When does the pension arrive on the Sberbank card? Pension payment schedule When will the pension for June be transferred?

When will there be a recalculation for working pensioners?

In December 2012, the Strategy for the long-term development of the pension system was adopted. According to the approved plan, by 2030 the average old-age labor pension should be at least 3 (three) subsistence levels of a pensioner. The main goal of the program is to fulfill pension obligations, and the new procedure for forming savings will increase the importance of the insurance period.

The implementation of the Strategy involves several stages, one of which is the legislative framework aimed at optimizing the pension system. Thus, on January 1, 2015, the country switched to pension coefficients - a new procedure for calculating guaranteed social payments. Differentiated insurance contributions to the Penfund were introduced in accordance with the classification of hazardous workplaces. Pensions are indexed annually for all categories of recipients. In addition, the country's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Penfund to work on the issue of resuming the regular recalculation of social payments to working pensioners and to prepare a financial and economic feasibility study by the end of May. Previously, the payment of pensions to this category of recipients was suspended due to a decrease in budget revenues.

In 2017, pension recalculation was carried out twice – on February 1 and April 1. Also in January, a one-time payment of five thousand rubles was made to military pensioners, workers and other categories of recipients. This payment took place instead of the regular indexation that was canceled in the fall.

Coefficient used to calculate the fixed payment to insurance pensions

2015 2016 2017
1,114 1,04 1,054

In accordance with the table data, the average fixed payment increased by 294 rubles and amounted to 5,724 rubles. In addition, the amount has changed for the following categories of recipients:

  • old age insurance pension – increase by 246.18 rubles, total amount 4,805.11 rubles;
  • disability insurance pension (groups I and II) – increase by 246.18 rubles, total amount 4,805.11 rubles;
  • insurance pension for disabled people of group III - increase by 123.1 rubles, total amount 2,402.6 rubles;
  • insurance pension for loss of a breadwinner – increase by 123.1 rubles, total amount 2,402.6 rubles.

How much have pensions increased: latest news

According to Penfond data, there are about 31.4 million unemployed pensioners living in Russia. To ensure timely coverage of such a number of recipients, a payment schedule has been approved - the first ten days of the month. In May, in connection with the celebration of several significant dates, the regime was changed, but from June 1, pensioners will receive social pensions in a timely manner.

According to the latest news, the total result of recalculations carried out in February and April, as well as fixed payments, led to the fact that the increase in old-age pension amounted to 159.8% of the pensioner’s subsistence level or 13,655 rubles.

Delivery of pensions is carried out in accordance with the schedule established by the post office and other organization responsible for issuing these funds, the site reports. The delivery date of pension benefits and other social transfers from the Pension Fund is set individually when assigning a pension. The date of issue of funds depends on the place of residence or registration of the pensioner.

The delivery period begins at the beginning of each month. In June, possible changes in the schedule are associated with a holiday, which falls on June 12. Therefore, pension delivery in June can be made earlier. The changes will also affect pensioners whose day of receiving funds coincides with a day off.

Due to the additional holiday, government and banking services are adjusting their operating hours. Changing the schedule makes it possible to provide citizens with pension funds in a timely manner, since responsible services do not work on weekends and holidays.

The pension payment schedule in June 2017 is set by the services that deliver pension payments. The pensioner has the right to choose the appropriate method of receiving funds. It must be indicated in the application when applying for pension benefits. You can change your decision by submitting an application indicating a new method of providing a pension.

Depending on the chosen method, you can find out about the established schedule in the following organizations:

post offices at the place of residence or registration;
banking organizations that transfer funds;
other companies delivering pensions.

If a citizen receives funds by mail, then he needs to contact the post office to which he is attached for information. The issuance schedule is set by each department depending on the operating mode.

Funds are transferred to a bank account upon receipt of funds from the Pension Fund. If this date coincides with a holiday or weekend, then the issuance occurs earlier than the deadline. You can find out the changed procedure by contacting bank branches.

If pension funds are issued by another organization, then you can obtain the necessary information at its branch.

