Neck cream - which is best for the décolleté, reviews about anti-aging. Cream for tightening facial skin: décolleté and neck areas

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Cream for the neck and décolleté provides complete care, prolongs youth, makes the skin elastic, soft, and silky. When choosing suitable remedy You should pay attention to age, skin type, composition of the cosmetic product. Regular use of the cream is indicated for women over 30 years of age.

The skin on the neck and décolleté is extremely delicate and highly susceptible to age-related changes. If you only take care of your face, without paying due attention to your neck and chest, these parts of the body will immediately show your age, even adding years to your age.

In the décolleté area, on the neck, the skin is much drier and more susceptible to the negative effects of environmental factors. Therefore, you should start caring for it even earlier than your face. The right choice products will increase the elasticity of the epidermis, reduce wrinkles, and delay their appearance for several years.

How to take care of your neck?

After 30 years, a woman’s body’s metabolism slows down, causing the skin to lose moisture. Excessive dryness leads to the appearance of the first wrinkles and loss of elasticity. In the period from 25 to 35 years, the skin in the neck and décolleté requires additional hydration. For this age group, buy a moisturizing cream with a light texture, which ensures rapid absorption. From the age of 35, it reduces the production of elastin and collagen. Expression wrinkles appear on the face, neck, and décolleté. The epidermis requires hydration and nutrition.

You need to take care of your neck daily, just like your facial skin. The cream should be of light consistency to ensure rapid absorption. Night and day cream is applied to previously cleansed epidermis. The procedure should be carried out after a shower or bath. The cream is distributed with light stroking movements in the direction from the chin to the chest. Leftovers cosmetic product remove with a cotton pad.

How to care for the décolleté area?

There are no significant differences in caring for the décolleté area from the neck. The cream is applied to the neck, spreading downwards with stroking movements to the chest. The product is applied in the morning, in the evening or just before bedtime. The number of procedures depends on the woman’s age and individual characteristics of the body.

Additionally, you should cleanse the skin with a decoction of herbs without using a tonic. Do a massage while applying a cosmetic product. It is also recommended to take a contrast shower in the morning. Start with warm water, end with cold. This procedure saturates skin cells with oxygen, increases blood circulation, and activates the production of elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid.

Features of cosmetics

To provide the epidermis with complete care, you need to choose the right cosmetic product to care for your neck and décolleté.

  • At the age of 20 to 30 years, the skin of the décolleté and neck does not require special care. It is necessary to periodically moisturize with a light consistency cream and use sunscreen cosmetics in the summer. Ultraviolet rays dry out the epidermis, provoke premature aging, the appearance of wrinkles, age spots. To protect the epidermis from negative transformations, you should use a moisturizer with UV protection.
  • From 30 to 35 years, the skin needs intensive hydration and nutrition. You should choose nourishing creams with a thicker consistency.
  • After 40 years, the skin of the neck and décolleté requires intensive hydration and nutrition. The composition should contain anti-aging components and vitamins. A contrast shower, regular massages, and daily application of cream in the morning and evening are recommended.
  • After 50 years, maximum attention should be paid to caring for the skin of the neck and décolleté. You need to choose products that do not contain alcohol; you need to apply the cream with the most gentle massage movements. You need to regularly apply masks for intensive nutrition. You can buy cosmetics or prepare them yourself at home.

If the product is not absorbed within 20 minutes, it means that its consistency is not suitable, you need to choose a lighter cream. When choosing suitable cosmetics, you should focus not only on age, but also on individual characteristics body.

How to apply cream correctly

The basic rule is to apply the product to clean skin. Before the procedure, you need to wash your neck and décolleté area with a detergent - soap, shower gel, milk. Blot the remaining water with a towel without rubbing. Excessive effort leads to the appearance of wrinkles and stretch marks. A caring preparation is applied to the dry epidermis.

The cream is initially squeezed into the palm of your hand and carefully distributed onto the neck, starting from the chin. Movements are carried out in the direction from top to bottom. There shouldn’t be a lot of cream; any leftovers should be removed. paper napkins, cotton pads. An insufficient amount of product will not give the desired result. You can determine the right amount by feeling. If after applying the cream there is no feeling of stickiness, discomfort, no marks left on clothes or bed, the choice was made correctly, the amount when applied is the most optimal.

