The best body cream at home. DIY miracles: preparing homemade body care creams


Cream is an opaque emulsion of dense texture containing oil, water, emulsifiers, intended for skin care. Emulsifier – natural ( chicken protein, yolk) or a synthetic component (lecithin), which is a connecting element between water and oil.

The first creams appeared in Egypt. They were created from infusions of flowers, tonic additives, and natural nutritional ingredients. Creams were considered a luxury; only high-ranking officials - priests and pharaohs - could use them.

The process of creating body care cosmetics was continued by sages from Greece. The main component in the creams was olive oil. Later, unique formulas of natural ingredients began to be added to it, affecting the production of elastin and collagen in the cells of the epidermis.

In Rus', body cream was made from sour cream, honey, animal fats, eggs, as well as vegetables and fruits. To supplement the healing properties, wild berries, roots of medicinal plants, and medicinal herbs were added to cosmetic preparations. IN ancient Rus' The creams were made independently at home.

When the skin needs nourishment

Industrial cosmetics for skin care do not always meet the needs of dehydrated epidermis. Why does the skin lose its ability to retain moisture and become saggy?

The presence in the diet of foods that help remove fluid from the body.
Application for hygienic procedures of hot water.
Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays.
Frequent allergic reactions.
Alcohol and tobacco abuse.
The use of industrial cosmetics for body care with preservatives, parabens, and harmful chemical compounds.
Violation of the humidity level in the living space.
Skin diseases, dermatitis.
Avitaminosis of the epidermis.
Hormonal disruption of the endocrine system.
Age-related changes in skin cells.

Signs of problem skin

Women take care of their face, but forget about their body. With age, under the influence of external and internal factors, the epidermis loses its elastic properties, natural moisture, and needs cleansing and nutrition.

Cream is the main component in skin care. The thick emulsion contains substances that help remove cell breakdown products, contains a line of vitamins “C”, “A”, “E”, “B”, nutritional components, hyaluronic acid. How to determine when you need to apply a nourishing body cream?

The appearance of visual defects on the surface of the skin (wrinkles, microcracks, etc.).
Upon contact with the skin, significant dryness of the epidermis is felt.
Formation of roughness around the joints.
Feeling of tight skin after hygienic daily procedures.
Frequent irritation and redness after a bath.

Ingredients for home cream making

What products will a woman need? To make an effective cosmetic product, you will need fresh food products, oils, and vitamins.

Olive oil. Evens out the skin, narrows the intercellular space. It is recommended to add to nourishing cream for the fight against, prevention of stretch marks, stretch marks after pregnancy, and sudden weight loss.

Cocoa butter solution. Under the influence of cocoa, the acid-base balance is restored on the surface of the skin, and the natural processes of cell regeneration are enhanced. added to the composition of the nutritional product for the treatment of epidermal cracks.

Peach oil. Softens and rejuvenates the skin. Fights pathogens, relieves inflammation, tones and brightens the skin of the body. Effectively fights dead particles of the epidermis and has an exfoliating effect.

Rose petal water. Recommended for use in body creams for dry skin. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates the feeling of tightness, and rejuvenates the skin. Improves the production of elastin, collagen, hyaluronic acid.

Wax (beeswax). Leaves skin smooth and protected from external unfavorable factors. Eliminates anti-aging changes in the epidermis, tightens loose skin, has antibacterial properties.

Propolis. You can replace wax with propolis - bee resin. Propolis regulates immune processes in the epidermis, creates a barrier against the penetration of ultraviolet radiation and bacteria. The healing properties of propolis have been known since ancient times.

Fruit acid. Has a toning and brightening effect. Found in freshly squeezed juice of grapes, pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, oranges, apples.

Phytoestrogens. Contained in parsley and aloe leaves. Plant extracts, infusions, and decoctions help remove excess fluid from the body, improve the condition of the skin, reduce inflammation, peeling, and relieve itching.

Ethers. For fragrance, enhancement healing properties The nourishing cream contains tangerine, bergamot, pine, fir, lavender, and jojoba. It is recommended to purchase essential components at pharmacies. Each bottle comes with instructions for use, which clearly describe the purpose of the ether.

Subtleties in the preparation and use of nourishing body creams

It is recommended to store the finished nourishing product for the body in a ceramic, crystal, clay, glassware with a tight screw cap.
After making the cream, you need to record the cooking time. Home remedies can be stored for no more than fourteen days on the side of the refrigerator.
To prepare creams, you should not use products with defects (dents, wormholes) or an unpleasant smell of rot.
It is not recommended to use more than four ingredients in creams during initial preparation. cosmetic product. Subsequently, you can add the required amount of products.
After mixing all the ingredients, you need to beat the cream with a whisk until it becomes a homogeneous paste. The mixture should be slightly warm after beating.
You cannot change the quantitative ratio between products. The cream recipe must be reproduced exactly according to the preparation technology.
It is recommended to add infusions, decoctions of plants, and medicinal herbs to the cream as a liquid base.
Nourishing cream for dry skin should be used daily after hygiene procedures.
After completing a course of one nutritional product, it is recommended to change your body care tactics: use an equivalent recipe with other ingredients.

