What benefits are there for a family with many children? Social support for large families

Families with many children have their privileges. The state provides them with benefits and financial support for two obvious reasons: to help these families, and to encourage population growth. This year, large families can also count on government assistance. Next, let's look at what benefits are provided large families and what is needed to get them.

What kind of family is called a large family?

If a family has three or more children, it is already considered to have many children. But not everywhere. In some regions, to be considered large, a family must have at least five children. Such rules have been established in Ingushetia. Previously, there were similar restrictions in republics like Mordovia, but the demographic crisis forced the state to reduce the number of children to three.

A large family is considered such only as long as all the children are minors. When one of the three children turns eighteen, the status is automatically removed. The only exceptions are cases when an adult child is a full-time student at a college, university or institute.

More strict rules have been established for Moscow large families: they can use benefits until the 16th birthday of one of the children

Changes in benefits in recent years

The size of benefits has been very stable over the past few years. There are two types of subsidies: regional and federal, and there are additional benefits: the state will completely repay the mortgage debt of a large family if it has a fourth (fifth, sixth, and so on) child.

The state can also:

  • give an increase to the monthly benefit;
  • allow the family not to pay income taxes;
  • add a certain amount to the pension of a parent with many children;
  • improve the conditions in which the family lives: make repairs, fix the roof, etc.;
  • reduce the price or provide children with free education;
  • provide social housing out of turn.

Some benefits have only recently been introduced, while others have been in effect for a long time. Since 2011, the state began issuing to large families. But this gift is provided only to families who live in the same region for more than five years.

2012 was also a good year for large families: thanks to a monthly subsidy, they could pay kindergarten it became cheaper. The amount is set by the authorities of the region where the family lives. 2014 gave children from large families housing. And in 2019, the state offered families a one-time payment of 18 thousand rubles. hasn't changed either. In 2018, it meant 453 thousand rubles.

For several years of the child's life, his parents receive monthly payments. To understand how much this payment will be, you need to display the average salary of parents over the last two years. The state will pay forty percent of this amount.

Federal benefits

Starting from 2019, large families receive additional privileges in the form of federal benefits:

  • 30% discount on utilities;
  • free receipt of medications: they are issued only as prescribed by a doctor and provided that the child’s age does not exceed six years;
  • free travel on minibuses, trams, trolleybuses and buses;
  • free meals in schools and colleges;
  • issuing free tickets to museums, galleries, zoos: one ticket is issued once a month;
  • obtaining preferential loans: large families can receive building materials at cheaper prices;
  • free provision of school and sports uniforms to children;
  • simplified admission to kindergarten.

According to Federal law No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”, a woman who has given birth to five children has the right to retire five years earlier. But only on the condition that she has fifteen years of insurance experience and an individual pension coefficient of at least thirty points. Such benefits are not available to fathers with many children.

Regional benefits

Each region provides its residents with different benefits. Let's take the capital as an example.

In Moscow, the authorities promise large families the following privileges:

  • every month the state pays families a certain amount due to the rising cost of living;
  • money for children's goods if there are more than five children in the family;
  • compensation for utility bills;
  • money paid by September 1;
  • money to pay for telephone services;
  • the state allows children to attend clubs and sections for free;
  • On International Family Day, large families with more than 10 children receive 20,000 rubles.

For comparison, in St. Petersburg large families can receive:

  • certificate for the purchase of an apartment;
  • discount on utility bills;
  • small land plot;
  • passenger transport: usually families with 7 or more children are given a minibus.

The Samara authorities also provide local large families with pleasant bonuses, including:

  • Easter payment;
  • money for parents who are full-time students;
  • free plot of land on which a family can build a house or engage in gardening or farming;
  • the opportunity to get another education or improve your qualifications: of course, this can be done by parents, not children;
  • the right not to pay property tax;
  • additional maternity capital, which is 100,000 rubles.

How can a large family receive benefits?

Not every large family has the right to receive privileges. Confirming your status is a rather labor-intensive process.

To receive benefits, you need to submit a set of all documents to the social authority, including:

  • proof of identity and citizenship of the country from which the parents want to receive benefits;
  • children's birth certificates;
  • extract on the number of family members.

You will have to wait no more than two weeks for confirmation of the status of a large family. An interesting question that worries many: is it necessary to legalize marriage in order for a family to be considered large? Not necessarily. The main thing is that children live in the same house with their parents. If they are already students, they must study full-time. Then the age of children increases to 23 years.

