Is it possible to squeeze out blackheads? Why is squeezing out blackheads dangerous and can you do it yourself? You can't crush blackheads.

Comedones, or more simply put, blackheads, appear on the face due to clogged pores. The secretion of the sebaceous glands accumulates and, unable to come out, becomes covered with dust and dirt. As a result, this skin defect appears. How to squeeze out blackheads without harming your health is a question that many women ask themselves.

How to squeeze out blackheads at home yourself

Cosmetologists say that it is undesirable to do squeezing at home yourself, since there is a high probability of getting an infection under the skin during the procedure. To get rid of them it is better to use these. However, if you take into account some recommendations and know how to squeeze out blackheads correctly, then you can easily cope with this defect yourself, without resorting to the services of a beauty salon.

The process of clearing the face of blackheads consists of three stages:

  • skin preparation;
  • direct extrusion;
  • skin care.


The process of preparing the skin for extrusion consists of maximum cleaning and subsequent procedures, the purpose of which is to open the pores.

Before squeezing out blackheads, you should wash your face thoroughly, thereby clearing it of dust and remnants of cosmetics. After this, it is recommended to use a scrub to remove the surface layer of dead cells. This can be either a scrub bought in a store or any of the compositions prepared at home yourself. The main thing is that it is effective, gently cleanses, and suits your skin type.

After the skin is well cleansed, you should proceed to steaming - a procedure that opens the pores. There are several ways to steam your face: visit a sauna or take a hot bath. But it is better to do this by holding your face over a hot herbal decoction for several minutes. A decoction can be prepared from any medicinal herb that has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, for example, from chamomile flowers.

For those who do not want to breathe steam, you can hold a towel soaked in a hot herbal decoction on your face before squeezing blackheads. But remember that the towel must be warm all the time. Therefore, while the skin is steaming, it will need to be soaked several times with hot broth.


The extrusion procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Before squeezing out a blackhead, be sure to wash your hands well with soap and disinfect them with alcohol to ensure maximum sterility.
  2. Wrap the fingers that will be directly involved in the squeezing process with a sterile bandage. Dip them in a disinfectant solution such as hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Lightly press your fingers on both sides onto the skin around the blackhead. If you have done the preparation correctly, the dirt along with the sebaceous plug will easily come out, freeing the pore.

When squeezing out blackheads, do not use too much force so as not to injure the skin. Those comedones that do not come out easily are best left alone and repeat facial cleansing after a few days.


After the blackheads are removed, you need to disinfect the skin with hydrogen peroxide and take immediate measures to tighten the pores.

If the open pores are not narrowed, the sebaceous glands will begin to work hard, trying to fill them with fat.

To narrow the pores, you can use a special toner or make an appropriate mask. Once your pores have tightened, don't forget to apply moisturizer to your face.

Features of squeezing out blackheads on the nose

There is an opinion that squeezing out blackheads on the nose is very dangerous. And this is true. The fact is that procedures carried out incorrectly can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

The main reason why blackheads should not be squeezed out is the high probability of infection if sterility is not maintained at home. The skin of the nose is very delicate and can be easily injured. As a result, instead of getting rid of blackheads, you can get very unsightly inflammations and even hematomas. There is also a high risk of getting deep scars on the face after improper squeezing.

Another important reason put forward by opponents of getting rid of comedones mechanically is the presence of a huge number of nerve endings on the face, including the nose. And if you don’t know how to properly crush blackheads, you can accidentally hit the nerve endings and get very unpleasant consequences.

So, is it possible to crush blackheads? Cosmetologists say that this can be done, and even necessary. But, only if all hygiene rules are observed. And, if you have doubts or concerns, it is best to seek help from specialists. Indeed, in a salon environment, the procedure is carried out using special devices, in compliance with all sterility rules. In addition, a cosmetologist has certain facial cleansing skills and knows how to squeeze out blackheads and how not to.

Special tool

In salons, specialists use a special tool to clean pores - a Uno spoon. This simple device allows you to safely remove blackheads from any part of the face, including the most problematic areas, such as the nose area.

Is it possible to crush blackheads on the nose using a Uno spoon at home? Yes, you can. But to do this, you need to study its structure and understand the principle of operation of this tool.

The Uno spoon is a special metal rod with various attachments at the ends. Most often it is a large hole or loop on one side, and a spoon with many small holes on the other side. Sometimes, instead of a loop or spoon, there is a needle at one end of this device. All these devices are designed for mechanical facial cleansing: removing blackheads and comedones.

