Is it possible to try on other people's rings? Why can't you wear other people's rings? Folk signs about wedding rings: you need to know about this

There are many different superstitions and traditions associated with watches that originated in ancient times, but are still relevant today. Is it possible to wear someone else’s watch, give it as a gift, throw it away, and many other questions may arise for a modern person. The answers to them are not always clear-cut. To figure it out, you should find out as many details as possible.

What watches should you not wear?

Probably every person has found something on the street at least once in his life. Money, jewelry mobile phones- yes, whatever, because there is a rule “someone loses, someone finds.”

Not all people are prone to superstitions, so some people take the find for themselves without any doubt, while others either pass by or are tormented by the question: did they do the right thing? But any person, first of all, thinks about the safety of himself and his family. Therefore, it is quite logical to ask the question about the correctness of the appropriation of the found thing.

Many people know that picking up other people’s things on the street is prohibited, but only a few know why. Perhaps it's not so scary after all?

Watches are an integral part of most people's lives. This accessory symbolizes both the transience of time and its eternity. Very often, magical properties are attributed to this attribute.

Each item has energy received from its owner:

  • You cannot be sure that an object found on the street has absorbed only positive energy, because all people are different. Therefore, it is better not to wear them.
  • If we are talking about the thing of a loved one who has no malice, then his watch will not cause any trouble to the new owner.
  • A watch received by inheritance will become a good amulet if it was transferred to a new owner of good will.

Broken watches are a subject for a separate discussion. Not everything is so clear with them. With broken and damaged accessories, things are different:

  • Broken appliances have always been considered a bad omen, symbolizing troubles and failures for its owner. Not only should they not be worn, but also kept at home due to the fact that they emit negative energy.
  • They say that a broken watch can stop the flow of its owner’s life, absorbing his energy and vitality necessary to move forward. A person loses interest in life, he does not have enough strength or time for anything.

But the way out of this situation is quite simple: you need to fix the broken item. This will help avoid negative phenomena associated with breakdown.

Is it possible to try on other people's accessories?

Surely many, even in childhood, loved to try on the clothes of friends and family, changing them forever or for a while. But is it possible to do this with a watch? Since this is an item for personal use, the exchange may carry some danger. This is connected not only with folk signs. For example, It's just not hygienic. Consider:

As a gift

Quite often, when choosing a gift for a loved one or to a loved one, it seems like a watch would be best. Which is not surprising, because depending on the brand and manufacturer, this can be a very stylish and status gift. But there will always be people who will insist that watches cannot be given as a gift.

Based on the signs, it is believed that neither new nor donated other people’s devices can be given to a person. But why did such a belief arise? There are a number of reasons:

To believe or not to believe in these signs depends on the person. There is a simple way out of this situation: if you really want to give a gift to a person, then you need to ask him in return for a small symbolic payment - at least a small coin itself. Then such a gift will not bring misfortune to the new owners.

Buy for yourself

In this case, there are no prejudices, and you can safely buy a watch for yourself. In this case, it is worth following some tips. Remember:

  • It is better for women and girls to give preference to models with a round or oval dial or other shapes, but always with rounded edges. This form will bring happiness and success in personal affairs to the lady’s life. But a square clock, on the contrary, symbolizes doing men’s work and “an unbearable burden.”
  • For a man, success in work and constant growth in finances will be brought by models with a square-shaped dial. This will also help avoid family problems.

Of course, it is still unknown how exactly the shape of these accessories affects the success of family life and material well-being person. However, perhaps these recommendations will to some extent help you get what you want.

Alien wall “walkers”

Since both wrist and wall clocks perform similar functions, there is no significant difference in terms of energy in them. We can say that it is not worth bringing into the house not only someone else’s device that determines the exact time, but also other objects - especially in cases where you do not know the owner personally. By doing this, you can pretty much clutter your home.

If you want to hang someone else’s “walkers” in your house too much, there are some useful tips:


By buying things secondhand, you can save a lot. But is it worth it? Neither people's opinions nor folk signs give a definite answer.

What does losing a device mean?

