Modular origami bullfinch assembly diagram. Modular origami "bullfinch"


  • consolidate the techniques of folding paper; rules for marking a square by bending a rectangle;
  • learn to work with a subject instruction card;
  • make a bird using the origami technique;
  • develop an eye and precision in product execution; accuracy; the ability to finish what you start;


For the teacher:

  • larger square;
  • whatman;

For students:

  • Each student has a ruler and a rectangle made of colored paper (A4 sheet), red on one side, black on the other;
  • glue; paints
  1. Conversation (solving a crossword puzzle)
  2. Demonstration by the teacher of a sample of a folding product (finch)
  3. Analysis of the structure (from a rectangular sheet).
  4. Self-production by children using the method of operational dictation (the teacher shows a presentation: one operation after another, students perform simultaneously).
  5. Work evaluation ( best works glued to a large panel: rowan under the snow.)


I. Organizational moment.

II. Introduction to the topic. Guess the crossword puzzle (Slide 5)

(Drawings depicting birds)

III Conversation about the bullfinch(Slide 6)

What do you know about this bird?

Have you seen her in our area?

Do you know any signs?

Bullfinches are elegant birds. Males are red-breasted, while females have a more modest outfit. Bullfinches usually live in small flocks (7-10 birds). In summer, bullfinches live in the deepest spruce thickets. There the birds make their nest and hatch their chicks. And in autumn and winter they wander in search of food. In winter, bullfinches sitting on branches look like red lanterns that decorate a birch tree.

SIGN A bullfinch chirps under the window - for warmth.

IV Conversation "What is ORIGAMI"(Slide 7)

Origami (Japanese, lit.: "folded paper") is the ancient art of folding paper figures. The art of origami has its roots in ancient China, where paper was invented.

The mysterious world of paper transformation:
All the sorcerers, wizards, magicians are here.
They create fairy tales with their own hands.
And that wonderful world is called ORIGAMI.

V Sample demonstration, work analysis.

Practical work Students do practical work. Teacher provides assistance .

Manufacturing procedure (Slide 8)

1. Take a rectangle painted black on one side and red on the other. Make a square by folding.

2. Fold the basic triangle shape with the black color facing out. (Slide 9)

3. Fold the triangle in half. (Slide 10)

4. Raise the corners to the top of the right angle. (Slide 11)

5. Lower the raised corners at an angle away from each other. (Slide 12)

6. Turn the figure with three corners up (Slide 13)

7. Lift up the bottom corner, picking up only two layers of paper.

8. Lower the raised corner (from the side corners).

9. It should look like this. (Slide 14)

10. Open the “pocket” and flatten the sides.

11. Like this: (Slide 15)

12. Bend the corner to the left. (Slide 16)

13. Fold the triangle from the top of its top corner.

14. Bend the tail corner. (Slide 17)

15. Return the wing corner to its original place. (Slide 18)

16. Bend a corner on the bullfinch’s chest inside the figure.

17. Pull the beak corner. (Slide 19)

18. Fold a corner on your head.

19. Glue on the eyes. You should end up with a bullfinch like this. (Slide 20)

VI Teamwork (Slide 20)

Children stick bullfinches onto a rowan tree drawn on whatman paper

VIIExhibition of works

- We worked fruitfully, the work turned out to be interesting.

What do you think is the future of our work?

Why did we learn to create a composition?

VIIIThe final part of the lesson

Summing up the lesson

  • What new did you learn in the lesson?
  • What interested you most about the job?

While winter is still in full swing, today we invite you to collect from paper a kind of winter messenger - a bullfinch, which, unlike its living comrades, will not leave you when winter transfers its powers to a warm and blooming spring. In addition, it does not require a cage, and you don’t have to worry about feeding it.

So, we will create a bullfinch bird from a square sheet of paper. To make the bird as realistic as possible, try to find special origami paper in black and red. If you are ready, you can proceed with the subsequent photo instructions.

As you can see, the craft is very simple to perform, therefore it is perfect for beginners in origami, and for children who are learning this art, and even as a additional classes parents with child.

If you wish, you can arrange a beautiful place for the bullfinch bird among your paper crafts (as shown in the last picture), planting it in flowers, making a tree or leaves for it, and so on. Try to get creative and you will end up with a wonderful origami scene.

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Modular origami"Bullfinch"

Slide 1.
You will learn:
- why modular origami was chosen for design and research work
- what aspects does modular origami have?
- what is the importance of modular origami in the development of a child?
You will become interested in paper art and make the simplest model“Bullfinch”, which the 2nd grade guys prepared for you in their design and research work.
Slide 2.
Soviet teacher Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky wrote:
“The origins of children’s creative abilities and talents are at their fingertips”

These words gave me the idea to use modular origami in the children’s design and research work.