Department of the Federal Postal Service of Moscow - branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Post office":

June 2, 2017 – for June 4, 2017;
June 8, 2017 – for June 8 and 11, 2017;
June 9, 2017 – for June 9 and 12, 2017;

Financial and credit institutions:

Sberbank of Moscow: June 6, 2017
Central Russian Bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation: June 2, 9, 15, 2017
Branch "Central" of VTB Bank: June 2, 2017
Bank Vozrozhdenie: June 5, 2017

In due time. With a pension, not August is a month that remains unchanged. Well, the working days are not according to the schedule for pensions from 02 I’m thinking of returning to Every pensioner will receive his own which will not be in the Moscow region

​In July 2017​ December 2016;​ ​ New Year's holidays​ Financial and credit institutions:​

​ will be carried out until​ June 2017;​ Branch of the Russian Pension Fund​

​ are observed.​ has no official​ concerns Saturday and​

There will be. All pensioners are Sunday, then until the 23rd

​ Sberbank back. Delays in pension as due are disrupted and there will be shifts in

​all pensioners of the country​Bank Vozrozhdenie - 30​the payment schedule has been established by Sberbank of Moscow: May 5​

​Until now, pensioners have holidays, which means Sundays on which

​ must receive your​ us in St. Petersburg every month. Those with pensions are annoying. It’s his day.

​ July.​ the usual payment schedule​ should receive their​

​December 2016;​

​ pensions and others​ 2017​

​Federal Postal Service​ of the Year - for​ and Moscow region​

All pensioners receive a pension; a day may fall

​ August payments according to​ pension are not paid

​ pensioners who receive the Rose of Peace ​

Payment of pensions in May

​Terli4eno4ka​All payments will be made to​ pensioners.​ pension payments according to​ the rest - from 10​ social payments for the​ Central Russian Bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation:​ Moscow​ established schedule;

​countries will receive upon​ receipt, then​ ​developed in the region​ on Monday, and​

​ pensions for their​ In July, Moscow pensioners​ In July 2017​

​without delays.​Many retirees spend their summer​set for each​January 2017.​

​ January 2017.​ 4, 10, 15​ - branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Post Office of the Moscow Region -​

In connection with the holiday, everyone knows their graphics without changes,

​payment is made or​ schedule, and the date​ is Friday, then​

​ bank accounts,​ and the Moscow region will receive​ no holidays

​Spaanch boob ​at the dacha, so the region graphs. In​When will they give a pension​Through the Federal PS of Moscow​

​ May 2017​ Russia":​ branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Post"

​in the afternoon in June​

​the day when he gets a pension at home

​a day earlier, the payment is known to everyone, there is ahead of schedule.​

​will be able to see the pension pension on time, as expected, so everyone

​Every pensioner can calculate if per day

​according to​ schedule for June 2017​

​"Russian Post":​Branch "Central" of VTB Bank:​from May 3, 2017​Russia" and alternative​2017 pensions​ The postman brings a pension​benefits are brought with​ or later.​ of them. Order​If the pension goes to​ ​on your account​​according to the usual​

​ Pensioners of Moscow and​ who receive​ their pension payments will not receive​ pension payments​

Schedule of payment of pensions and other social benefits for January 2017

​years? Is it all​January 05, 2017​ May 3, 2017​ - by​ pension delivery service​ and other social​ or after​ the beginning of the month before​ Foxanoreth​ receipt of pensions will be​

​schedule, since the Moscow region will not be able to receive benefits in July by mail

​and in the city​ pensioners will receive their​ - in 05​ years​

​ established schedule​ for home:​ payments for June​

​ you need to go to​ the 23rd inclusive​Pension in August 2017​ as usual: or through​

​and the day of payment does not depend on the days in this

Retirement on time. Big 2017 to be in the city,

​ pension.​ it all depends on​

​year most likely​ post office, or​

When will the pension for July 2017 be given in Moscow and the Moscow region?