Rules for applying nourishing cream to different parts of the body

It is better to nourish the skin in the evening. During sleep, metabolic processes in the cells of the epidermis are activated, access improves useful substances into the deep tissues of the skin. First, a woman must cleanse her body of sweat and sebaceous secretions. It is recommended to apply the cream to slightly moisturized skin.

You need to start applying the cream from top to bottom, moving from the neck to the legs.
Take a small amount of cosmetic nutritional product and apply it pointwise to the neck and shoulders.
Using massage circular movements, distribute the cream from the central point of the junction of the collarbones to the chin; from the center of the sternum to the shoulders.
Lubricate your hands with cream: starting from the fingertips to the elbow joints, towards the shoulders.
Treat the area of ​​the chest, abdomen, hips, buttocks, moving from the center to the periphery.
Apply nourishing cream to the ankle joints, moving up to the hips.

Hand movements are soft, without pressure. It is recommended to start applying the cream from the left half of the body (to normalize blood circulation). Movements on the upper and lower extremities from bottom to top provide tissues with relief from excess fluid and elimination of edema. At correct execution massage passes, the functioning of the lymphatic system returns to normal, ensuring the removal of toxins and waste from skin cells.

How to make nourishing body care cream: recipes for home

Before preparing the cream, you need to wash your hands, remove long hair in a ponytail or under a scarf. Prepare necessary tools: containers, container for cream, glass or wooden spatula for mixing ingredients, syringe without needle, whisk, mixer.

Nourishing cream for skin with signs of dehydration

Propolis – 10 g
Badger lard – 30 g
St. John's wort oil solution – 50 ml
Retinol – 1 capsule
Tocopherol - 1 capsule

Place the propolis in a separate container and place it in the microwave on heating mode (40 seconds).
Melt the lard using the previous method.
Mix the ingredients and add to the composition.
Puncture the vitamin capsule with a sterile needle and squeeze the contents into the solution. Before use, treat the needle over a candle flame.
Beat the cream with a whisk.

Store the cosmetic product in a jar with high sides, dark glass.

Night body cream with signs of peeling

Mineral water – 90 ml
Aloe (powder) – 25 g
Rose hydrolate – 25 ml
Honey – 15 ml
Pork lard (unsalted) – 20 g
Aloe extract – 10 ml

Place the lard in an enamel bowl and place on the stove.
Add all ingredients to melted fat.
Stir the cream for three minutes with a wooden spatula.
Place the bowl with the solution in cold water and close the lid.
After 20 minutes, pour the cream into a jar with a screw cap.

Lubricate the body daily after evening hygiene procedures.

Nourishing cream with whitening effect for normal skin


Peel the carrots, place in a juicer, extract juice.
Melt propolis in the microwave.
Heat the peach oil separately. When mixing, the temperature of the oil and propolis should be the same.
Add juice and yolk to the mixture.
Beat the cream with a mixer.

Pink cream for oily skin

Rosehip flowers red (pink) – 15 buds
Propolis – 30 g
Margarine – 20 g
Tocopherol – 2 capsules
Lotus essential oil – 3 drops
Red rose essential oil – 3 drops

Rose hips can be replaced with buds of a red Bulgarian rose. It is not recommended to use purchased flowers.

Remove rosehip petals from the buds.
Pass the flowers through a meat grinder or grind the buds in a blender.
Place the propolis in a heat-resistant glass container and melt the product in the microwave.
Melt margarine on a gas stove.
Combine propolis with margarine, cool the fatty base.
Mix the ingredients according to the list.
Cool the cream to 300C.
Add to cream and esters.

30 January 2014, 12:52

Skin restoration does not happen in one day. Let's start preparing today.


The only way out in the fight against Mother Nature is protection and... We suggest making this a homemade homemade body butter that nourishes the skin and is certainly not stuffed with unnecessary ingredients, because you choose them yourself.

The best thing about homemade beauty products is that they are completely customized to your unique needs and preferences. In addition to your signature mix, a few drops of secret ingredients can make this recipe completely personal - yours.

This recipe starts with the base—pure, unrefined, cold-pressed shea butter. Coconut oil is great because it has transdermal properties that allow it to be absorbed deeply into your skin to repair and hydrate it from the inside out.

Since it is absorbed very well, the skin may feel slightly dry after use. That's why we add shea butter. Shea butter coats your skin so tightly that it may seem like it will never be absorbed. But believe me, the sensations will be wonderful. The main thing is that the skin is abundantly moisturized, and the shine on its surface should not bother you.

The tandem of these two oils helps you achieve maximum success and reveal yourself in all your glory, demonstrating all the positive aspects.

