Lada dance biography personal life nationality. Fatal lovers

Lada Dance or Lada Evgenievna Volkova is a famous Russian and Soviet singer who delighted many generations with songs in jazz and pop style. The girl got on the stage when she was barely twenty-two years old. But she immediately won the hearts of her fans.

Lada's songs never get old, just like the fatal beauty and talented singer herself. She is also a charming model, as well as a rather sought-after actress.

Lada is a happy mother of two charming children and was able to realize herself as a woman and as a creative person.

Height, weight, age. How old is Lada Dance

It is worth paying attention to what physical parameters a famous actress, singer and model have, including height, weight, age. How old is Lada Dance is not a very difficult question, since the date of her birth is known.

According to some sources, Lada was born in 1966, and according to others in 1969, so it is almost impossible to understand exactly how old she was. However, it is officially considered that the woman celebrated her fifty-one year anniversary, so we will count the same. At the same time, Lada Dance: photos in her youth and now are photographs of the same young and bright woman, on whose face there is not a single wrinkle.

According to the zodiac, Lada received the sign of a caring, stable, economical, honest, well-mannered, insecure Virgo.

According to the eastern horoscope, she received character traits that are characteristic of a Horse, including stability, efficiency, and hard work.

Lada Dance's height was one meter and seventy centimeters, and her weight was close to sixty kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Lada Dance

The biography and personal life of Lada Dance began quite a long time ago, when she was born in Kaliningrad. Lada Volkova's parents gravitated toward foreign languages ​​and design, but had nothing to do with music or cinema.

Father - Evgeny Volkov - an engineer who worked in one of the design bureaus.

Mother - Irina Volkova - graduated from the capital's Institute of Foreign Languages, she worked as a translator and art critic.

Brother - Sergei Volkov - was older than his sister. He did not want to study at a music school, choosing an art school; he works as an art historian. Yee is a talented artist and also enjoys wood carving.
At the same time, Ladochka knew exactly what she wanted to become. Therefore, from an early age I entered a music school, then went to a music school to study the departments of pop and academic vocals. By the way, the future star graduated from the same school as Oleg Gazmanov, so she received a decent education, and also began singing at the school VIA, where she played the keyboard.

She developed her talent by singing the hits of the time in restaurants and on dance floors. Lada began singing professionally after the Jurmala festival in 1988. Where she didn’t take any place, but met girls with whom she organized the “Women’s Council” group and moved to Moscow.

After the collapse of the group, the girl was a backing vocalist for Kirkorov himself for a long time, and since 1992 she began singing solo, taking the creative pseudonym Dance. She first performed before the release of the cult group “Kar-Man”, while simultaneously recording album after album, of which there are exactly seven to date.

Lada Dance has shot a huge number of videos, numbering sixteen, while she is a sought-after model and received a special prize from the jury in the talent show “Exactly the Same.”

Since 1995, he has acted in films and TV series, including “Old songs about the main thing”, “Balzac’s age or all men are…”, “The Path”, “Cats against Dogs”, “Stepanych’s Thai Voyage”, “Stepanych’s Mexican Voyage” ", "220 Volts of Love", "Three on Top", "The Return of Mukhtar", "My Personal Enemy".

Lada has its own showroom that provides vintage cars for rent, as well as a recruitment agency.
Lada Dance’s personal life has always been stormy and vibrant, because she is an incredibly beautiful and talented woman.

The girl had a huge number of fans, but most of them were only in words, since the singer never talked about her beloved men, which gave rise to a huge amount of ridiculous gossip.

Dance said that her first love was producer Lenya Velichkovsky, with whom life did not work out. Currently, the girl is happy with her husband and true love - Pavel Svirsky.

Family and children of Lada Dance

Lada Dance’s family and children are the best people in her life; she considers them her support and hope for a happy future. Lada’s family is friendly and understanding; they did everything to ensure that their daughter and son found their path in life. Lada, through the efforts of her parents, became a singer, and Seryozha refused to go to music school, but graduated from art and became a magnificent artist and woodcarver.

The woman has two wonderful children who never cease to please their mother. They were born with a small age difference, so they were incredibly friendly, creative and bright. By the way, the young and talented actress and singer dreamed for a long time that she would have a friendly family and several kids.