Financial assistance

The state, encouraging the birth rate in the country, allocates money to large families.

Here's what incentives await them:

  1. Moscow families will receive 180,000 after the birth of their third child. True, this will only happen if the parents’ age does not exceed 30 years.
  2. Residents in the Moscow region will receive less - only 30,000 rubles. Of course, the promotion is a one-time event, and is carried out only after the birth of the third child.
  3. The authorities of St. Petersburg do not impose age restrictions: a large family with parents of any age can receive just over 36,000 rubles.
  4. 100,000 will go to large families from Pskov, Krasnodar, Samara and Novosibirsk.

But no matter what benefits the authorities promise, it can be quite difficult to obtain them. And above all, this is due to bureaucracy. Therefore, very often parents with many children seek the privileges provided by law.

The current birth rate stimulation program in Russia is bearing fruit: many families decide to have three or more children.

The size of payments, the number of benefits and benefits change annually. Such support is provided through federal and regional programs.

Definitions " mother of many children» is not included in the legislative acts implemented on the territory of the Russian Federation.

However, each region has the right to establish its own categories of mothers who are classified as having many children.

Benefits and allowances for a mother of many children

In 2020, mothers of many children are provided with benefits and benefits of federal and regional significance.

Mothers of many children raising children without a husband have the right to count on the following list of benefits:

  1. Child care allowance up to 1.5 years, minimum size which is: about 3000 rub. per month for the first baby, 5500 rub. - for the second.
  2. Allowance for caring for a child from 1.5 to 3 years old, the amount of which is equal to one subsistence minimum per child established in the region of residence of the family. Slightly more is paid for the second and third child.
  3. Discount on payment of utility bills. The discount ranges from 30% to 50% depending on the region.
  4. Preferential placement of a child in kindergarten.

Federal Law No. 606 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, according to which in regions of the country with reduced birth rates monthly allowance paid until the child is 3 years old.

The amount of payments is based on the subsistence level. More than 42 regions are subject to this law in 2020.

However, the condition for extending payments to 3 years is the amount of total family income, which should not exceed the minimum subsistence level fixed in a given region.

The size and types of regional benefits may vary. We list the most common of them:

A retired mother of many children up to 80 years of age can count on receiving a pension supplement in the amount of:

  • 3416 rub. – for one child;
  • 4270 rub. – for two;
  • 5124 rub. - for three.

If we are talking about a mother with many children who has passed the threshold of her 80th birthday, then the amounts of the allowances will be as follows:

  • 5970 rub.;
  • RUB 6,832;
  • 7680 rub.

A disabled mother of many children who has turned 80 years old receives additional payment in addition to her pension:

  • from 4,000 to 11,200 rub. - for one child;
  • from 6440 to 12800 rub. – for two;
  • from 7200 to 14400 rub. - for three.

The size depends on the disability group.

2 years ago, a list of women with many children entitled to an additional payment to their pension was additionally established. These categories include:

  • working pensioners;
  • women with dependent children;
  • mothers with many children who work or have worked in the Far North.

Women who are former municipal employees can also count on a pension supplement. The size of the supplement depends entirely on the regional authorities.

The law regulates the right of early retirement for families with many children, namely at 50 years, if:

  1. She has raised 5 or more children under 8 years of age, and her insurance experience is at least 15 years.
  2. She raised 2 or more children, has at least 20 years of insurance experience, and worked for at least 12 years in the Far North (or 17 years in an area equated to the Far North).

Labor benefits for mothers of many children

The state, taking into account the increased physical and material burden on mothers of many children, is trying to improve the living, working and rest conditions of this category of workers. Many mothers of many children work to provide income for the family.

According to Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a mother with many children has the right to claim a reduction in her temporary workload. In addition, the law prescribes preferential working conditions that allow mothers of many children to work without harm to their children.

With all benefits, all the above types of benefits relating to pregnancy, childbirth, and child care are also preserved.

For the application of the rights of employed mothers of many children, the following factors are important:

The rights of a working mother of many children are guaranteed by domestic labor legislation.

However, they are similar to the rights that all mothers of young children under 1.5, 3 or 14 years have.

According to Art. 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to develop a flexible schedule, including part-time work, a shift or a week at the request of a mother who has a child under the age of 14 (a disabled child under the age of 18).