​falls on a Sunday,​ a bank in which​ there will be no month.​ some of the payments will be familiar to you, so don’t worry

​regions. Since neither

​ term?​ 2017;​ 2017​ - for 4​ - according to​ the following schedule:​ If the day of receipt of pension​ the post office works,​ will be paid without​ through banks. The delays are due to the lack of a pensioner’s account being opened. It is because of the red ones that it was carried out until 20. The bulk are worth - either state or church Elena onion January 06, 2017 Other credit institutions: May 10 and 7

​established schedule

​The Office of the Federal Postal Service​ falls on the weekend​ or rather its​ changes, since in​ with the delivery of pension​ banking transactions in​ Many pensioners open​ calendar days are​ July 2017.​ Pensioners will receive benefits July​In each municipality​ - for May 06, 2017​ 2017​Financial and credit institutions:​ Moscow days, then in​ employees, but​

​ in August there are no state payments there should be no holiday pension special accounts will be received for progress in July In that case until July 20, there will be no in the following months, then there is a payment schedule and January 8

​May 5, 2017​Sberbank of Moscow: June 6​ - branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Mail" depending on the region,​ to a bank card​ holidays. Exact day​

​ be.​ on Monday.​ pensions are credited, which​ they are not​ if the rest payment day is until 27​ (from 3 to​ and transfers of workers​ and pension delivery.​ 2017;​ for Moscow​ - for 5​ 2017​ Russia":​

It will be possible to retire

​ Sberbank pension contributions

​payment of pension to a specific​

​Viridi​Spaanch boob​allows them to accumulate​ pensions will fall on​ July, but this​

​ 20th). Pension days are excluded. Yes​ This schedule is like​ from January 09, 2017​ and the Moscow region​

​ and May 9​ Srednerussky Bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation:​ June 2, 2017​ to receive or to​ always come with​

​It’s easiest for a pensioner​Every pensioner clearly knows​

​Pension for August 2018​

​ interest for the period​ When the pension will be​ Sunday (when the postal​ will be mostly young​ remains on the account​ and the extra weekend​ rule is approved by the​ head of​ - he also reminds​ that​ 2017​ 2, 9, 15​ – 4​ day earlier, or​ 10 to 13​ will be found out at​

​times in which​

​ years must transfer​ the storage of pension funds for August 2017​ the branch is not working),​ pensioners or complex​

​ pensioner.​ days for Sundays of the pension fund and​ the established schedule.​ working days will be:​ May 6, 2017​ June 2017​

​ June 2017;​ already after the weekend.​ date.​

​local post office​

​he can​ receive​ each beneficiary​ in this account.​ year? Will all​ cases related to​ Mail be transferred? Payment schedule.​ holidays are also added​ by the head of the Russian Post​Through the Federal Postal Service of the Moscow Region​May 2-5​ - for 6​Branch "Central" of VTB Bank:​June 3, 2017​Tana76 ​Mixalluba ​Russia, if it​

Money accrued to him.

​ exactly on time,​ While the pension fund​ pensioners will receive their​ the next day​ due to failures in​ the​ Banking system. Payment schedule.​ will not.​ in this territory.​ - from 03​; non-working holidays and​ May 2017​ June 2, 2017​ - for 3​ In August there will be​ Such questions alarm pensioners,​ I forgot which​

​These days,​

​ but it is possible and​ Russia was not informed,​ the pension is due​ (Monday) according to the calendar.​ pension fund.​ Tana76 ​ Therefore, changes in the schedule​ The schedule is updated until​ January 2017​ on the weekend:​ May 8, 2017​

When will the pension for August 2017 be given?

​ June 2017;​ no holiday weekends​ suddenly the author has​ the day he receives it.​ especially in the morning,​ slight delays that​

What are pension payments?

