What foods promote breast enlargement? Folk methods of breast enlargement - very real How to drink yeast for breast growth enlargement

Every representative of the fair sex dreams of sexy hips and breasts. But nature, unfortunately, does not give everyone the desired bust size.

In this regard, women:

  • decide to have breast augmentation surgery;
  • someone is engaged in active physical exercises to give it more voluminous and attractive shapes;
  • someone switches to a special diet.

This begs the question – are there really breast enlargement foods?

It is necessary to provide and analyze as much information as possible regarding this topic in order to obtain a competent and accurate answer to the question posed.

Myth or reality

It has now been precisely proven that breast size is determined by the level of a hormone such as estrogen in the body.

The attractiveness of a female figure depends on it. When a woman has a deficiency of this hormone, she becomes flat in all places where there should be certain rounded shapes.

Accordingly, if the body receives the required amount of estrogen, then the female breast will increase in size and volume.

The important point is that estrogen is produced in the female ovaries, and obtaining this hormone from the outside is only an artificial replacement for the lack of one’s own.

You can supplement the missing amount of estrogen in two ways:

  • use of hormonal therapy (tablets, dietary supplements);
  • consumption of products containing plant estrogen (“phytoestrogens”).

The first method carries with it a lot of contraindications and side effects, so such methods are approached very carefully and are used exclusively in special cases, strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

As for the second, this is the safest and most useful way to increase the necessary hormone.

By including foods containing estrogen in your diet, you can increase its level in your body, which will subsequently lead to a certain result, namely, breast enlargement.

But you shouldn’t indulge yourself in advance with stunning results. When receiving certain foods, they still do not have a direct effect on the growth of the mammary glands.


Many common foods consumed almost every day contain phytoestrogens, similar to human estrogen.

Once in the human body with food, the latter are easily absorbed and can replace and eliminate the deficiency of their own hormone.

The main groups of products containing phytoestrogens:

  • legumes– beans, peas, various types of beans, lentils;
  • products containing soy– soybeans, flour, cheese, yoghurts, butter, tofu, etc.;
  • vegetables– tomatoes, pumpkin, eggplant, broccoli and cauliflower;
  • fruits and dried fruits– dried apricots, dates, peaches, red grapes, raspberries, strawberries;
  • certain seeds and grains– flax, sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, rice, barley, wheat, oats;
  • spices– cloves, oregano, thyme, ginger;
  • herbs– mint, clover, fennel;
  • animal products– meat, fish, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, butter, lard.

From the presented list it is clearly seen that there are quite a lot of products containing plant estrogen, and we actually use many of them every day.

But at the same time, not everyone has the desired breast size.

It should be noted that many of the above products, which are a source of additional phytoestrogen, are not able to affect the change in breast volume to a greater extent.

And excessive consumption of some can cause significant harm to your health.


Regarding yeast, it should immediately be noted that here we are talking mainly only about brewer’s yeast, which is used in the production of beer.

It is thanks to beer that the opinion has developed that, consuming it in large quantities, many men begin to acquire female breasts and hips, therefore, it should promote the growth of mammary glands in women.

But yeast does not play any role in this case.

Beer can:

  • firstly, lead to excess weight gain, and therefore you get additional fat deposits everywhere, including in the bust, since beer is a very high-calorie product that can increase metabolism and appetite.
  • secondly, in reality, the change in breast shape, towards its enlargement, in this case is influenced not by yeast, but by hops, with a high content of the same phytoestrogen. And yeast is nothing more than ordinary mushrooms, and has nothing to do with bust size.

Video: In consultation with a specialist

What foods should you eat for breast enlargement?

It can be said with certainty that many products generally cannot directly affect breast growth.

But they are able to indirectly influence the desired process, namely, lead to the production of its own estrogen in the female body, which in turn is decisive in this matter.

In addition, many of the products containing phytoestrogen are useful for improving overall health, which is also important in achieving the desired breast shape.

The most important thing is not to abuse some of them, and approach your diet wisely.

The most favorable food products for breast enlargement have been identified, which provide the maximum benefit in this matter, if consumed correctly.

Legumes and soybeans

These products, in many respects, or more precisely due to the large amount of phytoestrogen they contain, can affect breast growth.

Include in your diet:

  • porridge from peas and lentils;
  • soups with beans and peas;
  • various kinds of salads, where the main ingredients will be legumes and healthy vegetable oils (olive, flaxseed).

Also, do not forget about soy, which contains the missing hormone.

It is better to consume it in its usual form, and not in products containing it, since they are all currently GMOs, so there may be more harm than good.

You shouldn’t overuse legumes every day, otherwise you can easily gain excess volume in all places, and not just where you need it.


