Homemade white clay face masks: TOP best recipes. Medicomed white cosmetic clay - “my most effective white clay mask at home for blackheads! Moisturizing face mask with white clay

Any woman can prepare a clay mask at home, adding other components to it or using only it.

Clay masks can:

  • cleanse the dermis and remove “dead” cells;
  • refresh your face and even out its color;
  • tighten the facial contour.

Among other things, the mask is easy to apply and quickly rinses off.

Application rules

You need to apply the product correctly, only then the result will not disappoint you.

To ensure the effect is obvious, follow these recommendations:

The mask may cause slight redness.

IMPORTANT: A clay mask has a profound effect on the dermis, so applying decorative cosmetics is only permissible 6-8 hours after the procedure.

Best options

The most effective and most common clay face masks are the following:

  • with the addition of fermented milk products (sour cream, cream or kefir);
  • with medicinal herbs (for example, chamomile or sage);
  • with chicken eggs;
  • with fruit or vegetable juice (the most popular among others are lemon and cucumber juice);
  • with essential oils (tea tree, rose, ylang-ylang).

Types of clay

There are several types of clay:

  • white;
  • gray;
  • blue;
  • black;
  • yellow;
  • red;
  • pink.

The color of each type is determined by the presence of certain minerals and chemical elements.

Facial clay cannot be used blindly. It is important to know which product will suit your skin and solve certain problems.

Let's look at each type in more detail and determine what skin type it is suitable for and what problems it can solve.


Suitable for oily and sensitive skin. Solves the following problems: enlarged pores, acne.

Effect after use:

  • excess fat and shine are removed from the face;
  • even complexion;
  • the face is tightened and has a clear contour;
  • pores are invisible;
  • no inflammation or redness.


Suitable for dry skin. Solves the following problems: acne, fine wrinkles.

Effect after use:

  • the skin is elastic;
  • pores are less noticeable, there is no inflammation;
  • shallow wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • skin is moisturized;
  • toxins are removed.


Suitable for normal or combination skin, as well as aging skin.

Solves problems of skin pigmentation and uneven complexion.

Effect after use:

  • no inflammation;
  • fine wrinkles smoothed out;
  • there is no pigmentation or freckles, the complexion is even and healthy;
  • improved blood circulation.


Suitable for oily skin. Solves the problems of increased oiliness of the dermis and acne.

Effect after use:

  • tightened facial contour;
  • skin is clean;
  • excess fat is absorbed;
  • acne disappears.


Suitable for aging skin. Solves the problem of acne.

Effect after use:

  • toxins are removed;
  • the skin is saturated with oxygen;
  • the youth of the dermis is preserved, the number of wrinkles and their depth are reduced;
  • acne eliminated;
  • metabolic processes are activated.


Suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Solves the problem of iron deficiency, eliminates peeling.

Effect after use:

  • improved blood supply;
  • redness and irritation are relieved;
  • the skin is saturated with oxygen;
  • water balance is normalized;
  • facial contour restored.


Suitable for dry and aging skin. Solves problems: sagging skin and other signs of aging.

Effect after use:

  • pores are reduced;
  • skin elasticity restored;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • fine wrinkles smoothed out;
  • even complexion.


Suitable for sensitive skin.

Problems that it helps to get rid of: irritation and peeling of the dermis.

Effect after use:

  • the skin is softened;
  • the skin is firm and elastic, velvety and free of impurities.

You will find more detailed information about different types of clay in this video:

To ensure the procedure is carried out correctly, listen to the following tips:

Contraindications and side effects

Clay face masks have a small number of contraindications, but they need to be mentioned.

  • Very rare, but Allergies may still occur, so before using clay, test for an allergic reaction.
  • Avoid the area around the eyelids and lips, to avoid injury to the delicate skin of these areas.
  • It is unacceptable to apply clay to dirty skin..

Clay masks are quite simple to prepare; their use does not require a lot of time and money. Set up a beauty salon right at home and always be dazzling!

Clay face masks are one of the most common dermal care products. They can be used to cleanse, tone, nourish and tighten the face.

Clay is a natural component that contains beneficial substances and trace elements. The main feature of cosmetic clay is the absence of alkalis and chemical components. The use of clay face masks is due to the following:

  • accessibility and ease of use;
  • noticeable effect after just a few procedures;
  • a large selection of types of cosmetics that are suitable for each type of dermis;
  • economical, since one sachet of product is enough for several procedures.

