Ksenia Sobchak was avenged for Zhirinovsky. What's happened? Ksenia Sobchak avoided the question of her second pregnancy. In what year did Sobchak leave home?

Sobchak leaves House 2

Sobchak left House 2, refusing renew the contract with the TNT TV channel and the project. They started talking about Sobchak leaving House 2 long before Ksenia Sobchak announced it. Fired or voluntary resignation? It's unclear yet.

Why Sobchak leaves House 2: the opposition's version

Ksenia Sobchak leaves House 2, where, according to some information, she was paid $1 million a year. It’s difficult to guess why Sobchak left House 2. Opposition politician Alexei Navalny linked Sobchak’s departure from the House 2 project with the decision of the organizing committee of protest actions. Allegedly, the committee banned Sobchak from “walking around with a poster” while she was working in House 2.

Why did Sobchak leave House 2?

Many people wonder why does Sobchak leave House 2? Some even ask a more specific question: why was Sobchak kicked out of House 2? Sobchak leaves the television project House 2 because of his political activities - this is the most common version of why Ksenia Sobchak left House 2. And the departure, it is believed, was not voluntary: Sobchak was fired from TNT, as well as from all other federal television channels.

House 2: Sobchak - leaving for adulthood

On her Twitter Ksenia Sobchak She wrote that she made the decision to leave the project herself, no one forced her. “Thank you to everyone who worked with me these years,” wrote Ksenia Sobchak. The TV presenter asked not to make categorical judgments. According to her, there were a lot of people at the House 2 project. “This is a great school of life,” writes Sobchak. She notes that she does not regret this period of her life. “I’m just moving forward,” Sobchak concluded.

Ksenia Sobchak left the House 2 project last Sunday, July 1st. Three presenters of the program gathered at the “frontal place”: Ksenia Sobchak, Ksenia Borodina and Olga Buzova. On his Twitter, Borodina’s young man Mikhail Terekhin posted a photo of Ksenia Sobchak

When a person goes into politics, stories that compromise him immediately come to light.

In the case of the new candidate for the post of President of Russia, journalists do not even need to conduct any investigations. Ksyusha scandalized a lot and often. We remembered 9 of the most notorious stories with her participation.



In the early 2000s, every time Ksenia saw her fellow countrywoman Anastasia Volochkova at a party, she tried to pour champagne or wine on her. Each time this caused a great resonance in the press, but the reasons for such dislike became known later.

It turns out that the St. Petersburg young ladies did not share the man. As secular gossips claim, the bone of contention was Vyacheslav Leibman, an oil magnate and publisher.



This year Timati’s video “Dance with me” was released, in which Sobchak played the rapper’s beloved girlfriend. Moreover, the video contained footage allegedly from a private home video of the main characters. Information was immediately spread that these shots appeared there illegally. And Ksenia seemed wildly offended by Timati, who made them public in this way.


The “Person of the Year” award ceremony at the Et cetera theater is still remembered solely thanks to the passionate kiss of Tina Kandelaki and Ksenia Sobchak.

Tina was the first to press her friend's lips to hers; Sobchak herself was a little taken aback at first, but then decided to play along. The kiss dragged on for quite a long time. At first the hall froze in deathly silence, but then burst into applause.

Later, the girlfriends, however, quarreled to death, and since then there can be no talk of kisses, even innocent ones.


In the summer of the same year, a video appeared on the Internet from a closed party where Sobchak organized “dirty dancing.”

The video shows that the girl, to put it mildly, is drunk - while other guests were sitting decorously at the tables, Ksyusha alone did pirouettes, which can usually be seen in strip clubs.

Nikolai Baskov acted as a provocateur. Although he is not visible in the frame, his voice is clearly recognizable. “More sex! - he shouted. “Turn around backwards, backwards!” And Sobchak willingly followed his orders until Sergei Lazarev forcibly took her away from the camera.



Even in the scandalous reality show, Ksenia, as the host, was able

and outdo many participants. The most striking episode was a fight with Ksenia Borodina right during the recording of the broadcast. The latter could not pronounce literally a few words of eyeliner, and Sobchak, as luck would have it, was dressed very lightly on that frosty winter day.

At first she simply swore at Borodin: “Are you stupid? Can't remember a few words? She works at a construction site! You don’t know how to use your head, so you work on a construction site!” And when the co-host faltered again, she couldn’t stand it and started beating her up.


In the summer, at the New Wave festival in Jurmala, Ksyusha allowed herself a couple of times to make an unsuccessful joke about Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin, who had just declassified their relationship. And if Maxim laughed it off in response, Alla Borisovna was much more determined. They say she approached the organizers and said: “Do what you want, but either I or this one...”