The operating principle of the Uno spoon is quite simple. That is why, despite the fact that this is a professional tool, many women successfully use it to remove blackheads without the help of a cosmetologist, at home.

Before squeezing out blackheads, do not forget to first cleanse your face, steam, and disinfect your skin.

You should start cleaning your face with a nozzle with small holes. The device should be moved smoothly over the skin of the face with light pressure in the direction of the massage lines. At the same time, excess sebum along with blackheads will be squeezed out of the open pores.

If the pores are too clogged, a spoon with small holes may not be able to clear it. In this case, a loop attachment will come in handy. It is placed so that the problem area of ​​skin is in the middle of the hole. Using gentle pressure followed by a slight shift to the side, the contents of the clogged pore are extracted.

After squeezing out blackheads using a Uno spoon, it is imperative to carry out all the necessary actions for disinfection and subsequent care of the skin of the nose or face as a whole.

The Uno spoon greatly facilitates the procedure of squeezing out blackheads, but, unfortunately, this device cannot be used in some cases. Contraindications are:

  • herpes;
  • rosacea;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • problems with blood vessels;
  • presence of wounds on the skin;
  • too dry or very sensitive skin.

The Uno spoon is a professional tool. Therefore, it should be purchased in specialized stores. In this case, you will be sure that you are buying a quality stainless steel tool.

Using a professional tool reduces the risk of complications after blackhead removal.

Those who, for any reason, are contraindicated for squeezing out blackheads should not be upset. After all, there are many other methods of facial cleansing, both in the salon and at home.

Cleansing your face from time to time is simply necessary to ensure that your skin is always clean and well-groomed. This does not have to be done in the salon. It is quite possible to carry out the procedures at home yourself. The main thing is to remember all the important points and rules so that squeezing out blackheads is successful and without negative consequences. In addition, we recommend reading, which describes other ways to get rid of the described skin defects.

You can watch the video to see how to get rid of blackheads on the nose and other problem areas of the face.

In cases where you notice black dots in the intimate areas of the body, which are characterized by special skin sensitivity, it is not recommended to resort to squeezing. It is better to use other options for getting rid of this defect, such as in the case of.

Men and women may experience blackheads on their faces. They appear often and regularly. Agree, the presence of such additional design on the ears or nose is completely unnecessary. Unsightly spots are called comedones. They are formed during increased production of sebum by the gland. Excess sebum accumulates in the pores and closes them. At the same time, dust and dirt, sticking to the very top of this plug, turn the skin into black dots. These spots on the nose are especially unsightly. The question arises: can they be removed and can this be done? And in general, which is correct?

Removing blackheads

Firstly, can they be removed? Most often this is solved by simply squeezing out the accumulated fat. With such careless handling, pits remain in place of the points, which may not disappear in the future. The skin becomes uneven. Neighboring areas are injured. A slight swelling occurs, and when it subsides, the unevenness on the face, nose or ears does not smooth out. In the future, you no longer have to endure blackheads, but bumps on your face. If women hide these unevenness with cosmetics, then men, if they have a traditional orientation, are forced to show everyone the bumpy surface of their skin. But there are quite delicate ways to eliminate comedones.

How to properly eliminate comedones

If squeezing cannot be avoided, this event must be approached comprehensively, using creams, scrubs and masks, as well as other methods of normalizing skin function. Moreover, it is better to squeeze out only large comedones. Often this is not worth doing. The procedure is not so pleasant for the skin, and it is not safe.

When eliminating and even in the ear, you should adhere to the rules and prevent the skin from being damaged. Acne should only be squeezed after the pores on the face have been opened. It is strictly forbidden to crush them without steaming. The points on the nose must be treated with extreme caution. This delicate place is a concentration of capillaries and nerve endings. If cleanliness is not maintained, an infection can easily spread.

For this procedure, prepare cleansing milk, warm water, tonic, liquid containing alcohol (cologne is fine), cotton wool, napkins, and powder. Also a skin softening cream and a pore tightening mask. Medical gloves and a magnifying mirror, as well as good lighting, will not hurt.

  • If you have makeup on your face, remove it by cleansing your nose with milk or toner and wiping with cologne.
  • Pour boiling water into a convenient container. Hold your face over hot water, checking the temperature first to avoid getting burned. The pores on your face and nose should open up.
  • Wipe the blackheads with cologne again and only then start squeezing. You should not press directly on the blackhead. This is done carefully from different sides so that the comedones come out. Determine the direction of movement. If it does not squeeze out, change the direction.
  • Then be sure to clean the extrusion areas. Apply a thin layer of emollient cream and after five minutes remove it with a napkin.
  • To tighten pores, apply a tightening mask. After ten to fifteen minutes, it should be washed off and treated with powder, which must also be removed carefully and thoroughly after an hour with a napkin.

