Notes on drawing the theme of spring. Summary of educational activities for drawing with children of the senior group of kindergarten “Spring has come to the forest”

Natalia Semyonova
Summary of a drawing lesson in senior group « Early spring»

Target: consolidation of ideas about spring.

Tasks: consolidate children’s ability to depict pictures of nature, conveying it characteristic features, learn to place an image across the entire sheet, improve color perception, the ability to work with paints, develop children’s interest in visual arts, develop creative thinking, imagination, cultivate interest in creativity.

Equipment: reproductions of paintings, tinted blue sheet, paints, brushes, napkins, audio recording "Seasons" Tchaikovsky.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, so our the lesson was successful, we need to “call” good mood. Let's hold hands and smile at each other. Well done!

Listen to the riddle, when you guess it, tell me the topic of our classes.

The buds have blossomed

The grass is growing

At this time the birds

They fly from the south.

- Spring -

Right. Children, tell me spring- is this good or bad? Children's answers.

Children, what are the signs? spring you know? (ball game). Children's answers (snow melts, streams run, drops ring, birds fly, animals awaken, leaves appear, the day becomes longer and the night shorter, etc.). Well done!

Now guys, we will look at reproductions of famous Russian artists, how they depicted early spring. Painting by artist A. Savrasov "The rooks have arrived". What do you see? What colors did the artist use? What mood appears when looking at the painting?

Painting by artist I. Levitan, called « Spring. Big water". Describe her. What colors are there the most in the picture? Look closely at the melt water in the picture, what can you see there? What sky? Why? There is more sun in the sky, so it is blue.

Physical education minute. (Spring)

In order for the back to be level, we really need a warm-up,

Come on, get up, don’t yawn and repeat after us!”

In the morning the sun rises and sends a warm ray of light to the children (children stand up and spread their arms)

Hello, sunshine, hello, without you we have no life (circle around themselves, show rays with their hands)

The sun warmed the earth, (they spread their arms around themselves)

The bird sang joyfully (hands depict flapping wings)

Streams began to gurgle (put your palms together, draw a stream with wave-like movements)

Flowers of unprecedented beauty bloomed around (squat down and stand up again, arms raised up)

Children, tell me what is the name of the room where artists paint their works? Now we will go to our workshop, and you will be the artists and draw your early spring, as you imagine it.

The teacher and the children remember how they should sit at the tables and the rules for working with paints and brushes.

Children, to get your hands ready for work, we will do some finger exercises.

The sound of drops can be heard everywhere

These droplets sang their song

Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip

Dripping quietly

Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip

The drops are dancing loudly

The drops ran

Because the drops saw the sun.

Guys, let's get started drawing, and to inspire you to work you will paint to the music of the Russian composer P. Tchaikovsky.

Bottom line: Children, let's see what you got early spring? (cheerful, loud, beautiful) Well done to all of you! And your paintings are sent to an art gallery.

Publications on the topic:

Objectives: Educational: Reinforce the ability to complete a sentence by naming the appropriate actions. Consolidate knowledge and ideas.

Notes on drawing in non-traditional techniques for the senior group “What color is spring” Purpose of the lesson: To develop artistic perception of landscape paintings, vision of the content and means of expressiveness of painting; color combination.

Summary of an open lesson on speech development “Early Spring” Compiling a story based on pictures “Early Spring” Goals and objectives: - clarify and expand children’s knowledge on the topic “Spring”, teach them to know and name.

Summary of a lesson using an unconventional method of artistic activity - landscape monotype “Early Spring” Summary of the lesson in the direction “Artistic - aesthetic development"on the topic: "Early Spring" (landscape monotype on wet) (senior.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the environment in the middle group based on the painting “Early Spring” Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the environment in the middle group based on the painting “Early Spring”. Educational goals. Ensuring integrity.

Summary of a drawing lesson using ICT in the senior group “Spring has come” Summary of a drawing lesson using ICT for older children kindergarten, theme: “Spring has come” Age of students: senior.


Development creativity and cognitive interests of preschool children.



  • To consolidate children's knowledge about spring phenomena in nature.


  • Activate children's vocabulary on the topic “spring flowers”.
  • To develop children's drawing skills using the “wet drawing” technique.
  • Develop imagination and sense of composition.


  • To cultivate courage, confidence, and initiative in the experimental development of new artistic materials and ways of working with them.

Preliminary work: observation of spring phenomena in nature; looking at flowers, reading poems, fiction, telling riddles.

Vocabulary work: primroses, travel, chirping, wonderful, Red Book, lungwort, dream grass, goose onion, anemone.

Materials: drawing of a sad and cheerful sun, audio recordings, laptop, Whatman paper, watercolor, semolina, salt, brushes, pencil, cups of water, tinted sheet of blue paper for each child.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter and stand around the teacher.


To a wonderful land

I invite you to go.

More interesting adventures

We guys can't find it.

There is no snow there, there is no cold,

Everything there woke up from sleep.

We'll go out of town

To a wonderful land - Spring!

Educator:— Do you agree to go on a trip?

Children:- Yes.


We all walk merrily, (They walk at a marching pace)

We raise our legs higher. (Walking with high knees)

Stomping feet

On a straight road. (They walk on their entire foot).

And your legs will jump,

Right along the road, (They make jumps).

Jumped, jumped,

And they stood up. Stop! (Stop).

Along a narrow road

The legs will walk quietly. (Walk on toes).

They ran after each other,

And not at all tired. (Run on their toes).

And we walk again,

We raise our legs. (They walk at a marching pace)

Educator:- So we came to this wonderful country. In this country, the sun laughs tenderly, the stream runs loudly, the snowdrifts melt.