Oatmeal, famous for its benefits, promotes breast growth. You can eat it every day for breakfast using it as an additional source of energy. This is the most harmless and very effective product.

Excellent foods for the mammary glands are grains such as rice, corn and wheat.

Having compiled a daily menu for the week, where for breakfast there will be a variety of porridges from these cereals, you:

  1. ensure good digestion;
  2. put your diet in order;
  3. enrich your body with additional estrogen.

All this will have a positive effect on the shape of your body as a whole.

An important point in preparing grains is that they must be cooked strictly from cereals, and not from semi-processed instant porridges, to preserve the benefits.

Vegetables and fruits

They have a direct effect on the production of much-needed estrogen by a woman's ovaries.

By enriching your daily diet with vegetables and fruits, focusing on certain types, you will be able to notice the desired changes in your bust.

During the summer season, try to eat more:

  • peaches;
  • apricots;
  • strawberries;
  • strawberries;
  • raspberries;
  • cherries.

Dried fruits are also very good: dried apricots, dates.

They are good antioxidants that help cleanse and heal tissues and the body as a whole.

Vegetables are the richest source of fiber. Increase your consumption of fresh tomatoes, carrots, and cucumbers.

Excellent sources of phytoestrogen are:

  1. pumpkin;
  2. eggplant;
  3. potato;
  4. beet.

Healthy fats

Since the fatty tissue in the mammary glands determines the overall size of the breasts, some foods containing fats will be very beneficial for breast enlargement.

The latter, in turn, are able to give and add the desired volume.

List of foods enriched with healthy fats:

  • salo;
  • bananas;
  • walnuts,
  • olive;
  • flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds;
  • fish;
  • dairy products.

All this is affordable and easy to eat daily.

The main thing is to know the measure and portions so as not to lead to unwanted weight gain, which will be difficult to remove from the stomach, hips and arms.

It is in these places that adipose tissue is deposited more and faster than in the breasts.

What doesn't help

All presented products can indirectly affect breast enlargement, having a general stimulating effect on certain processes in the female body.

Some very famous and popular products, even if they are enriched with phytoestrogens, have absolutely no effect on the volume and size of the mammary gland.

These include:

  • cabbage– the main representative of myths about products that can enlarge breasts significantly;
  • still mineralized water– it can only normalize intestinal function and improve metabolism;
  • easily digestible carbohydrates (rolls, pastries, sweets) and fatty foods– do more harm than good.

What experiments are generally prohibited?

Some of the products are not only completely useless for breast enlargement and growth, but can also cause significant harm to overall health.

Certain points must simply be excluded and under no circumstances should you experiment on yourself, despite any advice.

Among these are:

  • the use of various ointments, rubbing and lotions prepared on the basis of folk recipes;
  • abuse of beer, hoping to get the desired volume;
  • consumption of various types of yeast;
  • eating raw dough;
  • excessive consumption of any phytoestrogens.

Many people prepare various compresses, lotions, creams, apply leaves of various plants, etc.

Beer can cause the development of female alcoholism. It has a detrimental effect on the health of your liver, one of the main blood filters.

With the help of beer, you will quickly gain volume in your waist and hips, if they are where you expect them to be.

Yeast and raw dough are a strong blow to the digestive system. You risk becoming hostage to diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and dysbacteriosis.

When they are consumed, enormous damage is caused to the intestines and its inherent microflora, which subsequently requires long-term recovery.

Under no circumstances should you consume excess amounts of certain foods, for example, legumes - this is a very heavy product.

Any abuse of seemingly harmless food can lead to unpredictable consequences - allergies, stomach upset, hormonal imbalance, bowel dysfunction, insomnia, etc.

After analyzing all the points, we can conclude that breast enlargement products have an indirect positive effect.

Basically, they contribute to the normalization and restoration of the lost process of estrogen production by the female body, which is the determining hormone for growth and development of the mammary gland.

To enlarge the breasts to the desired volume, it is necessary to use an integrated approach.

It should include a proper diet, with a reasonable emphasis on the above food groups, additional physical exercise, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

1. Linden blossom

2. Oil and flax seeds

3. Hop cones

4. Oregano

5. Soy

Massage helps keep your breasts in shape; it accelerates the delivery of oxygen to the tissues and improves blood circulation. The breasts must be massaged in a circular motion for 10 minutes. You need to do this every day after your evening shower. Essential oils can be used. For breast enlargement, geranium, ylang-ylang and primrose oils containing phytoestrogens are suitable.

Enlargement is a good thing, but don’t forget about caring for your breasts and décolleté. The skin in this area is very delicate and often suffers from premature aging. Therefore, it is very important to constantly take care of the décolleté area using homemade masks.