Clay has a delicate effect on the epidermis, cleanses, removes toxins, removes inflammation, without injuring the epidermis.


The main components of the cosmetic product are:

  • Silicon. This component affects the walls of blood vessels, making them more flexible, promoting lipid metabolism and the production of natural skin collagen.
  • Manganese. Used in a mask to dry the dermis, relieve inflammation and reduce rashes on the face.
  • Aluminum. It is an anti-inflammatory component that has an astringent effect, tightens pores and cleanses the epidermis.
  • Iron. Saturates the skin with oxygen, improves blood circulation, thereby slowing down the aging process of the dermis.

The largest amount of iron is found in pink clay.

  • Copper. A component that helps in the fight against damage to the epidermis, as it promotes rapid healing of wounds.
  • Zinc. Has an antiseptic effect, fights pimples and acne.
  • Potassium. Helps remove excess fluid, relieves swelling and puffiness around the eyes.

To eliminate epidermal problems, you need to use the type of clay that suits your dermis type.

Useful properties of masks

Masks with cosmetic clay have the following beneficial properties:

  • deeply cleanse the epidermis, remove toxins, improve blood circulation;
  • cleanse the dermis, narrow enlarged pores, help in the fight against acne, drying out acne;
  • nourish and moisturize dry skin;
  • tone, make the skin soft, smooth and velvety;
  • can solve the problem with pigment spots, since the mask has whitening properties;
  • relieve inflammation and irritation, reduce the number of rashes, fight acne;
  • promote the regeneration of epidermal cells, improve metabolic processes in cells, and trigger the process of producing your own collagen;
  • eliminates oily shine, removes flaking, gives the skin elasticity and firmness.

Among other things, clay has a rejuvenating effect, so it can be used by girls with any skin type, including sensitive and aging skin.

Features of clay depending on color

Using pink clay, you can significantly improve the relief of the epidermis, smooth out wrinkles, and make the skin smooth and elastic.


Suitable for normal and oily dermis, since black clay has antioxidant properties, absorbs all impurities, and cleanses the epidermis. You can read more about black clay at.

A black clay mask cleanses the epidermis better than any cosmetic scrub, improves blood circulation, cleanses the epidermis with useful and important minerals, tightens the oval of the face, and makes the contour clearer.

The composition contains minerals and trace elements, as well as quartz, calcium and iron, magnesium, strontium.

Black clay can be used instead of a facial scrub.

The best clay masks

The skin care procedure can be carried out at home using ready-made products purchased in the store. Consider the rating of the best and most effective clay masks:

L'Oreal Magic Clay Detox and radiance

The product contains three types of clays - kaolin, gassoul, montmorillonite and black coal. This mask is used to cleanse the skin, since black coal, like a magnet, pulls out impurities from the epidermis, removes toxins, and returns a healthy complexion. The product can be used after 25 years of age. The mask costs about 450 rubles. You can read more about the L'Oreal Magic Clay mask in.

Spivak Nourishing clay Anti-acne

The mask is designed to nourish, tone and increase the elasticity of the epidermis. It also has an antiseptic effect, fights inflammation and rashes. The product can be used by girls 25+. The product costs 150-160 rubles.

EvelineFacemed+ cleansing and smoothing mask with green clay and green tea extract

The composition contains green clay and green tea. Thanks to this, the product perfectly fights acne, blackheads, enlarged pores and at the same time smoothes the texture of the dermis. The product can be used by girls aged 20+. The product costs approximately 250-300 rubles.

Avon Revitalizing with Moroccan clay and argan oil “Treasures of the Desert”

Well nourishes, moisturizes and restores the dermis, due to the fact that the composition contains Moroccan clay and essential oils. Product age category 25+. The product costs about 200 rubles.

Price: 200 rubles.

“A little thing” Mirrolla LLC Green clay and lemongrass essential oil

The product contains three types of clay and essential oils of lemongrass, lime and green tea plant extract. This composition helps fight the first signs of aging of the dermis, tones the skin, tightens enlarged pores, and mattifies the dermis. Suitable for girls aged 20-30 years. The product costs no more than 70 rubles.

Agafya's blue cleansing bathhouse with cornflower blue water

The active component of this care product is blue clay. Thanks to this, the mask perfectly cleanses the skin, tightens pores, and eliminates oily shine. Additional components moisturize and nourish the dermis, restoring the natural water balance. Suitable for girls aged 20+. The price of a cosmetic product is 100 rubles.