What other signs of spring do you know?

Children:— The sun is shining brighter, green leaves are appearing, birds are chirping and singing, green grass is appearing.

Educator:— And in this country there is a wonderful flower meadow, strewn with different flowers. Do you want to know which ones?

Children:- Yes.

Educator:- Come with me and take a look.

Children with a teacher approach the laptop. The teacher shows the presentation: “Spring flowers.”

Riddles: (Slides).

1. In a forest thawed patch

A small flower has grown.

Hiding in dead wood

Little white...(snowdrop).

golden flower,

2. Emerald leaves,

On the one hand, gentle,

On the other hand, they are a little rough.

What kind of plant is this?

Tell me quickly! (mother-stepmother).

3. He is a flower prince-poet

He is wearing a yellow hat.

Encore sonnet about spring

Read to us... (narcissist)

4. White peas

On a green stem (lilies of the valley).

5. You will find them in Holland,

They are held in high regard everywhere there.

Like bright glasses

In the parks there they bloom...(tulips.)

6. This nickname is not without reason for a beautiful flower.

A drop of juicy nectar is fragrant and sweet.

... (lungwort) will help you recover from a cold.

7. Anemone flowers on white stems, swaying even in a weak wind. (anemone)

8. Before the sun had time to appear,

Its bud does not sit in the ground.

Reveals bluish-lilac bells,

It does not let its leaves reach the light.

The people believed that he induces sleep,

It foretells joy and sorrow for people.

Wears a shaggy fur coat in cold weather,

It is not afraid of frost and decorates nature.

The lumbago is open (sleep-grass).

9. There are golden stars at the roots of the birch tree,

And in the ground there are onions, a little more than cranberries.

People don’t eat him, even though he’s a close brother to onions,

But if the geese come, then he will not be happy with them (goose onion).

10. We know these plants,

we protect and protect.

In the Red Book they
have been listed for a long time:


- lily of the valley
- anemone
— lungwort
-goose onion
- shot...

11. If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower.

If everything: both you and me,

If we pick flowers,

All the clearings will be empty and

there will be no beauty!

Tree, flower, grass and birds

They don't always know how to defend themselves

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet!

Educator:- Guys, stand in a circle, let's play the game “Spring Flowers.”

The ball game “Spring Flowers” ​​is played.

Spring appears.(spring melody)

We approach an easel on which a Whatman paper with a painted snowy meadow and the sun is attached.

Spring:- Hello, guys! I am the beautiful Spring. Trouble has happened in my country. The sun is not gentle, does not smile at all (pointing to the sad sun). Everything is white and white. And all because an evil Blizzard flew into the magical clearing, covered it with snow, and froze all the flowers. The snowdrifts are so deep that the rays of the sun cannot penetrate. Help me guys melt the snow.

Educator:- Guys, let's help Vesna.

The game "Vesnyanka" is played:

Sunshine, sunshine

Golden bottom, (in a circle).

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out!

A stream ran in the garden (run).

A hundred rooks have flown in (waving while standing still).

And the snowdrifts melt, melt (squat in place),

And the flowers grow up (children get up slowly).

Spring:“You guys are great, you melted our flower meadow.” But look what the blizzard did, it didn’t spare a single flower. Let's plant the very first flower that wakes up in the spring in this spring meadow. Did you guess that this is a flower?

Children:- This is a snowdrop.

Spring:- Well done. Now go to the tables and let’s try to decorate the clearing with snowdrops.

Children go to the tables where the drawing material is located and sit down.

Spring:— Guys, look at the illustration of a snowdrop (the illustration is attached to the easel). Let's look at these flowers. What parts does a flower consist of?

Children:- Stem, sepals, petals, leaves.

Spring:- What color will our snowdrop petals be? What about the stem, sepals, leaves?

Children:— The petals are white, the stem, sepals, and leaves are green.

Spring:— Today we will learn how to draw a snowdrop in an unusual way– “wet” with the addition of semolina and salt (show).

Spring:- Guys, let's get our fingers ready for drawing.

Exercise. Flowers

Our delicate flowers (Smoothly open your fingers)

The petals are blooming.

The breeze breathes slightly, (Waving their hands in front of them)

The petals are swaying.

Our delicate flowers (Close your fingers tightly)

Petals close

They shake their heads, (Smoothly lower them onto the table)

Quietly falling asleep

Children perform work accompanied by music

Individual work: I help children who have difficulty working.

At this time, the teacher changes the sun's facial expressions from sad to cheerful.

Spring:“I’m glad that you painted so many flowers for the clearing.”

One, two, three, the flowers have grown!

They reached high towards the sun:

They felt nice and warm!

Let them bloom, grow,

They bring joy to everyone!

Spring:- Guys, look, the sun has begun to smile! It gives us warmth again. Bring your drawings here to the clearing. How beautiful it turned out! What a great fellow you are! Thank you! Goodbye guys!

(Children attach drawings to the clearing).

Educator:— The time has come to say goodbye to the magical meadow. We need to return home.

The teacher plays the music “Spring Mood”.

Educator:- One, two, three, everyone turned around and we returned to the kindergarten. Did you enjoy the trip? What do you remember most? What's your mood?

Children:- Yes, I liked it... (children's answers)

Educator:- Here we are back in kindergarten. Let's pass on our good mood, our warmth to each other. Do you agree?

The teacher plays the audio recording “Meeting Spring” and plays the game “Transferring the Mood”

Educator:- Warm your palms with your warmth. (children imitate silent claps to the music) Warm your palms! Now convey your warmth to each other and to all our guests! Come, don't be shy! Convey your warmth and tenderness to your guests! (imitate the game of “palms”). Look how good everyone felt!