The organizers chose Pugacheva: Sobchak not only did not conduct a number of concerts (which is why the entire script had to be redrawn), but was generally banned from entering the concert hall.



I haven’t remembered about the scandal with the “little bastards” in recent days, probably because I’m lazy. But the story really turned out loud.

Then, in 2013, an audio recording appeared on the Internet in which a voice very similar to Ksyushin urged the building manager to resolve the issue with the daily routine. The fact is that the builders, in order not to disturb the children’s sleep during the day, began working an hour earlier in the morning. And this extremely irritated the lady on the film. “If because of these little bastards you continue to organize some kind of children's hours, I will organize discos. Exactly at this time,” she fumed.

At first, Sobchak tried to assure the public that the recording was brazenly edited

get out. Then she said that she calls all children this tenderly, including her friends. Later she began to adhere to the version that someone had faked her voice. And only very recently she finally admitted, albeit indirectly, that it was her.



Sobchak’s harsh statement about “fatheads” caused an even more furious scandal. “I don't like fat people. I can still understand fat people due to illness, others - not. There is nothing more beautiful than a lean, athletic body. And women with shapes and roundness... leave them to truckers,” Sobchak said on her microblog.

Even her longtime fans, not to mention her colleagues, spoke out against Ksenia then. Among those offended, for example, was Anfisa Chekhova.


The only figure that seems simply amazing to Ksyusha is her own. Therefore, she does not hesitate to wear sometimes the most provocative outfits. So, at the wedding of the daughter of fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin, Sobchak appeared in a rather cute and at first glance modest dress with feathers.

However, it seemed so until the first gust of wind. As soon as the weather turned a little worse, the feathers scattered to the sides, and the butt of the “blonde in chocolate” appeared to the world in all its glory.

Of course, the picture immediately spread across all Internet portals. But this did not bother Ksenia at all. In her microblog, having enlarged the scandalous photo in the right place, she wrote: “Friends! Meet us! This is my butt. I’m not the least bit ashamed of her, my dear, she looks more decent than some of the people who run our state.”

Ksenia Sobchak began her career on Russian television as the host of the scandalous show “Dom-2”. Today she is no longer the scandalous blonde she was in the 2000s. Now she is known as a witty publicist, an excellent interviewer and an ambitious politician. According to a joint rating by the Echo of Moscow radio station, Ogonyok magazine and the Interfax agency, published in March 2014, Ksenia Sobchak ranks 22nd among the most influential women in Russia.

She continues to host the “Sobchak Live” program on the Dozhd TV channel, maintains a blog on Instagram and a YouTube channel. In October 2017, Sobchak announced her intention to run for president, replacing the “against all” column for voters, and took 4th place with 1.68% of the vote.


The famous TV presenter Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak was born in St. Petersburg on November 5, 1981. Father - co-author of the current Constitution of the Russian Federation, the first mayor of post-Soviet St. Petersburg (he headed the city from 1991 to 1996) Anatoly Sobchak (died in 2000). Mother is a senator from the Republic of Tuva since 2002, former State Duma deputy Lyudmila Narusova. But at the time of the birth of their daughter, the couple were teachers who did not think about a political career: Anatoly Aleksandrovich - Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University, Lyudmila Borisovna - Faculty of History of the Leningrad Institute of Culture named after. Krupskaya.

Sobchak has an older (by 16 years) half-sister Maria, born in Anatoly Sobchak’s first marriage to philologist Nonna Gadzyuk. She is a lawyer by training and worked at the St. Petersburg Bar Association.

Ksenia first studied at the “English” school No. 185, but she received her certificate at the school at the Herzen State Pedagogical University. In parallel with her studies, the girl studied in a ballet studio and attended the Hermitage art school. The teacher, composer Vladislav Uspensky, came to the Sobchaks’ home, who was involved in the girl’s musical education and taught her to play the piano. Ksyusha studied excellently, but was a pure humanitarian: physics and chemistry were difficult for her. She read a lot, including the works of ancient Greek historians: Suetonius, Plutarch, Tacitus, and knew all the sculptures in the Summer Garden by heart.

Close girls noted that she was an extremely disobedient and impudent child, often disrupting classes. In addition, Ksyusha has always had a sharp tongue. For example, when Anatoly Sobchak once tried to flog his disobedient daughter, she shouted: “Me too, democrat!” However, Ksyusha always easily found a common language with her father, but her relationship with her mother was tense.

Interview with 11-year-old Ksenia Sobchak

Ksenia Sobchak has known the second President of Russia Vladimir Putin since childhood. In his youth, Vladimir Vladimirovich was Sobchak’s adviser on external relations.