Article 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that an employer does not have the right to dismiss a mother of many children on his own initiative if she:

  • are the sole breadwinner of the family;
  • raises at least 3 children under 14 years of age;
  • has a child under 3 years old.

A mother of many children can only be fired under the following circumstances:

  • complete liquidation of the enterprise;
  • the employee grossly violated labor discipline;
  • the employee committed forgery, theft, etc.

It is also acceptable for a mother of many children to resign at her own request.

When deciding whether to reduce staff or positions in an organization where a mother of many children works, it is important to confirm professional qualifications and high labor efficiency.

In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 179), the persons most valuable to the company from the point of view of efficiency and professionalism have a priority right to maintain a job.

In case of identical abilities, family citizens have priority. After all, they are obliged to provide children with everything they need.

If the salary of a mother of many children is the only source of income for the family, then dismissal due to reduction is unacceptable.

Additional leave is guaranteed for employees with more than 2 minor children.

The vacation period is 14 days.

At the request of a mother of many children, it can be added to the next paid leave, divided into parts, or used at any time upon appropriate application.

This right is allowed to be exercised only if a collective labor agreement or an additional agreement is concluded with a mother of many children, which stipulates the possibility of providing additional leave. Otherwise, such a right is not granted.

In addition, in accordance with Art. 265 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a mother raising 3 or more children under 16 years of age (a disabled child under 18 years of age) is given one additional day off per week with pay equal to the average daily earnings (upon a corresponding written application).

All of the above benefits are assigned or provided on the basis of children's birth certificates, copies of which are kept by the employer in the employee's personal file.

Benefits and benefits for mothers of many children help support their financial situation Russian families, reduce the poverty threshold, provide children with decent medical care, education, and cultural development. Registration of benefits and allowances does not require any financial costs from mothers.

Video: benefits for large families in 2020

The birth of a child places enormous responsibility on parents, which increases significantly if there are several children in the family. Obviously, the financial issue is most acute for parents with many children, in particular those living in large cities such as Moscow. The state, in order to support citizens, provides comprehensive benefits, which are also a motivating factor in the program to improve the demographic situation in the country.

State support is provided in the form of financial payments and privileges in those areas of public life with which large families have to interact most often. Non-financial benefits in Moscow are quite varied and can significantly reduce the burden on the family budget caused by rising prices for goods and services.

Federal legislation provides uniform rules for assigning the status of large families. In accordance with Presidential Decree No. 431, which defines the powers of regional authorities, the conditions for obtaining rights to benefits for large families in Moscow may differ from the conditions relevant for other subjects of the federation.

The main regulatory document in the capital region is the law “On Social Support. “, according to which a family must have at least three children to obtain the status of a large family. The status and acquired rights are retained by citizens until the youngest child comes of age. An extension of the validity period of benefits may take place provided that one or more children continue their studies at a university. IN in this case We are talking about 23 years of age.

Families who have adopted a specified number of children can also take advantage of benefits for families with many children. To provide privileges in accordance with the legislation of Moscow, recipients must live together and be registered in the capital region.

List of main benefits

In addition to those already mentioned, the standards in force in the capital also include Resolution No. 539-PP, approved by the Moscow government in 2010. This document approves the procedure for obtaining identification documents by citizens applying for benefits for families with many children. Having a certificate allows families to enjoy the privileges and receive financial assistance from the state.

In general, considering the city of Moscow and the district, the following benefits can be noted as the main ones, provided to citizens who have confirmed the status of a large family:

  • free meals twice a day in school canteens;
  • medications provided free of charge, as prescribed by the attending physician;
  • registration and participation in sports, general education and other sections, without presenting requirements for payment;
  • the right to free travel in city, suburban and intercity municipal transport. There are also benefits for air and railway transport;
  • providing minor members of large families with invitation cards to cultural and leisure institutions, including: museums, zoos, theaters, etc.