You now have a lot of effective means at your disposal. Choose what you like and act!

Are there breast enlargement products in your arsenal that have helped you? Be sure to share with us in the comments!

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Growing by leaps and bounds! The most effective home remedy for breasts

There is an opinion that the ideal breast should fit into a man's palm. But many women dream that this palm should be as large as possible. Statistics say that almost 90% of women are dissatisfied with the size, shape or appearance of their breasts. So can this be changed?

Read and see how to increase breast size without extra expenses and a scalpel.

Tightened skin at home

Beautiful and lush breasts have always been the subject of admiration for men. Women dreamed of increasing it and used simple folk remedies for this. Our grandmothers came up with a lot of recipes for various tinctures and compresses that are still relevant today. Everyone will find a recipe to their liking.

1. Linden blossom

Linden contains phytoestrogens, which promote breast growth. In addition, it has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the body, especially the skin. Hundreds of years ago, this drink was popular among noble girls; they drank it to maintain health and beauty.
Linden should be taken in the form of a decoction. To prepare the remedy, pour a tablespoon of linden flowers with a glass of boiled water. Let the broth brew overnight. You need to drink the product 10 minutes before breakfast, and so on every day for a month, and then take a break for two months.

2. Oil and flax seeds

Flax seeds and oil contain linoleic acid, a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. They have a positive effect not only on the breasts, but also on the body as a whole. Can be used in two ways: externally and internally.
Flax oil can be added to various salads. It is better to eat it fresh and not use it for frying, otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties. In addition, the oil should be gently rubbed into the skin of the chest after a shower. Do not wash off the remains, but remove them with a paper napkin. After some time, you will notice how your breasts become firmer and your skin smooth and soft.

In parallel, you can use flax seeds in the form of a decoction. Take a teaspoon of seeds in a glass of water, pour boiling water over it and mix thoroughly. Afterwards, wrap the container with the broth in a towel and leave for a while. Should be taken warm 20 minutes before meals. You can also rinse your face and chest with this decoction.

3. Hop cones

Hops are one of the best sources of phytoestrogens. It is used to prepare decoctions and oils. You can also use it in the form of tea by infusing a teaspoon of buds in a glass of boiling water. You need to drink the decoction throughout the day. This is a good remedy, but you should not be overzealous with it, because excessive use can cause disruption of ovulation and the menstrual cycle.
It is better to use hop cones for external use. You can rinse your face and chest with the same decoction. Hops can be used for baths. To do this, brew a few handfuls of cones, cool, and then add the infusion to the bath. Taking such baths has a good effect on the general condition of the body; they rejuvenate the skin, give it a pleasant aroma, and have a relaxing effect.

You can also make oil from hops. To do this, pour a handful of crushed cones with not very hot (in no case boiling) vegetable oil. Cool, strain - the oil is ready. You can use it as a stand-alone product or add it to creams.

4. Oregano

One of the “female” plants. It is very widely used in various herbal infusions, bath elixirs, and also for preparing oil.
It is useful to drink in the form of tea, which will help restore hormonal levels, calm and relax. Not only does it promote breast growth, it also helps cope with stress and insomnia. To make herbal tea, pour a glass of boiling water over dried oregano, cool and drink throughout the day.

A bath with oregano is extremely useful. This procedure restores the normal structure of the subcutaneous fat layer and helps cope with cellulite. The decoction gives the skin a golden hue and makes it velvety. To prepare a bath, simply fill a pack of pharmaceutical oregano with a liter of boiling water, cool and pour into the bath. After a bath, you can apply oil made from oregano. The oil is prepared according to the same principle as oil from hop cones.

5. Soy

A product that you simply need to add to your diet. Soy contains an analogue of the female hormone estrogen. You can eat soy meat or milk. Soy protein shakes are a great help because, thanks to the content of arginine and glutamine, they normalize cholesterol levels and speed up metabolism. And, most importantly, they stimulate breast growth and maintain muscle mass. Remember that all home remedies should be used with caution. Choose one remedy, you don’t need to take everything at once. Check if you are allergic to the selected plant. You also need to strictly follow the recommended doses and duration of use so as not to harm yourself. But you should not neglect regularity, because one application will not produce any results.

All these tools are undoubtedly good, their use will be useful in any case. Just do not forget that it is quite difficult to achieve amazing results by taking herbs alone. We recommend adding physical exercises to your herbal intake, which will help tighten your breasts, make them firmer and more rounded.

In this video, watch a set of exercises that will help enlarge your breasts.

If you want to make your bust more rounded and larger, you need to increase, first of all, the percentage of fatty tissue in its composition.