In 1998, she became a student at the Faculty of International Relations at St. Petersburg State University, but literally three years later, due to moving to Moscow, she had to transfer to a similar specialty at MGIMO. A year later, having received a bachelor's degree (her thesis was an analysis of the presidential regime in Russia and France), Sobchak entered the master's program at the Faculty of Political Science, which she graduated in 2004, after which she went to graduate school, which she never completed.

Scandalous person and socialite

Fame came to Ksenia Sobchak at the age of 16 - it was then that she first appeared on the pages of the Russian tabloid Express Courier, which reported that the daughter of the mayor of St. Petersburg had been kidnapped. In 1998, 17-year-old Ksyusha was credited with having an affair with 43-year-old businessman Umar Dzhabrailov, then with publisher Vyacheslav Leibman, and then with Alexander Shustorovich, also a publisher. In 2001, the media reported that jewelry worth about $600 thousand was stolen from a girl’s apartment (according to documents allegedly belonging to Leibman).

All scandalous videos of Ksenia Sobchak

And although relatives tried in every possible way to protect their daughter from such attacks from the press, it seemed that the attention of journalists only fueled Ksenia’s passion for public provocations. The girl was a regular at all social events, her name often appeared in scandals related to drugs, and she also managed to star in a photo shoot for a men's glossy magazine.

Lyudmila Narusova said that Ksenia’s shocking behavior was rooted in childhood, and she was sure that her daughter’s similar behavior was a temporary phenomenon and would soon pass.

Ksenia herself later admitted that she was horrified by the “cocaine glamor” of the 2000s, but she reconciled herself and mimicked fashion trends, because the image of the “blonde in chocolate” went with a bang.

I was horrified by all of this. But is it somehow necessary to live and survive in fashionable Moscow? Soon I was trying to come to terms with reality with the help of Wonderbra silicone inserts and pink corsets.

Dom-2 and other TV projects

In 2004, Ksenia Sobchak became Ksenia Borodina’s co-host on the scandalous project “Dom-2”. It should be noted that the daring girl, who does not mince words, suited the format of the controversial reality show perfectly, which brought Ksenia not only fame, but also a huge amount of criticism. So, in 2005, the Duma Committee on Health sent a statement to the Prosecutor General’s Office with a request to bring Sobchak to criminal liability (with the wording “for pimping and pimping”).

At the beginning of her career, Sobchak hosted the scandalous show “Dom-2”

With the growth of popularity and interest in her person, Ksenia began to be invited as a presenter by other TV channels. Later she hosted the programs “Who doesn’t want to become a millionaire” on TNT, “The Last Hero” and “Two Stars” on the First, “Blonde in Chocolate”, “Top Model in Russian” on Muz-TV.

In 2008 and 2010, Ksenia Sobchak, together with Ivan Urgant, was the presenter of the Muz-TV Prize. Thanks to Ksenia’s sociability and eloquence, programs with her participation have always aroused genuine interest from viewers, although often with a negative sign.

Ksenia Sobchak reads a poem about an inflatable version of herself

By this time, her style had changed from glamorous to more delicate and feminine - “a la russe”. Her friendship with designer Ulyana Sergienko played an important role in the change in image.

Soon Ksenia Sobchak became the host of the radio program “Everyday Life of Barabaka” (later renamed “Barabaka and the Gray Wolf”) on the “Silver Rain” radio station. In the spring of 2010, she was a girl on the talk show “Freedom of Thought” on Channel 5, but after several episodes she left the project, because, according to her, “everything descended into a discussion of housing and communal services tariffs.” Then, for six months, she was the co-host of the entertainment program “Girls” on the Rossiya-1 TV channel, created as an alternative to Channel One’s ProjectorParisHilton project. Ksenia's company was Marina Golub, Alla Dovlatova and Olga Shelest. After the 24th episode of the first season, Ksenia left the program after a scandal with Vladimir Solovyov on air.

Ksenia Sobchak in the program “Girls”: scandal with Vladimir Solovyov

In addition to the role of presenter, Ksenia took great pleasure in trying herself in new endeavors, for example, she participated in the show “Circus with the Stars” and starred in Timati’s video for their joint song “Let’s Dance.”

At the beginning of July 2012, Ksenia Sobchak left the Dom-2 project, stating the following:

I left because I had internally outgrown this stage, and also because I consider it impossible to combine social activities with hosting such a show. Previously, I thought that it was enough to reflect reality, and people themselves would be horrified, but now I understand that this is not enough, you need to not just reflect - you need to create reality in order to educate those who are still included in the disgusting matrix of lies and indifference of our society.