Coconut oil

As mentioned above, coconut oil has the ability to be deeply absorbed by the skin. Triglycerides in it penetrate, help relieve inflammation, nourish and protect against the effects of radicals. For these reasons, coconut oil is considered to be an excellent natural alternative to store-bought oil. Coconut oil can also be added to sunscreens - plus 20 percent protection against ultraviolet rays. And finally, this is a delicate and soft moisturizer - both for those who have sensitive skin, and for children.

Shea butter

Rich in fatty acids and vitamins A and E, shea butter is a hydrating powerhouse for your skin. It stimulates collagen production, increases skin elasticity, helps cells regenerate and inhibits skin aging. It also has anti-inflammatory and UV protective properties. Shea butter can even be used to treat minor wounds and burns. It is safe for people with sensitive skin and for babies.

To these basic oils you can add jojoba oil, vitamin E oil, and vegetable glycerin. These supplements are optional, but will only enhance the benefits of your homemade body butter.

Jojoba oil

Very similar to subcutaneous fat, which our body produces, this allows it to be easily absorbed. Due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, jojoba oil is often used in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, acne and dry skin.

READ ALSO - Peeling skin: what to do and how to solve this problem (recipes effective masks for the face)

Vegetable glycerin

Vegetable glycerin is a neutral, odorless component that helps the skin retain moisture, enriches its deep layers with oxygen, and has anti-aging properties.

Why is it important to beat the butter well?

The body butter is ready for use only when all ingredients are whipped until smooth. After changing the consistency (by whipping), the oil will be easier to distribute throughout the body.

The thing is that whipping (in this regard, a mixer is preferable to a closed blender) enriches the mass with oxygen and, accordingly, makes it lighter. The lighter texture of the cream will allow you to use less of it each time and prolong the happy period of use.

How to make homemade body butter?


  • 1 cup unrefined shea butter
  • 1 cup organic cold-pressed coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp. jojoba oils
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable glycerin

Cooking process:

  1. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend (it is important to break up any lumps of shea butter to achieve a smooth consistency).
  2. Pour the mixture into a bowl and leave in the refrigerator until the mixture hardens.
  3. Using a mixer, beat the mixture until its consistency is again smooth and reminiscent of heavy cream.
  4. Don't lick your fingers; the mixture will look appetizing, but we can't promise the same taste.
  5. Place the resulting oil in a jar with a tight-fitting lid and store in a cool place. It will become liquid again if the storage area is too warm.

You are free to choose which oils to add next time. Experiment, look for information about other natural supplements, depending on your problem (dry/oily skin, rapid aging, flaking, skin diseases, etc.). Making skin care products at home is a smart decision that will give you a healthy and youthful appearance.

1. Body cream with chlorophyll

30% - MF, 70% - VF (this includes assets).
cocoa butter – 20 ml
olive oil with grape leaves - 20 ml
Rosehip oil tincture – 20 ml
shea butter – 5 ml
wheat germ oil – 5 ml
wine oil seeds - 5 ml
vodka-glycerin coconut extract – 5 ml

Linden hydrolate – 165 ml
liquid chlorophyll – 20 ml

vodka cocoa extract – 5 ml
xilians (melted) - 12-14 ml
Jasmine EM - 5 drops.
EM roses - 5 drops.
Melissa essential oil - 5 drops.

The result was a pleasant milk (as usual on Xilians), just what was required. The cream absorbs perfectly! instantly! Due to its loose consistency, it applies very well, the skin does not need to be pulled (like with a hard tile). Coconut oil can sting and dry the skin, but it gives the skin a velvety feel.

Liquid chlorophyll is the green blood of plants, the concentrated energy of the sun. Cleanses and heals the skin.

Coconut extract is a wonderful nourishing agent for skin and curls that activates cellular restoration, regulates the hydrolipid balance of the skin and soothes the skin.

Cocoa extract deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin, prevents peeling and skin loss of moisture, reliably protects against the effects of negative environmental factors, restores the skin and stimulates tissue regeneration, tones the skin and makes it more elastic, smooths out wrinkles and prevents premature aging.

2. Cream “Birch”

-milk thistle and wheat germ oil 18%
-cocoa+coconut 7%
-shi 2%
-emulsifier Emulsan 3%
-jasmine hydrolate 60%
-birch leaf extract 10%
— uh, jasmine and orange (I love this combination)

Light summer cream after shower.

You can also add 1 ampoule of Vit C and 5 drops of lactic acid at the very end if the cream has a pH greater than 5, and after adding lactic acid the pH becomes 4-5.

The absorption is amazing, the skin is moisturized and velvety.

Birch leaf extract is a nourishing, tonic, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing ingredient with powerful disinfectant properties. In cosmetics for the skin, birch leaves will not dry out the skin, like the same birch tar, but their effectiveness against skin rashes is no less.