It's always unpleasant to lose a watch. The sign may not be so clear. There are many different beliefs and explanations for why you can lose them. The most common are:

An unexpected find

There is also no clear opinion regarding this sign. Some sources prohibit picking up found accessories, while others say that this is a sign from above. If you find a watch, the sign reads:

Only the person himself can decide what to do if he finds a wristwatch on the street. It is better for those prone to superstitions to pass by, because all the signs may turn out to be true for him.

Forgetting in someone else's house

Sometimes it happens that, through negligence, you can leave your watch with one of your friends or relatives. This is not critical, because they will definitely be returned.

Such an event can tell about relationships between people, about what awaits in the future:

Broken appliances

Breaking a watch is an extremely unpleasant omen. Perhaps this is one of the most ancient and unpleasant signs. The interpretations are as follows:

  • The most common explanation: broken glass means the illness of one of your close relatives. The watch symbolizes life and its transience, and a cracked dial is a violation of integrity. But all these are just superstitions, and you shouldn’t get hung up on them.
  • Wristwatches can fall and break quite often due to problems with the clasp or strap. This is also considered a bad sign. If your watch breaks, you may experience problems at work or may not be able to get a promotion.

Each item has its own lifespan, and even the best quality watches stop working over time.

Can I throw it away?

Before asking this question, you need to make sure that the device cannot be repaired. An experienced technician can fix them. Important to remember:

You shouldn’t get too hung up on signs, because any thing can fall and break without any particular reason, only due to the carelessness of the owner.

Attention, TODAY only!

Liana Raimanova

Many people wonder whether they can wear someone else's wedding ring. Often the bride and groom, who are not yet firmly on their feet financially, prefer to buy wedding rings at the pawnshop. They are also tormented by doubts about whether it is possible to wear someone else's wedding ring. There are still no firm answers to these questions.

In ancient times rings were worn as a talisman, only later did they acquire a symbol of marital fidelity. It was for a long time that the superstition arose that you should not put on someone else’s ring. It was placed in a ring-shaped amulet special meaning, he was talking about a specific person. Therefore, it was believed that if a stranger wears it, the ring will lose its magical power.

In addition, church ministers during weddings also say that young people should not transfer their rings into the wrong hands. Here you can see an allegorical meaning in the advice: remain faithful to each other, do not break your union. Since this is what rings symbolize during a wedding.

Everyone must decide for themselves whether or not to wear an engagement ring that belongs to someone else. The answer will depend on how a person views religion or superstitions

But the thoughts about the rings don’t end there. People often get rings by inheritance or as a gift from their parents. What do they say about it in such cases?

Can I wear my parents' wedding rings?

In some cases, the parents' rings are passed on to the children. Parents give them for a wedding or leave them as an inheritance. One way or another, children have to decide whether to wear such rings or not.

In this regard, psychics say that the energy of the person who previously wore the ring is preserved and transferred to another person. Therefore, according to them, rings can be a talisman or bring negative changes into the lives of children. Often the need to wear the mother's wedding ring may be good magical protection for a child. Especially if she cast spells over the decoration that have magical powers.

Is it okay to wear your mother's wedding ring?

If the mother has lived a happy family life, the ring carries positive energy that will be passed on to the child. Then the daughter is even recommended to wear her mother’s ring so that her marriage will be just as strong and prosperous. And, conversely, you should not wear your mother’s engagement ring if her life has not worked out.

People who inherited valuable jewelry can keep them and pass them on from generation to generation. Similar ring becomes a family heirloom. If there are suggestions that troubles are happening in life because of this decoration, you need to get rid of it or clean it.

Magicians and sorcerers, using special rituals, can remove bad energy from jewelry and charge it with good, positive power.

If this method is not suitable, the ring can be used for charitable purposes. It is believed that a thing with negative energy loses its power in front of good

Can a wife wear her husband's wedding ring?

Often, divorced women or women who have lost their husbands have questions regarding the remaining ring of their spouse. Magicians have their own opinion on this matter. They say that if a woman wants to connect her life with another person in the future, then she should not wear a ring. It will scare off a new applicant. It is better to hide the ring in a secluded corner and keep it as a memory of the deceased spouse. If you have a ring left over from a divorce, donate it to a charitable cause or leave it up to your children to decide.