It is necessary to consume foods that are healthy for the body and contain sufficient amounts of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins necessary for breast enlargement.

The lack of any element affects its beauty and elasticity. The skin may become flabby, dull, and the bust will lose its roundness. Diet is one of the components of a whole range of activities: gymnastics, strength exercises, care procedures.

Some products containing phytoestrogens (an analogue of female sex hormones), is credited with the ability to influence women's breasts and promote their growth. But it is impossible to say with complete confidence that they have such properties to a significant extent. Of course, they have a positive effect on the female body and have long been recommended for use specifically by the fair sex.

Top 7 foods containing phytoestrogens

First, we will describe which products can actually increase the size of this body part. Don't be surprised if you don't find some products on this list that you expected to see on it.

1. Oil and flax seeds


  • In the form of oil it must be added to a variety of salads. You cannot fry it, otherwise it will lose all its beneficial properties. The oil is used both internally and externally. It should be gently rubbed into the skin of the chest after a shower. Do not wash off the excess, but remove it with a paper napkin.
  • In the form of a seed flax can be brewed and consumed orally, rinsed on the face and chest for beauty and youthful skin. Take a teaspoon of seeds in a glass of water, pour boiling water over it and stir thoroughly for a minute, then wrap it in a towel. Take warm twenty minutes before meals.
Carefully! Flaxseed oil is stored in the refrigerator, as it oxidizes quickly and can become harmful to health.

2. Hop cones

Hops are an excellent source of phytoetrogens - plant analogues of female sex hormones. Hop cones are used to prepare infusions, take baths, and make oil.

A great option is to drink it as tea. adding a teaspoon of raw materials to one glass of boiling water. Drink during the day after meals.

Rinse your face and chest well with the infusion. This wonderful plant can also be used for baths. Brew several handfuls of raw materials with boiling water and cool. Add the infusion to a bath at a temperature of 37 degrees. This bath rejuvenates the skin and gives it a subtle aroma and has a relaxing effect. This plant is an integral part of many women's herbal preparations.

Oil recipe. Pour a handful of crushed raw materials with not very hot vegetable oil. The oil should not be heated to a boil, otherwise it will be useless! Cool and strain. Add to creams or use as an independent product.

3. Oregano

The popular name of this plant is materina. Widely used in women's herbal teas, bath elixirs, and also for making oil.


  • Herbal tea. A teaspoon of herbal raw materials is brewed with a glass of boiling water, cooled, and drunk throughout the day. This tea helps restore hormonal levels and has a calming and relaxing effect. An excellent way to cope with stress and insomnia.
  • Bath. Brew a pack of pharmaceutical raw materials with a liter of boiling water, cool and pour into the bath. This procedure restores the normal structure of subcutaneous fat and helps cope with cellulite. It is good to take such a bath after intense gymnastic exercises. The decoction gives a golden hue to the skin, making it fresh and velvety.
  • Oil of oregano prepared in the same way as hop oil. It can be added to creams and oils for the chest, décolleté and whole body.

4. Fenugreek

Infusion. Traditional healers recommended drinking an infusion of fenugreek seeds to enlarge breasts.

Pour a tablespoon of seeds into two glasses of cold water overnight. In the morning, bring to a boil, cool. Drink throughout the day, taking one third of a glass.

Sprouts– the top part can be added to various salads or brewed as tea.

5. Fennel

Avicenna also mentioned fennel in his works. In folk medicine it is called sweet dill. It is famous for stimulating the production of women's own estrogens. Sweet dill oil has a strong bactericidal effect.


  • It makes wonderful tea, which has many beneficial properties - calms, relieves stress, relieves intestinal spasms.
  • Grass, seeds and roots of the plant can be used as medicinal raw materials. The seeds have the most pronounced healing effect, so literally a few of them are added to one glass of boiling water. If we use herbs or roots, then in order to prepare a glass of tea, you will need a teaspoon of fennel.

6. Soybeans

Soy is rich in phyestrogens, so it is very useful for women to consume dishes made from it. In addition, it is an excellent source of vegetable protein.

Soy paste recipe. Soak the soybeans for several hours. Boil until they become soft. Add a few cloves of garlic, any vegetable oil, preferably flaxseed, a little salt, black pepper and blend in a blender. A tasty and healthy dish is ready!

7. Bananas

They are a healthy product containing carbohydrates, proteins, B vitamins, PP, carotene, as well as amino acids - lysine, methionine and tryptophan. Their calorie content per hundred grams is equal to one hundred calories. Girls who have a “boyish” body type can be recommended to consume bananas with milk to gain weight and develop feminine curves – breasts and butts.