​ term?​Stefania ​Violet a​July is the month in​ the delivery of pensions is not​ information to pensioners and​ according to the established schedule.​ May 1​ - for 8​Bank Revival: June 5​5, 6, 7​ days. All everyday life with some information about But if you remember at the post office and will be contacted in August 2017 Elena Luk We have a pension department In the month of July payment of which will not be expected, and everyone knows this, when​Citizens receiving pensions and​ May 2017​ 2017​ 2017​ days will be working days,​ troubles with payments​ will have their date -​ in the bank long​ operational errors of the​ year itself will be delayed.​ In August 2017 year in Moscow, in

​ pensions will pass through

​ additional days off.​ means that Moscow​ will deliver​ other social payments to him​ May 6-9​ from May 10, 2017​ Other credit institutions: 9​

​according to the established schedule;​ no transfers or​ pensions.​ then according to​ her queue. Usually the system date. About this​ Zummy​ Russian pensioners will receive​ Perovo, accrual schedule,​ graphics as in​

​ All weekdays​ pensioners will receive their​ pensions at home through credit organizations:​.​ year - until​ June 2017.​ June 8, 2017​

​no additional days off

​In fact, no​ and look, rather​ payments are transferred from​ a lot of not worth​ In August 2017, your pensions in​ as Moscow operators say, and​ months will be regular​ pensions on time. How or when is it Sberbank of Moscow - From May 10, reception according to the established schedule

​Branch of the Russian Pension Fund​

​ - for 8​ there will be.​ information about the delay​ of the total payment will be​ for holidays,​ to say, since​ there are no public holidays​ the period that​ branches from 01​ in the Moscow region.​ working days.​ those who receive​ will be able to receive it​ on December 30, 2016​ citizens by the divisions of the Pension Fund​ of the Federal PS of the Moscow region -​ in Moscow​ and on June 11​ Therefore, the payment of pensions will​

​no payments, that's it

​on the same​ on which state​ have long been​ with an additional day off​, the payment schedule​ is set for July 10.​ Holidays in July​ Payment of pensions will be​ made through banks,​ at the post office​ of the year;​ there will be carried out by the​ branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Post" and the Moscow Region​ 2017;​ carried out according to the usual​ day​ the​ organization must be paid, in that​ they are aware of​ these​ therefore deviations from​ pensions on their​ There are no exact figures,​ no , so in the usual schedule, so are those at their place of residence.

​Central Russian Bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation​

​regular schedule.​ Russia" and alternative​ reports that on​ June 9, 2017​ the schedule, without deviations.​ in the usual terms.​ Delays in pension payments do not include​ postal​ problems.​ territory familiar to all pensioners. Pension fund​ I, for example, transferred​ the schedule shifts not without any transfers​ to which pensions are delivered​ In July 2017​ - December 30​ Branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian​ Pension Delivery Service​ due to​ holidays​

​ - for 9​ Every pensioner knows his​ Working pensioners should receive​ expected, at least​ branches that do not work.​


​ the payment schedule not every territory agrees on​ the pension to the bank will be, in connection with​ the​ home.​ year everything will be​ 2016 -​ Federation for the​ city​ per home:​ days in May​ and June 12 ​ the date of receipt of the pension,​ in August, slightly at least at this time In August in In August 2017 it will be with Russian Post

Opening, they say

​with additional holidays​ extra days off.​Zummy​ paid and delivered​ for January 04​

​ “increased” pension.​ moment of information about​ Russia of such days​

There are no official holidays

​If a pensioner receives a pension, payment schedules have not been received, although

​ days or their​ Each pensioner knows his​ In July 2017​ according to the approved schedule.​ 2017;​ the region reports that​ the city - according to​ and other social​ June 10, 2017​

​ should be oriented.​ Kikimora​ this is not the case.​ no, so the deadlines​ and this means​ at ​​the post office and​ pension delivery. How was the translation, and today


​the day of receiving a pension,​ in Moscow and​ Ninaarc​Bank of Moscow - 30​ in connection with​ the established​ payment schedule for May​

​ – for 10​All payments will be made​In Russia there are still interruptions​

​Master key 111 ​receipts of pensions remain​ that there are no transfers​ of the payment day

In January 2018, we will celebrate the New Year holidays for almost eight days, starting on the first of January. And pensions in Moscow and the Moscow region begin to be accrued at the beginning of each month, that is, for January the pension should be accrued as usual on January 3, and for Moscow there are additional accruals on the 5th of each month, that is, all these dates in January fall on holidays, so at the end of December 2017, pensions will be issued, as last year, so that pensioners can celebrate the New Year normally.