Every person probably at least once in his life created the simplest product from a sheet of paper - a boat or an airplane, and in the summer they often built themselves a “cap” from a newspaper. AND paper boats, and the cap are made according to the “origami” principle.
Slide 3.
Origami is the traditional Japanese art of paper folding.

The art of modular origami is a mystery, and it attracts everyone with incredible transformations. Today, many people all over the world are interested in this art.

Origami is not only an interesting and exciting activity, but also useful hobby. It has three aspects: medical, practical and psychological.

Medical aspect
If we are talking about children, then we cannot help but say that modular origami promotes uniform and rapid development of fine motor skills of the hands, as well as the eye. Unlike drawing, which also promotes creativity, paper folding requires both hands. That is why coordination of finger movements develops so well, as well as attention and memory.

Practical aspect
There is probably no other creative activity that develops perseverance and hard work as much as modular origami. Creating modules is a serious job that requires attention and concentration of all forces, both physical and emotional. Assembling according to patterns from masters develops in a person patience and precision in the movements of hands and fingers. In addition, modular origami introduces children to geometric shapes and concepts. The child moves from learning to performing actions independently.

Psychological aspect
Adults who are interested in creating paper sculptures note that the hobby has become a kind of psychological relief for them. An opportunity to be alone with your thoughts or, conversely, not to think about problems, but to concentrate on creating sculptural compositions.
Origami increases the activity of both the left and right hemispheres of the brain, since it requires simultaneous control over the movements of both hands, which in turn leads to a positive change in a number of indicators.
Slide 4.
Through modular origami, I want to achieve comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic development their students and increase the effectiveness of their teaching.

Here are the goals that the guys set for themselves:
I want to be successful! I want to be smart! I want to be needed!

Slide 5.
The importance of origami for child development:
- teaches children various techniques for working with paper;
- introduces children to basic geometric concepts;
- stimulates the development of attention, memory, spatial imagination;
- develops fine motor skills hand and eye;
- helps to develop the ability to follow oral instructions, read and sketch product diagrams;
- develops artistic taste and creativity children, activates their imagination and fantasy;
- promotes the creation of play situations, expands the communication abilities of children;
- improves work skills, creates a work culture, teaches accuracy.
Slide 6.
Speech by Vladislav Ivanov.
– My name is Ivanov Vladislav. Today I will teach you how to fold a triangular module.

A Japanese proverb says:
“Tell me - I will hear, show me - I will remember, let me do it myself - I will understand!”

– Features of this technique: the use of a fairly simple triangular module. The modules are connected by inserting them into each other, the friction force that appears in this case prevents the structure from falling apart.

– Now we will make a triangle module.
1. Fold the rectangle in half.
2. Bend and straighten to mark the middle line. Turn the slide towards you.
3. Fold the edges towards the middle.
4. Turn over.
5. Turn the edges up.
6. Fold the corners, bending them over the large triangle.
7. Unbend.
8. Fold the small triangles again along the marked lines and lift the edges up.
9. Fold in half.
10. The resulting module has two corners and two pockets.
Slide 7.
I suggest you watch the film that the 2nd grade guys have prepared for you. You will see what wonderful and interesting works can be done from modular origami.

Slide 8.
The children's works were recognized as the best at all-Russian and international competitions

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 58"

Technology lesson notes

“Origami applique “bullfinch on a branch”

Teacher Atareeva A.I.


Objective of the lesson:


Learn how to make a fake by folding paper and ironing the fold lines.

Strengthen your skills, save paper, keep your desk tidy.

Review safety rules when working with scissors.


Develop skills in mental analysis of the sequence of manufacturing a product and the practical execution of a task.

Develop skills independent activity using various types work in class.

Develop self-esteem and control skills through different ways evaluating your work.


Cultivate perseverance.

Develop the ability to listen to someone else's point of view.

Foster a sense of mutual assistance.

General educational skills and abilities are practiced in this lesson:

Understand the learning task

Understand and follow the sequence of actions

Follow the teacher’s advice on preparing the workplace,

Ability to use educational materials in accordance with accepted standards,

Ability to observe the basic rules of educational hygiene,

Foster a sense of mutual assistance.

Equipment: enlarged sample of the product.

Materials: cardboard, colored paper, glue.

Tools and accessories: scissors, glue brushes, pencil, napkins, hand cloths.

Lesson progress

1. Goal setting.

Today in technology class we will finish the work that we started in the last lesson.

We will need scissors, glue, brushes, paper.

Let's remember the rules for handling scissors:

1.Do not hold the ends up with scissors.

2.Do not leave scissors open.

Pass the scissors only closed, with the ends facing your friend.

3. Place the scissors on the desk so that they do not protrude beyond the edge of the desk.

You know, guys, the very first scissors are more than 2 thousand years old. This is a knife - two knives held together by a plate. They used them to shear sheep.