Son of Lada Dance - Ilya Svirsky

The son of Lada Dance, Ilya Svirsky, was born in 1997, his father was Pavel Svirsky. It was decided to name the boy the original Russian name Ilya, in the hope that he would grow up strong and healthy.

The baby was very similar to his mother in appearance, but took on his father’s character traits. The most interesting thing is that Ilyushka was an unwanted child, because immediately after his father found out about his wife’s pregnancy, he left the family.

Ilya studied well at school and went in for sports, including football and martial arts. Young Svirsky did not dream of becoming a singer, sincerely considering it an unmanly job that forces him to leave home for a long time. This year he became a student at the capital's architectural university because he was a great painter.

Daughter of Lada Dance - Elizaveta Svirskaya

Lada Dance’s daughter, Elizaveta Svirskaya, was born in 1999, and Lada’s second husband, Pavel Svirsky, is also considered her dad. At that time, the young people began to live together again, so a small and incredibly beautiful girl was born, who also looked like her mother.

Lizochka was distinguished by her restless and artistic character; however, she could not sit quietly for a minute and often lost interest in the work she had begun.

Elizaveta was fond of theater, did well at school, studied vocals and played the piano. She lives in the capital of Great Britain, lives there in a prestigious boarding house.

Former common-law husband of Lada Dance - Leonid Velichkovsky

Lada Dance's former common-law husband, Leonid Velichkovsky, was also her first producer. Who burst into her life in 1992. Rather, Lada herself turned to him with a request that the keyboard player of the popular group “Technology” at that time, who was a talented composer, write several songs for her.

This collaboration grew into the release of several hits, as well as a new album. At the same time, in 1993, with the light hand of Velichkovsky, Dance was able to record the disc “Night Album,” which instantly sold out.

At the same time, Lada and Leonid did not get along in character; they parted loudly and scandalously. There were no children in the marriage, so it is believed that there was no one to maintain friendly relations.

Lada Dance's ex-husband - Pavel Svirsky

Lada Dance's ex-husband, Pavel Svirsky, appeared unexpectedly in the singer's life when she met him at a corporate party. At the same time, the businessman’s parents were shocked by their son’s choice; they forbade him to date the singer, considering her a dirty woman of easy virtue.

Lada says that Pavel was married at that time and was raising a son, but at the same time he did not want to leave her and his wife at the same time. The most interesting thing is that the marriage ended up breaking up, then the guys began to live together again, but lost trust due to the fact that Pavel cheated on his wife again. Although the young man says that Lada herself is to blame, because he believed the rumors about her indecent behavior.

At the same time, Dance cannot forgive Pavel for leaving her alone with two small children, although she has long become self-sufficient, bright and athletic. She considers this marriage a stepping stone to something stable, to simply becoming someone’s beloved and only woman.

Instagram and Wikipedia Lada Dance

Instagram and Wikipedia Lada Dance are official. At the same time, there are pages on almost all social networks. It is worth noting that from the Wikipedia article you can learn quite a lot about the singer’s childhood, youth, education and creative path, however, very little information can be found about her parents, spouses and children.

At the same time, no less than 19,000 fans are subscribed to his Instagram profile. Those who grew up on her hits or became acquainted with them only recently. It is worth understanding that only on this page is it possible to find the most relevant and reliable photographs. Chat with the star and see a lot of high-quality videos from her life.

At one time, there were many rumors about Lada Dance, one of the most successful and popular Russian singers. She was married to no one among the famous oligarchs and pop stars. The whole country was talking about her revealing outfits, but not many people know about the real Lada, wife, mother. Personal life of Lada Dance has always been interesting to the public. But such a beautiful, interesting girl always had an image of her future husband. Lada never chased a man’s money, because from the age of fourteen she began to earn good money. Therefore, first of all, the character of the man was important to Lada. Strong, independent, ready to support in difficult times. Not just a shoulder to lean on, but a support. As Lada herself admits, it took a long time to find such an ideal.

At the beginning of her career, Lada married composer Leonid Velichkovsky. As a rule, creative unions do not last so long. Long business trips, tours, fans - all this interferes with relationships. Unfortunately, Lada's first marriage fell apart quite quickly. Lada was the initiator, Leonid could not let her go for a long time. At that time, many well-known magazines tried to get interviews with Leonid, his friends and family, because the personal life of Lada Dance was of interest to absolutely everyone. The situation was tense, but in the end, having divided a common apartment, the couple broke up completely.