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teacher at MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 11"

Lysva, Perm region, Russia

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group.

Teamwork (using non-traditional techniques).

Subject:"Let's hasten to the aid of spring"

Target: development of creative imagination

Tasks: Improve children's skills in the technique of stamp imprinting (potatoes, corks);

Develop imagination, sense of composition, rhythm;

To cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature through the image of flowers

Materials: potatoes, corks, plates with gouache different colors, threads, whatman paper along the contour of which the outlines of flowers are drawn according to the number of children, a paper “road”, glue, brushes for glue, d / and “Magic wands” (a box in which there are colored droplets, the box is closed, ropes hanging from under the lid, long 1 m, each one end is attached to a droplet and the other to a stick), toy - sun, aprons, tape recorder, audio recordings.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter and stand around the teacher.

Today we will go on an extraordinary journey, to a land where miracles happen. This country is called spring. I suggest you guys go by train. Please get into the carriages. And while we're driving, I'll tell you about this country. In this country, the sun laughs tenderly, the stream runs loudly, the snowdrifts melt, the snow becomes heavy and dark. The sun warms everything around with its warmth: green leaves appear from small buds, birds chirp and sing, green grass rustles underfoot. And in this country there is a wonderful flower meadow, strewn with different flowers: yellow dandelions, blue snowdrops, white daisies, red roses.

There is no snow there, there is no cold,

Everything there woke up from sleep.

We came from the city

To a wonderful land - Spring!

Guys, come out. There's something very sad about this. Everything is white. Guys, look, the sun is greeting us! But for some reason it is not affectionate, it does not smile at all.

Audio recording plays:

Hello guys! The beautiful Spring had trouble in her magical land. An evil Blizzard flew into a magical clearing, covered it with snow, and froze all the flowers. The snowdrifts are so deep that my rays cannot penetrate. Help me guys melt the snow. But to get to the clearing you need to pave the road with colored pebbles.

D/i "Magic wands"

Let each of you take one stick, start winding the string to the music until you reach the box of paints. When it opens, you will find out who will paint with what paint.

The children do it.

Now that everyone has paints, we can start paving the road with colored stones. How can we paint stones if we don’t have a brush?

Children make guesses. The teacher summarizes the children's answers.

Any image can be printed, such as potatoes or cork. Take each plate with gouache and the signet you like.

Children approach the paper “road”, position themselves along the edges, and the teacher reminds the children of the printing technique. Children type to music.

Here is our flower meadow! Whatever the blizzard did, it didn’t spare a single flower. We will restore the clearing and plant new beautiful flowers.

The teacher turns on the music “Scarlet Snowdrop” and pantomimes a blossoming flower.

The sun gives us its rays - strings, so that with their help we can draw flowers.

The teacher shows the sequence of performing the technique with a rope. Children perform to musical accompaniment.

At this time, the teacher changes the sun’s facial expressions from sad to cheerful.

Look how we restored the clearing!

One, two, three, the flowers have grown!

They reached high towards the sun:

They felt nice and warm!

Let them bloom, grow,

They bring joy to everyone!

Guys, look, the sun has begun to smile! It gives us warmth again.

It's time to say goodbye to the magical meadow. We need to return home. Get into your trailers.

The teacher turns on the music.

Did you guys enjoy the trip? What do you remember most? What's your mood? (children's answers)

Here we are back in kindergarten. Let's pass on our good mood, our warmth to each other. Do you agree?

The teacher plays the audio recording “Meeting Spring” and plays the game “Transmitting the Mood”

Warm your palms with your warmth (children imitate silent clapping to the music) Warm your palms! Now convey your warmth to each other and to all our guests! Come, don't be shy!

Convey your warmth and tenderness to your guests! (imitate the game of "palms"). Look how good everyone felt!

Exercises for dynamic pauses.

Speech with movement.

Walking in winter, frost and wind outside,

Children are walking in the yard. (Walk in a circle holding hands)

Hands, hands are rubbing, (hands are rubbing)

Hands, hands warm.

So that our hands don’t get cold, (Clap your hands)

We will clap our hands.

This is how we can clap.

This is how we warm our hands.

Days of the week

On Monday we did the laundry (Wash)

The floor was swept on Tuesday, (Sweeped)

On Wednesday we baked kalach (pies are baked)

All Thursday they were looking for the ball, (Looking for the ball - bending down)

The cups were washed on Friday, (Wash the cups - stroke the palm with your fist)

And on Saturday we bought a cake, (They show “cake” with their hands, spread their arms forward - to the sides)

On Sunday, on Sunday (Clap your hands)

We went to a birthday party.


Our scarlet flowers

The petals are blooming.

The breeze breathes a little,

The petals are swaying.

Our scarlet flowers

The petals close.

Quietly falling asleep

They shake their heads.

Smoothly open your fingers.

They wave their hands in front of them.

Close your fingers tightly.

Smoothly lower them onto the table.

Nature has an extremely positive influence on the formation of the character and individuality of a preschooler. It awakens curiosity and develops aesthetic feelings. Drawing landscapes in kindergarten allows children to depict the inexhaustible diversity of nature and at the same time express emotional attitude to her, the feelings arising from the contemplation of this beauty. In the older group, preschoolers move from drawing individual natural objects to creating holistic landscape compositions, be it forest, mountain, seascapes or images of nature at a certain time of the year.

Features of drawing landscapes in the senior group of kindergarten

In older groups, preschoolers master directly drawing a landscape, since in more early age (middle group) such work was mainly aimed at depicting individual objects of nature (a Christmas tree in winter, an apple tree with ripe apples, a spreading tree, flowers in a meadow). Now the construction of the composition of the drawing begins to play a key role: harmonious filling of the entire space of the base, drawing the foreground and background, the correct ratio in size of natural objects.