Composition of birch leaf oil extract. Flavonoids are the main asset of the leaves; phytoncides, essential oil, tannins and resins are also present. The leaf extract contains caffeic and chlorogenic fin acids, nicotinic acid (vitamin B3), ascorbic acid, vitamin C. It has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, is an excellent disinfectant antiseptic, an excellent component in products for problem skin(creams, tonics, soaps, gels, etc.) and in products after peeling and hair removal, well suited for teenage skin, has the ability to reduce sweating.

3. Body cream “Spring morning”

65 ml calendula hydrolate
5 ml chlorophyll

10 ml cocoa butter
5 ml olive oil(as always, infused grape leaves)
5 ml shea butter
5 ml vodka-glycerin coconut extract
5 ml wheat germ oil

5 ml emulsifier, 2 ml beeswax, half a coffee spoon of bee bread with honey, 5 drops. Ylang-ylang essential oil, 2 drops. Jasmine ESS, 1 drop. EM roses

The cream turned out to be quite thick. This additional thickness is given by a small amount of wax, and the “oilyness” is provided by beebread (pollen collected by bees)
Intensive green imparts chlorophyll.
The feeling of the cream is very good, the cream is suitable for oily skin, because it contains coconut extract, and it dries out the skin!

4. Moisturizing cream for face and body “Sunny”

-cocoa 6%
-shi 5%
-coconut 5%
-oil (sea buckthorn and dill) 4%
-xilians 5%

-chamomile and linden hydrolate 65%

- alcohol-glycerin extracts of horsetail and green tea 5%
- dry cream 2%
-lactic acid 1%
-natural preservative 1%
-em patchouli, citronella, grapefruit and citrus 1%

It turned out to be a pleasant, moisturizing cream.

5. Hand and body cream “Light touch”

MF: mango - 3%
apricot kernel – 3%
almonds - 3%
chamomile - 3%
linden on jojoba (our own) - 4%
series - 3%

beeswax - 1.5%
Olivem - 3%
Stearic acid - 1.5%

VF: water dist. + xanthan 0.5% – 66%

Actives: allantoin 0.5% + betaine 0.8% + water 2.6%
vitamin A and E 0.35% each
glycerin - 1.5%
D-panthenol - 0.5%
dimethicone - 0.7%
collagen - 0.8%
Preservative: Optihen plus 1% and Citrosept - 1%

The cream is light, quickly absorbed, delicate in consistency, and can be poured into a pump dispenser.

6. Chocolate hand cream without emulsifier

This is an oil cream (you need to please your hands!):
-5g shea
-5g cocoa neraf
- grated cocoa on the tip of a knife
-1 tsp castor
- a little bit (by eye) of jojoba, rosehip, grape. bone
- EM 3 parts each. neroli, chamomile, rose. tree

Soufflé for summer - 90% VF, 10% JF.

JF: grape oil. bone — 2 ml
Wheat emulsifier – 0.9 ml
EO tea tree and jasmine 5 drops each
VF: D-panthenol - 0.3 ml
chamomile decoction - the rest

Preservative Sharomix, green extract. tea.

The result is a very light soufflé, like whipped egg white.

Body milk:
3 tsp Moslecithin (without top)
80 ml artesian water
20 ml avocado oil
18 ml evening primrose oil
2 ml D-panthenol
5 ml ECG (grape which)
EM tangerine (it poured itself, quite generously)
Blueberry EO ~ 10 drops.

Dilute lecithin in the entire amount of water, min. after 30-40 it dispersed, but practically did not thicken. Beat with a mini mixer until thick. Pour in the remaining ingredients one by one (do not heat anything), beat with a mixer.
The milk turns out to be yellowish in color and jelly thick. Even in hot weather it is easily absorbed.

7. Hand cream “Healing-healing”

composition: oils (healing, softening and regenerating)
Sea buckthorn………….4.2%

St. John's wort……………….30%

Alpha lipoic acid……1%
Hyaluronic acid in-mol……0.5%
Lactic acid……………0.5%
Pomegranate extract……………..1.5%
Birch leaf extract..1.5%
Spruce needle extract…………1.5%
Witch hazel extract………..1.5%
Burdock extract……………….1.5%
Wormwood extract………………1.5%

Optifen Plus, preservative….1%
Em.wax (Polawax)……………..10%

esters: 3-4 drops

Vetiver, African Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender

8. Hand cream “Caring sea buckthorn”

It is absorbed quite quickly and well, although it contains batters

MF: Coconut oil 10% - softens, smoothes the skin, moisturizes, nourishes, anti-inflammatory effect.

Cocoa butter 5% - moisturizes and softens the skin, making it softer, more elastic and smooth.

Sea buckthorn oil 8% - effectively used for removal age spots, prevention of premature skin aging. The oil perfectly cares for the skin of the face, neck, hands, and strengthens nails.
Polavax 5%
Cetyl alcohol 3%

Simulgel 1%

VF: Distilled water 55%

Actives: Allantoin 1% - The main effect is cleansing, softening, healing, anti-inflammatory.