Mineral pore-cleansing mask with clay Vichy Masque argile purifiant pores

The product contains two types of clays that effectively cleanse pores, and additional extracts significantly nourish and soften the dermis. The product is suitable for girls aged 30+. The cost of the product is about 1400 rubles.

Cosmetolog with clay “Skin Radiance” with vitamins and minerals

The cosmetic product has a pronounced lifting effect, moisturizes and soothes irritated epidermis, increases the tone and elasticity of the dermis. Designed for girls aged 30+. The cost of the product is 150-200 rubles.

Cosmetic clay PHYTOcosmetics for face, hair and body

Purifying, black volcanic Kamchatka. The cosmetic product tightens pores, mattifies the skin, and relieves inflammation. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the composition contains black clay, which draws out impurities from the deep layers of the epidermis. The product can be used by girls aged 20+. The price of the care product is about 120 rubles.

Rules for using masks

To avoid side effects from using a cosmetic product, you need to know how to make the composition correctly and adhere to the following rules of use:

  1. An allergy test must be performed before using the product. For the most part, this applies to white clay masks.
  2. You should not keep the mixture on your face for longer than prescribed, as this can cause inflammation and redness.
  3. It is not recommended to do clay procedures too often.
  4. When applying the mass to the face, you should follow the rules for applying a cosmetic product.


Like any other cosmetic product, clay masks have a number of contraindications:

  • Girls who are pregnant or during menstruation should not use the product;
  • Clay is not used for acute respiratory viral infections, colds or flu;
  • you should not carry out procedures during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • It is not recommended to apply the composition to your face if you have problems with blood vessels or heart;
  • clay is not used if there are purulent rashes on the face;
  • the composition cannot be used in the presence of dermatological diseases of the dermis;
  • If you have an individual intolerance to the components of the mask, you should not use such a product.



  1. The mask should be selected for your skin type, based on what problem you need to solve.
  2. It is better to do an allergy test before use.
  3. Apply the mixture to a cleansed and steamed face.
  4. It is necessary to prepare a clay mask immediately before application.
  5. You should not keep the composition on your face for longer than the prescribed time.
  6. After the procedure, you need to apply a moisturizer to your skin that matches your derma type.

The Bible says that God created the first man from clay. Therefore, it is not surprising that this natural substance is so organically suitable for rejuvenating our skin. Both in ancient times and in modern cosmetology, white clay was very actively used for the face.

Do you want to know about the properties of white clay for the face?

White clay for face

The healing properties of kaolin are highly valued in folk and official medicine. Clay is most often used in the beauty industry in the form of masks to improve hair health, to whiten and improve the condition of the skin of the face, body, and to lighten teeth. Due to its special effects on the skin structure, white clay has also long been used as a decorative bleaching agent. Even ancient Roman women liked to use this powder as whitewash and powder. They added natural dyes to the clay, and the resulting mass replaced blush and lipstick for women. And centuries later, the popularity of white clay has not decreased, and more and more of our contemporaries are becoming fans of its powerful rejuvenating, drying and cleansing properties.

White clay is essentially a white, loose powder with a slightly grayish or yellow tint. It is insoluble in water and leaves a greasy feel to the touch. The clay contains a lot of kaolinite aluminosilicate, magnesium and calcium silicate, silicon, iron oxide and titanium.

The use of white clay for the face is also based on its powerful absorption. It is actively used as an auxiliary and even the main remedy for serious intoxication that has arisen in the body for any reason. Its influence is explained by the fact that clay particles do not dissolve in water and absorb, binding with their own ions, toxic substances, allergens, poisons and gases that collect on the skin and in the body. They can even act as a protector against radioactive particles and remove accumulated heavy metals from the body. Clay copes with pathogens, including bacteria, viruses and fungi. It is also important that the clay is neutral in chemical composition. This chemical inertness guarantees that clay is 100% safe for the human body.

Powder with healing properties

The high absorption properties of kaolin clay have made it an effective treatment for skin with acne and frequent inflammation. This mass is able to neutralize the effect of inflammatory processes, draw out toxins from the fat glands, dissolve plugs and normalize the production of subcutaneous fat.