Interesting video: How to care for the skin of your neck and décolleté up to 35 years old

Rating of the best brands for the neck and décolleté

There are a huge number of products on sale for the décolleté and neck. When choosing, you should pay attention to the composition, manufacturer, age category. You should pay attention to the products of the following brands.


Anti-aging cream containing hyaluronic acid and collagen. Forms a breathable film on the surface of the skin, which does not interfere with the flow of oxygen, but prevents moisture loss. Gradually restores water-lipid balance. Biological fragments activate the production of your own collagen, elastin, and promote natural rejuvenation.

Libderm belongs to natural cosmetics; when used regularly, it slows down and prevents the aging process, increases the elasticity of the epidermis, and eliminates wrinkles. The uniqueness of the cosmetic product lies in the fact that it can be used for the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté.

Firming cream for the neck and décolleté. Rejuvenating agent with a mild effect. You can notice the result almost after the first use. The skin becomes soft, silky, smooth. With regular use, the production of hyaluronic acid, elastin, and collagen is activated. The epidermis rejuvenates and takes on a healthy appearance.

It contains several active components acting in different directions, but the effect is the same - attractive skin on the neck and décolleté. Nutrient components prevent dryness, saturate epidermal cells, enhance microcirculation, and increase the protective barrier. Active substances – borage oil, vitamins. Provides deep hydration hyaluronic acid, soy proteins, lactic acid, marine collagen. Soothing, anti-inflammatory properties are provided by herbal extracts - chamomile, cornflower, gingko biloba, seaweed extract. The product is used daily 1-2 times a day. Can be used as a massage cream.

Intensive lifting cream belongs to elite cosmetics, produced in the UK. The universal product can be used at any time of the day. Age category – after 55 years. Provides intense hydration, nutrition, and rejuvenation. Light texture, pleasant aroma. The cream is well absorbed and spreads easily. The cosmetic product does not cause irritation, is suitable for sensitive epidermis, and does not clog pores. It is recommended to apply the drug daily after wet procedures.

Intensive rejuvenation product for women over 50 years old. Increases the tone of the epidermis, tightens the contour, evens out the relief, eliminates wrinkles, and prevents the appearance of new ones. With regular use, it corrects age-related changes and promotes skin renewal.

The product is initially applied to the palms and begins to be distributed from the décolleté, moving up to the chin with light massage movements. To notice a noticeable result, you should use the cream for at least 2 months every day, twice a day.

High efficiency is ensured by a unique oxygen complex, which ensures the supply of oxygen to the deep layers of the epidermis and triggers metabolic processes. The same component enhances the penetration of additional substances.

Smoothing cream for neck and décolleté Carrot protein and raspberry seed oil

Natural cosmetic product for women over 35 years old. Anti-aging cream with a moisturizing, nourishing, restorative, regenerating effect. The universal product is produced in Russia. The product is part of the Formula Taiga line of care cosmetics. The main active ingredients are raspberry seed oil and carrot proteins. The substances are rich in vitamins necessary to normalize metabolic processes.

The product has an antioxidant effect, moisturizing, nourishing, and protective. Increases skin elasticity, prevents aging, tightens. In addition, the cosmetic product contains glycerin, sesame oil, extracts of hops, marshmallow, Kalanchoe, and linden. Essential oils of lemon, rosemary, bergamot, allantoin, vitamin E. For maximum effect, use daily in the evening after water treatments.

Microcellular anti-wrinkle cream for young skin from 25 years old. The product provides complete care by restoring the water-lipid balance. The cream creates a protective film on the surface of the epidermis, which resists moisture loss. The cosmetic product is produced in Italy.

The active components are a unique molecular component, a moisturizing complex, protective ultraviolet filters, and rice proteins. The cream is suitable for use in summer, but can be used in winter. As a result of daily application, the relief is evened out, the general condition of the epidermis is improved, and aging is prevented. A universal product intended for all skin types.

Fights age-related changes, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, improves relief, increases elasticity, intensively moisturizes and nourishes. Natural cosmetics contains herbal extracts - lemon balm, meadowsweet, velvet, snowy cladonia. Contains glycerin, soy protein, palm oil, flavored composition. The cream has a light texture, is quickly absorbed, and does not create a filmy or sticky feeling. Should be applied in the morning and evening. Suitable for women from 25 to 35 years old.

The best cream for the neck and décolleté after 50 years

Daily care consists of ensuring complete hydration, nutrition, and cleansing. The composition should contain retinol, collagen, hyaluronic acid, essential oils, algae, herbal extracts.

Multi-Intensive Revitalizing Concentrate for Neck and Décolleté

The cream is intended for all types of epidermis. It has a light, non-greasy texture and is quickly absorbed. The main ingredients are Pueraria lobe extract, Asian centella, and oriental persimmon. Suitable for daily care, smells nice. With regular use, it rejuvenates the skin, tightens the contour, improves texture, moisturizes, and activates the production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. Price effective cream 5350 rub.

Recipes at home

To provide the epidermis with complete care, you can prepare the products yourself at home. Oils, plant extracts, gelatin, egg, honey and other natural ingredients are used as active ingredients.

Rejuvenating cream for neck and décolleté

To obtain a rejuvenating mask, you will need fresh cottage cheese. Add orange juice and a spoonful of vegetable oil. Grind thoroughly to a homogeneous consistency and apply to previously cleansed skin. Leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.


Whisk egg white, add lemon juice, 50 g of vegetable oil, preferably olive oil. Apply for half an hour, rinse with warm water. Homemade cream not only smooths out wrinkles, but also nourishes, increases elasticity, improves relief, and whitens.

Lifting cream

A bag of gelatin is poured with 0.5 cups of warm water. Place a glass of water in a separate container in the refrigerator. Mix calendula and chamomile in equal proportions, add water, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, leave for half an hour. A quarter of the cooled flower decoction is poured into gelatin. Warm up slightly. The mask is cooled to a comfortable temperature and applied to the skin until completely dry. The remaining broth is used to wash off the mask. At the last stage, moisten the gauze in chilled water and apply it to the décolleté and neck for half a minute. Upon completion, apply any nourishing cream.

To achieve a moisturizing effect, apply cream, full-fat kefir, egg yolk, cottage cheese, and chopped banana. Peach oil and almond oil have a rejuvenating effect. Fruit and berry compositions nourish, rejuvenate, and increase the protective properties of the skin.

In addition, you should pay attention to proper nutrition, take additional vitamins, and do self-massage to activate blood circulation. According to reviews from women, the condition of the skin improves after the first use of the cosmetic, but in order to achieve lasting results, you need to use the cream constantly.

Interesting video: Recipe for an anti-aging mask for the neck and décolleté

No matter how hard a woman tries to take care of her face, the skin in the décolleté and neck area still clearly shows age. The epidermis here is delicate, and over time its ability to quickly recover slows down. As a result, wrinkles, stretch marks, sagging, and other unsightly evidence of age can be observed on the neck and upper chest.

To prevent the appearance age-related changes, as well as to minimize existing ones, you should use special creams intended exclusively for this area. In the article we will consider the features of such creams, get acquainted with the rating of the most effective means, let's find out which cosmetic products are suitable for a woman after 45 years.


Let's find out why the skin of the area and décolleté becomes less firm and elastic with age and wrinkles appear on it.

The main reason for the aging of the epidermis in this area is the lack of a fat layer underneath. It is this feature that is naturally characteristic of most women and leads to the rapid appearance of wrinkles and loss of skin.

Weak muscle load. Strong muscles are able to efficiently hold adjacent tissues, and muscles in the décolleté and neck area can only be developed through special exercises, which many neglect.

Insufficient intake of nutrients and water. Nutrition and sufficient moisture intake by the body are the key to healthy and youthful skin.

Ultraviolet radiation also plays a role, and its excessive amount leads to rapid aging of the epidermis.

In the video why this problem occurs:


Let's find out which creams for the neck and décolleté area will become best choice for women.

Re-Nutriv Intensive Lifting by Estee Lauder

The cosmetics of this brand are distinguished by their safe natural composition, effectiveness and proven quality over the years. The presented cream is ideal for the delicate skin of the décolleté and neck, tightens, moisturizes and makes the epidermis more elastic,

If the skin in the application area is quite tender and sensitive, then you should use just such a cream.

The product also has a whitening effect, which is also important: after all, many women after 40-45 years begin to experience problems with hyperpigmentation. In the product natural oils, Chinese barley extract and a special whitening complex.

Microcellulaire from Guam

A natural and very high-quality cream that will quickly make the skin in the designated area softer, smoother and smoother. This is an excellent choice for skin that is starting to fade due to age.

If your skin begins to lose its elasticity with age, then you should use this series of creams.


The product is suitable if aging skin begins to lose its elasticity. Reviews about this testify to the extreme effectiveness of this product: after a week of use, a positive result is noticeable.

One hundred beauty recipes

Budget product of domestic production. Although the price of the cream is low, it copes with its task quite well - the skin in the neck and décolleté area becomes better: more toned, elastic, youthful.

The product can quickly restore and tighten the skin

Decollete Cream from Natura Siberica

The product is sold in pharmacies, and in addition to cosmetic properties, it also has medicinal properties. It has a safe composition and contains many natural ingredients. It affects the epidermis in such a way that after several uses it becomes soft, elastic and optimally hydrated.

With regular use of this product, the result will be visible in the shortest possible time.

The cream also has a regenerating effect, leading to the gradual restoration of the epidermis. However, this effect does not appear immediately, but after a course of procedures. The product contains hyaluronic acid, known for its moisturizing properties, medicinal herbal extracts, healing amino acids, vitamins and. The product has a whitening effect and helps protect the skin from sun radiation in summer. Recommended after 25 years.

S-05 from Damin

Gatineau Defi Lift 3D

Effective cream made in France. Designed to regenerate aging skin, eliminate wrinkles, and nourish the epidermis. Recommended for women over 30 years old.

Most often this cut is used by older girls.

The product is quite expensive, but extremely effective. Already the next day after the first use, you can notice a noticeable tightening of the skin, a reduction in wrinkles, a reduction in pore size, and a fresher and more youthful appearance of the skin. Well, after a course of use, the effect is equal to a cosmetic procedure.


Cream from Russian production. This product effectively tightens the skin and evens out its turgor. The composition of the product is light, melting, the product is absorbed quickly and without traces, does not leave a sticky feeling.

The product can be used for a long time without leaving any traces of use.

The product contains valuable peptides that can affect the skin from the inside. The product produces the most noticeable results with daily use, and it is best to use it to prevent age-related changes.

Which cream to use after 45 years

When choosing a cream for the neck and décolleté, it is important to consider your own age and focus on it. You should know that up to the age of 30, the skin does not need particularly deep care, since it still contains quite a lot of natural ingredients.

After crossing the thirty-year mark, you should treat your skin more carefully: you need to start using more nourishing cosmetic products. Experts recommend in this case. It is also necessary to protect the skin from cold in winter, and from ultraviolet radiation in summer.

After 40-45 years, it is necessary to use products with a high content of vitamins. In addition, you should definitely choose creams with collagen, since by this age there is very little natural collagen left in the epidermis. In addition to creams, you should also periodically use masks with vitamins.

After 45 years, it is important to use alcohol-free products, since alcohol is very drying to the skin. Any product should be rubbed in extremely carefully, without pressing or stretching the skin. It is worth taking a closer look at products with a whitening effect, since after 45 years many women have the problem of hyperpigmentation.

Video shows how to choose the right cream:

Today we will talk about which cream to choose for tightening your skin. How to achieve a clear oval, what to do at home to improve appearance décolleté, face and neck areas? This is especially true for 30-35 summer women, but often younger people also need urgent help from a cosmetologist. For example, after losing weight.

What creams exist for tightening the skin of the facial part, and what should be included in them?

Hello, my dear readers! Svetlana Morozova is with you. Some people believe that sagging folds and wrinkles can only be removed by contacting a cosmetic surgeon. I advise you to refer to the article as well as my video course. Never rush to go under the knife. There are safer ways.

I will tell you about the cream for tightening the skin of the face and will certainly share other methods to regain your attractiveness at any age.

About regeneration and elasticity

What worries us?

Problems with appearance bother women, usually after 40 years. It is at this age that changes in the structure of the epidermis begin to occur. We begin to notice new folds, it seems to us that we are losing freshness and attractiveness. Appearance is important even for a man, although the stronger sex probably thinks about it less often.

What's going on? What is responsible for our problems? There are several aging factors:

  • slowing down metabolic processes in the skin;
  • loss of elasticity due to lack of collagen and elastin;
  • drop in cell regeneration rate;
  • insufficient nutrition, dryness, excessive exfoliation as a result of a decrease in the amount of protective lipids;
  • external factors.

The last point begins to influence the most precisely because of the presence of the previous four. But grief can be helped if timely measures are taken.

What substances need to be given to the epidermis?

In order to restore freshness to the skin, improve contours and eliminate the causes of aging, the following components are needed:

  • collagen of animal or plant origin;
  • provitamin A (retinol);
  • glycerin as a humectant;
  • hyaluronic acid and urea have the same properties;
  • various vegetable oils - sea buckthorn, coconut, olive and others;
  • esters of oils such as clove, citrus, jasmine and some others, specially selected to stimulate metabolism in the dermis.

We also need proteins to restore cells, and...

What are they doing?

When choosing this or that product, you need to know what exactly it should give you.

When aging and signs of wilting, you need to get the following effects:

  • moisturizing, filling the space between the cells with water;
  • renewal of all layers of the epithelium due to activation;
  • lifting to improve overall contours;
  • combating dryness, flaking and getting rid of wrinkles;
  • enhancing the production of substances necessary for the skin.

To achieve all this, our cream must contain the components listed above. But not only! We should not forget that you also need daily care with moisturizing, cleansing and nourishing preparations. And also gymnastics, about which I will say a few words ahead.

Cream for tightening facial skin: which one to buy?

We are all bright individuals. And each of us lacks various substances. Therefore, you can and should listen to the reviews and advice of your friends, but you can only choose a means of tightening and correction for yourself through personal experience.

Of course, contacting a cosmetologist will not be superfluous in such a case.

All purchased creams for our purpose are conventionally divided into two areas:

  • fast-acting;
  • slow acting.

The first ones have a film effect that hardens on the surface, smoothes out wrinkles and gives the appearance of a lift.

The latter act throughout the depth of the epidermis, restoring the functions of various layers and filling them with new strength.

This does not mean that the first means are worse than the second. It's all about the goal. If you need to achieve quick results in order to go to a party, date or business meeting today - compositions with quick effect just for you. This does not cancel long-term measures, because you want to look beautiful and fit not like Cinderella - for one evening, but for a longer period.

Famous brands

Some of the most fashionable and trusted companies include the following:

  • Natura Siberica, which produces Absolut Tightening (price around 450 rubles);
  • remedy from Avon - Thermolifting (a little cheaper - about 300 rubles);
  • lifting cream from Vichy - “Vichi Liftactiv Supreme” (expensive, about 2000 rubles);
  • anti-aging serums, for example “Bielenda Professional Therapy Hyaluron Wolumetria Nici 3D Serum” (about 1,500 rubles);
  • products with Botox effect;
  • special products from the Black Pearl line.

And other compositions and masks, for day and night use. Their prices range from 300 to 3000 rubles; do not rush to immediately purchase the most expensive product; it is quite possible that a cheaper version will help you.

Let's make it ourselves!

The simplest masks, which can be made from improvised materials, work no worse than store-bought ones. The main thing is to choose the right composition that will have exactly the effect we need.

The masks should contain substances that have a nourishing, rejuvenating and stimulating effect.

Such substances include:

  • fruit vinegars - grape, apple;
  • beaten whites and yolks of chicken eggs;
  • fresh lemon and other citrus juice;
  • finely chopped parsley, dill, basil, cilantro;
  • cucumber in the form of juice or gruel;
  • olive, linseed, peach oils (for dry skin);
  • bran and yeast;
  • liquid vitamins (can be purchased at the pharmacy).

Masks should be done at least twice a week, the course should be at least a month.

Two homemade creams for oval correction and tightening can be made by combining:

  • grated raw potatoes and olive oil;
  • rolled oats and beaten egg whites.

A mixture of glycerin with freshly squeezed carrot juice, with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice, is also a good idea.

Such products must be prepared immediately before use.

Other correction methods

In addition to the fact that you can use cream to tighten your facial skin, I definitely recommend doing gymnastics. Movement is important not only for the body, but also for its individual parts. But choosing exercises for the desired effect, and not empty grimacing, which will only make things worse, is a difficult task.

And also refer to my course. I carefully selected a set of exercises and tested it on myself. By doing just 5-10 minutes a day, you can not only correct your oval shape, but also get rid of bruises and bags under the eyes, enlarged pores and pimples, stimulate metabolic processes and acquire a blooming appearance.

Fitness can and should be done at any age. This will help you keep yourself attractive and cute for as long as possible.

That's all for today.