The Church does not approve of divorce and does not say anything about wearing a ring after a divorce. However, why bother yourself with constant reminders of past happiness? We need to go towards something new!

After the death of her husband, clergy say that a widow can wear her husband’s ring as a sign of love and memory for him. But it can be used as a pendant and worn on the chest . But in any case, the second ring, especially if the marriage was a wedding, should be kept by the second spouse.

Signs about wearing a husband's wedding ring by a wife

Why can't you try on other people's wedding rings?

Statements about what cannot be measured also have explanations.

A woman or men who try on someone else’s wedding ring on their hand are risking their own well-being. family life. If a person is not yet married, then he may remain single forever. So say folk signs. Sorcerers and psychics say that the ring absorbs the energy of the owner and can transfer it to the person who tries it on. Agree that not everyone has positive energy. Therefore, in order not to take risks, it is better not to wear other people’s rings for trying on.

Especially if the person who asked to try it on is divorced or unhappily married. It is believed that a person will take family happiness for himself. Fortune tellers warn that a rival who dreams of a union with her husband may ask to try on the ring. It's also better not to take risks.

The Church says nothing about trying on rings. But he instructs you to never take the rings off your finger in order to protect your marriage.

Interesting signs associated with wedding rings

In general, there are many signs with rings. To believe in them or not is everyone’s business.

  1. For example, it is believed that a marriage will be successful if rings are purchased for the bride and groom at the same time.
  2. There should be no scratches on the ring, then family life will go smoothly.
  3. Gold wedding rings should provide prosperity in the home, while platinum wedding rings should provide stability.
  4. The groom must purchase wedding symbols: then he will become the head of the family.
  5. Before the wedding, wedding rings should be immersed in water and frozen: then the family will be strong.

Signs about wedding rings

There are many signs and superstitions associated with rings in the world, but if you take everything seriously, you can give yourself a headache and attract misfortune just by thinking that something tragic is about to happen. Live in harmony and love, then no one will destroy the family.

September 13, 2018, 11:33

In ancient times, rings were family heirlooms. They were made of pure precious metals, so they were passed down from generation to generation. Only married women were allowed to wear such a thing, and girls could not afford such luxury.

Trying on someone else's ring means immediate difficulties

All these traditions formed the basis for signs and superstitions about whether it is possible to wear and pass on other people’s rings. The folk wisdom that has come down to us remains relevant to this day.

Is it possible to wear other people's rings?

To understand whether it is possible to wear someone else’s ring for a long time, you need to pay attention to who owned the jewelry before.

  • If the ring belonged to the mother, then it can be worn without fear. The person is not in danger; such decoration will not indicate either positive or negative events in the near future.
  • Grandmother's ring is a sign indicating the imminent birth of a child. If you regularly wear such a family heirloom, the girl will soon become pregnant.
  • Wearing a mother-in-law's ring is a bad sign. This can lead to quarrels in the family. The cause of numerous conflicts will be differences in points of view on the same problem. A compromise will not be found, which will lead to a break.
  • Wearing jewelry that belonged to your husband's relatives means changing your own position. The person will consider different points of view on the issue. After this, he will be able to formulate his own opinion, which will remain with him in further discussions.
  • Decoration sister- a harbinger of professional success. The woman will be able to prove herself in the further performance of her duties. This will make her stand out among her colleagues, and her superiors will note the person’s aspirations. With diligence, there is a high chance of moving up the career ladder.
  • Wearing a ring that belonged to a cousin or sister-in-law is a bad omen. Soon the girl will become seriously ill. Treatment of the disease will require effort and financial resources, then a lot of time will be spent on rehabilitation. Because of this, the lady will miss out on many opportunities; in the future, she will have to achieve success on her own, without relying on past achievements or the help of influential acquaintances.
  • Buying someone else's ring from a stranger is a bad omen. A person will take upon himself failure and all the troubles that were in store for an outsider. This will cause a dark streak in life.
  • Accidentally finding a stranger's ring is an indication of imminent happiness. A person will be able to achieve the reward that he has been striving for for several years. Achievement will not only raise a person’s status in society, but will also positively affect his relationships with peers.