Seaside kaolin has become a very common type. Anapa white clay for the face, fundamentally cleansing the pores of the skin, enriches the body with its own beneficial substances. The unique value of this type of clay is precisely its exceptional chemical composition, the components of which, when entering the cells, take part in most regenerative and metabolic processes. Silica, mineral salts and equally important trace elements enter the blood: zinc, calcium, potassium, magnesium and nitrogen. Silicon can have a beneficial effect on the upper layers of the skin, promoting the production of collagen, a specific protein that gives the skin the necessary elasticity and strength. Manganese is able to remove excess oil from the skin, and aluminum has astringent properties. Together, all the elements lead to the fact that clay improves blood circulation in small vessels, delivering them more oxygen, which means it improves the condition and appearance of the skin.

White clay face masks

The most effective way to achieve the best results is white clay face masks. Moreover, owners of any skin type, with the exception of extremely dry skin, can use these cosmetic procedures. However, even very dry skin can be healed with this medicine if you make a backing under the mask, lubricating your face with a layer of aloe oil, any other base fatty oil or nourishing cream used in daily care.

Also in this case, clay can be used with other components that provide a moisturizing effect. Nourishing clay masks with sour cream, milk and cottage cheese are also perfect.

A cosmetic mask will dry and cleanse your skin!

White clay is most recommended for problematic and oily skin. In general, it can perfectly regulate the production of sebum. Sensitive skin prone to allergies and inflammation responds positively to this type of clay, receiving gentle care without damaging the skin. But for combination skin, white clay masks should be applied exclusively to problem areas, that is, oily areas.

The application of white clay masks is contraindicated if capillary red mesh is visible on the skin of the face.

When these procedures are carried out systematically, the following properties of white clay for the face appear:

  • drying of the skin;
  • narrowing of enlarged pores;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • normalization of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • activation of collagen production, which rejuvenates the skin and gives it greater tenderness and elasticity;
  • relieving skin inflammation;
  • activation of blood circulation, and consequently - improvement of skin nutrition.

For the same reasons, white clay can successfully fight acne and inflammation of the skin by drying its top layer. This substance is actively added to shampoos for hair prone to oiliness, as well as to anti-seborrhea products, anti-inflammatory masks and ointments. They can not only cleanse the skin, but also normalize the level of its fat balance, tone it, and stimulate the regeneration of skin cells.

Making white clay for the face at home

Another special feature of white clay is that its effect on delicate skin is very soft and delicate. In addition to improving blood circulation, it can destroy bacteria and relieve inflammation. As a result, the skin, enriched with oxygen, becomes smooth and elastic, and its blood vessels are strengthened.

For any skin, you can choose an effective recipe for white clay for the face in the form of a mask. At the same time, it will carry out a complex effect not just from the outside, but also from the inside, penetrating into the deep layers of the skin. And to enhance the effect of clay, you can add herbal infusions and decoctions to it. Calendula, chamomile, sour milk, birch buds and leaves, aloe juice, yarrow, lemon juice, as well as apple cider vinegar diluted with water work very well in this composition. Honey, chicken egg whites, essential oils of lavender, tea tree and rosemary are also added to the white clay mask.

The use of white clay masks does not require the approval of doctors, so you can make them yourself without fear of causing a health risk. But to ensure proper care, before choosing the type of mask, you must first test your skin to find out its type. There are many ways to determine skin type; according to the results of such a test, the composition of the mixture is also compiled.

Face whitening with white clay

One of the most popular trends in natural cosmetology is face whitening with white clay, which is possible due to the properties of the material. Relieving irritation, cleansing pores, exfoliating the remnants of dead skin particles, clay at the same time returns the face to its natural color and activates the white pigment of the skin.

Under the influence of kaolin, pigment spots, freckles, and blackheads are removed. The main thing is patience and correct implementation of procedures. However, you shouldn’t deceive yourself, because, for example, naturally dark-skinned girls will not be able to achieve ideal whiteness with any cosmetic procedures, although their skin condition will definitely improve.

With the right approach, you can slightly whiten your skin

Here are some masks for whitening facial skin:

  1. Add freshly squeezed cucumber or parsley juice to a tablespoon of clay. They can also be replaced with strawberry or strawberry juice, adding a little lemon juice. This mask should be applied for 15 minutes. The powerful properties of lemon and parsley will enhance the whitening effect of the clay, helping to simultaneously restore the elasticity and freshness of your facial skin.
  2. White clay is diluted with water to a paste. To this mass you need to add a tablespoon of chopped cucumber, grated on the finest grater. The mask is applied to the face for 10 minutes, and then rinsed with cool running water. The mask not only whitens the skin, but also makes it more toned and smooth.
  3. In addition to the fact that white clay whitens the face, it also dries out the skin very much. Therefore, if the skin is prone to dryness, you can add homemade cottage cheese, sour cream or milk to the whitening mask, which will not only enhance the whitening effect, but will also significantly nourish and moisturize the skin.