Large families living in Moscow are entitled not only to benefits in kind; citizens can count on financial assistance from the state. Material support consists of regular and one-time payments, as well as reimbursement of costs for certain goods and services. In this direction, the following benefits should be considered:

  • reimbursement of costs for paying for a landline telephone in the amount of 250 rubles;
  • compensation payments related to the increase in the cost of food products. Each child from a large family, under the age of three, receives 675 rubles monthly;
  • increased amount of reimbursement of costs for housing and communal services. The benefit provides from 1044 to 2088 rubles per child. The size of the supplement directly depends on the number of children - the minimum is due to families raising up to 5 children, the maximum is from 5 children;
  • compensation for the cost of children's clothing. The Moscow City Hall pays large families (up to 10 children) - 1500 rubles and 3300 rubles (more than 10 children);
  • social benefit paid monthly in the amount of 1,200 rubles per child (up to 4 children in a family) and 1,500 rubles to families with five or more children.

In addition to benefits and regular payments, families with many children can count on financial assistance, paid every month in the amount of 10,000 rubles until execution youngest child 3 years and 4000 rubles until adulthood. If you have rights to increased benefits, the amount of financial assistance increases to 15,000 and 6,000 rubles, respectively.

Other benefits

Large families living in Moscow are entitled to a fairly wide range of privileges, not limited to those mentioned above. In particular, benefits from the Federal Tax Service should be highlighted, including:

  • exemption from personal income tax on any of the benefits;
  • cancellation transport tax for one type of equipment registered to one of the family representatives. In addition to the cancellation of the fee, one parking space is allocated for car owners with many children, the cost of which is paid by the state;
  • targeted loans, including those taken for organizing an agricultural business, are not taxed. Also, parents with many children are exempt from paying state fees when preparing documents during the registration of their own enterprise.

Other benefits from those mentioned earlier are provided under certain conditions, in this case the following can be noted:

  • the amount of compensation for housing and communal services is 30% of the accrued amount;
  • provision of budget places in preschool educational institutions Moscow is carried out out of turn;
  • For large families living in a private house with an autonomous heating system, the state allocates funds for the purchase of fuel (compensates for costs);
  • benefits in the form of free trips to health camps and sanatoriums are allocated on the direction of a doctor, no more than once a year.

All conditions and requirements for the recipient of the benefit can be clarified at the representative office of the Moscow administration, the MFC, or directly at the department through which the privileges are provided.

State support in the housing sector

For large families living in the capital, housing issue is most acute. In accordance with current legislative norms, the state assumes the responsibility to provide citizens belonging to this category with housing that meets all requirements. Housing benefits for large families registered in Moscow are provided in the form of subsidies, special loans, and also in kind, that is, through the direct provision of housing.

To receive an apartment, a family must be registered in the program and have a number indicating a place in the queue. To speed up the process of obtaining their own living space, citizens can take advantage of partial financing by participating in the appropriate program. In general, benefits in the area of ​​providing housing for large families in Moscow can be implemented in one of the following ways:

1. Receiving a subsidy

2. Providing installment plans for the purchase of country real estate

This type of government assistance is considered the most popular among Moscow residents. Installment plans for real estate outside the city are provided under the following conditions:

  • the cost of the object does not exceed the market average;
  • funds are issued at 10% per annum;
  • These benefits are valid for at least 3 children;
  • recipients of state assistance with many children living in Moscow will need to make at least 10% of the cost of housing in the form of a down payment.

As part of this program, the state will additionally compensate for the cost of 30 sq. m of living space by providing an appropriate discount. At the birth of the next child, after moving in, the cost of 18 sq. m. is written off from the principal amount of the debt. m. Calculations are carried out at current prices.

3. Registration of a social mortgage

4. Drawing up a social rental agreement

While waiting in line for their own housing, a large family can rent an apartment or house, paying only part of the rent. The remaining part (50% for Moscow and the region) is returned by the state in the form of compensation. To receive compensation, it is important to draw up the rental agreement correctly and indicate current prices.

When considering this benefit for families with five or more children, it is necessary to note the possibility of moving into a cottage built in one of the social residential complexes. Muscovites with many children can live in a private house, taking advantage of all the benefits, right up to the moment they receive or buy their own home. In accordance with the conditions of social rent and the procedure for providing benefits, housing in Moscow is allocated for temporary use on the following conditions:

  • The minimum contract term is 5 years. If necessary and basic requirements are met, the contract term is extended;
  • no rent is charged;
  • the family is subject to relocation when the youngest child reaches 18 years of age or has their own home.

The resettlement procedure takes three months. The released property is transferred to another large family entitled to these benefits.

