house with a bright ribbon or make a beautiful frame for the window.

    The finished diagram of the box must be printed on a printer; we select bright, colored paper. You can cut a template from a piece of thick paper, which is easy to find in every home.

    1. We draw the house template by hand, preferably using a ruler, bending the parts along the dotted lines
    2. Cutting out the window
    3. We make two slits in the bottom on the sides of the house and insert tape
    4. We glue the house (except for the top)
    5. We make slits in the upper part of the side walls, parallel to the lower ones
    6. We stretch the ribbon and put candies, souvenirs, and jewelry inside
    7. We close the roof of the house without gluing it, tying a bow

    The gift box is ready!

    Gift box in the form of a dress

    If you are giving a gift to a girl or young woman, a small box - a dress - would be an interesting option. It is done quickly, you can experiment with its color and style.

    • Print the dress template

    • We transfer the template onto colored paper and cut it out to create a gift bag.

    You can put cosmetics, jewelry and sweets in this box.

    Beautiful cardboard box for earrings

    There are many options for how to beautifully package earrings or other jewelry in a small original box.

    Simple option:

    1. Take a piece of cardboard and draw a square with hemispheres extending from each side
    2. Cut out the template and make a box
    3. Tie with ribbon or thread
    4. Use a hole puncher to punch holes in the leaf caps and insert a rope

    A similar, but more complex version of a box for a small gift, for the manufacture of which you will need glue

    You can hide jewelry, money, cosmetics in such a funny box

    Pyramid box for a small gift

    Delight your friend with the decoration and the beautiful packaging in which we present it

    Choose thick paper, preferably plain paper

    1. Draw a square, each side of which is one of the sides of an equilateral (or isosceles) triangle
    2. Use a hole puncher to make holes for ties at the vertices of the triangles.
    3. The sides of the triangle have an additional supply of paper to give the shape of the box and to ensure that there are no gaps
    4. Bend the template along the lines
    5. We stretch the ropes through the holes and assemble the pyramid

    Beautiful beads found their rightful place in the original packaging.

    How to pack a birthday gift

    When choosing packaging for a birthday gift, we take into account: the gender, age and taste preferences of the hero of the occasion.

    Packaging a birthday gift for a child

    If the gift is intended for a child, the packaging should be bright and cheerful. The very sight of her should bring a smile and a good mood. Don’t rush to throw away good boxes that come into your home with purchases of hats, shoes, and electronic devices.

    • Cover the finished box with bright wrapping paper, make an applique, such packaging will delight the little birthday boy

    • Agree, sneaker gift box will cause no less delight than the gift itself

    • The original solution would be wrap a gift in a large candy, and instead of filler you can use sweets

    • A bicycle for a child is a long-awaited gift, we will pack it in bright paper, We will decorate it with balloons and ribbons and hand it into the hands of the lucky owner.

    • A beautiful box with a big bow, a burlap bag or a basket will become packaging for a pet.- a gift that every child dreams of. If it is a bird in a cage or an aquarium with fish, you can simply cover it with a beautiful piece of fabric.

    • Like this box - the frog will be a pleasant surprise for the baby, regardless of what is in the middle

    • If your child is going to a friend's birthday party, Collaborate to create original packaging in the form of candies with images of funny faces on the candy wrappers. While the packaging is in the template, the child can paint it as he pleases.

    In such boxes you can put models of cars, figurines, sweets, jewelry for girls, wishes.

    Birthday gift packaging for women and girls

    For lovely ladies, choosing beautiful packaging is half the battle. We offer various options for how to wrap a gift in an original way, based on age.

    • For girls, colored wrapping paper with flowers or polka dots is suitable. with images of youth idols.

    • Ladies of Balzac age will be pleased to receive birthday gift in kraft paper packaging with beautiful artificial flowers.
    • An elegant bud can be made from a napkin, polysilic or corrugated paper, it turns out elegantly

    • Vintage birthday gift packaging for older women, with pieces of guipure and lace, it looks stylish and tasteful.
    • We tie the gift with a beautiful bow.
    • You can wrap the packaging with beads, ribbon, or pin it with a brooch.

    • White round box made of cardboard and covered with wallpaper - ceremonial packaging for the birthday girl.
    • Such packaging can hide under its lid: a beautiful decoration, underwear, a scarf, a scarf or a stole.

    • Women are great individualists. Wrap the gift in craft paper and write your name on it. It goes from being simple to becoming a “personalized” gift and will please the birthday girl’s vanity.

    • A romantic gift for a girlfriend or teenage girl, decoration in walnut shell packaging
    • We cover the inner doors with sparkles, velvet or silk and hide the gift
    • We tie the shell with a string or a bow
    • A great option for making original gift wrapping

    Birthday gift packaging for women and girls has many options, so knowing the character of the birthday girl, choose according to her character, hobbies, and age.

    Gift wrapping for a man's birthday

    Packaging for a man's gift should be strict and, to some extent, brutal. If we choose paper, it is better to use neutral shades - blue, green, red.