Natural betaine 3% - gives the skin smoothness, evenness, softness, improves appearance skin. Actively moisturizes the skin and is able to retain water in skin cells for a long time. Reduces transdermal water loss. Osmo-protection of the skin.

D-panthenol 1% - has a healing, moisturizing (penetrates deep into the skin and binds water), softening and smoothing effect.

Dimethicone 0.5% - softens the skin, has a moisturizing effect, provides excellent tactile sensations, makes the product less greasy and sticky, promotes uniform distribution on the skin, provides more uniform distribution active substances.

Vegetable glycerin 2% - - emollient and lubricant (softens and lubricates the skin), effective humectant and humectant (moisturizes, attracts water to skin cells), protects skin cell lipids.

Vitaon lux 2% - pharmaceutical preparation

Vitamins A and E 1.5%

Preservatives: Optichen 1%
Citrosept 1%

9. Nourishing hand cream

10 ml cocoa butter
5 ml wheat germ
5 ml sea buckthorn oil
10 ml St. John's wort macerate on olive
5 ml glycerin
5 ml castor oil

20 ml oregano hydrolate
20 ml chamomile hydrosol

1 g beeswax, lanolin - one large fat drop, 5 ml self-emulsifying base, 5 drops. Tea tree essential oil, 1 drop. EM roses

The cream is more nourishing than moisturizing. Despite the large percentage of oil, it is absorbed quickly and completely and does not leave a greasy feeling. If you wear gloves at night, you won’t recognize your hands in the morning!

10. Light hand cream

It has a delicate, non-oily, easily absorbed consistency.

jojoba oil 2.5 ml
sea ​​buckthorn oil 2.0 ml
chamomile oil 3.0 ml

emulsifier Olivem 1000 1.5 ml
cetyl alcohol 1 ml

distilled water 30 ml
lemon balm infusion 5 ml
borax on the tip of a knife (emulsifier, preservative, cleansing agent. Antiseptic (disinfectant) agent)

allantoin 0.5 ml diluted in 2 ml distilled water (added at T< 50С)

Dilute 0.5 ml of guar in 2 ml in Romazulan (pharmacy
drug. Chamomile tincture with azulene) Dissolved instantly.

Lemon EO 5 drops.
grapefruit 5 drops

And add almost 1 ml of corn starch to the almost cold cream

Place in the refrigerator to ripen. After 24 hours you can try. An ordinary cream with a light texture and a slightly creamy shade.
To measure emulsifiers, you can heat them in a spoon over a candle.

11. Hand cream “Coffee pudding”

5% Almond oil
5% Shea butter
5% Wine seed oil
10% Castor oil
5% Lanolin
5% Black oil coffee (burdock)
2% Bees wax
3% Emulsan
10% Vegetable glycerin
30% Aloe vera (water)
18% Mineral water
2% Tegomuls
P.S. oh yes, at the end I dropped 3 drops of lemon.
Softens and smoothes very well.
I like to apply it at night and I also apply it on my heels, it’s not even bad

12. Body cream “Strawberries in cream”

Oil 13% (coconut 5%, shea 5%, olive 3%)
-emulsifier Xilians 5%
-stearin 2%
-mineral water 72%
-strawberry extract (mine) 5%
- soy cream (dry) 2%
-preservative (walnut leaf extract) 1%

Cream after shower, absorbs wonderfully, skin is like velvet.
The aroma is barely audible strawberry.

After applying cream with stearin to the skin of the face, irritation may occur, so do not apply it!

13. Hand cream “Softening and nourishing”

It has a pleasant consistency, moisturizes and nourishes well
composition: oil 40% / water 60%
M.F. 40%
Montanans 6%
cetyl 3%
polysorbate 2%
mango 7%
cocoa 7%
sea ​​buckthorn 7%
rosehip 7%
d-panthenol + vit E + optifen + alpha-lip. value = 1%

V.F. 60%
hydr: nettle and pine needles 40%
pomegranate 5%
celandine 5%
aloe 5%
rotokan 5%
vetiver 2k
Jasmine 2k
lavender 2k
aloe 2k

14. Hand cream

10 ml olive oil
10 ml almond oil
5 ml castor oil
2 ml lanolin
5 ml self-emulsifying base

20 ml of water (hydrolate is better, of course, but I’m having a genre crisis)

7 drops vitamin E
5 drops of tea tree essential oil (a little more dropped, but tea tree- non-hazardous oil)