Someone else's wedding ring is a symbol of transmitted faith in oneself


To understand whether it is possible to wear someone else’s wedding ring on your finger, you need to pay attention to appearance decorations.

  • The church property, on which it is written “save and preserve,” belongs to the original owner. Therefore, someone else’s jewelry cannot be worn, otherwise the girl takes responsibility for all the actions of the owner. This can lead to unjustified injustices on the part of fate.
  • Someone else's gold wedding ring is a symbol of transmitted faith in oneself. After a woman puts on such jewelry, she will feel a surge of strength, a desire to work intensively and put effort into what she loves. Her self-esteem will rise, thanks to which she will become motivated to take action.
  • A gilded engagement ring is a fateful sign indicating unfulfilled promises. The girl will constantly give her word, and alone will not fulfill the terms of the contract. This will lead to loss of trust and close friends.
  • According to signs, a girl can wear someone else's silver wedding rings. Such decoration does not take on any positive or negative aspects former owner, so you can wear it regularly without fear for yourself and family members.


Someone else's gold ring is a sign of security and prosperity, so wearing such jewelry means attracting monetary resources to the house. Soon, among the lady's occupations, those that bring in large incomes will appear.


Silver jewelry can bring trouble to a family. Disappointment in what you have done and blaming others for the consequences are the main reasons why you should not wear someone else’s light rings. precious metal. Such decoration can also negatively affect the relationship with your significant other.

Is it possible to try on other people's rings?

Trying on someone else's ring means immediate difficulties. A person will face problems that will affect his entire future life.

The signs that have come down to us explain whether it is possible to wear someone else’s jewelry on a finger. And they also convey to us the reasons why you should not try on other people’s rings, pick up jewelry on the road and buy them second-hand.

Nata Karlin

Since mankind invented the clock, this amazing and necessary mechanism has been the most magical properties were attributed. Previously, they used the position of the stars in the sky or the morning wake-up call of the neighbor's rooster to determine the time. Centuries later, watches became an object of status and luxury, because not everyone could afford these miracle mechanisms. It was in those times that signs arose, among them the belief that you cannot wear someone else’s watches is considered very important, it is best to buy your own - the ones that suit your liking the most.

Folk signs about watches

Understanding why you can’t wear someone else’s watch (including one bought second-hand, inherited, or found on the street) comes when a person begins to learn at least a little important signs about these mechanisms. It is believed that:

  • You can't give them away, because it predicts trouble. It is believed that from the moment a person accepts this gift, the arrows begin to measure the time remaining to him, inevitably bringing the outcome of life closer. However, such a gift can be “bought off”. Just give the coin to the donor with words of gratitude. It is believed that this way you are simply buying jewelry from him.

A watch given to a man brings his death closer, to a woman - they predict a quick old age, to the bride and groom - scandals and conflicts.

  • Clock falling from the wall onto the floor promise a lot of misfortune to those who live in this house. A clock mechanism destroyed by a fall foreshadowed the imminent death of one of the household members or their relatives.
  • Break a wristwatch- a harbinger of danger. You need to immediately get rid of the broken watch, throw it away or take it for repairs and never store it in the house. This will help you avoid a lot of trouble. In addition, a broken watch said that all a person’s efforts in life are in vain and one doesn’t even have to try, because in the near future there will only be failures.
  • Lose your watch- Same bad omen. This fact says that all a person’s actions are wrong and he is simply “treading water”, not moving a single step towards his intended goal. You need to think about your actions, reconsider your views on many life moments and change direction.

An old watch in a man's hand

  • Find a wristwatch on the street it is considered great luck. From this moment on, Fortune turns its face, and a person’s life gets better. Changes are possible that will lead to a happy ending.
  • Stopped clock hands indicate that their owner was given a warning from above that he was wasting his time. This is very important for those who are used to procrastinating or running their own business.

Considered a family heirloom and passed down by inheritance, wristwatches are considered the strongest amulet against evil forces.

They protect the owner from negative messages from the outside, attract success and abundance. It is believed that the speed of the passage of time depends on which hand a person is used to wearing a watch. If you wear the device on your left hand, then time speeds up, on your right hand it slows down.