Banana smoothie recipe. Beat one hundred grams of cream, one hundred grams of milk, one and a half bananas in a blender. Consume as a snack between main meals.

Tips for use:

  1. If you are starting to use any herbs or foods that you have never used before, start with small doses. This is due to the fact that they can cause an allergic reaction or individual intolerance;
  2. Plants containing phytoestrogens should not be used by pregnant women;
  3. Herbal infusions should not be used uncontrollably: they should be used only in recommended doses and as a course of treatment;
  4. It is necessary to use infusions in courses of ten days, then take a break; an overdose can cause allergies;
  5. Infusions and oils from medicinal plants should be used both internally and externally to enhance the effect;
Important! Traditional healers recommend that before you start using a medicinal plant, pay attention to whether you like its smell. If it is unpleasant or disgusting, this plant is not yours!

What is a myth?

Now you have learned what foods you need to eat in pursuit of the stated goal. Now let's look at common myths about products that supposedly help increase the size of the body part that interests us.

  1. Cabbage. One of the healthiest vegetables for the female body, although it has no effect on breast enlargement. The nutritional and medicinal properties of cabbage have been used since ancient times. It is a source of vitamins A, group B, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, magnesium, iron, iodine, folic and pantothenic acids. This wonderful vegetable contains fiber, removes cholesterol from the body, and activates metabolism. It has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. Those who love cabbage are less likely to suffer from excess weight. All varieties and types of cabbage are useful - the range of their medicinal and simply beneficial properties is simply amazing!
  2. Yeast. Brewer's and fresh pressed yeast have many beneficial properties, but do not affect bust enlargement. Brewer's yeast contains many vitamins, microelements, and amino acids. Women are recommended to take them in tablet form.
  3. Honey. It is a wonderful gift of nature. An indispensable product in a woman's diet. It contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals, amino acids. Has antiviral and antimicrobial properties. It is able to rejuvenate the body, slow down the aging process, and regulate metabolic processes in the body. However, it cannot affect the breasts. It is good to use internally with herbal or green tea, as well as in the form of masks.
  4. Milk. Contains almost all substances useful to the body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals. Milk will not play any role in breast growth. It is recommended that women include milk and dairy products in their diet for the beauty and health of their skin, hair, and strong bones. Milk with 2.5% fat content has a calorie content of sixty calories, so you can consume it without fear of gaining extra pounds.

Attention! It is not recommended to use fresh compressed yeast in its pure form. From them you can prepare a healthy yeast drink that will help strengthen the immune system and improve metabolism.

10 more proven methods

Let’s not forget to consider other methods of tightening the problem area, which have shown high effectiveness:

Another folk remedy for breast enlargement at home, along with the use of iodine and hop cones, is yeast. In the article we will talk about the benefits and harms of this product and find out using yeast.

Brewer's yeast is part of dietary supplements.

Brewer's yeast

By breast enlargement we mean brewer's yeast, not baker's yeast. All yeasts are fungi; they are used, among other things, in the production of beer. But this is not the only area of ​​application.

Brewer's yeast is used to produce dietary supplements. In combination with vitamins, minerals and amino acids, such drugs have a positive effect on the body.

Benefits of brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast is useful:

  1. To enhance the internal secretion of the stomach.
  2. To improve the absorption of nutrients in the intestines.
  3. For metabolism in the body.
  4. In the treatment of skin diseases.
  5. As a cosmetic for hair and nails.

Yeast preparations are also prescribed for:

  1. alcoholism;
  2. anemia;
  3. diabetes mellitus;
  4. lack of vitamin B;
  5. heart diseases.

Effects on the chest

In fact, brewer's yeast cannot in any way affect the size of a woman's breasts. This is a myth. The basis of this misconception is the fact that beer promotes breast growth in men. This process is influenced by phytoestrogens contained in hops, and not by the yeast itself.

But from this point of view, beer is not the best product for breast enlargement. You can read more about healthy and harmful foods that contribute to changes in breast size.

Yeast damage

The first place among the disadvantages is the ability of yeast to affect weight. Excessive consumption of this product increases metabolism and increases appetite. Therefore, instead of breasts, you can enlarge your stomach and other parts of the body.

Brewer's yeast affects the vaginal microflora, which can lead to candidiasis. In the worst case, new growths may appear.

Consequences of taking yeast:

  1. bloating;
  2. diarrhea;
  3. hives;
  4. swelling;

We can conclude that among the folk methods of breast enlargement, brewer's yeast is an ineffective option that can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Statistics show that more than 60% of all women around the world are not satisfied with the size of their breasts. These women believe that small breasts are not attractive to the men around them, and are clearly convinced that if their bust were a couple sizes larger, their personal life would be much more successful.