Ingredients: macadamia oil, shea butter, grape seed oil, castor oil, cocoa oil, mineral water, glycerin, collagen, aloe extract, dimethicone, caffeine. EM cinnamon, orange, ylang-ylang

castor oil (%-4, gr-2)
shi (%-6, gr-3)
wine bone(%-6, gr-3)
macadamia(%-4, gr-2)
cocoa(%-4, gr-2)

min.water (%-52, gr-26)
glycerin (%-2, g-1)

caffeine (%-10, g-5)
aloe (%-2, gr-1)
dimethicone (%-2, g-1)
collagen (%-3, gr-1.5)

emulsifier (%-5, g-2.5)

optifen (%-1, g-0.5)

Anti-cellulite cream “Ogonyok”

It is applied only to problem areas of the thighs and buttocks, there is a slight tingling sensation (like from Zalmanov’s emulsions), if you apply it to cellulite-free areas, the skin turns red as if after a bath, but everything goes away. The skin in the cellulite area sweats a little: if you run your hand, you feel moisture... but it’s better to wash your hands after using this cream.
Mineral water 55.1 g
Guar 0.4 g

jojoba 10 gr
wheat germ 10 g
fucus oil 10 g
Emuls/ EV 4.5 g
BTMS 2 gr

extracts of green tea, cocoa, red pepper, seaweed 1 ml each
Em cinnamon (bark), orange, red grapefruit, juniper bark, rosemary 18 drops each
Cosgard 18 drops (preservative)

“Chocolate milk” – body scrub.

  • Spruce needle hydrolate……..50 ml
  • Jojoba Aqua Sol……………7 mg – water-soluble emulsifier

Contains oil with anti-cellulite lifting effect

  • Peach pits………1 ml
  • Grapes seeds……………1 ml
  • Green coffee………………..3 ml
  • Black coffee………………..3 ml
  • Almonds………………………3 ml
  • Cocoa mass……………….. 2 ml
  • Wheat germ…………1 ml

I also selected assets based on the same properties.

  • Alpha lipoic acid…..0.7 mg
  • Hyaluronic acid n-mol...0.035 mg
  • Lactic acid…………..0.35 ml
  • Ginkgo biloba extract……..1.05 ml
  • Ginger extract……………….1.05 ml
  • Laminaria extract…………..1.05 ml
  • Horsetail extract………………..1.05 ml

For a scrubbing effect - ground walnuts.

Esters cedar, cypress, petit grain 2-3 drops each

add to a relatively hot mass so that the smell does not stand out. Flavor with creamy chocolate (fragrance).
The smell is amazing, you just want to lick it.

Nourishing cream after hair removal "Papaya"

  • jojoba oil – 5 ml
  • wheat germ - 5 ml
  • chamomile oil – 5 ml
  • shea - 1.5 ml
  • papain - a pinch
  • calendula extract – 2 ml
  • holy water - 10 ml
  • emulsifier montanov 68 - 15 “beads”
  • beeswax - 1.5 ml
  • preservative - pinch

It is absorbed quickly, despite the fact that there is a lot of oil in the composition, and the skin is so soft and pleasant.

Papain, which is contained here, helps slow down hair growth, which is why the cream is intended after hair removal!

Useful tips

If you are tired of the endless amount of chemical and synthetic components contained in most creams and lotions on store shelves, then you will certainly be pleased with the opportunity to create a wonderful body cream with your own hands.

Homemade body cream can be a wonderful gift for any occasion.

DIY cream: recipe

Here's what you'll need:

- 3/4 cup pure oil(sweet almond is very suitable, because it is well absorbed and does not leave a greasy film, but you can use any to taste).

- 1 glass of clean water.

- 2 tablespoons of beeswax for hair removal. Please make sure that the wax is beeswax, because most other types of wax consist of petroleum by-products.

50 Surprising Facts About Your Skin

- 30 drops of essential oil(lavender, ylang-ylang, bergamot and others). Make sure that the oil is essential ( essential oil), and not aromatic oil (fragrance oil), which is synthetic.

- glass container for storing lotion.

DIY body cream

Manufacturing process:

Mix oil and beeswax. Warm up in a water bath. Immediately after the wax melts, turn off the heat. Let cool for no more than 1-2 minutes as the wax hardens quickly.

Add water to the blender and pour in small portions, start mixing it with the resulting mixture of oil and wax.

What your skin can tell you about your health

As you pour the mixture, an emulsion will gradually begin to form, which will usually thicken after three-quarters of the mixture has been mixed. Continue adding the mixture to the water and mixing.

After this, depending on the desired degree of aroma, add a few drops of the chosen one to the resulting lotion. essential oil.

Transfer the cream into a glass container. It can be stored for about 6 months, and it is best to store it in the refrigerator to extend its shelf life.

That's it! It's not as difficult as you thought. Now your skin will thank you for healing natural cream, and not for the harsh chemicals present in every purchased cosmetic product. Enjoy!

Skin after active sun needs restoration and antioxidant protection. It's time to prepare a similar product after the end of the summer season to restore the skin and prepare it for difficult winter conditions.
The lamellar structure of the emulsion is well absorbed by the stratum corneum and restores its protective functions. The balanced fatty acid composition of oils nourishes the skin, relieves inflammation and itching. Extracts and essential oils stimulate collagen synthesis and protect against premature aging. Due to the content of a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, we recommend not using milk on open areas of the body during the day.