How to prevent comedones from appearing

To further prevent the appearance of blackheads on the face, you must follow basic rules. There will be fewer comedones and they will completely disappear if you wash your face not only in the morning and evening, but more times. This can and should be done, especially in the summer. The pores on the ears, face and nose become especially oily on hot days. Make a habit - every time you come home, not only wash your hands, but also wash off the street dust that has settled on your face. It must be remembered that soap, even if it is very good, does not act quite correctly on the skin. The best choice would be special milk, warm or cool water. Women should remove makeup not with soap, which does not completely remove daytime beauty, but with special wipes, Vaseline or other means. Paper napkins should be used to blot up any sudden oil that appears.

Washing with hot water expands the pores, excessive oil secretion occurs, so the use of steam or hot water is only possible with special treatment of the skin on the face, nose or ears, but after this the skin is further treated.

Cosmetics on the face in summer have a particularly negative effect on the condition of the skin. Especially in the sun, pores actively secrete oil. To prevent the occurrence of nosebleeds, it is necessary and advisable to use protective creams and use decorative cosmetics less often.

Carrying out home cleaning from blackheads is not such a complicated procedure, but it is better to keep your face clean and not allow blackheads and superficial acne to appear. What else can you recommend besides this?

  • Contact the professionals. An experienced cosmetologist will help you choose specific treatments for your face depending on your skin type.
  • There are special compositions for removing comedones. Modern cosmetology is developing and a sufficient number of good scrubs, masks and creams have been produced. They should be purchased in pharmacies or from official representatives.
  • Compresses and warming with a hot towel for ten to fifteen minutes are a good way to expand and cleanse the pores on the face and even in the ear. Of course, after this you should clean the steaming areas.
  • You can make your own scrubs from several ingredients. Oat flakes with honey and kefir are suitable. The gruel with salt and soda worked well. After steaming, rub it in gently and then rinse thoroughly. This way it deeply cleanses and frees even the pores on the ears from excess oil.
  • Baby powder is also useful for various cleansing procedures. The powder delicately and gently tightens and dries the pores on the face. Finally, it should be removed with a napkin.

Unfortunately, many women suffer from facial skin problems. This does not always happen with teenagers and young girls. Fully mature women also face difficulties.

The reasons are psychological and physical overload, stress, bad habits and poor ecology. Hormonal imbalances play a huge role.

As a result, the question often arises: how to squeeze out blackheads. Of course, some already know well that fighting acne in this way is quite dangerous and not very effective. However, I still want to get rid of the unpleasant spots.

Today we will look at this problem in a little more detail. Let's find out a little more about such skin defects, find out Is it possible to squeeze blackheads on the face?, and present a specific detailed algorithm of actions.

This information will be useful to women who decide to cleanse their face.

Is it possible to crush blackheads?

First of all, we need to find out how dangerous it is to even remove blackheads in such a radical way.

Experts note: crushing blackheads is only possible in extreme cases. It is advisable to avoid this altogether, since there are many side effects, so-called “pitfalls”.

Let's consider only the key points:

We can draw a simple conclusion: squeezing blackheads is dangerous. In addition, this generally does not make practical sense, since in most cases the condition of the skin after such procedures only worsens.

However, our task is to tell how to squeeze blackheads correctly. We will try to give a simple algorithm and explain how to avoid the main threats and minimize the risk of complications.

Then those who want to fight comedones through squeezing will be able to do this with minimal losses.

Pressing black dots correctly

Now it's time to consider detailed algorithm of actions. Remember the sequence, all the tips and nuances. You will learn how to squeeze out blackheads at home.

Then it will not be difficult for you to carefully eliminate comedones and control their number. If you do everything correctly, you can gradually completely get rid of these unpleasant defects:

There will be swelling on your face for some time., swelling in problem areas, as well as obvious redness. But after 2-3 hours everything goes away.

If you notice that the situation is getting worse, your face is only swelling more over time, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Try to do everything correctly, carefully squeeze out blackheads. And don’t forget about hygiene and disinfection. Then you will be able to get rid of comedones.

Blackheads (comedones) often appear in most teenagers, but they also occur in adults. The problem of blackheads also worries many men. This article will reveal information about the causes of this problem and help you figure out how to quickly get rid of blackheads on your nose at home.