There are undoubtedly many advantages to having small breasts. For example, it is comfortable to sleep on your stomach, you can save on buying a bra, nothing interferes with playing sports, and besides, some doctors are sure that the smaller the breast size, the lower the risk of developing cancer.

However, despite all the advantages of small breasts, large breasts have always been a source of women's pride, a symbol of beauty and motherhood. And most importantly, large female breasts are the object of desire of any man, who, although they initially look at the legs, then focus their gaze on the chest and “hang” there for a long time.

Social surveys of men from different parts of the world gave the following results: Latin Americans are leaders in their preferences for large breast sizes - they prefer breasts of sizes 5 - 6, but European men consider the ideal breast size to be 3 and 4, which in Europe it is considered an indicator of excellent women's health.

Men's desire for large breasts is also due to sexual desire and the desire to please a woman. The calculation is simple - the larger the breasts, the greater the number of erogenous zones that can be affected.

However, ancient folk wisdom also applies to female breasts - the main thing is not quantity, but quality. Breast size doesn't mean anything. If the breasts are not elastic, then they not only do not attract attention, but also bring a lot of inconvenience. The fact that the breasts should correspond to the figure is also important. Agree that a woman of a petite, fragile build with a size 6 breast will look somewhat ridiculous. And for a woman of large build, small breasts will make her figure pear-shaped.

If the owners of beautiful and lush breasts rarely complain about their treasure, then the owners of small breasts in the majority strive to enlarge their breasts at least by size in all imaginable and inconceivable ways. In this article we will try to consider all the natural methods available in the modern arsenal, aimed at fulfilling the desires of every woman with small breasts.

Numerous surveys have shown that men are not happy with surgically enlarged breasts. Moreover, silicone implants require special care and do not look natural. European men for the most part give preference to natural female beauty and much less often to models with silicone implants. 85% of surveyed men of sexually active age claim that silicone breasts in particular and plastic surgery in general do not make a woman attractive and are “simply disgusting.”

Before starting to describe methods of breast enlargement, you should first remember the school anatomy course and understand the internal structure of the female breast.

The breast, or scientifically speaking, the mammary gland, consists of connective, glandular and fatty tissues. Breast tissue is permeated with milk ducts, glands, blood vessels and sensory nerve endings. The mammary glands are attached to the pectoralis major muscle using special connective tissue.

The shape of the soft tissues is supported by suspensor Cooper's ligaments. These ligaments originate in the relative depth of the body and are connected to the subcutaneous areas of the upper part of the mammary gland. Cooper's ligaments are soft enough not to restrict the natural movement of the chest when performing their function. However, it is precisely this property that over time leads to weakening of Cooper's ligaments, and as a consequence to sagging of the mammary gland.

15-20 lobes, with their apex facing the nipple, form the body of the mammary gland itself. The lobes are separated from each other by layers of connective tissue, which is also present between the anterior surface of the gland and the deep layers of the skin, as well as above the aponeurosis of the pectoral muscle. Thus, the connective tissue forms special cords in the form of a mesh, which are attached to the collarbone. And below, gradually splitting along the entire length, the connective tissue strands form a capsule in which the mammary gland is included. The shape of the mammary gland depends on how strong and elastic the capsule is.

All women can feel changes in their own mammary glands during the monthly menstrual cycle. Depending on the time and phase of the cycle, the mammary glands slightly change their structure. So, with each cycle, a few days before ovulation, there is a slight increase in the amount of epithelium of the ducts and lobules. Externally, this process may look like a slight increase in the volume and density of the mammary glands, mainly due to blood supply to the organ and swelling. Sometimes this process can be accompanied by a feeling of thickening, expansion and increased sensitivity of the breast. In preparation for the lactation period, the mammary glands also enlarge due to the proliferation of glandular tissue. If conception does not occur, the newly formed structures atrophy within a few months. Throughout a woman’s life, this process does not stop.

The extent to which the size and weight of the mammary gland changes with changes in body weight is influenced by which of the two tissues, adipose tissue or glandular tissue, predominates over each other in the mammary gland. If glandular tissue predominates in the breast, then the weight of the breast does not depend much on the total body weight. In general, we can say that each new kilogram of weight adds approximately 20 grams to the chest, and gaining 8-10 extra kilos can lead to an increase in breast size by one size.

In addition, hormones influence the size of the mammary glands, and they explain the change in breast size during menstruation, or breast enlargement in women who are constantly active sexually.