For the second time, Lada married businessman Pavel Svirsky. However, after a scandalous separation from her first husband, a wave of indignation hit her - journalists and enemies tried to convince Pavel that this marriage was doomed, that Lada was only interested in his money. Some time after the wedding, Pavel’s son from his first marriage fell ill, and he had to spend a lot of time with his ex-wife. Lada was very worried, she thought that her husband no longer loved her. Soon she found out about her pregnancy. Magazines wrote every now and then about the happy Lada and her marriage. But ex-husband Leonid could not come to terms with his jealousy and gave interviews in which he said not the most pleasant things about Lada. For example, he said that he found a future singer in a small town and taught her how to sing and dress. Lada did not start a scandal and decided not to pay attention to Velichkovsky.

Soon Lada had a daughter, Elizaveta. But despite this, it was not easy for the couple - there was a crisis in the country, Pavel could have lost his business. Due to constant stress, he began to lash out at his wife. Lada admits that she should have supported Pavel then, but could not - it was hard for her too, because she raised two children alone, her husband did not want to help. As a result, Pavel left for another woman. Despite the divorce, the couple maintained a warm relationship for the sake of their children. Pavel spent a lot of time with the children, did not miss holidays, and gave gifts.
After her second marriage, Lada decided that if she married a third time, it would only be in secret. She is afraid of the evil eye and believes that it was publicity that prevented her from saving the family. Now the most important thing for Lada is her family and children. The popular actress and singer is in no hurry to enter into a new relationship.

During her creative career, Lada Dance captivated the general public with her vocal abilities, but in addition, she demonstrated her acting abilities. Having achieved significant success, the star has not given up what she loves: she often goes on tour and takes part in television projects. In addition, Lada has her own business, having opened a recruitment and limousine rental agency. Dance’s personal life has always been difficult, however, she does not feel lonely, devoting a lot of time to raising her children. After an unsuccessful marriage, the star is in no hurry to get married, but still dreams of meeting a worthy man.

Lada Volkova was born in 1969 in Kaliningrad. Her parents had nothing to do with the music world: her father worked as an engineer, and her mother was an art historian and translator. The family also had a brother growing up, who became an artist and historian. The girl was always interested in music, demonstrating good vocal abilities as part of a school group. After graduating from school, she received an education at a music school. In 1988, Lada sang in the music group “Women’s Council”, but it did not last long.

Leonid Velichkovsky, producer of the Tekhnologiya group, helped her rise to the musical Olympus. Already in 1992, her first hits began to be released, such as “Girl-Night” and “You need to live high.” Few people know that Dance is Lada’s creative pseudonym, which arose after she performed in the Bikini Dance group. After ending her collaboration with Velichkovsky, she recorded several solo albums. The singer also tried her hand as an actress, starring in more than 10 film projects, among which we can note the series “Balzac’s Age, or All Men Are Theirs...”, “Stepanych’s Mexican Voyage”, “Territory of Beauty” and others.

For a long time, Lada’s personal life was intertwined with her creative work. Leonid Velichkovsky not only wrote her songs and organized concerts, but also became her common-law husband. However, the family idyll did not last long, and soon the singer was no longer satisfied with this relationship.

And after some time, a new passionate love appeared in her life. The singer met her future husband, businessman Pavel Svirsky, thanks to his efforts. The man saw the star on the TV screen and decided to woo her. He invited Lada, as well as other famous stars, to his corporate party, after which the young people began dating. Pavel courted her very nicely, and soon proposed to her. In 1997, the lovers had a son, Ilya, and two years later, a daughter, Lisa. At this time, the artist did not perform concerts, being closely involved with her family and children. At the same time, quarrels began between the spouses, as her husband demanded that she end her singing career. The logical conclusion of such family relationships was divorce.

For a long time, Dance was depressed: she experienced the departure of her ex-husband, while losing almost 20 kilograms. Over time, her career and personal life began to improve. The beauty has never been deprived of the attention of men, however, after an unsuccessful marriage, she no longer strives for a new serious relationship, but if the chosen one suits her in everything, the singer does not rule out going to the registry office again.