Why do blackheads appear on the nose (main reasons)

Such a cosmetic defect, insignificant at first glance, like blackheads, causes not only a large harm to facial skin health, but also give girls insecurity, as well as the opportunity to feel complex about their appearance. Blackheads are called clogged pores, which over time can turn into acne. The dots appear not only on the wings of the nose, but also around and under the nose. You can draw dots on your nose not only using special professional partings to remove blackheads, but also cooked home remedies. The most well-known causes of dots on the nose are suggested in the table below.

Cause Solution
1. Hormonal imbalance which occurs in most adolescents and pregnant women.- First of all consult an endocrinologist and undergo an examination that will help create a treatment plan;

— Provides proper facial skin care.

2. Incorrectly selected cosmetics. — Eliminate the use cheap cosmetics and fatty creams;

— Determine your facial skin type and purchase suitable cosmetics.

3. Side effect from medications, which often contain a huge amount of different hormones.- Pass hormone level analysis, such as estrogen, testosterone and others;

- Replace the medicine with a less concentrated drug.

4. Wrong nutrition. Excessively sweet, fatty and fried foods are almost the main cause of acne.— Go to proper nutrition;

- Eliminate from your diet sugar and fried foods;

— Replace high-carbohydrate foods with protein foods.

5. Bad habits(alcohol, smoking and even coffee!)— Refuse alcoholic beverages;

Quit smoking and drinking coffee;

— Start leading a healthy lifestyle and going to the gym.

6. Insufficient hygiene. If you don’t wash your face on time, your pores will become clogged due to excess oiliness and sweating on your face.- During wash your face;

— In the gym, wipe your face with damp hypoallergenic wipes;

- Avoid wearing makeup when you go to the gym;

- Always remove makeup before bed.

A quick way to clear blackheads from your nose in 1 day

Cosmetologists identify several common ways to cleanse the skin of blackheads.

  1. Extrusion– is the simplest method, which is recommended to be done in a cosmetology salon. The option of squeezing at home is possible, but before the procedure you need to familiarize yourself in detail with the technique;
  2. Salon treatments, which will allow you to forget about the points in 1 day. One of the disadvantages of such procedures is skin redness;
  3. Among home activities, effective scrubs and masks, which narrows and cleanses pores at the same time. Read more about cleaning pores.

To avoid the undesirable consequences of extruding points, you need to familiarize yourself with some recommendations for this procedure:

  • Preferably keep inventory clean, and you also need to wash your hands well;
  • Before the procedure it is advisable steam your face well;
  • After the extrusion process don't wear makeup during the day.

The procedure for squeezing out blackheads consists of several stages.

  1. Disinfect tools, as well as prepare all skin care products;
  2. Free your facial skin from cosmetics;
  3. Diligently steam face;
  4. Put gloves on your hands and disinfect them with alcohol;
  5. Proceed with the extrusion procedure using a special spatula or stick;
  6. At the end of the procedure you need tighten pores on the nose with cold water or lotion.

In order to avoid skin injuries, it is necessary to steam the facial skin well before the squeezing process. This can be done using several effective methods, which are given in the table below.

Basic methods of steaming the nose

Method name Method of action
Steam baths based on medicinal herbs (chamomile, lavender, calendula)The steam gently steams the skin and also easily opens the pores. For the procedure it is necessary brew herbs and let the tincture cool a little, as too hot steam can harm the skin of the face. You need to steam the skin in this way for 15 minutes.
Hot compresses with chamomile tinctureChamomile tincture is applied to the face using gauze or a small towel. You need to keep the fabric for 15 minutes, while every 1-2 minutes soaking in heated to 40 degrees decoction

You can get rid of blackheads on your nose using proven folk and cosmetic remedies.

Folk remedies

You can remove spots on your face using several different folk remedies. One of the advantages of folk remedies is their natural composition. The two best anti-blackhead recipes are listed below in the table.


If there is no time to prepare folk remedies, then at the pharmacy can be purchased some cosmetics, the best of which are given below:

  1. Means "Clean skin 3in1" by Garnier, which, in essence, plays the role of a gel, mask and scrub at the same time. Suitable for oily skin. Promises good results after a 7-day course of use. The product relieves skin redness well thanks to the white clay in its composition;
  2. Lotion "DeepCleansingLotion" brand "Clean &Clear", which is produced in France. The product is suitable for every skin type. It helps not only to remove blackheads, but also to thoroughly cleanse the skin of fat on the nose. Thanks to the alcohol in the composition, the product dries the skin well;
  3. The BLACK MASK trademark "KayPro", which is suitable for every skin type. Apply the mask for 25-30 minutes, and then carefully remove the film from the face.