Thus, the final size and shape of the breast is influenced by the size of the mammary gland itself, adipose tissue, the size and development of the pectoral muscles, the development and saturation of the circulatory system, and the level of hormones in the woman’s blood.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on such a factor as the degree of development of the pectoral muscles. It should be noted that even intensive training cannot significantly increase breast size, but it can affect the shape and firmness of the breasts. Underdeveloped pectoral muscles can cause sagging and loss of firmness due to weakening of the Cooper's ligaments.

The elasticity of the breast primarily depends on the mammary gland, which in its structure has a fairly dense structure in comparison with fatty tissues. An increase in body weight entails the accumulation of fatty tissue, including in the breasts, which in turn reduces its elasticity.

Breast size is also greatly influenced by the amount of a special female hormone contained in a woman’s body – estrogen. Its deficiency can lead to breast reduction, and vice versa, its excess can lead to some enlargement of the mammary glands.
Methods of influencing breasts Breast enlargement creams

One of the ways to enlarge breasts is to use special creams, of which the modern perfume industry produces in huge quantities. The main component of breast enlargement cream, regardless of the company and country of manufacture, is the hormone estrogen. In most creams, manufacturers try to use plant-derived hormones, phytoestrogens, which are famous for their similarity in structure to female sex hormones and can stimulate the growth of female breast tissue. The use of female hormonal creams to enlarge the glands does not in any way cause a woman to gain weight, and the effect of use can last for several months.

There are creams that cause increased blood circulation in the breast. However, the effect of such creams is short-lived and the breasts will lose their shape within a few days after finishing using the cream.

The most optimal results are provided by combination creams, which include phytohormones and drugs that cause blood flow to the mammary glands and improve the condition of the skin. You should pay attention only to those types of breast enlargement creams that contain the largest number of natural ingredients, because... they will have the least amount of side effects.

After conducting tests, experts found that during the use of creams within a week, breast enlargement is observed up to 0.5 cm in diameter, and after three weeks of continuous use up to 1 cm.

The modern cosmetics market offers breast enlargement cream based on steroidal phytoestrogens. This type of estrogen affects the human body in a manner similar to that of human estrogen. However, to achieve the desired result, the concentration of steroidal phytoestrogens must be thousands of times greater than the concentration of estrogen produced by the human body. Therefore, you should not delude yourself too much and hope for an instant result if you see oil saturated with phytoestrogens in the list of cream components.

Vitaminized creams for breast enlargement are ineffective; the only thing they can do is give elasticity to your skin and, in principle, nothing more useful.
Breast enlargement pills

To achieve the effect of breast enlargement, tablets, like creams, are also saturated with hormonal drugs. According to scientists, dietary supplements that only imitate estrogen are not capable of causing breast enlargement, but they can create health problems.

After clinical testing, it was found that the breasts were enlarged in a group of patients who took contraceptives, antidepressants and the hormone estrogen in its pure form. It was also found that in order to achieve the desired effect and increase breast size, a woman’s body must produce prolactin, which stimulates estrogen receptors in the breast lobules and controls the process of cell division and death.

Please note that most of the medications that are generally available to every woman in any pharmacy are ineffective. By purchasing such drugs, you are not only throwing away quite large sums of money, but also putting your health at risk. Remember that when taking any hormonal medications, smoking is contraindicated.
Vacuum breast massage

If you are against any pharmaceutical drugs, then it is possible to enlarge your breasts mechanically. Currently, there are a lot of devices of different designs, but with a similar principle of operation, which are designed to help women's grief and help enlarge their breasts. In most cases, such devices consist of a pump and a breast cup. The principle of operation is simple: the breast is placed in a cup and the air is pumped out with a pump, creating a vacuum, which causes blood flow to the mammary gland. Blood, as you know, carries oxygen and other nutrients, as a result of which the breasts become enlarged. You regulate the effect yourself, so it’s quite difficult to harm yourself.

The results will not take long to arrive. However, to consolidate the effect, you need to use the massager daily for several weeks.

An increase in the amount of breast tissue contributes to increased production of female sex hormones due to increased stimulation of the peripapillary zone. This method of breast enlargement will help a woman show off at a party or conquer a man.

Such a device can be purchased for about $50, but you should be prepared to use it for at least 15 minutes every day over a long period.

The disadvantages of this method include the risk of sagging mammary glands after stopping use of the device.
New methods of breast enlargement

Demand, as we know, creates supply. Therefore, scientists around the world are racking their brains to invent alternative methods of breast enlargement. For example, Japanese scientists proposed using a woman's adipose tissue instead of silicone implants. A number of successful clinical trials of this new technique were conducted and no serious complications were observed in 40 patients who agreed to undergo surgery according to the new technique.