Each skin type has its own mask recipe!

Performing cosmetic procedures based on white clay is allowed once a week for 2 months. With more frequent and prolonged use of the product, the reverse process may occur. It is also recommended to use only glass or porcelain dishes for preparing the drug, and in no case metal ones, in which some mineral substances may react with the metal. In this case, not only will the healing properties of clay and other components be lost, but also, on the contrary, toxic substances will be formed.

The quality of clay is also lost from hot water. Therefore, it is recommended to dilute kaolin with cool, although boiled, water. As a result of dilution, the consistency of thick sour cream should be obtained. The mixture must be applied immediately after its preparation, because from long-term storage the mask also loses nutritional moisture, becomes hard and even unsuitable for use.

Before applying the mask to your face, you first need to cleanse and moisturize your skin well, then the application will become softer. If there is severe irritation on the face, it is better not to use the mask at all. If you really want to make a clay mask on your face with an exacerbation of inflammatory processes, you need to first apply a little of the mixture to the skin near the ear and watch the reaction. Do not wash off the clay with soap: just wash with cool water. White clay for whitening the face cannot be left on it for more than 25 minutes, because it very strongly tightens and dries out the skin.

Depending on the skin type, the appropriate mask is used. So for oily skin, it is enough to dilute the clay with water, apply to cleansed skin and leave until dry. You need to add a teaspoon of honey to the mixture, which will work as additional skin nutrition. To enhance the anti-inflammatory effect, it is recommended to replace water with calendula tea leaves.

For combination skin, mix white clay with olive oil and lemon juice.
Normal skin can be pampered with a mask made of white clay and milk. Oatmeal and whipped egg whites work well in this mixture. For dehydrated, dry skin, to avoid excessive drying, it is advisable to replace white clay with red, gray or green. Also suitable is pink clay, which is a mixture of white and red clay that produces powerful anti-aging results suitable for all skin types. This clay is best purchased at a pharmacy or specialty store that sells natural cosmetics. Before purchasing, be sure to pay attention to whether it is expired.

Check the expiration date before use!

The benefits of white clay for the face are evident even on inflamed skin. In this case, you need to add talc and milk to the clay - all in equal proportions. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, the mass is applied to the face, covered with a sheet of polyethylene with pre-made slits under the eyes and left for 15 minutes. After this, it should be washed off with boiled but cooled water. The mask is indicated in case of irritation and inflammation of the skin; it has a drying effect and tightens pores that are too wide.

The effects of a white clay cleansing face mask

Drying masks made from white clay have a good effect. To perform this procedure, you need to mix clay with chamomile alcohol tincture in equal parts. The mass must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin of the face for 20 minutes, then rinsed off.

After such simple manipulations, the skin will smooth out, become velvety, soft and rosy.

Read about white clay face recipes

Video of white clay face mask

Cosmetic clay contains almost all the vitamins and minerals the skin needs, so its use in facial care in the form of masks has a complex effect - healing, toning, cleansing, nourishing, mattifying, moisturizing, tightening and rejuvenating. In addition, it is an excellent natural antiseptic.


The benefits of cosmetic clay for oily skin

We are all well informed that on oily skin the first signs of aging appear later than in those with other types of epidermis. At the same time, owners of such skin do not consider themselves happy, since they face a huge amount of hassle while caring for it. This is a constant shine against the background of hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands, because of which you have to constantly monitor your makeup, these are inflammatory processes that provoke the occurrence of acne, and enlarged pores. In addition to daily basic care (cleansing, toning, mattifying, nourishing and moisturizing), additional use of mattifying and cleansing products is required. Cosmetic clay is a highly effective product that is used in the form of face masks. Clay masks perfectly mattify and dry oily skin, cleanse while exfoliating dead epidermal cells, tighten pores, control sebum production, reducing the risk of pimples and acne, and also supply useful microelements.

Basic rules for preparing a clay mask

The basis of a classic clay mask for oily skin is clay and water. At 2 tbsp. l. clay powder take 3 tbsp. l. water. The water for diluting the clay in the recipe can (and is even more desirable) be replaced with decoctions or infusions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, string, oak bark, sage), per 2 tbsp. l. herbs, take a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, filter.