20 effective ways to remove blackheads on the nose

This question is quite extensive and every specialist claims that his option is the most effective, but we will tell you about the 20 best methods that users advised on specialized forums based on their experience.


Regular soda, which is found in any kitchen and is also a fairly cheap remedy, will help get rid of the problem of blackheads on the nose. From soda can be cooked scrub. To prepare it you need to mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda with a teaspoon of cleansing gel.

If you like harsher abrasives, you can add sea salt.

Salt (sea)

One of the main causes of blackheads is excess dirt that gets trapped in the pores on the nose. To get rid of them, you need to cleanse your pores.. This time, sea salt, which is sold in a regular cosmetic store, will help.

One of the most famous scrubs is scrub made from liquid baby soap and sea salt, for the preparation of which you will need 1 teaspoon of each ingredient.

Sea salt is often found as the main ingredient in many scrub recipes.


To remove spots on the nose It is better to buy toothpaste without menthol in the composition, since this ingredient can lead to an inflamed state of facial skin. As additional care, you can take a paste with healthy herbs.

To remove blackheads, you need to squeeze a little paste from the tube onto the brush, and then Rub the nose area with gentle and slow movements..

A very important point is the stiffness of the toothbrush. It should be soft.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide not only brightens but also cleanses the skin. The product has antiseptic properties. Peroxide is added to many cosmetic products and dries the skin well. It should be applied to the nose immediately after scrubbing the skin.

Black mask

You can actually make the famous black mask yourself. To prepare it you need: 3-4 tablets of activated carbon, 5 grams of gelatin, a spoonful of water, a glass container. Mix the crushed tablets with gelatin and water, and then put the resulting pulp in the microwave for a third of a minute.


To remove blackheads, it is enough to purchase various ointments, which, despite their low price, perform their function well.

Name Application
Zinc ointment Used during blackhead removal. Due to its composition, it creates a protective layer on the skin, which promotes rapid restoration of the skin. Before applying the ointment to the skin, it must be scrubbed and cleaned. Due to its healing properties, zinc ointment is added to various face masks, which even out the tone of the face and add a healthy glow to it.
Ichthyol ointment The ointment is used against old blackheads that turn into ulcers. It is recommended to apply the ointment to the skin with aspirin. Use the resulting mixture every 5 days for 40 minutes. The ointment removes excess fat from the face well, which is the root cause of blackheads.
Salicylic ointment Apply locally with a mixture of rich baby cream, as it greatly dries out and irritates the skin. It performs its function of removing fat from the face quite well, but since it is not always possible to choose the best concentration for the skin, it can aggressively affect the condition of the skin.
Vishnevsky ointment It is a cheap medicine. She pushes out all the dirt and grease from the pores, and also helps well against acne. If there are few points, the ointment will help after 1 procedure, but if the situation is more advanced, 3-4 procedures will be required.


To remove blackheads on the nose, you can use different creams, which not only remove comedones, but also cleanse the pores.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon is an inexpensive but effective method in the fight against blackheads. It is often added not only to many folk masks, but is also part of the popular black mask.

To prepare such a mask , you need to grind 3 tablets of coal and then add the resulting powder to a teaspoon of the pre-prepared gelatin mixture.


Gelatin can help get rid of blackheads. You can make a mask at home using gelatin. To create it you need Melt 3-4 grams of gelatin in 20 grams of water and heat in a water bath. Cool the resulting product, and after application leave for 15-20 minutes.

Soon, after a film forms on the nose, must be carefully take off the mask. Together with the mask, all the dirt will come out of the pores.


Scrubs that can be easily prepared in the kitchen will help you remove spots on your face. They can remove both small and large and deep blackheads. Into the scrub recipe must contain abrasive ingredients. It could be salt, ground coffee and oatmeal.

Nutrients are also added to the scrub, which can be honey, clay or yogurt.

Plaster (regular and special)

To combat blackheads, you can purchase them at any store. special plasters(they are still may be called stripes or patches). Nasal patch required soak in warm water and immediately apply to the skin. Later 20-30 minutes When the patch dries, the patch needs to be torn off from the skin.