We recommend this recipe at a time when the skin does not need strong nutrition, when you want light and refreshing textures. Despite this, the gel promotes regeneration and provides antioxidant protection. The balanced fatty acid composition of the oil mixture restores the lipid barrier, increases skin hydration and elasticity.
Apply the gel to clean skin after the shower. It is not recommended to apply the product to exposed parts of the body during periods of active sun.

Provides care for loose, dehydrated body skin. It softens the skin well, moisturizes and restores tone with regular use. It is also possible to use this emulsion to prevent the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy, starting from the 2nd trimester. IN in this case Do not exceed dosages for essential oils; if desired, they can be reduced.
The recipe is balanced in fatty acid composition. Due to the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, it is not recommended to apply the emulsion to exposed skin during the daytime.

A massage with an oil mixture will help to relax cramped muscles, relieve fatigue and tension in the body after physical training. A pleasant procedure will bring peace of mind, and also soften and nourish the skin. Avoid using the mixture on sensitive skin or reduce the dosage of essential oils. Do not use the product in active sun.

The cream can be used as a regular skin care product and additionally has an anti-cellulite effect. Thanks to the active components of the cream, the skin is noticeably tightened and becomes more elastic. The product saturates the skin with antioxidants, slows down aging, and restores natural turgor.
Apply the cream every day to clean, slightly damp skin after a shower. Avoid using the cream during periods of active sun.

The product for nourishing and restoring dry and sensitive skin is made on the basis of an active emulsion base with the addition of valuable plant and essential oils. Regular use of milk on the skin after a shower will restore its integrity, eliminate dryness and flaking, and soothe itching and redness. The composition includes two types of chamomile essential oils, which gives a synergistic calming effect on the skin and emotional state, helps to relax muscles and relieve nervous tension.

Allow your skin a moment of chocolate bliss, and it will thank you with extraordinary softness and silkiness! In addition to softening and nourishing, the product has an anti-cellulite effect. With regular use on problem areas, it will make your figure slimmer and more toned. For a better effect, you can wrap your body with cling film, avoiding the abdominal area.

A very light product to moisturize and nourish the skin. Thanks to black coffee oil, the skin is noticeably tightened, becomes more elastic, and the appearance of cellulite is reduced. And the magical coffee aroma will add strength and vitality.

When you want freshness and lightness, this cream will come in handy. Its components prevent unpleasant smell body, help keep skin smooth and cool. It is applied with massaging movements until completely absorbed onto clean skin.

A product with a truly melting texture and a deep floral-citrus aroma. Great option for body care after a bath. Softens and nourishes the skin, helps restore the lipid barrier. The balm can also be used for massage.

The cream has strong regenerating properties. Thanks to extracts of string and calendula, it eliminates inflammation on the skin. St. John's wort oil accelerates the healing of wounds and abrasions. Essential oils have an antiseptic effect. You can use the cream locally on the area of ​​inflammation. Please note that St. John's wort oil makes the skin vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation, so we do not recommend using the cream before going out into the sun.

An effective remedy for preventing and eliminating cellulite. The essential composition in combination with black coffee oil improves blood circulation and maintains skin tone, giving elasticity. Horse chestnut extract relieves swelling and strengthens blood vessels. Use the oil mixture when massaging problem areas, as well as for body wraps.

Delicate cleansing and fragrant body care right in the bathroom. Upon contact with wet skin, praline turns into a delicate milk that is easily distributed throughout the body. Massage the product into the skin, leave to act for a few minutes and rinse with warm water. Enjoy the delicate velvety and softness of your skin, as if after an exquisite spa treatment.

A light and at the same time active-rich product for the energy and beauty of your skin. The components of the cream increase blood circulation and cellular metabolism, saturate with moisture, and also fight against age-related changes. The product is gently distributed over the skin and quickly absorbed, bringing hydration and vitality to the body. Apply after shower to slightly damp body skin.
Do not use before going out into the sun! Or replace angelica essential oil with another.

The recipe of this cream includes essential oils from medicinal plants, which are classics described in any herbalist. The rich and balanced composition of this cream will help quickly regenerate dry, inflamed, irritated skin. Can be used both in courses and daily. Also suitable for caring for hands and feet.

Apply to clean, damp skin after a shower, leave on the skin for 1-2 minutes, then rinse with water. The skin becomes soft and soft, just like after using body cream. A great option for those who don’t have time to apply cream. Helps restore skin after sunbathing.

Very effective remedy with a serious cast! Thanks to the synergy of natural vascular strengthening and venotonic components, it quickly relieves heaviness in the legs. With regular use, it helps prevent varicose veins.