During cooking, be sure to pour water into the powder, not vice versa. Otherwise, lumps will appear. Fill the powder with water, wait until it is completely absorbed, and only then stir thoroughly until a homogeneous paste is formed. Keep the mask on for fifteen minutes. A clay mask, like any other, should be applied to a clean face, pre-moistened with water, avoiding the area around the eyes, eyebrows and mouth. This procedure must be done once a week.

Recipes for masks for oily skin made from white, blue and green clay

Drying mask made of white clay, glycerin and alcohol.

White clay powder – 20 g.
Talc – 10 g.
Warm boiled water – 30 g.
Medical alcohol – 5 g.
Glycerin – 5 g.
Alum – 1 g.

Combine the components into a homogeneous paste-like mass and apply to the skin of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, mouth and eyebrows. When the mask dries and turns white, this happens after about fifteen minutes, remove the composition from the face with a dry cotton pad, wiping with gentle movements that do not press or stretch the skin.

Anti-shine mask.

Clay powder (white or green) – 100 g.
Warm boiled water – 30 g.
Glycerin – 5 g.
Alcohol - 5 g.

Mix the clay powder with the other ingredients and distribute it onto a clean face. We do not touch the area around the eyes, mouth and eyebrows. Leave the mask until it dries (about fifteen minutes), then rinse with warm water. At the end of the procedure, moisturize the skin with cream.

Cleansing, drying and anti-inflammatory mask with talc.

Talc – 1 tsp.
Cosmetic clay (white, blue or green) – 1 tsp.
Warm milk – 2 tbsp. l.

Mix talc and clay, add water, as soon as it is absorbed, grind until smooth, apply it to a clean face, excluding the area around the eyes. The composition will dry in fifteen minutes, then rinse it off with warm water and lubricate the skin with a moisturizing cream.

Cleansing and pore-tightening mask.

White clay – 1 tsp.
Borax – ¼ tsp.
3% hydrogen peroxide.
Magnesia carbonate – ¾ tsp.
Talc – ½ tsp.

Mix clay, talc, magnesia, borax and add hydrogen peroxide until a paste-like mixture is formed. Then apply it to the cleansed face (except for the area around the eyes, mouth and eyebrows), wait until it dries, that is, after about 15-20 minutes, remove the mask using a dry cotton pad.

Video: An effective recipe for a white clay mask.

Mask for cleansing and mattifying the skin.

White clay – 1 ½ s. l.
Boric acid powder – ½ tsp.
Magnesia carbonate – 5 tbsp. l.
Talc – 1 tbsp. l.
Starch – 1 ½ tbsp. l.
Alum – ½ tsp.
3% hydrogen peroxide.

Combine clay, alum, magnesium starch and talc into a homogeneous mixture. Take two teaspoons of the resulting mixture and pour in hydrogen peroxide to form a consistency reminiscent of country sour cream. Distribute the composition on the face, excluding the areas around the mouth, eyes and eyebrows. After fifteen minutes, remove the composition with a cotton pad soaked in warm boiled water.

Video: Mask recipe for oily and problem skin.

Mask made of kaolin, protein and lemon juice with a nourishing and whitening effect.

White or blue clay powder - 2 tbsp. l.
Cool boiled water – 3 tbsp. l.
Egg white – 1 pc.
Village honey in liquid form – 1 tsp.
Lemon juice – 2 drops.

Dilute the clay with water to a creamy mass, add honey and pre-beaten egg white, and finally add lemon juice to the mixture. Keep the composition on the skin for fifteen minutes until completely dry. Rinse off with warm water, after which the skin should be moisturized with cream. This mask has a good cleansing effect even without the addition of honey and lemon juice.

Mask with clay and aloe juice for shine, acne and minor inflammation.

Aloe juice – 1.5 tbsp. l.
Boiled water at room temperature – 1.5 tbsp. l.
Clay powder (white) – 3 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients to form a paste and apply to your face, after fifteen minutes rinse with warm water.

Cleansing and toning mask with clay and cucumber juice.

White clay powder – 1 tbsp. l.
Blue clay – 1 tbsp. l.
Freshly squeezed cucumber juice – 3 tbsp. l.