Setting up the theme of landscape drawing at this age sets children up not only for depicting a group of objects, but also for conveying a certain plot in a composition, as well as searching for different options its execution.

Drawing landscapes in older groups is directly related to the knowledge and development of speech. A major role in such visual activity is played by direct observation of nature and the perception of poetic lines.

Bright spring impression

Winter impressions

Contemplating nature, preschoolers receive vivid visual impressions. It is good to reinforce them by viewing illustrations and reproductions of landscapes by famous artists. Thus, the children will understand the techniques of conveying expressive images (color palette, proportions, compositional arrangement), but in the poem they are replaced by their own figurative means (vivid metaphors, colorful epithets, apt comparisons).

Note that children aged five to six years old, when looking at paintings, can easily determine the season depicted by the artist, characteristic features autumn, winter, spring or summer, as well as the color shades chosen to create images.

In senior preschool age It is quite possible to practice drawing landscapes from life, again involving poetic works in this process.

Let us note that pupils of the senior group are able to draw not only the landscapes they are familiar with, which they observe in everyday life, but also those pictures of nature that they have never personally seen, and have an idea of ​​them only from reproductions, photographs, videos, etc. So, at this age, children are offered an image of a sea and mountain landscape, lunar and even fantastic. In addition, pictures of nature in children's drawings can appear in their original form (forest, meadow, lake, sea, mountains, etc.), as well as modified by man (rural landscape, park with beautiful benches, bridges, lanterns, railway included in the natural landscape, etc.).

As for depicting nature at certain times of the year, each activity has its own specifics. Thus, the topic “Picture about summer” suggests that the teacher should discuss with the children their summer impressions, clarify what they observed in the forest, in the field, on the river or lake. The teacher, with the help of leading questions, promotes a more complete expression of children's impressions. At the same time, it will be wonderful to read poems about summer.

In autumn, children need to pay attention to how everything around has changed - first of all, the color of trees and shrubs, the color of the sky.

When depicting a winter forest, the teacher draws attention to the difference between old and young trees - in height, thickness and color of the trunk. Spruce and pine trees will also differ in the color of their needles: in older trees they are darker. The teacher especially draws the attention of preschoolers to large, spreading trees - the structure of their trunk and branches is especially noticeable in winter.

In spring, the attention of preschoolers is again drawn to the color of the sky and signs of the awakening of nature.

In addition, children should know the features of the urban landscape - this is a combination of natural objects (trees, bushes) with houses and cars.

A large role in the lesson is given to the analysis of children's compositions. The guys note those works where the images of nature turned out to be the most expressive, and discuss what means and techniques of painting were used to achieve this (competent composition, bright color palette). It’s good when children come up with figurative names for their works - this helps to activate their vocabulary.

The most appropriate materials and basis for work

When creating landscape compositions, the color of the base is of great importance (since most such work is done with paints). So, when drawing a summer picture, you will need sheets of paper of the usual size, tinted in light shades (yellowish, grayish, bluish). Depending on the composition of the picture, you can indicate the horizon line by delimiting the blue top and bottom of a base of a different color.

For an autumn landscape you will need a darker and more muted sky color. Winter pictures of nature are depicted on paper of any pale tone.

When drawing a seascape, a special background is required; moreover, it is of paramount importance in the composition. Since the color of water and sky are, in principle, the same, the expressiveness of the drawing is achieved through the contrast of shades: the sea should be painted in a darker color than the sky. Moreover, closer to the horizon the water should be darker in color.

Drawing a sea background has its own characteristics: closer to the horizon, the water should become darker

As for drawing materials, landscapes are created with both gouache and watercolor paints. Gouache conveys the colors of summer and winter images well on a dark background. Watercolor is optimal for spring landscape. These two types of paint can be successfully combined in a drawing: for example, butterflies are painted with bright gouache, and a flower meadow is painted with more delicate watercolors.

To draw a spreading winter tree covered with frost, it is good to use sanguine or a charcoal pencil. Snow is depicted with whitewash.

Drawing with sanguine, pencil and white gouache

Discreet, calm landscapes can also be drawn with colored pencils and wax crayons. Although by adjusting the pressure, you can get quite colorful pictures that are not inferior in brightness to paints.

Pencil drawing

Drawing techniques and techniques (including prints/prints, monotype, blotography and others)

Landscape painting requires older preschoolers to master various visual techniques. So, a picture about summer usually begins with drawing grass. It can be done in different ways: continuous line, short strokes or long multidirectional lines. Trees are also depicted in different ways: with thick and thin trunks, tall and slender or twisted, young and old. You need to learn to draw butterflies in a summer landscape with a continuous hand movement.

The teacher should also remind students about the correct composition of the drawing: the ratio of the size of close and distant objects. In addition, children must decide on the orientation of the sheet of paper depending on the images depicted.

When drawing a tree, preschoolers improve their skills in working with a brush: small branches and other details are drawn with the tip, while the trunk and large branches are drawn with the entire pile. The easiest way to depict leaves is by dipping (if we are talking about a traditional drawing technique).

If a tree is depicted with a pencil, wax crayon or sanguine, then different pressure levels should be used to convey the lighter and darker parts. Lines of different intensities are also used as a means of expressiveness. After all, not all tree branches have the same color, and this must be reflected in the drawing.

As for sanguine, which conveys the rough texture of the bark well, the teacher should emphasize that it is very fragile, and you should not squeeze it too hard with your fingers and press on the paper.

In the process of creating landscapes, the teacher encourages children to use a variety of colors and shades, many of which are created by mixing base paint with white.