Scissors can be used to cut paper. We cut at one point all the time. That's the whole point of scissors. And this force turns out to be so great that we can easily cut not only paper, but also fabric, cardboard, foil, etc.

2. Work on the topic of the lesson.

A) History of origami.

And today in class we will do origami.

What is origami?

This is the art of folding paper figures.

What figures have we already learned to fold? (frog, toad, rooster, hen, chicks, crow, tit).

Origami is a village art and it originated in Japan.

"Ori" - "fold".

"Gami" means "paper".

Now this art has spread throughout the world. Both children and adults do it.

B) Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Today we will learn how to fold a new figure. And the name of this figure will be a riddle and a solution.

Where are you, where are you from?

Has a red-breasted one arrived to us?

I flew all over Siberia

What's your name? (bullfinch)

How did you guess that it was a bullfinch? (showing a drawing of a bullfinch)

Indeed, they are clearly visible against the background of snow, and are very beautiful in their bright red outfits. The first snow and the first bullfinch! For this property of appearing with the first snow, it was called the bullfinch. However, only males at a “respectable age” have a bright chest, and in young ones it is brown. And the females are generally gray, but also beautiful. They are called brown bullfinches.

C) Making a figurine of a bullfinch.

What color paper will we need today? (red and black).

T To fold the figure, we take square blanks consisting of 2 layers of red and black paper.

1. Connect the squares.

2. Divide in half diagonally towards you (red paper inward).

3. Stepping back a little from the diagonal fold, fold the lower corner of the top layer up and iron the fold.

4. Turn the workpiece over with the bent side down and divide the figure in half from top to bottom.

5. We make wing flaps up on one and the other side of the craft.

6. Select the beak.

7. Outline the line of the abdomen, the shape of the tail.

8. Cut off the parts along the marked lines. So we dressed the bullfinch in a black tailcoat.

9. Glue on the eyes.

What does a bullfinch eat?

With its thick beak it chews berry seeds or small nuts.

It feeds on plant buds, seeds of trees and shrubs, viburnum and rowan berries, from which it selects the seeds and throws away the pulp.

That's why we stick the bullfinch on a rowan branch.

Some scientists decided to check which birds are the most beloved and where?

And it turned out that the most favorite birds in Russia are bullfinches.

“The bullfinches are sitting quietly in the snow.

Between the stems of last year's nettles;

I can't fully describe you

How poor and beautiful they are!”

One can explain people’s love for bullfinches by their beauty, people-pleasing solidarity, and the fact that in winter they greatly enliven the Russian landscape, which is even difficult to imagine without bullfinches. We see them most often in winter. Bullfinches keep in small flocks (7-10 birds in each). The stronger the frost, the calmer the flock sits, occasionally moving to pick a berry, break off a bud, and then sit motionless again for a while. And so on all day.

As darkness approaches, the entire flock flies off somewhere into the bushes or trees, where they spend the night. And so on throughout the winter.

There is no need to scare them at this time, to drive them off the branches. If you decide to feed the birds, remember that they do not like brown bread crumbs. The bullfinch is a trusting and sociable bird. If one of the flock falls into a trap, the rest rush to him.

3. Summing up.

A) Reflection.

Which tasks did you find most interesting?

What caused the difficulties?

How do you feel about the lesson?

B) Cleaning workplaces .


Master class “Bird - Titmouse” for children 5-6 years old

Continue to introduce children to folding figures using the origami method. Develop children's creative abilities and imagination.
Teach a new action to bend a corner inside the product. Repeat symbols actions according to the scheme of step-by-step folding of the product. Repeat the rules for working with scissors. Fold the square diagonally, corner to corner, to form a triangle.

Work progress:

1. To make a tit bird using the origami method, the following materials are needed: colored paper (preferably colored on both sides) different colors), pencil, scissors, glue.

2. Take a sheet of paper with one side blue and the other yellow, make a square out of it. Place the square with the yellow side up. It is important to carry out all actions without changing the position of the product until necessary. At the square, fold the corner with the corner to form a triangle.

3. Then we bend the top layer of the triangle to the left along the intended line at some distance from the fold of the triangle.

4. Fold the resulting product in half along the intended line. The top corner of the triangle to the bottom corner.

5. We bend the top layer of the resulting product upward along the intended line, at a short distance from the middle of the product.

6. Then we turn the product over to the other side and repeat the previous steps, bending the lower corner of the product up along the intended line.

7. Return the product to its original position (turn it over) and bend the left corner of the resulting product inward along the intended line to create a beak.

8. On the right side of the product, mark the cut lines with a pencil. We take scissors and cut the product along the marked line.

9. Draw or glue the bird’s eye.

10. The titmouse bird is ready. If your bird sits on a branch, then you need to lower the wings - bend them down, with an imaginary wing fold line in the middle of the product.