    • Celtic "Heart" knot made of woolen threads and a tag in a gift package for men- a laconic and stylish addition

    • Scheme for weaving the “Celtic Knot”

    • If we choose a box, it will look good option - a cardboard box tied with a thin golden ribbon, in We will leave all sentiments in packaging design for the weaker sex.

    • A random sequence of zeros and ones (matrix effect), Newton's laws or chemical and mathematical formulas are a great option for drawing on wrapping paper for men's gifts

    • Kraft paper men's gift packaging always stylish and popular, with a small detail - a pin in the form of a tie pin.

    • Packaging: men's shirt or sweater, which we put on a box with a birthday gift.
    • The shirt was worn as a gift, preferably in a square package
    • Buttons fastened
    • The sleeves were turned down and secured with pins

    In packaging for men's gifts, minimalism and laconicism in design are encouraged.

    A birthday gift tailored to your hobbies and personality traits

    • If you know that the hero of the occasion loves to travel, use a geographical map as packaging or paper with images of countries and landmarks.

    • For a music lover's birthday, wrap the gift in a sheet of paper with notes

    • For lovers of antiquity and historical novels gift packaging in kraft paper in the form of a parcel, as postal workers do and did in the last century, with a postage stamp and seal

    • For car enthusiasts Kraft paper packaging with a miniature model of a sports car on an improvised track made of tape.

    If you put a piece of your soul into the packaging of a gift, this speaks about your attitude towards the recipient.

    How to pack a gift for March 8?

    March 8th is a sea of ​​flowers, compliments, smiles and pleasant gifts. Women's Day is associated with the onset of the first days of spring. When wrapping a gift for March 8, we use artificial and fresh flowers, as well as herbariums and sprigs of evergreens.

    Beautiful brooches, hairpins, beads, lace and buttons are an original option for decorating gift packaging for March 8

    Kraft paper for gift wrapping on March 8

    Popular craft paper, goes well with individual decorative elements: lace, guipure, knitted napkins

    The wonderful furoshiki technique will help you wrap a gift without a box

    Women can't help but like the national Japanese gift wrapping technique. We tie a piece of beautiful, bright fabric, gathered over the gift, into a bow.

    You can present a gift in a beautiful silk scarf, in which case the packaging also becomes a gift.

    Gift packaging in a bag made of burlap, linen or cotton

    An ordinary burlap bag can be given French chic by decorating it with lace, flowers and frills. Excellent gift packaging for older women; you can put cosmetics, perfumes, and sweets in the bag

    Beautiful gift packaging for March 8th in the form of candy

    You can hide a handkerchief or scarf in this candy. The packaging is beautiful, easy to do, we involve children in the work

    Packaging in the form of various boxes

    We make a box, choose the template you like, and decorate it:

    • appliqués
    • flowers,
    • beads
    • buttons
    • braid
    • ribbons

    Gift packaging for women and girls is stylish and beautiful.

    There are many options for how to wrap a gift for a friend, mother, or sister for March 8th. The work will not take much time and will not require financial investments, only imagination and the desire for creativity.

    How to pack a gift for February 23?

    Tested by many years of experience - men love spectacular presentation of gifts, especially on February 23, when women's attention is focused on them.

    Gift wrapping for February 23rd in craft paper

    On the eve of the holiday, you need to think about how to effectively wrap a gift.

    Kraft paper is suitable for this purpose:

    • Decorate it with a card with the numbers 23
    • We tie it with woolen threads or burlap
    • We will sew a button to the package, you can put a stamp on it

    Packaging “Gift for a gentleman” made of kraft paper for February 23

    Original packaging, easy to use, will not leave your man indifferent

    To work you need:

    • kraft paper
    • ribbon or strip of fabric
    • piece of leather
    • buttons
    • scissors

    A few decorative details and the usual packaging turns into a gentleman's package:

    • We wrap the box with kraft paper according to the instructions, see above
    • We place a contrasting tape in the center, in our case blue
    • Glue buttons along the tape
    • At the top of the package we place a butterfly cut out of leather

    Original and simple packaging will bring a smile to the sternest representative of the stronger sex

    Wrapping a gift for “My King” in kraft paper

    Every man is a little vain at heart. Gift packaging with the inscription: “To my king” will please your loved one and increase his self-esteem.

    Packing a gift:

    • Cut out a man's profile with a crown from paper
    • Using a hole punch to make holes for the rope
    • After the gift has been carefully wrapped (according to the instructions above), place a piece of contrasting color paper or foil under the cut out profile and crown
    • We decorate the crown with beads, placing them on glue
    • We extend the rope with a pleasant message “To my king!”

    What man can resist a gift when he sees such packaging?

    Beautifully wrapped gifts photo:

    A gift in a beautiful gift wrapping has a presentable appearance. You can pack a gift in a store, with the help of professionals, or go to the first newsstand and buy a package. Using our tips, try to wrap a gift yourself, showing imagination and creativity. The result of your work will be happy faces of people close to you.

    Video: Three ways to wrap a gift