Mix the clay, pour in the juice, let it soak in and stir until it forms a paste. Apply the resulting composition to the skin and leave for fifteen minutes. Remove the mask with boiled water at room temperature.

Video: Selecting cosmetic clay according to skin type.

Nourishing mask with clay and kefir.

White or green clay powder - 2 tbsp. l.
Warm boiled water – 2 tbsp. l.
Kefir at room temperature – 1 tbsp. l.
Lemon juice – 2 drops.
Chopped parsley – 1 tsp.

Dilute the clay with water, add kefir and the remaining components of the mask. Distribute the resulting mass onto clean skin and leave for fifteen minutes, then rinse off the mask with warm water and moisturize your face with cream.

Whitening clay mask with a cleansing and moisturizing effect.

Ripe papaya pulp - 2 tbsp. l.
Any cosmetic clay – 2 tsp.
Aloe juice – 1 tsp.

Mix the juice with fruit pulp and clay, apply to the face for fifteen minutes, rinse with warm water.

Clay masks are not the only remedy for caring for oily skin. To increase the effectiveness of procedures, an important role is played by lifestyle, in particular nutrition. Give more preference to dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables, exclude spicy, sweet, salty and fatty foods. Get rid of bad habits, as they negatively affect the functioning of the whole body, including the sebaceous glands and skin condition, and go in for sports.

By following our advice and using these simple recipes, you will soon notice improvements, your skin will be clear and glowing with health.

The skin constantly suffers from external influences and the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle, and a white clay face mask can improve blood circulation and eliminate skin imperfections. Porcelain clay, as kaolin is popularly called, is an invaluable substance that has a mild healing effect on women’s skin.

The benefits of white clay for our face

The first deposit of white clay discovered was the Chinese town of Gaolin, in Jiangxi province. From the name of the area, clay acquired the name kaolin. This valuable substance of volcanic origin is a fine, snow-white powder, sometimes with a grayish or bluish tint. Clay powder is sold in pharmaceutical chains and perfume and cosmetic departments of stores in small packages of 50-100g.

  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • quartz impurities;
  • silica;
  • kaolinite;
  • feldspars.

The abundance of valuable substances in clay powder has an antioxidant, restorative, drying and toning effect on the skin. Silica transports beneficial microelements into the thickness of the epidermis.

A white clay face mask is suitable for different skin types and works in the following directions:

  • gently cleanses clogged pores, evens out the surface of the skin;
  • relieves inflammatory processes;
  • makes the covers elastic and saturated with moisture;
  • absorbs harmful substances from skin tissue, brings toxins and poisons to the surface;
  • whitens the skin and lightens redness;
  • has an antiseptic and bactericidal effect against pathogens of eczema and dermatitis.

Benefits of white clay for different skin types:

Skin typeBenefit
Fat and problematiceliminates greasy shine;
will give matte and gloss;
With regular use, it will noticeably clear away blackheads;
will cure pimples and redness;
will reduce the appearance of post-acne.
Fadingwill provide the effect of lifting facial contours;
improves blood circulation;
will increase turgor by enhancing the production of your own collagen;
smooth out small wrinkles;
will lighten pigment spots.
Normal and combinedrefreshes complexion;
saturates the skin with microelements and vitamins;
will prevent the appearance of early wrinkles.

Are there any contraindications for use?

Kaolin in its pure form is a natural product that is safe for humans. There are some individual limitations in the cosmetic use of kaolin.

Contraindications to the use of clay masks are:

  1. Inflamed areas of skin, wounds.
  2. Eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases.
  3. Individual intolerance to kaolin.
  4. Dry and dehydrated skin.

Important! To exclude an allergic reaction, it is recommended to conduct a test before using a kaolin mask for the first time. To do this, a small amount of the composition is applied to the elbow. If within an hour no unpleasant manifestations are detected (itching, severe redness, irritation), then the clay can be used.

White clay is recommended for use as a mask for oily and problem skin. Women with dry and sensitive skin should reduce the application time to 5 minutes. In addition, owners of such skin should be sure to include moisturizing and nourishing ingredients in the composition: olive oil, peach oil, avocado oil, and an oil solution of vitamins.

Face masks at home can be made from white clay and related ingredients, most of which can be found in every refrigerator. Such procedures are suitable for any time of year and will help your skin achieve a healthy, radiant appearance in a short time.