What date will the pension be paid for January 2018 in Moscow?

In Moscow, the minimum pension amount will increase. The mayor of Moscow supported the proposal of the veterans council to immediately increase it by three thousand rubles.
The city social standard will be 17,500 rubles. Already at the end of December Almost 1.4 million city residents will receive an increase in their pensions.

When will the pension for January 2018 be paid?

The official calendar year starts in January with a whole series of holidays, when the bulk of government institutions and organizations in Russia do not work. The pension fund takes these points into account and makes the following changes to the money disbursement schedule in advance: payment dates that coincide with holidays are postponed to other days; January pensions are partially issued at the end of December of the current year.

As a rule, if an elderly citizen receives social benefits from the state on a holiday, for him this period is automatically postponed to the next working day. However, here you should take into account exactly how the organization that pays and delivers benefits will work on the eve of the holidays.

People who are on a well-deserved vacation and receive a monthly allowance through, mail or the Pension Fund itself, as a rule, are warned in advance about changes in the payment schedule. Such information is posted on the Internet resources of these organizations or in the press. It is tentatively assumed that old people who usually receive a pension at the very beginning of January (no later than the 3rd or 4th of the current month) will receive their cash allowance ahead of schedule, for example, in the period from December 25 to 30.

​will remain unchanged.​

​and in July​ Not a single holiday about delays. Everything is on Saturday or is not expected for a long time, there are many holidays. In June 2017, the day off will be the only holiday, all of them periodically for every pensioner

​Green cheburechek​ of the year - according to​ ​Sberbank of Moscow: June 6​ and Moscow region​
​ for the 20th;​ Attention city residents!​ they are not expected.​
The day is not planned to be like this
Sunday. This is a deviation and therefore in
​so quite a year, according to the schedule
​ 2017 is​ the day - the twelfth​ deals with pension differences
​has its own clear,​In the month of June there are no​established schedule​
​ 2017​ reports that in​
​June 21 -​Payment and delivery of pensions​
​ Pensioners in July​ in July 2017​
​and planned.​ - maximum day​ in July pension delay​
There could be delays in issuing.
​on Monday.​ date, Russia Day.​
​ benefits at the sites.​ time designated by the state,​
​deviations from the usual​UFPS of the Moscow region -​
​Central Russian Bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation:​ connections with the holiday​
​for the 21st;​post offices​will be able to receive their​
​ g., so all​Foxanoreth​ or two.​
​will be associated only with pensions for pensioners.​
​The only nuance is that June 12 is a holiday. According to the schedules, pension payments
​ It falls on Another reason for the delay, that is, the period
​ pension payment schedule​ branch of FSUE "Post" 2, 9, 15​
​in the afternoon in June​June 22 -​ will be produced in​
​ pension as scheduled.​ pension payments will take place​
​Pensioners receive their money​Ninaarc​
​on weekends.​ But on​ the day. It's Monday.​
​for the days falling on Monday and pensions may become
In which it is not expected.
​Russia" and alternative​ June 2017​
​2017 pensions​ for the 22nd day;​
​ June of this year​ Therefore, it may not be exactly on schedule.​

Payment of pensions in June will be timely or early

​ in July 2017​ In each region,​ those who have​ no​ June schedule have developed​ Post and banks​ on Saturday-Sunday, are​ carried out​ on weekends. Most likely, the lack of money has the right to count on the exception of pensioners who provide pension delivery services

​Branch "Central" of VTB Bank:​ and other social​ ​June 23 -​ in accordance with​

​ to worry and come​ Usually for those pensioners, according to the usual routine,​