The fat tissue used by scientists at the University of Tokyo is taken from the patient's abdomen or thighs and formed into breasts. After transplantation, the fat tissue is enriched with stem cells, which form new tissue and blood vessels. A suspension of stem cells and adipose tissue is injected directly into the mammary gland without any surgical intervention.

The tissue transplanted in this way looks very natural, unlike silicone implants. As a result, the enlarged breasts look very beautiful and natural.
Folk remedies for breast enlargement

Some women, in an effort to enlarge their breasts, turn to the pantry of folk wisdom, where you can find a lot of recipes of varying complexity. We will try to consider the most popular and publicly available recipes.
Breast enlargement with cabbage

There is a popular belief that if you eat a lot of cabbage, your breasts will grow over time. This opinion exists, but it is very difficult to find examples of successful experiments. In practice, there is no reliable evidence that the cabbage diet actually enlarges women's breasts. But you can get very real problems from the cabbage diet.

Only teenage girls whose bodies are just developing can use the cabbage diet to get some results and a minimum of side effects. Because the beneficial substances that cabbage contains increase not just the breasts, but the volume of the body as a whole. The girl is getting fatter, and naturally her breasts are also increasing in size.
Breast enlargement by eating raw dough

Another way to increase breast size is by eating raw dough. The effectiveness of this technique raises serious doubts among any educated person. And for any sane person it will be clear that eating a large amount of raw dough will most likely provoke a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract rather than increase the bust.

If it were so easy to enlarge the bust, then the need for plastic surgery as such would have disappeared a long time ago. Experts have noted that raw dough in its composition does not contain absolutely any substances that would even remotely cause an increase in the size of the mammary glands.
Breast enlargement with mustard plasters or iodine

This method also has a right to exist and the principle of operation can also be easily explained. Iodine and mustard plasters cause blood flow to the site of application, in this case to the breast, which really helps to increase breast size for a short time. But this method is fraught with a real threat of burns to the skin of the chest, with a certain zeal. In addition to treating burns, a woman must subsequently regularly visit oncologists to avoid the occurrence of tumors.
Breast augmentation with hop cones

Hop cone tinctures actually contain phytoestrogens that promote breast growth. However, in order to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to take a very large amount of this tincture, which is guaranteed to cause a disruption in human reproductive function. When using this herbal preparation, it is necessary to calculate the individual dose, which is quite difficult to do. But for those who want to try this folk method, we can advise steaming one tablespoon of hop cones with a glass of boiling water and leaving it in a thermos for eight hours. This infusion should be taken three times a day before meals, half a glass at a time.
Breast enlargement with beer

Hops are used in the production of beer, and this is no secret. Therefore, beer, even non-alcoholic varieties, can have a beneficial effect on female breasts, although to a lesser extent than a decoction of hop cones. Bulgarian beer “Boza”, which contains fermented wheat flour and brewer’s yeast, is especially popular among women.

Beer contains healthier minerals that come into beer from malt, water and other components. Beer contains the required quantities of potassium and sodium, magnesium and phosphorus, elements of sulfur and chlorine, as well as a complex of useful vitamins contained in malt.

Stimulating the work of the stomach, the production of gastric juices and bile - all this causes the consumption of beer. In addition, although hop bitterness reduces the effect of alcohol, it is not to the required extent. Anyone wishing to enlarge their breasts should remember this fact. In order not to harm your body, it is best to drink dark non-alcoholic beer for breast enlargement.

However, the range of non-alcoholic beer in our country leaves much to be desired, and in this case, you can use any dark beer, which must first be heated to 50 degrees and kept at this temperature for at least two hours. The alcohol concentration in such beer will be minimal and it can be consumed up to several liters per day.
Breast enlargement through exercise

You can also enlarge your breasts through special physical exercises.

As you know, the female breast has an emphasis on the pectoralis major and minor muscles. And, as a result, there is a direct connection between the shape of the breast and the physical condition of these muscles. The better they are developed, the greater the chances of returning the breasts to their previous shape.

To achieve the desired breast size, many women turn to physical training. If you regularly perform exercises for the chest complex, you can give your breasts firmness and improve their shape. The problem is that, having naturally weakly developed muscles, it is difficult for a woman to enlarge her breasts through exercise. This is provided that the woman does not use steroid drugs. Although, on the other hand, giving tone to the muscles of the thoracic region helps to lift and give elasticity to the chest, which visually increases its volume.

You need to train your chest 2-3 times a week. It all depends on their complexity and intensity. If the workouts are complex and intense with physical exercise, then twice a week is enough. It is very important to monitor your body weight.

A very important point in training is maintaining a constant body weight; with the help of intense training you can reduce body weight and this will negatively affect breast volume. Therefore, with the intensity of training, the quantity and quality of nutrition should increase.