Rejuvenating mask with fermented milk product and aloe


  • 1 aloe leaf. Aloe grows on many people's windowsills at home, but not everyone knows how to properly use it in home recipes. To increase the effectiveness, the leaf of the cut plant is placed in the refrigerator for 14 days. In cold and darkness, the plant will begin the biological process of producing antioxidants, as a result of which the pulp and juice will acquire increased regenerative properties. To prepare the mask, aloe is kneaded into a paste.
  • 3 tbsp. fermented milk product. For dry skin, it is preferable to take 25% sour cream; for oily skin, you can use yogurt or kefir.
  • 4 tbsp clay powder.

All components are mixed and applied in a thick layer to the face, neck and décolleté for 20 minutes. After a course of 10 procedures, once a week, the skin is significantly smoothed, the complexion and turgor of the epidermis are improved.

Another mask recipe is presented in the video:

Attention! When using white clay masks for the face, you should follow the rule that excludes the skin near the eyes and mouth from the area of ​​application. Kaolin tends to dry in air within 7-10 minutes after application. As the mask hardens, it tightens the skin and can cause discomfort, including irritation.

Mask for blackheads with lemon juice


  • 1 tbsp. clay powder;
  • 20 ml chamomile decoction;
  • 1 tsp juice from lemon pulp;
  • 1 drop of tea tree ether.

Porcelain clay is mixed with chamomile decoction and lemon juice, and a drop of oil is added at the end. The mask is kept for 5-10 minutes, applied in a course of 4-5 procedures. Antiseptic components eliminate blackheads and tidy up enlarged pores.

Honey-clay nourishing mask

  • 2 tbsp. clay powder;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 3 tbsp. herbal decoction or water.

Cosmetic clay powder is diluted with liquid to the consistency of thin sour cream, honey is added. If the honey is too thick, you must first melt it in a water bath. The mask is kept on the face for 10-15 minutes and washed off with herbal infusion. Honey and kaolin saturate the skin with vitamins. After this procedure, the effect is noticeable immediately.

Summer mask of kaolin and Victoria berries


  • 2 tbsp. ground white clay;
  • 4-5 medium Victoria berries;
  • water to give the desired consistency.

Kaolin is mixed with 1 tbsp. liquids. The fruits are kneaded as finely as possible to a mushy state. You should not use a blender to chop berries. Two substances are combined - wet clay and berry pulp. The mask is applied liberally to the face and neck and left for 20 minutes. If the mask begins to dry out ahead of time, you need to moisten it by sprinkling it with thermal or boiled water. While the mask is in effect, you should lie down so that the substance does not pull your face down under its own weight.

Strawberry and porcelain clay mask:

  • absorbs excess subcutaneous fat and free radicals from the deep layers of the skin;
  • refreshes and gives a natural blush to the cheeks;
  • lightens pigmentation;
  • strengthens facial contours.

To ensure only benefits from a clay face mask, cosmetologists advise following the rules:

  1. Each skin type should have its own components. Essential oils of tea tree, peppermint, lemon, tangerine are recommended for oily epidermis. Dry and aged skin needs rich nutrition; you can use full-fat sour cream, olive oil, and avocado.
  2. There is often an allergic reaction to natural products, expressed by rash, itching, and redness. All ingredients must be checked for allergies. Otherwise, the effect of the mask will be the opposite of the desired result.
  3. The correct proportion for diluting kaolin with liquid is 1:2. For one part of powder, use 2 parts of water, unless the recipe says otherwise.
  4. White clay masks often harden and tighten the face. To prevent this from happening, you need to moisturize your face as it dries.
  5. The composition of the mask should not be overexposed. After 15-20 minutes, the components stop working and the reverse process begins.
  6. The mask is washed off with warm water using a soft sponge, which will not damage the skin with hardened clay particles.
  7. The mixture of natural ingredients cannot be stored. The mask must be used immediately after preparation. It will not be possible to prepare it for future use, because the composition oxidizes under the influence of air and bacteria begin to multiply in it.

Pay attention! In order for the skin to have a healthy and radiant appearance, it is necessary to moisturize it from the inside. One and a half liters of clean water per day is the minimum norm for a woman. Drinking tea, coffee and other drinks are not taken into account.

Homemade cosmetics have been and remain loved by many women for their ease of use, effectiveness and affordability. Valuable porcelain clay with a unique composition has won the hearts of many women because of its versatility and rich spectrum of action. White clay is supported by the fact that even professional cosmetics contain kaolin.

Watch the video for a master class on using cosmetic white clay:

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