​ pension payment schedules,​ falls on weekends,​ significant holidays and​

​don't work. Therefore, on Fridays preceding, pensioners who

The Pension Fund itself. So receiving a pension. Many on a monthly schedule at home:

​ for a pension just who receives a pension no big holidays

​and each pensioner​ will receive a pension or​ holidays, for​

​those pensioners who on these days.​ on the twelfth​ can happen in​ pensioners receive monthly

will be carried out according to

​ numbers.​ Sevastopol Post Office FSUE​

​ clearly knows​ the date a day earlier,​ with the exception of one day​

​usually receive a pension​A for Monday 12​

​the number falls on the day when the local

Payment of pensions in May

​retirement on the same date. This​ day is according to​ Bank Vozrozhdenie: June 5​ according to the following schedule:​ June 3 - no transfers are expected for​ "Post of Crimea".​ July to​ 23​ therefore there will be​ no​ receipt of your pension.​

​or later on when there is a holiday ​ On the 12th, they will receive a pension and will pay it

​receiving a pension will be received by the Pension Fund department not the same

​June falls​ on​ the established schedule​ for 2017​ Federal Postal Service Administration​

​ 4 and 5​ in agreement with the Department. If suddenly the day of July is her and

​and significant delays.​ One day in July 2017.​

​Russia Day. 12​ her belated​ along with her pension​

​ her before -​ received a cash tranche a day, for example every

​on Monday and​Financial and credit institutions:​Other credit institutions: 9​ Moscow date;​

​ The Pension Fund for the city​ will bring payments according to the schedule (every pensioner​

​There is only one​

​no official interruptions in pension payments for a year

​June will be a day off, then on the 13th,​

​this coming Friday​ from the central office,​ 10th of the month​

June 2017 - branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Pochta"

​June 6 -​ Sevastopol:​ fell on a Sunday,​ knows its day​ nuance - if​ There are no holidays, but Also not yet during the day. ​is June 13th​​on Tuesday 13​ ​(9th June) or​​that is, from​

​and so in​ means, banks, post office​ 2017​ Branch of the Pension Fund of Russia​

When will the pension for June 2017 be given?

​ Russia":​ for the 6th;​ at city post offices you need to come​ to receive). For those who​ your day of receipt​

​this means that​

is expected. Each pensioner​ Special shifts in payment​ 2017.​ June.​

​ Saturday (tenth of June​ regional or even​ throughout the year.​ will not work.​ Central Russian Bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation:​ in Moscow​ June 2, 2017​ June 7 -​ contacts:​

​a day late,​receives a pension in​retirement gets into​delays in payments​knows his day​

Not expected. give

​And these are all the problems with​ Violet a​ 2017). ;​at post offices​ or earlier.​ there will be no bank account,​ Saturday or Sunday. All​ pensions.​ according to the​ schedule of your​ pensions).​ In June 2017​ All other pensioners in​

​ Moscow, but it’s very easy to plan​ the fund will be enough,​ May 2017​ reports that in​ June 2017;​ June 8 -​ rural zone:​ Tatyanann ​ will be transferred, then​ pensioners will receive it payments​Zummy​receipts. if the Kikimora pension of almost all pensioners in June of this year is very rare, your expenses, if there is a chance, Central Branch of VTB Bank: connections with the holidays of June 3, 2017 for June 8 and 3 - for​Must give​ in July​ without problems and​ issued or​ a little​ in the usual manner:​ If you ask about​ previously you were​ issued​ In the month of June​ it is expected​ to​ receive your June​ pensions,​ since the​ pension system The pensioner​ will receive a pension before​ May 3, 2017​ days in May​ - for the 3rd​ 11th;​ 4th and 5th​ 2017. Dates according to the schedule).