Why can't you even try someone else's watch?

Hours are counted exclusively personal use item. These devices are capable of adopting not only a person’s energy, but also adapting to his rhythm of life. Therefore, not only wearing, but even trying on someone else’s watch is considered unacceptable.

Folk signs They say that trying on someone else's watch means try on the life of their owner. If you want to live someone else's life, no one is against it, just think, is this step worth it? After all, you may simply not know about a person’s serious illnesses, his bad deeds and the hidden character traits that this item will endow you with. Therefore, it is best to buy new ones.

However, one cannot discount the fact that all these are superstitions and signs. After all, there are things that passed down from generation to generation for centuries. And among them, watches are very common. At the same time, the devices did not cause any problems to their owners. A lot depends on the attitude of the person himself to signs. However, many people cannot make mistakes at once, so you can only exchange watches with those in whom you are absolutely confident.

Someone else's wall clock: is it possible to keep them in the house?

There is no doubt that everyone knows about the negative impact of other people's things and objects on the energy of their own home. Often bringing other people's things, you just you litter your home with them. This is especially true for things of people you have never known in this life.

If you have a watch in your hands that you simply cannot refuse, and you decide to hang it on the wall of your house at all costs, use a few tips:

  1. Try to buy the device only from people you know very well. The reason is simple - you know this person, his fate, character and can assess the degree of risk.
  2. Bring into your home only proper, working clocks. Take those that need to be “fixed” immediately for repair.

Never take a watch that doesn't work, has a broken glass or a torn pendulum.

Is it possible to buy another person's watch second-hand?

Many people are simply sure that buying things secondhand significantly saves money from the family budget. Opinions on this matter vary widely. For example, esotericists completely agree with folk signs of the following content:

  1. When we purchase used walkers, we get with them all the troubles and illnesses of the former owner.
  2. The item itself or the person who wore it could be damaged. Accordingly, some of the negative energy can be received along with the watch.

However, most people do not have any malicious intent when selling items they no longer want or need.

Vintage cuckoo clock

Why you shouldn’t lose or forget your wristwatch: signs and explanation

There are a lot of popular beliefs about what will happen if you lose your wristwatch. The most common of them include:

  1. This incident is considered a harbinger of difficult times to come.
  2. An important and possibly difficult stage of your life has already ended, and now something new and interesting awaits you.

We often forget our things at home, at a party, at work. However, regarding watches there are a number of signs:

  1. If you forgot your item, which has an acute-angled dial, this threatens disagreements, quarrels and insults. Round and oval watches – peace and long friendship.
  2. Forgetting your lover's watch means that this relationship will become long-lasting and happy.
  3. Leaving your walkers with someone who is unpleasant to you means you will not be able to break off the relationship as quickly as you would like.
  4. Leaving the clock at work indicates that you are not doing your job or are devoting a lot of time to solving other people’s problems.
  5. At a party - think about how much time you spend on relaxation?

Is it possible or not to throw away the watch?

This question interests a lot of people. However, we can definitely say that an accessory that cannot be restored will have to be thrown away in any case. According to ancient beliefs, it was believed that you would cause pain and suffering to the watchmaker who created this mechanism if you throw it away. If you no longer want to wear your watch, just put them in the box, but don't stop the arrows.

In the old days, it was believed that broken table, floor, wrist, or wall clocks should not be simply thrown into the trash

Thus, a person attracts negative energy into his home. If you are already convinced that the watch is not working, remove the mechanism from it and put it in a box, and then wrap it with a piece of purple cloth. It is believed that this particular shade eliminates negative energy.

How to cleanse a watch of foreign energy?

It is not unreasonably believed that someone else’s thing carries negative energy for your home. Thus, a person who has found, received, or bought a watch second-hand may notice that he has become a magnet for trouble. Very often this energy can accumulate in simply old and unnecessary trash. Therefore, esotericists advise to definitely get rid of it.

Antique table clock with a figurine of a girl

The easiest way to clear a found watch from someone else’s energy is put them in salt or simply wipe the entire body of the object with it. After this, place the salt on the windowsill in the sun and only then can it be dissolved in water and poured into the sink or toilet.