Acting career

Ksenia Sobchak received her first film role in 2003, playing a journalist in the film “Thieves and Prostitutes.” In 2006, the film “Chocolate Blonde” was released, in which Paris Hilton played the main role. Ksenia dubbed her character’s lines into Russian. In 2007, Sobchak got the role of a prostitute in the film “The Best Film” by Garik Kharlamov and Mikhail Galustyan.

In 2008, Ksenia starred in the film “Hitler Kaput” as Adolf Hitler’s mistress. In the same year, such films as “Beauty Demands...”, “Nobody Knows About Sex 2”, “Europe-Asia” and “Artifact” were released, where the TV presenter appeared in episodic roles. In 2012-2013, she was involved in such films as “A Short Course in a Happy Life”, “Rzhevsky against Napoleon”, “Term”, “An Affair with Cocaine” and “Corporate Party”.

Ksenia Sobchak crashed into Euroset

The girl is also connected with Euroset by the fact that in 2010 she purchased 0.1 percent of the shares from the company’s owner, Alexander Mamut, for one million dollars. She is also one of the three co-owners of the Bublik cafe on Tverskoy Boulevard in Moscow. She invested about 17 million rubles in this establishment.


Ksenia Sobchak wrote five books, one of them co-authored with Oksana Robski (Married to a Millionaire, or Marriage of the Highest Class (2009). The first published work was the book “Stylish Things of Ksenia Sobchak.” In the same year, a book was published under entitled “Masks, glosses, curlers. ABC of beauty.”

In 2010, The Sucker Encyclopedia was released, a book that defines a sucker as “a person for whom self-presentation is paramount.” In the same year, together with Ksenia Sokolova, a collection of interviews was published, based on articles for GQ magazine - the book “Philosophy in the Boudoir”.


Ksenia Sobchak has repeatedly become the culprit or participant in various scandals in the media. In 2008, she had a fight on the air of Mayak radio with the host of the Cult of Personality program Katya Gordon. During the interview, an altercation occurred between them, which then continued on the Internet, as a result of which Gordon was fired from the radio station.

Ksenia Sobchak vs. Katya Gordon on Radio Mayak

In 2011, Sobchak became involved (in a figurative sense) with Anastasia Volochkova. Sobchak took part in the filming of the program “Let Them Talk,” dedicated to the ballerina’s anniversary. This program became the starting point, after which Anastasia left the United Russia party, cursing both United Russia members and Sobchak.

Conflict between Ksenia Sobchak and Anastasia Volochkova

Political activity

Until a certain point, the majority associated the name of Ksenia Sobchak exclusively with “yellow” scandals and “House-2,” until in 2006 the girl announced the creation of the youth movement “Everyone is Free!” According to Sobchak’s plan, the main goal of the organization was to be “a fun and relaxed struggle for rights,” but these plans remained unrealized.

Ksenia Sobchak began to actively demonstrate her civic position in 2011. In December 2011, she actively rallied against the falsification of the Duma elections, in March 2012 she participated in the rally “For Fair Elections,” and on May 8, the girl, along with Alexei Navalny, was detained at the Nikitsky Gate. After this, her career as a presenter on state channels went downhill. First of all, she was excluded from the list of presenters of the Muz-TV anniversary award. In the summer of 2012, a search was carried out in Ksenia Sobchak’s apartment and significant sums of money were seized, but the investigation did not find anything illegal in the origin of the funds, so they were returned to the girl.

The experience Ksenia gained over the years of working on television helped in publicly expressing her political views. So, in 2012, the MTV-Russia channel aired the first episode of the talk show “The State Department with Ksenia Sobchak,” which was called “Where is Putin leading us?” It was attended by the coordinator of the “Left Front” Sergei Udaltsov, a member of the Solidarity movement Ilya Yashin and the head of the movement “In Defense of the Khimki Forest” Evgenia Chirikova. After the first episode, the show was closed by the channel's decision, although low ratings were announced as the official reason for the cancellation. Two weeks later, the first episode of the State Department-2 program was released as part of the online version of Snob magazine.

Since February 2012, Ksenia Sobchak has regularly appeared on the Dozhd TV channel as the host of the author’s program “Sobchak Live.” Her studio was visited by many media personalities and politicians, with whom the girl discussed topical problems of society and the state. The first guest of her program was Gennady Zyuganov.

Interview with Ksenia Sobchak Jen Psaki

Presidential elections

On October 18, 2017, Ksenia Sobchak announced her intention to run for president, publishing an open letter in the media in which she called herself the long-awaited candidate “against everyone.”

Don't have your own candidate? Tag Sobchak. You don't elect her for president. You simply get a legal and peaceful opportunity to say "Enough! Enough!"