In the photo Lada Dance with children: son Ilya and daughter Elizaveta

The artist dotes on her children, devoting a lot of attention and time to them. Ilya and Lisa not only show excellent performance at school, but also find time for their hobbies. The daughter loves to draw, writes poetry and does gymnastics, and the son sings and dances in his group. However, children do not like to listen to their mother's songs, preferring Western performers.

The whole family lives in a large country house on Rublyovka. When Lada goes on tour, the children stay with the nanny, who has become a very close person to them. To gain strength and relax, the singer goes with her children to a ski resort or chooses time for horse riding. In addition, she is interested in hunting, in which she is more interested in rituals and communication with interesting people.

See also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 12/15/2016

Lada Dance (real name is Lada Evgenievna Volkova). Born on September 11, 1966 in Kaliningrad. Soviet and Russian pop and jazz singer, actress.

Lada Volkova, who became widely known as Lada Dance, was born on September 11, 1966 in Kaliningrad.

Father is an engineer.

Mother is a translator from foreign languages.

Has a brother who became an artist.

She studied at the same school with Lyudmila Putina and.

During her school years she graduated from a music school in piano. Then her first performances began - in the school ensemble, in which she played the keyboard.

In 1988 she attended the pop song festival in Jurmala. There she met Alina Vitebskaya and Svetlana Lazareva, and soon the girls created the “Women’s Council” trio. The producer of the group was Alina’s husband, Khariton Vitebsky. The trio sang songs about social problems of that time and did not have success with the public. Soon their group broke up.

But during the filming of a video for the Zhensovet group in Odessa, she met with whom, after the collapse of Zhensovet, she worked as a backing vocalist. In Philip Kirkorov's program, she got the opportunity to perform three songs solo.

However, Kirkorov’s work soon ended. She was lucky enough to meet the keyboard player and composer of the very popular group “Technology” at that time, Leonid Velichkovsky. He took up her solo promotion and opened the way for Lada to the big stage.

In 1992, Lada Dance's first hit was released - the song "Girl-Night". It marked the beginning of her solo career. Next came the reggae “You need to live in high spirits,” which also became a hit.

In 1993, the debut disc “Night Album” was released.

She was considered a sex symbol of the early 1990s. After the release of the “Reggae in the Night” video, the daring red-haired girl with a model figure instantly captivated millions of men’s hearts. “You need to live to the fullest,” she urged from the stage, and was one of the first who was not afraid to look openly and sexy, despite Soviet prohibitions.

Lada Dance - Girl-night

After breaking up with Leonid Velichkovsky, she sang for some time with the group “Kar-man”.

Lada Dance in the film "Balzac's Age, or All Men Are..."

Among other notable works on the screen are Manana Vorkutidze in the comedies “Spanish Voyage of Stepanych” and “Mexican Voyage of Stepanych”, Tambov-trained businesswoman Stella Paramonova in “Three on Top - 2”, “star” patient of the clinic Alina Rozaeva in “Territory of Beauty”.

Lada Dance in the film "Spanish Voyage of Stepanych"

In 2016, she took part in the transformation show “Exactly the Same”. Among other images, she introduced the Soviet pop singer Vadim Mulerman to the public - she performed his hit “Lada”. She also portrayed CC Catch, Edita Piekha, Rafaella Carra, Nani Bregvadze, Alisa Freindlich, Sergei Penkin, Billie Holiday, Klavdia Shulzhenko, Laima Vaikule, Ani Lorak, Ivan Mladek, Jennifer Lopez and Sofia Rotaru. Based on the results of the competition, she received a special prize from the jury.

He owns a recruitment agency and also has a company that deals with interior and clothing design.

Lada Dance - Alone with everyone

Lada Dance height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Lada Dance:

She was actually married to composer Leonid Borisovich Velichkovsky. We lived together for about 4 years. In the early 1990s, the couple separated.

Later, Leonid Velichkovsky recalled: “When Sergei Kuznetsov from the Gala Records studio introduced me to her, she had just left the Zhensovet group. And I, like the last loser, undertook to help her with her solo career. We lived together for about four years. The first We had a good relationship for two years. Lada looked into my mouth and looked faithfully into my eyes. And then she decided that she knew everything better. Life turned into some kind of horror. “You’re not sitting like that!” you whistle like that!” We fought on this basis."