Another interesting way is to take a bell and ring them over the thing. Fumigating the watch with incense will enhance the effect. In China, it is believed that evil spirits can be driven away by loud noise. You can use this method as well. For example, exploding firecrackers near things, clapping your hands loudly and shouting. For incense, just light a sprig of wormwood. It is said that its aroma can exorcise evil spirits from everywhere.

Vintage floor clock with striking

The oldest way to eliminate negative energy is to light a candle over the object and move it counterclockwise. In the case of precious watches, it is best to remove the bracelet and base, melt them down and obtain an energetically absolutely pure object.

To believe or not to believe folk signs and observations of esotericists is everyone’s business. However, most people believe that it is not worth incurring even probable misfortunes and prefer to buy new watches in stores.

Every thing in this world has its own purpose and characteristics. Rings are popular pieces of jewelry that have been worn by both women and men since ancient times. Often precious jewelry was passed from father to son, from mother to daughter, or along other lines of kinship.

Previously, no one delved into the mysticism of these actions. But in modern world People, before deciding whether they can wear other people’s rings, most often study all the nuances, and only then make a decision.

The ring is primarily a symbol of energy endlessly rotating in a circle. Since ancient times, pharaohs, kings, and clergy considered the circle the most powerful, carrying figure. And today, most jewelry has the same shape. Let's figure out whether it's possible to wear other people's rings before putting on the jewelry and admiring it on your own own hand.

Beliefs about rings

Many people believe in omens and signs, if you are one of these people, then this information will probably be of interest:

By adhering to the rules and focusing on folk signs, you will understand whether it is possible to wear other people’s rings and how this can be dangerous. The main thing is to perform certain rituals before putting on someone's jewelry.

Find out if you can wear someone else's wedding ring

Marriage for girls is a reverent and long-awaited process. The choice of a symbol of eternity - wedding rings, is, in general, a special ritual, which the fair sex approaches with full awareness. Sometimes rings are inherited or given by friends or relatives. In this case, the question should arise as to whether it is possible to wear other people's gold rings.

The answer to this question is ambiguous. If the ring came from a mother who has a happy marriage, then you can put it on your finger without hesitation. If from relatives or friends with an unfortunate fate, then it is better to refuse the offer to take their jewelry.

Sometimes from the outside it may seem that everything is perfect. In fact, as they say: “someone else’s family is darkness.” Perhaps it is better not to risk your family life and not accept someone else’s energy as a gift, worn in a wedding ring. It’s better to create your own destiny and buy new rings. In addition, their selection and pricing policy is such that everyone will choose the appropriate option.

The mystical side of the coin

The question of whether it is possible to wear other people's rings should be considered from two points of view, one of which is real, and the other mystical. As for the latter side, the following nuances play a role here:

To believe in mysticism or not is everyone’s business. Knowing whether it is possible to wear a stranger’s ring and the consequences, you will decide on this issue yourself.

The real side of the coin

If a person does not believe in mysticism, then it is necessary to pay attention to the real side, because of which you should not wear someone else’s ring. Let's look at the explanations for this:

  • Hygiene. Even if a person is clean and tidy, there are still bacteria on his skin that you may not have. Therefore, there may be a risk of contracting some kind of infection or virus that can lead to a cold or other diseases.
  • It will also become infected with a fungus, which may be invisible in one person, but appear in another with all the ensuing consequences.

In any case, each person has a choice whether to wear a ring, given or inherited, or not. It's everyone's business.

How to cleanse the energy of jewelry

If you still want to wear jewelry, despite your beliefs, you can cleanse it of the energy belonging to the previous owner.

It's not difficult, all you need is:

  • Rinse the product under cold running water and then dip in spring water. This will help free the ring from its former energy.
  • Another way is to immerse the jewelry in water diluted with salt for several days. Or just put it in a handful of salt. They say that it takes away bad energy, after which you can safely wear the ring on your finger.

Those who believe and those who don't can decide for themselves whether to wear someone's jewelry or not. But it’s still worth knowing the nuances.