Thanks to antibacterial substances, the skin does not become inflamed, and its redness is insignificant. Effective against blackheads are Propeller patches. They are classic (regular) and special. They contain activated carbon and green tea. Charcoal is good at removing dirt from pores, and green tea removes skin irritation.

In addition to Propeller, strips from Nivea and Skinlite remove blackheads.


You can get rid of blackheads using regular lemon. He not only evens out complexion, lightens age spots, but also dries the skin and is a natural lotion. Lemon is usually added to various masks along with honey or glycerin.

Most lemon is effective together with homemade kefir, since their chemical reaction has a detrimental effect on blackheads.


Zindol is composed of zinc oxide, which is used not only to remove acne, but also helps remove comedones. A more well-known analogue of the product is zinc ointment. Tsindol slightly dries the skin and creates a thin protective layer on it. which prevent dirt and oil from accumulating in the pores.


Honey is added to many cosmetics. In addition, it is now very popular honey massage, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body. Many cosmetologists consider honey a natural antiseptic, because it is good relieves irritation and reduces inflammation.

To prepare a budget honey mask, you need to mix chicken egg white and 2 tablespoons of honey. It is advisable to keep the mask on your face for about 25 minutes.

After use, blackheads will become less noticeable, and your facial skin will be silky.

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is cheap drug against spots. In addition, it lightens age spots well and gently exfoliates old skin cells.

“You should pay attention to the concentration of the salicylic acid solution: for facial skin It is not recommended to purchase a solution more than 5%, since the skin on the face is very sensitive.”

Clay (black)

Black clay is a leader among other types of clays, since cleanses pores well and saturates the skin with magnesium and iron, and it also perfectly tightens pores. Clay is used both in its pure form and with other nutrients. An excellent complementary remedy is calendula tincture, which relieves redness and inflammation of comedones.

Video on cleaning the nose

To get rid of blackheads on the nose, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experienced specialists, whose advice can be found in the video below.

Black spots on the face and body can appear in people of any age and gender. Most often they bother women with oily skin types, but they can also appear on combination and even dry skin if daily skin cleansing procedures are not carried out. Black dots are especially noticeable on the face; they look extremely untidy and repulsive. In order to quickly hide this defect, blackheads are squeezed out, but it is very important to do this correctly.

Why do blackheads appear?

Blackheads are scientifically called comedones. They arise due to blockage of the sebaceous ducts of the skin. As a result, sebum cannot come out and accumulates under the skin, forming a small white clot, and a black dot forms on top due to incoming impurities. Only daily cleansing procedures help get rid of blackheads, but cleaning is not always so deep as to completely get rid of this disease. To quickly get rid of blackheads that have already appeared, you can squeeze them out, freeing the duct. Cosmetologists do not recommend doing this at home, so as not to introduce an infection under the skin, but if you prepare your face and carry out the procedure correctly, there is no danger.

Skin preparation

In order to remove blackheads effectively and without negative consequences, it is necessary to prepare the skin in advance. First of all, you need to clean it of dirt and dead skin particles. To do this, use any scrub, purchased in a store or prepared yourself. Then you need to steam the skin: you can hold your face over hot water or over a decoction of medicinal herbs. For example, chamomile decoction additionally cleanses and disinfects. You can also apply a towel soaked in hot water to the desired area of ​​skin. A visit to the sauna or just a hot bath is also suitable for preparing your skin. After such procedures, the pores of the skin expand, and it begins to breathe better.

How to squeeze out blackheads

You can squeeze out blackheads on clean, steamed skin. This should be done with clean hands, wrapped in gauze soaked in an antiseptic. Wrap a bandage around your fingers and soak it in hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, or a one percent salicylic acid solution. Now press with your fingers on both sides of the blackhead, it should be easily removed, freeing the skin duct. Remove only those points that give in, do not press too hard, this will only injure the skin, but will not help get rid of the problem.

Skin treatment after removal

After completing all the procedures, the skin needs to be calmed and the open pores narrowed, since the mechanism of the skin glands is such that they will try to close the vacated space again by secreting sebum. To do this, wipe the skin with a disinfecting tonic or lotion (if you don’t have it, use hydrogen peroxide). And then apply a tightening mask: it can be a mask based on gelatin, clay or egg white. Instead of a mask, you can wipe your face with an ice cube; cold also helps tighten pores. The last step is applying moisturizer.

Skin prone to the appearance of blackheads brings a lot of trouble to its owner. However, there are quick and safe ways to get your skin in order. Do not forget about preventing the appearance of blackheads, but defects that have already appeared can be easily removed by squeezing.