“When Lada left me for Svirsky, she put her finger to my forehead and said: “Who are you? You’re nobody!” I remember this for the rest of my life,” said Velichkovsky.

She was married to businessman Pavel Svirsky, who was called the “King of Hams.” The marriage produced two children: son Ilya Pavlovich Svirsky (born 1997) and daughter Elizaveta Pavlovna Svirskaya (born 1999). This marriage also broke up.

Pavel Svirsky - ex-husband of Lada Dance

According to the artist, she considers caring for children to be the main meaning of life.

He enjoys horse riding and skiing.

Filmography of Lada Dance:

1990 - Face - episode + vocals
1996 - Old songs about the main thing - 1 - broken divorcee
1996 - Carnival night-2
2001 - Doctors
2003 - Return of Mukhtar-1 - Star
2004 - The best holiday - Alla, criminal lawyer
2004 - Balzac's age, or All men are... - Alla, lawyer (uncredited)
2005 - My personal enemy. Detective from Tatyana Ustinova - platinum blonde
2005 - Viola Tarakanova. In the world of criminal passions -2 - cameo
2005 - Balzac’s age, or All men are...-2 - Alla Vasilievna Prikhodko, lawyer
2006 - Spanish voyage of Stepanych - Manana, wife of Vorkutidze
2007 - Three on Top - 2 - Stella Paramonova, Tambov-trained businesswoman
2007 - Balzac’s age, or All men are... 3 - Alla, lawyer
2009 - Territory of Beauty - Alina Rozaeva, “star” patient of the clinic
2009 - The Way - singer in the club
2010 - Demon and Ada
2010 - And mom is better! - stewardess
2010 - 220 Volts of Love - Arina Emelyanova, pop star (uncredited)
2012 - Mexican voyage of Stepanych - Manana Vorkutidze
2013 - Floor - Larisa, client of Dr. Budnik
2013 - Balzac’s age, or All men are... 5 years later - Alla Vasilievna Prikhodko, lawyer
2014 - Mixed feelings - cameo

Discography of Lada Dance:

1993 - Night album
1994 - Dancing by the Sea
1995 - The newest is the best
1996 - Taste of Love
1997 - Fantasies
1997 - On the Islands of Love
2000 - When the gardens bloom

Video clips of Lada Dance:

1992 - I'll go with you
1993 - You need to live in joy
1994 - So that we all can live happily
1994 - Night sun
1995 - Cowboy
1995 - For nothing, for nothing...
1996 - No, I won't
1996 - Happy Birthday
1997 - Scent of Love
1997 - Unexpected call
1997 - On the Islands of Love
1999 - Give me this evening
2000 - Once a year the gardens bloom
2002 - How I loved
2005 - Test kiss

Lada Dance is a bright and charismatic singer with a strong voice. The Russian performer was considered a sex symbol of show business in the early 90s. The hit “Baby Tonight,” sung by a red-haired girl of model appearance in 1992, gained unprecedented popularity among Russian youth.

Childhood and youth

Lada Evgenievna Volkova, whom the country knows as the singer and actress Lada Dance, was born in September 1966 in Kaliningrad. The family of the future pop star had nothing to do with music: dad worked as an engineer, mom worked as a translator. In addition to the daughter, a son was growing up in the family. Today he is an artist.

It is known that Lada studied at the same school with the former wife of the President of Russia. The Russian singer is another famous student of this school.

The acquaintance of Lada Dance and Velichkovsky soon turned out to be fruitful. The joint composition called “Girl-Night” becomes the singer’s first hit that captivated the public. This song brought fame and popularity to the singer.

Lada Dance - “You need to live in high spirits” (“Reggae in the night”)

The performer began to be invited to musical events held throughout Russia. This was followed by another hit - “You need to live high” (“Reggae in the night”). In 1993, these 2 songs formed the basis of the debut album, called “Night Album”. The first disc sold millions of copies, and the performances took place in crowded halls.

This was the end of the collaboration between Dance and Velichkovsky. And again the performer had to go into free swimming. Initially, she sang with the group, but in 1994, after singing the hit “Nothing, No Need,” the singer’s career took off again.