The news was received ambiguously. Many accused Ksenia of collaborating with the Kremlin in order to take away votes from Alexei Navalny (previously, there was an online skirmish between Navalny and Sobchak - Alexey called her “a caricatured liberal with cannibalistic views from the 90s,” Ksenia responded by accusing the oppositionist of leaderism). Later, she promised to withdraw her candidacy if Navalny was still allowed into the election race.

Ksenia Sobchak – candidate “against everyone”

Personal life of Ksenia Sobchak

In the summer of 2005, information appeared in the press that Ksenia was going to marry American businessman Alexander Shusterovich, but a few days before the event, the wedding was canceled. Sobchak and Yashin - ideological comrades-in-arms

But on February 1, 2013, the shocking Ksyusha again surprised the audience. A 31-year-old woman secretly married 40-year-old actor Maxim Vitorgan. Even the star’s close friends were not aware of this event. The happy event was announced during the premiere of the film at the Fitil cinema in Moscow.

Although the guests were asked to come dressed up, the celebration turned out to be more than democratic. At the same time, this marriage was already the third for Ksenia Sobchak’s newly-made husband. He has two children growing up from his former spouses, with whom Ksenia was able to find a common language.

On November 18, 2016, Ksenia Sobchak had a son. “I am the mother of a beautiful boy,” she said on her Instagram. The boy was named Plato.

At the end of 2018, the media trumpeted the breakup of Sobchak and Vitorgan. Both spouses took off the wedding ring. Journalist Bozena Rynska said that Ksenia has been cheating on her husband with director Konstantin Bogomolov for a long time. To all the rumors, Ksenia gave a comment that can be summarized as follows: “It’s none of your business.”

But it was not possible to hide the awl in the bag for long. A month later, Ksenia and Konstantin went out together, soon the director gave a long interview specifically for Sobchak’s YouTube channel, and although both tried to maintain the appearance of a purely friendly relationship, the warmth with which they looked at each other could not escape the audience.

Interview with Konstantin Bogomolov for Ksenia Sobchak

They shone together on the red carpet at the 2019 Sochi Film Festival. When Svetlana Bondarchuk’s magazine posted a photo of them together from an event on the cover, Ksenia was offended by her friend: “We don’t hide, but we don’t advertise our relationship either.”

On September 13, 2019, the lovers got married. The celebration turned out to be shocking. Firstly, it took place not just on the 13th, but also on Friday.

The newlyweds arrived at the registry office in a hearse. After the painting, they went to the wedding, driving up to the church in a carriage drawn by four black horses. The fact that the atheist Ksenia decided to get married caused bewilderment and criticism.

Ksenia Sobchak now

Back in May 2019, it became known about Channel One’s intention to make Ksenia Sobchak co-host of Dmitry Borisov on the top-rated talk show “Let Them Talk.” In the fall, this information was confirmed. According to Baza, this position was a reward “for correct and active participation in the political life of the country in recent years.”

3 September 2017, 17:41

Once upon a time you were trotters:
A pair of bay horses harnessed to the dawn...

Alexey Nikolaevich Apukhtin, poet

While Ksenia Sobchak's ex-lover is dealing with shots fired in the hotel...

At the moment, he cannot determine what kind of powder was found in the room - washing or soda, and whether the maid or cleaning lady served him lunch

Let's remember the most high-profile novels of the restless TV presenter.

Moreover, there is something to remember. Several high-profile romances were noticed in Ksenia’s life.

So what is the secret of the former wild popularity of Anatoly Sobchak’s daughter?

The girl, undoubtedly, was once quite pretty, but not to the same extent that the richest men in the country literally competed in showering the beauty with jewelry?

It turns out that some time ago there was a belief among St. Petersburg and Moscow businessmen that Ksyusha Sobchak brings lovers good luck... in business. If you make a rich offering to Ksenia, things go like clockwork. Judge for yourself. Umar Dzhabrailov once gave a necklace made of black pearls - and as if by magic, the only agency left on the Moscow outdoor advertising market that received the right to place posters advertising vodka and cigarettes around the city was Umar Dzhabrailov.

And after Slava Leibman gave Ksyusha a Mercedes, his company Eco Phoenix Holding, the only one in Russia, received a unique certificate from the International Standards Organization. A document that opens up unlimited prospects for the company.

But let's digress from business.

Let's talk about love.

Vyacheslav Leibman

The first notable character on the scene of Sobchak’s personal life was businessman Vyacheslav Leibman, owner of the Eco Phoenix Holding company.

Vyacheslav Leibman, born in 1970, vice-president of Eco Phoenix Holding. The company was founded in St. Petersburg in 1994. Engaged in the storage and sale of petroleum products, recycling, storage and movement of oil-containing waste, elimination of environmental consequences of petroleum spills, etc.