When creating a picture of nature, some objects should be drawn first with a simple pencil, for example, a butterfly or in this way outline their location on the base.

As for the mountain landscape, so that the mountains do not seem suspended in the air, you should draw them from the edge of the sheet, rising upward. Another way is to draw them from the horizon line.

In landscape painting, when creating unusual expressive images, preschoolers come to the aid of unconventional techniques drawing. Thus, the crown of a tree can be depicted in an original way with crumpled paper. A piece of paper is dipped into paint and pressed onto the base. Note that for each color you need to use a new lump.

Foliage is depicted using crumpled paper

For this purpose, you can also use finger painting or poking with a semi-dry brush.

When drawing the crown and fallen leaves, finger painting is used

Leaves are depicted by poking with a semi-dry brush

The blotography method is well suited for depicting a tree trunk with bizarre bends of branches. It is also suitable for drawing grass. With the help of palm painting you can effectively depict butterflies in a summer picture.

Drawing using non-traditional techniques (palm painting and blotography)

Blotography perfectly conveys the image of a tree with many branches

Charming landscapes are obtained using monotype - this is how trees reflected in a pond are usually painted.


It is worth mentioning the unconventional ebru technique - drawing on water with subsequent imprinting on a paper base. In kindergarten, it is better to use milk for this purpose: it does not mix with gouache longer (the parents of each of the pupils can bring milk). As an option, you can add a little office glue to the water. The liquid is poured into the container. To apply paint to it, you can use a regular brush, pipette or toothpick. The child creates various images on the surface of the milk. When the landscape is ready, it is transferred to paper. Porous watercolor paper works well (it absorbs paint perfectly), although regular landscape paper can also be used.

The first stage of drawing using the ebru technique

The result of the work - composition on paper

The Ebru technique is ideal for creating fantasy landscapes, although charming summer nature pictures can also be obtained this way.

Drawing using ebru technique

Drawing using ebru technique

Additional types of visual activities that can be used when creating works, implementation of an individual approach in the classroom

Wonderful landscape compositions are obtained if you do not limit preschoolers in the choice of material, providing them with drawing lessons colored paper, plasticine and other accessories. Thus, a picture of a winter forest will be made unforgettable by small pieces of foam rubber, creating the image of snow flakes.

Drawing with foam appliqué elements

And the summer composition will be ideally complemented by butterflies, silhouettes of flying birds, and flower petals made using the plasticine technique.

Drawing with elements of plasticineography and appliqué

Such techniques are optimal for demonstrating the creative individuality of children, especially those who show increased interest and ability in visual arts.

From applicative details you can create a wonderful teamwork: each child draws a silhouette of a tree, which is then glued into the overall composition.

Drawing with applique elements (team work)

By the way, a tree can also be depicted on a template using plasticine. And then glue it onto a beautifully drawn background.

Drawing with applique elements (collective composition)

Composition options

Quite a lot of classes are devoted to landscape painting. So, at the beginning of the school year (September), preschoolers are asked to draw a picture about summer, in which they must reflect the impressions received from communicating with summer nature.

A little later (also in September), the children create the composition “Autumn Forest”, where they practice drawing a variety of trees and shrubs in a yellow-orange outfit.

In December, children draw the “Winter” landscape. The goal of this lesson is to display a winter picture of nature in a forest, field, or in a village or city. Thus, preschoolers become familiar with the concept of “urban landscape”.

Drawing on the winter theme “Big and small spruce trees” (December) teaches children to create in one composition images of trees that differ in height, color, and structure.

In February, children are offered the theme “Beautiful Branching Tree.” Here the emphasis is on careful drawing of one image, a beautiful compositional solution to the drawing (place one tree on the base - it is depicted not too small, but not large either).

In another lesson, the children create a beautiful forest picture - “Trees in Frost.”

Spring landscapes are associated with creating images of a blooming garden and a meadow with butterflies fluttering above it. These topics are traditionally offered in May. Drawing “Gardens are Blooming” is aimed at developing compositional skills, and “Butterflies Fly Over the Meadow” trains older group students in creating a simple plot of the surrounding nature.

In addition to the indicated topics related to the depiction of nature at one time or another of the year, it is advisable to offer children drawing a sea or mountain landscape. Such compositions, as a rule, turn out beautiful and colorful. To develop creative imagination, children are offered topics such as a fantasy landscape (for example, a fairy-tale forest) or a cosmic landscape (the surface of the moon or some unknown planet with strange trees, etc.).

Landscapes can also be created collectively. The most convenient way to do this is to use appliqué elements: the children are given silhouettes of trees, which they draw and paint, and then paste onto the general background.

Organization of a motivating beginning of direct educational activities: demonstration of pictures, observation on a walk, conversation, poem, fairy tale, etc.

To ensure that the activity of landscape painting captivates preschoolers as much as possible, the teacher must think through a suitable playful or fairy-tale motivation. For example, the group receives a letter from penguins from the far North. It turns out that the penguins are studying at their art school, and the teacher gave them the task of depicting a summer landscape. But they have never seen summer, they don’t even know what color it is - after all, there is always snow in the North. The penguins ask the guys to help - to show them what summer looks like. The teacher offers the children didactic game“Make a landscape”, where from a variety of natural objects they choose those that correspond to the summer season. Preschoolers successfully create a picture, but there is only one picture, and there are many penguins, so the children begin to draw a summer landscape to give a gift to each penguin.

If the topic of the lesson is “Winter Landscape”, then the opposite situation plays out - the letter is already coming from hot Africa, from the children from the Palmochka kindergarten. It is very hot here, they swim and sunbathe all year round, even in winter. African children want to know what Russian winter looks like.