Lada Dance and Lev Leshchenko - “No use, no use”

In the mid-90s, Lada Dance became a pop star. The singer often appears at various national concerts. In those years, Dance met composers from Germany, and the fruit of their collaboration became new hits. In 1996, a second album entitled “Taste of Love” appeared, all the songs of which were performed in the then fashionable disco style. This was Lada Dance's finest hour. With tours, she traveled to a large number of cities in different regions of the country, and abroad the artist performed at the Popkomm-95 festival.

The performer increases her popularity with candid photo shoots in fashion magazines. So, in the late 90s she appeared in several issues of Playboy magazine. In 1997, the singer pleased fans with two new records.

Lada Dance - “Scent of Love”

The album “On the Islands of Love” became one of the most popular in the singer’s repertoire, and the song “Scent of Love” was called the best composition of the album. Numerous clips of the performer also turned out to be very popular: “Cowboy”, “Won’t Be With You”, “Happy Birthday”, “Scent of Love”, “Unexpected Call”, “Winter Flowers”, “Night Sun”, “Dancing by the Sea”, "Dai-Dai" and others.

In the same year, the artist released another work - the album “Fantasy”, in the creation of which Oleg Lundstrem’s orchestra participated. The track list of the album includes the hits “I Wanna Be Loved by You” and “Woman in Love”, as well as the best songs of Lada Dance herself. With new material, the artist increasingly appears on the stage of Moscow nightclubs.

Lada Dance - “Once a year the gardens bloom”

In the 2000s, the singer again tried to enter the European stage with songs to the music of German composers, but, however, not very successfully. Soon Lada Dance had a complete reboot of her image. The last album, “When the Gardens Bloom,” was released in 2000, but, unfortunately, there was no previous success. T

Nevertheless, the musical composition “Once a year the gardens bloom,” which was previously part of the repertoire of the Soviet artist, was popular. Lada released a video for this hit. Despite the fact that the singer stopped recording studio albums in the 2000s, her video library was replenished with new videos for the songs “How I Loved,” “Control Kiss,” and “I Loved a Tankman.”


In 2004, dramatic changes occurred in the singer’s career. Lada Dance became an actress, taking part in the filming of the series “Balzac's Age, or All Men Are Theirs...”. The appearance of the new film on the screens turned out to be successful. In the future, the actress accepts invitations to participate in other television projects.

Yulia Menshova, Alika Smekhova, Zhanna Epple and Lada Dance (still from the series “Balzac’s age, or All men are… 5 years later”)

Previously, the popular performer managed to become famous in the cinema. The cinematic biography of Lada Dance began with episodic roles, but soon the artist loudly declared herself in the film “Spanish Voyage of Stepanych”, where the aspiring actress was accompanied by prominent representatives of Russian cinema - and.

Then the TV series “Territory of Love” and “Balzac’s Age, or All Men Are Their Own...” appeared on screens. The last film is especially successful. In addition to Lada Dance, the main roles were played by, and. The series turned out to be so popular that a sequel to the film appeared in 2013.

The actress was remembered by TV viewers for her filming in comedies, but Lada herself hopes to play more serious characters. The artist’s filmography consists of dozens of works.

Lada Dance in the show “Exactly” - “Lada” (Vadim Mulerman)

The Russian pop star takes part in the show, combining singing and dancing, and also plans to act in films again. In 2016, TV viewers remembered the singer’s participation in the transformation show “Exactly”, when, among other images, she introduced the Soviet pop singer to the public by performing the song “Lada”. The famous Russian woman received a special prize from the jury as a result of the competition. They started talking about her again as a performer who has a strong and beautiful voice.

In January 2017, the singer attended a party. Lada presented the TV presenter with a special gift: for an hour she performed her best hits from the 90s, to which the crowd danced. Olga did not at all try to hide her own joy, enjoying the compositions performed by the idol of millions.

Personal life

Lada Dance has 2 marriages behind her. Leonid Velichkovsky is the singer’s first husband. This civil marriage did not last long. In 1996, the couple separated. The official marriage was concluded with businessman Pavel Svirsky. During her second marriage, the artist had children: son Ilya and daughter Elizaveta. Over time, the couple began to grow apart, and the family gradually fell apart.