The procedure for registering rights to state aid

Not all of the benefits that are provided to people with many children living in Moscow are provided “by default”; most of them are of a declarative nature. Applications for state support are accepted by bodies and services providing relevant services:

  • city ​​and regional administration - housing issues;
  • service social protection population and pension fund– cash benefits, some types of compensation payments;
  • HOA, RIC, housing and communal services - benefits for receiving fuel, compensation;
  • administration educational institution– registration of rights to free food.

Those representatives of large families who are not very well versed in administrative subordination are recommended to contact the Multifunctional Center at their place of registration. Here they will be able to receive comprehensive advice on all issues of interest.

As for the documents provided along with the application, their list may differ, depending on what benefits are issued. As universal list required by any authority can be noted:

  • children's documents;
  • general civil certificates of parents;
  • certificates from places of study and work;
  • papers confirming the presence or absence of a permanent place of work and income level;
  • certificate of family composition.

The timing of obtaining benefits for large families in Moscow depends on the authority. When applying to the MFC, you have to wait up to a month. Requests to the service directly responsible for this area are processed faster.

How to get help for a large family

1. Which families are considered large?

In Moscow, a family with many children is recognized in which three or more children were born and (or) raised (including adopted children, as well as stepchildren and stepchildren) until the youngest of them reaches the age of 16 years, and those studying in educational organization, implementing the main general educational programs, - 18 years old.

As part of a large family, deceased children, children who are fully supported by the state, and children in respect of whom parents have been deprived of parental rights or have limited parental rights, as well as children from foster families are not taken into account.

2. What support do large families receive in Moscow?

For Moscow large families, various city support measures are provided:

A large family receiving support for large families retains the right to receive social payments for each child at birth or adoption, as well as payments that are due to adoptive parents, guardians and foster parents. In addition, support is provided to military families, families with disabled parents, families with disabled children and low-income families.

3. What payments and subsidies are available to large families?

If you are raising three or more children, your family may receive some or all of the following types of payments and benefits:

  • a one-time compensation payment to reimburse expenses in connection with the birth (adoption) of three or more children at the same time;
  • monthly compensation payment to reimburse expenses due to the rising cost of living for families with three or more children;
  • monthly compensation payment to reimburse expenses for housing and utilities for families with three or more children;
  • monthly compensation payment for telephone use for families with three or more children;
  • a monthly compensation payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of food for certain categories of citizens for children under three years of age;
  • an annual compensation payment for the purchase of a set of children's clothing for attending classes during the period of study.

If your family is raised more than five children, you also have the right to:

  • monthly compensation payment for the purchase of children's goods for families with five or more children.

If you are raising 10 or more children, your family, in addition to the above payments, can also receive:

  • monthly compensation payment to families with 10 or more children;
  • monthly compensation payment to mothers who gave birth to 10 or more children and receive a pension;
  • annual compensation payment to International Day families;
  • annual compensation payment for Knowledge Day.

4. What documents are needed to process payments to large families?

To process payments you will need:

  • application (single form for all payments);
  • an identification document of the applicant with a note indicating the place of residence in Moscow;
  • an identity document of the second parent (if available), containing information about the place of residence in Moscow;
  • If the identity document does not contain a mark on the place of residence in the city of Moscow, one of the following documents must be additionally submitted:
  • single housing document;
  • house book or extract from it;
  • a copy of the financial personal account of the tenant of the residential premises;
  • a certificate issued by an organization that has a housing stock with the right of economic management or with the right of operational management (residential complex, housing cooperative, HOA, hostel, etc.);
  • children's birth certificates;
  • certificate of paternity (if available);
  • a court decision on the adoption of a child that has entered into legal force (a copy certified in the prescribed manner), or a certificate of adoption - at the request of the adoptive parent;
  • a decision (extract from the decision) on the establishment of guardianship or trusteeship, if the documents are submitted by a guardian (trustee);
  • a document confirming the absence of the second parent if the only parent applies;
  • a document containing information about the children’s place of residence in Moscow;
  • documents confirming the actual residence of the children of the spouse, born in a previous marriage or born out of wedlock, in this family until they reach adulthood;
  • details of the credit institution and current account where the payment will be transferred.

To obtain a monthly compensation payment for families with 10 or more children, you will additionally need:

  • certificate of education of a child (children) aged 18 to 23 years in an educational organization implementing basic educational programs of primary general education, basic general education, secondary general education, full-time study in a professional educational organization or educational organization of higher education, issued not earlier than one month before the date of submission of the request.