Are you on a diet or lacking sweets in your life? Try to satisfy your sweet cravings with a delicate and fragrant cream with the aroma of candy and orange marmalade! And thanks to the mango and watermelon oils included in the cream, your skin will acquire a delightfully soft and satiny appearance.

The famous healing berry cranberry is not only a precious decoration of the forests, but also of your beauty care. Thanks to the unique balance of omega acids, cranberry seed oil gives this milk enhanced regenerative and nutritional properties.

A very gentle nourishing product for anti-stress body skin care. Licorice oils and extract will soften and soothe the skin, eliminate dryness and flaking. Fragonia is the mono-aroma in this bar and is designed to relieve muscle tension, improve sleep, give peace of mind, and also help reduce PMS symptoms.

The fast-absorbing formula of the gel allows you to use it in the morning, when there is very little time. The active components of the gel effectively combat the manifestations of cellulite on the skin of the body and have a tonic, lipolytic, and firming effect. The cheerful aroma of the gel will give you cheerfulness and good mood.

With a dream of summer, prepare yourself this light, but very effective cream! Delicate summer aromas will immerse you in an atmosphere of serenity and peace, and nourishing oils will saturate your skin with all the substances it needs. This cream will be especially useful for dry and damaged skin; it can be used after depilation.

Soothing body oil gently cares for sensitive and dry skin, absorbs quickly, leaving the skin soft and silky. Essential oil Lavender has a relaxing effect, relieving anxiety and tension. Combined with essential oils of myrrh and rosewood gently puts you to sleep, promoting proper rest.

Cream for intensive restoration of body skin, especially after sunbathing or solarium. Also suitable as a soothing and healing agent after any type of hair removal. Turmeric essential oil, being an excellent antioxidant, improves skin tone and makes this cream also suitable for anti-aging care.

Moisturizing and skin-regenerating milk. Saturates the skin with vitamins, stimulates regeneration processes. The essential oil of fragonia, which is part of the milk, not only soothes the skin, but also relieves anxiety from the soul, giving a state of joy and peace.

Intensive action product with a fresh spring aroma! This cream deeply regenerates dry and damaged skin of the body and hands. The reverse emulsion that forms the basis of this cream is closely perceived by skin cells, as it is similar to the hydrolipid mantle of the skin. Despite its thickness and richness, the emulsion is completely absorbed into dry skin, giving skin cells prolonged nutrition and hydration. The oils included in the cream even out the microrelief, eliminate sagging, and improve skin color.

Pure gold for your skin! The lightest soufflé oil melts upon contact with the skin, providing it with incredible softness, smoothness and comfort. Essential oils of immortelle and lemon regenerate damaged skin, have a rejuvenating effect, help reduce stretch marks, and increase elasticity. Myrocarpus essential oil is excellent for caring for inflamed and cracked skin, while enhancing the effects of other components of the cosmetic product. Use as a body and hand cream.

Thanks to a unique anti-aging complex, the butter cream significantly reduces visible wrinkles, increases collagen levels and maintains elasticity. Beeswax protects against external influences and locks all the beneficial effects of the components deep into the skin. In addition, the batter has a pleasant floral trailing aroma, which will warm you with summer warmth even in the most extreme cold.

These tiles are perfect for the cool season as a means to soften and nourish dry skin. Thanks to oils, even the driest skin does not lose moisture and remains soft. The tiles can be slightly warmed in your hands and applied to the skin immediately after taking a bath or shower.

This fragrant cream that melts on the skin will quickly erase traces of fatigue and recharge the skin with vigor and freshness. So as not to erase from memory summer mood In order not to burden the skin with nutrition, but to begin preparing it for a change in skincare cosmetics, this product is ideal, combining moisturizing, protection from irritation and redness, healing and a bright aroma!

Bright and fresh, invigorating and cool - this cream will give a real boost of energy in the summer heat. And besides, it will restore sun-weary skin, saturate it with vitamins, moisturize and give a pleasant aroma of a familiar cocktail. Apply with patting movements onto clean skin until completely absorbed.

This candle can be placed in the bathroom and lit while taking a bath. Apply melted oils to cleansed skin to soften it or as a warm restorative mask, which should be blotted with a napkin 10 minutes after application in a thick layer to the skin.

The slow burning of the candle fills the mind with a relaxing aroma, and the melting oils allow it to be used as nourishment for the skin of the body. The melting part of an oil candle can be used as a massage, nourishing or exfoliating product (if desired, you can omit the addition of an exfoliant) that will fill your skin with an extraordinary aroma. We recommend performing candle treatments in the bathroom, complementing them with soft light and relaxing music.

Such tiles have two functions. They perfectly nourish the skin and replenish the lack of lipids, improve skin tone and smooth the surface, massage thanks to small peppercorns, improve blood circulation and skin color. Melt the tiles in your hands and apply to the skin of the body with massaging movements. Then remove the peas and excess oil with a napkin. The procedure is best done after a bath or shower on clean skin.