To draw a spring or summer landscape, the technique of receiving a letter is again used. At the door of the group, the teacher finds a message from the little men from fairyland. An evil wizard bewitched their beautiful gardens and they stopped blooming. To break the villain's spell, kindergarten students must draw flowering trees for little people.

Spring itself can write a letter to children. She worries that due to the tricks of the insidious Winter and her assistants - evil winds and bitter frosts - she cannot try on her blooming green outfits. Spring asks children to help become beautiful.

Another motivation option is for the teacher to bring the children a painting “Autumn Forest” as a gift. But it turns out that on the way, the rain washed away the autumn colors from it - only green fir trees remained. The teacher asks preschoolers to correct the situation - to draw beautiful autumn landscapes in yellow-orange tones.

Children are always attracted by fairy tale motivation. For this purpose, when drawing landscapes, you can use environmental fairy tales. As an option, consider the work of A. Lopatina “Why the Earth Has a Green Dress.” Here a little girl asks her mother why the grass and trees on Earth are green. Mom tells her daughter that when the Creator asked Nature to sew an outfit for the Earth in the colors of faith and hope, the sorceress Nature chose green. Since those ancient times, contemplation of a green carpet of fragrant herbs, shrubs and trees gives a person hope and faith, makes him better and purifies him. The girl objected to her mother that in the fall the grass dries up and the leaves fall from the trees. After some thought, the mother asked her daughter if she slept well in the soft crib today. The girl was surprised by her question, and her mother explained that herbs and flowers sleep just as sweetly in the fields under a fluffy blanket of snow. And the trees rest to gain strength and delight people with new hopes. And so that people don’t feel completely sad in the winter without greenery, Christmas trees and pine trees, to our delight, wear green outfits.

Illustration for the fairy tale by A. Lopatina

After reading this wonderful fairy tale, the teacher talks with the children about the color of nature, finds out whether the children like the summer or winter forest more. You can also speculate on the topic: what would change on earth if nature sewed not a green, but a red or purple outfit. After the conversation, the guys begin to draw a summer or winter landscape (to choose from). When depicting a winter forest, there should be fir trees or pine trees.

When drawing pictures of nature, it is very appropriate to include poetic works in classes. For example, if a preschooler is offered the topic “Big and Small Spruce Trees,” then I. Tokmakova’s poem “Spruce Trees,” where trees are endowed with anthropomorphic features, will be very helpful:

Ate at the edge of the forest -
To the top of your head.
They listen, they are silent,
They look at their grandchildren.
And the grandchildren are Christmas trees,
thin needles,
At the forest gate
They lead a round dance.

A poem by I. Mikhailova is suitable for drawing an autumn landscape:

Autumn with a long thin brush
Recolors leaves.
Red, yellow, gold –
How beautiful you are, colored leaf!..
And the wind has thick cheeks
Cheated, cheated, cheated.
And the trees are variegated
Blow, blow, blow!
Red, yellow, gold...
The entire colored sheet flew around!..

Another wonderful line about autumn:

E. Trutneva “Autumn”

Suddenly it became twice as bright,
The yard is like in the sun's rays -
This dress is golden
On the birch tree's shoulders.
Cobwebs fly by
With spiders in the middle,
And high from the ground
Cranes fly by.
Everything flies... This must be
Our summer is flying by.

A very beautiful poem about winter was written by O. Shalimova:

It was snowing all over the world.
I walked wherever my eyes led me -
Then he will turn to the village,
It will pass through the city.
And then, then into the woods,
On the coastal beach, sand,
To the hills, to the hills,
On trees and bushes...
Along the roads, along the paths,
He carried his snowflakes to everyone.
He carried and carried lightly and lightly.
Everything became white - white.
Everything shone with a gentle light,
And the night gave way to dawn.
The snowfall was walking, walking
And a little tired!
He got tired and stopped.
He gave away all the snowflakes!
Let him rest a little
He will come again later!

Before creating a bewitching picture of a sunset on the sea, children should hear the lines of V. Amelin:

I love the beauty of the sunset...
Especially when he's on the water...
The brilliance of the burning waves of a wondrous surge...
Everything brings out the best in me...
It takes your breath away...
And my heart sings with bliss...
For the body it’s just a temptation...
Calling him to heroism from afar...
You can't enjoy such beauty...
Sunset on the sea is Heaven on Earth...
You can fall in love without noticing...
And get sick of all this beauty...
I love the wonderful glow of the sunset...
The sunset really became like family to me...
I’ll throw it away, I’ll remove all doubts...
Everyone loved the sunset with their soul.

Physical education minutes will also help create the necessary creative atmosphere in class.

Spring theme:

Physical education lesson “Walk to the sea” (seascape drawing lesson)

What do we see in the open air?Children take turns placing their palms on their foreheads, stretching out and peering into the distance.
Waves splash in the Black Sea.Wave-like movements of the arms with swaying of the torso
Here are the masts of the ships.Stand on your toes, stretch your arms up
Let them sail here quickly!Welcome hand waves
We're walking along the shore,
We are waiting for the sailors.
Walking in place
It's getting hot, brothers.
Isn't it time to take a swim?
Fanning with hands
To swim even faster,
We need to row faster.
We row with our arms and legs.
Who will keep up with us?
Imitation of swimming movements
All. We crawl ashore
And we relax on the sand.
Sit on the carpet
We look for shells in the sand.
We squeeze them in our fist.
Bends from a sitting position, imitation of searching for shells, clenching a fist

Finger gymnastics on an autumn theme

Finger gymnastics “Winter”

Fizminutka - auto-training.