To apply for an annual compensation payment for the purchase of a set of children's clothing for attending classes during the period of study, you will additionally need:

  • certificate of education of the child (children) in an educational organization that implements basic educational programs of primary general education, basic general education, secondary general education, secondary vocational education, issued no earlier than one month before the date of submission of the request.

If one of the family members changed their full name, additionally submit:

  • name change document.

In addition, if the application is submitted by an authorized representative, he will need an identification document and a power of attorney.

What is required by law for large families in Moscow: benefits, allowances, compensation

Today, assistance to parents with many children is a mandatory item in the budget of every region of Russia. The amount of material benefits, benefits for utility bills, free school meals, and even the very concept of a “large family” are determined by the legislative framework of the subject of the federation.

What's required Moscow Oksana Krasovskaya, leading lawyer of the European Legal Service, tells families raising at least three children.

Good upbringing and provision of everything necessary for children in the family requires great responsibility and dedication from parents.

The needs of a child constantly increase as he grows up. To provide for their child, older family members spend more and more financial resources every year.

Moreover, for those raising one child, costs are several times lower than for parents with 3 or more children. To alleviate the plight, as well as to maintain and increase the birth rate of children in Russia, the state provides them with financial assistance.

What benefits are provided for this category of the population?

Peculiarities of registration of this status in Moscow and the region

On the territory Russian Federation large family It is customary to consider parents who have given birth to and are raising 3 or more minor children.

This status is assigned on the basis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 “On measures for social support of large families.” It states that consideration of the issue of assigning the status of a large family should local authorities.

In each region there is a definition of the concept of “large family” enshrined in law. It should be noted that local authorities have additionally adopted their own regulations aimed at supporting citizens with minor children. Therefore, it does not automatically make a family large. Those who have received official status in government bodies are entitled to benefits.

On the territory of the capital of the Russian Federation and in the region adjacent to it, the law “On social support for families with children in the city of Moscow” was approved. It defines the provisions according to which the status is officially assigned to families with 3 or more children. They will have rights to benefits until the youngest child reaches 16 years of age or 18 years of age if he is in school.

But among them do not apply children:

  • those who are supported by the state;
  • whose parents are deprived of their rights to raise them.

However, there are children equated to those born by parents and adopted by law as stepsons and stepdaughters. Obtaining the status of a large family of seven is possible in the same way, both for both parents and for one with whom they live in the same living space.

Parents who can obtain the status of a large family can have a residence permit in Moscow or its region.

Legislative regulation

In addition to the above-mentioned laws in the Moscow region, there is also Decree of the Moscow Government dated June 29, 2010 No. 539-PP. Its content defines the procedure for issuing a certificate for a large family in the capital region of the Russian Federation. After receiving it, you can use the ones provided by the state.

Now let's talk in more detail about what opportunities exist for a large family to receive financial assistance in the Moscow region.

List of benefits and payments

In 2019, it operates in the capital and region the following list of preferential incentive measures for large families:

Except monetary compensation Large families are also entitled to a number of other benefits, which will be discussed below.

Tax benefits

An important point is the availability of sufficient living space for all members of a large family. How do the authorities help such families solve this pressing issue?

Solving housing and land issues

Families that have received the status of large families and are registered in Moscow or the region and receive benefits for its purchase. Acquisition of housing with benefits is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis. If a large family with 5 or more children is registered before March 1, 2005, then they receive living space in the next order.

For those who do not want to wait their turn, the Moscow authorities can provide partial assistance in purchasing housing or improving its conditions at their own expense.

There are several options for providing benefits for this:

As you can see, you can solve the housing problem if you register.

Rules for registration of benefits and payments

To receive the benefits due to large families, you must contact to local authorities.

Cash benefits are paid by the district social protection departments at the place of family registration. Benefits for paying for utilities are provided after submitting an application and a package of documents to the RIC or HOA. In order for your child to receive free lunch at school, you must contact the administration of the educational institution.

All benefits and allowances must be submitted applications with a package of papers. Different documents may be required. It depends on the type of benefits that a large family wants to receive.

However, there is a list of basic ones provided everywhere. These include:

  • children's birth certificates;
  • parental passports;
  • school certificates;
  • received at the parents’ place of work;
  • for the unemployed, confirmation on paper from the employment service;
  • certificate confirming cohabitation children with the applicant.