The Moscow branch opened in 1999, and was headed by Vyacheslav Leibman. The young man met Ksenia Sobchak in one of the nightclubs in St. Petersburg. Then Sobchak’s daughter decided to enter the Moscow Institute of International Relations, and they moved to the capital together. Is it possible to spend a million dollars in three or four months? Our ordinary Russian oligarchs say that if you push hard enough, you can cope. Slava Leibman was the classic youngest son of the three classic sons described in all Russian fairy tales. “The old lady has three sons: the eldest was a smart kid, the middle one was this and that, the youngest was a complete savant,” Ershov shares his observations in “The Little Humpbacked Horse.” While the older brothers, who were involved in the oil loading business in St. Petersburg, were pouring oil from empty to empty and making money from it, the younger one, Slavik, was running after the girls. His great love was Ksenia Sobchak, the daughter of Anatoly Sobchak, who left us untimely. I bought her jewelry so that she would have something to go out in and cover her nakedness. After a noisy theft, when the ex-fiancé was almost among the main suspects because the theft took place in his apartment, in which, despite the breakup, Ksyusha lived, Mr. Leibman was rightly upset, especially having suffered from the yellow press.

Everything was going smoothly for the couple until an even more impressive gentleman appeared on the horizon - a millionaire Umar Dzhabrailov.

For three years, Dzhabrailov and Leibman waged a serious struggle for the blonde’s affections. The men spared no expense. The first “account” was opened by 30-year-old Leibman. He bought a Moscow apartment on Frunzenskaya Embankment for the student and literally showered her with diamonds. But after two years of living together with Slava, Ksyusha met Umar Dzhabrailov. Leibman was forgotten, and Umar gave Ksenia the aforementioned black pearl necklace and a BMW car. But the oil tycoon did not give up. A year later, Leibman's response was the big-eyed Mercedes. But the luxurious gift reconciled Slava and Ksyusha only for a short time.

Umar Dzhabrailov

For some time, men competed for Ksenia's favor, showering her with gifts, and in the end she chose Umar, who was 23 years older than her.

Alas, another love story between Ksenia and Dzhabrailov developed rapidly, with a lot of scandals, but did not last too long. Although Umar and Ksenia still maintain friendly relations.

When Victor Shenderovich spoke in the press with an accusatory article addressed to Sobchak and recalled her affair with the “oligarch”, Ksenia responded in her LiveJournal: “Umar was a handsome man who broke hearts; a well-read, educated man, also rich and famous. Why are you denying me the right in my 20s, to fall in love with someone like that? Is he a fat, bald asshole with a wart, that you suspect me of commercialism? I lived my life. Not a shadow of someone else’s brilliant life, but an absurd, grotesque one, but my own. And I don’t regret it one bit. ".

Alexander Shusterovich

According to data from open sources, Alexander Evgenievich Shustorovich, also known as Alex Shustorovich, was born in 1966 in the USSR in the family of a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1977 he left with his parents for the USA. Graduated from Harvard University. In 1988, thanks to his father’s connections, he created the American-Russian joint venture International Academic Publishing Co, which received the rights to publish and distribute the works of the Russian Academy of Sciences abroad.

Soon, with the assistance of the then Minister of Atomic Energy Viktor Mikhailov and Minister of Foreign Affairs Andrei Kozyrev, Shustorovich created the Pleiades Group, which for some time was engaged in intermediary activities in the sale of enriched uranium from Russia to the United States.

This romance of Ksenia - with a lover of science and uranium Alexander Shustorovich - almost culminated in a wedding in 2005.

Ksenia has been dating Alexander for three years before he formally proposes to her.

The wedding was thought out to the smallest detail: the script was written by Ksenia herself, and the whole of St. Petersburg was supposed to be involved in the celebration.

but it was possible like this...

An entire palace was rented for the ceremony; a boat trip on a yacht with scarlet sails to the Konstantinovsky Palace was planned.

Narusova undertook to negotiate with the authorities so that on this day the bridges would be allowed to be opened in a special way. Valentin Yudashkin made a wonderful dress for the wedding; the happy bride was talking about the preparations in the media, when suddenly, a week before the wedding, she told her mother: “There will be no wedding.”

Various sources name the most unexpected reasons for what happened. Ksenia herself stated that she was not ready to become a family man; someone said that Shusterovich cheated on her on the eve of the wedding.

Tina Kandelaki in her blog once explained the breakup by the fact that relatives forbade Shusterovich to marry the eccentric Sobchak...