  • And now you and I will turn into trees.
  • “I am a big snow-covered tree.
  • My branches reach to the sky.
  • The sun is shining brightly,
  • A light breeze is blowing,
  • I breathe in his clean fresh air
  • Birds proudly circle above me.
  • I feel good and pleased.”

Class notes

Author's full name Title of the abstract
Kober L.

Educational objectives: learn to paint summer landscapes with watercolors, find expressive means to reflect impressions, consolidate brushwork techniques.
Developmental tasks: develop compositional skills, color perception.
Educational tasks: to cultivate an interest in nature and creativity, the ability to coordinate one’s actions with other participants in the work.
Integration educational areas : « Artistic creativity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health".
Demo material: pictures depicting a summer landscape.
Handout: A4 paper according to the number of children, watercolor paints, brushes, sippy cups, napkins.
Progress of the lesson:
The lesson begins with the “Summer” relaxation exercise: children are asked to lie down on the carpet and close their eyes. Calm music sounds. The guys imagine summer with bright sun, warm river water, blue sky, fragrant flowers and herbs, etc.
After this, preschoolers look at pictures with summer landscapes. Each child chooses a picture and composes based on it. short story, finding signs of summer.
The teacher reads V. Orlov’s poem “Summer”:

    What will you give me, summer?
    -Lots of sunshine!
    There's a rainbow in the sky
    And daisies in the meadow!
    -What else will you give me?
    -The key ringing in silence,
    Pines, maples and oaks,
    Strawberries and mushrooms!
    I'll give you a cuckoo
    So that, going out to the edge,
    You shouted louder to her:
    “Tell me your fortune quickly!”
    And she answers you
    I guessed for many years!

Discussion of the poem, including the author’s mood.
The children are invited to draw a picture about summer - a flowering meadow with bugs, spiders, and fluttering butterflies.
Independent activity of preschoolers. Exhibition of drawings.

Malakhova G.V. "The Kingdom of the Mistress of Winter"
(drawing using unconventional techniques of blotography and printing with dried leaves)

Riddle about winter:

  • Troika, troika has arrived,
    The horses in that trio are white,
    And the queen sits in the sleigh -
    White-skinned, fair complexion.
    How she waved her sleeve -
    Everything was covered in silver!

A conversation about why winter is called the queen, whether the epithets “white-skinned” and “fair-faced” are appropriate for her.
The teacher reminds the preschoolers that they have already created many drawings on a winter theme, and invites them to draw the composition “The Kingdom of the Mistress of Winter.” Children remember cold colors and techniques for mixing them. To create a landscape, the teacher suggests using the technique of blotography, printing with dried tree leaves and spraying. The teacher reminds that for the close-up you need to use larger leaves. Using blotography, an image of a winter housewife is created, whose facial features are then drawn with the tip of a thin brush. You can also add hair and a crown.

There is a dynamic pause - children perform movements to the music: sway their raised arms, imitating trees, smoothly spin around themselves like snowflakes, and squat. The guys close their eyes and mentally imagine the image of the Queen of Winter.

Independent work of preschoolers with musical accompaniment.
In the middle of drawing, a physical education dance “White Paint of Winter” is held (while the paint dries before painting the face of winter).
Exhibition of drawings. Children talk about their work. For some, the winter turned out to be angry and prickly, for others it was kind and cheerful.

Makolova S.V. "Gardens are Blooming"

A conversation about spring and fruit trees blooming at this time.
At the door of the group, the teacher finds a letter from the inhabitants of a fairyland. An evil wizard bewitched their gardens, which always bloomed in the spring. To remove the evil spell, you need to draw beautiful flowering trees (motivation).
Reading a poem by Elena Atkina:

  • From a white apple tree in blossom
    I can't take my eyes off
    Brides young beauty
    I see it again.

It is discussed why blossoming apple trees are compared to a bride. Looking at a picture of apple trees.
The teacher reminds preschoolers what a landscape is:

  • If you see in the picture
    River drawn
    Or spruce and white frost,
    Or a garden and clouds.
    Or a snowy plain
    Or a field and a hut,
    Required picture
    It's called... landscape.

Conducted finger gymnastics on a floral theme:

  • Our white flowers are opening their petals.
    The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway.
    Our white flowers cover their petals,
    They shake their heads and quietly fall asleep.
    Only we won't sleep
    Let's start drawing.

Slowly extend your fingers from your fists, swing your hands left and right; slowly clench your fingers into fists, rock your fists back and forth. Rhythmic clenching of the fists of the hands, lowered down.
The teacher shows the children the basic techniques for drawing a spring landscape. First, the horizon line and blue sky are indicated. To paint grass, you need to mix yellow and blue paint (the green one was enchanted by an evil wizard).
The children get to work. While the image dries, a physical training session is performed:

  • Do you see the butterfly flying?
    Counting flowers in the meadow.
    One, two, three, four, five.
    To count, not to count
    In a day, in two, in a whole month
    Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
    Even the wise bee
    I wouldn't be able to count.

Preschoolers draw apple trees: the trunk - with a thick line, all the lint, and the branches - with a thin line, with the tip of a brush. Green leaves are depicted with a poke with a semi-dry brush, and flowers on an apple tree with a cotton swab.
Review of finished compositions.

Garayeva G.D. "Seascape"

An unexpected start to the lesson - the teacher invites preschoolers to be “the wind.” There are bowls of blue-colored water on the tables. The guys must blow on the water to create waves. They are lowered into the water paper boats: When children blow on them, they float. The teacher explains that in strong winds a shipwreck can occur.
The lines quoted are A.S. Pushkin:

  • The wind blows across the sea
    And the boat speeds up.
    He runs in the waves
    With full sails.

Looking at a painting depicting a seascape. The image can be roughly divided into three parts: a sandy shore with sea foam, a turquoise sea and a blue sky with snow-white clouds. There are also sailing boats in the picture: a large one in the foreground and a small one in the background.
The children are invited to paint a seascape with watercolors “raw” - on wet paper. The teacher demonstrates drawing techniques. A sheet of paper is moistened with a wet sponge on both sides and glued to the table. Two triangles (sails) made of newsprint are attached to the base. First, the sky is depicted with light strokes of bluish paint with gaps - clouds. The sea should be darker than the sky (blue paint is mixed with a drop of yellow on the palette). Sand is drawn yellow. The coastal foam is not painted over - it remains white.
Before the paper is dry, you need to remove the newspaper sails. Using a thin brush, the boats are painted brown with red flags.
After physical activity, the children get to work.
Analysis of finished compositions.

Landscape compositions of pupils with comments on the completion of work

Summer nature awakens creative imagination in preschoolers. Compositions on this theme are imbued with warmth and joyful mood. Therefore, the sun is often depicted smiling (“The rye is earing”, “The Beauty of Summer”, “Summer Day”).

The summer landscape is associated with insects, bright flowers in emerald or soft green grass. Moreover, insects are often depicted deliberately large (“Colors of Summer”, “Summer Day”, “Sunflowers”).

Particularly colorful are the paintings made in gouache (“The Beauty of Summer”, “Fairytale Summer”). The drawing “Fairytale Summer” shows a close-up of a flower similar to the “Seven-flowered Flower” from the fairy tale of the same name, and a bright butterfly with a beautiful wing pattern.

The composition “Red Summer” is charming, where dandelions are drawn in detail in the foreground, and a rainbow flaunts in the distance. The work is done in soft pastel colors.

In the picture “Carefree Summer” we see a narrow path along the edges of which flowers grow. The child depicted a variety of summer flowers in his work, including modest daisies and blue bells.

In the composition “Joyful Summer” a man is included in the landscape - a boy swimming in the lake.

Photo gallery: examples of children's work

Drawing in watercolor Drawing in pencils Drawing in watercolor Drawing in gouache Drawing in watercolor Drawing in watercolor Drawing in watercolor (collective composition) Drawing in watercolor Drawing in watercolor Drawing in gouache Drawing in watercolor and felt-tip pens

Pupils of the senior group create wonderful autumn landscapes. Unconventional techniques help them with this. Thus, using the poking method with a semi-dry brush, the leaves in the drawing “Trees in Gold” are depicted. Images of trees in autumn attire are created using leaf imprints (“Sorceress Autumn”, collective composition “ Golden autumn"). The work “Autumn in the Forest” is original, where whimsical images of trees, sun, grass and hedgehogs are created using blotography. As always, the works using the monotype technique (“Trees Reflected in Water”) are spectacular. Yellow tree crowns and fallen leaves can also be depicted with a foam sponge (“Autumn Forest”).

The work “Magic Colors of Autumn” was carefully completed, where we can see both birds and the most different types mushrooms, and even a bunny. Of interest is the composition “Mysterious autumn forest", depicting nature against the background of a night sky strewn with stars.

Photo gallery: finished drawings

Imprint with leaves (collective composition) Drawing with watercolors Drawing with a poke Imprint with leaves Pencil drawing Blotography Monotype Drawing with gouache Drawing with a foam sponge

Goal: to consolidate ideas about spring.

Objectives: to strengthen children’s ability to depict pictures of nature, conveying its characteristic features, to teach how to place an image across the entire sheet, to improve color perception, the ability to work with paints, to develop children’s interest in visual arts, to develop creative thinking, imagination, and to cultivate an interest in creativity.

Equipment: reproductions of paintings, tinted blue sheet, paints, brushes, napkins, audio recording of Tchaikovsky’s “The Seasons.”

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, for our lesson to be successful, we need to “call” a good mood. Let's hold hands and smile at each other. Well done!

Listen to the riddle, when you guess it, tell me the topic of our lesson.

"The snowball is melting

The meadow came to life

The day is coming

When does this happen? (In spring).

Right. Children, tell me, is spring good or bad? Children's answers.

Children, what signs of spring do you know? (ball game). Children's answers (snow melts, streams run, drops ring, birds fly, animals awaken, leaves appear, the day becomes longer and the night shorter, etc.). Well done!

Now guys, we will look at reproductions of famous Russian artists, how they depicted early spring. Painting by artist A. Savrasov “Rooks have arrived.” What do you see? What colors did the artist use? What mood appears when looking at the painting?

The painting by artist I. Levitan is called “Spring. Big Water.” Describe her. What colors are there the most in the picture? Look closely at the melt water in the picture, what can you see there? What sky? Why? There is more sun in the sky, so it is blue.

Physical education minute.

Sunshine, sunshine, golden bottom

Burn. Burn clearly so that it doesn't go out

A stream ran in the garden

A hundred rooks have arrived

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting

And the flowers are growing.

Children, tell me what is the name of the room where artists paint their works? Now we will go to our workshop, and you will be the artists and draw your early spring, as you imagine it.

The teacher and the children remember how they should sit at the tables and the rules for working with paints and brushes.

Children, to get your hands ready for work, we will do some finger exercises.

The sound of drops can be heard everywhere

These droplets sang their song

Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip

Dripping quietly

Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip

The drops are dancing loudly

The drops ran

Because the drops saw the sun.

Guys, start drawing, and to inspire you to work, you will draw to the music of the Russian composer P. Tchaikovsky.

Bottom line: Children, let's look at how your early spring turned out? (cheerful, loud, beautiful) You are all great! And your paintings are sent to an art gallery.