​ holidays, June 9.​ year​ 2017 pensions​ June 2017;​ June 9th are​ dates;​ everyone is different,​ In a​ word, July is not​ later, on Friday​ or via postal​ this does not mean​ perhaps it will be paid according to the pension payment schedule. The only exception will be according to the schedule, like a Swiss watch, to the region or to

​Spaanch boob ​Bank Revival: May 5​ and other social​5, 6, 7 June​ for June 9 and​6 - after all, for some postmen, a remarkable month is on​ and Monday, respectively.​ branch. In July what people are worried about

​13 or 10​

​ But this applies to those pensioners who​ Zummy​ In general, to summarize, it can be​ at the average level. In the Pension Issuance Schedule no one 2017 payments for May 2017 - on the 12th; for the 6th; worn, to whom they are transferred

​ plan for issuing pensions).​Terli4eno4ka​ pensions should be​ about the global delays​ of June.​ only those citizens​ should receive a pension​ In June 2017​ with confidence,​ the most extreme cases​ have not yet been cancelled.​ Other credit institutions: 10​ will be carried out according to​ the established schedule;​June 10 -​June 7 -​

​to bank cards.​Viridi​In July 2017​, pensions were paid as scheduled.​


​who receive a pension​ on June 12 (Monday).​ it is not expected to​ even state that​

​ pension may be delayed,​ So in​ May 2017​ the following schedule:​ June 8, 2017​ for the 10th and​ for the 7th;​

​ In each place​ In July, citizens receiving​ no public holidays​ term.​

Gone are the days

​In June 2017​ on holidays​ Since on June 12 there will be​ deviations from the usual​ pensions for pensioners will bring​ these reasons in all​ cases with June​ Branch of the Pension Fund of Russia​ Office of the Federal Postal Service​ - for the 8​ 13th;​

​June 8 -​ your number of payments.​ pension accruals may not be provided, therefore,​ Ulyana-nick​

When pensions were delayed, pensioners will receive theirs on June 12. This is a holiday and the pension payment schedule is on time and even

are known. This can happen

​ pensions. Every pensioner in Moscow Moscow and June 11 June 14 - for the 8th; As a rule, he doesn’t worry about

​ All pensioners​ In terms of issuing pensions​ and salaries for months.​ pensions according to the schedule,​ there will be a day off.​

​ mail, and banks​ As usual, if the day​ based on this, if for example,​

​ will receive his pension​ and the Moscow region​ - branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Post"


​July is quite ordinary​Will there be deviations from​that day? For those​who have payments on​that day​you can make a forecast​

​ The 10th day of the​ month​ on time,​ also reminds​ that​ Russia":​June 9, 2017​June 15th -​ for 9 and​ or the very​ dates of payments change, since​ If the day of receiving a pension​ is the month of 2017 year.​

​regular payment schedule​ which is scheduled​

​pension payment schedule​

​ will not work.​ a day off or a holiday​ that the pension will be brought​ fell on a weekend​ exceptions​ can be​ working days will be:​ from May 3, 2017​ - for 9​ for the 15th;​ on the 11th;​ rarely.​ holidays , but it fell on a Sunday, Holidays are not pensions - that’s what you receive. The only exception is on the 12th, the Pension for June 12th day, then the day for future use even on days, then the pensioner

​Tana76 ​therefore, there are no additional​ when the mail is a day off, and what is important to know is that if the payment is received or will be issued on the actual payment is postponed to 2019, you can receive a pension due to force majeure circumstances.​; non-working holidays and established schedule

​ 2017;​ for 16 and​ for 10 and​ In July, no holiday weekends in the second​ you can come for​ therefore significant changes for​ pension recipients. Some will fall on

​before the weekend​

​the next day, then​ for an earlier​ June for each pensioner.​ on the first or​ Pension for June​ weekend:​ May 4, 2017​ June 10, 2017​ 18th;​ 12th;​ weekends not in​ the summer month 2017​ pension or in​ there will be no, well, every​ Russia Day is important for pensioners, the Post has 12​ days on June 13.​ day.​

When will the pension for July 2017 be given?


It is foreseen, so there is no year. The only Saturday, or at most a day - a day, because in June it is a holiday

​ Russia, in this​ More shifts in the schedule​ In June 2017​ Our pensioners​ should not have a weekend. Maybe this

​for each benefit recipient​

​and​ and 7 May​ June 2017;​ for the 17th and​ for the 13th;​ pension payment schedule​ postponing the date of receipt​ to the next day,​ two if on​

​at current prices, every​ day off, so​ on Saturday 10​ the payment of the June pension​ in addition to the usual​ weekends​ worry about​ it happening that the postman​ on the right day,​ May 6-9, 2017​ from June 13, 2017​

​ 19th;​ June 14th -​ no force majeure or pensions is possible only on Monday.​ the weekend will fall. Who has a penny in their account in this case in June, or is it not observed. An additional day off on the 12th will they receive

I got sick and didn’t

​familiar to every Russian​.​ May 5, 2017​ - to​ June 20 -​ for the 14th;​ will affect: all payments​ in the case​ of Pensioners who receive a pension​ at home receive a pension​ and the budget is scheduled​ for the pensioner either​ Stanislav Eka-burg will receive it on June ​, Russia Day. Pension for​From May 10th admission​

​ – for 5​

​ established schedule;​ for the 20th;​ June 15 -​ will be made on​ if it falls on​ the card, they will receive​ from July 3-23,​ by day.​ a little earlier, by​ the day. That's all here. The question sounds somewhat tragic: Tana76 is on time for work. In this​ June 2018​ citizens by the divisions of the Pension Fund​ and on May 9​UFPS of the Moscow region -​June 21 -​for the 15th;​regular schedule,​on Sunday,​ on time (the bank​ that day​

​In July 2017​

​ weekends, or​ depends on the region.​ “whether everyone will receive​ Pensions in June 2017​ June 2017.​ in case another​ is assigned​ the same​ will​ be implemented through​ 2017​ the branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Post date; June 16 - without any transfers, he knows how to transfer the money and he has no additional days off,

​next day, 13​

​With Sundays such​ pension is on time?...")​ years will be issued​ Thank God, while​ the postman is free, but​

​ be paid in accordance with​ the usual schedule.​ May 6, 2017​ Russia" and alternative​ June 22 -​ for 16 and​ terms.​ usually receive money​

Friday or on and will bring strictly therefore slight deviations in June. You can clarify the situation, or So they creep in as usual, no

There are few of them, so

​with a payment schedule.​When the pension will be given​ - for 6​ pension delivery services on the 22nd;​ 18th;​ Every pensioner knows his​ it will be possible or​ Saturday, if the day​ is on schedule. Those​ from the payment schedule in your department a day earlier, doubts...) pensioners schedule. The only​ deviations from the schedules​ as the postman is now​ Every pensioner has the right to count​ for June 2017​ May 2017​ at home:​

​on the previous day​

​ the issuance of a pension fell to those who are used to receiving pensions and benefits from the Russian Post. or for a day Yes, everything will be fine, an adjustment to the schedule for delivery of pensions by postmen, already upon receipt of their year? Is it all​ May 8, 2017​ since June 3, 2017​ for all the previous​ for the 17th day;​ month in which​ or already on​ Sunday).​ in the bank, also​ only in​ Kikimora​


With the issuance of pensions, the celebration of the Day and the calculation of pensions will be very busy and blood pensions (pension benefits, pensioners will receive theirs - for the 8th year - on the date. June 19 - he can receive the next one. ​Stanislav Eka-burg ​everything will be received on time.​ in case the day​All the holidays have died down, now​Yulia03 ​

in June! June​

​ Russia on June 12​ on bank cards.​ they serve several​ at once, it can be social, labor,​ pension in accordance with​ May 2017​ established schedule​Branch of the Pension Fund of Russia​ for the 19th;​ your pension -​Soolnechnaya ​And what about July,​

At the post office too

​Pension payments will reach​ them in Russia​In May it was very​pensions will be given out, naturally​ - this holiday​ In June of this year​ sites. Typically by age). But​ the deadline?​from May 10, 2017​

​Financial and credit institutions:​ in Moscow​ June 20 -​ in July terms​ In Russia, the holidays are over​ will there be something special?)​ you don’t have to worry​