According to rumors, Jewish relatives strictly forbade the businessman to marry such a flighty and frivolous girl like Ksenia.

In some places there is even a mention that, on the contrary, it was Sobchak who apologized to the groom for the upset wedding and expressed the hope that at least now he could forgive her. In any case, we will never know the truth about that separation, but we can only imagine how difficult it was for Ksenia to make this decision on the eve of her wedding.

Shortly before breaking up with Shustorovich, she was increasingly accompanied by a diplomat on social occasions Vagip Yengibaryan, and not at all the future spouse.

Vagip Yengibaryan

There was no official confirmation of their romance, but Ksenia still speaks warmly of Vagip.

“Vagesha is a very bright page of my life. And bright pages, as you know, do not fade over the years. He is a devoted person who knows how to sincerely sacrifice himself for the sake of his friends,” Ksenia shared with Tatler magazine.

Dmitry Savitsky

After a painful breakup with Shusterovich, Ksenia began an affair with her employer, the general director of the Silver Rain radio station, Dmitry Savitsky.

In Sobchak’s life, the so-called period “with glasses” begins - she abandons the image of a glamorous brat and begins to position herself as an intellectual journalist. All this - under the influence of another lover - Dmitry Savitsky - general director of the radio station "Silver Rain"

With Dmitry, she dramatically changed her lifestyle: instead of gold Cavalli pants and dancing on tables at her own birthday to Lyuba Uspenskaya, she took a car trip along Route 69 in America with stops at one-star roadside motels.

quite a strange photo shoot

As they say, feel the difference.

Sobchak spoke openly and proudly about her relationship with Savitsky, intimidating her competitors: “I want all the girls to know that Dima Savitsky is my young man. And if God forbid I see someone with him, then - I’m an expressive person - the reprisal will be cruel!" “, she confessed then in the press.

They lived in a civil marriage for two years, and in 2009 they separated. It was rumored that Savitsky turned out to be a rather tight-fisted gentleman and, unlike others, did not shower Ksyusha with gifts. In addition, there were rumors that he began a whirlwind romance with model Elena Lyandres.

However, this promising romance faded away after just a few months. They say the model was the homewrecker Elena Lyandres- who, by the way, at that time was in a civil marriage with the vice president of a telecommunications company "Altima" by Oleg Malis and raised two children from him. Ksenia's promised "retribution" turned out to be quite piquant - she simply stole Elena's husband.

Oleg Malis

With the dark-haired brunette, vice-president of Alfa Telecom, co-owner of Euroset Oleg Malis, Sobchak first appeared in Jurmala in 2009 at Igor Krutoy’s birthday.

Malis turned out to be a friend of Savitsky and the former common-law husband of that very model Elena Lyandris. Together with Sobchak, they rocked the Cote d'Azur in France, and their summer romance became the main topic of discussion in the social circle. Gossips said that by meeting with Malis, Sobchak was taking revenge on Dmitry Savitsky

Whether it was in revenge or out of love is difficult to judge, only Sobchak’s romance with Malis also lasted less than a year.

Evgeniy Papunaishvili

The next favorite for several months was Evgeniy Papunaishvili, with whom she danced together in the project "Dancing with the Stars".

The couple even moved in together - but not for long.

After the breakup, Ksenia seemed to have finally sworn off marriage: " Now I don’t even want to get married. Zhenya saved me from this complex,”- she stated in the press.

Sergey Kapkov

Ksenia and I broke up on March 6, and I was the initiator of our breakup. We don’t maintain a relationship, I haven’t even seen her since then

After the dancer, big politics returned to Ksenia’s life - her next romance was with State Duma deputy Sergei Kapkov, a party member "United Russia" and former “right hand” Roman Abramovich. As in the case of Dzhabrailov, the novel resembled a boiling cauldron.

Later in his interview, Sobchak will say that a relationship in which a married man wants to be with you, but does not leave the family, is dishonest. Having gained an experience that turned out to be quite bitter, Ksenia will notice that a married man must make a fatal decision on the first or second date: either he is ready to change his life and build a new family, or not.

Starting to communicate with Kapkov, she did not yet know how to be so categorical, so she allowed a situation in which she actually lived with a married man.

She was extremely upset to understand that she would again have to go out alone for the next social outing because Sergei simply could not keep her company

A little later, she finally pulled the blanket over herself: Kapkov left his wife for Sobchak and even began to appear often with his beloved girl, but now - was Sobchak really necessary?

They did not part on good terms: sometimes they complained to each other in the press. Either Kapkov called Sobchak an offended woman, or she said that she would not say hello to her former lover because of his grievances and inability to take a blow.

In the summer of 2011, she and Sobchak separated miserably - and Ksenia sought solace in the arms of a theater director Eduard Boyakov.

But by the fall the couple reunites again, and in November Sergei throws grand celebrations in honor of his beloved’s 30th birthday - first an intimate dinner party in Florence, where the birthday girl’s best friends flew in Nika Belotserkovskaya And Ulyana Sergeenko, and then a loud party in Moscow, where the whole world walked and danced.

- Nikusya brought this T-shirt from Cannes! Today is my happiest holiday. “I’m just crying from the happiness and love of the people dear to me,” wrote Ksenia

But literally a couple of weeks after Ksenia’s thirtieth birthday, a street protest movement began in Russia, and, after briefly hesitating between life with a member of the United Russia party and the trendy opposition spirit, the daughter of the cult politician Sobchak chose the latter.

Ilya Yashin

On the other side of the barricades from Kapkov, Ksenia was not bored for long - even at street rallies a gentleman was found for her.

An affair with opposition leader Ilya Yashin caused a lot of ridicule and gossip in the world, but Ksenia could not be stopped: at street marches and Occupy Babies rallies, in a striped vest, hand in hand with her new gentleman, she publicly disavowed her status as a “socialite” and tried to win the sympathy of intellectual youth , who previously considered the host of Dom-2 a symbol of pop bad taste.

The official proof of the affair between the former TV personality and the young oppositionist was a search during which Yashin was overtaken and photographed in Ksenia’s apartment at 8 am.

However, after celebrating Ksenia’s birthday together in Morocco, there was a chill in the couple’s relationship. The reason for the breakup remained a secret, but Sobchak and Yashin celebrated the New Year separately.

And for a winter holiday in Courchevel, to visit his musician friend Alexey Kortnev, Ksenia flew already in company Maxim Vitorgan.

Maxim Vitorgan

It was with the son of a Soviet actor Emmanuel Vitorgan the daughter of post-Soviet politician Anatoly Sobchak decided to build family happiness. The marriage with Ksenia Sobchak became the third for 40-year-old Maxim - and, we hope, finally successful for both spouses.

TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, who has recently gained fame as one of the leaders of the protest movement, left the Dom-2 project. She wrote about this today on her microblog on Twitter. “Yesterday I did not renew my contract with the television project Dom-2. This decision is my personal one, and I made it a long time ago. Thanks to everyone who has worked with me these years,” noted K. Sobchak.

The presenter’s decision was commented on by oppositionist and part-time one of the directors Alexei Navalny. “Let me explain: Sobchak complied with the requirement of the Organizing Committee of Protest Actions and left House-2. Otherwise, we would not have allowed her to walk around with a poster,” he wrote on his Twitter. "The half-year begins. Without flashing lights, without @xenia_sobchak in Dom-2. Where is the #stability?" - Nikita Belykh, the governor of the Kirov region, was surprised, in turn.

A little later, K. Sobchak spoke about the reasons for her decision: “In five days, the last broadcast. I said what I had long wanted to tell my audience. If you don’t move forward, you’re slowly sliding back. And since I believe in Fate, I know that withdrawing money is a test of strength, so that I would extend the contract out of fear of being left without a stable income. And let’s not make any categorical judgments. There were a lot of different people on this project, and this is a great school of life. I don’t regret anything. ".

It should be noted that K. Sobchak has hosted the reality show “Dom-2” on the TNT channel since 2004. In addition, she took part in the project “Top Model in Russian” on Muz-TV. K. Sobchak was also the presenter of “The Last Hero-6” and one of the presenters of the show “Two Stars” on Channel One, the program “Girls” (“Russia-1”) and “Blonde in Chocolate” on Muz-TV.

Recently, K. Sobchak has been an active participant in protests. At the end of May 2012 the organizers of the anniversary Muz-TV Prize refused her services as a presenter. K. Sobchak emphasized that she was removed from participation in the show for political reasons. Previously, she had already encountered problems related to the information policy pursued by the Kremlin. In February 2012, which was the peak of protest activity in Moscow, the talk show “State Department” was unexpectedly taken off the air by MTV. The program managed to air only once - on February 7. Then the guests of the program were member of the Solidarity movement Ilya Yashin and coordinator of the Left Front Sergei Udaltsov.

It was planned that the program would become a platform for discussing the most pressing and pressing issues of concern to young people. However, MTV took the program off the air, explaining that “the talk show with acute socio-political overtones was not to the viewer’s taste.” The guest of the next issue of the State Department was supposed to be the leader of the protest movement in Russia, famous lawyer and blogger Alexei Navalny. As a result, the program, called “State Department-2,” moved to the RBC-TV channel. The authors of the show promised that now viewers will not see “any censorship” on air.