The period for consideration of an application for benefits sent through the MFC is no more than 30 days. By contacting the social security authorities, a faster resolution of the issue is possible.

The benefits for this category of families are described in the following video:

Over the past years, the state has been actively calling on citizens to improve the demographic situation in the country.

For example, they are trying to increase the birth rate through the provision of social assistance.

The introduction of effective support measures has led to the long-awaited result - more and more often parents are thinking about having a third child. What benefits does a large family have?

Legislative regulation of the issue

Currently relevant measures to support large families are contained in Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431, dated May 5, 1992.

Amendments and additions are regularly made to the document, but it does not cease to remain the only valid legislative act regulating the relationship between the large family and the state.

The Decree stipulates a certain list of benefits, including such vital areas as utilities, subsidies, assistance in the development of farming, preferential mortgage loans, provision, etc.

The same document assigns the main list of responsibilities for comprehensive support to large families to regional authorities.

General information and list of state support

The federal document establishes following benefits for large families:

In addition, when developing local programs, regional authorities should take into account the need for employment of parents with many children, provision of work on a flexible schedule (part-time work, work at home, temporary work, etc.), training and retraining in accordance with the state of the economy and market labor.

Housing issue

Currently, there are several programs aimed at large families.

The difference lies in the rules and conditions for providing assistance.


The federal program provides for the provision of housing in any region of the country.

In addition, large families The following types of support are provided:

Each newborn that comes into the family after concluding an agreement with the bank gives the right to write off part of the loan obligations - up to 18% of the amount. The term of the mortgage loan is up to 30 years.

Targeted assistance

Targeted financial assistance in accordance with federal programs is provided not only to large families, but also to families. To obtain it, you must submit an appropriate written application.

Most common types of targeted payments:

  • one-time;
  • grocery;
  • monthly (regular);
  • compensation for schoolchildren's travel expenses.

The payments provided directly depend on the number of children in the family.

Selection targeted assistance requires provision package of documents, consisting of:

In response to a request for targeted assistance, a refusal will be received if the following facts are discovered:

  • travel to another region;
  • falsification and fraud;
  • false information provided in the submitted documents;
  • unreliable amount of total family income.

Social contract

From 2011 to the present, the state continues to conduct an experiment, expressed in the provision of targeted payments and other types of budget assistance in accordance with the signed social contract.

This kind of agreement is signed by a large family on the one hand, and by the social protection department on the other. In this case, the only goal is to create a comfortable microclimate so that the family can gradually cope with the difficult financial situation and in the future achieve a decent standard of living.

Targeted assistance can be provided differently in each individual region, but its consistency registration something like this:

  1. Paying a visit to the social protection department at the place of registration and providing its employees with all the necessary documents.
  2. A specially created commission is given 25 days to determine the need to provide assistance.
  3. A continuation of the positive answer is the development of a program that will help large families overcome crisis conditions.
  4. This is followed by the signing of an agreement, the validity period of which can vary from 3 to 6 months, which describes in as much detail as possible a number of obligations imposed on a parent with many children (searching for a job or developing agriculture, etc.).
  5. After completing all stages, the program comes into effect. Help consists of providing building materials for repair work, assistance with finding a job or developing your own business.

Sphere of education and medicine

A large family can count on the following medical privileges:

  • provision of medicines for children free of charge;
  • extraordinary care in any medical institution;
  • priority provision of a place in a sanatorium-resort institution;
  • the release of vitamins needed during the season, and their mothers - during the next interesting situation.

Provides benefits that make life significantly easier education sector:

  • free educational and methodological manuals, issued both at school and at university;
  • additional education free of charge (this group includes various clubs and sections);
  • priority conditions for admission to a university, that is, if a member of a large family scores the same number of points as another applicant, then the first one will be admitted to study;
  • , the size of which is half (in this case, the intermediate certification must be passed at “4” and “5”);
  • refund of half the cost of paid education;
  • extraordinary allocation of a place in a preschool institution;
  • provision of food and school uniform free of charge.

Provision of legal services

The presence of 3 or more children in a family gives the right to receiving free legal assistance on the following questions:

  • buying a home;
  • insurance covering any areas other than medical;
  • composition of the package of documents required for registration of benefits;
  • representation in court hearings, etc.

Free legal consultations are a very relevant service, since many large families feel unprotected due to a lack of funds.

ABOUT state support for large families in Moscow, see the following video: