What is the best face cream according to cosmetologist reviews and customer advice? The best face cream: what does it mean? Safe brand face creams.


Filabe comes from Switzerland. These are dry square napkins made of a material resembling microfiber. Packed in plastic bags of 7 pieces. There are 4 packs (28 pieces) in the box, which will last for 2 or 4 weeks, depending on how many times a day you use the product. For travel, judging by the concept, the product is great!

One side is harder, the other is soft, velvety. The method of application is simple: moisten a napkin with water, without squeezing it, wipe your face: first with the hard side, then with the soft side. According to the creators' idea, the skin remains smooth, soft, cleansed, moisturized, and the napkin replaces all usual care.

My detailed reviews

The first stage of testing Filabe napkins happened just during the trip. . Getting ready for Barcelona, ​​I took Filabe and, after thinking about it, put Kiehl's night concentrate into my cosmetic bag - I remembered that after the beach I would definitely want to moisturize my skin additionally. Then I thought a little more and took MAC makeup remover wipes. I left everything else at home - the cosmetic bag turned out to be much lighter than usual.

The first surprise from the napkins - oh, they are dry! And small ones! On one side the napkin is slightly rough, on the other it is smooth. It feels dense to the touch. I decided to moisten it with water from a bottle and was surprised again - there was no creamy, greasy or any other sensation left on my hands or face. Remember that old skin type test: wash your face with soap and water and wait an hour, then apply a paper towel to your face and look at the marks. I could never sit through this hour - if after washing my face I don’t apply a complete set of serum, eye cream, face cream and lip product, I’m not a person, I’m a baked potato. After Filabe, the feeling is exactly what a normal person should have after washing: the skin is clean, fresh, not tight, without film or traces of cream. Just skin - without any additional effects. Despite the fact that the instructions warned that the skin may dry out from unaccustomed use, I, a person who has not lived without moisturizers for many, many years, did not feel any discomfort.

Was it in vain that I brought MAC wipes and a magic jar of Kiehl's with me? It turned out that no. Firstly, I couldn't remove my makeup with Filabe wipes: they don't remove mascara, of course, they remove foundation quite well, but for cleanliness I need 2-3 napkins. If you have full makeup with foundation, powder, blush, mascara, eyelid and eyebrow products and lipstick, you won’t be able to remove it with Filabe: the napkin is small, gets dirty quickly, rinse it with tap water somehow. It’s strange, rinsing with water from a bottle is inconvenient. Are the beneficial ingredients washed away when you rinse? God knows, I didn’t find anything in the instructions about this. If you don’t rinse, it turns out that you’re rubbing your face with a dirty rag.

Secondly, about four days later I caught a cold and the flaky skin around my nose asked for moisture. I took out the magic concentrate and in the morning a completely different person looked at me from the mirror - with smoother skin, with less pronounced expression wrinkles, more fresh than after an evening treatment that included only Filabe.

Over the course of a week, I used three (!!!) packs of Filabe wipes (2 moisturizers and 1 Skin Clear). We count: I woke up in the morning and used a napkin. I applied face cream with SPF 50 and went to the beach. I returned from the beach and used a napkin. I put on my makeup and went for a walk or to dinner. I returned in the evening, took off my makeup, and went to bed. And so on every trip: I always wash my face and do my makeup again before evening events.

The result of the first stage of use: the idea is good, but uneconomical. Those who cannot live without cream, but who cannot choose a product for the summer that does not clog pores or create a film on the face, will really like the wipes. Tuscany is ahead of me, I take Filabe, makeup remover wipes and some of my favorite night products.

The second stage of testing Filabe napkins, which took place in Moscow and Tuscany, showed the following : firstly, how much the skin tightens or does not tighten after them depends on the water with which you wet the napkin. The result is worse with tap water (even Tuscan water), but better with bottled water, especially Evian or Aqua Panna. Yes, a conclusion from the “hello, Cap” series. Maybe I should just start washing my face with Evian without any wipes?

Secondly, you still shouldn’t rinse the napkins - an additional portion of water (any kind) washes out the moisturizing components from the napkin and significantly tightens the skin.

Thirdly, napkins are suitable for those who know for sure that there will be no surprises on the trip. They were waiting for me - the thermal water in the Terme di Saturnia complex in Tuscany has a drying effect, and therefore some napkins for skin care were clearly not enough for me. And the pack ran out in a day and a half: a napkin in the morning, one after the pool and before lunch, another in the evening before getting ready for dinner, one before bed. I seriously started to think that maybe I was cleansing my skin often?

Fourthly, it became clear how much our entire cosmetics industry revolves around the usual care regimen. I bought Clarins self-tanning concentrate, which should I add where? That's right, in cream.

You can live without cream if you are an ideal user of napkins: you cleanse your skin (and care for it) strictly 2 times a day, do not use special care products (protecting from the sun, for example), and are ready to moisten the napkins with bottled water. Yes, it is also advisable that the user does not use makeup, because it still needs to be removed using special means. It begins to seem to me that such a user is a man. I offered the wipes to my husband, and it turned out that he too was heavily dependent on moisturizing creams. So far, it seems to me that to lighten the baggage it is easier to use a pair of “makeup remover wipes + universal face cream” than to try to integrate Filabe into your daily care.

The third stage of testing took place in Sicily. As a seasoned fighter, I brought makeup remover wipes, sunscreen, and a couple of mask samples just in case. The wipes didn’t give me any surprises: if you moisten them with water from a bottle, it really doesn’t tighten the skin, makeup remover and sun protection are still needed, wipes don’t replace them. So is there life without cream? There is life without day cream, but there is no life without cleansing masks, makeup removers, and SPF products. There is no life without multifunctional facial care products (for example, without BB and CC creams, which often replace day care), there is no life without moisturizing masks and concentrates that bring your skin back to life after the tenth flight in a month.

You can live without night cream, but with it, I personally find it more fun and the reflection in the mirror in the morning makes me much more happy.

My conclusion is this: wipes really save space in your travel cosmetics bag, but you can save it by simply carrying a bottle of micellar water with you. Nothing bad happened to my skin without the usual serums and creams (I didn’t expect this, however), but let’s be honest: a modern girl cannot limit her entire care to just wipes, if only because there are no wipes (or tablets) that protect skin against the influence of the sun and the environment was not invented.

I wouldn’t say that the condition of my skin has changed significantly. All the advantages and disadvantages remain with me.

In general, in the summer there is life without day cream, whether traveling or at home, just as there is life without Filabe. But I would hardly live in winter without the cream and, it seems, Filabe would hardly help me.

As a result:

Wipes will not replace all care, because... I still needed makeup remover and sun protection.

Wetting the wipes with tap water dries out the skin. It is best to wet the wipes with good water like Evian or Aqua Panna. There is no need to wet it much - just a little water is needed.

It’s inconvenient for me to take only Filabe when traveling: I cleanse my face several times a day, at least in the morning before applying makeup, before going to bed and before getting ready for evening events. With this regime, you won’t have enough napkins.

Special care cannot be replaced with napkins: moisturizing and cleansing masks are still needed.

To sum it up: the wipes will appeal to beauty minimalists, those who cannot accustom themselves to constant facial care; those who are looking for care that leaves no traces behind; those who do not wear makeup; for those who have normal or oily skin without problems. There is absolutely no need to be a traveler. I probably won’t include Filabe in my facial care regimen when traveling. And yes, I didn’t find any difference between the different types of napkins.

All reviews from volunteers and editors of beautyinsider.ru

At a young age, representatives of the fair sex do not think about the need for proper facial skin care. However, it is very thin and sensitive, and the sooner you start using quality cosmetic products, the longer you will shine, remaining young and attractive. 30 years is perhaps the most suitable age for using cosmetics, creams and serums for the face. We present the top 10 best cosmetics for the face after 30 in 2019.

How to choose the right face cream, and what to consider when buying it?

  • Manufacturing company. It must be tested and use only high-quality ingredients,
  • Expiration date and composition of the cosmetic product,
  • Selecting a cream that suits your skin type
  • Advice from cosmetologists and dermatologists,
  • Customer reviews.

Outside the category - “Luxury Food” - L’Oreal

Nutrients, collagen, vitamins, essential oils - the result is an even complexion, glowing skin, softness and velvety. And also soothing skin - white jasmine, rosemary and lavender. The cosmetic instantly saturates and nourishes the skin with moisture, increases elasticity and fights signs of fatigue. As a result of using this cosmetic product, the skin tone is significantly evened out, it becomes richer, redness on the face also disappears, and freckles become much lighter.


  • Conveniently and evenly distributed over the skin;
  • Doesn't clog pores;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Light, melting texture;
  • Pleasant smell;
  • Whitening effect;
  • Elimination of swelling.


  • Frequent counterfeits;
  • Price.

A super nourishing cream suitable for extreme hydration of facial skin over 30 based on natural ingredients not only eliminates the first signs of aging, but also prevents their reappearance. The cream effectively combats skin problems, and evenly distributed nourishing and moisturizing elements instantly eliminate tightness. Hyaluronic acid, which is part of this cosmetic product, retains moisture for 24 hours, improves the tone and elasticity of facial skin, and maintains mobility and flexibility of joints. The product is also suitable under makeup.


  • Corrects facial skin tone;
  • No film effect;
  • Does not leave a greasy sheen;
  • Well absorbed;
  • Pleasant smell and texture;
  • Super moisturizing effect.


  • Frequent counterfeits;
  • Price;
  • No dispenser.

The Vichy company was one of the first to combine the medicinal and decorative functions of cosmetic products. The cream for girls in the “30+” category is created on the basis of thermal water, which softens skin cells; products marked Aqualia Thermal indicate moisturizing properties. The cream smoothes out all the unevenness, and the skin gains healthy elasticity, the feeling of tightness and fatigue disappears. In winter, in frosty and dry conditions, the cosmetic product effectively protects the skin from hypothermia.


  • Helium consistency;
  • Affordable price;
  • Natural composition;
  • Economical consumption;
  • No parabens;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Control by dermatologists.


  • Not identified.

This cosmetic product “Face Microsculptor” belongs to the anti-aging series and fights early signs of aging, keeping the skin in good condition and restoring its youth and elasticity. The effectiveness of the effect on facial skin lies in the increased concentration of amino peptides, which stimulates the production of collagen, as well as precious marine peptides. Hyaluronic acid is responsible for strengthening intercellular structures, and a complex of antioxidants promotes complete and continuous hydration of the skin.


  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • Thick consistency;
  • Pleasant smell;
  • Long shelf life.


  • Price.

7. Biotherm face cream Age Fitness Elastic

Cosmetic serum-cream is intended for mixed and normal facial skin, and also has the properties of intensive care for mature facial skin after thirty years. More suitable as a preventive remedy, it also fights early signs of aging and unwanted premature wrinkles. The composition of the cosmetic product contains an active formula that successfully inhibits the loss of elasticity, wrinkles and dehydration.


  • Pleasant smell;
  • Separate double dispenser;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Instantly absorbed;
  • Light lifting;
  • Reasonable price.


  • Not identified

6. Clinique Youth Surge Cream with SPF 15 protection

An exclusive cream that activates the renewal of body cells during periods of rest, it recreates the youth of the epidermis in the evening and at night. This anti-aging product, by increasing collagen and proteins necessary for the full functioning of cells, eliminates the first early signs of aging - wrinkles. Due to their composition and the ability to prolong the youth of the epidermis, they are called “longevity genes.”


  • Excellent nutrition and hydration;
  • Economical due to density;
  • Does not weigh down the skin;
  • Hypoallergenic;


  • White cream;
  • Too greasy;
  • Price.

5. Lancome Cream - Primordiale

Anti-aging serum, the main ingredient of which is an exclusively developed Cell Defense filter, containing four components that can freeze free radicals by 99%. The appearance of premature wrinkles and skin aging is significantly slowed down. A powerful mineral complex restores a healthy complexion, restoring a vibrant tone to the skin, and also promotes cell renewal.


  • Light texture;
  • Elimination of unwanted redness;
  • Clears pigment spots;
  • Does not leave a greasy sheen;
  • Easily absorbed.


  • Makeup does not apply well after applying the cream;
  • The appearance of fragrance;
  • Price.

An effective, multifunctional cosmetic product from a Korean manufacturer, with a high content (92%) of Mizon snail extract, has gained popularity all over the world due to its restorative and rejuvenating function. Mizon all one snall, saturating the epidermis with essential minerals and microelements, will solve skin problems after thirty in a short time and ensure its elasticity, restoration and necessary care.

The effective effect of the cosmetic cream extends not only to wrinkles, but also to age spots, redness, and scars. The optimal composition rejuvenates the facial skin and restores its functions. It is rightfully considered the best cream with a lifting effect.


  • Not addictive;
  • Multifunctional cosmetic product;
  • Anti-aging;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Brightening;
  • Affordable price.


  • Slightly pharmaceutical smell;
  • Contains silicone.

This multifunctional cosmetic product is ideal at any time of the year; it counteracts temperature changes, dust, wind, burns, etc., and also normalizes the skin's hydro balance. The cream is also suitable as a soothing agent for skin that has undergone deep chemical cleansing or other cosmetic procedures.

The cream contains vitamin C and UV filters and polysaccharides, which is suitable for irritated and sensitive skin and provides comprehensive and systematic restoration of damaged skin, strengthening and protecting it from external factors, and also reduces the effect of free radicals, improving its texture. The cream effectively prevents early aging of the facial skin, the formation of unwanted wrinkles, and loss of elasticity.


  • Can be used as a base for makeup;
  • Reasonable price;
  • Pleasant smell;
  • Relieves redness and irritation;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Doesn't clog pores;
  • Normalizes microflora;
  • Light texture.
  • Efficiency;


  • Not suitable for all skin types.

2. Organic Linden Face Cream – Logona

Rich in a vitamin complex, the intensive moisturizing cream protects your facial skin for 24 hours. Contains vitamins and moisturizing oils necessary to maintain skin elasticity, which can restore elasticity to the skin and protect it from external factors. Organic Linden from Logona is suitable for any face type and can also be used on the neck and décolleté.


  • Reasonable price;
  • Well absorbed;
  • Convenient application;
  • Excellent moisturizing;
  • Organic composition.


  • Texture too dense;
  • Not suitable for all skin types.

1. Beauty Skin Cream – Mulsan Cosmetic

Recently, natural cosmetics have begun to gain momentum in popularity and effectiveness. Natural facial care helps avoid allergic reactions, is ideal for sensitive skin, does not harm or pollute the upper layer of the epithelium with preservatives, parabens, silicones and other harmful substances. Organic cosmetics are the future of cosmetology. Therefore, it is useful for a woman to have the skills to choose the right face cream with natural ingredients.

No parabens!

Natural organic creams must be labeled “paraben-free.” What does it mean and what are these substances - parabens?

Parabens- These are synthetic chemicals that are obtained from parahydroxybenzoic acid.

Why are parabens added to cosmetics? Parabens have a preservative effect, that is, if the cream contains parabens, then pathogenic microorganisms will not begin to spread in it and such a product will not deteriorate 1-2 months after opening the package. Adding parabens to cosmetics is very beneficial, but this benefit applies exclusively to manufacturers, and not to consumers.

Parabens are harmful synthetic chemicals that should not be in an organic face cream.

Why are parabens harmful? Because they provoke an allergic reaction and are also persistent carcinogens.

How can you replace synthetic parabens in face cream? If you want to purchase a cream without parabens, then it should contain: vitamins C and E (ascorbic acid and the strongest antioxidant), propolis extract, seaweed, essential oils, eucalyptus, as well as natural extracts of plants and herbs - oak, birch, bird cherry , pine trees. Thanks to these substances in the cream, the product will have a shelf life of 2 years.

Natura Siberica

Company creamsNatura Siberica contains 95% natural ingredients. Cosmetics are not tested on animals, do not contain parabens, preservatives and have been tested in a laboratory.

  • Composition of the day cream “Moisturizing and Protection”:, shea, apricot, lavender water, rice powder. The effect is softening, moisturizing, nourishing the skin, giving it elasticity and a matte effect throughout the day. Suitable for sensitive skin.

Maria:“Natura Siberica creams are expensive, which is their disadvantage. But this is quite justified, because it contains only natural ingredients. Personally, I don’t like the smell of this cream, as well as the effect of a greasy film (if you overdo it with applying the product).”

Composition of the cream “for sensitive skin with Rhodiola rosea”: vitamin P, rhodiola rosea, hyaluronic acid, chamomile extract, lemon balm. Effect: contains ultraviolet protection, nourishes, soothes the skin, has a softening and anti-inflammatory effect. Suitable for skin prone to allergic reactions.

Cream Alternatives Natura Siberica – LOGONA, Germany; REN, Britain; Dr. Hauschka.

No silicones!

Silicone is a chemical substance obtained from sand. Used in cosmetics to improve cream absorption and lack of stickiness. The main disadvantage is that silicone creates an invisible film on the skin, through which air does not pass and the vitamins and microelements necessary for the epithelium are not supplied. If you use a cream with silicone for several months, it will cause clogging of the pores and the formation of acne with blackheads.

Composition of the cream “Sakura Branch” from the company “Modum”: sakura extract, ginseng. Effect: increasing skin elasticity, giving it an even and smooth contour, cleansing of toxic substances, regulating cell metabolism, rejuvenating effect with regular use.

Composition of Doliva cream with moisturizing care: vegetable oils, vitamin complexes, moisturizing components. Suitable for combination skin, eliminates flaking, combats dryness.

Ingredients of the Cucumber cream: aloe vera gel, glycerin, cucumber extract, hydrovanse component. Effect: moisturizing, toning, nourishing the skin, giving it softness and freshness.

No glycerin!

Glycerol– a chemical substance, colorless and transparent, with intense moisturizing properties. The permissible glycerin content in organic cream is no more than 7%.

Ingredients of the cream “Olive oil and red grapes”: grape extract, vegetable oil, lemon, extract, rose water, seaweed. Effect: moisturizing, skin regeneration.

STEAMCREAM creams containing: cocoa butter, chamomile extract, rose petals, lavender essential oil, jojoba and almond vegetable oils, oat milk infusion. Effect: moisturizing, nourishing, smoothing fine expression wrinkles.

Tamara Lodko, cosmetologist: “On the skincare cosmetics market it is difficult to find a high-quality and organic face cream that does not contain glycerin. As a rule, such funds have a high cost, which is why the demand for them is low.”

No smell!

Many women are allergic to the scents of cosmetic products. This is especially true during pregnancy. Therefore, for facial care at this time, cosmetologists recommend using unscented creams.

Composition of GREEN PEOPLE cream: green tea extract, evening primrose, avocado and squalene vegetable oil, seaweed. Effect: maintaining skin water balance for a long time, nourishing and softening.

Composition of Rosacea cream, Provence Sante France: blueberry extract, gammel essential oil, vegetable oil, oat milk, coral moss extract. Effect: stimulation of blood circulation, nutrition, protection of the skin from harmful environmental influences, elimination of redness and irritation on the face.

Read the label before purchasing an organic cream. It should indicate that this is a natural cosmetic product that is not tested on animals and has undergone clinical laboratory conditions. Natural face cream does not contain parabens, glycerin, mineral oils, fragrances, preservatives, lanolin, or fragrances.

Product Name: Ultra Facial Oil-Free Gel-Cream - Moisturizing gel-cream for the face without oils


Expanded opinion: Initially, I received this cream as a sample. After anointing myself a couple of times, I decided that this was what I needed for this spring, and I purchased the full-size version. But I didn’t wait until spring;)

The cream itself is protected by another thick coating, which I don’t want to remove yet. For some reason it seems more hygienic this way.

Active ingredients: Antarcticin, which provides excellent protection against dryness, imperata cylindrica (desert plant extract) improves skin microcirculation. Butcher's broom extract reduces skin swelling and eliminates dark circles under the eyes. Glycerin absorbs moisture from the air and retains it, maintaining the hydration level of the skin and hair. Vitamin E neutralizes free radicals and has moisturizing properties.

Compound: Aqua/Water, Glycerin, Alcohol Denat., Propanediol, Glycereth - 26, Isononyl Isononanoate, Ammonium Polyacryldimethyltauramide/Ammonium Polyacryloyldimethyl Taurate, Imperata Cylindrica Root Extract, Phenoxyethanol, Sodium Benzoate, Propylene Glycol, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Hyaluronate Ps, eudoalteromonas Ferment Extract, Citric Acid, Caprylyl Glycol, Carbomer, Biosaccharide Gum-1, Panthenol, Cucumis Sativus Juice/Cucumber Fruit Extract, Acrylates/C10 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer
I don’t understand ingredients, and therefore I will be very glad to know your opinion about it;)

My skin is thin, with rashes, very oily in places, but if you wash it, it tightens and dries out a lot. (But there is no such problem anymore, thanks to the wash and toner from the same Kiehl's). When applied, it smells a little like alcohol, but in general, I can say that the cream is fragrance-free. Absorbs very quickly, not sticky, not greasy, not comedogenic , feels somewhat like a serum.
There is enough alcohol in the composition, but maybe it is due to this that the pimples dry out, but nevertheless, the skin remains moisturized. I didn’t notice any films or subsequent increased shine on my face.
This is how the cream itself looks - transparent, pleasant, light. With very economical consumption.

It does not cause allergies or rashes, I would even say that it fights and calms my minor rashes a little. The same cannot be said about my two previous drugstore creams. We behave just fine under foundation; they apply more smoothly, evenly and no longer highlight flaking. For me - a real find!

Price: 50 ml for 720 Czech crowns, can be purchased on the Russian website for 2200 rubles. (But I didn’t find if this is the price for 50 ml or still 125 ml)
Testing period: 2 weeks
Grade: 5

In conclusion, I want to say that with the Kiehl's brand, washing my face turned into a little holiday;)
